Learning as Applied to Stochastic Optimization for Standard Cell Placement Lixin Su, Wray Buntine, A. Richard Newton, and Bradley S. Peters University of California at Berkeley, Department of EECS Email: lixinsu@eecs.berkeley.edu Abstract Although becoming increasingly important, stochastic algorithms are often slow since a large number of random design perturbations are required to achieve an acceptable result—they have no built-in “intelligence”. In this work, we used regression to learn the swap evaluation function while simulated annealing is applied to 2D standard-cell placement problem. The learned evaluation function is then applied to the trained simulated annealing algorithm (TSA). The annealing quality improvement of TSA was 15% ~ 43% for the set of examples used in learning and 7% ~ 21% for new examples. With the same amount of CPU time, TSA could improve the annealing quality by up to 28% for some benchmark circuits we tested. In addition the use of the evaluation function successfully predicted the effect of the windowed sampling technique and derived the informally accepted advantages of windowing from the test set automatically. 1. INTRODUCTION Stochastic combinatorial optimization techniques, such as simulated annealing and genetic algorithms, have become increasingly important in design automation as the size of design problems have grown and the design objectives have become increasingly complex. In addition, as we move towards deep-submicron technologies, the cost function must often evolve or handle a variety of tradeoffs between area power, and timing, for example. Design technologists can often tackle simplified versions of some of these problems, where the optimizing objective can be stated in terms of a small number of well-defined variables, using deterministic algorithms. Such algorithms can produce as good or even better results than the stochastic approaches in a shorter period of time. Unfortunately, these algorithms run into a variety of difficulties as the problems scale up and the objective functions begin to capture the real constraints imposed on the design, such as complex timing, power dissipation, or test requirements. Stochastic algorithms are naturally suited to these large and more complex problems since they are very general, making random perturbations to designs and, in some regular fashion, letting a cost function determine whether to keep the resulting change. However, stochastic algorithms are often slow since a large number of random design perturbations are required to achieve an acceptable result—they have no built-in “intelligence”. The goal of this research was to determine whether statistical learning techniques can improve the run-time performance of stochastic optimization for a particular solution quality. In this paper, we present results for simulated annealing as representative stochastic optimization approach and the standard-cellbased layout placement problem was selected to evaluate the utility of such a learning-based approach. The standard cell problem was selected since it is a very well explored problem using both deterministic as well as “manually trained” stochastic approaches. While the longer-term goal of this research is to apply incremental probabilistic learning approaches to the stochastic optimization, such as Bayesian [13,21] learning, in this paper we report results for a regression-based empirical approach to learning, to determine whether the overall approach had a basis for further research. Stochastic placement algorithms have evolved significantly since their initial application in the EDA area more than a decade ago[1]. Over that period, the qualities of results they can produce have improved significantly. For example, in the development of TimberWolf system [6-8], which is a general purpose placement and routing package based on simulated annealing, many approaches have been tried to speed up the algorithm. They include reducing the computation time of each move, early rejection of bad moves, the use of efficient and adaptive cooling schedules combined with windowed sampling, and hierarchical or clustered annealing. In many ways, these variations and improvements can be viewed as “manually learned” approaches, based on the application of considerable experimental as well as theoretical work taking place over a long time. In this work, we explore another opportunity for improving the utility of a stochastic algorithm through automatic learning of the relative importance of various criteria in the optimization strategy. We learn from previous annealing runs to distinguish potentially good moves from bad ones. The good ones will be selected with a higher probability to expand the search. Some preliminaries of both simulated annealing and linear regression are presented in the next section. In Section 3, we describe in detail how we apply linear regression as our learning technique and how we apply the learned information in the modified simulated annealing. Section 4 contains our experimental results and in Section 5 we present our conclusions and areas for future work. 2. SIMULATED ANNEALING AND REGRESSION There are many versions of the simulated annealing algorithm [14, 17-19]. All of them require the definition of the move set, which is the set of local perturbations that can be made to the current solution. The algorithm is composed of a series of Metropolis procedures [9,16]. Each Metropolis procedure is composed of a series of moves, which are picked up from the move set according to the so-called proposal distribution [5]. Each of the moves will be accepted if it can pass a Boltzmann test [1], which is controlled by a parameter called temperature; otherwise, it is rejected. The algorithm starts from an initial solution, goes through all the perturbations, when it stops, the last or best ever seen solution will be returned as the final solution. The move set totally defines the structure of the solution space, which can be represented as a graph, where the nodes in the space represent solutions, and the edges represent specific moves leading from one solution to another. In our implementation of the simulated annealing placement algorithm, pair-wise cell swaps constitutes the move set. Linear regression is a well-developed statistical technique for data fitting, it can establish the response model between the inputs and the output taking the following form: y P [12]. P is called the design matrix. By linear regression, we estimate as ˆ ( P P ) 1 P y , which makes the Residual Sum of Squares ˆ ˆ RSS ( y P )( y P ) minimum, where ^ indicates an estimated value. For additional properties of this estimate, Page 2 we refer the reader to [12]. The following fact will used in the discussions later in this paper. Fact 1: If any parameter in the model is scaled by , the corresponding ̂ will be scaled by 1 , all the other ˆ ' s and the predicted response will remain unchanged. 3. LEARNING Learning [11,24], in this paper, means the construction of the evaluation function of the swaps based on the past annealing experience. The deduction procedure of the evaluation function we use in this work is linear regression, however incremental/adaptive approaches, in particular those based on Bayesian theory [13,21] or Support Vector Machines (SVM) [24], offer significant potential. Learning is appealing to us because the evaluation function need not be obtained by explicit insight into the problem and explicit programming. Rather, the problem-specific details, or even better the problem-domain-specific details, are extracted automatically from the history of running the optimization method on representative design problems and observing the quality of the results. In conventional simulated annealing, the Boltzmann test is the only guidance used during the search procedure. Given a finite amount of computation time, it is clear that this guidance alone is not sufficient to yield an efficient search and so we employ an additional evaluation function. The evaluation function is used to help us locally expand the node. In choosing an evaluation function, the goal is that it is able to guarantee a highquality final solution. For our test problem, the evaluation of the swap should reflect the swap's contribution to the quality of the final solution. Regression, with the final annealing quality as its response, was chosen as our learning engine. Each swap is characterized as a parameter vector, which serves as the input to the regression model. 3.1 The form of the response model To this end, first we run the conventional simulated annealing and collect a variety of data that is used to perform the linear regression and establish the response model, which ideally should take the following form: y 0 t q l i 1 j 1 k 1 i jk p ijk (1) In our conventional implementation of simulated annealing, we have t=300 temperatures and l=20 swaps for each temperature. Each move is characterized with q=7 parameters. p ijk is then the jth parameter of the kth swap tried at the ith temperature if the swap is accepted, otherwise it is set to zero. y is the final cost function returned by each simulated annealing run. Hence the model tries to correlate each accepted swap with the final solution quality. In order to have more flexibility and reduce the number of predictors, we evenly divide the temperatures into r = 10 ranges [10], and assume that ijk jg if temperature i belongs to the gth range. modification on our placement test problem than the theoretical issues. In this paper the ChooseSetSize is selected to be 5 [10]. SmartMove { for(i=1,ChooseSetSize ) { mi RandomMove; y (m i ) So the response model now takes a new form: y 0 r q i 1 j 1 i j Pji r r // r : current temperature range} m m | y ( m ) is min (2) return(m );} where Pji is the sum of the jth parameter of all accepted swaps in the ith temperature range. Clearly, all swaps tried in the same temperature range were treated equally. 3.2 Model parameter definition The cost function for the placement problem is defined as the sum of half perimeters of bounding boxes of all nets in the net-list. The swap parameters we selected for our training experiment pi , i 1,...7, are defined as follows. For detailed definition, please see the full version of the paper [25]. p1 : The Euclidian distance between cells c1 and c2 p2 : The square of the distance between c1 and the origin (0,0) (a control parameter) p3 : The square of the distance between c2 and the origin (0,0) (a control parameter) p4 : The connectivity between 1 p1i ... q p qi ; c1 and c2 p5 : The external connectivity of the cells in the candidate move. p 6 , p 7 : Total force change on the swapped cell [15,25] All the above parameters and the final annealing quality were normalized to be between 0 and 1. As the first step, an individual model is constructed for each specific circuit. We expect that the normalization help the individual model less instance specific. 3.3 Application of the evaluation function The trained simulated annealing is the same as the conventional one except that SmartMove, shown in Figure 1, is used instead of RandomMove when a new move is proposed for the Boltzmann test. At each temperature, the walk in the solution space is actually a Markov chain. This modification of the algorithm [5] makes it extremely hard to do theoretical analysis based on the Markov chain theory [2-4]. However, we would rather be more concerned with the practical effect of the Page 3 Figure 1: SmartMove However, is it possible to use only part of the response model as the evaluation function? From the scaling independence of the model parameters as summarized by Fact 1 in Section 2, the ith segment of the model actually correlates p with the final annealing quality. The average of the parameter vector was done over all the accepted swaps in a certain temperature range. So this segment actually captured the “average” information of all the accepted swaps in that temperature range, hence it was eligible to be used as the evaluation function. Another question is that, since the input to the learned model is the summation of accepted swap parameters, can a single swap parameter be used as input in the evaluation function? Recall that given the assumption that ijk jg , then Equation (1) and Equation (2) are equivalent. Hence, the evaluation function can be seen as the contribution to the final cost function of a single accepted swap. 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS We compare three variations of standard cell placement: the Conventional Simulated Annealing (CSA), the Trained Simulated Annealing (TSA) where the 's are obtained by running CSA on each of the eight benchmark circuits (Group 1), and an Untrained version of Simulated Annealing (USA), where the 's are all equal and set to 1. The following are the benchmark circuits used in this paper. NAME CELLS NETS SOURCE GROUP C5315 C3540 I10 Struct C6288 Industry1 729 761 1269 1888 1893 2271 907 811 1526 1920 1925 2593 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Primary2 Biomed Industry2 Industry3 Avq.small Avq.large S9234 S15850 S38417 2907 6417 12142 15059 21854 25114 979 3170 8375 3029 5737 13419 21940 22118 25378 1007 3183 8403 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 For each fixed number of SPT, the annealing quality of TSA was recorded. In this paper, annealing quality means the average of the final cost function values returned by annealing runs so that the accuracy is kept within 1% [25]. Meanwhile, CSA was also similarly conducted. The results are summarized in Table 2. For each SPT, we compute the ratio of the annealing quality returned by TSA and CSA. (1- ratio) is the Percentage Improvement (PI) of the annealing quality of TSA over CSA. Both the best and worst PI’s are summarized in Table 2. 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Table 1: benchmarks used in experiments The circuits from Source 1 were taken from mcnc91 combinational benchmark set, the circuits from Source 2 were taken from [26]. The circuits from Source 3 were taken from ISCAS89 sequential benchmarks. All the above benchmark circuits are divided into two groups. Group 1 contains circuits used to construct the response models, Group 2 consists of those only used to “blind” test the generality of the trained model. Parameters in the experiment such as the number of temperature regions, the choose set size, and so on were selected after extensive empirical analysis that demonstrated that these values were sufficient to represent the problem domain well [10]. 4.1 Self test of the individual and general model First, we constructed individual models for each of the circuits of group 1. The learning data were obtained by running CSA 5,000 [25] times for each of the circuits. The 300 temperatures in CSA were evenly divided into 10 ranges. The number of swaps per temperature was determined to be 20 considering the size of the net-lists. Although around 30 million swaps were tried during the learning phase, it’s still a small number compared to the total number of possible swaps N ! N ( N 1) / 4 . Here, N is the number of cells in the net-list, which is at least 700 for our experiments. Hence it can’t be taken for granted that the individual model can help improve the annealing quality even for the same individual circuit. So, we decided to apply each individual model to the individual circuit by running TSA to see if the individual model is robust for the whole huge solution space. Second, we used simple averaging of the parameters across the test circuits to build the overall general model. While there are more effective statistical approaches to the combination of the individual models, simple averaging can be seen as a simple and sub-optimal approach. This general model was then applied to all the circuits of group 1 by running TSA in order to see if the general model works as well as the individual model does. The above TSA was conducted with the variation of the number of Swaps Per Temperature (SPT) from 10 to 800. Page 4 Example C5315 C3540 I10 Struct C6288 Industry1 Primary2 Biomed TSA with Individual Model Best PI Worst PI 25% 15% 34% 24% 25% 18% 39% 26% 42% 23% 33% 20% 43% 28% 38% 17% TSA with General Model Best PI Worst PI 25% 15% 34% 24% 25% 18% 39% 26% 42% 23% 34% 20% 44% 18% 39% 17% Table 2: Comparison of TSA, CSA for group 1 TSA with both the individual and the general model works pretty well within a large range of SPT although the models were learned with SPT = 20. With the same number of steps walked in the solution space, the annealing quality returned by TSA is at least 15% better than that returned by CSA. 4.2 Blind test of the general model Next we tested the generality of the general model in a more significant way. The general model was applied to circuits in Group 2 which have nothing to do with the learning of the model. The experiments were conducted similarly as what we did for the Group 1 circuits, except that only the general model was used in TSA. The results are summarized in Table 3. circuit Best PI Worst PI Circuit Best PI Worst PI Industry2 Industry3 Avq.small Avq.large 40% 37% 35% 34% 10% 7% 8% 7% S9234 S15850 S38417 37% 41% 38% 27% 21% 14% Table 3: Comparison of TSA, CSA for group 2 With the same number of steps walked in the solution space, TSA with the general trained model improved the annealing quality by 7% ~ 41% compared to CSA. Notice that except for s9234, s15850 and s38417, all the other “blindly” tested circuits are 1 ~ 3 times larger than the largest circuit in group 1 from which the general model was trained. 4.3 Information captured by the model We were concerned about whether the model had really learned something general and of use. The untrained USA approach was used to determine whether the choose-set itself was playing a key role in the improvement, rather than the training. For a representative example, say C6288, the quality of CSA and USA was almost the same, with TSA again producing significantly better results. For the data in the following table SPT is 20 and the general model is used in TSA. CSA USA TSA Min Mean Max Std 38484 37779 27805 39293 38835 28686 39915 39993 29426 347 361 343 Based on the two relationships, for a given CPU time, TSA always returns better annealing result than CSA. The best percentage improvement for each circuit was recorded and is summarized in Table 5. For the same amount of CPU time, the annealing quality was improved from 12% ~ 22% for all the Group 2 circuits using TSA instead of CSA. For Group 1, circuits, the best percentage improvement of final quality was 14% ~ 28%. Circuit Industry2 Industry3 Avq.small Avq.large Industry1 Best PI 12% 14% 15% 14% 18% circuit S15850 S38417 C5315 C3540 I10 Best PI 21% 17% 15% 23% 14% circuit struct C6288 S9234 Primary2 biomed Best PI 20% 28% 22% 32% 18% Table 5: Best percentage annealing quality improvement for given CPU time Table 4: Distribution of solutions of TSA, CSA, and USA Furthermore we investigated a typical TSA annealing run for avq.small. SPT was set at 70 and at each temperature the average distance between the two cells of the swap proposed by the model right before the Boltzmann test was recorded. Over the years, researchers have found that a windowing approach, where the maximum distance between cells in the candidate move is decreased as temperature decreases, tends to improve the overall run-time performance of the annealing at little or no cost in the quality of the final result [1,6]. As the data in Figure 2 illustrates, the general model derived purely from the training runs on the test examples, derived without any a priori hints that a windowing approach would lead to an optimal utility result. Our approach indeed has learned something nontrivial! 4.4 CPU timing analysis The use of response model in the TSA introduces some computational overhead, since it performs learning, swap evaluation/selection, and extra updating of the internal data structure if the swap is accepted. Because of the generality of the learned model, training need only be performed once so it is not a real problem. In our implementation, the overall CPU time can be controlled by changing SPT. CSA was run with SPT varying from 10 to 1,500, TSA was run with SPT varying from 10 to 800 using the general model. Both the annealing quality and CPU time were recorded. For each circuit, we established the piecewise linear relationship between annealing quality and CPU time through linear interpolation of the data points for both CSA and TSA. Page 5 Figure 2: Average proposed swap distance as a function of temperature for TSA on avq.small 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK We have demonstrated that a stochastic algorithm, in this case simulated annealing, can be trained using prior examples to improve its quality-of-results on a mainstream EDA application by 7% ~ 43% over a conventional approach with the same number of moves in the solution space. For a given CPU time, TSA can outperform CSA by up to 28%. A simple regression model was used to train the algorithm, however we believe that incremental probabilistic approaches to training, such as the application of Bayes' Rule or SVM's [24], can also be used. We demonstrated the robustness of the approach by using representative "blind" examples to test the general model. Although we did not intend to make our TSA to beat the best existing simulated annealing algorithms for standard cell placement. Instead, we did show that TSA with learned information outperformed CSA significantly. We believe that despite our simple implementation of CSA, learning has revealed some useful properties of the solution space (within the framework of simulated annealing) for the standard cell placement problem. Hence this learning approach can now be applied to more complicated simulated annealing algorithms [20,22,23] to improve their performance. We also believe the application of general-purpose stochastic algorithms, with built-in general-purpose approaches to learning, could eventually form the basis of a general and adaptive approach to the solution of a variety of VLSI CAD problems. 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported in part by Semiconductor Research Corporation under contract DC-324-030, by the Digital Equipment Corporation and by Intel. The authors sincerely thank them for their continuing support. 7. REFERENCES [1] S .Kirkpatrick, C. D. Gelatt, and Jr., M. P. Vecchi, “Optimization by simulated annealing”, Science, vol.220, pp.671-880, 13 May 1983 [2] D. Mitra, F. Romeo, et al. “Convergence and finite time behavior of simulated annealing”, Advances in Applied Probability, 18:747-771, 1986 [3] P. J. M. van Laarhoven and E. H. L. 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