Double Standards The drinking age should be lowered from twenty-one to eighteen. The reason I believe this has to happen is because our country is built on the principles that we are all equal and should be treated the same. So don’t you want to know why a person who is considered an adult in every situation except one when he or she turns eighteen. One of the most important rights in the world is given to hundreds of American citizens who turn eighteen each year. These young adults now have the right to participate in the election of the most powerful man in the entire world, our president. Now lets think about this these young adults help elect their local, state, and federal government officials to run our country. So what I want to know is “why are these young adults allowed to elect the most powerful man in the world, but yet they are considered to be too young or not responsible enough to drink alcohol.” I am sure you all remember when Fargo sent its very own national guard over seas. They weren’t in any real serious danger and they all did a good job serving their country. However they had many soldiers that went that were only eighteen, nineteen, and twenty. Now these men served their country proudly and did the best the could, that takes a lot of nerve to tell them that “Yeah, you can go over seas and even get shot at, but you just aren’t old enough to have a beer.” Do you see what is wrong with this yet? This last example I have for you is the one that makes me the most upset. When you turn eighteen and sometimes they say even before you turn eighteen you will be tried as an adult. Now we have rules for a reason and those rules need to be followed not bent or misused. Now I know you are wondering, “What is he talking about?” Well, I will tell you. When a sixteenyear-old boy commits a horrible crime, he is usually tried as an adult, well now how can this be right? You are bending the rules just because you don’t want this boy out in public. Don’t get me wrong, I believe if an adult commits a crime he or she should be punished but when you set an age on something you should stick with it and not bend it for certain situations that you think should be altered for different people. It’s the same with drinking. You are an adult when you are eighteen and are subject to every law and the strictest punishments under the United States Judicial system, but again you are not old enough to have an alcoholic drink. I have tried to show you as many examples of this double standard as possible. I find it to be irritating because I am only nineteen years old and my country expects me to act and it will treat me like an adult in all situations except this one. I have to pay taxes, I am allowed to elect our leaders, I can and would go to war for my country to protect her, and I will be punished as an adult if I commit a crime. So why in every situation except for one am I considered an adult? Double standards are wrong and yet the most powerful country in the world has them. Even though it may seem small, it is still wrong. This is my work sited that proves I am not alone in my opinion. The Drinking Age 4 December, 2000 aURL=http%3A%2F%2Fask%2Edirecthit%2Ecom%2Ffcgi%2Dbin%2FRedirURL% 2Efcg%3Furl%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwebpages%2Eshepherd%2Eedu%2Ftwilso01%2 Fargument%2Ehtml%26qry%3Ddrinking%2Bage%26rnk%3D4%26src%3DDH%5F Ask%5FSRCH&qCategory=food&metaTopic=The+Drinking+Age&ItemOrdinal=3 &logQID=FD0B9476B001A54E81AB7E6FD0660137&sv=17&back=http%3A%2F %2Fwww%2Eask%2Ecom%2Fmain%2Faskjeeves%2Easp%3Forigin%3D7039%26a sk%3Ddrinking%2Bage%26search%3Ddrinking%2Bage