January 30, 2012 - Department of Entomology

Doctoral Graduate Outcomes Assessment (DGOA) Plan Description
Entomology Graduate Program
As part of the university’s evaluation of graduate programs, each Ph.D. student in
Entomology will be subject to Graduate Outcome Assessments (GOAs) during their graduate
program. The data gathered will provide critical feedback regarding the effectiveness of the
graduate program. The information is also provided to the student and advisor to better inform
student progress toward his/her degree. The assessment will occur at 3 programmatic milestones
(qualifying / candidacy exam, dissertation exit seminar, and dissertation defense), a yearly
assessment of professional and disciplinary benchmarks (progress report), and 2-years postgraduation (post-survey). The goal of this program is to improve the success of both the
individual student as well as the Entomology Graduate Program as a whole. The following is a
description of each of the 5 assessment points, followed by a description of the rubrics for each
assessment point and how each rubric form will be used.
1. Qualifying / Candidacy Exam.
Students write a document describing their planned dissertation research, including a
summary of relevant background literature, description of experimental results obtained to date,
and planned experiments. The student gives a brief oral presentation and then defends the written
proposal before a Dissertation Advisory Committee consisting of at least four faculty, in addition
to the student’s advisor. Students typically take the qualifying exam at completion of most
coursework and near the beginning of their dissertation research, usually by the end of their 4th or
5th semester in the program (required by end of the 6th semester).
In addition to proficiency of knowledge in their subject area of research, students should
demonstrate general knowledge of the discipline of entomology and two to three focal areas
identified prior to the qualifying / candidacy exam by the student and their committee during a
Pre-Qualifying Exam Meeting (see Pre-Qualifying Exam / Discipline Area form) for general
study in the entomology graduate program. Students obtain general knowledge from course work
and from independent reading. General knowledge assessment will take place in the oral
qualifying / candidacy examination.
Students at this stage in the program should: 1) Have taken “ownership” of their research
project. The student carries out the experiments and takes an active role (along with the advisor)
in designing experiments and interpreting the results. 2) Have good knowledge of entomology as
covered in graduate level courses. 3) Have good knowledge of published research relevant to
their research project. 4) Understand how the research is significant for the overall field.
Assessment: Assessment of the outcome of the Qualifying Exam will be based on a
rubrics form completed by the Dissertation Advisory Committee members immediately
following the exam (see Qualifying / Candidacy Exam Assessment form).
2. Dissertation Exit Seminar / Entomology Colloquium.
Students provide an oral presentation of their dissertation research in a public forum,
usually in the Entomology Colloquium Series. The exit seminar typically takes place the
semester the student plans to graduate.
The seminar should show evidence the student communicates knowledge orally at levels
expected by the profession and department at advanced stages of study. Students should
demonstrate the ability to formulate a question and justify the significance of the topic for their
dissertation, develop a research plan to address this question, communicate the results and
interpretation of this research to a professional audience, and respond in a knowledgeable and
professional manner to questions on the dissertation research.
Assessment: Assessment of the outcome of the Dissertation Exit Seminar will be based on
a rubrics form completed by the Dissertation Advisory Committee members following the
seminar (see Dissertation Exit Seminar Assessment form).
3. Dissertation Defense (oral and written).
The student gives a brief oral presentation and then defends the written dissertation before
the Dissertation Advisory Committee. Students typically complete and orally defend their
written dissertation during the 5th year in the program.
The dissertation defense should show evidence that the student: 1) Has developed,
through their research, new knowledge that makes a significant contribution to their field and its
broader impacts. The work will normally be published, or in preparation for publication, in one
or more journal articles. 2) The student is able to clearly communicate research in both oral and
written presentation in the appropriate scientific style. 3) The student should display the ability to
implement and complete independent, original research without direction by an advisor.
Assessment: Assessment of the outcome of the Dissertation Defense will be based on a
rubrics form completed by the Dissertation Advisory Committee members immediately
following the exam (see Dissertation Defense Assessment form).
4. Professional and Disciplinary Benchmarks.
Students will complete a Yearly Progress Report at the end of January each year for the
previous calendar year (January - December) and upon completion of their dissertation defense
summarizing progress in coursework, publications and conference presentations, outreach
activities, awards, and placement in a related professional field (final year). Students are
expected to achieve the following benchmarks: complete the majority of their coursework in
years 1 and 2; years 2 and later students should present at a minimum of 1 professional meeting
and 1 outreach activity per year; and years 4 and 5 should emphasize publication of research,
teaching and/or outreach materials (~1/ year); and throughout their studies students should
participate in writing and applying for grants (a minimum of 1) and / or awards, and professional
service activities (ex. committees) (~1 year commitment).
Reports will demonstrate that students are: 1) completing program milestones and
coursework on the appropriate time schedule, 2) making significant scholarly and/or outreach
contributions to the profession, and 3) attaining success in professional activities.
Assessment: Assessment of the outcome of Professional and Disciplinary Benchmarks
will be based on a Yearly Progress Report completed by the student (see Yearly Progress Report
form). Progress will be assessed by the Director of Graduate Studies and/or the Graduate Affairs
Committee. A summary of the assessment will be provided to the student, the advisor and the
Dissertation Advisory Committee members. A copy will be placed in the student’s file.
5. Two Years Post-graduation.
A standardized questionnaire will be completed by students approximately two years after
they leave the program, with a letter explaining its purpose in determining program quality and
identifying avenues for improvement.
Assessment: Assessment of the Two Years Post-graduation outcomes will be based on a
rubrics form completed by the graduate.
The rubrics and associated forms to be used for each assessment are posted on the
Entomology Program web-site. They should be accessed by the students well in advance of the
Qualifying Exam, Dissertation Exit Seminar, and Dissertation Defense. Student Yearly Progress
Report forms are also posted on the Entomology Program web-site and are to be completed by
January 31st each year. It is the student’s responsibility, along with the student’s advisor, to
ensure the appropriate forms are completed by the student or members of the Dissertation
Advisory Committee. All forms, or copies of forms, must be returned to the Graduate Program
Administrative Assistant in the Department of Entomology (entm-grad-program@umd.edu or
PLS 4112).
Members of the Dissertation Advisory Committee will complete the forms immediately
following the 3 programmatic milestones (Qualifying Exam, Dissertation Exit Seminar, and
Dissertation Defense). Following discussion of the students performance for the Qualifying
Exam and Dissertation Defense, each member of the committee will enter their ratings separately
for the student. The advisor will add comments relating to the committee discussion.
Members of the Dissertation Advisory Committee will complete the form for the
Dissertation Exit Seminar immediately following the seminar and return to the Graduate
Program Assistant in the Department of Entomology (ento-grad-program@umd.edu or PLS
4112). Copies will be provided to the student and advisor. Committee members are responsible
for finding substitutes if they cannot attend the student’s defense exit seminar.
Students are responsible for completing the Yearly Progress Report. All forms should be
emailed to the Graduate Program Assistant at ento-grad-program@umd.edu. Copies are
provided to the student’s advisor and Director of Graduate Studies, and placed in the student’s
Review and use of assessments
The student’s advisor will review the assessment with the student immediately after the
Qualifying Exam, Dissertation Exit Seminar, and Dissertation Defense. The review will include
an explanation of the basis for the ratings, strengths and deficiencies, and discussion of ways the
student may improve on any deficiencies.
Yearly Progress Reports will be reviewed yearly by the Director of Graduate Studies and
areas identified as needing improvement will be discussed with the student and student advisor.
The Director of Graduate Studies will review all assessments yearly and will present
summaries of the results at a regular meeting of the Entomology Program faculty. The faculty
will discuss any consistent deficiencies that are evident, and ways to ameliorate those
deficiencies. The goal of the program is for: 1) 90% or more of the students to have a median
rating of meets expectations or better, 2) 25% or more of the students to have a median rating of
exemplary performance, and 3) 75% or more of the students should obtain the stated benchmarks
towards Professional and Disciplinary development.