INVITATION TO BID PLEASE QUOTE BID# ITB-GEO-2013-004 IN ALL FUTURE CORRESPONDENCES ON THIS MATTER. Date: 11 November, 2013 Subject: Invitation to Bid No. ITB-GEO-2013-004 UNICEF Tbilisi wishes to invite you to submit a bid for supply of Eco Club Equipment (for the “Youth Participation and Development – YPD” project). 1. Accordingly, we enclose our Invitation to Bid No. ITB-GEO-2013-004 and you are requested to: (a) The currency of your bid shall be in GEL. (b) Invoicing will be in the currency of the bid. 2. In addition, please note that: (a) UNICEF is tax exempt organization (VAT, customs, etc). All prices/rates quoted must be inclusive of all taxes and exclusive of VAT; (b) UNICEF Georgia Country Office is authorized to procure goods only outside the bonded area. That means that the supplies should be imported on supplier’s name and prices should include customs and duties that required for delivery to UNICEF office. CIP delivery term is not acceptable. (c) This is a sealed bid and you must adhere to the response instructions in the bid; (d) It is important that you read all of the provisions of the bid, to ensure that you understand UNICEF’s requirements and can submit an offer in compliance with them. This includes submission of ALL documents requested, and completion of item texts underneath each item in the bid. NOTE THAT FAILURE TO PROVIDE REQUESTED DOCUMENTS OR COMPLETE THE ITEM TEXTS, MAY RESULT IN INVALIDATION OF YOUR BID; (e) Evaluation criteria will be based on your readiness to receive the payment after confirmation of the order delivery, compliance with specification/description, the best price and delivery terms. Please note that in order to be considered for an award, your bid in a duly sealed envelope must reach our office by 14:00 hours of Tuesday 26 November 2013 while all the received bids will be opened publicly at 14:00 hours the same day as indicated in the enclosed bid format. INVITATION TO BID Page 1 of 9 B-GEO-2013-004 INVITATION TOBID Please refer to our Bid ref no in all future correspondence on this ITB. ITB-GEO-2013-004 Date: 11/ 11/ 2013 UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF) Wishes to invite you to submit a bid for supply of ECO CLUB EQUIPMENT Your BID (sealed envelope with reference ITB-GEO-2013-004) should content the completed (1) BID FORM (pages 3-6 of this document) and (2) VENDOR MASTER DATA FORM (enclosed template). Sealed bids will be received at the UNICEF Tbilisi office (to be placed in sealed tender box) up to 14:00 hours of Tuesday 26 November 2013 to be publicly opened at 14:00 hours the same day. One representative from each bidding company may attend the bid opening. Bids shall be hand delivered to: Operations Section of UNICEF Tbilisi office located at IV Floor of UN House, 9 Eristavi Street, Vake, Tbilisi 0179, Georgia, Tel: 2232388/251130, Fax: 2251236. IMPORTANT – Your bid should be submitted in English using the attached Bid Form. Bids received in any other manner and/or after the above deadline and/or without completed Vendor Master Data Form will be INVALIDATED. INVITATION TO BID Page 2 of 9 B-GEO-2013-004 BID FORM BID FORM BID FORM (pages 3-6) must be completed, signed and returned to UNICEF. Bid must be made in accordance with the instructions contained in this INVITATION. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Any Purchase Order resulting from this INVITATION shall contain UNICEF General Terms and Conditions and any other Specific Terms and Conditions detailed in this INVITATION. INFORMATION Any request for additional information regarding this INVITATION should be forwarded in Vendor's own envelope without reference to the INVITATION in order that the letter may be opened in the normal course of business. This letter should be addressed only in this case for the attention of Mr. Vakhtang Akhaladze, Operations Manager. For Questions regarding descriptions/specifications please address Ms. Nino Gvetadze, DDR Project Officer. Alternatively, request for additional information can be emailed to or . The Undersigned, having read the Terms and Conditions of INVITATION No. B-GEO-2013-004 set out in the attached document hereby offers to supply the goods specified at the price or prices quoted, in accordance with any specifications stated and subject to the Terms and Conditions set out or specified in the document. Signature/Seal: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________________________________ Name & Title: ______________________________________________________________________ Company: ______________________________________________________________________ Postal Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Tel No.: ______________________________________________________________________ Fax No.: ______________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Validity of Offer (until what date your prices and delivery terms are fixed): INVITATION TO BID Page 3 of 9 ________________________ B-GEO-2013-004 BID FORM Quantity Description Your Total Price in GEL Hanna Instruments HI 3817BP Backpack Water Quality Test Kit 1 28 2 Thames and Kosmos Alternative Energy and Environmental Science Power House Green Essentials 28 Thames and Kosmos Biology Tk2 Scope 3 INVITATION TO BID Page 4 of 9 28 B-GEO-2013-004 Air pollution test kit 4 5 6 18 HANNA INSTRUMENTS HI38050 SOIL AND IRRIGATION WATER NITRATE TEST KIT WITH CHECKER DISC, FOR 200 TESTS 18 ALTERNATIVE ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE GLOBAL WARMING 18 HTTP://WWW.AMAZON.COM/ALTERNATIVE-ENERGY-ENVIRONMENTAL-SCIENCEWARMING/DP/B003ZVGSB6/REF=SR_1_SC_1?S=INDUSTRIAL&IE=UTF8&QID=1354 274001&SR=1-1-SPELL&KEYWORDS=GLOBAL+WARTMING+KIT INVITATION TO BID Page 5 of 9 B-GEO-2013-004 RADEX RD1503 - Radiation Detector 7 18 SET 2 SET 3 SAMEGRELO ABKHAZIA QUANTITY QUANTITY 10 10 10 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 PAKING REQUIREMENTS These ECO CLUBS items should be packed before delivery to UNICEF in two sets (for Samegrelo and Abkhazia) ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 What is your total price in GEL for the packing How many days you need for packing What is your GRAND total price in GEL (including the packing, delivery and offloading at UNICEF warehouse) How many days you need in total for delivery to spot (from the order up to offloading at UNICEF warehouse) Signature and stamp of the company xelmowera da organizaciis beWedi INVITATION TO BID Page 6 of 9 B-GEO-2013-004 SPECIAL NOTES 1 PAYMENT TERMS. Offers requesting prepayment or Letter of Credit will not be considered. UNICEF will proceed bank transfer after receipt of order based on supplier invoice and delivery acceptance confirmation. 2 PAYMENT CURRENCY. The payment will be proceeding in GEL 3 VALIDITY OF OFFER. The offer must be valid for minimum of two months from the date of opening of Bids. 4 INSPECTION. The Vendor must allow UNICEF’s representative(s) full access at all reasonable times to the company’s premises for the purpose of carrying out inspection and/or operational tests. SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. SUPPLIER EVALUATION Unless the same information has been provided within the last 12 months, the successful bidder(s) will be requested to provide information described in the Supplier Profile Form (which is referred to in INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS). This information and supporting documents such as Annual Report, Audited Financial Statement, Registration Certificate, Quality System Certificate, etc, will be used by UNICEF for evaluation and approval purposes before making an award. It is in the interest of the bidders to provide information as complete as possible, as awards will only be made to suppliers who meet UNICEF’s supplier selection criteria. 2. DOCUMENTATION UNICEF reserves the right to request bidders to provide, upon request, copies of internal quality control test results or certificate of analysis conducted at independent laboratories, certificates of approval by the respective government, health or local authority for the manufacture and /or sale of the item. CONTRACTUAL PROVISIONS 1. PURPOSE OF THE BID 1.1 UNICEF wishes to procure items in the quantities and with the specifications outlined in the schedules to this bid. 2. PRICES AND DISCOUNTS 2.1 Bidders are requested to provide unit prices in GEL. 2.2 Bidders are requested to advise as to a) Quantity / volume discounts, in form of large quantity / volume discounts and staircase pricing (i.e. varying prices according to different quantities procured); b) Early payment discounts, i.e. payment within a specified period of time faster than UNICEF’s standard payment term of 10 working days net; c) Other (trade) discounts. 3. MOST FAVOURED CUSTOMER PRICE CERTIFICATION 3.1 By submitting an offer we certify that UNICEF, for Purchase Orders / Contracts resulting from this Invitation to Bid / Request for Proposal, is not being charged more than other clients for similar equipment and similar quantities and within similar circumstances. 4. INCOTERMS 4.1 Bidders are requested to quote prices in accordance with the following delivery terms (INCOTERMS 2010): CIP UNICEF Georgia Country Warehouse. 5. DELIVERY 5.1 Deliveries shall be made as per instructions in UNICEFs Purchase Orders. Bidders shall indicate the average minimum lead time for delivery for each item offered (subject to quantities), defined as time from receipt of order. 5.2 UNICEF will monitor and measure the performance of the successful bidder, in comparison with average minimum lead time indicated in this bid. Accordingly, it is imperative that bidders state realistic average minimum lead times. 6. AWARD/ADJUDICATION OF BIDS 6.1 The contract will be awarded to the Bidder offering a combination of the lowest acceptable prices and shortest lead time, whose products are commercially, technically and quality acceptable, and whose Bid is in compliance with all Instructions, Specific Terms and Notes, Special Notes and General Terms and Conditions contained in the ITB, provided the Bid is reasonable and it is in the interest of UNICEF to accept it. Bids will be adjudicated on DDP basis. 6.2 UNICEF reserves the right to make multiple arrangements for any item(s) where, in the opinion of UNICEF, the lowest Bidder cannot fully meet the delivery requirements or if it is deemed to be in UNICEF's best interest to do so. INVITATION TO BID Page 7 of 9 B-GEO-2013-004 6.3 For this particular ITB the evaluation criteria are as follows: readiness to receive the payment after confirmation of the order delivery, compliance with specification/description, the best price and delivery terms. 6.4 In case of an award, Bidders who have not previously received Purchase Orders from UNICEF, may receive an order for a limited quantity until satisfactory performance is established. 6.5 The Bidder shall permit UNICEF representatives access to their facilities at any reasonable time to inspect the premises that will be used for the production, testing and packaging of the products, and will provide reasonable assistance to the representatives for such inspection, including copies of any test results or quality control reports as may be necessary. 7. SAMPLES 7.1 UNICEF reserves the right to request free, non-returnable samples for evaluation and testing by UNICEF, or its representative, of the item and/or of the packing and packaging, prior to any award. Samples will be subject to technical review and laboratory testing and analysis where appropriate. 8. PACKING 8.1 General Packing Requirements 8.1.1 The bidder warrants that the cost of packing is included in the total cost of the bid. 8.1.2 The successful bidder shall ensure that: The packing is of a sturdy quality, and of a commercial standard that will provide adequate protection of the goods for carriage by road to final destinations countrywide, including remote locations under adverse climatic and storage conditions, and high humidity; The packaging unit is strong, able to be stacked to a height of 4 pallets as static storage and 2 pallets during transport, and resistant to puncturing; Deliveries to any destination other than the UNICEF Georgia Country Warehouse are packed / palletised in the most costeffective way to minimise freight costs. 8.1.3 Identification markings All cases, cartons, inner boxes etc. must be clearly marked as follows: a) Purchase Order Number (optional for inner boxes); b) Description of contents; c) Quantity per carton; The size of the markings and labels must not exceed A5 (210 x 148 mm). Case identification as requested on the order must be mentioned on all invoices. 9. PACKING LIST 9.1 All markings must be reflected in the packing list to be completed at time of shipment. The packing list shall indicate the manufacturing batch number (where applicable) and cross-reference to the carton numbers and/or pallets. One copy of the packing list must be included with the shipment and another copy shall accompany the shipping documents. 9.2 Any exemptions granted in relation to the packing specifications under 8.1 shall be clearly stated on the packing list. 10. BIDDER REPRESENTATIONS 10.1 The bidder represents and warrants that: (a) It has the personnel, experience, qualifications, facilities, financial resources and all other skills and resources to perform its obligations under any resulting contract. (b) The items offered shall be free from defects in workmanship and materials; (c) The items offered shall be contained or packaged in a manner adequate to protect them; (d) It has not and shall not enter into any agreement or arrangement that restrains or restricts UNICEFs or the ultimate recipient's rights to use, sell, dispose of or otherwise deal with any item that may be acquired under any resulting Purchase Order. 10.2 The successful bidder will be required to acknowledge that: (a) UNICEF may further distribute the goods supplied to its Programme partners, including procurement services customers; (b) The benefit of any warranties provided and liabilities entered into with UNICEF, shall be passed on by UNICEF to its Programme partners, including Procurement Services customers. 11. SUBCONTRACTING 11.1 Bidders MUST identify on their bid, any products which may be offered by themselves, but originate from another supplier and/or country. All subcontracting must be reviewed by UNICEF prior to award. INVITATION TO BID Page 8 of 9 B-GEO-2013-004 12. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 12.1 For late delivery of items or for items which do not meet UNICEFs specifications and are therefore rejected by UNICEF, UNICEF shall be entitled to claim liquidated damages from the successful bidder, and deduct 0.5% of the value of the items pursuant to a Purchase Order, per additional day of delay, up to a maximum of 10% of the value of the Purchase Order. The payment or deduction of such liquidated damages, shall not relieve the successful bidder from any of its other obligations or liabilities pursuant to any Purchase Order. 13. UNETHICAL BEHAVIOUR 13.1 UNICEF strictly enforces a policy of zero tolerance concerning unethical, unprofessional or fraudulent acts of UNICEF bidders. Accordingly, any bidder that is found to have undertaken unethical, unprofessional or fraudulent activities will be suspended or forbidden from continuing business relations with UNICEF. 14. CORRUPT AND FRAUDULENT PRACTICES 14.1 UNICEF requires that all bidders associated with this Invitation to Bid / Request For Proposal observe the highest standard of ethics during procurement and execution of the work. In pursuance of this policy UNICEF (a) Defines for the purpose of this provision the terms set forth as follows: (i) Corrupt practice means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in the execution of a contract, and (ii) Fraudulent practice means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the client, and includes collusive practice among bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the client of the benefits of free and open competition; (b) Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the selected supplier / contractor have engaged in any corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question; (c) Will declare a bidder ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a UNICEF-financed contract if at any time it determines that it has engaged in any corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing a UNICEFfinanced contract. 15. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT 15.1 The bidder warrants that no official of UNICEF or the United Nations has received or will be offered by the bidder any direct or indirect benefit arising from this Invitation to Bid / Request for Proposal or the award thereof. The bidder agrees that breach of this provision is a breach of an essential term of the Invitation to Bid/Request for Proposal. 16. GUIDELINES ON GIFTS AND HOSPITALITY 16.1 Bidders shall not offer gifts or hospitality to UNICEF staff members. Recreational trips to sporting or cultural events, theme parks or offers of holidays, transportation, or invitations to extravagant lunches or dinners are also prohibited. 17. DISCLOSURE OF SANCTIONS OR TEMPORARY SUSPENSION 17.1 Only suppliers found to be responsible or conditionally responsible are eligible to be awarded UNICEF contracts and/or to bid on UNICEF solicitations. To be deemed a responsible supplier with whom UNICEF will conduct business, a supplier should not be suspended, debarred, or otherwise identified as ineligible by any organization within the World Bank Group or any other International or UN Organization. Suppliers are therefore required to disclose to UNICEF whether they are subject to any sanction or temporary suspension imposed by the World Bank Group or any other International or UN Organisation. 18. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 18.1 The UNICEF General Terms and Conditions shall apply to any resulting Purchase Orders. 19. AWARD NOTIFICATION 19.1 UNICEF Georgia Country Office does not notify the outcome on an ITB and contacts only awarded supplier. The award and the reasons for making the award are UNICEF's internal decision and may not be shared with external parties. However, within a reasonable time of the award being made, the Administrative & Supply Assistant or Operations Manager can inform all bidders whether or not their bid was successful. At the same time, no information about other bidders or their bids may be divulged. Upon request, bidders may be informed about how their offers performed against the quality, technical or commercial evaluation criteria, as stated in the bidding document. Bidders can inquiry the outcome of an ITB over phone 2232388 from Alexander Burjanadze, Administrative & Supply Assistant (ext 218) or Vakhtang Akhaladze, Operations Manager (ext 220). INVITATION TO BID Page 9 of 9 B-GEO-2013-004