
Ms. Montgomery's Lesson Plans
6th Grade ELA
2013-2013 School Year
Week 2: August 20-August 24
Due: 5x Vocabulary
words with definitions.
-Bellwork: Synonyms
-Spelling Test: Using
-Vocabulary Test: Using
Due: Vocabulary
Definitions; AR
Parent/Student Contract
Capitalization (check
HW during this time)
-Discuss Vocabulary
words and give short
-Students will get 15
minutes to complete the
packet on the "Reading
of Fiction," p. 21-25.
Students will use the
packet to aid in their
reading and take notes.
-Students will break into
groups of 2 and compare
and discuss answers to
the blanks (5 minutes).
-I will read Eleven by
Sandra Cisneros to the
Due: Vocabulary 3x
piece with short
definition; Eleven
handout; "Reading of
Fiction" handout;
Capitalization (check
HW during this time)
-Students will complete
a 5 question
comprehension quiz
using the clickers on the
story Eleven.
-Discuss Homework on
handout of Eleven.
-Discuss the Plot
 Exposition
 Rising Action
 Climax
 Falling Action
 Resolution
Due: Vocabulary Word
search and Crossword;
Due: The Hunger Games
chapters 1 & 2
questions; Finish
reading President
Capitalization (check
Cleveland, Where Are
HW during this time)
You?; Vocabulary
-10 question Plot
Words 3x a piece with
Diagram quiz using
clickers... (I will read the -Bellwork: Capitalzation
questions aloud and
(Check HW during this
students will respond).
time) Collect Bellwork
-I will collect Plot
for points for the week.
Diagrams, and students
-Discuss Chapters 1 & 2
will grade each other
of The Hunger Games
based upon group-work -Take The Hunger
Games chapters 1 & 2
-Discuss the answers to
the Plot Diagram with
-Give questions to
the class overhead the
Chapters, 3, 4 & 5
(Available on website
-Begin reading President under The Hunger
Cleveland, Where are
Games "Ch. 3, 4, & 5
you? by Robert Cormier. Questions") -These will
students. (p. 27 in
Literature Book)
-Students will complete
handout after reading.
Homework: Students
will write Vocabulary
words 3x a piece with
short definition;
complete handout on
reading of Eleven.
(Learning Check will
be on Friday)
-Students will do a
Center Activity where
students will be broken
into groups of 3. They
will determine the
exposition, rising action,
climax, falling action,
and resolution of Eleven.
Students will finish this
for homework if they do
not finish in class.
Homework: Write
Vocabulary words 3x a
piece with definition.
be due NEXT Friday.
Homework: Spelling
Test & Vocabulary Test
on Monday. Be sure to
know the spelling,
definitions, and
Homework: Complete
Vocabulary word search
and crossword.
(See above lesson
Extensions: Eleven will
be read independently
Extensions: Students
with the completion of
will receive chapter 1 & the worksheet for
2 vocabulary words
from The Hunger Games We will begin to
(On Website under:
diagram sentences by
identifying the complete
"Ch. 1 & 2 Hunger
Games Vocabulary").
subjects and predicates.
Students are to write the (Language Network
sentences where they are [LN] p. 6-7)
found in the book. Then, Students will complete
based upon context
the extra practice for
clues, write what they
Due: Diagramming
-Homework Check on 5
diagramming problems.
-Mini-Lesson on Simple
-We will diagram
examples on p. 9 of LN.
-Students will complete
extra practice for
-Students will also
complete Vocabulary
Due: Diagramming
subjects/predicates; The
Hunger Games
Vocabulary word search
and crossword.
Due: The Hunger Games
Vocabulary words.
-HW Check: Students
will take a 5 questions
quiz regarding last night
extra practice.
-Students will learn
about compound
subjects and compound
Give the Vocabulary
words for Ch. 3, 4, & 5.
Extensions: Students
will take a HG
Vocabulary Quiz.
think the words means.
Next they will write the
definition of the word
and then include a onesentence reflection on
whether or not their
assumption of
correct/incorrect. These
will be due on Friday.
Collaborative Class:
-Students will go to the
Library the first part of
the class. Students will
receive AR contracts to
determine their reading
level and the amount of
AR tests needed for the
-Students will receive
the 'modified'
vocabulary list.
(Website: Vocabulary
Week 1-Modified)
-We will use the
dictionaries to find the
vocabulary words
together and write the
-Last 10 minutes,
students will listen to The
Hunger Games on CD.
Collaborative Class:
-Instead of working
independently, we will
break into groups and
allow students to work
together on the reading
and packet. The teachers
will join in on the
groups, and prompt the
students to help answer
the blanks in packets.
-We will read Eleven
aloud, and students will
answer comprehension
questions using the
clickers at the end of the
period in replacement of
the worksheet.
-Students will do
word search and
crossword on the
Hunger Games
verbs and learn to
diagram them. We will
be working out of p. 1415 in LN.
Extra Practice will be
given for Homework.
Learning Check on
Collaborative Class:
-Discuss only the plot
development. Each
student will do their own
Plot Diagram. We will
do it together overhead
the projector. I will be
sure to write the
definitions under each
part and discuss.
-Using the clickers,
students will take a 5
question quiz towards
the end of class as a
formative assessment.
-Students will do
Collaborative Class:
-Students will listen to
President Cleveland,
Where Are You? on the
audio CD.
-Students will answer a
5 questions
comprehension quiz
after the assessment
using the clickers.
-Students will do
Collaborative Class:
-Students will receive a
modified test compared
to the other students.
They will have the same
questions to answer
during the reading
though and will need to
answer 3/4 of the
questions by next
Homework: Vocabulary
and Spelling Test on
Monday. Students need
to know the spelling,
definitions, and