7-02 Update

7-02 Update
February 16, 2002
First let me remind you that my Megan will be seventeen this Tuesday (the 19th) so Happy Birthday to her.
Varia came on Saturday afternoon and it was so good to see her. Joellen, she has grown up but her
appearance has not changed. She came back on Monday for a visit. She had to be back in Ufa this week to
begin her new semester at the university---the aviation one where her father teaches.
Belated Valentine Day: Please forgive my not getting cards out, especially my family. But thanks for all
the wonderful e-ones I received. I know many do not like the electronic cards, but they are the best and
most certain you can send me and I can send you. Thursday was spent at School #39 serving on a jury to
select the 8th Form winners of their valentine presentations on the history of the custom and the manner in
which it has been celebrated through the years. The big winner was 8B. All the presentations were in
English and they spoke and performed beautifully. My Valentine treats were boxes of candy from Kevin,
Hans and Tatiana from school #39.
Travel Plans: Remember you get a real break this month. I depart for Moscow on Saturday (February
16th) evening and for Istanbul on the 17th. Kevin and I will be accompanied by three nationals for a
meeting there until the 22nd. On the 23rd we will fly to Izmir for the next meeting and then the third
meeting begins on the 27th and ends on March 3rd. Dima and I are planning a short vacation with Suzette,
Joey and Josiah after the meetings so we will arrive home on March 10th. See ways to reach me at the end
of the update.
Response to pictures: Many persons sent a plaintive plea explaining their old computers, limited assess
and limited reception capabilities. But just in case you think I must be handled with kid gloves, I offer
Fran's (AC roommate) statement before she even knew I asked for honesty. "I love you, BUT---, now I
know that I bugged you forever to send pictures, but please stop!!!" Seriously, I am pleased that many
expressed what they wanted to receive and I will rearrange the lists when I return from Turkey according to
the wishes. In the meantime no more pictures until I do.
Package: JanetM must have put this one on wings. She mailed it on January 19th, and it arrived on last
Thursday (the 7th), I got the notice on the 8th, but could not pick it up until Monday. That establishes a
real record and especially since it supposedly went to Kazakhstan and back here. I really doubt it, but the
notice stated that the package was from there. Just in case, everyone, please put Russia at bottom and right
above it Republic of Tatarstan. If not, they tend to mix up Kazan and Kazakhstan. The zip code is for the
city post office, not for the republic or country. I could not believe the goodies. Dima was as excited as I.
There were family pictures so I could get visually introduced since we have never met in person. Dima
was really shocked when I told him that bit of information. He could not believe that the person who sent
all these items had never met me. The two small rack hangers I understood were to replace the one I gave
away the last time and will be great for socks and napkins and all the small items I wash. There were two
small vases (ones with many holes to assist in flower arrangements), but one will make a perfect toothbrush
holder and if she had stood in my bathroom and selected it, she could not have matched the color better.
The 4 boxes of jello were as always appreciated and the spices as priceless as they were in the middle ages
for the western Europeans---2 cinnamon sticks, 2 cloves (Becky and I will really use those this summer
with our planned canning), 2 All Spice; the matches came just as I was about to give out; the three fly
swatters were absolutely ingenious; the foil loaf pans fantastic since I just got into the meatloaf mode; and
you cannot imagine the celebration over the paper baking cups; Dima eyed the chewing gum and he will
get his fair share. I had heard the Anderson Office Max was closing and Janet must have had the same
news about one in Dudley, MA because she supplied my office. Various sized index cards were most
appreciated, paper clips (not just any, but colored ones as well as colored thumb tacks), envelopes--letter
and legal sized; markers---one package of Fineliners, another of permanent markers, plus one of #2 pencils
and two of felt tipped pens. Two wite out and two packages of glue sticks---always needed for financial
receipts being pasted. Ivory soap gave the real touch of home. Janet was the tour company counselor that I
had the great fortune to work with on AC trips and we usually chatted at least once weekly for years so it is
not that we are strangers, but when I come home, one of my first trips is to the region of Boston to meet
Janet and her parents, Esther and Fred. In answer to my e-mail, she stated that she sent two of many things
because last time I gave some things away so she sent one to give and one to keep. Can you believe???
Telephone Calls: ElsieF, called on Saturday to see how I was. She is another stranger who took me in. I
did not know her at the time she made and sent bedspreads, bolster pillow covers, napkins and place mats.
I did get to meet her when I was home in October We are so excited that she, Gary and others from their
community are planning to come this summer or fall. JeanneF (a traveling friend and Dima's and my Lake
Hartwell boating guide last fall) called then on Sunday night to check on me and announce a new
granddaughter. It is always such a treat to hear a home voice. Jeanne promises a visit next winter or
Scenes of the Week: All our "boys" out in the snowy woods behind Kevin's apartment building and
holding a cookout on Sunday. Can you believe that in slightly above zero weather a cookout was planned?
Tim admitted later that it was not really his idea, but his girls' wish. (Sounded much like Malura's
spontaneous picnics when she was small. She invited guests and then announced her picnics and Ken
always rushed out and gathered the food and then I was roped into cooking it.) Anyway I learned the hard
way that I must be careful what I write in these updates. I had glibly written that I was planning to make
potato salad and even though I truly meant to do so just as quickly forgot it. That was until Missy called to
say that Hans told her that I was preparing the potato salad. Better watch that boy, he reads!! It was a
wonderful relaxing fellowship day so the Bentley girls did a good thing.
Dima and I went sailing several times this week, at least that was his assessment as we made our
way to McDonald's parking lot Well so it was in the car. With the meltdown every road looks like a creek
to be forded. The very real concern is that the water is not hiding a deep hole into which the car might
literally fall. Wisdom says lag behind, let another car go first and follow its path. Jon and I had the same
experience last Sunday when one of the cars ahead of us stalled out.
Sometimes I realize that I have become rather immune to daily life. I was commenting to
someone that the really funny things did not happen much any more and the answer was that they did but
they were so ordinary to me now that I simply did not notice. However, I was sickened this week. As we
made our way along the canal, there on the sidewalk was a drunken man passed out and lying on the wet,
cold pavement. Two adversaries in the same state were either fighting over the man or arguing between
themselves, but just as we passed one swung at the other knocking the proposed victim's hat over the railing
and if not to the canal below, at least to a precarious bank. Losing one's hat in 30-35 degree weather is bad,
but horrible if the temperature drops below it. It is sad but the basic picture is so ordinary it is easy to
accept it as perfectly normal. Please remember this as a primary problem, which needs the touch of the
Master's hand to correct.
Home cooking or at least American dishes were plentiful this week. There was the potato salad
on Sunday, tuna salad on Tuesday, pimiento cheese several times during the week and barbecued pork
chops on Friday. Barbara had sent me several jars of pimiento, but it was one of the items I kept thinking if
I use it, it will be gone and I may want it later. Anyway Hans mentioned his desire for some pimiento
cheese salad and I decided it was time to try and make some. Years ago I had a wonderful recipe, but it is
one of those things that fell by the wayside as I opted for Mrs. Ruth's (I think that is the right name of the
store bought brand). I did a simplified version of nothing more than the grated cheese, pimiento and
mayonnaise, but it has been fabulous. Galina limits me to half a loaf twice a week because I usually waste
so much according to her so we share the loaves now. Dima could not understand as we left the office on
Wednesday afternoon when I said I had to have bread. He looked and said, "You are eating bread?" I
answered, "Yes, since I have pimiento cheese." Certainly doing nothing for the need to lose weight.
Fire in the apartment building was rather interesting. One afternoon I fell asleep and was awaken
by the doorbell and immediately smelled smoke. Needless to say I was at a loss as to what to do. I went to
the door to find all the neighbor ladies in the hallway, but they never addressed me and the next door one
went back into her apartment so I did also. Then in a few minutes I opened the door again to hear the
across the hall neighbor stating as she descended from the fifth floor that there was trash on fire. Again no
one bothered to explain or ask for any assistance so I went back in. Still not sure of what I should do, I
opened the door to find those two and another lady with buckets of water but evidently satisfied that they
had extinguished the fire. Though I stood in the door each time, not one ever directed any comments or
tried in any way to communicate with me. I assume if there had been danger at any point that they would
do so.
Weather Report: Just disappointing is the most positive thing I can say. On Wednesday morning I was
thrilled to see the rooftops covered in snow. Yet when I checked the temperature it was hovering at zero.
It hovered and snowed all day. At +5C today the melting slush is running like torrents in all the streets and
as Liliya said when we went shopping for table cover material this morning, "let's go swimming." Friday
morning it snowed all morning, but at +2C it did not stand a chance of accumulating. Snow during Friday
night has once again covered the rooftops and at -4C it may make it through the day, but you can imagine
the frozen sidewalks are now a thing to be approached gingerly.
Cultural Report: The Chailipin Festival ended Thursday evening with a grand gala, but the closing night
of operas was on Wednesday with the Barber of Seville. Dima and I attended along with seemingly
everybody else in town and dressed to the hilt, much more so than normal. Just watching the outfits was
great fun. Thank goodness they did not modernize it. The opening scene swept me away to Seville. Count
Almaviva was played by the same person as the court from the Marriage of Figaro in the dress rehearsal
night. Matched to Rosina in this performance he was far better than previously. Figaro was from the
Marinsky Opera in St. Petersburg and performed the role of the count in the Marriage of Figaro on opening
night. Why they did not use him as Figaro in that performance is now a major mystery to me. He was a
whimsical and vibrant Figaro. In fact the entire cast turned in stellar performances. Voices were strong
and clear and blended perfectly together. The acting was the best of the festival. In the closing scene
perched on a table both in white from head to foot for their final number, Rosina and Almaviva reminded
me of a couple on the top of a traditional American wedding cake.
Work Report: Taught my first class at the PED (Pedagogical Institution) this week and had fun as usual.
The students are actually psychology majors but their second subject area is English so they need cultural
content and listening practice. I am trying to combine the two. The instructors who attended were pleased
so I assumed I did all right. Planning for groups is really important now as we gear up for summer minus
Missy and Tim and Kristina and Kevin--both families will come stateside for a time. As with anything,
though, if we get the plans in place and all arrangements made, it is relatively simple after that. For those
coming please note the dates Kevin and I will be away. Dima will be in the office until the last of
February. Then he will accompany Kristen to the doctor in Moscow and then fly to Turkey for the last of
the meeting. For the March groups all needs to be in before the 27 th of February and for the May group all
is fine until we return if that is necessary. For the June groups please begin collecting information as
requested and set your deadline for May 1 to have all submitted. Naturally for all groups the sooner we
have your information, the sooner we can give you exact answers and clear plans.
Fun Report: On Tuesday I was so busy that Becky and I could not meet so we switched our meeting to
Friday. Hans came later and did his usual gate keeping. Kathy joined us after her classes at #132. Gulnor
came to tell me goodbye and so dinner and the time after were very special. Hans had brought ice cream,
Kathy brought ice cream and then Gulnor came in with her banana and ice cream. Not knowing the other
two had brought theirs and knowing we needed more than Gulnor's, I was sending her to get another two
packs when Kathy realized and declared the freezer runneth over with ice cream. So naturally we had to
finish the barbecued pork chop dinner with banana splits. At one time the conversation turned rather
morbid as Becky reported on the news she had watched. Gulnor requested we change the topic and before
long we were singing silly songs, selections from our favorite musicals and whatever came to mind. You
must remember there are no vocalists in the group, but we managed a tune ever so often.
Not particularly fun, but Galina and I really put this apartment in order on Friday. While I am
gone there will be a guest here and Galina will look after him so that meant white glove inspections time.
It meant filing away and throwing again the piles of papers in my office, the books stuck here and there in
the bookcases had to be put in order, and this morning the sheets changed and washed. Whew, it is much
work to go away. Anyway the apartment felt so clean when we finished that I just had to go barefoot to
Galina's and Gulnor's dismay.
Praises: For the completion of most of our business activities this week--powers of attorney, for extension
of bank access, for seemingly working out arrangements to keep the office where it is for at least six more
months, registration of cars. For Chat and Chai and the ones coming For the translation on the cartoon,
which has been completed. For the recovery (after virus struck the computer) of nineteen Tatar songs to
use in praise. For continued distribution of materials. For what many see as a new generation now
becoming more interested in moral values--the sign of hope for another generation. For Olga and my
massages this week and what seems to be improvement in my shoulder. For the celebration of Pat
Mulligan month at my home place. For Lilya's help with the table covers for the display table at the
meetings we are attending. For Gulnor's growing interest. For Lilya's seeming peace since her separation
and her family's embracing of her---she feared they would not do so.
Requests: For traveling protection for all coming to the meetings in Turkey. For the meetings themselves
that they will provide the training needed and give focus to the work. For a bigger place so that we can
expand the work of the Center. For Josiah who has run a high fever all week. For Becky who has not felt
well. For Kristen and her continued bouts with dizziness. For Gulnor who has had flu this week. For
Alfea's mother who had lung surgery this week--do not yet have the test results so the hope is that the
results will be benign. For those who will come to record the cartoon--that all will be in place and it will go
well. For the mass recording and then publication of the newly written and recorded praise songs in Tatar.
Now please work on asking for improvement of my arm. For Gulnor's seeking. For Lilya as we all
minister that she might come to know full peace.
Will be in Istanbul Feb. 16-23 at Hotel Prince, Address: Nobethane Caddesi, Kargili Sokak, No:5
Sirkeci - Istanbul Phone : 90.212. 513 25 50 / 513 25 50 Fax: 90.212. 522 43 59
Will be in Izmir from Feb. 23-Mar. 3 at The Richmond Hotel Pamucak – Selcuk 35920, Izmir, Turkey
Tel: +90 232 893 10 60
Will be in Izmir from March 3-9 at Joey and Suzette Howard's. Overnight train from Moscow on the 9 th
and reach Kazan early the morning of the 10 th.