1 Advanced French Oral Communication FRE 3760 – SPRING 2003 INSTRUCTOR: OFFICE: OFFICE HOURS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: Marie Léticée CNH 514 Wednesdays from 9:00 to 2:00 & by appt. (407) 823 5936 leticee@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu OBJECTIVE: FRE 3760 is a course designed to give students the opportunity to develop strong conversational skills at the third year level. Students will be able to look beyond the concrete entities of their world to more abstract notions. By the end of this course, students should be able to bring objectivity to their opinions through reading, discussing and thinking about ideas in French. FRE 3760 is also a Web-Enhance course. Students will be expected to access WebCt to communicate in French with the Instructor and with their classmates. A very strict Netiquette will be observed throughout the course of the semester to promote respect and professionalism. TEXT: Dans le Vent by Catherine A. Maley, 4th edition. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: The Internet, films, French magazines and music will be used throughout the semester. Students are encouraged to bring to class any French material they would like to share with the class. The following books and sites are strongly recommended: - English Grammar for Students of French, by J. Morton, the Olivia and Hill Press. - 501 French Verbs - English/French, French/English dictionary (Larousse or le Petit Robert) -http://www.utm.edu/departments/french/french.html - http://www.francophonie.org/oif.cfm - http://www.france.diplomatie.fr/actualite/actu.asp - http://www.lemonde.fr/ ATTENDANCE: Attendance is expected at all scheduled class periods. This is absolutely necessary for achieving the goals of the course. A major part of the student's grade will be determined on the basis of his/her participation, listening comprehension and speaking ability in class. Students will earn points for class participation and should speak French in class at all time. Only French should be used in the conversation class. You will loose presence and participation points when you miss classes. ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments will be given throughout the course and may be collected on a selected basis. Students will be expected to post their assignments on WebCt on a timely fashion. To receive credit for their work, students will need to respect the deadlines posted. Students will be expected to listen to the segments of “A vous l’écoute” of each chapter of Dans le vent on the accompanying CD. Students will choose one dialogue and will post their answers to the “Questions” for the chosen dialogue, on WebCt on a weekly basis. To receive credit for this specific assignment, students will need to post answers to all 10 chapters of the textbook covered in class. Even is a chapter is not covered in class, students still have to post for that chapter . 2 Advanced French Oral Communication FRE 3760 – SPRING 2003 QUIZZES: PRESENTATION ORALE: Quizzes will be taken on WebCt on a weekly basis. It is the student's responsibility to keep up with the class and find out about any changes in the syllabus. The content of the quiz will include vocabulary, questions about the “A l’écoute” segment and translation. In order to receive credit for this segment, students will need to take all quizzes on WebCt. Please respect the deadlines provided for the quizzes by your instructor. Failure to do so will result in a “F” for the quizzes you did not take on time. Students will organize in groups of no more than 5 students and present an "exposé" on a topic relevant to the class subjects. This presentation will be in French and must be professionally done. If you need assistance with Xeroxing, let your teacher know at least one week prior to your presentation. You are encouraged to be as creative as possible in handling vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. You will be graded on the following: originality, accuracy, pronunciation, grammar, technology, visual aids… Your bibliography for this assignment will need to include at least three (3) sources from the Internet, French magazines, and other sources. You will turn in a written copy of your group presentation to your instructor on the day of your presentation. This copy will need to include the name of all participants and a cover page. Guidelines for the cover page will be given by your instructor. DEBATS: Students will prepare arguments for and against different "sujets de discussion" and debate them in class using vocabulary and expressions learned in class. FINAL EXAM: The oral part of the final exam will be administered in your classroom and will be in the form of an interview with your instructor. You will be given a choice of two questions based on topics discussed in class. You will answer the questions to demonstrate your fluency in French, your use of grammar and vocabulary as well as your understanding of the topic presented to you. A vocabulary segment of your Final Exam will be given on WebCt. STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY: 1. Study the vocabulary (l'Essentiel) of each chapter before coming to class. The instructor might collect students’ one (1) minute vocabulary drills (any time during class the instructor might give a one (1) minute vocabulary exercise) on a selected basis. 2. Study and incorporate in their speech new vocabulary and expressions from: Quelques Enoncés Utiles of each chapter covered in class. 3. Keep a vocabulary journal where they list new vocabulary words and expressions used in their own sentences. This journal will be turned in to the instructor several time during the semester upon request. It is the student's responsibility to maintain the journal and bring it to every class. New vocabulary introduced by the teacher on the board or in any other way should be included in the journal as well. 4. Read the passages in each chapter assigned and answer the questions in writing before coming to class. 5. Post answers to all questions (Essentiel and selected passages ) on WebCt and bring a copy to class. 3 Advanced French Oral Communication FRE 3760 – SPRING 2003 EVALUATION: PRESENCE PARTICIPATION PRESENTATION DEBAT QUIZZES EXAMEN FINAL TOTAL 200 pts 200 pts 100 pts 100 pts 200 pts 200 pts 1000 pts IMPORTANT DATES January 6 January 6-10 January 10 January 20 February 28 March 17-23 April 2 April 21 Classes begin Add-Drop Late Payment Deadline – Last day for full refund Martin Luther King's Day Withdrawal deadline Spring Break Founder's day 10:30 - 12:30 Classes end – Last day to remove Incomplete 4 Advanced French Oral Communication FRE 3760 – SPRING 2003 TENTATIVE SYLLABUS CONVERSATION FRANÇAISE SPRING 2003 SEMAINES DATES OBJECTIFS 1 2 01/06 - 01/10 01/13 - 01/17 3 01/20 - 01/24 4 01/27 - 01-31 5 02/03 – 02/07 6 02/10 - 02/14 7 02/17 - 02/21 8 02/24 - 02-28 9 03/03 - 03/07 10 03/10 – 03/14 11 12 03/17- 03/21 03/24 - 03/28 13 03/31 - 04/04 14 04/07 - 04/12 15 04/14 – 04/18 16 04/21 Introduction – Chapitre préliminaire Chapitre 1 La génération compliquée Profession étudiant Chapitres 1 et 2 L’école contre les filles Comment s’est passée ? Martin Luther King’s Day – 01/20 Film: : Manon des Sources Chapitre 2 La famille du futur Un homme au foyer Chapitres 2 et 3 Le Courage de divorcer La mort ? Santé Film: Rue Cases Nègres Chapitres 3 et 4 Je ne veux pas mourir Les Français et leur médecin Débat Chapitre 4 Les femmes et les homes Tristan et les soldes Suis-je une mère rétro Film: Amelie Chapitres 4 et 5 La Beautécratie Les Français au Volant Les trains de l’avenir Withdrawal deadline 03/01 Chapitres 6 et 7 L’art de manger Quelle sorte de mangeur ? La jeunesse devant l’acool Chapitre 7 La liberté sexuelle Les jeunes croient-ils en Dieu SPRING BREAK Chapitre 8 Les femmes rattrapent les hommes La violence Film: TBA Chapitre 9 T.V. La Révolution silencieuse Les Français et leurs distractions Fonder’s Day 04/03 Chapitre 10 Le classement des métiers heureux Comment vivre … Film: TBA Présentations orales Débats FINAL EXAM 04/24 TEST/QUIZZES/DEVOIRS 01/16 Quiz I 23 : B&N Discussion sur le film 01/30 Quiz II 02/13 Quiz III 21: B&N Discussion sur le film 02/27 Quiz IV 03/13 Quiz V 27 : B & N Discussion sur le film 04/03 Quiz VI 11: B&N Discussion sur le film 5 Advanced French Oral Communication FRE 3760 – SPRING 2003