Baby bottle gifts sets Baby Einstein toys Baby dolls Barney toys Bath toys Bob the Builder toys Building blocks Care Bears Disney toys Dora the Explorer toys Fisher Price toys Fleece blankets Fun Years playsets Lamaze learning toys Leap Frog games Leapster games Little Tykes toys Mega Blocks Sets Mr./Mrs. Potato Head Play phones Playskool toys Push-n-Pull walker toys Baby rattles Sesame Street toys Slumber Bear Sorting/stacking toys Stuffed animals Tummy playpads Winnie the Pooh toys Animal Planet toys Barbie Blue’s Clues Toys Board Games Bob the Builder sets Books Bratz toys Cabbage Patch Kids Care Bears Children’s DVDs Disney Princess toys Dora the Explorer toys Drawing pads/markers Dress up costumes Duplo sets Fast Lane sets Fisher Price toys Hello Kitty Hot Wheels cars/playsets Large Piece Puzzles Leapster games Lincoln Logs Little Tykes toys Littlest Pet Shop Matchbox cars Mr./Mrs. Potato Head First Act musical instruments My First Leap Pad toys My Little Pony Play-Doh Playmobil sets Rescues Heroes Skip-it Spongebob Squarepants Tinkertoys Tonka toys Tool sets Toy Story toys V-Tech Air Hogs Animal Planet toys Art Supplies Avatar sets Barbie Basketballs/Kickballs Batman toys Ben 10 toys Board Games Books (pictures, chapter, nonfiction) Bop-It Bratz dolls Cabbage Patch Kids CAT toys Crayola products Disney Princess toys Disney toys Dragonball Z/Yu-gi-oh Drawing pads/pencils/ markers Dress up costumes Electronic games and toys Fast Lane sets Musical instruments Flava dolls Game Boy/games G-rated, PG-rated DVDs Groovy Girls Hannah Montana toys Hello Kitty High School Musical toys Home Depot tools/playsets Hot Wheels Jewelry K’Nex sets Lead Pad Learning System Leapster learning games LEGOs Littlest Pet Shop Lizzie Maguire dolls Magic Sets Magnetix sets Major League Baseball toys Mary-Kate & Ashley dolls My Little Pony My Scene dolls National Geographic items Polly Pocket toys Power Rangers toys 24-50-100 piece Puzzles Remote Control cars/trucks Rescue Heroes toys Rollerblades Science Labs Skateboards Soccer balls Spiderman toys Spy Vision Glasses Tech Deck sets Tool sets Transformers toys Walkie Talkie sets Watches Activity Books Art Supplies Baseball, bats, gloves Basketballs/footballs/soccer Board games Books (chapter, nonfiction) Card games CDs/CD Players Clocks/Watches Computer games/programs Craft sets Diaries/Scrapbooks PG-rated DVDs Electronic Games Hair accessories Helmets Jewelry LEGOs Magic Sets Major League Baseball toys Makeup/accessories MP3 Players Fingernail decoration kits Remote control cars/trucks Rollerblades Scooters Skateboards Star Wars toys Transformers toys Sticker sets/books Webkinz Alarm Clocks Art Supplies Backpacks Baseball, bats, gloves Basketballs, Footballs Bath/Lotion sets Cranium/Family games Books (chapter, nonfiction) CD/DVD carrying case CD players/CDs Craft Jewelry Making Kits DVD’s Computer Games Flash drives Gift Certificates Helmets iPods, Blackberries Journals Model car kits MP3 Players Nintendo DS/Wii Picture Frames Playstation 3, Portable Puzzles Rollerblades Scooters Skateboards Soccer balls Sports sets Sports team apparel Watches Wrapping Paper Wrapping Boxes Bows/Ribbons Tape Labels Disposable Cameras Stockings Bath & Body products Calendars/Pocket Planners Cameras & Film Candles/Candles Holders Earrings/jewelry sets Gift Pictures Frames Gloves, Hats, Scarves Journals Makeup Perfumes Picture Albums Pre-Paid Phone Cards Relaxation CDs Walkman/Portable CD Players Watches This year we are requesting mom’s gift items be given in a gift basket. Each gift basket should contain 4-5 items. Items can be dropped off during the week of Nov 30th – Dec 4th Please call 919-828-7501 ext. 200 to make an appointment You can also view and purchase suggested gifts online Click on Wish List First Name: Holiday Last Name: Bazaar Date: 12/11/2009 State: North Carolina Click on Target Lists First Name: Holiday Last Name: Bazaar You can then view or print the list for easy shopping at home or in your local store! -New, unwrapped gifts only -Create a gift basket for mom -Due to the violence these families have experienced, we request only non-violent toys