Botany Section
1. Match each of the following specialized tissues with its function. a. meristem b. xylem c. phloem d. parenchyma
........... food storage tissue
........... site of cell division and growth
........... water transport
........... food transport
2. The main functions of plant roots are absorption of water and nutrients and as anchorage for aboveground plant parts. a. True b. False
3. Dicots have two cotyledons in the seed, net-veined leaves and flower parts typically in multiples of four or five. a. True b. False
4. Photosynthesis occurs only in the green cells of plants. a. True b. False
5. Inflorescence is a general term for the arrangement of leaves on a plant. a. True b. False
Soils Section
6. Which of these essential nutrients is supplied as a primary nutrient in an application of a complete fertilizer? a. Potassium b. Iron c. Manganese d. Molybdenum e. Chlorine f. Calcium
7. This expression indicates the acidity or alkalinity of a soil. a. C.E.C. b. pH c. Soluble salts d. Extractable Ca
8. Natural organic materials primarily supply this nutrient in commercial fertilizers? a. Nitrogen b. Phosphorus
9. It is important to know soil pH because: c. Potassium d. Sulfur a. pH governs availability of certain nutrients to the plant b. It affects the activity of bacterial and fungal organisms c. Certain elements can be toxic to plants at certain pH levels d. All of the above
10. Palm trees growing in the home landscape which exhibit a yellowish chlorotic appearance along the edges and ends of the fronds with a dark green inverted "V" along the interior near the base of the fronds are suffering from a deficiency of magnesium. This can be corrected by applying 1 to 5 pounds (depending on the size of the tree) of around the drip zone of the tree. a. Epsom Salts c. b. Ammonium nitrate d.
Potassium chloride (magnesium sulfate)
High cal lime
-1revision date: July 2005
11. You should not add lime or sulfur to your soil until you've had a pH and lime requirement test. a. True b. False
12. Most species of plants will do fine in a pH range of 5.0 to 6.5. a. True b. False
13. All fertilizer materials with sulfate in the name will lower pH. a. True b. False
14. Since Ca and Mg are essential plant nutrients, lime should be applied to all soils regardless of soil pH. a. True b. False
15. Calcium is an important nutrient in the growth and production of tomatoes in a home garden. a. True b. False
16. Sooty mold is a pathogenic fungus growing on plants. a. True
17. The first instar of a scale is called a crawler. b. False a. True b. False
18. Adult aphids usually are wingless, but winged forms are produced when colonies become overcrowded or the host plant is undesirable. a. True b. False
19. Thrip damage appears as spots and webbing on leaves. a. True b. False
20. Chinch bugs damage turf by chewing holes in the grass blades. a. True
21. Aphid damage appears as: b. False a. Leaf curl and/or distorted flower buds c. Stippled areas b. Chlorotic spots d. b and c
22. Serpentine and blotch are two names associated with: a. Thrips b. Caterpillars c. Grasshoppers d. Leafminers
23. Under optimum conditions, spider mites can complete their life cycle in: a. 3-5 days b. 7-10 days c. 10-14 days d. 2-3 weeks
24. Shiny black spots of excrement on undersides of azalea leaves would probably indicate an infestation of: a. Flea beetles b. Azalea defoliators (caterpillars) c. Lacebugs d. Spider mites
25. Which of the following has chewing mouthparts? a. Grasshoppers b. Aphids c. Adult moths d. Thrips
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Landscape Horticulture
26. Frequent and light waterings encourage deep root systems on grass plants. a. True b. False
27. St. Augustine grass seed should be planted in spring or summer. a. True b. False
28. Centipede grass has very low tolerance to nematodes. a. True b. False
29. Floratine is the most chinch bug resistant variety of St. Augustine grass. a. True b. False
30. Thatch is an excessive accumulation of grass stems and roots which is present above the soil line, but beneath the actively growing green vegetation. a. True b. False
31. Azaleas should be pruned in early spring, before shoot growth begins, for maximum flowering. a. True b. False
32. You should transplant existing trees and shrubs growing in the landscape from one location to another during the dormant season or a growth flush have hardened off. a. just after b. just before
33. To increase soil pH, hydrated lime is recommended over ground limestone or dolomite because it is less likely to "burn" plants. a. True b. False
34. When staking and guying a newly planted tree, stakes and guy wires should prevent any movement of the tree trunk. a. True b. False
35. Mulches do not need to be applied more than 3 inches deep. a. True b. False
36. Which one of the following four vegetables is least likely to produce well in Florida? (Circle one) a. Tomato b. Rhubarb c. Corn d. Cucumber
37. Bees are not required to pollinate flowers of which one of these vegetables: a. Tomato b. Cucumber c. Squash d. Watermelon
38. The practice of pruning tomatoes is done primarily to increase size of fruits. a. True b. False
39. Which one of the following common tomato varieties is best suited for ground culture (non-staking)? a. Solar Set b. Manalucie c. Better Boy d. Micro-Tom
-3revision date: July 2005
40. It is not wise to plant 2 types of corn next to each other in a garden since they may cross and produce off-types. a. True b. False
41. Which one of the following statements does not apply to a mulch as used in the garden? a. Placed on the soil surface c. Helps control weeds b. Applied to supply plant nutrients d. Helps conserve soil-moisture
42. If a variety is said to be resistant to a specific disease it means the plant will never get the disease. a. True b. False
43. A gardener wants to know why a particular kind of vegetable is not growing satisfactorily in his garden.
Which of the following four questions should you as an Extension worker ask first to determine the reason for plant failure? a. How deep were the seeds planted? b. How much fertilizer was used? c. How much water was used? d. What is the variety name?
44. The term "cool season", when applied to vegetables, means the vegetable plant will not be damaged at below freezing temperatures. a. True b. False
45. Tomato blossom-end rot is caused by: a. Lack of bees b. Calcium deficiency c. Nitrogen deficiency d. Fusarium fungus
Fruit Crops
46. Be sure to remove all weeds immediately adjacent to the trunk of citrus trees as these could harbor fungus organisms which could damage or kill the tree. a. True b. False
47. When several fruit trees are planted in the dooryard they should be separated by a distance of: a. 20-25 feet b. 5-10 feet c. 30-40 feet d. 50-60 feet
48. The separation lines between climatic zones in Florida are not rigid and should be considered as transition zones. a. True b. False
49. Which of the following requires an acid soil of pH 3.5-5.2? a. Avocado b. Loquat c. Peach d. Blueberry
50. Temperatures below 45 degrees Fahrenheit or 7 degrees Centigrade and above freezing are known as chilling temperatures. a. True b. False
51. A black growth found on leaves and fruit of many fruiting plants following infestations of scale insects and aphids is known as: a. Scab b. Anthracnose c. Sooty mold d. Greasy spot
-4revision date: July 2005
52. Rough, wart-like lesions on fruit and leaves of certain varieties of citrus (such as Temple orange, lemons and some tangelos) are caused by a fungus disease known as: a. Melanose b. Greasy spot c. Scab d. Alternaria
53. The most critical ingredient for the successful growth of a young fruit tree is: a. Fertilizer b. Water c. Insect control d. Disease control
54. Fruit trees that are not locally adapted usually will not produce fruit regardless of the amount of care. a. True b. False
55. Citrus trees rarely need pruning except for sprout removal. a. True b. False
56. The single most limiting factor in fruit tree growth and production is weather. a. True b. False
57. From the list below, select 3 tropical fruit trees which are very sensitive to cold weather. a. Papaya b. Peach c. Apple d. Mango e. Persimmon f. Loquat g. Macadamia
58. Deciduous fruit trees are not well-adapted to Central and South Florida due to inadequate winter chilling. a. True b. False
59. Select three deciduous (temperate) fruit trees which will grow in Florida if the proper varieties are selected. a. b. c. d.
Mango e. f. g.
60. Match the varieties listed below with the proper fruit type.
Example: Parson Brown A
1. Hamlin
2. Valencia
3. Dancy
4. Robinson
Insects - Vegetables a……..Sweet orange b ......... Grapefruit c .......... Tangerine or tangerine d ......... hybrid
61. One of the most damaging soil insects that can be found in the home garden is the: a. Corn earworm b. Burrowing stinkbug c. Mole cricket d. Mexican bean beetle e. Cabbage Looper
62. Soil insects usually become a problem when the garden is planted after: a. Shrubs and ornamentals b. Trees c. Grass crops d. Annual flowers
-5revision date: July 2005
63. The two major types of mouthparts possessed by insects that damage foliage and stems in home gardens are: a. Siphoning and piercing - sucking c. Rasping and chewing b. Chewing and piercing-sucking d. Lapping and chewing
64. The two miners that attack Florida vegetable crops most often are: a. Potato & bean miner c. Tomato pinworm & squash vine borer b. Corn earworm & serpentine leaf miner d. Tomato pinworm & serpentine leaf miner
65. Insects that are probably the most damaging to vegetables are those that: a. Feed on leaves b. Feed on stems c. Feed on pods and fruits d. Feed on flowers
66. Insects with piercing - sucking mouthparts cause damage by: a. Removing plant juices b. Causing growth distortions by injecting foreign enzymes c. Transmission of plant viruses d. All of the above
67. The corn earworm is hard to control because: a. It drills a hole in the side of the ear b. It is a severe pest in Florida's warm weather c. The female is very prolific in laying eggs on growing silks d. It sees the sprayer coming and hides
68. The proper time to put out baits for cutworms is: a. Early morning when dew is on the ground b. The middle of the day after plants have dried out c. Just before irrigating d. Late afternoon and early evening
69. Which of the following is not a true insect? a. Spider mite b. Leafhopper c. Looper d. Beetle
70. Perhaps the best choice for application of insecticides in the home garden is: a. The hose-attachment sprayer b. The compressed air sprayer c. The trombone sprayer d. A duster
71. In general, wettable powders are safer to use on plants than emulsifiable concentrates: a. True b. False
72. A disease can be defined as an abnormal change in the structure, appearance or function of a plant as demonstrated by plant symptoms. a. True b. False
73. Free moisture and a wet plant surface are necessary environmental conditions for viruses but not fungi and bacteria to cause disease. a. True b. False
-6revision date: July 2005
74. Pathogens are living organisms that cause disease in plants and can be bacteria, fungi, viruses, occasionally other plants, and other classes of microbes. a. True b. False
75. Remembering how fungi infect plants to cause disease, the practice of late evening watering will favor foliar disease development. a. True
76. Viral diseases are spread primarily by: b. False a. Aphid and Whitefly feeding b. Wireworm feeding c. Grasshopper feeding d. Wind
77. Severe disease problems are best controlled in the yard and garden by which two-step process? a. Handpicking of diseased plant tissue and fertilization. b. Fertilization and watering. c. Fertilization and fungicide application. d. Handpicking of diseased plant tissue and fungicide application.
78. Viral diseases that occur in the yard and garden can be controlled by: a. Fungicide sprays b. Diseased plant removal season c. Spraying insecticides d. Crop rotation in the next garden
79. Control of plant diseases is done with the use of which of the following control techniques: a. Buying disease-free plants and seed. b. Fumigating garden soil c. Using fungicides to protect healthy plants d. Choosing disease resistant or tolerant plant varieties e. All of the above.
80. Sooty mold: a. Is a black fungus that grows on honeydew secreted by insects such as soft scales, mealy bugs and whiteflies b. Interferes with photosynthesis c. Attracts ants d. None of the above e. All of the above
81. Fungicides used by the homeowner to control fungal diseases of vegetables include Malathion and oil. a. True b. False
82. All green plant material from a cover crop or previous garden crops should be well rotted before seeding or planting the vegetable garden. a. True b. False
83. All rust diseases are similar in appearance and appear as: a. Large target-like leaf spots b. White fungus on the leaf surface c. Pustules or blisters on the leaves that are red to yellow d. Angular leaf spots with straight sides
84. Wilt diseases of vegetables, like tomato wilts, are diagnosed easily by two common symptoms: a. Yellow leaves and leaf spots with brown or yellow “halos” b. Wilting plants and fruit rots
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c. Rotten roots and yellow leaves d. Wilted plants with brown discoloration inside the cut open stems at the soil line
85. Powdery mildews on vegetables and ornamentals are easily recognized by: a. The powdery white growth of fungus on foliage b. Lower leaf yellowing c. Large leaf spots with yellow borders d. By branch diebacks
86. Turf disease diagnosis is very difficult because disease symptoms on turf grasses are very similar among diseases and basically nondescript. a. True b. False
87. The use of pruning offers no control of dieback or canker types of disease in ornamentals. a. True b. False
88. The application of nitrogen to a lawn through general fertilization will often perform to control Dollar
Spot disease on turf grasses as well as a fungicide application. a. True b. False
89. Certain diseases like fire blight of ornamentals are caused by pathogens that may be widespread ones the plant. To avoid further spread, pruning affected plants requires: a. Flaming the cut stubs of branches b. Using different pruning tools for each tree c. Disinfecting pruning knives or shears in alcohol or bleach between cuts d. Pruning only in winter
90. Pythium and Phytophthora water fungi cause common root rots of ornamentals that can be recognized by: a. A wet, mushy root appearance and the 'stripping` of outer root tissue b. White fungus under the bark of roots c. Their occurrence under dry soil conditions d. The absence of plant roots
91. Control of foliar diseases of ornamentals is best achieved by: a. Removal of diseased tissue followed by fungicide application b. Applications of appropriate fungicides c. Avoidance of night watering coupled with fertilization d. Fertilization removal of diseased tissue
92. When preparing a garden plot for fumigation or solarization, the area should be thoroughly tilled at least 2 to 3 weeks before treatment. Why? a. To allow the soil to dry out enough for the chemical or heat to move through the soil pores b. To cut up roots and allow time for them to begin to rot before treatment, so no nematodes will be protected from the chemical or heat by being inside root tissue c. To activate the nematodes d. To encourage insects to come to the surface
93. Nematode-resistant tomato varieties will not be injured by any of the nematode pests ordinarily found in the home garden. a. True b. False
-8revision date: July 2005
94. All types of nematodes produce root galls or knots. a. True b. False
95. Most above ground symptoms associated with nematodes may also be caused by other sources of root stress, such as fungal pathogens, soil compaction and inadequate water. a. True b. False
96. Are there any parasites or predators which help suppress plant nematode populations? a. Yes b. No
97. Which soil component seems to reduce nematode damage to plants by increasing the water-holding and nutrient holding capacity of the soil, enhancing soil microorganism activity, and contributing nutrients to the soil? a. Clay b. Sand c. Organic matter d. Silt
98. Interplanting (companion planting) of marigolds with tomatoes has effectively prevented root-knot nematode damage to tomatoes in many university experiments. a. True b. False
99. Reducing cultural stresses on lawn grasses often reduces symptoms of "nematode damage" to turf.
Which is considered to be the cultural practice most likely to increase nematode damage to turf, and most likely to improve turf tolerance to nematodes if changed? a. watering frequency b. soil compaction c. mowing too closely
Situation descriptions for 100, 101 and 102.
Your neighbor gave you some African violets which are doing poorly and which she says are infested with nematodes. Her evidence is that she sees small white worms (about 1/4 inch long) moving about on the potting mix when she waters the plants.
100. Is your neighbor correctly identifying a nematode problem? a. NO - plant nematodes are smaller and generally colorless (not visible) against the soil b. YES - they grow bigger in organic soil mixes
101. Whether or not the white worms that your neighbor sees are actually nematodes, the violets could be infected by nematodes. How would you try to tell if nematodes are damaging the plants? a. Examine roots for obvious root-knot galls b. Have her send a sample to the Nematode Assay Lab c. Have her apply a nematicide to see if the plant responds
102. If it is determined that the African violets have a serious nematode infestation, what can you tell your neighbor to do about it? a. Treat with Malathion b. Treat with Sevin c. If there are healthy, firm leaves, use them for cuttings to propagate the plant in uninfested soil.
Make sure that NO discolored leaf or stem (petiole) tissue is used. Discard soil and roots. d. Nothing.
-9revision date: July 2005
Master Gardener
103. A Master Gardener may use the title Master Gardener: a. To advertise his qualifications as a professional b. Only when serving in the Master Gardener Plant Clinic or other authorized Master Gardener volunteer activity c. In phone book and newspaper advertisements d. To make recommendations to commercial nurseries
104. The Master Gardener program is sponsored by: a. United States Department of Agriculture b. Florida Cooperative Extension Service c. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services d. None of the above
105. If you don't know the answer to a question while working at a Master Gardener clinic, you should: a. Admit you don't know and suggest some alternative resources or actions b. Punt c. Bluff your way through and give any answer that sounds good d. Distract them to another subject
Yard Waste Management
106. Fertilizer does not need to be added to a garden if compost if being used. a. True b. False
107. Pet wastes (dog or cat) can be safely added to compost for use on vegetable gardens. a. True b. False
108. If woody materials such as sawdust or wood chips are added to the compost pile, what material should be added to help them break down more quickly? a. lime b. potash c. nitrogen d. hay e. egg shells
109. For fastest breakdown, the moisture level of the composting material should be: a. 40%-60% b. 10%-20% c. 80%-90% d. 0-5% e. it does not matter
ELM Environmental Landscape Management
110. The most energy efficient house in Florida is one with its long axis running north/south. a. True b. False
111. To prevent radiant heat from building up IN the home, use light colored, smooth roofing. a. True b. False
112. It is a good idea to plant deciduous trees on the north side of the house. a. True b. False
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113. Homes without air conditioning should have the shrubs and lower limbs of trees pruned to allow for air circulation while totally air conditioned homes should have trees that are full and block air movement. a. True b. False
114. Espaliered shrubs or trees are effective in preventing sunlight from striking and heating up a wall. a. True b. False
-11revision date: July 2005
23. b
24. c
25. a
26. b
27. b
28. a
29. b
13. b
14. b
15. a
16. b
17. a
18. a
19. b
20. b
21. a
22. d
30. a
31. b
32. a
33. b
34. b
35. a
5. b
6. a
7. b
8. a
9. d
10. a
11. a
12. a
1. a. site of cell division and growth b. water transport c. food transport d. food tissue storage
2. a
3. a
4. a
37. a
49. d
50. a
51. c
52. c
53. b
54. a
55. a
38. a
39. d
40. a
41. b
42. b
43. d
44. b
45. b
46. a
47. a
48. a
65. c
66. d
67. c
68. d
69. a
70. b
71. a
72. a
73. b
74. a
56. a
57. a,d,g
58. a
59. b,c,g
60. 1. a; 2. a; 3. c; 4. c
61. c
62. c
63. b
64. d
87. b
88. a
89. c
90. a
91. a
92. b
93. b
94. b
95. a
96. a
97. c
98. b
99. c
100. a
101. b
75. a
76. a
77. d
78. b
79. e
80. e
81. b
82. a
83. c
84. d
85. a
86. a
102. c
103. b
104. b
105. a
106. b
107. b
108. c
109. a
110. b
111. a
112. b
113. a
114. a