Week 32 - Westmont Hilltop School District

Jonelle M. Dongilla
Westmont Hilltop School District - ESL
SIOP Lesson Plan Template 4 (adapted)
7 and 8
April 22-26, 2013
Week 32
PA English Language Proficiency Standards:
Draw conclusions on topics gathered from everyday print that is visually supported.
Ask WH questions or exchange information visually supported.
Write responses that include language with multiple meanings
Higher –Order
Thinking Skills
 Poetry Packet
 “Two Heads” graphic organizer
Interpret poetry
 “The Legend”
prose poetry
drawing on past
 “Ode to My Socks”
experiences and prior  “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?”
lyric poem
 “We Real Cool”
 textbook
Apply knowledge of
poetry terms to find
meaning in poetry.
Content Objectives (standard in plain English):
Review and
 Listen critically and respond to others in small and
Discuss poetry with
large group situations.
a partner.
 Identify and/or apply meaning of multiple-meaning
words used in text.
 Identify how the meaning of a word is changed when
found in poetry.
an affix is added; identify the meaning of a word from
Venn Diagram
the text with an affix.
Ask and answer
 Define and/or apply how the meaning of words or
questions about
phrases changes when using context clues given in
explanatory sentences.
 Make inferences and/or draw conclusions based on
information from text.
Identify and/or analyze the author’s intended purpose of
Meaningful Activities (Lesson Sequence):
Day 1
With WP – practice graphing linear equations!!
1. Finish lesson from Friday….Read “Grape Sherbet” aloud. Then read the reading and
literary focus p. 664. Answer in a complete sentence in NB individually after rereading the
2. Discuss and compare answers, tone, and interpretation of two poems.
3. Chart 2 examples of imagery in each poem.
Day 2
“The Legend”
1. Read “Prepare to Read” p. 666 and ”Build Background” p. 668 together. Discuss
reading purpose for the poem “The Legend” by Garrett Hongo: jot down unusual or
striking details, usually set off with figurative language.
2. Review terms elegy and prose poetry. Briefly review vocab.
3. Explain “Two Heads are Better Than One” activity - Students read the poem
individually, jotting down at least five unusual or striking details, then they are paired
with a partner. Students talk about their first impressions of the poem, then they
reread together. In the second column, they will jot down more things they noticed
about the poem.
4. Discuss student findings, examples of imagery.
“Ode to My Socks”
1. Read “Literary and Reading Focus” p. 672 for “Ode to My Socks” by Pablo Neruda,
translated by Robert Bly.
2. Review ode, lyric poem, and visualizing.
3. Practice visualizing corn in chart from Poetry Packet.
4. Draw a visualizing chart in notebook and track the details used for at least one object
read about in the poem.
5. Listen to the poem.
6. Answer “Reading Focus”: What qualities might the socks share with sharks,
blackbirds, and cannons? And “Literary Focus”: How does the speaker make the
socks seem like objects of great worth? (p. 675) Choose three comparisons you
recorded in the chart you filled in as you read. Then, for each comparison, write one
or two sentences explaining what the comparison suggests about the socks (p. 676).
Day 3
1. Bell Ringer: Bell Ringer: Affixes are word parts added to the beginning or end of a word
or root. The suffix –less means “without,” as in motionless and careless. The prefixes in–
, un–, and non– all mean “not.”
Create your own words adding the affixes –less, in–, un–, and non–
2. Review definition for sonnet, temperate, complexion p. 690.
3. Direct students to look at each se of four lines. Write the last word in each quatrain on the
a. 1st quatrain: day, temperate, May, date
b. 2nd quatrain: shines, dimmed, declines, untrimmed
c. 3rd quatrain: fade, ow’st, shade, grow’st
4. Demonstrate how to use the paraphrase chart from packet.
5. Separate students into ability groups and use paraphrase chart for assigned quatrain.
6. Read Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day? by William Shakespeare, 690
7. Take test. P. 151 and do essay for hw.
8. Review math vocab.