Form JBCD-5 Empowering Dreams for the Future SENIOR ATTENDANCE PERMIT School: Semester: Pursuant to Administrative Rule JBCD-R (Transfers) the following Cobb County School District SENIOR has applied to remain as a student here for this school year. Documentation is attached verifying that the move out of the District/zone occurred after completion of the junior year. Acceptable student attendance, behavior, and grades as well as a cordial and cooperative working relationship between the parent/guardian and school personnel are required in order for this to be approved and in order to remain valid. Bus transportation is not provided. This application must be fully completed. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Student Name: Parent/Guardian Name: Previous Address: Apartment Complex Name: City: Apartment Number: Zip: New Address: Apartment Complex Name: City: Apartment Number: Zip: Phone: Home: Date of Move: E-mail: Cell: (documentation required) Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: PLEASE DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SCHOOL USE ONLY ****************************************************************************************** Approved Denied Principal Signature: Date: Original: To be filed in student record 10/08/14: Student Support Copy: To be sent to Student Reporting *JBCD-5* Page 1 of 1