Washington High School Overseas Department 2012 Fall 2nd Midterm Criteria-Senior
高一 Grade 10
高二 Grade 11
高三 Grade 12
Group A – Mr. Zahn
Group A – Mr. Mclsaac
Group A-1 – Mr. Brennan
The first midterm exam of the 2012 fall semester will • Review Chapter 6 Scientific Revolution and the
Renaissance, Enlightenment Thinkers, ROC
cover the advanced-reading handouts The Scientific
Enlightenment - Lessons 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Constitution, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Revolution, The Enlightenment in Europe, The
• Review Chapter 7 Nationalism and Revolution –
and The Bill of Rights.
Enlightenment Spreads, and The American Revolution.
Lesson 1.
Review all notes, quizzes and worksheets.
Students are to review these handouts, as well as all
• Review all Key Terms and Names.
Group A-2 –Mr. Mclsaac
worksheets, additional supplemental handouts, and
• Review results of independent research.
• Review Chapter 14 Revolution and Nationalism –
vocabulary lists they have received (or will receive)
• Review all in-class exercises, handouts and homework.
Lessons 1 and 2.
during the past six weeks of the semester.
• The exam will be a mix of multiple choice, short answer and• Review the Chapter 14 Case Study and all work
long answer questions and essay questions.
with it.
Group B-1 – Ms. Mclsaac
• Review Chapter 15 Years of Crisis – Lesson 1.
• Review Chapter 8 Japan and South East Asia –
Group B-1 – Mr. Fenster
• Review all Key Terms and Names.
Lessons 1, 2, and 3.
“Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance”
• Review results of independent research.
• Review Chapter 9 Feudalism in Europe – Lessons “Renaissance Ideas Influence Renaissance Art”
• Review all in-class exercises, handouts and
1 and 2.
“The Northern Renaissance”
• Review all Key Terms and Names.
“City Life in Renaissance Europe”
• The exam will be a mix of multiple choice, short
• Review all in-class exercises, handouts and
Social Studies objectives:
answer and long answer questions and essay questions
1. Understanding and analyzing cause and effect
that focus on the beginning and ending of the Great
• The exam will be a mix of multiple choice, short 2. Understanding social patterns
answer and long answer questions and essay questions.
Group B-2 – Mr. Brennan
Group A-3 – Mr. Fenster
Group B-2 – Mr. Brennan
Chapter 17 lesson 1-3. The Renaissance & Reformation
“An Age of Democracy and Progress”
Chapter 7 Lesson 2-3 China
Know all vocabulary, review all notes, quizzes and worksheets. “Democratic Reform and Activism”
Chapter 8 Lesson 2-3 Japan and South East Asia
“Self-Rule for British Colonies”
Know all vocabulary, review all notes, quizzes and
Social Studies objectives:
1. Understanding and analyzing cause and effect
2. Understanding social structures and patterns
3. Understanding the connection between
Renaissance and modern life.
Mainstream – Mr. Desmarais
- Focus:
Mainstream – Ms. Ting
"The Crucible" by Arthur Miller, pgs. 163 - 245
12A-1 – Mr. Desmarais
-Types of narrator
-Irony (verbal / Situational / Dramatic)
-Characterization / Setting / Conflict
-All Vocab. / all notes
-Haircuts / Calla / In a Gove
-“Apology”/Confucius / Tao
-“The song of Rolesd’ & “The story of Perivale”
-Don Quixote
-Pillow Book / Haiku
-Values & morality in literature
-Romances (and their features)
-Zen in Japanese Lit
-Notes from “the Shawshank Redemption”
HPS-4 – Mr. Fenster
“Searching for Summer”
“By the Waters of Babylon”
“The Prestige”
Literature Skills:
1. Recognizing and understanding plot and plot structures
2. Recognizing and understanding characters (main/ minor)
3. Making inferences and connections
4. Critical thinking
HPS 3 – Mr. Mclsaac
• Review the novel – The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian and all work associated with it.
• Review the Literary Terms and Features including (but not limited to): Fiction, Plot Structure, Character, Character
types, Setting, Infer, Foreshadow, Narrator, Simile, Metaphor, Mood, theme, motif, and Conflict.
• Review all vocabulary.
• The exam will be a mix of multiple choice, short answer, short response and essay questions.
HPS 2 – Ms. W. Chen
Review Chapter 4
_ Test will focus on possessive forms, objective pronouns, reflexive pronouns and questions
_ The test will include filling in the blanks, multiple choice, writing the questions, and error correction.
HPS 1 – Ms. Chen
- Review the stories A Mother in Mannville and The Ransom of Red Chief and notes.
*Test will focus on basic understanding of stories, plot structure, point of view, characterization and figurative language
-Review all vocabulary
- The test will mix short answer questions, multiple choice, sentence making and vocabulary matching.
-Suspension of Disbelieve / fantasy in lit
-Parody & Tone
12A-2 – Ms. Ting
from Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, pgs. 440 - 445
Zen Teachings and Parables by Muso Soseki, pgs. 510
- 517
Japanese Haiku by Matsuo Basho, Yosa Buson, and
Kobayashi Issa, pgs. 540 - 546
Haiku in the 20th Century by Jose Tablada and Richard
Wright, pgs 546 - 550
12A-3 – Mr. Dumount
Vocabulary from “Oedipus: the King
Multiple Choice: Comprehension & Detail questions
for all readings covered this term
Short Answer Questions:
“Oedipus: The King” - The Tragic Hero / Dramatic
Irony / “The Hobbit” Chapters 3, 4, and 5
Writing—Mr. Desmarais
1. perfect tenses: present perfect, past perfect , future*Hand in Essay
perfect (3-2, 3-5, 4-6)
2. Adjective clauses (Ch13)
3. Noun clauses (Ch 12)
Grammar –Ms. Chen
Writing –Ms. Ting
Personal Statement/Autobiographical Incident
HPS 4 Grammar -- Ms. Chuang
-Chapter 10-Passive Voice:
· understand what a basic form of a Passive Voice sentence is
distinguish Active Voice VS Passive Voice
analyze the need of using by-phrase (agent)
acknowledge Transitive VS Intransitive Verbs
use get + past participle
use past participle as adjective to describe feelings
use used to ; be used to ; be supposed to
A-1 Writing – Mr. Desmarais
*Hand in Essay
A-2 Writing -- Mr. Armstrong
Students must have their persuasive essays read to
hand in. Their essays should include a cover page
and be formatted and structure as taught in class.
A-3—Mr. Dumont
Vocabulary of Persuasion
Working with (& explaining) Controversial Topics
Creating Persuasive Thesis’s
Making Counterclaims
Ethos / Logos / Pathos arguments
Writing a Persuasive Paragraph
HPS4 Writing—Mr. Dumont
Vocabulary of Persuasion
Working with (& explaining) Controversial Topics
Creating Persuasive Thesis’s
Making Counterclaims
Ethos / Logos / Pathos arguments
HPS 3 Grammar- Ms. Lu
Review Unit 2
Ø The passive voice-form( simple present, present continuous, future, simple past, past continuous, present
perfect and modal)
Ø The passive voice and active voice (Transitive and Intransitive verbs)
Ø The passive voice with Get
Ø Participles uses as adjective to show feelings
Ø Test will include:
² Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses
² Editing (Passive voice) / Fill in the blank
ü (Participles uses as adjective to show feelings) / (get + the past participle)
² Rewrite the sentence / (Active voice→Passive voice/ Passive voice→Active voice)
HPS3 Writing – Mr. Armstrong
Students must study and fully understand all vocabulary from the term, and must be prepared to write a
persuasive paragraph on a provided topic. Their Paragraphs must be stricture as taught in class.
HPS 2 Grammar – Ms. Chen
1. The Cask of Amontillado
2. from Angela's Ashes
3. fiction v.s. non-fiction
a. Vocabulary (all the words from Words to Know section and the words explained in class)
b. story comprehension (pay attention to what a question is asking: what, how, why, who, where, when) and
always support your answer with story details)
c. Critical thinking
HPS2 Writing- Mr. Bell
Chapter 9 (Persuasive Paragraphs), and Chapter 3 (Topic Sentences)
You will be expected to answer several short answer questions, and on long answer question, including brainstorming.
HPS 1 Grammar – Mr. Bell
Chapter 3 (The Simple Present) and Chapter 4 (Present Progressive)
You will also need to review Chapters 1 and 2, as they will be tested as well.
HPS 1 Writing – Mr. Burger
•Great Writing 1: Unit 2 – Understanding Sentence Basics p. 29 - 65
•Persuasive Writing –Text Structure Worksheets for Persuasive Writing
Group A – Mr. Willemse
Algebraic Expressions 1.1, 1.2
Linear Equations 1.3, 1.4
Linear and Absolute Value Equations and
Inequalities 1.6, 1.7
Slope & Rate of Change
2.2, 2.3
Writing Equations of a Line 2.4
Absolute Value Functions 2.8
Piecewise Defined Functions 2.7
Solving Linear Systems
Linear Equations in 3 dimensions 3.5
Solving Systems of Linear Equations with 3
Variables 3.6
Matrix Operations 4.1, 4.2
Determinants and Cramer’s Rule
Group 10B-1- Ms. Cheng
Chapter 5 and 6 (skip 5.7)+ midterm 1 materials
Group 10B-3 – Mr. Wu
test 2-8 to 5-1
Group A – Mr. Willemse
Linear equations 1.3
Functions 2.1
Analyzing Graphs of Functions 2.2, 2.3
Transformation of graphs 2.4, 2.5
Quadratic Functions 3.1
Polynomial Functions 3.2
Rational Functions 3.3, 3.4
Polynomial and Rational Inequalities 3.5
Rational and Complex Zeros of Polynomials 3.6,3.7
Exponential Functions 4.3
Logarithmic and Inverse Functions 4.2, 4.4
Logarithmic and Exponential Equations 4.5, 4.6
Exponential growth/decay applications 4.7, 4.8
Fitting Data to exponential and logarithmic functions4.9
Group A – Mr. Willemse
Limits and Continuity 1.1-1.5, 3.5
Limit Definition of Derivative 2.1
Basic Differentiation Rules
Product and Quotient Rules 2.3
Higher Order Derivatives: Velocity and Acceleration
The Chain Rule 2.4
Implicit Differentiation 2.5
Related Rates 2.6
Group B-1 – Ms. Cheng
Extrema on an Interval 3.1
Chapter 6 to 7.3 (skip 6.6)+ midterm 1 materials (15%)
Group B-3 – Ms. Chen
Algebra Review
Increasing and Decreasing Functions and 1st
Derivative Test
Concavity and 2nd Derivative Test 3.4
Curve Sketching 3.6
Group B-1 – Ms. Cheng
Derivatives of trig functions, e, ln, log, and exponential
functions, and 2.6 ~ 3.2+ midterm 1 materials (15%)
Group B-3 – Ms. Chen
Algebra Review
Group A Biology-- (Dr. Anstine)
See below
10B Physics -- Mr. Lin
Unit 1 Mechanics
Chapter 4 – Linear Motion
Chapter 6 – Newton’s Second Law of Motion –
Force and Acceleration
Chapter 7 – Newton’s Third Law of Motion – Action
and Reaction
Main Focus on the 2nd Midterm Exam: term
definition, conceptual challenge, computation, and
metric system application.
10B Chemistry -_ Mr. C. Willemse
Modern Chemistry Textbook chapters 4, 5, 6
Workbook pages 25 - 51
Arrangement of Electrons, The Periodic Law,
Chemical Bonding
10Business -- Mr. Wood
See below
Group A (Dr. Anstine)
See below
Group A (Dr. Anstine)
See below
11B Chemistry – Mr. C. Willemse
11B Physics -- Mr. Lin
Modern Chemistry Textbook chapters 4, 5, 6
Workbook pages 25 - 51
Arrangement of Electrons, The Periodic Law, Chemical
11Business – Mr. Chen
Chp16 Marketing
Chp 17 Market segmentation, share and growth
Economic A-1 – Mr. Wood
See below
Chp 18 Products
Chp 19 Price
Chp 20 Distribution
Chp 21 Promotion
Economic A-2 – Ms. Mclsaac
•Review Chapter 2 – Introduction to Economic
Systems – Lesson 1, 2, 3 and 4.
•Review all Key Terms.
•Review all Cluster Diagrams and Summary Charts.
•The exam will be a mix of multiple choice,
vocabulary matching, short answer and essay
10th Grade – Biology 1
Midterm 2 Exam Review
Prepared by Professor Anstine
NOTE: All assignments must be submitted to Dr. Anstine on the following chapter due dates. After these dates the assignments will be reduced by 20 points. Importantly,
chapter assignments should be used as a midterm or final exam review.
Biology I Homework: Chpt 10 (Due 18 Oct ’12)
1. Vocabulary Terms (p256; 15 vocabulary words): provide complete definitions for each vocabulary word
2. Reviewing Content (p257; problems 1-10)
3. Understanding Concepts (p257; problems 11-25). Remember complete sentences in answering these
short answer questions!
4. Critical thinking (p198, problem 26 & 27) Remember complete paragraphs (two or more sentences)
Biology I Homework: Chpt 11 (Due 30 Oct ’12)
1. Vocabulary Terms (p282; 24 vocabulary words): provide complete definitions for each vocabulary word
2. Reviewing Content (p283; problems 1-10)
3. Understanding Concepts (p283; problems 11-21). Remember complete sentences in answering these
short answer questions!
4. Critical thinking (p284, problem 22 & 23) Remember complete paragraphs (two or more sentences)
Biology I Homework: Chpt 12 (Due 13 Nov ’12)
1. Vocabulary Terms (p314; sections 12-1, 12-2, 12-3, 12-4 & 12-5): provide complete definitions for each
vocabulary word
2. Reviewing Content (p315; problems 1-10)
3. Understanding Concepts (p315; problems 11-25). Remember complete sentences in answering these
short answer questions!
4. Critical thinking (p316, problem 26 & 27) Remember complete paragraphs (two or more sentences)
Homework Assignments for Chapters 27-28
Including 2nd Semester Midterm 2 Exam Review
Prepared by Professor Anstine
NOTE: All assignments must be submitted to Dr. Anstine on the following chapter due dates. After these dates your overall grade in the class will be reduced by 20 points for every chapter problem set
handed in late!!! Remember, the most successful WHS students entering the university have mastered this behavior as an important exit outcome from our high school.
Prepared by Professor Anstine
NOTE: Do your very best, I am very proud of our first semester progress; may the force be with you!
Biology I Homework: Chpt 21 (Due 17 Oct ’12)
1. Exercise #01: Module 21.01 (p 269; problems 01-10).
2. Exercise #02-#03: Module 21.02-21.04 (p 270-271; all problems).
3. Exercise #04 & #06: Module 21.04-21.13 (p 272-274; all problems).
4. Exercise #10: Module 21.22-21.23 (p 277; all problems).
5. Exercise #10: Module 21.22-21.23 (p 277-278; all problems). Test Your Knowledge, all problems & Essay problems 1-6).
Biology I Homework: Chpt 21 (Due 24 Oct ’12)
1. Exercise #07: Module 21.14 (p 274; 25 word essay).
2. Exercise #08 & #09: Module 21.15-21.22 (p 275-276; all problems).
3. Exercise #10 Apply the Concepts problems 1-10 (p 278-280; all problems). & Essay problems 1-6).
Biology I Homework: Chpt 22 (Due 31 Oct ’12)
1. Exercise #01: Module 22.01 (p 282; problems 01-09).
2. Exercise #02 & #03: Module 22.02-22.06 (p 282-284; all problems).
3. Exercise #04 & #05: Module 22.06-22.07 (p 285-286; all problems).
4. Exercise #09: Module 22.10-22.12 (p 289-290 Test Your Knowledge, problems 1-11; Essay problems 1-6).
Biology I Homework: Chpt 22 (Due 07 Nov ’12)
1. Exercise #06: Module 22.08 (p 287; problems 1-12).
2. Exercise #07: Module 22.09(p 287; problems 1-09).
3. Exercise #08: Module 22.10-22.11 (p 287-288; all problems).
4. Exercise #09: Module 22.10-22.12; (p 290-292 Apply the Concepts problems 1-11 & Essay problems 1-5).
Biology I Homework: Chpt 23 (Due 14 Nov ’12)
1. Exercise #01: Module 23.01 (p 294; problems 01-12).
2. Exercise #02 & #03: Module 23.02-23.03 (p 294-295; all problems).
3. Exercise #04 & #05: Module 23.03-23.04 (p296; all problems).
4. Exercise #10: Module 23.10 (p 298; essay question)
5. Exercise #11: Module 23.11 (p 299; essay question)
6. Exercise #13: Module 23.14 (p 300)
7. Exercise #15: Summary (p 301-303); problems 1-09, Test Your Knowledge, all problems & Essay problems 1-5).
Biology I Homework: Chpt 23 (Due 21 Nov ’12)
1. Exercise #06 & #07: Module 23.04-23.06 (p 297; all problems).
2. Exercise #08: Module 23.07 (p 298; all problems).
3. Exercise #09: Module 23.08-23.09 (p 263; all problems).
4. Exercise #15: (p 303-304 Apply the Concepts problems 1-10 & Essay problems 1-4).
5. Exercise #12: Module 23.12 (p 299)
6. Exercise #14: Module 23.13-23.15 (p 301)
Homework Assignments for Chapters 9-11
Including Semester 2: Midterm 2 Exam Review
Prepared by Professor Anstine
NOTE: All assignments must be submitted to Dr. Anstine on the following chapter due dates. After these dates your overall grade in the class will be reduced by
20 points for every chapter problem set handed in late!!!
Human A & P Homework: Chpt 06 (Due 22 Oct ’12)
01. Building the Framework: Sec. 1, (p121), problems (1-08)
02. Building the Framework: Sec. 2, (p122), problems (1-7)
03. Building the Framework: Sec. 3, (p122), problem (3)
04. Function of the Bones
Sec. 1, (p122), problems (1-5)
05. Classification of Bones: Sec. 1, (p122), problems (1-9)
06. Bone Structure:
Sec. 1, (p123), problems (A-B)
07. Bone Structure
Sec. 2, (p124), problems (1-07)
08. Bone Structure:
Sec. 3, (p124), problems (1-2)
09. Bone Structure:
Sec. 4, (p125), problems (1-05)
10. Bone Structure:
Sec. 5, (p126), problems (1-12)
11. Bone Structure:
Sec. 6, (p126), problems (1-07)
12. Bone Development:
Sec. 1, (p126), problems (1-06)
13. Bone Development:
Sec. 2 (p126), problems (1-11)
14. Bone Development:
Sec. 4, (p128-129), problems (1-06)
15. Bone Homeostasis: Remodeling and Repair: Sec. 1, (p129), problems (1-08)
Human A & P Homework: Chpt 06 (Due 05 Nov ’12)
01. Bone Homeostasis: Remodeling and Repair: Sec. 2, (p130), problems (1-05)
02. Bone Homeostasis: Remodeling and Repair: Sec. 3, (p130), problems (1-04)
03. Bone Homeostasis: Remodeling and Repair: Sec. 4, (p132), problems (1-11)
04. Bone Homeostasis: Remodeling and Repair: Sec. 5, (p133), problems (1-07)
05. Homeostatic Imbalance of Bone: Sec. 1, (p134), problems 1-06)
06. Developmental Aspects of Bone: Sec. 1, (p134), problems 1-06)
07. Developmental Aspects of Bone: Sec. 2, (p134-135), problems 1-6)
08. Developmental Aspects of Bone: Sec. 3, (p135136), problems 1-5)
Human A & P Homework: Chpt 07 (Due 19 Nov ’12)
01. Building the Framework: Sec. 1, (p144-145), problems (Figure 7.1)
02. Building the Framework: Sec. 2, (p144), problems (1-7)
03. The Axial Skeleton:
Sec. 1, (p146), problem (A-O)
04. The Axial Skeleton:
Sec. 2, (p146-147), problems (A-C)
05. The Axial Skeleton:
Sec. 3, (p148), problems (1-28)
06. The Axial Skeleton:
07. The Vertebral Column:
08. The Vertebral Column:
09. The Vertebral Column:
10. The Vertebral Column:
11. The Thoracic Cage:
12. The Thoracic Cage:
Sec. 4, (p149), problems (1-04, A-B)
Sec. 1, (p150), problems 1-5)
Sec. 2, (p151), problems 1-7)
Sec. 3, (p152), problems 1-11)
Sec. 5, (p150), problems 1-5)
Sec. 1, (p154-155), problems 1-8)
Sec. 2, (p155), problems 1-5)
Business 10 Midterm Semester Study guide
The exam will be based on ALL of the information we have covered this semester, but the main focus will be on the most recently learnt material in chapters 23, 24 & 4. The exam will cover Chapters 1,
2, 3, 4, 23,& 24.
Chapter 1. Pgs 2 - 5
understand the main role of a business. Inputs and outputs
the four main functions of a business
be able to identify the market that a product fits into. e.g. Consumer non-durable,
Chapter 2. Pgs 6 - 12
know what the main objectives of a stakeholder are
the difference between internal and external stakeholder
be able to fill in the missing stakeholders from Figure 2.1
know what private and social costs are
the role of the government
Chapter 3. Pgs 16 - 21
identify the resources essential to any business
what a business needs to operate effectively
identify the unique selling points of a business (USP)
be able to fill in the missing items from Figure 3.1
explain the personal qualities needed to run a business
give reasons why a business may fail
judge the success of a business
Consumer durable, Industrial goods and services
Chapter 4. Pgs 23 - 33
understand the term “working capital”
know the three major forms of finance
identify and understand short-term finance
identify and understand medium-term finance
identify and understand long-term finance
know the other sources of finance
Chapter 23. Pgs 178 - 181
What is a budget
Setting budgets
understand “variance” in terms of budgets
be able to complete a personal budget
Chapter 24. Pgs 183 - 187
understand the importance of “cash flow”
explain what a cash-flow forecast is
know the difference between, cash inflow, cash outflow and net cash flow
understand the difference between opening cash balance and closing cash balance
identify what causes cash flow problems
give examples of various methods to improve cash out flow
Be able to read a short current business article and answer True of False to questions about the article.
Economics 12A-2
Economics 12A-2
Semester 1, Exam 2, Study guide 2012
Semester 1, Midterm Exam, Study guide 2012
The exams focus will be on the material learnt in chapter 1, sections 3 & 4, as well as being able to answer key economic questions on topical world events and situations that may effect the global
Chapter 1, Section 3: pages 18 – 23
Analyzing Production Possibilities
Production Possibility Curve
Understand the quick references;
• Economic Model
• Efficiency
• Underutilization
• Law of Increasing Opportunity Costs
Understand the relationship between the above
Chapter 1, Section 4: pages 24 - 31
Understand the quick references;
• Statistics
• Microeconomics
• Macroeconomics
• Positive economics
• Normative economics
Understand the relationship between the above
Know your global events
You will be asked to list as many global events (maximum 10) on a world map. You will then have to write about one event of your choosing.
You will then have to pick another global event from your map and write how this event was influenced by the first event you wrote about.
Finally you will be asked to predict what you believe will be the outcome of the events you have written about, whether this be ongoing or resolved.
Remember to put on your “Economist hat” and turn your analysis of the events from an opinion into a prediction.
Please note: Your project is due to be presented to the class during week 13 (19-23 November 2012) and is worth 50% of your final grade. Please give the project the attention that it is due.