TREEBREEDEX CONSORTIUM ANNEXE B OF THE ACTIVITY 5 DELIVERABLE 2 REPORT : WOOD QUALITY ASSESSMENT : REVIEW IN TECHNICAL PROCEDURES Edited by Date of edition APR-EB-PM 20/08/2010 Revised by Date of revision REVIEW IN TECHNICAL PROCEDURES FOR WOOD QUALITY ASSESSMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. THE NEED OF TIMBER CLASSIFICATION ................................................................................ 3 2. THE TIMBER CLASSIFICATION ................................................................................................. 3 3. DESTRUCTIVE TECHNIQUES .................................................................................................... 4 3.1. Mechanical tests ........................................................................................................................ 4 3.2. Chemical tests ........................................................................................................................... 4 3.3.Physical determinations: Density and Moisture. ........................................................................ 5 4. NON DESTRUCTIVE TECHNIQUES ........................................................................................... 5 4.1. Mechanical tests. ....................................................................................................................... 6 4.2. Acoustical Tests. ....................................................................................................................... 6 4.3. Electromagnetic ......................................................................................................................... 7 4.4. Nuclear techniques.................................................................................................................... 8 5. Norms and Standards ................................................................................................................... 9 5.1. ISO Timber standards ............................................................................................................... 9 5.2. EN Timber standards .............................................................................................................. 11 5.3. ASTM Timber standards ......................................................................................................... 11 5.4. National Standards .................................................................................................................. 12 6. Bibliography ................................................................................................................................ 12 DEMNA-DNF (TREEBREEDEX PARTNER 3) ANNEXE B, ACTIVITY 5 DELIVERABLE 2. 2 REVIEW IN TECHNICAL PROCEDURES FOR WOOD QUALITY ASSESSMENT 1. THE NEED OF TIMBER CLASSIFICATION Owing to the publication of practice Codes, Directives and European Standards of obliged fulfilment for the EU Schengen Countries (in order to assure the correct commercialisation of goods) the wood quality assessment has reached a level in which all the European Woods can be compared in within. This European Standard is based in the introduction of a grading system as it was previously done in United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia. Owing to this grading system a bigger competitively was reached in between the timber producers, a reduction of market prices was also acquired but also a bigger quality diversification was obtained. This European System of structural grading classes is compiled in the EN338 which groups wood attending to several elastomechanical parameters (it also makes a distinction in between coniferous and broadleaf (except for poplars which are compared to coniferous). So, attending the specifications of the EN 338 is possible to grade a timber in Sweden and commercialise it in Spain without a decrease of quality or price. The next table shows an extract of the grading classes. Softwoods and Poplar Res. Class (EN338) C20 C22 C24 Resistance (N/mm²) Bending 20 22 Parallel traction 12 13 Average MOE MOE at 5° parallel. 9.5 6.4 Density 330 Hardwoods D35 D40 24 35 40 14 21 24 11 7.4 10 8.7 11 9.4 Density (kg/m³) 340 350 560 590 Rigidity (kN/mm²) 10 6.7 Table 1 Extract of the EN338 (Resistance Classes). But how wood is classified? Traditionally, norms like the UNE 56546, the BS4978 and the DIN4074 has classify wood of conifers or broadleaf’s into quality classes attending visual criteria. This visual criteria classification is a non destructive method based in the observation of defects in wood logs, veneers or boards such as the presence of knots, fractures gems… as those defects can affect the structural properties of wood. Unfortunately, those criteria have remained national till the publication of the Standards EN 1912 and EN 14081 that have harmonised the pass from one class to another and the interclassification of the QC according the EN 338. At the point 5 of this annex the national and international standards in terms of wood classification can be observed. 2. THE TIMBER CLASSIFICATION The estimation of the EN338 grading parameters can be done using three main techniques. Destructive tests Semidestructive tests Non Destructive tests The destruction or permanent deformation of the sample is necessary for the estimation. Requires a minimal section of timber to evaluate different parameters. Estimates the timber parameters without altering its capabilities. Table 2 Definition of Test procedures. DEMNA-DNF (TREEBREEDEX PARTNER 3) ANNEXE B, ACTIVITY 5 DELIVERABLE 2. 3 REVIEW IN TECHNICAL PROCEDURES FOR WOOD QUALITY ASSESSMENT In the Activity 5 Deliverable 2 Survey, the partners were asked to identify the defects that were the most common for all their bred species, and in terms of wood quality to specify the criteria and the measurement device and technique used for evaluate and grade the timber. For all the tests in wood quality assessment the partners should take in account the EN 338, EN 336, EN 384, EN 408, EN 844 and EN 1912 or their national standards (derived from the supranational European Norms). A classification attending the destructive or non destructive methods is done in the table below. From 148 tests, more than the half were classified as non destructive.. Destructive 67 Non destructive 76 Not specified 12 Total 148 Table 3 Classification of Survey answers (I). 3. DESTRUCTIVE TECHNIQUES In this category the different techniques implying the deformation or destruction of the sample without possibility of reutilisation of the sample are included. As it was shown on the table 4 most of all the destructive techniques used were classified as quantitative. The wood Quality assessment in destructive techniques evaluates the different parameters of the wood resistance classess specified in the EN 338 using the specifications contained in EN 350, EN 384 and EN 408 (and the erratum EN 408 published in 2009). The typical destructive techniques can be summarised as follows: Mechanical Proof loading Chemical Calorimetric Compounds Durability Physical Resistance Density Table 4 Destructive procedures 3.1. Mechanical tests This term refers itself to all the tests concerning the calculation of MOE, MPR; strengths (tensile, shears) and wood mechanical properties using a computerised test bench or similar and proceeding according the specifications contained in the EN 384 and EN 408 norms. The tests normally implies the rupture of the test sample 3.1.1. Proof loading Main description: At proof loading, the behaviour of wood while a load is applied is tested. The rupture or deformation (according to hooks law) allows the characterisation of wood main parameters and through it the classification of wood according to the EN 338 grading classes. Applications: MOE, MOR, Strength (shear, tensile or axial), impact resistances, hardness. Equipment: Universal testing machines (Instron 5582 or similar). 3.2. Chemical tests Chemical characterisation of wood allows the better understanding of physiological processes that can affect the wood production; chemical test are divide into two kinds, the first is related to the amount of energy contained in wood, the second is related to wood composites and wood compounds. DEMNA-DNF (TREEBREEDEX PARTNER 3) ANNEXE B, ACTIVITY 5 DELIVERABLE 2. 4 REVIEW IN TECHNICAL PROCEDURES FOR WOOD QUALITY ASSESSMENT 3.2.1. Calorimetric tests. Main description: All the reported tests have used the calorimetric bombs that are standard instruments to measure the calorific values of wood samples by a substitution procedure in which the heat obtained from the sample is compared with the heat obtained from combustion of a similar amount of benzoic acid or other standardising material whose calorific value is known. To do so, several norms are published such as the ISO 1928 and the DIN 51900. Application: Moisture content, calorific value, combustion heat. Equipment: Bomb calorimeter 3.2.2. Chemical analysis Main description: The chemical composition of wood analyses the growth through the determination of chemical compostion (lignins), the contain in hevay metals (can affect the growth or physiological parameters) through ashes… Unfortunatelly, the partners did not specify which method did they use for those criteria. Application: Lignin, cellulosical compounds, inorganic matter. Equipment: Combustion, HPLC, Gravimeters… 3.3.Physical determinations Main description: All of them related to water content in wood sample. Denisty is the most evaluated parameter using the EN408 prescriptions as well as EN 844. Gravimetries, mathemathical modelisation and saturation methods are the most employed procedures. Shrinkage and water movement in wood, properties related to the loss of water in the wood fibers can be done owing to direct observation or callipers. Application: Water content, density, shrinkage… Equipment: Gravimeters, Callipers, Scales, Ovens (drying)… 4. NON DESTRUCTIVE TECHNIQUES The aim of this paragraph is to summarise the different techniques in Non Destructive Evaluation procedures for wood quality assessment independently from the answers obtained in the survey of the activity to clarify and present the different methodologies. As the Destructive techniques, the estimated parameters grades timber according the EN 338. And they can be summarised as follows: Mechanical Proof loading Drill resistance Acoustic Static bending Pin penetration Stress wave Emitters Electromagnetic Moisture Colour Microwave Light analysis Termographies Ultrasonic Vibrations Nuclear Xray ionisation Magnetic resonance Gamma CT (Scattering/Backscattering). Table 5. NDE Methodologies1 1 As it was presented in « Course in NDE Technologies », June 2008, ETSIM-Madrid. DEMNA-DNF (TREEBREEDEX PARTNER 3) ANNEXE B, ACTIVITY 5 DELIVERABLE 2. 5 REVIEW IN TECHNICAL PROCEDURES FOR WOOD QUALITY ASSESSMENT 4.1. Mechanical tests. This category refers itself to the measurement of shear, tensile, axial forces when applied to wood samples and their effects such as bending, fracture, etc… Other mechanical tests are referred to the penetration and drilling resistances. Three different devices can be found to measure those effects, the mechanical computerised test bench, which measures according to the EN 408 and ISO 3787 (or national norms like UNE 56535, UNE 5636, UNE 56537, UNE 56542 and DIN 4074) parameters like Static Bending and Proof loading. The resistograph which measures the resistance to drilling and the Pylodin which assess in terms of penetration. 4.1.1. Static Bending Main description: Defined as the action to constrain or strain to tension by curving the sample when it supports a weight. Classifies the wood according to the EN 336 and 338. With the specifications included in the EN 408. Applications: Maximal curve, tensile or axial efforts, MOR, MOE. Equipment: Computerised testing benches. 4.1.2. Proof loading: Main description: Maximal load affordable by a wood product. It can be punctual or distributed among the sample. Classifies the wood into one of the grading classes defined in EN 338. An experimental device for proof loading and static bending consisting in attaching a load in the trunk to see the tree response can be also used. Parameter measured: tensile or axial efforts, MOR, MOE Applications: Computerised testing benches 4.1.3. Pin penetration Main description: The depth which a pin penetrates into timber when applying a fixed impact energy is inversely proportional to the wood density. Parameter measured: Density, Water Content, Hardness. Equipment: Pylodin 4.1.4. Drill resistance Main description: Given that healthy wood requires more energy to be drilled that decayed wood, while voids require no energy at all. The controlled drilling applies a constant drilling speed and records the drilling deepness along with the resistance or energy. The result is a map of the drill line in which decayed wood can be identified drops of resistance are recorded. Applications: Wood homogeneity, Density, Wood Water Content, Resistance. Equipment: Resistographs 4.2. Acoustical Tests. Main Description: Acoustic tools are a non-destructive method of predicting the physical and mechanical properties of timber and wood-based materials through the measurement of the speed pf a wave, vibration or sound when traversing the wood sample (standing tree, log, …). The acoustical tests allows the forester to classify and grade the wood better than in the visual grading due to the MOE, the decayment, the density and other properties measurement. DEMNA-DNF (TREEBREEDEX PARTNER 3) ANNEXE B, ACTIVITY 5 DELIVERABLE 2. 6 REVIEW IN TECHNICAL PROCEDURES FOR WOOD QUALITY ASSESSMENT The protocol to classify the wood according the grading kind is the EN 338. 4.2.1. Stress wave (Acoustical tools) Definition: The application of a sound wave or stress wave in a point of the tree and the measurement of the timing to reach the reception point gives the capacity to detect areas in which the speed varies (higher elasticity due to lower density versus contourning owing to higher density, voids, decayments). Applications: MOE, Density, Fungal or Bacterial Decayments (through the estimation of speed variation via the density change of wood). Equipment: First generation Second generation Treesonic Treetap IML Hammer Hitman HM200/ST300/PH330 Fakkopp 3D Ac. Tom. IML ArboTOM Picus Sonic Tom Hitman LG640 4.2.2. Ultrasonic Description: Ultrasonic emission through wood and reception to classify and detect density changes. Applications: MOE, Density, Cracks. Equipment: Sylvatest, Ultrasonic timers (Fakkopp), Grindosonic, Pundit. 4.2.3. Acoustic Emission Description: Mainly used to control the drying process in final line products, this method uses a metal stickers to monitor acoustic emission (AE) during drying, and provides means of measuring ultrasonic transmission to determine the drying endpoint Applications: Water content, monitorisation of drying processes, detection of cracks, shrinkages… Equipment: Not described. 4.2.4 Vibrations Description: The measurement of vibration frequency in wooden logs can be used to determine material qualities. The log or standing tree is submitted to a vibration in one of the dimensional directions, this vibration is propagated through itself and the speed recorded with the aid of a datalogger, the vibration speed is related to the mechanical properties of the wood. Applications: Sound velocity, modulus of elasticity or yield strength. Equipment; Depending on the prospected vibration three machines/sensors available Longitudinal Transversal Torsion Dynagrader Microtec Viscan Portable Lumber Grader Resonance Log Grader Sawn Products Wood Log 4.3. Electromagnetic 4.3.1. Moisture measurements Main Description: Moisture is one of the factors affecting normally to end user products in timber (logs or boards). Applications: Detection of decay, distortion, shrinkage and swelling. Equipment: Three kind of different equipment available: Pins, Capacitance and moisture sensors. DEMNA-DNF (TREEBREEDEX PARTNER 3) ANNEXE B, ACTIVITY 5 DELIVERABLE 2. 7 REVIEW IN TECHNICAL PROCEDURES FOR WOOD QUALITY ASSESSMENT Resistance type (Pins) Capacitance type Moisture sensors Correlates the electric resistance to moisture.. Correlation magnetic field with moisture content. Frequency depends on moisture Dependant on temperature and species Temperature dependant, affected by drying or wetting gradient Applicable in logs 4.3.2. Microwaves Main description: The use of this technique allows to measure the electromagnetic properties of wood through the study of zones in which the moisture increases (normally wood is a rather good electric insulator). Applications : Compression wood, moisture content, density, fibre direction, knots detection, decayment. Equipment: Not described. 4.3.4. Thermograph techniques Main description: Temperature of wood surface along a timber member varies depending on the difference of diffusivity, heat conductivity and density. Knots, cracks, internal cavities and other defects locally change the physical properties of timber and decayed wood has a loss of density, thus these will origin local changes of temperature. Applications: Fiber direction, Moisture content, Knots detection. Equipment: Thermographical cameras, He-Ne Laser Machine Graders 4.4. Nuclear techniques 4.4.1. Xray CT Main Description: The measurement of the Xray transmission-absorption in wood products (standing tree, logs, boards,…) it is possible to separate the regions with denser wood like knots or compression wood, as they display a higher rate of absorption than normal wood. The absorption of X-ray intensity is completely independent of the surface quality so it is possible to use this process in sawing mills with logs or boards presenting oil spills, dirtiness, etc... Applications: Compression wood, decayment, density (absorption or attenuation), knots detection and moisture content. Equipment: Linx systems Wood X Dendro ray X Portascan (Sawn and logs) Wray CT for logs Logs, boards… (In situ & in vivo) 4.4.2. Gamma Main Description: Gamma densitometries (Front or Backscattering) are based in the quantification of the intensity when the probe is placed between an emitter and a receptor. The density of the probe is measured detecting several wood changes. Applications: Density, knots detection, fibre direction, compression or tension wood and moisture content. Equipment: Not described. 4.4.3. Magnetic Resonance Main Description: The interaction in between the water content and the magnetic field created by the scanner, makes possible the detection of zones in which the water content varies like fungal zones, knots, cracks, splits… DEMNA-DNF (TREEBREEDEX PARTNER 3) ANNEXE B, ACTIVITY 5 DELIVERABLE 2. 8 REVIEW IN TECHNICAL PROCEDURES FOR WOOD QUALITY ASSESSMENT Applications: Decayment, Moisture content, knots detection…. Equipment: Magnetic CT scanners 5. Norms and Standards The following paragraphs will indicate the norm relative to each test (ISO, EN and ASTM) the measured parameter and the different equipment for wood assessment to complete the information submitted by the Treebreedex Partners from 2007 till 2010. 5.1. ISO Timber standards The following table summarises the different ISO (International Standard Organisation) norms and references for Wood Quality Assessment as they are presented in the technical committee 218 for timber. Object Sawn timber Norm 737:1975 738:1981 1029:1974 1030:1975 1031:1974 1032:1974 2299:1973 2300:1973 2301:1973 4470:1981 2457:1976 3130:1975 8903:1994 8904:1990 8905:1988 8906:1988 Description Coniferous sawn timber - Sizes - Methods of measurement Coniferous sawn timber - Sizes - Permissible deviations and shrinkage Coniferous sawn timber - Defects - Classification Coniferous sawn timber - Defects - Measurement Coniferous sawn timber - Defects - Terms and definitions Coniferous sawn timber - Sizes - Terms and definitions Sawn timber of broadleaved species - Defects - Classification Sawn timber of broadleaved species - Defects - Terms and definitions Sawn timber of broadleaved species - Defects - Measurement Sawn timber - Determination of the average moisture content of a lot Sampling methods and general requirements for physical and mechanical tests Determination of moisture content for physical and mechanical tests Broadleaved sawn timber - Nominal sizes Broadleaved sawn timber - Sizes - Methods of measurement Sawn timber - Test methods - Determination of ultimate strength in shearing parallel to grain Sawn timber - Test methods - Determination of resistance to local transverse compression DEMNA-DNF (TREEBREEDEX PARTNER 3) ANNEXE B, ACTIVITY 5 DELIVERABLE 2. 9 REVIEW IN TECHNICAL PROCEDURES FOR WOOD QUALITY ASSESSMENT Standing 3132:1975 trees, wood 3133:1975 samples 3179:1974 3345:1975 3346:1975 3347:1975 3348:1975 3349:1975 3350:1975 3351:1975 4469:1981 4471:1982 4476:1983 Testing in compression perpendicular to grain Determination of ultimate strength in static bending Coniferous sawn timber - Nominal dimensions Determination of ultimate tensile stress parallel to grain Determination of ultimate tensile stress perpendicular to grain Determination of ultimate shearing stress parallel to grain Determination of impact bending strength Determination of modulus of elasticity in static bending Determination of static hardness Determination of resistance to impact indentation Determination of radial and tangential shrinkage Sampling sample trees and logs for determination of physical and mechanical properties of wood in homogeneous stands Determination of radial and tangential swelling Determination of volumetric swelling Methods of physical and mechanical testing -Vocabulary - Part 1: General concepts and macrostructure Coniferous and broadleaved tree sawlogs - Visible defects Classification Coniferous and broadleaved tree sawlogs - Visible defects Measurement Coniferous and broadleaved sawlogs - Sizes - Vocabulary 8965:1987 Terminology- Technology 8966:1987 Terminology- Products 4859:1982 4860:1982 9086-1:1987 Sawlogs 4473:1988 4475:1989 Logging industry Table 6 ISO Timber Norms (TC218). For the structural timber, ISO compiles also the following norms (Technical committee 165. Object Wood Norm 9087:1998 Structural Timber 9709:2005 13910:2005 Timber structures 13912:2005 15206:2010 WD 12122 Description Determination of nail and screw holding power under axial load application Visual strength grading -- Basic principles Characteristic values of strength-graded timber -- Sampling, fullsize testing and evaluation Machine strength grading -- Basic principles Basic requirements and test methods in timber poles Evaluation of characteristic values for structural timber Table 7 ISO Timber Norms (TC165). The TC165 has also several norms concerning the joints and fasteners that are commonly done in timber structures. DEMNA-DNF (TREEBREEDEX PARTNER 3) ANNEXE B, ACTIVITY 5 DELIVERABLE 2. 10 REVIEW IN TECHNICAL PROCEDURES FOR WOOD QUALITY ASSESSMENT 5.2. EN Timber standards The following European Norms (EN) are the base standard to the national normes in Wood Quality Assessment. Object Grading Norm EN 336 EN 1611 EN 1310 EN 1315 EN 338 Durability, physical and mechanical Properties EN 1912 + A4:2010 EN TC 124.105 EN 1001 Calculation of EN 384 physical and mechanical values EN 408 for timber ERR EN 408 EN 14251 General Requirements for Structural timber EN 350 Qualitative classification EN 1316 EN 14081 EN 1927 Description Sizes and permitted deviations Appearance grading of softwoods. Method of measurement of features in round and sawn timber Dimmensional clasification of round timber Strength classes Assignment of visual grades and species Solid timber in structural sizes and glued laminated timber: Probe characteristics Durability of wood and wood-based products. Determination of characteristic values of mechanical properties and density Structural timber and glued laminated timber Determination of some physical and mechanical properties Erratum 2009: Determination of some physical and mechanical properties Structural round timber. Durability of wood and wood based products. Natural Durability of solid wood. Strength graded structural timber with rectangular cross section Qualitative classification of hardwoods round timber. Qualitative classification of softwoods round timber. Table 8 European Standards (CEN) 5.3. ASTM Timber standards The American Standards defines timber grades and parameters as follows: Norm Description D143 - 09 Standard Test Methods for Small Clear Specimens of Timber D198 - 09 D1102 - 84(2007) D1105 - 96(2007) D1106 - 96(2007) D1107 - 96(2007) D1108 - 96(2007) D1109 - 84(2007) Standard Test Methods of Static Tests of Lumber in Structural Sizes Standard Test Method for Ash in Wood Standard Test Method for Preparation of Extractive-Free Wood Standard Test Method for Acid-Insoluble Lignin in Wood Standard Test Method for Ethanol-Toluene Solubility of Wood Standard Test Method for Dichloromethane Solubles in Wood Standard Test Method for 1% Sodium Hydroxide Solubility of Wood D1110 - 84(2007) Standard Test Methods for Water Solubility of Wood D1166 - 84(2007) Standard Test Method for Methoxyl Groups in Wood and Related Materials D1666 - 87(2004) Standard Test Methods for Conducting Machining Tests of Wood and WoodBase Materials DEMNA-DNF (TREEBREEDEX PARTNER 3) ANNEXE B, ACTIVITY 5 DELIVERABLE 2. 11 REVIEW IN TECHNICAL PROCEDURES FOR WOOD QUALITY ASSESSMENT D1762 - 84(2007) Standard Test Method for Chemical Analysis of Wood Charcoal D2394 - 05e1 Standard Test Methods for Simulated Service Testing of Wood and WoodBase Finish Flooring D2395 - 07ae1 Standard Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Wood and Wood-Based Materials D2555 - 06 D4442 - 07 Standard Practice for Establishing Clear Wood Strength Values Standard Test Methods for Direct Moisture Content Measurement of Wood and Wood-Base Materials D4444 - 08 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Standardization and Calibration of HandHeld Moisture Meters D4761 - 05 Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Properties of Lumber and Wood-Base Structural Material D4933 - 99(2010) Standard Guide for Moisture Conditioning of Wood and Wood-Base Materials D6782 - 05 Standard Test Methods for Standardization and Calibration of In-Line Dry Lumber Moisture Meters D6815 - 09 Standard Specification for Evaluation of Duration of Load and Creep Effects of Wood and Wood-Based Products D6874 03(2009)e1 Standard Test Methods for Nondestructive Evaluation of Wood-Based Flexural Members Using Transverse Vibration D6958 - 03(2009) Standard Test Methods for Evaluating Side-Bonding Potential of Wood Coatings D7438 - 08 Standard Practice for Field Calibration and Application of Hand-Held Moisture Meters D7469 - 09 Standard Test Methods for End-Joints in Structural Wood Products Table 9 American Standards (ASTM) 5.4. National Standards The following table shows up the most important national standards in Europe in terms of wood quality assessment. Country France Norm NF 52001 Spain UNE 56544 Description Classement visuel pour l'emploi en structure des principales essences résineuses et feuillues Clasificación visual de madera aserrada. Coniferas UNE 56546 DIN 4074 Bs 5756 Bs 4978 INSTA 142 Clasificación visual de madera aserrada. Frondosas Sortierung von Holz nach der Tragfähigkeit Specification for visual strength grading of hardwood Specification for visual strength grading of softwood Visual strength grading of Nordic T- and LT-timber Germany UK Nordic Standards Table 10 National Standards 6. Bibliography In the following table lies the specific bibliography with examples that can be useful in terms of application for NDE or DE tests. DEMNA-DNF (TREEBREEDEX PARTNER 3) ANNEXE B, ACTIVITY 5 DELIVERABLE 2. 12 PARR. N° DESCRIPTION 2 TIMBER CLASSIFICATION 3 DESTRUCTIVE TEST BIBLIOGRAPHY European Comission, 2003, Council Directive 68/89/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Members States concerning the classification of wood in the rough. Brussels 2003. CTBA, 2007, Dictionnaire Trilingue des bois ronds et des bois sciés. Centre technique du bois et de l'ameublement. France Alvarez R., Arriaga F.,1996, Estructuras de Madera, diseño y calculo, AITIM. Alvarez R., Arriaga F.,1996, Estructuras de Madera, diseño y calculo, AITIM. Beall F 1996 Future of nondestructive evaluation of wood and wood-based materials. Holzforschung und Holzverwert 5 : 73-75; COST E53, 2010, Quality control for wood and wood products. GENERAL METHODOLOGY AND TESTS Divos, F. . 2008, « Course in Non-Destructive Testing of Wood. Apuntes y presentaciones del curso », Madrid 13-16 junio 2008. ETS Ingenieros de Montes - ETS Arquitectura, UPM, Madrid. Esteban M., 2003. Determinación de la capacidad resistente de la madera estructural de gran escuadría y su aplicación en estructuras existentes de madera de conífera. Tesis Doctoral. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Fernández Golfín, J.I.; Díez, M.R. y Hermoso, E., 2001. Análisis y estado del arte de la técnica de clasificación mecánica por máquina de la madera aserrada estructural. Laboratorio de Estructuras. CIFOR-INIA. Madrid. Galligan, W.L., Johnson R.A. Taylor J.R. 1981 Examination of the concomitant properties of lumber, Proc. of the Metal Plate Wood Truss Con& (1979) Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI. Hu L.J., 2010, Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT/E) Technique for Fingerjoint (FJ) Quality Control and Evaluation. In Research and Development Summary, Can. Journ. Wood Scie. IUFRO, 2010, Non-destructive evaluation on wood and wood-based materials. Reports of the technical Comittee. 4 NON DESTRUCTIVE TEST Koizumi A., Studies on the estimation of the mechanical properties of standing trees by non-destructive bending test, Bulletin of the College Experiment Forest, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University 44, 4 (1987) 1329-1415. Martinis R. 2002 Non destructive techniques for decay diagnosis on standing trees . Thesis University of Florence, Italy; Pellerin F., Ross R.J., 2002, Nondestructive Evaluation of Wood. Compiled and Edited by Roy F. Pellerin and Robert J. Ross; Forest Products Society 2002, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Ross RJ, Pellerin RF 1991 Nondestructive evaluation of wood, past, present and future. In Nondestructive characterization of materials. Ed C.O. Ruud, Green RE Plenum press, New York, vol IV : 59-64; S NDE, 2005, Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood. Edited by Friedrich-Wilhelm Broker; Shaker Verlag 2005, Germany NDE, 2002, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood. Edited by Frank C. Beall; Forest Products Society 2002, Madison, Wisconsin, USA NDE, 2000, Proceedings of the 12th International Sympoium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood. Edited by Ferenc Divos; University of Western Hungary 2000, Sopron, Hungary NDE 1999, Proceedings of the 11th International Sympoium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood. Edited by David Pollock; Forest Products Society 1999, Madison, Wisconsin, USA REVIEW IN TECHNICAL PROCEDURES FOR WOOD QUALITY ASSESSMENT PARR. N° DESCRIPTION BIBLIOGRAPHY Bartlett, N.R. 1984 Estimating a relationship between different destructive tests on timber, Appl. Statist. 33, 65-12 De Amorin, S.D., Johnson R.A 1986. Experimental designs for estimating the correlation between two destructively tested variables, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 81, 807-812. DESTRUCTIVE TEST 3.1 MECHANICAL TESTS Evans J.W., R.A. Johnson, Green D.W. 1984, Estimating the correlation between variables under destructive testing,or how to break the same board twice, Technometrics 26, 285-290. Johnson, R.A. 1980. Current statistical methods for estimating lumber properties by proof loading, Forest Products J. 30, 14-22. Johnson, R.A. Galligan W.L. 1983 Estimating the concomitance of lumber strength properties, Wood and Fiber Sci. 15, 235-244. Suddarth, SK., Woeste F.E, Galligan W.L 1978, Probabilistic engineering applied to wood members in bending/tension, Res. Paper FPL 302, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory (Madison, WI). DEMNA-DNF, 2007, Protocol for calorimetric tests. Internal Doc. 3.2 CHEMICAL TESTS Jessups R.S., 1970, Precise Measurement of Heat Combustion with a Bomb Calorimeter”, U.S. Bureau of Standards Monograph No. 7, US Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Skinner H.A.,1962, Experimental Thermochemistry, Vol. 2, Interscience-Wiley, New York. CTBA, 2009, Guide Pratique de la Mesure d’humidité du Bois. Centre technique du bois et de l'ameublement. France. 3.3 PHYSICAL DETERMINATIONS CIELab, 2010, Colour determination Manual. Intenational Colour Laboratory. EN 408 : Structural timber and glued laminated timber - Determination of some physical and mechanical properties. Alteyrac J, Cloutier A, Ung C., Zhang SY., 2006, Mechanical properties in relation to selected wood properties of black spruce. Wood Fiber Sci. 38 (2): 229-237. NON DESTRUCTIVE TEST Binda L, Dradacky M, Kasal B., 2007, In-situ evaluation & non-destructive testing of historic wood and masonry structures, UTAM AV CR / MSMT / NSF / RILEM. Cown, D. J. Comparison of the pilodyn and torsiometer methods for the rapid assessment of wood density in living tress. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, Rotorua, v. 8, n. 3, p. 384-391, Nov. 1978. 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