Barron’s Review Assignment Part 2….DUE Monday 4/13 (A Day) and Tuesday 4/14 (B). Remember that the days that these are due we do NOT meet for class. Thus, you can give to a friend to turn in OR you can turn it into the box that will be near the door next to the globe. Conscious Level Subconscious Level Unconscious Level Circadian Rhythm What happens to REM (dream sleep) as night progresses? What happens to Stage 4 (deep sleep) as night progresses? What happens during Sleep onset (entering stage 1) What happens during Stage 2 What happens during Stages 3 and 4 Paradoxical sleep (aka REM or dream sleep) REM rebound Insomnia Narcolepsy Sleep apnea Night terrors Freud’s dream theory Manifest v. Latent Content Activation-Synthesis theory of dreams Information-processing theory of dreams Posthypnotic amnesia Posthypnotic suggestion Explaining hypnosis through role theory Explaining Hypnosis through Dissociation theory Hilgard and the hidden observer Psychoactive drugs Agonists Antagonists Tolerance Withdrawals Stimulants (definition and examples) Depressants (definition and examples) Hallucinogens (aka psychedelics) Opiates (Ch. 6 Barron’s) Learning Classical conditioning Behaviorism UCS UCR CS CR Acquisition Delayed conditioning Extinction Spontaneous recovery Generalization Discrimination Watson/Raynor and “Little Albert Experiment” Learned taste aversions (Garcia Effect) Operant conditioning Thorndike’s law of effect Skinner box Reinforcer Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Positive punishment Negative punishment Shaping (p. 92) Chaining Primary reinforcers Secondary reinforcers Token economy Reinforcement schedulesPartial Reinforcement FR VR FI VI Instinctive drift Contingency Model (top of p.95) Observational learning Latent Learning and cognitive maps (very bottom 95) Insight Learning (Kohler’s Chimpanzees) (Ch. 7 Barron’s) Memory 3 Box Information Processing Model Sensory Memory Iconic memory Echoic memory Selective Attention What is the capcity for Short-term memory(aka working memory). Chunking Mnemonic devices Long-term memory capacity Explicit memory Implicit memory Episodic memory Priming Semantic memory Procedural memory Levels of Processing Model of memory Recognition vs. recall Primacy effect Recency effect Serial position effect Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon Flashbulb memory Mood congruent memory State dependent memory Constructed memory Elizabeth Loftus experiment Retroactive interference Proactive interference Anterograde Amnesia Long-term potentiation (Ch. 7 Barron’sThinking and Language Phonemes Morphemes Syntax Babbling stage One word stage (aka holophrastic stage) Telegraphic speech Overgeneralization Skinner’s evidence (Behaviorist) that language acquisition is learned Language acquisition device Chomsky’s evidence l(Cognitive) that language acquisition is inborn. Whorf’s linguistic relativity hypothesis Prototypes Algorithms Heuristics Availability Heuristics Representativeness Heuristic Belief bias Believe Perserverance Mental set (aka rigidity) Functional fixedness Confirmation bias Framing Convergent vs. divergent thinking (Ch. 11 Barron’s) Testing and Intelligence Standardized Norms Reliability (same definition applied to research methods) Equivalent-form reliability Test-retest reliability Valid (same definition applied to research methods) Content validity Predictive validity Achievement vs. aptitude tests Fluid vs. crystallized intelligence Spearman’s belief about Intelligence Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences Goleman’s EQ List the 3 aspects of Sternberg’s triarchic theory Alfred Binet Mental age What was formula for Terman’s Standford-Binet Test Standardized tests form a normal curve (List 3 statistical facts about this – one stantistical fact must deal with standard deviatio Controversy about bias in testing Heritability List 2 pieces of evidence that nurture(environment) plays a role in intelligence List 2 pieces of evidence that nature plays a role in intelligence (Ch. 8 Barron’s) Motivation, Emotion and Stress Drive reduction theory Homeostasis Primary v. Secondary drives Arousal theory Yerkes-Dodson Law Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Hypothalamus and hunger Results if lateral hypothalamus is destroyed and stimulated Results if ventromedial hypothalamus is destroyed and stimulated Set-point theory Metabolic rate Externals vs. internals Garcia effect Bulimia Anorexia nervosa 4 stages of Sexual response cycle (Masters and Johnson) Myths about homosexuality Biological factors of sexual orientation Extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation Theory X vs. Theory Y management style Approach – Approach conflict Avoidance – Avoidance conflict Approach – Avoidance Conflict Multiple Approach-Avoidance Conflict James - Lange Theory Cannon – Bard Theory Schacter Two Factor Theory Stressor SRRS LCU Seyle’s General Adaptation Syndrome Effects of perceived control on stress (Ch.10 Barron’s) Personality Oral Stage Anal stage Phallic stage Oedipus Complex Identification Latency stage Fixation anal retentive Unconscious Id Ego Superego Why does the ego use defense mechanisms? Repression Denial Displacement Projection Reaction Formation Regression Rationalization Sublimation Horney’s criticism of Freud Jung and Archetypes (pt. of collective unconscious) Adler and inferiority motivation Eyesenck’s nomothetic approach The Big 5 Personality Traits Temperaments Somatotype Theory Reciprocal Determinism (Triadic Reciprocity) Self-efficacy Internal vs. External locus of control Free Will (opposite of determinism) Self-actualization Unconditional Positive Regard (Rogers) Projective Tests (Psychoanalytic) 2 examples of projective tests Self report inventories (MMPI) Barnum Effect