Minutes - South Staffordshire Council

Councillor: MR Davies (Vice Chairman), Mrs L Hingley, Mrs ED Ray, JE Gosling, BR Edwards,
Mrs M Rogers, JK Hall, D Light, DM Wiseman, D Hadlington and Mrs J Barlow
Mrs J Spaull – Clerk, Mrs M Fullwood
MEMBERS OF THE Mr D Tibbetts, Mrs Wickett, Mr and Mrs Waldron, Mr J Peakman, Mr B Dimmock, Mrs B Owen
Apologies of absence were received from Councillors Mrs R Davis (Chairman), RL Simmons and Mrs S Harris,
Anne Powell (Sec. New Kinver Players), Mrs Pebody (Senior Active Movement)
These minutes, having been circulated, were signed as a true record of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 3rd
March 2010.
There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.
Chairman’s Report for the Annual Parish Meeting on March 2nd 2011
It has been a very eventful year as there has been constant involvement with the refurbishment of the High Street
and the disruption associated with it. The Parish Council has supported the traders and businesses where possible
and liaised with the VOA for an “en bloc” application for rate rebate for the months of the disruption to trade.
The traders have also been supported by the new Member of Parliament for S Staffs, Gavin Williamson MP who
has attended meetings with traders, Highways etc. He has also provided a trophy for the Best Dressed Shop which
was presented for the first time at Christmas to Compton Hospice. Rosettes were provided by Parish Council for
the winner, 2nd place Omnipresent and 3rd Place Just Petals. It is hoped that the trophy can be presented on other
occasions in the future, such as Easter, to encourage trade.
The disruption in the High Street throughout the year has been very difficult and the decision not to accept the
preferred option by highways for road closure may in hindsight have been a mistake. It was the result of some
traders objecting to the road being closed again, without perhaps fully realizing the consequences of going against
the advice of the experts. It meant that the works were extended by 6 weeks and tempers have flared at the length
of the traffic lights required and the noise associated with the night closures. It caused a great deal of congestion
while the road was being completed and it has resulted in a lot of antipathy to the new lay out of the road. It is
hoped that this is now decreasing and that residents can accept the new High Street as an improvement in the long
term. It is more pedestrian friendly, and therefore more restrictive for vehicles. This was the remit of the plans.
Hopefully all of the street furniture will be in place before Easter and we can all enjoy the final transformation. It is
not possible to please everyone and there has been a mixed response so far. It is expected that frequent visits by
traffic wardens will eventually deter drivers from parking in restricted areas and once all of the street furniture is in
place, there will be few opportunities for parking on the pavements.
There have been some other positive outcomes achieved during the year. The cooperation with the Big Tree
Campaign to enhance the Christmas lights display in the High Street has proved to be very successful again this
year. The Big Tree together with the small trees and cross street lights provided an excellent atmosphere in the
High Street during the festive season and two Late Night Openings were deemed to be very successful. Thanks
are due to all of those involved on both nights. There have been many comments from residents and visitors to this
effect. Cooperation between Highways who funded the posters and fliers and Steve Sant (Kinver online) resulted
in good publicity together with articles in local papers and publications.
Annual Parish Meeting held on the 2nd March 2011
Enterprise raised £1000 for the Katherine House Hospice in Stafford for selling the old materials from the high
street and they resurfaced most of Legion Drive at the end of the works. Whittington Hall Lane was resurfaced
earlier in the year and we look forward to Back Churchill being resurfaced and made permanently one way
downhill. Parking restrictions at Potters Cross will soon be in force to try to alleviate the congestion and potential
dangers associated with some inconsiderate and dangerous parking at the beginning and end of the school day.
We are approaching the end of this Council as there will be elections for new councillors in May. Perhaps the next
four years will be less eventful and contentious! I would like to thank the Clerk, her assistant and the technicians for
their hard work and devotion to duty throughout the past year and for their cheerful support.
Thanks to Vice Chairman Cllr M Davies for his advice and support and to other councillors who have also advised
and supported me during the year. Lastly I would like to recognise the hard work and commitment of those
councillors who have served on the Parish Council over the past years and who will be “retiring” at the end of this
Rachel Davis
Prior to each Committee Chairman presenting his/her report, the Chairman of the Council explained that following
each such presentation there would be a period for members of the public present to seek clarification on any
points covered by the presentation.
Firstly, I wish to thank Vice Chairman, Cllr DH Hadlington and all members of the committee for their continued
commitment and support. They have continued to make valuable contributions to discussions on planning
applications and other related development issues that the committee has been required to address. I must also
thank the Clerk for her support and Mrs Fullwood, whose excellent filing system gives immediate access to
previous applications/decisions that are required for clarification and background for new applications.
During the past year, the committee has continued to be aware of, and responded to several consultation
procedures relevant to the future of Kinver and its environment. These include information from the Department for
Communities and Local Government about the intended Localism Bill. This Bill will cancel the Regional Spatial
Strategy which has been a key planning concern for several years, taking up a huge amount of time and expense.
More policies will be returned to local councils. The Bill will also give more power to local people on some planning
issues especially local affordable housing. However it is not expected to be made law until the end of 2011. Other
new publications are the Joint Water Strategy for 2010-2026: Conservation Management Plans: Policy on
Travellers and Show people, Equestrian Related Policy and the Supplementary Planning Document on Green Belt.
The committee is pleased that District Council have a robust policy in place to defend our surrounding Green Belt.
Two emotive applications that have been considered this year, for which the committee recommended refusal,
were also refused by South Staffs District Council. Firstly, the application for two wind turbines at Whittington by
Severn Trent which was refused and so far no appeal has been registered. Secondly, the application for an electric
bike track at Beacon Lane which was also refused. The committee has also supported a request from Churchill to
oppose the application for a traveller site at Rocky Lane. The application was refused by Wyre Forest Council and
also refused on Appeal and the site has now been cleared. The committee believes that it is important to support
neighbouring parishes to show solidarity on issues that can affect us all.
It has been a quiet year at Halfpenny Green Airport. The markets were not a success and no more are planned.
There has been a slight improvement in flight movements during recent months, but business is still suffering from
the economic downturn. The Government is preparing a new Aviation Policy Framework as part of its Major
Infrastructure Planning Reform. A scoping document is expected in March with a view to publishing a draft policy
framework for formal consultation in March 2012. This will be of interest as it will, no doubt, concern our local
Rachel Davis
Annual Parish Meeting held on the 2nd March 2011
As you may know our deputy superintendent Mr Stanbury has now retired, we would like to thank him for his hard
work and support over the past years. The clerk Jenny Spaull has taken on the role covering for the
superintendent during annual leave and when unable to attend the burial ground has taken on the role of deputy
superintendent. The committee were grateful and thanked the clerk for undertaking of the additional work.
The committee have introduced a pamphlet called “An Introduction to Comber Ridge Burial Ground Kinver” and
were circulation to funeral directors and also people who will be using this service. It describes the burial ground
and includes a short résumé of the rules and regulations. The committee thanks the clerk for undertaking this
Comber Ridge East is extremely open to the elements of the weather and over the years we have planted many
small whips to fill in the space in the hedges without success. By the guidance and expertise of a tree surgeon/
gardener he has planted 90 small hedging trees, which so far are thriving especially through our very cold winter.
Finally I would like to thank the clerk Jenny Spaull and assistant Marita Fullwood, the superintendent Brian Spaull,
the maintenance men Alan Hale and Barry Wood for their support and hard work and also the members of the
committee for their invaluable time. Without this dedication at Comber Ridge Burial ground, it would not be a
beautiful and peaceful place, as it is now.
We are coming to the end of a four-year session of the Parish Council. I would like to report how busy the
Environment and Recreation committee has been. It has instigated the formation of independent groups, Kinver
Action Group (KAG), facilitated the Open Spaces Group (following a request from SSC), The Allotment Group.
These groups are working hard to make Kinver an interesting place to live. This year the KAG group have opened
for the young people a Skate/Wheels park on the Edward Marsh playing fields. They were going to install a youth
shelter but were unfortunately unsuccessful. Open Spaces group are developing the Sterry Mere and are hoping to
establish the once forgotten marsh land into a living pond with fish and frogs to live in again. The Allotment group
have manages to secure land at Stourton farm where people and families can get involved and grow their own food
and enjoy the outdoor life. The committee have also had dog/litter bins installed on Brockleys Walk Park and
refurbished the toilets at Kinver Edge.
The Play Area is used by the children continually so there is much wear and tear on the equipment. We have had
problems with the round-about, the company who maintained it for us recognised the condition and with the help of
the Clerk agreed to install another free of charge, due to it being a fault of the installation.
For the future, the committee is looking at developing a Gym Trim Trail and following the refurbishment of the High
Street are going to update and refurbish Danesford and Jubilee Gardens; some dead trees have already been
removed and we hope to have the gardens landscaped in the very near future.
Since my last report an Allotments association has been formed, Kinver Allotments Association. Land has been
provided by the kindness of Mr Roger Pauli of Stourton Farm, who has allowed the committee to have the land on a
lease for 7 years at a peppercorn rent. The association have 28 plots all taken up by Kinver people.
The Committee is well established and is in the capable hands of the chairman David Horton. The committee have
applied for grants with the help of Councillor Mrs Rogers and are happy to secure funds from the Wrigley Trust,
Award for All, South Staffordshire Council, The Wilde Trust and Kinver Parish Council. The funds have paid for
water to be laid to the site, heavy gardening equipment, a Poly-Tunnel and a shelter from the rain for the allotment
holders. Thank you to the donors for their help and especially Mr Pauli.
Through the Environment & Recreation Committee of the Parish council I put forward the idea for the formation of
the Allotment Committee and have been a member, I have now stepped down to allow other members to go on the
committee. I am very pleased how the allotment association has gone from strength to strength.
Thank you to everyone who has helped to make this project, possible. I would like to thank the committee
members, the Clerk Jenny Spaull and staff for their time and support over the past year.
Report of the Chairman of the Committee, Councillor Lin Hingley.
Annual Parish Meeting held on the 2nd March 2011
THE FOLLOWING REPORT AS TO THE BUDGETING OF THAT COMMITTEE OVER THE PAST YEAR Thanks to some very good budgeting and sensible financial decisions made by the Parish Council the 2010/2011
year has not proved to be quite as difficult as we expected.
The High Street refurbishment is almost completed and soon the Parish Council will be asked to pay it’s
contribution. This money has been set aside over the last two years (£50,000), along with a fund to upgrade
Jubilee Gardens/Danesford Gardens. These two projects will therefore be able to be completed without effecting,
to any major extent, next year’s budget.
I am pleased to report that, despite the financial climate in which we operate, it is anticipated that the 2010/2011
budget will not be overspent. This is a significant achievement, by the whole Council, considering the major cost
rises that we are now having to cope with. It will mean that a healthy financial position will be passed to the newly
elected Council.
I wish to place on record my considerable thanks to the Parish Council Responsible Financial Officer and her staff
for all their help and support. I also wish to thank all members of the Finance and General Purposes Committee
and indeed all Councillors who have consistently supported me during the past year. They have had to make some
difficult decisions but have made these, at all times to, achieve the best results for the people of Kinver. All their
support is much appreciated
To finish with some very good news. The Parish Council has been able to vote not to raise the Precept for
Community Action report for the Parish Annual Meeting 2011
CA has been in existence since 1972 , during which time we have provided the C.A. Newssheet four times a year
We wish to place on record our sincere thanks to Joan Barlow who was our Editor and Compositor for many years.
We now welcome Mike Deathridge who has taken over the role.
The Newssheet helps organisations inform the Parish what they are doing and is useful as a directory for those
looking for all kinds of jobs that need doing form plumbers, to chimney sweeps or car repairs. Over 40
volunteers, make the delivery of this valued publication possible across the parish. We are always looking for more
volunteers especially in rural areas like Stourton, Prestwood, Compton and Kingsford Lane.
Our group has undertaken all kinds of fund raising over a number of years to support projects in
the village and help pay for the printing of the newssheet. We have also been successful with
grants from the Lottery, Awards for All, SETA and the Co-op.
Last year we gave a grant of £250 to Lia Davies who represented the Worcestershire Guides on a
trip to America for the World Jamboree. Lia came to our Autumn Social Evening and told us about
her trip. We are holding another Social Evening on Friday 11th March with entertainment, quizzes
and a buffet.
Robert Simmons operates our web site www.kinver-ca.org. this gives the latest news about C.A.,
its Parish Councillors, and development in the Pariah. Information has also been put on the site about high streets
works. Also information about the Community Bus and local bus services and what is happening of interest in the
Community Action meets as a group at the KSCA on the second Monday of the month every two months. Where
members report on community matters and discuss future projects.
Annual Parish Meeting held on the 2nd March 2011
Community Learning Partnership Locality FIVE Kinver MAG - Report from Margaret Rogers Vice-Chairman
It was with great sadness l wrote this report as due to the relocation of funding distribution the C-LP will no longer
be required.
Although this is a sad moment we can reflect on the wonder achievements we have had during the past three
years. The committee has work tirelessly during that time pooling ideas and knowledge of the local area, which
includes Bobbing Enville and Swindon, where we have supported whenever possible with everything from
Childminders, School, Pre-school, Children’s Club, Out of School Clubs. Parenting Groups, Health Lifestyles, and
building work to meet the Every Child Matters Agenda of birth to 19 years.
Funding will now go through a different direction of depravation and rural isolation. Unfortunately many forget that
South Staffordshire suffers like everyone else.
On behalf of our Co-ordinator (whom without we would not have been so successful) Councillor Brian Edwards and
myself (Cllr Margaret Rogers) l would like to thank all who have given their time freely to assist us and a farewell to
the many people who have benefited from our knowledge, work and funding through the C-LP
The Kinver MAG have unanimously decided to carry on their work in Locality Five and continue to promote the
Every Child Matters Agenda for Birth to Nineteen's.
We are meeting in June to wish a fond fair well to Imre Tolgyesi and his secretary
Kate Taylor thank them for their work over the past three year.
Our new remit will be to look at a plan of action for future projects and of course fundraising to support projects
which will enhance the lives of children and their families in Locality FIVE.
Kinver Action Group KAG Report from Margaret Rogers Press, Media and Fundraising Officer
KAG’s latest project was the Skate Park was open on 31st October 2010 where we were joined by our MP and
many invited guest to celebrate the opening
With the Wheels Park Skate and Bike Track (section) now well established and very well used, members of the
Kinver Action Group are looking towards new projects to support local youngsters.
Our AGM held at the end of November saw the Chairman Ray Jones re-elected along with John Fallon as Vice
Chairman, Treasurer and Project Manager, Val Davis as Secretary and Margaret Rogers as the Press and Media
Officer and Joint Fundraising officer.
We are working with the local police and PCSOs to find out what youngsters in our area want and, as with other
projects, we will be meeting with them before making any decisions.
The Wheels Parks now needs a youth management group who will come on working parties and serve as a junior
committee passing on the ideas of their age groups.
We were awarded £23,000 from Play Builder for the Bike Track and with the Lottery Award of £100,000 from
Community Open Spaces under our belts, and around £15,000 in total from the C-LP, the Wrigley and the Wylde
Memorial Charities and the County Council LMI, we completed the Skate Park. We are now looking at a
sustainability fund for the wheels park - more planning and form-filling, but all in a good cause
At the February Meeting we met with our Youth Wheels Management Team again. A group of lads from year 8 and
10 at Edgecliff School have taken on the responsibility of tidying round the wheels park and reporting on anything
requiring attention.
The group scooped a commendation award in October 2010 for their work with the bike track built in 2009. The
presentation being made at the Chase Golf Club by the Southern Staffordshire Regeneration Panel KAG in the
final five in their category out of 50 projects entered by Leisure and Environment Department at South Staffordshire
Annual Parish Meeting held on the 2nd March 2011
Kinver Allotment Association - Report from Margaret Rogers Press, Media and Fundraising Adviser
Kinver Allotment Association is now flourishing in the community, the association came out of an idea from the
Recreation and Environment Committee of Kinver Parish Council and Lin Hingley and Margaret Rogers presided
over our first meeting at Brindley Heath School where we hoped to have allotments (but it was not to be) and
assisted us in setting up the Association..
After searching for land Roger Pauli offered the Association land at Gothersley
Grants applied from the Ken Wrigley Memorial Charity and The Anthony and Gwendoline Wylde Memorial Charity
has enabled us to lay water on at the site and to most of the plots around the site. A grant from the County Council
LMI through Brian Edwards has assisted in providing individual storage for some of the plot holder.
Following of from this we have been successful in gaining a grant of £7380 the Big Lottery - Awards for All. The
grant has enabled a project (put together by 10 Allotment Committee Members, and An Awards for All applications
put together by myself as Fundraising officer) to purchase storage, site equipment, cover for seed growing, a
communal shelter and beehives and send two members on a Bee Keeping course, which will help enhance our
organic site even further.
We are very grateful for the grant of £400 from Kinver Parish Council which has enabled us to engage a man and
machine to clear an area for communal use provide more plots and extend parking facilities
The organisation has been operating 16 months, with 26 plots in use and eight people on the waiting list. Some plot
holders are helping with the projects and site maintenance and working parties are regularly held. Lin has decided
not t continue on the committee but is active with a plot to tend.
Our newsletter organised by Marie Roberts is well supported with recipes, growing tips and a children section.
At our AGM in January officer re-elected were David Horton Chairman, Nick Geoghegan Vice-chair, and Secretary
Joan Jones with the addition of Paul Roche our new Treasurer.
The KINVER COMMUNITY BUS LTD - Report from the Secretary/ Treasurer and Bus Operator
The Community bus has been providing a service since April 1988 in the Parish of Kinver and we rely solely on
volunteers for driving and administration. Three members of our Committee: Derek Hemming, Kath Fletcher and
myself (Margaret Rogers) were in the group set up in 1986 by Sam Harris.
We are on our third bus which was delivered on 1st November 2002, a Mercedes Sprinter 16 setter with a Radcliffe
Tail Lift for those who have difficult getting up the steps and wheelchair passengers.
We are now getting lots of calls from people in isolated areas asking if we can cover their area since the new was
launched of the withdrawal of the travel tokens (which people used in taxis. Our permit does not allow us to run
outside the bounds of the Parish and operates on a regular time table between 9am and 12 noon. We visit Enville
every Tuesday and Friday; Westley Court Tuesday and The Homestead on Wednesday, taking in the two Nursing
Homes and residents at the Oval, Prestwood. Our drivers continue to offer an almost door - to - door service.
Parish Organisations can hire the bus to get out and about but in all cases drivers must be over 25 and under 70
with a clean driving license. The vehicle can only be hired by a recognised Parish organisation and not by a
member of the group or club.
This past year we have had a down turn in paying passenger and those with the All England Bus Pass (who can
now travel anywhere free) as people now use the main bus service more to travel further a field for shopping and
trips out. The Community Bus runs totally on donations and grants so funding is a priority to keep it going.
Kinver & Enville Royal British Legion – Poppy Appeal Report
The Royal British Legion poppy appeal are happy to report that considering the economic climate the poppy appeal
raised £9,649.76 We would like to thank our collectors who gave their time to knock doors, stand in the High Street
and at Merry Hill, also our local schools, businesses, traders, restaurants and publicans for their efforts in helping
to achieve this total.
Lin Hingley. Honorary Poppy Appeals Organiser.
Annual Parish Meeting held on the 2nd March 2011
Kinver Green Belt – Secretary’s Report
This again has been a quiet year as regards to anything contentious, other than the proposed application for
Construction of Motocross Track at Worwood Farm, Beacon Lane, to this we have objected.
We have missed having our usual activities at the Country Fayre which did not take place this year due to the road
works in the High Street. We sympathise with the traders who have suffered considerably.
We are looking at certain activities for the forthcoming year, which we hope will be well supported.
We are please to see that the Parish Council is aware, and appears supported of the Green Belt.
We are pleased that we have two members sitting on the Parish Council. Also, consider Rachel has, in working
diligently, been a successful Chairman.
New members are always welcome.
John Macriner.
Kinver Guides 2010
Kinver Guides celebrated the centenary in style, with a balanced and varied programme, with lots of opportunities
for all. We all worked towards our Adventure 100 badge, and all achieved this. In February we stayed at one of the
world centres of Guiding - Pax Lodge in London with 1st Stourbridge Guides. As part of a busy long weekend, the
Guides visited the Centenary Maze at Crystal Palace, went to ICANDO at Guide Headquarters, St.Paul’s cathedral
and saw ‘Wicked’. We travelled the capital by bus, tube, train and river!
We enjoyed the regional centenary celebrations attending the Centenary Carnival at Drayton Manor, HD100
activity day and at our District camp at Kinver in July. We finished the summer with a Sleepover at Warwick Castle,
camping on the lawns. We also took part in the Vision Finale on Kinver Edge, climbing up to the beacon to renew
our promises. Sarah attended the Garden party at Himley Hall, and was presented with the Midland Region Chief
Commissioners Award, for outstanding services to Guiding at a local level, at Middleton Hall in November.
We have worked hard for badges. Three girls completed their Baden Powell Award, completing their adventure at
Blackwell Court. As a unit, we completed the Survival badge in the Summer, building shelters, lighting fires and
enjoying evenings learning to lay and follow trails. During the Autumn term we have completed our Water Safety
badge. Guides have also decorated a Christmas Tree which was displayed at St Mary’s Enville and Holy Trinity
Wordsley’s Christmas Tree Festivals. We also held a very successful cake sale as part of the Late Night Shopping
event in Kinver raising £350 towards upkeep on our hut. A number of enthusiastic parents and Guides have begun
by meeting on Saturday to give it a thorough clean, and plans are in place to redecorate and give it a bit of a makeover.
Kinver Guides are very lucky to have gained a new enthusiastic assistant Guider. Katherine Smith has brought
fresh ideas to the unit and is the leading force behind improving the facilities at the Hut. With the additional support
of Ruth Pearsall as treasurer and two young leaders, Lia Davies and Ellie Stevens, I am continuing to run an active
Guide unit which is full to capacity.
Sarah Sparkes
Kinver Methodist Wednesday Fellowship
We meet every Wednesday afternoon from 3pm to 4pm. We have a speaker, followed by a cup of tea and biscuits.
Everyone is welcome. We are currently looking for volunteer drivers for the “Red Minibus” to transport those
people who are having difficulties with mobility.
6.10 Kinver Old People’s Welfare - Report from Margaret Rogers Treasurer
On a freezing cold 3rd December, 800 Christmas Vouchers to the value of £6 each were handed out and the same
weekend Harry and myself delivered gifts to the equivalent of £6 to Kinver Parish residents living in the Coach
House , Prestwood House and The Homestead
Annual Parish Meeting held on the 2nd March 2011
Four ladies sit each year names on the vouchers whilst others make a welcoming cup of tea or coffee for those
collecting vouchers.
I have now collected in all the Vouchers which has brought in around £6000 to the local shops so we thank the
traders for their help in allowing the recipients to spend in their shops.
The voucher scheme would not be possible without the support of The Monday Night Bingo Group at the
Constitutional Club, The Kinver Darts Team and an amazing £5,000 from the Ken Wrigley Memorial Charity. The
Old Peoples Welfare was set up by Ken and Rose Wrigley over 40 years ago without whose legacy many things
would not be possible.
Councillor Mrs Hingley and I have served on the committee for over 16 years. Lin (who is Chairman) and myself
have held the same office for many years with additions of Pam Perry Vice-chairman, Val Davis Secretary and
Adriane Spaull who remains with us after stepping back as secretary last year.
This year whilst giving out the vouchers we gave out a survey of needs and we will be collating these ready for our
next meeting in March
Kinver WI has thirty two members and we meet at the Senior Citizens Hall on the 2 nd Monday of each month at
7.30 pm.
Besides our meetings where we have some very good and enjoyable speakers, we go on a Monthly Walk and have
a fortnightly craft afternoon. Recently we donated two baby quilts to `Living Springs’ and have taken part in a
country-wide project, to make craft items from `café Direct’ hessian coffee bags. Amongst the items we made a
Christmas Tree, which we displayed at Enville Church Christmas Tree Festival.
We join in with other local WI Group events and last July it was our turn to organise a Group Walk, on Kinver Edge
of course. Afterwards we supplied supper for about sixty ladies.
Our outings during the year have been; a Tour of Birmingham Town Hall, a visit to Hereford Cathedral and a tour of
the Gardens at High Grove, the home of Prince Charles.
We participate in village events, hire the Community Bus when possible and do voluntary work at the NT Rock
6.12 KINVER SPORTS AND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION – (incorporating Kinver Social Club)
Kinver Sports and Community Association (KSCA) is an umbrella body which encompasses sports clubs, a Drama
group(New Kinver Players) ,other community groups, and leisure, art and dance classes, as well as the Senior
activity club, and Handicapped Active movement. Over the past two years, Kinver Action Group have joined the
Association, and has established a Bike Track and Skate Park, which provide a valuable outlet for our young
people, and are increasingly heavily used. We are also looking to work with the Kinver Open Spaces group, who
have plans to create a natural pool in the Sterrymere, for which they will need considerable external finance to
create a project which will add much to the natural attraction of the area.
The Association is run by volunteers through a Management Committee which has representatives of each of the
groups which affiliate to the KSCA. The Management Committee meets three or four times a year, and holds its
AGM in June or July. The day to day running of the Association is undertaken by the Executive, with John Jordan
as Chairman, Helen Dunn as Vice-Chair, Geoff Ashfield as Secretary and Jim Gosling as Treasurer.
The Association employs a part-time cleaner, and the Social Club, which is responsible for the bars, employs a
steward, assistant steward, and occasional staff, as necessary.
The Parish Council is the Custodian Trustee of the Association, and holds the deeds for the association.. The
responsibility for running the KSCA and Kinver Social Club rests with the Management Committee.
This year the Parish Council has ceased providing the £3,000 grant to the Sports Clubs via KSCA to pass on to the
Sports Clubs (Bowling, Football, and Cricket) which was set up originally to compensate for the maintenance work
Annual Parish Meeting held on the 2nd March 2011
on the grounds which the Parish Council used to undertake. The Parish Council have moved to a situation in which
they require applications from any organisations who wish to apply to it for funds; in the current year, the Bowling
Club has received £400, and the Cricket Club £500, and are having to seek further funding from other sources.
In addition to this change, because of the recession, the District Council is phasing out over the next three years its
contribution towards grass cutting on the field. All the Sports clubs have provided significant amounts of additional
work by their own members, to try to maintain the standards of the pitches, the cricket square, and the bowling
green. .
The Senior Activities Club meets regularly every Tuesday afternoon, and the Handicapped Active Group on
Thursday afternoons. The Drama group meets every Monday and Thursday evening, and there are regular monthly
meetings of many of the affiliated organisations including Community Action, Kinver Green Belt, the Twinning
Association, Kinver Darts League, the Car Club, Kinver Colts, Kinver Action Group and, most recently, Kinver
Allotment Association, with less frequent meetings by other affiliated groups.
Each year the Chernobyl support group holds a function in the Hall.
A Crib and Domino group meet regularly during the winter, and we host the Kinver Darts League, which holds its
semi-finals and finals in the Hall. The local Bowling League has also used the Hall for its annual presentation
evening., An indoor Bowling Group operates in the Hall on Wednesday afternoons. Wednesday evenings are used
by a traditional dance class; recently, Zumba dance and fitness classes started on Tuesday evenings, with a high
level of interest and participation.
Two County Council adult education classes, one for Painting and the other for Keep Fit meet weekly during the
school terms on Tuesday mornings.
Antique, Book Fairs and Bric a Brac are held nearly every Sunday at the KSCA. There are frequent birthday or
anniversary parties by hirers and a number of wedding receptions. . The Rotary Club provide an entertainment
evening and meal every year for our senior citizens. W.I. presented ‘an evening with Queen Elizabeth 1st., last
year, and it was so successful that it is planned to held a similar one this autumn. .
Helen Dunn once again organised the New Year's Eve Dance. Last year we were unable to use the band which
we have used over many years, because of a previous commitment by them. We experimented with a one-man
show, which proved adequate, but not as popular as a band. Helen plans to use another band which has proved
most popular this coming New Year. She deserves our congratulations for running these events for many years,
with great success.
Last summer Helen was approached by the grandson of Edward Marsh, concerned that the input of his grandfather
to the Community Centre had not been recognised, particularly in respect to the sign at the entrance to Legion
Drive, which referred simply to ‘Kinver Community Centre’. She took the opportunity to invite him down to the
Centre, which bears the name of Edward Marsh Centre on the front wall, which reflected the contribution Edward
Marsh had made to the KSCA, and showed him round the building. He was impressed by the facilities and
condition of the premises, and wrote to her, expressing his gratitude for the visit and all that had been done. With
regard to the sign at the entrance to Legion Drive, the Parish Council has now amended the signage to say
‘Edward Marsh Community Centre’.
At a presentation in February 2009 John Fallon on behalf of Kinver Action Group (KAG) gave an update of the
plans for the bike track and skate park. Work on the bike track was started at that time, and completed by the end
of March, when there was an official opening of the track by the County Councillor responsible for children’s
services. The track has been well used since then, and maintenance and repair work is ongoing.
Kinver Action Group also submitted plans for a Skate Park last year, and their efforts at fund-raising and in spite of
tortuous planning procedures, led to the official opening of the Skate Park last autumn. These twin facilities provide
excellent and challenging activities for the young people of the village, and are well used.
David Bills continued to monitor a group of minor offenders clearing the area up to and around the Sterrymere, so
that consideration could be given to taking some steps to improve that sadly neglected area. Unfortunately, the
workforce has had to be transferred elsewhere, but these men made a significant difference to what had been a
neglected area of the site. The ambitious plans by the Kinver Open Spaces group to create a pool in part of the
Sterrymere are about to be considered by the Management Committee, and this scheme, when completed
(probably over a number of years) will lead to the possibility of transforming the Sterrymere into an attractive
natural area, and not the eyesore which it had been for many years.
Annual Parish Meeting held on the 2nd March 2011
The Social Club continues to operate very successfully under the stewardship of Karen Fray, who has taken many
initiatives to encourage greater use of the premises. We are most fortunate to have in her and Tony Marklew, our
cleaner, two excellent members of staff, who have made a significant impact on the Centre.
Finally, I must pay tribute to the effort, time and devotion which Helen Dunn has committed to the KSCA over many
years, and still does.
John Jordan, (Chairman)
Peter Pan Pre-school Playgroup Stourton Village Hall - Report from Margaret Rogers Pre-school Early
Years Leader.
The Pre-school in its 42nd year as it opened in February 1969 when the Village Hall opened.
The changes in the school starting school in Staffordshire in 2004 saw children go to school at 4 years of age in
2004 which greatly hit our setting and many others in more rural areas. Dudley changed their entry in 2008 age to 4
year old start with the same affect in on their local nurseries. Children in most authorities start school at the age of
4 years, and some school are still asking for 3 year old start date.
Many infant and primary school now have their own pre-school which can operate on a lower staff to child ratio 2
staff to 16 children. Whereas Voluntary and Private settings, have to have 1 members of staff per 3 children for 2 –
3 year olds and 1 staff per 6 children for 3-4 year old
The Nursery Education Grant offers a free place for all children the term after their 3rd birthday but we have now
been told that approximately 50p per child will be withheld on Private and Voluntary Settings which will go to
settings in main stream school
Last summer we gained a grant £30,000 from the Quality and Access Department Children and Lifelong Learning
to develop open access and an outdoor play area. One is a beach scene with retracting canopy for all weather use
and the other is a woodland scene with a number snake inlaid in the soft play surface. The grant enabled us to put
in gates and secure fencing around the play area. The Community Learning Partnership gave us a grant of £2,000
to help with equipment for outside play ad the £30,000 was mostly spent on ground works and fencing as all
materials had to be barrowed to the site as there is no access for vehicles to the rear of the hall
The C-LP grant paid for turf to be laid under the trees, buy a few ride-ables a climbing unit and two play panels an
Abacus and a Show Time Mirror costing almost £700. Without these amazing grants none of this work would have
been possible. We also made great saving as we designed and project managed the work ourselves
Topics run throughout the year we have just covered River Bank, Streets and time which included visits from Sue in
the Local branch of the RNLI, Police, a School Patrol Crossing Person and Local work people. We work very
closely with, local schools and organisations, these include regular visits from the RNLI who bring the life boat in
the summer
Staff are all CRB checked and attend many coursers which relate to the Every Child Matters (Birth to 19 years) five
desirable outcomes, a requirement of OFSTED. Training is now at Penkridge the Hailing Dean centre or the
Kinston Centre Stafford Despite many request nothing is being done in this end of the County
All staff have to be CRB checked renewable every three years (an expensive item) and attend many coursers
which relate to the Every Child Matters (Birth to 19 years) five desirable outcomes, a requirement of OFSTED.
6.14 South Staffordshire C.P.R.E. Group Report
The group is recruiting more people on their committee especially from other areas of South Staffordshire. We try
to protect the countryside from building on the green belt land, wind turbines, large poly-tunnels and developers
buying up local forests. At the moment a small part of Cannock Chase is in South Staffordshire and CPRE are
monitoring the situation and hope it will not be sold to a private developer.
The group had a meeting with Gavin Williamson MP for South Staffordshire, we exchanged information and
knowledge and raised issues that caused problems in the green belt.
The group is keen and energetic and believe strongly on keeping South Staffordshire rural
Lin Hingley, Chairman
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6.15 St John Ambulance Kinver Quadrilateral Division - Report from the Divisional Secretary, Treasurer and
Duty Officer.
Kinver Division has been operational over 90 years in the Parish of Kinver, being started by Sam Harris's father as
a Quadrilateral Division. This year we will be renewing our First Aid at Work and Severe Allergies Certificate. We
renewed our Paediatric first Aid in November.
Three members: Ann Saunders, Julie Rogers and myself (Margaret Rogers) have now completed 30 years of
service each, all joining around 1980. More Medals, Bars and Stars are due to be issued this year as service
awards from Stafford HQ.
Kinver is a very small Division, so we are unable to cover duties, but we can enlist the help of other divisions in
Staffordshire to cover events. The nearest Division in Staffordshire to Kinver is now Penkridge as so many
members have given up with everything being centralised and the requirement for more and more exams and to
serve a certain number of hours per year.
6.16 Stourton Village Hall - Report from Margaret Rogers. Premises and Management Secretary and Treasurer
The village hall in its 42nd year of being open and continues to be offer a home for several organisations, which
include, an afternoon bridge class, a pre school, camera club, Women's Institute, a Tae Kwon Do and Fitness Club.
The hall is well used by those wishing to celebrate special occasions, for a training venue, seminars and fund
raising events.
Following our success with the Lottery Grant lass year to upgrade the gents toilets Awards for All (Big Lottery) have
allowed us to use the small balance to fit new doors onto the vanity unit in the ladies.
A grant from the LMI County Council via Councillor Brian Edwards enabled us to engage someone stain all the
timber on the outside of the building and paint the down pipes painted. The fence and gate to the car park installed
last year is has proved very beneficial to keep out unwanted visitors, people depositing rubbish and joy riders.
The pre-school landed a £30,000 grant which has enhanced the outside areas by creating two soft play areas
along with gates and fencing to the rear and side of the building and a boundary fence to one side, which again has
helped with more security. Another grant they gained has paid for a grassed area.
The committee continues to meet every two months and last July officers were re-elected basis
Diane Jones Chairman, Carol Groucutt and Gloria Barnsley as joint Vice-chairman, Julie Rogers as Booking
Secretary and Margaret Rogers as Premises License, Management Secretary and Treasurer.
Items remaining on our wish list are beyond our finances, this includes new heating system. The current heating is
individual electric heaters, we could replace them one at a time but it is more cost effective to have all changed at
the same. The hall has now gas or central heating boiler; the exiting heaters are costly to run which results in high
winter heating bills. Our flat roof is our major concern the upper level was recovered in asphalt in 1991 and the
lower level in 1993.
The village hall has two web sites hallshire.com/halls/view/712 Stourton-village-hall, which l look after and update
on a regular basis and stourtonvillagehall.co.uk set up by Gary Rogers. They give lots of information about our
village hall .
6.17 Wolverhampton Airport Action Group, Kinver Sub group Report from Margaret Rogers Chairman
Wolverhampton Action Group WAAG was formed in March 2003 at a Public Meeting called by Kinver Parish
During the first two years we worked flat out to protect the local area from developments with meetings fundraising
and auctions and meeting with MP’s and Councillors from many areas
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During the past year things seem to have lain dormant but we remained vigilant. Though the original plans that
prompted the setting up of WAAG have been dropped, we are keeping a watching brief on activities at the airport.
There has been some media coverage about (the possibility of) Coventry Airport and it's potential for re opening for
'holiday' flights. Anyone who is privileged to live in the area surrounding Halfpenny Green (as I'm sure it will be
known for many years to come), and who cares about the environment, must remain vigilant about any hint of
future development which may impact on such a beautiful area.'
At our AGM last year Officers were re-elected: Margaret Rogers Chairman, John Fallon Vice-Chairman, Gloria
Barnsley Secretary and Jim Gosling Treasurer. Members of the Committee are John Peakman, Ron and Liz
Lancashire, Sue Fallon and Val Davis.
The WAAG website closed last year and the Steering Group agreed at its AGM last year to continue for another
year to see how things developed. We have pictures, paper work and records from our inception documenting our
history. This will prove valuable if we ever have to fight against any future developments
Report form the Chairman of Kinver WAAG Margaret Rogers
6.18 Mary Stevens Hospice has had a busy year. The main events were the Gardens Opening at Prestwood which
was a great success, the Coffee Morning held for the first time on a Saturday at The Constitutional Club (with
entertainment gratefully supplied by Marlene) and Kidderminster Male Choir Concert at St James in November which was as enjoyable and well supported as usual. In these difficult times so far this year we have raised over
£3,600 and we have one more event before the end of the year which is a Spring Flower Demonstration by Susan
Sands from Just Petals - she always entertains and demonstrates arrangements that are suitable for almost
anyone to achieve. The date for this is Tuesday 22 March 7.30pm at St Peters Church Hall at a cost of £6.
Our big news is that we have been offered "Kinver Open Gardens" this year and we are opening 8 or 9 gardens in
Kinver on Saturday and Sunday 25 & 26 June. Please support us and the village at this event.
Sylvia Sidaway, Chairman, Mary Stevens Hospice
Kinver Fundraising Group
6.19 Kinver Twining Association
We are pleased to report an excellent year with a number of new hosts coming forward to receive some of the
60plus visitors from Mer. An action packed week was planned which included a tour of the Potteries, a canal trip
from Stourbridge to Kinver, an evening of climbing, archery and fun at the Scout camp and shopping in
Birmingham, in fact something for all ages. It is a credit to the Chairman, committee and membership that the
interest in twinning is growing and we are trying to encourage the schools in Kinver to be enthusiastic over the
opportunities this link creates. The social events in 2010 included a Barn Dance and Christmas get together which were well supported and will feature again this year.
At the AGM Adrian Simm stepped down as Chairman, and his contribution to the continuing of twinning in the
spirit of supporting young people and encouraging the link between the two villages was gratefully acknowledged.
Heather Pickford was elected -who living in Kinver and speaking french hopes to increase the number involved in
twinning experiences.
This year’s trip to Mer is fully booked and we would encourage anyone interested to see us at the Kinver Fayre,
which we are pleased to support.
Kind regards
6.20 Kinver Colts FC - Report to Annual Parish Meeting 2011
For the 2010-2011 season, Kinver Colts Football Club has ten teams competing in local junior football leagues.
These include girls’ teams at the Under 10, Under 12 and Under 14 age groups and boys’ teams from Under 8s to
Under 14s. The club’s home ground, Stag Meadow, is full of vibrant activity most Saturday mornings and Sunday
afternoons. Various teams also continue to use pitches and training facilities at Foley, Brindley and Edgecliff
schools and the Marsh playing fields (KSCA). Kinver Colts FC has been working with KAG to investigate the
Annual Parish Meeting held on the 2nd March 2011
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feasibility of alternative facilities for sport in Kinver, having been inspired by the astro-turf pitch in Cookley. The club
has also been working with the Kinver Country Fayre committee, towards the organisation of the 2011 Fayre which
is to be partly held on the Stag Meadow grounds. For further information about Kinver Colts, please contact Mick
Trollope (Secretary) on 01384 872837. New players and adult volunteers are always welcome to join our FA
Charter Standard club (all managers, coaches and regular volunteers are CRB checked in accordance with FA
Margaret Kodz
The Society has experienced a most interesting year. There was a most interesting and memorable visit to the
National Arboretum, Alrewas.
This year our Commendation Award was presented to Cllr Mrs Margaret Rogers, to mark all she has done in and
for the village.
The Programme of talks brought along some very interesting and informative speakers.
The Society has agreed to look at and get reprinted the walks leaflets/maps, for which Mr John Glover has agreed
to check all walks and details, with support from other members in checking and verifying information to be
published. We acknowledge the help and support of councillors in this project.
In the past few months the Society has settled and is enjoying holding its meeting in the Pensions Club, Legion
The committee look to continue its role in encouraging and helping maintain an harmonious feeling in the area.
The Civic Society reminded members present that all are welcome to attend their meetings held on the 3 rd
Wednesday of every month. Mr John Glover, Mrs David Bills and Mr David Tibbetts are working hard to update the
footpath leaflets, but there have been a few in accuracies that are being looked into.
The Civic Society are still trying to organise the blue plaques for buildings and are looking for a low cost plaque for
the job.
6.21 Friends of Kinver Open Spaces.
Mr David Tibbetts reported that his group had made a presentation to the KSCA this week for the plans for the re
flooding of the Sterrymere and they had outlined the funding options and all cost both to refill it and maintain it.
These were well received and the group will be meeting with the planners next week to discuss the planning
application that is required.
Members thanked the group for all of their hard work and effort
6.22 South Staffordshire C.A.B
Councillor Mrs ED Ray reported thanks to the District and the Parish Council for their support financially for the
group, it could not survive without this generous help.
6.23 The following list of village organisations, clubs etc., is available from the Parish Council office – any
amendments or additions would be greatly appreciated and should be notified to the Parish Council
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Mrs Wickett of Compton Hospice Charity Shop asked for an update relating to the entrance to the Acre Car Park. She
was informed it was in hand but the County were waiting for new drain covers and these had not been received yet.
Mr and Mrs Waldron of Whittington Hall Lane asked if any members had an update relating to new gates that are
supposed to have been erected near the junction of the end of Gibbet Lane and Whittington Hall Lane.
Councillor BR Edwards agreed to take these matters up with the County and report back to the members of the public.
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