CITY OF LEAVENWORTH 100 N. 5th Street Leavenworth, Kansas 66048 CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING COMMISSION CHAMBERS TUESDAY MAY 25, 2012 1:00 PM SPECIAL MEETING: The following commission members were present: Mayor Larry Dedeke, Mayor Pro-Tem Laura Janas Gasbarre, Commissioners Mark Preisinger, Phil Urban (arrived at 1:04 p.m.), and Davis T. Moulden Others Present: City Manager J. Scott Miller, City Attorney Tom Dawson, Assistant to the City Manager Paul Kramer and Acting City Clerk Cheryl Bogner. The Governing Body all signed the consent for the special meeting written waiver notice. Mayor Dedeke called the special meeting to order. Congressional Redistricting - City Manger Miller briefly reviewed recent activity regarding congressional redistricting and the map that was passed by the Kansas House last weekend (late Saturday). Mr. Miller pointed out that Leavenworth County commissioners met on Thursday, May 24th, not the 25th as indicated in his policy report. The latest congressional redistricting map shifts the State’s largely rural portion of the district from the western Kansas side to northeast Kansas. The map shows four (4) congressional districts. Numerous maps have been floating around the Senate and House, but this is the last one to be adopted by the House. With the adoption of the House map, Leavenworth County is taken out of Congressional District 2 and moves to Congressional District 1. County commissioners voted May 24, 2012 to ratify the filing of a petition that was filed against the newly adopted map and to enter a reapportionment case and continue representation on the action. County commissioners approved the expenditure of legal services not to exceed $15,000 and are asking the City of Leavenworth to pay for a portion of the legal services. A panel of three (3) federal judges will convene May 29-30, 2012, 9 a.m. to Noon specifically for congressional reapportionment according to County officials. Mr. Miller noted that some discussion on redistricting has previously occurred but the Commission had not taken any formal action or position on the matter; thus, the purpose of today’s special meeting. Reasons discussed for opposing moving Leavenworth County to Congressional District 1: Leavenworth County is more urban than rural Leavenworth doesn’t identify with Liberal, Garden City, and Dodge City (prime cities in Congressional District 1) Fort Leavenworth and Fort Riley, split by the newly passed map, should remain in the same congressional district represented by the same individuals for continuity purposes People in District 1 may be opposed to the change as they may not want someone from the northeast representing them The City of Leavenworth is a part of the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area of Kansas City and part of MARC (Mid-America Regional Council) Commissioner Preisinger noted the map also splits the VA Medical Centers in Topeka and Leavenworth which had been considered one unit. These are huge employers and services providers; makes sense to have one person speaking for the benefit of both. Leavenworth City Commission Special Meeting May 25, 2012 Page 1 The First District is known as the “Big First” in Kansas and Washington DC. This is the second or third largest House district in the Country for states that have multiple districts; only two-three other districts are larger than District 1 geographically. The map adopted by the Kansas House was not approved nor endorsed by the Kansas Senate. Vote from the House was 56-54 (not a landslide). The commission asked how our legislators voted. Mr. Miller responded that according to Leavenworth County personnel, Representative Meier opposed the adoption of the map with Representatives Goodman and O’Brien approving the map. Note: unable to verify information at time of meeting. Mr. Miller noted that 27 petitions have been filed and will be heard in Federal Court in Kansas City. The Federal judges will look at many maps, but the last map adopted may have some influence. City Attorney Tom Dawson commented that County Counselor Van Parys contacted him and indicated if the City wants to join the County’s efforts, they wanted us to object to the inclusion in the 1st Congressional District and find it in the City’s best interest to remain in the 2nd District and become part of the petition. Mayor Dedeke called for a consensus, but City Manager Miller noted that since this was a special meeting, they have the authority to make a motion. Mr. Miller restated what Mr. Dawson had stated regarding objecting to inclusion in the 1st Congressional District and joining the efforts of the County. Commissioner Preisinger moved to join the petition opposing moving Leavenworth into the 1st District and request we remain in the 2nd House District and be part of the petition. Commissioner Gasbarre seconded the motion and was unanimously approved. The commission also discussed whether or not the City would assist the County with the $15,000 for legal services. Mr. Dawson noted the County will move forward regardless, but would like for the City to assist. Commissioner Preisinger noted there are five (5) governmental entities in the county and he hoped other cities are entertaining this motion. It was determined no motion was needed on this item at this time. Commissioner Urban recommended including the following reasons for joining the petition: VA split, Fort Leavenworth and Fort Riley split, part of a metro area and how we are represented. Commissioner Garbarre commented she hopes Mr. Miller will contact our local officials and let them know how the Commission feels and requested that he pass on any information received to the Commission. It was noted there were no plans for City officials or commissioners to attend the Tuesday hearings. Commissioner Moulden moved to adjourn. Commissioner Preisinger seconded the motion and was unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned 1:25 PM Minutes taken by: Acting City Clerk Cheryl Bogner Leavenworth City Commission Special Meeting May 25, 2012 Page 2