8-10-15 - Trousdale County Schools

Trousdale County Schools Focused Lesson Plan
Teacher: House
Unit Name: Place Value
Unit #: 1
Unit Length: 5 weeks
Week: 8/10/15-8/14/15
Week __2___ of ___5___
Subject: Math
Tennessee State Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard)
4.NBT.A.1 Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it
represents in the place to its right. For example, recognize that 700 ÷ 70 = 10 by applying concepts of place
value and division.
4.NBT.A.2 Read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names, and
expanded form. Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =,
and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.
I Can Statements:
 I can read and write numbers in standard form, written form, and expanded form.
 I can identify the value of digits.
 I can tell greater than, less than, or equal to for numbers up to one million.
 I can list numbers in order from least to greatest and greatest to least.
Accommodations for students, both regular and special populations:
One on one teacher assistance
Centers and small groups
Unit Vocabulary:
Place Value
Standard form
Word form
Expanded form
Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Ten Thousands, Hundred Thousands, Millions
Daily Agenda
Resources, Technology, Formative and/or Summative
Assessments, Assignments, and a Daily Activity for citing
text based evidence in conversations and/or writing
 Students will complete a morning work math problem.
 Teacher will review with students about place value. We
will discuss numbers and what they represent in where
they are placed in numbers.
 Students will write numbers in standard, expanded, and
word form in groups and present to the class.
 Students will independently complete Go Math TB p. 1516.
 Centers:
Teacher Table - Working with place value.
Computers - TenMarks working on standard form,
expanded form, and word form.
Small Group Table - Task Cards working on value of a
Multiplication Math Facts
 Teacher will hand out Lesson 2 Multiplication Math Facts
for students to study.
 Students will complete a morning work math problem.
 Teacher will review with students about place value. We
will discuss numbers and what they represent in where
they are placed in numbers.
 Students will play a Place Value I Have Who Has game
to review.
 Students will take a place value quiz.
 Students will take a practice multiplication fact quiz over
Lesson 2.
 Students will independently complete Envision WB Pgs.
 Centers:
Teacher Table - Working with place value.
Computers - TenMarks working on standard form,
expanded form, and word form.
Small Group Table - Task Cards working on value of a
Multiplication Math Facts
 Students will complete a morning work math problem.
 Teacher will review with students about numbers and
what they represent in where they are placed in
 Teacher will explain how looking at place values of a
number will help students to compare numbers.
 Teacher will use Go Math Pgs. 17-18 to instruct the
lesson over comparing numbers.
 Students will independently complete Go Math Pg. 19.
 Students will take a multiplication fact quiz over Lesson 2.
 Centers:
Teacher Table - Working with place value.
Computers - TenMarks working on standard form,
expanded form, and word form.
Small Group Table - Task Cards working on value of a
Multiplication Math Facts
 Teacher will hand out Lesson 3 Multiplication Math Facts
for students to study.
Teacher Observation
Group work
Task Cards
Go Math TB p. 15-16
I Have Who Has game
Place Value Quiz
Practice Fact Quiz over Lesson 2
Envision WB Pgs. 21-22.
Fact Quiz over Lesson 2
Go Math Pgs. 17-18
Go Math Pg. 19
 Students will complete a morning work math problem.
 Students will take a multiplication fact quiz over Lesson 3.
 Teacher will review with students how to compare
numbers by looking at the place value of each digit.
 Teacher will work on helping students to write numbers
least to greatest and greatest to least.
 Teacher will use Go Math Pg. 20 to instruct over listing
numbers in order.
 Students will independently complete Go Math 21-22
 Centers:
Teacher Table - Working with place value.
Computers - TenMarks working on standard form,
expanded form, and word form.
Small Group Table - Task Cards working on value of a
Multiplication Math Facts
No School—Youth Fair
Fact Quiz over Lesson 4
Go Math Pg. 20
Go Math 21-22
Trousdale County Schools Focused Lesson Plan 2015-16
Teacher: House
Unit Name: Spelling
Unit #: 1
Unit Length: 1 week
August 10-14
Week 1 of 1
Tennessee State Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard)
 L.4.2d Spell grade-appropriate words, consulting references as needed
I Can Statements:
 I can spell fourth grade words correctly.
Accommodations for students, both regular and special populations:
If students misspell four or more words, revisit the ‘Model and Sort’ for spelling patterns with long and short e.
Unit Vocabulary:
Daily Agenda
Resources, Technology, Formative and/or Summative
Assessments, Assignments, and a Daily Activity for citing
text based evidence in conversations and/or writing
 Teacher will introduce spelling words for
the week.
 Class discussion of the definitions of each
 Students will match spelling words with
Journeys Reader’s Notebook p. 16
 Teacher will introduce long e and short e
spelling patterns.
o Short e: e consonant
o Long e: ea, ee, ie (vvcv)
 Teach spelling word sort.
Teacher-made sorting chart.
 Students will proofread a text for
misspelled words.
Journeys Reader’s Notebook p. 18
Spelling Test
No School - Youth Fair Day
Trousdale County Schools Focused Lesson Plan
Teacher: House
Unit Name:
Unit #: 2
Unit Length: 5 Days
Week: 2
Week 1 of 1
Tennessee State Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard)
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or
I Can Statements:
I can write declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences.
I can identify the simple and complete subject of a sentence.
I can identify the simple and complete predicate of a sentence.
Accommodations for students, both regular and special populations:
BrainPop aids visual learners.
Interpersonal Learners will have the opportunity to work with a partner, and learn the subject
material through social interaction.
I will work with students one on one while they complete independent work.
Unit Vocabulary:
Simple subject
Complete Subject
Simple predicate
Complete predicate
Daily Agenda
Resources, Technology, Formative and/or Summative
Assessments, Assignments, and a Daily Activity for citing
text based evidence in conversations and/or writing
 Teacher will review the four types of
sentences (declarative, interrogative,
imperative, and exclamatory).
 Students will create a sorting map and
produce examples of each type of
Sort Activity
Teacher observation
 Teacher will introduce subjects and
predicates using a BrainPop video.
 Teach how to identify simple/complete
subjects and simple/complete predicates.
 Students will complete Scott Foresman p.
62 part A.
 Teacher
will review simple/complete
subjects and simple/complete predicates.
Students will work in groups to identify
these parts of sentences and share with
the class.
Scott Foresman
Group work
Teacher observation
 Teacher will review simple/complete
Grammar and Writing Practice Book p. 12
subjects and simple/complete predicates.
 Students will independently complete
Grammar and Writing Practice Book p.
No School - Youth Fair Day
Trousdale County Schools Focused Lesson Plan 2015-16
Teacher: House
Unit Name: Leaving a Legacy
Unit #: 1
Unit Length: 6 weeks
Week __2___ of ___6___
Tennessee State Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard)
RI.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the
RI.4.2 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.
RI.4.3 Explain events, procedures ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why,
based on specific information in the text.
RI.4.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or
subject area.
RI.4.5 Describe overall structure (eg. Chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events ideas, concepts, or
information in a text or part of a text.
W.4.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and and information clearly.
L.4.4.A Use context (e.g. definitions, examples, or restatements in text) as a clue to the meaning of a word or a phrase.
I Can Statements :
I can determine the meaning of words using context clues.
I can recognize different structures for paragraphs.
Accommodations for students, both regular and special populations:
One on one teacher assistance
Centers and small groups
Writing conferences
BrainPop video aids visual and auditory learners.
Unit Vocabulary:
Context clues
Daily Agenda
Resources, Technology, Formative and/or Summative
Assessments, Assignments, and a Daily Activity for citing
text based evidence in conversations and/or writing
 Teacher will show a BrainPop video over context clues.
 Teacher will use the Flocabulary Word Detective
worksheet to review types of context clues and lead
students through four examples.
 Using the Scholastic Text Structure chart, teacher will
discuss text structures. Teacher will provide paragraph
examples and visuals via powerpoint.
 Teacher will provide students with a paragraph to read.
 Students will find the main idea of a paragraph and use it
to write a topic sentence to begin summarizing.
** Time permitting, students will share topic sentences
and discuss.
 Teacher will review context clues.
 Using the Flocabulary Word Detective worksheet,
students will find the definitions of unknown words in
four sentences using the context.
 Using the Scholastic Text Structure chart, teacher will
discuss text structures. Teacher will provide paragraph
examples and visuals via powerpoint.
 Students will add to their topic sentences to summarize a
 Choral read articles from history website.
 Teacher will introduce graphic organizer and help
students complete.
 Students will continue working on summarizing a
Flocabulary Word Detective worksheet
Scholastic chart
Flocabulary Word Detective worksheet
Scholastic chart
Graphic organizers
www.tennesseehistoryfor kids.org
Printed articles about native American sites
Scholastic text structure charts
 Choral read articles from history website.
 Teacher will introduce graphic organizer and help
students complete.
 Students will finish summarizing a paragraph.
No School - Youth Fair Day