Demog 110 Crude rate model of growth. The Balancing Equation Population today = population last year + changes in the interim K (2006) = K(2005) + (births – deaths) + (in-migration – out-migration ) + adjustments + errors Net migration = in-migration – out-migration In this course we will concern ourselves with briths/deaths mostly and ignore migration, adjustments, and errors. K2006 = K2005 + Births (2005) – Deaths (2005) = K(2005) + [births 2005/K2005 – deaths (2005)/K2005] * K2005 = K(2005) * [ 1 + b2005 – d2005] = K (t) * [1 –b(t-1) – d(t-1)] b = births/K(t) = crude birth rate c = deaths/K(t) = crude death rate b(t) – d(t) = r(t) = crude rate of natural increase k(2006) = K(2000) * (1 + r2005) (1+r2004) (1+r2003) (1 + r2002) (1 + r2001) (1 + r2000) if we assume unchanging r => r2000 = r2001 etc. => K2006 = K(2000) * r6 Critical assumption = unchanging r K(t) = K(0) * (1 +r)t – an example of geometric growth K(0) = initial year . 2000: 6.048 Billion births – deaths = 75 million r2000 = 75/6048 = .0124 = 1.24% or 12.4 per thousand K (2001) = K(2001) * (1,0124)2 = K(2000) * (1.0124)6 = 6.512 r can be used for population projections. K(t) = K(0) (1-r)t = geometric growth rate K(t) = (K0) ert Advisory comment: When do we use geometric? When do we use exponential? They are close enough that usually we use the one that is simpler for that particular purpose. Exponential growth model: K(t) = K(0) ert How long does it take for a population to double in size. K(t) = 2K(0) = K(0)ert 2 = ert log 2 = log (ert) = rt log 2 = rt log 2/r = t doubling .6931/r = t ~ 70/1.2 .124 = 1.24% 12.4/1000 8000 BC 8million 1AD 300 million Last time • Lexis diagrams (lexis surfaces) • Person years & ?? Today: • Period years • Cohort years • Life expectancy Lexis Diagram #1 – China # 2 – India # 3 – US #4 – Indonesia Person year = unit of exposure Age TS Elliot – 1868 – 1965 WB Yates – 1865 – 1939 V Woolf – 1882 – 1941 J Joyce – 1882 – 1941 T Mann – 1875 – 1955 Period 1930 to 1940 10 9 10 10 10 Period 1940 to 1950 10 0 1 4 10 Total Person years Avg 49 /5 = 22 /4 = Crude birth rate and crude death rate = # events/ py’s (mid-period population). So crude birth rate and crude death rate are period measures of mortality. Cohort measures of mortality: Count the # of Py’s lived in a cohort. Divide the sum of the py’s by starting population Average # of Py’s lived for each member of the cohort = Cohort average age of death Cohort expectation of life We started counting at birth but we could have started ant any age. If we began at age 20, we could capture the # of person years lived after age 20, divide the sum by the starting population. We get the expectation of life at age 20. Problem: You can’t calculate this until all members of a cohort die. So, what do we do? Due Tuesday, Sept 12 – 1.9, 2.1 – 5, Additional question chapter 2, table 2.1. Facts about the 10 most populations countries in the world. The 11th is Mexico. Complete the table for Mexico with the same sources used for the table. ex = label for the expectation of life. ex 78 Stationary Population r>0 Population increases r< 0 Population decreases r = 0 Stationary population For a stationary population (closed migration), then b=d. In any population e0 = expectation of life at age 0 # Py’s lived /# people born B= # births/ total population D = # deaths/ total population The # of births * e0 = the total # of person years lived by those births. Mean times are the reciprocal of rates So if death rate in one population is d, then 1/d = average age of death = e0 = average expectation of life at birth. Also in a stationary population b=d, so 1/b = e0 too. Key relationship: In a stationary population b*e0=1 This is strictly true only for a stationary population but it’s a good approximation for a low growing, or low declining population. Our population is growing very slowly so this is a good approx. for the US population. You can make estimates based on this relationship. Year 1860 1970 Period Age 65 =~ 20 Non Cohort Mortality - Chart 3 - function ? Age - vertical. Period - horizontal. Cohort mortality l20 = # of people age 20 l21 = l20 * probability of surviving to age 21 l22 = l20 (P20) (P21) P20*P21 = 2P20 ?? In general Px = Probability forom age x to x+n Observation # 1 Probabilities of surviving multiply Typical pattern of lx lx by age gragh = survivorship curve of a cohort. starts at the starting pop and goes to 0, starts dying slow and then dies faster as the cohort ages, of course. life table x lx 0 10 20 30 40 nPx * Try to do this in R :) ndx nqx nLx Tx ex lx+n / lx = nPx lx -lxn + # death s between age x and x+n = n d x ndx/ lx = probablity of dying between x + x+n = nqx Observation #2 npx + nqx = 11 npx = 1 - nqx Mortality probabilty = nqx mortality rate nmx graph = close up of the survivorship curve bwtween l20 and l25, In the cohort we are counting how many person years were lived between age 20 and age 25. And here we have a graph that shows what percentage of the people who lived between age 20 and age 25. We can count the cohort person years by counting area below the survivorship curve between l20 and l25. Integral of age 20 to 25 of the lxdx (curve) NLx is the number of person years between x and x+n. Rule of thumb observation: nLx ~ ~ n.lx or nlx+n Sarah's office hours from 3 to 4 on Friday and 10 to 11 on Friday every other week thereafter. ... copy notes. ex = expectation of remaining life at age x. e0 = Tx/lx = Average # of years of remaining life. Traditonally, LT was built up around nqx's. However, we often need to convert between different intervals, n, and working with nqx' is a PITA l25 = l20 * P20*P21*P22*P23.P24 = l205P20 If survival probs were the same, 5P20 = (P20) to the 5th power, ... Neeeds notes. hazard rate = m(x), h(x) is related to the mortality rate, nmx is also related to the growth rate in oru crude rate model. The hazard rate tells us how fast the lx is changing. In the crude rate model we took the log of the diff in pop divided by the time interval. It will turn out that the hazard rate will also be the difference?? = - d/dx log lx = m(x) = h(x) - (log l20 - log l21/ widht of the interval) = 1 In general for small n, the log of ln minus the log of lx+n divided by n is a good approximation => log (lx+n/lx)/-n The hazard rate curve is commonly u shape. survivorship usuall goes down fast, becomes flattish and the goes down fast. Mariana Horta 17978026 1.9 At mid-year 2006, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Russia, and Nigeria had similar total populations, 166, 147,142, and 135 millions respectively. Suppose current growth rates in these four countries, namely 0.024, 0.019, -0.006, and 0.024 continue for the next fourteen years to 2020. Use the exponential model to project future populations, and find how these countries would rank in population size at the end of the period: K(t)= K(0)* e^rt log(K(t)) = log(K(0)) + (r*t) K(t)= K(0)^rt Pakistan 166m r= 0.024 Bangladesh Nigeria 147m 135m r=0.019 Russia 142m -0.006 0.024 t= 14 t= 14 t=14 K(t)=166m^(.024*14) K(t)=147m^(.019*14) .006*14) K(t)=135m^(.024*14) t= 14 K(t)=142m^(- OK. I can do this. 2.1 Of the world’s ten most populous countries, which has the highest rate of immigration today? Which has the lowest Infant mortality rate? What fraction of the world’s population is comprised by those 10 most populous countries? From table 2.1: Highest MIG = US Lowest IMR = Japan 0.59 or just over half 2.2 Mexico is the country with the eleventh-largest population in the world. Its CBR in 2003 was 2144/1000 and there were 2,223,714 births. What figure for the mid-year population would be consistent with those numbers? (2,223,714/K) = (2144/1000) K = (2,223,714 * 1000)/2144 K = 2.3 Poland has a nearly stationary population with e0=75. There were about 300K births last year. Waht is the approximate size of the population? 2.4 Study the data in Table 2.1 and determine whether be0 is typically greater than, equal to, or less than 1 in a growing population. b .012 .025 .011 e0 72 62 66 be0 .864 <1 1.55>1 .71<1 r .006 .017 -.006 2.5 From an almanach or other source find dates of birth and death for the presidents of the US from Theodore Roosevelt to George W. Bush. Draw a freehand Lexis diagram with the lifelines of these presidents. Label the axes clearly. a) Draw and label a line representing the age 30 b) Draw and label a line representing the year 1945 c) Draw and label the area containing person-years lived by people between the ages of 20 and 30 in the years between 1964 and 1968 d) Draw and label the area representing the lifetime experience of the cohort aged 10 to 30 in 1917 (diagonal rectangle). Additional question: Chapter 2, table 2.1 lists facts about the 10 most populous countries in the world. The 11th most populous country is Mexico. Complete the table with data for Mexico using the same sources the author used to build table 2.1: Overview of ps 2 Rules of logs logs vs ln ln = natural log = log e log(a*b) = log(a) + log(b) log(a/b) = log(a) - log(b) e^a*e^b = e^(a+b) (e^a)/(e^b) = e^a-b log e^x = x Problem from 2004 final Germany r= 1/t log (k(t)/k(0) r = 1/30 log (79.380/72480)= 00303 Vietnam = .025 How large would Germany be if it had grown at Vietnam’s rate? K(t)= K(0)*e^(rt) K(t)= 72.480*e^(.025*30) K(t)= chapter 1 1 through 8 - do problem set 1!!! Arrived late 10am From last time: We defined al of the columns of the cohort life table but we didn’t go through the exact calculations. Today we do that. Example 3.3.1 Children of Edward IV: Edmund, 1330-1376, 46 Blanche, 1342-1342, 0 Isabel, 1332-1382, 50 Joan, 1335-1348, 13 William, 1336 - “died young” ? Lionel, 1338-1368, 30 n Agex lx 0 10 ndx 1 nqx .10 npx .9 nLx Tx ex x+ex nmx 90.5 33.8 33.8 33.8 .011 10 9 3 .333 .667 77.5 247.5 20 6 1 .167 .833 110.5 40 5 4 .800 .200 58.0 59.5 11.9 51.9 .070 60 1 1 1 10 27.5 37.5 .040 10 170.0 28.3 48.3 .009 20 20 0 1.5 1.5 1.5 61.5 .667 nd(x)= l(x)- l(x+n) nq(x) = nd(x)/l(x) = probability of dying age x to x+n = (l(x)l(x+n))/l(x) = 1-(l(x+n)/l(x)) Not a bad Approximation => nL(x) =n/2 (l(x) +l(x+n)) but when the sample is small you can actually count the exact number of person years. Typical shapes for life table functions lx = monotonically decreasing nqx = u-shaped ndx = humped ex = not monotonically decreasing PS 3 Mariana Horta-Cappelli 17978026 nqx = ndx/lx probability of dying between age x and (x+n) => 10q20 = prob of dying between ages 20 and 30. nqx=1- (l(x+n)/lx) 1-nqx = lx+n/lx (probability of surviving) lx = cohort survivors h = hazard rate h = -(log l1) – (loglo)/1 l(x+n) = lx (e^-(nhx) nqx conversion = 1qy = 1 – (1-nqx)^1/n l(x+n) = lx*e^-(n*h(x)) Survival probabilities multiply: lx multiplies not qx. = multiply the 1-nqx values. Assume x<y<(x+n) lx = 1-q (1-1qy)^n=1-nqx => 1qy = 1-(1-nqx)^(1/n) 1981 cohort 1q0 = 0.38528 and 4q1= 0.015878 1-5q0 = (1-.038528)*(1-.015878) 5q0= .0537942524 1985 cohort 5q0= .020320 and 5q5= .002795 10q0 =? 1-10q0 = (1-.020320)*(1-.002795) 10q0 = .0230582056 1780 cohort 5q40= .062756, 1q40 =? Assuming the probability of dying stays the same throughout the period 40 to 45 years of age: 1q40 = 1-((1-5q40)^(1/5)) 1q40 = .0128786759 3.3 lo = 1, l5=.91301, l10 = .90394 1q5 =? 5q5=l10/l5 = .0099341738 1q5 = 1-((1-5q5)^(1/5) 1q5 = .001994777 b) l40= .91264, l41=.91046, 10q30=.01485 1q40 = 1-(l41/l40) = .0023886746 1q39=1 –((1-10q39)^(1/10) 1q39 = .0014950179 2q39 = 1 – ((1-1q39)*(1-1q40) = .0038801214 2q39=? Survivors: .8888, .8640, .8248, .7651, .4554 Radix= unity => l0= 1 T80=4.530 years x lx n 0.8888 5 79.54826733 0.009284699 0.072381183 65 0.7651 17.884917 NA 4.53 nqx ndx nax nLx nmx Tx ex x+ex 0.02790279 0.0248 2.5 4.382 0.005659516 26.2625 55 0.864 5 0.04537037 0.0392 2.5 21.8805 25.32465278 80.32465278 60 0.8248 0.0597 2.5 3.97475 0.015019813 17.6585 21.40943259 15 0.404783688 0.3097 7.5 9.15375 0.033833128 82.884917 80 0.4554 Infinity 1 1 9.947299078 89.94729908 50 29.54826733 4.222 5 81.40943259 13.68375 NA NA x = age lx = survivorship , l0 = radix (initial size of the cohort) = 1 n = interval nqx = probability of dying = 1- (l(x+n)/lx) ndx = deaths between ages x and x+n = lx – l(x+n)= nax= average #of years lived in the interval from x to x+n by those dying within the interval = If we can’t calculate it directly from data, we make nax= n/2 assuming that those who die in the interval die on average half-way through it. nLx= person-years lived = (n)*(lx+n) + (nax)*(ndx) or ( n/2)*(lx+lx+n) or nLx= Integr(?) nmx= ratio of deaths to person years lived or age specific crude death rate = ndx/nLx Tx= Person-years of life remaining for cohort members who reach age x. = Tx= nLx+nLx+n+nLx+2n… ex= expectation of further life beyond age x= life expectancy = Tx/lx x+ex = average age of death for cohort members who all survive to age x. T85=.125, T80=.525, T75=1.15, and T70=2, l90=0 5L75 =?, l75=? And e75=? nLx = (n/2)*(lx+lx+n) Tx = Sum nLX from bottom up T75=1.15=5L90+5L85+5L80+5L75 1.15=0 + 5L85 + 5L80 + 5L75 T85= .125 = 0 + 5L85 => 5L85 = .125 T80= .525 = 0 + .125 + 5L80 => 5L80 = .525 - .125 = .4 T75 = 1.15 = 0 + .125 + .4 + 5L75 => 5L75 = .625 5L75 = .625 5L75 = .625 = 2.5*(l75+l80) l90= 0 => 5L85 =.125 = 2.5*(l85+0) => l85 = .05 5L80 = .4 = 2.5*(l80+.05) => l80 = .11 5L75 = .625 = 2.5 * (l75 + .11) => l75 = .14 l75 = .14 ex = Tx/lx e75 = T75/l75 = 1.15/.14 = 8.214285714 e75 = 8.21 3.6 The expectation of life at birth would change very significantly if we have imputed William of Hatfield with a death age of one month. In the lifetable where he is omitted the expectation of life at birth was 33.8 years and the expectation of life at birth when he was included with a death age of one month is 8.2. Here is the revised lifetable: x lx n nqx ndx nax nLx Tx 10 0.1818182 0.181818182 0.291666667 8.23484848 10 0.818181818 10 7.03636364 7.03636364 8.6 18.6 0.1666667 0.090909091 10.5 10.0454545 40 0.454545455 20 0.8 0.363636364 11.6 51.6 60 0.090909091 Infinity 0.13636364 0.13636364 1.5 61.5 ex x+ex 0 1 8.23484848 8.23484848 8.234848 0.3333333 0.272727273 5.8 20 0.545454545 20 10.0454545 18.41667 38.4166667 9.5 5.27272727 5.27272727 1 0.090909091 1.5 nqx: 5q9 5q10 => ---------------------Application of LT’s Insurance and annuities - Life insurance, any kind of risk insurance. Any kind. In this case we’ll talk about life insurance. 1. Term insurance 2. Whole insurance (vested insurance/ funded insurance) Applications of the risks of mortality that we see on the life table. Annuities - Consol (pension system that was pop. in the 19th century) Annuity is just insurance on it’s head. You pay a lump sum and then at a particular moment (when you retire?) it starts sending you a check each month until you retire. Assume they are “actuarily fair” Term insurance, the simple case (w/o profit) You buy 1 year term insurance policy x years old. 1qx = probability of dying the next year If P= cost of insurance policy, premium B= benefit Then p/1qx = Benefit. => Premium = Benefit *1qx Moral Hazard = you may know more about your true probability of dying than does the insurance company. lx Plx = Blx*1qx Suppose that as an insurance company you charge a dollar more per person for profit: Plx = Blx *1qx +lx + (profit) Whole Funded Insurance P= premium lx Age x you buy an insurance policy P.nLx = total amount of money collected in first n years P.nLxm = How much does the insurance ocmpany collect in total? ??? P. Sum??Lx = P*Tx They live to Tx years, how much is the benefit? The Benefit = (P*Tx)/lx = P*ex Annuities: Insurance: Smallish stream of payment, one big pay out. Annuities: You buy an annuity for a lump sum and get back a stream of payments. Suppose you’re the annuity company. You’re selling $1/yr annuities. How much do you charge? - To someone age x, you pay ex dollars. Without interest, i=0, annuities and insurance are mirrored. Term with interest <> 0 P= premium B= Benefit P=(B*1qx)/ (1+i)^1/2, Because on average we get money for half the period. => n=1 Annuity w/ i<>0 (P/lx)*[((nLx)/(1+i)^n/2) + ((nLx+n)/(1+i)^2.5n) + ((nLx+3n)/(1+1)^3.5n)...] = Cost of the annuity where P= periodic payment or benefit. Observation about annuities. If the interest rate, i, is big, then the nL10n (old age mortality) matters less. PS3 = 3 2-6 Standardization (by Age) One of the key concepts that occurs in demography that does not occur in other fields. lx, nqx, nmx = age specific mortality rate or propability. ASMR or ASDR Crude death rate = # of Deaths in a year/ average population in that year (year or t interval) Age Standardized Crude Death Rate = A population’s death rates standardized by the age structure of a standard population. E.g. Use US age structure to standardize a state’s crude death rate or the world’s age structure to standardize a specific country’s crude death rate. Exemple: 3 desert Islands: age groups A pop deaths ASMR B pop deaths ASMR C pop deaths ASMR 0-4 1500 120 .08 500 40 .08 .10 5-39 4000 40 .01 5000 50 .01 4000 20 .005 40+ 500 40 .08 500 40 .08 1500 60 .04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 6000 200 6000 130 6000 130 500 50 d(A)= 200/6000= .0333 d(B)= 130/6000= .0217 d(C)= 130/6000= .0217 1. How many deaths would there be in c (standard) if had B’s rates? = indirect standardization C’s age structure B’s rates Answer = B standardized crude death rate 500 .08 =40 4000 .01 =40 1500 .08 =120 --------------------------------------6000 200 200/6000 = Age-standardized crude death rate in B (standardized on C’s age structure). 2. How many deaths in B (standard) if it had C’s age structure? = Indirect Standardization. When the standard is the age structure, that’s what we call direct. When the standard are the rates, we call it indirect. Fertility Many of the things we’ve done so far has an analog in fertility. Crude Birth Rate = b = number of births/total population General Fertility Rate = GFR number of births/# of women of reproductive age Age Specific Fertility Rate = ASFR = nfx nfx = function (fertility and age) => more classic shape to the curve than for men because the women’s reproductive years (15-44 or 15-49). Total Fertility Rate = TFR = SUM 1fx = n* SUM nfx AKA Completed family size = average family size. PS4 Due 9/26 3.7-11 4.1-4 6.3 Mariana Horta 17978026 Problem Set 4 3.7 nqx < (2nqx+2n)./2? Yes. It’s unlikely but it’s possible. If there the mortality rate goes up abruptely in the later (s2nqx_2n) period, then nqx will be < 2nqx+2n)./2. Example: nqx = 1q20 = .0025 Then there’s a war, genocide, famine, epidemy: 2nqx+2n = 2q22 = .098 .0025<.098/2 =.0025<.049 3.8 nLx < (2nLx+2n)/2 ? nLx = (n/2)*(lx+lx+n) (n/2)*(lx+lx+n) <[(2n/2)*(lx+lx+2n)]/2 No. This is impossible because for all values of lx, lx+n will be equal to (if no one dies) or smaller than lx. The cohort can only get smaller, it doesn’t get bigger, the lx curve is always monotonically decreasing 3.9 If 1q0=.0500; 2q1 = .0100,; 3q2 =.0043; 5q3= .0098 and 2q3=.0040, then what is = 5q0 age 0 1 3 n 1 2 nqx .05 .01 3q2 2 5 3 .0043 5q3 3 5 .0098 2q3 3 2 .0040 1q0 2q1 5q0 = prob of dying between age 0 and age 5. 1-5q0 = (1-1q0) * (1-2q1) * (1-2q3) 5q0 = 1 – [(1-.05)*(1-.01)*(1-.004)] 5q0 = .063262 3.10 5d0=.2, 10d5=.1, 15d10=.05, l0=1, What’s l15? lx n ndx l0=1 5 5d0=.2 l5= .8 10 10d5=.1 l15=.7 l15=.7 3.11 x n lx nLx [nLx/(1+i)^(n/2)] 528734.877027567000 70 249596.442989313000 80 73706.663038074700 90 8777.167164899950 100 103 0 0 860976.861753586000 Interest = 8% Profit = 0 => P = Price = total Benefit Benefit = 20K/year 10 10 10 3 60 10 86306 776885 69071 538860 38701 233810 8061 40910 121 181.5 161.711533731354 nLx = (n/2)*(lx+lx+n) P = B/lx * { [nLx/(1+i)^(n/2)] + [nLx+n/(1+i)^(n+(n/2))]+[nLx+2n/(1+i)^(2n+(n/2))]…} P = (20,000/86306) * { [nLx/(1+i)^(n/2)] + [nLx+n/(1+i)^(n+(n/2))]+[nLx+2n/(1+i)^(2n+(n/2))]…}= P = .2317335991 * 860976.861753586000 = $199,517.27 = ~ 200K for a 20K a year annuity. Those who died before age 70 lost money. Those who died after age 75 made a good profit. 4.1 No. When we compare two countries the country with the higher expectation of life at birth may also have the higher crude death rate. Since life expectancy is higher, the population is also older and an older population will have a higher crude death rate than a young population. High life expectancy correlates with low age specific death rate at young ages but not with a low crude death rate and low life expectancy correlates with a higher age specific death rate at younger ages where the crude death rate may not be particularly high because the population is young. High crude death rates and high life expectancy countries are those coutries who are in the 3rd phase of the democratic transition where they experience population aging and low population growth. These are countries like the US and most Wetern European countries. 4.2 TFR? GRR? How close is the GRR to the NRR? Cohort of 1000 women born in 1934 - NRR = 1.502 5fx*5Lx 5 5 4712 0 20 5 923 4662 481.7843 40 5 4 4503 0 0 0.2396 1133 922.6098 0 4726 15 4681 35 0.0046 21 4561 39.6264 0.6673 3091 TFR = Sum (nfx)*(n) = 5*Sum nfx = x 0 n 0 5 0 5 0.0815 383 1121.5676 30 5 5 0.031 145 20.9806 50 5 50975 Table 4.3 Babies 5Lx 0 5 0 0 382.887 25 5 0.1979 0.1039 482 4637 4604 142.724 45 5 0.0088 0 0 4421 0 5fx 4770 10 4698 3.3365 GRR = Sum(nfx)*(n)*(ffab) = TFR*(ffab) ffab = #babies* proportion female = .4886 1.6302139 0.4886 The GRR is quite similar to the NRR being a bit larger because the GRR does not take into the consideration the mortality of the mothers, meaning it does not count the potential mothers who died before childbearing age. 2.25 and 1.25 Swedish Women born in 1800 Radix = 1 Find NRR, TFR and GRR. How close is the GRR to the NRR Cohort of 1000 women born in 1934 - NRR = 1.502 Table 4.3 x n 5fx 5Lx 5fx*5Lx 15 5 0.012200 3134 38.234800 20 5 0.103800 3036 315.136800 25 5 0.221100 2930 647.823000 30 5 0.240800 2808 676.166400 35 5 0.213100 2663 567.485300 40 5 0.113600 2509 285.022400 45 5 0.018200 2351 42.788200 0.922800 19431 2572.656900 TFR = Sum (nfx)*(n) = 5*Sum nfx = 4.614 GRR = Sum(nfx)*(n)*(ffab) = TFR*(ffab) 2.2544004 ffab = #babies* proportion female = .4886 l0= 1000 => NNR=.[4886*SUM(nfx*nLx)]/1000 = 1.257000161 Now the GRR and the NRR are not very close to each other indicating that a much smaller proportion of this 1800 female cohort survived to childbearing age than that of the 1934 cohort given in table 4.3 (exercise 4.2). number of girls born = 34 1 dies at infancy 33 survive through childbearing. Sum (data)/34 39/34 = 1.14 = NRR 6.3 Use as your standard the age structure for the Oakland MSA in 1990 and calculate a standardized crude death rate for Togo based on this standard. Age specific Death rates for women in Togo in 1961: Age Togo ASDR 0-5 .063014 = deaths/ pop this age => deaths =140K*.063014 = .011403 = deaths/ pop this age 60+ .071386 = deaths/ pop this age Oakland MSA 2million people Age lx % 0-5 140K .07 5-60 1570K .785 60+ 290K .145 2000K Togo’s standardized crude death rate based on Oakland’s population age structure would be: (SUM TogoASDR*Oakland’s pop)/Oakland’s population = .023713305 -- get notes for the first part of the class-Fertility TFR = sum fx = n sum nfx = avg family size = completed family size Gross reproductive rate => counts girl births only GRR = sum fx(f) = n sum nfx(f) = avg # of girl babies = ratio of girls in the next generation to 1 woman in this generation. = .4886.TFR Growth Measure Net reproductive rate/ration NRR= Sum 1fx(f)*1Ln(f) = Sum nfx(f)*nlx = Ratio of girl babies in the next generation to 1girl baby in this generation Expe Slightly more boys are born than girls. The sex ratio at birth worldwide is roughly 1.05 boys to 1 girl. In the long run: r>0 r<0 r=0 NRR > 1 population grows NRR<1 population decreases NRR =1 population is constant. Example: Mid 1970’s age 5Fx 10 .006 15 .048 20 .111 25 .108 30 .05 35 .017 40 .004 45 .003 ----------tot. .338 x5 ----------1.69 - TFR -> Below replacement.  ** Draws graph** <img src=”chart1sept21.xls”> Mid 1970’s age 5Fx 5fx*5Lx 10 .006 .003 15 .048 .234 20 .111 25 .108 30 .05 35 .017 40 .004 child bearing 45 .003 ------------------ ( maternity fuction avg) *12.5 (weights) *17.5 --42.55/1.647 = 25.84 = average age of tot. .338 (.647*4886) = .8047 x5 ----------1.69 - TFR -> Below replacement. r= (K(t)-K(0))/(t*K(0)) Calculate weighted means v =(1,2,7) (1+2+7)/3 = 3.33 Weighted mean = multiply each number for a number = weight then divide 3= vector => x(n)(vector of n integers)- series of weights Maternity function = *** formula?*** In 25.84 years, in the long run (ignoring migration) the population is .8047 times as large as it was before. K(t)=.8047*K(0) NRR = ~ e^(r*25.84) r = ~ (log (.8047))/(25.84) How are Nrr & GRR related?\ GRR= sum 1fx(f) NRR= sum 1fx(f) lx NRR/GRR =(sum 1fx(f))/(sum 1fx(f) lx) Now we have a relationship of the NRR to the growth rate but also: NRR/Grr =l(m) m = mean age of childbearing. NRR = l(m)*GRR NRR is a growth measure (like r) l(m) pure mortality GRR is pure fertility I have decomposed growth into two components: One is a mortality measure and the second is a fertility measure. We can see what of a change in NRR has to do with mortality and how much has to do with fertility. NRR is a function of fertility and female mortality NRR = Proportion of femalle babies * SUM nfx * nLx = SUM nfx(f)*nLx Proportion of female babies = ffab = .4886 (by convention when it’s not given) nLx = measure of survivorship nfx(f)*nLx = net maternity function Alternative Formulation: Unsing Parity-progression ratios (PPR) Distribution of (life) children ever born by woman = Parity Parity = 0 = nulliparous w(j) = proportion of women in a completed cohort with parity j SUM (0<=j<=15) w*(j) = 1 NRR = [0*w(0)+ 1*w(1) + 2*w(2)+....] * proportion of girl babies (or .4886 by default) = SUM j * w(j)] proportion of girls Example with US women cohort of 1934 72 y.o. women Parity Distribution: Parity=j w(j) j w(j) 0 .079 6 .047 1 .097 7 .029 2 .233 8 .012 3 .233 9+ .008 (presume it’s exactly 9 because .008 is such a small #) 4 .166 5 .090 Proportion of female babies = .4877 NRR = .4877 * [(0*.079) + (1*.097)+...] = 1.4860 (population is growing because NRR >1) GRR ~ 1.5 TFR ~ 3 PPR = a(j) = proportion of those women with at least j kids who go on to have a t least j+1 kids Example with US women cohort of 1934 72 y.o. women Parity Distribution: Parity=j w(j) T(j) 0 .079 1 1 .097 .921 2 .233 3 .233 4 .166 5 .090 j 6 7 8 9+ w(j) .047 .029 .012 .008 T(j) = proportion with at least j kids SUM of all proportions at and above j kids. a (j) = [T (j+1)]/Tj] a (0) = T(1)/T(0) = .921/1 = .921 Chapter 5: Projection Simplified projection: Ignore Migration Fertility, Mortality only Female only = One sex model Model Life Transitions Example: One Period Marriage Transitions Single, Married, Divorced, Widowed, Die 5 possibilities together must be complete (must exhaust all possibilities)  We’re going to organize these arrows into a matrix, with each arrow labeled by a probability:  ** Homework: 3.12 and 5.1, 3, 4 and 5** Projection Matrices Transition Matrices - Marital status and transitioning statuses From last time matrice * vector = E x(1) E(x(1)) = P*(x(0)) E(x(2)) = P*#(x(1)) = P*(P*(x(0)) E(x(t)) = (P^t)* x(0) Projecting Populations Structured by Age The Leslie Matrix Project pop vector K(t) -> k(t+n)  Simplifications: 1. Width of age groups = length of projection period. 2. Females (1 sex)