JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN CIVIL ENGINEERING MECHANIZED CONSTRUCTION IN INDIAN SCENARIO (PRECAST WALL PANEL SYSTEM) 1 MR. SHRIKANT R. BHUSKADE, 2 PROF. ASHOK R. MUNDHADA, 1 P. G. Student, P. R. M. I. T. & R. Badnera, Amravati. 2 P. R. M. I. T. & R. Badnera, Amravati., ABSTRACT : The demand and expectations on the Indian construction industry is increasing rapidly. The Industry has to evolve/adopt/adapt technology to sustain//satisfy these requirements. The need to complete the project on schedule, with site constraints and lack of availability of skilled workers, there is strong case for developing expertise in design and construction of precast concrete construction. Precast wall panel construction system is potentially being a good way to achieve higher efficiency in construction industry. Advancements in construction equipment’s, pre-stressing techniques coupled with use of high strength & high performance concrete has enabled precast concrete technology in improving the construction quality and reducing construction time. More ever, this technology is a blessing in disguise to the shortage of labour facing the Indian construction industry. Though precast concrete construction is being used in India for infrastructure projects like bridge construction etc., it is yet to catch up in the building construction industry. 1. Introduction 1.1 Precast concrete: Precast concrete is concrete that is prepared, cast and manufactured at specially equipped plant with a permanent location. It than transported to the building site for erection. The distance travelled from the casting site may only be a few meters, where on site precasting method are used to avoid expensive haulage (or VAT in some countries), or may be thousands of kilometers, in the case of high value added products where manufacturing and haulage cost are low. 1.2 Features of Precast Concrete: Compared with traditional construction method or other building materials, precast as construction method, and concrete as material, have a number of positive features. Precast concrete is comfortable, versatile, healthy, durable, ecological, fast and affordable. The main advantages of precast process are: The intrinsic quality of an industrial product, manufactured in a controlled environment with accurate methods. Advance quality control, which goes far beyond the checking of the fresh concrete. Dimensional accuracy, the properties of hardens concrete and the position of the reinforcement can all be checked before including an element in the final work. Factory manufacture is independent of weather condition and can be conducted separately from construction work on site. Design Flexibility: For the designer, the first and most significant advantage of architectural precast concrete is its tremendous flexibility. The material offers limitless potential for the development and manipulation of massing, form, color, texture and detail. The material can be used to execute design ideas in a broad range of architectural styles. Economy: A second important advantage of precast concrete is the manufacturing process itself; low consumption of material (Concrete & Steel). The prestressing process saves steel up to 50% and even more. In addition, highly developed factory production techniques within the precast industry help to ensure a high-quality finished product, which meets the project’s requirements for cost and schedule. Environmental Impact: Precast concrete is an environmentally sound material. It is produced from natural materials. No toxic substances are produced in its production or use. Also, the production energy consumption of the concrete is quite small. 1.3 Wall panel system: Precast wall frame construction is increasingly being used for the entire range of buildings, from residential to high-rise. Precast concrete has been used since the early twentieth century and came into wide use in the 1960s. The exterior surface of precast concrete can vary from an exposed aggregate finish that is highly ornamental to a form face finish that is similar to cast-in-place. Some precast panels act as column covers while others extend over several floors in height and incorporate window openings. In most cases, the architect selects the cladding material for appearance, provides details for weather proofing, and specifies performance criteria. ISSN: 0975 – 6744| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 83 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN CIVIL ENGINEERING The structural engineer designs the structure to hold the cladding, designates connection points, and evaluates the effects of structural movement on the cladding. The precast concrete manufacturer designs the cladding for the specified loads, erection loads, connection details, and provides for the Weather proofing, performance and durability of the cladding itself. Precast concrete wall systems offer a wide variety of shapes, colours, textures, and finishes to the designer. As a result, the assessment of samples is a key component in the use of precast concrete. The majority of the review and approval process is conducted at the precast plant prior to precast panel production. This assessment is in addition to the quality control and field testing that takes place during the production phase. Typically, each precast panel is independently supported to the building structure using an assemblage of metal components and anchors. Joints around each of the precast panels are usually filled with sealant. 2.0 Precast Wall Panel. Concrete panels can be used either as cladding to the building, or as part of the loadbearing structure, supporting roof or wind loads. There are generally three types of precast wall panels used as part of building envelopes: 2.1 Precast load-bearing walls. 2.2 Precast Cladding / Curtain / Façade Nonload bearing walls. 2.3 Precast Shear walls. 2.1 Precast load bearing walls. Load-bearing wall units resist and transfer loads from other elements and cannot be removed without affecting the strength or stability of the building. Typical load-bearing wall units include solid wall panels, and window wall and spandrel panels. Precast load bearing walls provide an economical solution when compared to the conventional column/ beam/ infill wall system. The primary advantages are speed of construction and elimination of wet trades. In adopting the wall thickness, structural adequacy is not the sole consideration. Other factors to be considered include: Connection details for supported beams and slabs. Sound transmission and fire rating. Joint details at panel-to-panel connections. Possible future embedded services, which could reduce the concrete area available. 2.2 Precast Cladding / Curtain / Façade Non-load bearing walls. Precast cladding / curtain / façade non-load bearing walls are the most common use of precast concrete for building envelopes. These types of precast concrete panels do not transfer vertical loads but simply enclose the space. They are only designed to resist wind, seismic forces generated by their own weight, and forces required to transfer the weight of the panel to the support. Common cladding units include wall panels, window wall units, spandrels, mullions, and column covers. These units can usually be removed individually if necessary. This panel is achieved by any of the following methods: The façade panel is connected to main load bearing walls and is designed to carry its own weight between supports. The façade panel is connected to the floor slab or beam, which is then designed to provide support to the wall. A typical panel thickness of 120mm is proposed on the basis of strength considerations and to accommodate window fixings and profiles around the window perimeter. Façade panels will often require three-dimensional architectural features, such as hoods, sills and ledges. In cases where there is a reasonable degree of repetition, customised moulds can be produced, enabling these features to be economically incorporated into the panels. As an alternative, when repetition is limited, it will be most economical to cast the façade panel flat and subsequently add the features, manufactured separately using materials such as precast concrete, GRC, Aluminium or steel. 2.3 Precast Shear Walls. Precast concrete shear wall panels are used to provide lateral load resisting system when combined with diaphragm action of the floor construction. The effectiveness of precast shear walls is largely dependent upon the panel-to-panel connections. 3.0 Preliminary Considerations. The structural design process is commenced by dividing the walls into panels of appropriate size. This involves: 3.1 Site constraints. The constraints of the site may determine the maximum size and weight of panel that can be lifted into position, and whether or not panels can be cast on-site. For example a narrow allotment, basement or slope may not allow crane access or space to cast panels, while overhead power lines may limit the height of the crane boom. 3.2 Support and Anchorage Systems. The connections for precast concrete panels are an important component of the envelope system. Precast manufacturers utilize numerous different types of anchors but they are often characterized as gravity and lateral types of connections. The primary purposes of the connection are to transfer load to the supporting structure and provide stability. ISSN: 0975 – 6744| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 84 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 3.3 Joints and Joint Treatments and location. The numerous joints in a precast concrete envelope are an important aspect of the façade design. The joints between precast units or between precast and other building components must be maintained to prevent leakage through the precast wall system. Joint design should consider the structural, thermal, and all other factors that affect the performance and movement of a joint. The joint seal should of course be adequately designed to withstand the movement of the joint. Door and window openings should be considered when determining the location of joints. The panel width next to an opening, and the panel depth over a wide opening, must provide sufficient structural strength to allow for the support of the panel, plus lifting and erection forces. The location of joints between external wall panels should be selected based on careful consideration of the following factors: 3.3.1 Structural Considerations. External wall panels may be load bearing (e.g. side walls of corner terrace, semi-detached or detached) or non-load bearing (e.g. front and rear façade panels). In selecting panel joint locations, it is important to consider the panel stability (i.e. ability to resist horizontal loads such as wind pressure or loads specified in the Building Regulations Fourth Schedule). 3.3.2 Aesthetics. Whilst in general, panel joints are not highly visible, locations should be selected which minimise any potential impact on the external façade aesthetics. In general, vertical joints should align for the full height of the building and would preferably be located symmetrically with respect to adjacent features. Figure spandrels, the requirements for each individual panel need to be considered. Referring to figure 600 mm is usually a comfortable minimum leg or mullion width. 900 mm is usually a comfortable minimum spandrel depth. Some leg and mullion widths may need to be more than 600 mm in width, Figure Some leg and mullion widths could be less than 600 mm in width, Figure If in doubt, a useful test is to consider if the panel would still be structurally satisfactory without the mullion. If the answer is yes, then it may be possible to reduce the mullion width to less than 600 mm. However, consideration should be given to the vulnerability of thin mullions to damage by accidental loading during erection. For factory precast panels, minimum leg, mullion and spandrel dimensions may be controlled by transportation requirements rather than lifting stresses alone. 3.3.3 Panel Weight. The weight of panels will dictate the crane capacity required for installation of the wall panels. Apart from the disadvantage of higher cost, larger capacity cranes may not be able to access the site. For typical conditions, a weight limitation of approximately 4 tonnes is considered likely to be applicable. In general, the panel size should be maximized, leading to increased speed of construction and reduced number of panel joints to be treated. 3.3.4 Panel Dimensions. Having assessed the maximum panel weight that can be lifted, the panel dimensions can be determined by considering the all height and lengths required, and any openings to be included. For sitecast panels with openings, while the following rules of thumb’ provide a starting point in determining the minimum dimensions for legs, mullions and ISSN: 0975 – 6744| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Figure Page 85 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 3.3.5 Transport Limitations. For transportation purposes, it is necessary to limit one of the panel dimensions to 3.6m. In general, panel heights will be less than 3.6m and panel length is based on weight or other considerations. When the required panel height exceeds 3.6m, the length of panel will be reduced to 3.6m or less. Early planning for site access must be undertaken, particularly when houses are built along Category 5 road. 3.3.6 Internal Crack Control. To minimise the risk of cracks appearing at the internal face of wall panel joints, the following considerations are relevant: If possible, locate panel joints at internal wall intersections, inside service ducts or wardrobes and at other non-visible locations. Figure Avoid panel joints towards mid span of floors, where beam or slab deflections could lead to joint opening. Avoid long continuous runs of panels, where accumulated shrinkage could result in joint cracking. 3.4 Economics. 3.4.1 Structural layout. The structural layout, particularly the rafter spacing, will often determine the joint locations and panel dimensions. Panel dimensions should not dictate the frame spacing as the cost per square metre for panels of comparable size is about the same, whereas closer than optimum frame spacing can incur considerable extra cost. If factory precast panels are used, transport restrictions on panel size may dictate the layout. 3.4.2 Construction at or near the boundary. If walls are located at or near the boundary, this will affect the footing design. Also, if adjacent buildings are on the boundary, consideration needs to be given to matters such as the erection process, base joint details, sealing of wall joints and flashing between buildings, as work must be completed from one side only. 3.4.3 Casting areas. Can the floor slab be used as a casting bed or are temporary casting beds required? To ensure the quality of panels, the surface tolerances, joint details (sealing of joints) and surface finishing requirements should be considered. Panels precast off-site will eliminate the need for areas to be made available for casting, a significant consideration if the site is congested. 3.4.4 Stack casting. The stacking order to enable an efficient erection sequence should be considered. Panels with openings should preferably be placed on top of stacks to eliminate the need for blocking out the openings to form subsequent panels. 3.4.5 Cranage: Consideration should be given to matters such as crane capacity, lifting locations to minimise the number of setups and access. Note: While the Engineer needs to consider all these matters, others involved in the process also have responsibility for specific areas, eg casting, delivery sequence, cranage, temporary propping. 3.5 Marketability of the building. This involves both the utility and aesthetics of the building. Utility covers items such as the requirements for access, column free space and flexibility to meet the needs of subsequent owners/occupiers. Aesthetics involves an acceptable level of finish to the panels and façade features to give an appealing exterior. Provision for later removal of panels to create openings or allow the building to be extended may also be a consideration. 3.6 Crane Size. While the final practicality of lifting panels must be verified with the crane contractor using appropriate crane charts (for the available crane), the information in Table 1 can be used as a starting guide to the panel weights that can be lifted by various sized cranes. ‘Heavy’ panels are panels the crane may lift from a favourable position, i.e. lifted and erected close to the crane setup position. It is unlikely that all panels will be ‘heavy’ panels, so a few ‘heavy’ ISSN: 0975 – 6744| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 86 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN CIVIL ENGINEERING panels may be able to be accommodated by planning the casting location or delivery access, and crane setup with respect to the final panel location. Once the crane size as been confirmed, the panel area and size can then be determined. As a guide, for the common panel thicknesses, the panel eights for a concrete density of 2400 kg/m3 are given in Table 2. For heavily reinforced panels, the additional weight of the reinforcement may need to be considered to accurately determine the appropriate carnage. Table 3.6.1 Crane size to panel weight Crane Capacity (t) Panel Weight 50 (hydraulic) Typical (t) 10-15 Heavy (t) 18 70 120-140 200 12-18 18-25 10-28 23 35 50 Table 3.6.2 Weight of common panel thicknesses Panel thickness (mm) Panel weight (t/sq.m) 130 0.32 150 0.36 175 0.42 4.0 Precast Floor System. In Precast floor systems, cast in-situ structural topping is adopted, based on the following considerations: Precast slabs are less thickness and thus reduced weight. Different composite slab thickness can be achieved, as required by structural considerations, by varying the topping thickness but keeping the precast thickness constant. The topping concrete and reinforcement provide a simple means of tying the floor and wall components together. Services are simply provided at site within the topping concrete. Services within the bathroom and toilet floors are generally of significant diameter and required to be laid to fall. In these areas, it is likely that a minimum topping thickness of 85mm would be necessary to incorporate these services. Assuming that the slab soffit is flat, to limit the total slab thickness for the floor adjacent to the bathroom, it is encouraged to limit to only one drop of 50mm at the wet areas. For shower areas, it is recommended to have kerb instead of a second drop to avoid thickening the slab at non-drop area. This precast floor system comprises Prestressed planks spanning between load-bearing walls. Where voids, stairs and other features prevent the slabs from spanning between walls, slabs spanning perpendicularly are provided, supported by the adjacent planks. The merits of this system are as follows: Floor beams are eliminated, resulting in simpler components and reduced services coordination problems. Stepping of building line at front and rear are easily accommodated. Full height window and other facade features can be designed Can accommodate irregular layouts, with fewer requirements for false ceilings. In this system, the following factors need to be considered: At roof level, any significant RC gutters will prevent slabs from spanning between walls. For some floor layouts, alignment of stair openings and voids can prevent slabs from spanning between walls. The volume of concrete for this system is likely to be 0 ~ 20% higher than conventional RC beam and slab. 5.1 Case study: The present study has been concentrated on a 2BHK seven storied (G+7) residential buildings. The plan of 1 unit (2BHK) of buildings is shown in fig. Each unit 4 times mirror in horizontal direction and 1time in vertical direction. Total 8 units (Flat) is present in each story. The height of each story of the building is 3m. Half slab of thickness 75mm & structural topping thickness 50mm has been considered for all stores. Thickness of all walls will be considered 125mm. As per IS: 875(Part-2)-1987, Live load intensity of 2 kN/mm2 has been assumed on each story and the roof has been assumed a uniform live load intensity in 1.5 kN/mm2. The modeling has been performed by Staad-Pro V8i Software. Whole model is a plate model. Including more than 50,000 plates. The seismic zone is III. Grade of concrete is M40 and for steel Fe500. The values of various factors have been assumed as per IS: 1893(Part-1) 2002. The design of members will be carried out as per IS: 456-2000 & ACI 318R-08. 4.1 Floor System - Prestressed Plank and HalfSlab Floor System. ISSN: 0975 – 6744| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 87 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 6.1 Connection: ISSN: 0975 – 6744| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 88 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN CIVIL ENGINEERING ISSN: 0975 – 6744| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 89 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 7.1 Conclusions: Pre-fabrication has a great potential to respond to new market demands. Possible solution lie not only within the classical advantages related to working conditions, technology & speed of construction, but also in new developments of materials such as high performances & selfcompacting concrete, buildings system such as mixed structures, manufacturing technology, automation, service integrated products & others. Precast wall panel system is a modern industrialised and environmentally friendly method of construction, with a bright and promising future. 8.1 References: Precast Concrete Structure – Kim Elliott. One Day National Workshop on Precast Concrete Building in India. Organised by: Indian Concrete Institute (ICE). IS : 11447 – 1985 Code of Practice for construction with large panel prefabrications. ACI 318R-08 BS EN 1990-2002 - Eurocode- Basis of Structural Design. PCI Industry Handbook, 6th Edition. ISSN: 0975 – 6744| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 90