List of Stories From This American Life: 20 Acts in 60 Minutes Act One: Don't I Know You? Act Two: No, Of Course I Know You Act Three: It’s Commerce That Brings Us Together Act Four: The Sound Of One Hand Waving Act Five: The Sound Of No Hands Clapping Act Six: Reaching Out With Radio Act Seven: Up Where The Air Is Clear Act Eight: The Greatest Dog Name In The World Act Nine: Of Dogs And Men Act Ten: To Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind Act Eleven: Etiquette Lesson Act Twelve: To Tell The Truth Act Thirteen: More Lies Act Fourteen: Call In Colonel Musturd For Questioning Act Fifteen: Mister Prediction Act Sixteen: That One Guy At The Office Act Seventeen: You Can't Choose Your Gift Act Eighteen: Party Talk Act Nineteen: A Hard Life At The Top Act Twenty: The Greatest Moment I Ever Saw On A Stage