„POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: “EMERGING SYSTEMS” FACULTY OF AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN /SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER ENGINEERING Year of studies: Master Semester: 1 Course instructor: Lecturer Mihai UDRESCU-MILOSAV PhD Applications instructor: Oana BONCALO PhD Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 3 2 Project Evaluation Ex Credits A. COURSE OBJECTIFS This course approaches an essential aspect regarding the engineering training process of the master program: understanding and employing the emerging computing technologies and techniques. The need for these new technologies and the benefits that come along are thoroughly explained, as well as the difficulties in implementing them. The advent of the first commercial quantum computer (built by the D-Wave Systems Company) and its presentation at Stanford University has transformed quantum computation into a high priority trend within the emerging computing technology field. This course is presenting the fundamental features that make quantum computation able to solve in polynomial time (efficiently) some problems that have exponential (inefficient) solutions on a classical computer. B. COURSE SUBJECTS Introduction (2 hours): ITRS (International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors) guidelines; The ERD – Emerging Research Devices Document; Emerging technologies comparison; Introduction to quantum mechanics; Computer science basics; Quantum Circuits (4 hours): Quantum algorithms; One-qubit operations; Controlled operations; Measurement; Universal gate sets; The circuit model of the quantum computer; Quantum systems simulation; Quantum Fourier transform and its applications (6 hours): Quantum Fourier transform; Phase estimation; Factoring problem – Shor’s algorithm; General applications; Quantum search algorithms (6 hours): Grover’s algorithm; Quantum simulation; Quantum counting; NP-complete problems solution speedup; Search algorithms performance; Black-box algorithms limitations; Quantum computer physical implementation (4 hours): Basic principles; Conditions for quantum computation; Harmonic oscillator quantum computer; Optical photon quantum computer; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; Ion Trap technology, Optical cavity quantum electrodynamics; Quantum computer reliability (4 hours): Classical noise and Markov models; Quantum noise; Quantum information measures; Quantum error correction; Quantum error detection and correction codes; Entropy and information (2 hours): Entanglement; Quantum cryptography. C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) Representing quantum states and transformations with procedural programming languages - 2 lab hours; Quantum program algorithmic emulation. QPL (Quantum Programming Language) scripts - 4 lab hours; Describing quantum circuits with hardware description languages: QHDL and VHDL - 4 lab hours; Automated synthesis of quantum circuits with genetic algorithms - 4 lab hours; Template-based automated synthesis of quantum circuits - 4 lab hours; Quantum circuit reliability assessment: partitioning and reliability graphs - 4 lab hours; Simulation-based quantum fault injection in order to evaluate the accuracy threshold as main reliability measure - 2 lab hours; Gate-level quantum algorithm simulation by FPGA board configuration - 2 lab hours; D. REFERENCES 1. Michael A. Nielsen, Isaac L. Chuang. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. Cambridge University Press, 2000. 2. Sandeer K. Shukla, R.. Iris Bahar (Eds.) Nano, Quantum and Molecular Computing: Implications to High Level Design and Validation. Springer Verlag, 2005. 3. Dan C. Marinescu, Gabriela M. Marinescu. Approaching Quantum Computing. Prentice Hall, 2006. E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE The evaluation process output consists of two grades: one for the laboratory activity, which is yielded by evaluating the implementation of the lab projects, and one for the final exam grade. The relative weight of these grades in the final grade outcome is 66% for the exam and 33% for the lab projects assessment. The final exam lasts for 120 minutes, and consists of a written response to 10 short theoretical questions, plus 2 problems (quantum circuit synthesis and quantum algorithm assessment). F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)( 2.111J/18.435J/ESD.79 Quantum Computation ) 2. California Institute of Technology (CALTECH)(CS219 Quantum Computation) 3. Portland State University (ECE 510 - Quantum Computing) Date: 09.06.2008 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Lecturer dr. Mihai UDRESCU-MILOSAV