Social Studies 11 primarily deals with Canada’s role in the 20th
Century. It is divided into three major sections: History of Canada, Canadian
Government, and Human Geography. There is a provincial exam at the end of
the semester, which will be worth 20% of your course mark.
Why do we study history?
For many, the study of the past is nothing more
than the study of old dead people, tedious dates,
and meaningless events long forgotten. History is
important. We
study history
to understand
and explain
why our world
is the way it
is. History
shows us the mistakes, triumphs, deadends, and disasters of mankind. It shows
us which civilizations, ideologies, and
economic structures succeeded, which failed, and why. The knowledge you will
gain from Social Studies will help you understand the world you live in, learn
from those before you, and hopefully prepare you to make a meaningful
contribution to the future. No other course can offer you this understanding.
In Social Studies 11 specifically, we will look at the evolution of Canada from a
member of the British Empire to a prosperous and independent nation. It will
also look at the challenges we have faced along the way;
war, depression, domestic, political, and economic unrest,
rival ideologies, and environmental difficulties. In addition, it
will look at how our Government operates, and how to
engage in it to effect change for the future.
Studies will be divided into nine
units, each approximately one to
two weeks long. For every unit,
you will be assigned a Study
Guide, a unit exam, assignments
and usually a project.
UNIT ONE: Canada 1900-1918 featuring The Great War.
UNIT TWO: Government of Canada.
UNIT THREE: Depression & The Inter-War Years 1919-1939.
UNIT FOUR: The Second World War 1939-1945.
UNIT FIVE: The Cold War & Canada 1946-1991.
UNIT SIX: Canada, Quebec, and First Nations 1946-Present.
UNIT SEVEN: Human Geography.
Social Studies 11 is a Provincially Examinable Course,
with the Exam being worth 20% of your final mark. The Exam will be tested on
Four Major Areas that will be covered in our Ten
Units. These Four Major Areas are: (1) Politics
and Government, (2) Autonomy and
International Involvement, (3) Human
Geography, and (4) Society and Identity. I will
discuss each area in class, as well as handing
out a list covering what is required within these
The following
expectations and rules apply to Social Studies
11. It is a content driven and provincially
examinable course. As such, it is not easy, and
if you do not keep up, there is a good chance
you will NOT pass.
Do not be late to class. If you are late,
and the door is closed, do not knock or enter. Please wait outside until the
teacher lets you in. You will not be allowed to make up any assignments or tests
missed due to lateness. The only exception being an excellent excuse
accompanied by a parent or doctor’s note.
It is expected that you attend class every day. Attendance will be
taken daily. If you will be away on Quiz or Test days, you MUST inform me
through e-mail or phone at least the day BEFORE. If you do not, you will not be
allowed to make up the test or quiz. The only exceptions are emergencies
involving hospitalization or incarceration. You will also be required to show a note
why you were absent.
Water and healthy snacks are permitted IF students
completely clean up after
themselves. If even 1 student
leaves a mess at the end of class,
that class will be banned from food
for 1 week. PLEASE clean up after
yourself! Pop and other high sugar
drinks and food are not permitted
at any time.
It is expected that
you bring your textbooks, a pen,
binder, blank paper, and any other
work required to class everyday.
You will not be allowed to return to
your locker after class has begun.
For all work handed it, please use blue or black ink. Test or homework written in
pink, red, green, any other colour, or pencil, will NOT be accepted. If you do not
have a pen for an exam, you will not be allowed to go and get one.
It is expected that you complete your own
work. Any occurrence of copying, plagiarizing, or cheating, will result in an
instant ‘0’ on the assignment or test. Students handing in identical work will also
receive a ‘0’ regardless of who copied who. If a student feels their work has been
copied against their will, then please see the teacher BEFORE the due date. If a
cell phone or electronic device is used during a test or quiz, then that student will
receive a ‘0’.
It is expected that you are respectful of each
other during class. There is no tolerance
for making
fun of
anyone in
class or their
work. This
means that
when either
the teacher,
or another
student is
talking to the
class, you
will not talk, and listen.
PHONES AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Occasionally, students will be
allowed to listen to music when doing individual work, use their phone as their
agenda, or occasionally use them to access the internet with the teacher’s
permission. However, the other 98% of the time Cell Phones and Electronic
Devices are NOT ALLOWED in Class! Students will be given 1 verbal warning to
put their phone away. If it is used again, the teacher will take it for the duration
of class. If this becomes a constant issue, the cell phone will be given to the
office for the parent/guardian to pick-up.
Assignments are expected to be handed in on time.
Exceptions MAY be made if there is good cause, and your teacher is informed
BEFORE the due date. There will be no late marks.
Once an assignment has been marked and handed back, the ONLY way to hand
in a late assignment is to do the ENTIRE assignment after school in front of your
teacher. If you do not want to do this, then HAND IT IN ON TIME!!!
It is expected that students work hard to earn an excellent
mark in Social Studies 11. If your mark drops below 55% at any time during the
semester, you will be expected to attend a mandatory after school study session
EVERY Wednesday until you are told otherwise. Failure to
attend will result in a referral to the school’s administration.
A 86-100%
B 73-85%
Evaluation follows standard procedure.
C+ 67-72%
C 60-66%
Homework & Assignments
C 50-59%
I/F 0-49%
You have two textbooks for this
1. Counterpoints: Exploring Canadian Issues
2. Social Studies 11 Student Workbook (Falk)
For those of you who may need extra help, or have a question, I can usually be
found in ROOM 321 after school.