EHP3 for SAP CRM 7.0 October 2014 English Error! Reference source not found. CRM Connectivity (C71) Building Block Configuration Guide SAP SE Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best Practices CRM Connectivity (C71): Configuration Guide Copyright © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. Please see for additional trademark information and notices. Some software products marketed by SAP SE and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary. 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This document, or any related presentation, and SAP SE’s or its affiliated companies’ strategy and possible future developments, products, and/or platform directions and functionality are all subject to change and may be changed by SAP SE or its affiliated companies at any time for any reason without notice. The information in this document is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality. All forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates, and they should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. © SAP SE Page 2 of 14 SAP Best Practices Revision Change Date CRM Connectivity (C71): Configuration Guide Description 0 © SAP SE Page 3 of 14 SAP Best Practices CRM Connectivity (C71): Configuration Guide Icons Icon Meaning Caution Example Note Recommendation Syntax Typographic Conventions Type Style Description Example text Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options. Cross-references to other documentation. Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables. EXAMPLE TEXT Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Example text Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools. EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key. Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. <Example text> Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. © SAP SE Page 4 of 14 SAP Best Practices CRM Connectivity (C71): Configuration Guide Contents 1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 6 2 CRM Settings ........................................................................................................................ 6 3 2.1 Creating RFC User in Client 000 (SAP CRM Client 000) .............................................. 6 2.2 Maintaining Profile for RFC User (SAP CRM Client 000).............................................. 7 2.3 Change Password of RFC User (SAP CRM Client 000) ............................................... 7 2.4 Creating RFC User (SAP CRM) .................................................................................... 8 2.5 Maintaining Profile for RFC User (SAP CRM) ............................................................... 9 2.6 Defining Password of RFC User (SAP CRM) ................................................................ 9 2.7 Creating RFC Destination for Replication & Realignment (targeting Appl. Client) ...... 10 2.8 Creating RFC Destination for Replication & Realignment (targeting Client 000) ........ 11 2.9 Changing Password of RFC User in RFC Destinations .............................................. 12 2.10 Registering Queues ..................................................................................................... 12 2.11 Starting Queue Demon and Queues ........................................................................... 13 Pre-Assembled Deployment ............................................................................................... 14 © SAP SE Page 5 of 14 SAP Best Practices CRM Connectivity (C71): Configuration Guide CRM Connectivity: Configuration Guide 1 Purpose This building block describes the activities that are necessary to connect the various components of an SAP CRM system landscape. 2 CRM Settings 2.1 Creating RFC User in Client 000 (SAP CRM Client 000) Use An RFC user is required in client 000 for the replication and realignment queues. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SU01 SAP CRM GUI menu Architecture and Technology System Administration User Maintenance Users 2. In the User field, enter RFCUSER. 3. Choose Create (F8). 4. Enter the following data: Address tab page Last Name RFCUSER Function Default User for RFC connection Logon data tab page Password WELCOME Repeat Password WELCOME User type System Defaults tab page Logon Language EN 5. Save (Ctrl + S) your entries. The system user RFCUSER is created with the initial password LOGIN. © SAP SE Page 6 of 14 SAP Best Practices CRM Connectivity (C71): Configuration Guide The user has the profile SAP_ALL assigned, which gives full authorization rights. If this authorization is not applicable to your project you can restrict the rights of this user according to SAP Note 0338537. 2.2 Maintaining Profile for RFC User (SAP CRM Client 000) Use Assignment of proper authorization profile to RFC user. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SU01 SAP CRM menu Architecture and Technology System Administration User Maintenance Users 2. In the User field, enter RFCUSER. 3. Choose Change. 4. Enter the following data: Profiles tab page Profile SAP_ALL 5. Save your entries. The system user RFCUSER is created. To all created technical users the profiles SAP_ALL is assigned manually, which gives them full authorization rights. If this authorization is not applicable to your project you have to restrict the rights of these users according to your company’s security policy (see SAP Note 0338537for details). 2.3 Change Password of RFC User (SAP CRM Client 000) Use With this activity you have to decide, if you want to define another password than INITIAL for the new RFCUSER, which is a dialog user. Procedure 1. Log on to system with RFCUSER and initial password INITIAL. 2. On the password change pop-up screen, change the password (for example, into WELCOME) and confirm it. 3. Log off the system. © SAP SE Page 7 of 14 SAP Best Practices CRM Connectivity (C71): Configuration Guide 4. Note the new password for system user RFCUSER for your project. Result The initial password has been successfully changed. 2.4 Creating RFC User (SAP CRM) Use An RFC user is required for setting up the connectivity between systems. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SU01 SAP CRM GUI menu Architecture and Technology System Administration User Maintenance Users 2. In the User field, enter RFCUSER. 3. Choose Create (F8). 4. Enter the following data: Address tab page Last Name RFCUSER Function Default User for RFC connection Logon data tab page User Type Dialog Password INITIAL Repeat Password INITIAL Defaults tab page Logon Language EN 5. Save your entries. Result The RFC user has been successfully created. © SAP SE Page 8 of 14 SAP Best Practices 2.5 CRM Connectivity (C71): Configuration Guide Maintaining Profile for RFC User (SAP CRM) Use Assignment of proper authorization profile to RFC user. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SU01 SAP CRM menu Architecture and Technology System Administration User Maintenance Users 2. In the User field, enter RFCUSER. 3. Choose Change. 4. Enter the following data: Profiles tab page Profile Restrict the rights of these users according to your company’s security policy (see SAP Note 338537 for details) 5. Save your entries. Result Proper authorization has been assigned to the new RFC user. 2.6 Defining Password of RFC User (SAP CRM) Use With this activity you have to decide, if you want to define another password than INITIAL for the new RFCUSER (which is a dialog user). Procedure 1. Log on to system with RFCUSER and initial password INITIAL. 2. On the password change pop-up screen, change the password (for example, into WELCOME) and confirm it. 3. Log off the system. 4. Note the new password for system user RFCUSER for your project. Result You have successfully defined a new password for the RFC user. © SAP SE Page 9 of 14 SAP Best Practices 2.7 CRM Connectivity (C71): Configuration Guide Creating RFC Destination for Replication & Realignment (targeting Appl. Client) Use This step describes how to create an RFC destination for replication and realignment Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SM59 SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management CRM Middleware and Related Components Communication Setup Define RFC Destinations 2. Choose Create (F8). 3. Enter the following data: Field Entry RFC Destination SAPCRM_MW_RR_<CRM client> Connection Type L (Logical Destination) Description Processing R&R queues – application client 4. Choose Enter. Logon & Security tab page Authorization Language -- Client <your CRM client> User RFCUSER Password WELCOME Current user Unencrypted password 5. Choose Enter. Special Options Set RFC Trace Deselect Slow RFC Connection Deselect 6. Save your entries. 7. Confirm the information message. 8. You can now test your newly created RFC connection using Test connection. © SAP SE Page 10 of 14 SAP Best Practices CRM Connectivity (C71): Configuration Guide Result You have successfully created the RFC connection for replication and realignment. 2.8 Creating RFC Destination for Replication & Realignment (targeting Client 000) This RFC connection has to be created in the current application client and not in client 000. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SM59 SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management CRM Middleware and Related Components Communication Setup Define RFC Destinations 2. Choose Create (F8). 3. Enter the following data: Field Entry RFC Destination SAPCRM_MW_RR_000 Connection Type L (Reference Entry (Refers to other destination)) Description Processing R&R queues – client 000 4. Choose Enter. Logon/Security Authorization -- Language -- Client 000 User RFCUSER Password WELCOME Current user -- Unencrypted password -- 5. Save (Ctrl + S) your entries. Result The RFC connection has been successfully created in the current application client. © SAP SE Page 11 of 14 SAP Best Practices 2.9 CRM Connectivity (C71): Configuration Guide Changing Password of RFC User in RFC Destinations Use RFC destinations are created automatically without a password for the RFC user. This password has to be maintained manually. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SM59 SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management CRM Middleware and Related Components Communication Setup Define RFC Destinations 2. Select the RFC connection and choose Change (F7). 3. Enter the following data: Field Entry Logon/Security Password <Password, created in transaction SU01>: WELCOME 4. Save (Ctrl + S) your entries. Result You have successfully set a password for the RFC user. 2.10 Registering Queues Use All replication and realignment queues for the data exchange between the ERP system and the CRM system are registered automatically when starting the replication. The CSA queues have to be registered manually. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SMQR SAP CRM IMG menu CRM CRM Middleware and Related Components Queue Setup Register CSA Queues 2. Choose Registration. 3. On the Queue Registration screen, make the following entries: © SAP SE Page 12 of 14 SAP Best Practices CRM Connectivity (C71): Configuration Guide Field name User action and values Queue name CSA* Mode D Max. Runtime 60 Logical Destination Attempts 30 Pause 300 Scheduler Monitoring 0 4. Register an additional queue: Field name User action and values Queue name R3A* Mode D Max. Runtime 60 Logical Destination Attempts 30 Pause 300 Scheduler Monitoring 5. Choose Continue (Enter). Result The CSA* and the R3A* queues are registered and are displayed in the queue list. 2.11 Starting Queue Demon and Queues Use This step describes how to release the queues and start the queue demon. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SMOHQUEUE SAP CRM GUI menu Architecture and Technology Middleware Monitoring Queues Monitor R&R Queues 2. Choose Start Queue Demon. 3. Release all queues by choosing Release Queue and selecting the valid line in the column field Client. © SAP SE Page 13 of 14 SAP Best Practices CRM Connectivity (C71): Configuration Guide 4. Perform step 3 for all the queues SUBCHECK, REALIGN, DEPENDENCY, EXTRACT, EXTRACTBLK and AC_EXTRACT. 5. Perform steps 3 and 4 also for Client 000 by deselecting the checkbox Display current client (XXX) only and choosing Refresh. Result You have successfully released all the queues SUBCHECK, REALIGN, DEPENDENCY, EXTRACT, EXTRACTBLK and AC_EXTRACT and the queue demon has successfully been started. 3 Pre-Assembled Deployment Use If you follow the “pre-assembled deployment” approach, some parts of the SAP Best Practices for CRM content are already activated, whereas others still need to be activated. Therefore, all configuration tasks are classified into one of the following categories: Pre-Assembly (“Pre”): Configuration tasks classified as ‘Pre-Assembly’ have already been executed and do not need to be re-activated during an implementation project. Post-Processing (“Post”): ‘Post-Processing’ configuration tasks still need to be performed in the target system landscape. Some tasks can be classified as both ‘Pre-Assembly’ and ‘Post-Processing’; this means that these tasks have been pre-assembled, but need to be checked and potentially modified during the post-assembly phase. ERP Integrated CRM Standalone Configuration Task System Pre Post Pre Post 2.1 Creating RFC User in Client 000 (SAP CRM Client 000) X n.a. n.a. CRM 2.2 Maintaining Profile for RFC User (SAP CRM Client 000) X n.a. n.a. CRM n.a. n.a. CRM n.a. n.a. CRM 2.3 Change Password of RFC User (SAP CRM Client 000) X 2.4 Creating RFC User (SAP CRM) X 2.5 Maintaining Profile for RFC User (SAP CRM) X n.a. n.a. CRM 2.6 Defining Password of RFC User (SAP CRM) X n.a. n.a. CRM 2.7 Creating RFC Destination for Replication & Realignment (targeting Appl. Client) X n.a. n.a. CRM 2.8 Creating RFC Destination for Replication & Realignment (targeting Client 000) X n.a. n.a. CRM 2.9 Changing Password of RFC User in RFC Destinations X n.a. n.a. CRM 2.10 Registering Queues X n.a. n.a. CRM 2.11 Starting Queue Demon and Queues X n.a. n.a. CRM © SAP SE Page 14 of 14