cisco - polecenia.doc (132 KB) Pobierz Router# enable password - ustawia hasło Router (config )# enable secret - szyfruje hasło Router (config )# line con 0 - console ustawienie Router (config )# login - wpisac jak sie ustawia hasło na console Router (config )# password console - właczenie hasła na konsole com Router (config )# line aux 0 - ustawienia Router (config )# password aux - właczenie na aux hasła Router (config )# login - właczenie loginu na aux Router (config )# line vty 0 4 - właczenie telnetu Router (config )# password chicago - właczenie hasła telnet Router (config )# login - właczenie Router (config )# password sopla2 - właczenie hasła Router (config )# service password-encryption - włancza szyfrowanie haseł Router# copy runn-connfig startup-config Router# clock ? Router# c ? Router# clear clock Router# copy run start Router# copy runn-connfig startup-config Router# copy run tftp backup Router# copy tftp run - przywrócenie Router# copy flash tftp – backup VLANs Lab There are three 2950 switches used in this lab. We’ll use the 2950’s for the VLAN configuration and we will use the 2600A router to perform the ISL routing. IP addresses of Hosts A through I will be configured. We’ll create three new VLANs and apply them to switches 2950A, 2950B, and 2950C. We will use subnet 1. The 2600A Fastethernet 0/0 interface IP address will be We will start by configuring the 2600A Router in the network. Router>enable Router#config t Router(config)#hostname 2600A 2600A(config)#enable secret todd 2600A(config)#line console 0 2600A(config-line)# password todd 2600A(config-line)#login 2600A(config-line)#line aux 0 2600A(config-line)#password todd 2600A(config-line)#login 2600A(config-line)#line vty 0 4 2600A(config-line)#password todd 2600A(config-line)#login 2600A(config-line)#interface fastethernet 0/0 2600A(config-if)#ip address 2600A(config-if)#description connection to LAN 100 2600A(config-if)#no shutdown 2600A(config-if)#exit 2600A(config)#banner motd # This is the 2600A router # 2600A(config)#exit 2600A#copy run start 2600A# 2. Connect into 2950A switch and set the hostname, passwords, interface descriptions, IP address, subnet mask and default-gateway information. The IP address of the switch will be /24, with a default gateway of When the configuration is complete, verify the configuration by pinging the default gateway. Switch>enable Switch#config t Switch(config)#hostname 2950A 2950A(config)#enable password todd 2950A(config)#enable secret routersim 2905A(config)#line console 0 2950A(config-line)#password console 2950A(config-line)#login 2950A(config-line)#line vty 0 15 2950A(config-line)#password todd 2950A(config-line)#login 2950A(config-line)#exit 2950A(config)#ip default-gateway 2950A(config)#interface VLAN 1 2950A(config-if)#ip address 2950A(config-if)#interface fastethernet 0/10 2950A(config-if)#description Trunk Link to 2600A 2950A(config-if)#switchport mode trunk 2950A(config-if)#speed 100 2950A(config-if)#duplex full 2950A(config-if)#interface fastethernet 0/11 2950A(config-if)#description Link to 2950B 2950A(config-if)#switchport mode trunk 2950A(config-if)#speed 100 2950A(config-if)#duplex full 2950A(config-if)#interface fastethernet 0/12 2950A(config-if)#description Trunk Link to 2950C 2950A(config-if)#switchport mode trunk 2950A(config-if)#speed 100 2950A(config-if)#duplex full 2950A(config-if)#exit 2950A(config)#exit 2950A#ping 3. Create a VTP domain of routersim and leave the 2950 switch as a VTP server. 2950A#config t 2950A(config)#vtp domain routersim 4. Connect to the 2950B switch and set the hostname, passwords, interface descriptions, IP address, subnet mask and default-gateway information. The IP address of the switch will be, with a default gateway of When the configuration is complete, verify the configuration by pinging the default gateway. Switch>enable Switch#config t Switch(config)#hostname 2950B 2950B(config)#enable password todd 2950B(config)#enable secret routersim 2950B(config)#line console 0 2950B(config-line)#password console 2950B(config-line)#login 2950B(config-line)#line vty 0 15 2950B(config-line)#password todd 2950B(config-line)#login 2950B(config-line)#exit 2950B(config)#ip default-gateway 2950B(config)#interface vlan1 2950B(config-if)#ip address 2950B(config-if)#interface fastethernet 0/11 2950B(config-if)#description Trunk Link to 2950A 2950B(config-if)#switchport mode trunk 2950B(config-if)#speed 100 2950B(config-if)#duplex full 2950B(config-if)#interface fastethernet 0/12 2950B(config-if)#description Trunk Link to 2950C 2950B(config-if)#switchport mode trunk 2950B(config-if)#speed 100 2950B(config-if)#duplex full 2950B(config-if)#exit 2950B(config)#exit 2950B#ping 5. Configure the 2950B switch to be a member of the VTP domain routersim and configure the 2950B switch as a VTP client. 2950B#config t 2950B(config)#vtp dom... Plik z chomika: sliwak Inne pliki z tego folderu: polecenia Cisco IOS(1).pdf (347 KB) Ccna Cisco Ios Commands.pdf (390 KB) cisco - polecenia.doc (132 KB) cisco cwiczenia.pdf (3118 KB) polecenia_CMD.pdf (21 KB) Inne foldery tego chomika: ADMINISTROWANIE SIECIAMI ASA Budowa sieci CBT Nugget Archive Server 2009 Cisco CBT Nuggets Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin Strona główna Aktualności Kontakt Dla Mediów Dział Pomocy Opinie Program partnerski Regulamin serwisu Polityka prywatności Ochrona praw autorskich Platforma wydawców Copyright © 2012