MARKETING 3013-ON THE WEB SPRING 2014 Instructor: Dr. Gail Hudson, Professor of Marketing Office: BU 403 Phone: 972-3430 (O) FAX: 870-972-3833 E-mail: OFFICE HOURS: BY APPOINTMENT READ THE GETTING STARTED IN MKTG 3013 FIRST, THEN THE SYLLABUS Read the syllabus CAREFULLY BEFORE you begin this class. All of the RULES and INSTRUCTIONS are contained here: PREREQUISITES: If you are a College of Business major you must have completed 54 semester hours prior to this semester. Failure to comply with this prerequisite will cause you to lose upper level credit for this course. Additionally, College of Business majors must have completed ENG 1003 and 1013, MATH 2143, ACCT 2003 and 2013, ECON 2313 and 2323, and Econ 2113, in addition to having a degree plan on file with an advisor. Once Blackboard is open, please complete the prerequisite verification form posted in the documents section of BB. ALL MAJORS SHOULD COMPLETE THIS FORM. Please give me permission (FERPA) to post your grades on line as well. TEXTBOOK: MARKETING (with Connect Marketing package-an access code to electronic materials on the web) by Hunt and Mello, 1st edition, McGraw Hill, ISBN: 9781259197123. The access code can be purchased on line so you do not have to purchase it with your textbook. OR you can purchase an e-book with an access code; this is your choice. If you have a delay getting your textbook, a 21 day free trial access will allow you to use the e-book and login to Connect until you get your books so that you do not miss any of your assignment due dates. This means that there is NO EXCUSE for missing assignments because of having no textbook. Other needed resources include: Reliable Internet service, a working e-mail account, understanding of Blackboard Learn and Word. I will communicate with you via blackboard, so make sure that you have set up your BB account using an e-mail address that you check REGULARLY. Not reading your e-mail is not an excuse for missing assignments or announcements that I send to you. Please complete the on line permission form which allows me to post your grades in the Blackboard grade book. The form is available in the documents section of BB. Please complete the form and submit to me in the assignment. COURSE MATERIALS WEBSITE (Connect Marketing): You can now access connect materials through blackboard, go to course tools, click on McGraw Hill link and then click on the course address. This is the site that you access using the code that you purchased with your textbook. If you did not purchase an access code, you will be able to buy one on line at this same site. Please note that I have organized your assignments in weekly folders in blackboard. Once you have registered in Connect, when you enter connect through the blackboard folders, you will always know what is due that week!! You also have the option of buying an e-book with the code and simply not purchasing a hard copy. Your weekly quizzes, homework assignments and narrated power point slides (library tab) are all available at this site. You will need to access it for most of your semester assignments. Additional materials are available in Course Documents and Discussion Board in Blackboard. Course Objectives: By the completion of this course the student should, at minimum, be able to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of key terminology and frameworks in marketing. (Business Knowledge) 2. Demonstrate the ability to apply marketing tools for analyzing customers, competition as well as for assessing the firms’ internal strengths and weaknesses. (Critical Thinking & Business Knowledge, Written Communication) 3. Demonstrate an understanding of how marketing contributes to achieving the strategic objectives of the firm. (Business Knowledge) 4. Demonstrate the ability to incorporate ethical decision making strategies to day to day managerial decisions. (Ethics, Critical Thinking & Business Knowledge) GRADING: Quizzes (14) @ 15 points each (35%) 210 Each quiz will be a series of multiple choice questions based on your textbook and study materials. To take the quiz you must be on the Connect Marketing (CM) website above (course materials website). These assignments are TIMED and you may take them ONCE. Make sure that you are PREPARED BEFORE YOU BEGIN. You receive ONE MINUTE per question. The score will be one point per question. Homework Assignments (14) @ 10 points each (23.3%) 140 This component of your grade will be made up of 19 assignments all of which are applications of some concept or concepts from the chapter. These are not timed, and you have 3 attempts. Your best grade will be recorded. The questions will require you to APPLY the concepts from the chapter. If you haven’t read the chapter you will not be able to apply your knowledge to the task. “Shoot from the hip” responses will not get you many points. The purpose is APPLICATION!! Comprehensive Final Exam (25%) 150 At the end of the course you will complete a comprehensive final exam which will be made up of 50 questions over the 19 chapters in the textbook. These questions will be like the ones included in your quizzes. It will be posted in the assignment section of Blackboard. A study guide will be available 1 week before the final exam. Discussion: Discussion of course topics will take place in the blackboard discussion board. (16.7%) 100 Four times during the semester I will ask you to discuss some topic of interest. I expect that EVERYONE in class will have some meaningful comments to make which demonstrate both their understanding of the discussion topic as well as familiarity with the comments made by their classmates, I agree or I disagree is not “meaningful” and will not count towards your discussion grade. There is a grading rubric posted in BB Course Documents which explains the grading process. Total Points 600 Grading Scale: Individual grades will be posted to each student’s blackboard account Use your ASU login to access blackboard learn. You have already been added to the blackboard roster automatically. I will communicate with you when it is necessary so make sure that you open and read your s-mail account. After each exam and as homework assignments are graded, you may login to this site and view your scores. A standard 90-100=A, 80-89=B, 79-70=C; 69-60=D 59-below=F will be used. Your “weighted average” in blackboard will reflect where you stand in this scale. MAKE-UP WORK: Students have 7 days to complete each set of assignments. Once the due date has past, the assignment is no longer available and you will receive a 0. Because this is a web class, I have turned assignments on and off for a reason. You must keep up and read every day. You CANNOT wait until the last week to try and do it all. We move at a steady pace and you are “on your own” to schedule how you complete your class responsibilities. I have tried to give you enough time to allow for varying work schedules. Give yourself the opportunity to get it done. DO NOT WAIT until 11 pm on the due date and then back yourself into a corner when some crisis occurs. CHEATING: Each student is expected to work independently on all exams and class assignments/homework. Each student is obligated to neither participate in nor condone any dishonest activity. Cheating includes both giving and receiving assistance. Both parties are equally guilty of dishonesty. Each student has an active, individual obligation NOT to give the appearance of cheating. Do not allow another student to take advantage of you. Any dishonest activity discovered by the instructor will result, at a minimum, in a failing grade on that exam or assignment for all parties. I will always be honest with you and I expect the same treatment. Homework assignments that appear to contain "shared" answers will not be accepted and make-ups will not be allowed. DISABILITY: If you have a learning or physical disability that may affect your performance in this class, contact the Disabilities Center on campus and bring the appropriate paperwork to me for assistance. If you have questions about these issues please see me. PROCESS: My expectation is that you will read each chapter carefully, read/listen to my power point lectures or sign on to Connect Marketing and go to the Library tab, click on the relevant chapter and listen to the pre-made power point slides. After using any and all of these materials, when you feel comfortable with the material, complete the applications assignment. This is not timed, use your textbook, your notes and “apply” the concepts. This is your homework grade. You can take the homework assignment 3 times and use the best grade. Then complete the chapter quiz. You have 1 minute per question to complete the quiz. You must complete it in one sitting and there are no “do overs”. Don’t take it until you are ready. This is your quiz grade. IF YOU HAVE CLASS RELATED QUESTIONS, ADDRESS THEM IN BLACKBOARD IN THE DISCUSSION FORUM CALLED “ASK THE PROFESSOR” SO THAT OTHERS MIGHT SEE IT AND MY RESPONSE. IF YOU HAVE MORE PERSONAL QUESTIONS, SEND ME AN E-MAIL CLASS SCHEDULE: The assignments have dates and times by which they are due. For each chapter you will have a timed quiz (1 minute per question) and an untimed applications-based homework assignment. You will have 6-7 days to complete each of these components. Some weeks you will be responsible for two chapters, some weeks only one. We will complete all 14 chapters during the semester. The clock next to the assignment indicates a timed assignment. Notice the due date for each assignment as well as the date it becomes available for you to work on. Discussion Board (inside Blackboard) #1 Opens 02/03/14 8 am; closes 02/09/14 11:55 pm #2 Opens 03/03/14 8 am; closes 03/09/14 11:55 pm #3 Opens 04/07/14 8 am; closes 04/13/14 11:55 pm #4 Opens 04/28/14 8 am; closes 05/4/14 11:55 pm Due Date Becomes Available Chapter 1 Quiz 1/26/14 11:59pm available 01/20/14 8:00am Chapter 1 Application 01/26/14 11:59pm available 01/20/14 8:00am Chapter 2 Application 02/2/14 11:59pm available 01/27/14 8:00am Chapter 2 Quiz 02/2/14 11:59pm available 01/27/14 8:00am Chapter 3 Application 02/09/14 11:59pm available 02/03/14 8:00am Chapter 3 Quiz 02/09/14 11:59pm available 02/03/14 8:00am Chapter 4 Application 02/16/14 11:59pm available 02/10/14 8:00am Chapter 4 Quiz 02/16/14 11:59pm available 02/10/14 8:00am Chapter 5 Application 02/23/14 11:59pm available 02/17/14 8:00am Chapter 5 Quiz 02/23/14 11:59pm available 02/17/14 8:00am Chapter 6 Application 03/02/14 11:59pm available 02/24/14 8:00am Chapter 6 Quiz 03/02/14 11:59pm available 02/24/14 8:00am Chapter 7 Application 03/09/14 11:59pm available 03/03/14 8:00am Chapter 7 Quiz 03/09/14 11:59pm available 03/03/14 8:00am Chapter 8 Application 03/16/14 11:59pm available 03/10/14 8:00am Chapter 8 Quiz 03/16/14 11:59pm available 03/10/14 8:00am Chapter 9 Application 03/23/14 11:59pm available 03/17/14 8:00am Chapter 9 Quiz 03/23/14 11:59pm available 03/17/14 8:00am Chapter 10 Application 04/06/14 11:59pm available 03/31/14 8:00am Chapter 10 Quiz 04/06/14 11:59pm available 03/31/14 8:00am Chapter 11 Application 04/13/14 11:59pm available 04/07/14 8:00am Chapter 11 Quiz 04/13/14 11:59pm available 04/07/14 8:00am Chapter 12 Application 04/20/14 11:59pm available 04/14/14 8:00am Chapter 12 Quiz 04/20/14 11:59pm available 04/14/14 8:00am Chapter 13 Application 04/27/14 11:59pm available 04/21/14 8:00am Chapter 13 Quiz 04/27/14 11:59pm available 04/21/14 8:00am Chapter 14 Application 05/04/14 11:59pm available 04/28/14 8:00am Chapter 14 Quiz 05/04/14 11:59pm available 04/28/14 8:00am