2011-2014 Strategic Plan in (Rich Text)

Cover page
Region of Waterloo
2011-2014 Strategic Plan
Document #: 1010937
Message from the Regional Chair
2011-2014 Strategic Plan Message from the Regional Chair
At the beginning of each term, Regional Council works with the
public and Regional staff to develop a set of strategic priorities that
will guide its work during the term. Earlier this year, we began an
extensive public consultation process including online, paper and
telephone surveys and focus group sessions. The response from
you has been tremendous and the input received from the
community and staff is reflected in our new plan.
We are pleased to present the Strategic Plan for the 2011-2014
Regional Council term. The plan sets out strategic priorities under
five broad focus areas - Environmental Sustainability, Growth
Management and Prosperity, Sustainable Transportation, Healthy
and Inclusive Communities, and, Service Excellence – and
identifies the actions we need to take to realize our goals.
Each member of Regional Council has been involved in creating
this plan that will guide us as we work together to attain our vision
of an inclusive, thriving, and sustainable community. We will also
be reporting to you regularly on our progress as we implement the
Waterloo Region is a thriving community with an energy and spirit
of collaboration that is unparalleled. It is important that we continue
to plan carefully and work in partnership with the community to
ensure that it remains a place we are all proud to call home.
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Ken Seiling
Regional Chair
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Regional Council
Regional Council is elected by the people of Waterloo Region to
establish policies, priorities and oversee the many services
provided by the Region of Waterloo. The head of Regional Council
is the Regional Chair who is elected by the citizens of Waterloo
Region. In addition to the Chair, Council is comprised of eight
directly elected Regional Councillors and the seven Mayors of the
area municipalities.
Regional Councillors for 2011-2014 Term of Council:
Ken Seiling - Regional Chair
Rob Deutschmann - North Dumfries Township, Mayor
Todd Cowan - Woolwich Township, Mayor
Les Armstrong - Wilmot Township, Mayor
Ross Kelterborn - Wellesley Township, Mayor
Doug Craig - City of Cambridge, Mayor
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Jane Brewer - Cambridge
Claudette Millar - , Cambridge
Carl Zehr - City of Kitchener, Mayor
Tom Galloway - Kitchener
Geoff Lorentz - Kitchener
Jean Haalboom - Kitchener
Jim Wideman - Kitchener
Brenda Halloran - , City of Waterloo, Mayor
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Jane Mitchell - Waterloo
Sean Strickland - Waterloo
To learn more about your Regional Council visit the Region of
Waterloo’s website at
www.regionofwaterloo.ca and click on “Regional Government”
at the top right hand side of the website.
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Waterloo Region – the Community
Waterloo Region includes the three cities of Cambridge, Kitchener
and Waterloo, and the townships of North Dumfries, Wellesley,
Wilmot and Woolwich, providing a unique balance of urban and
rural centres. Waterloo Region is one of the fastest growing areas
in Ontario and is projected to grow from 545,000 in 2011 to 729,000
people by 2031.
Waterloo Region is currently the fourth largest urban area in
Ontario and the 10th largest in Canada.
Internationally known for its leading-edge technology and
innovation, Waterloo Region continues to earn its reputation as a
forward-thinking community and an attractive place to live, work
and raise a family.
Waterloo Region at a Glance
 Population (as of August 2011) - 545,000
 Projected population - 729,000 people by 2031
 Region's population has grown on average 1.7 per cent each
year (8,000 people per year)
 People living in urban areas – 88 per cent
 People living in rural areas – 12 per cent
 Median age of population - 36 years, third lowest in Ontario.
 Number of people age 40 and 59 years - a third of the total
 People over 65 years of age - 11.6 per cent
 Percentage of immigrants - 23 per cent
 Percentage of the population that most often speak a language
other than English in their home - 14 per cent
 Percentage of people living in poverty - 11 per cent
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There are two levels of municipal government in Waterloo Region:
1. Regional level of government – Regional Municipality of
Waterloo (Region of Waterloo).
2. Local area levels of government for the City of Cambridge,
City of Kitchener, City of Waterloo and the Townships of North
Dumfries, Wellesley, Wilmot and Woolwich.
The Region of Waterloo and the local area municipalities (cities and
Townships) are responsible for different services.
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Region of Waterloo – the Organization’s Programs and
The Region of Waterloo was officially established on January 1,
1973. Since then services have evolved considerably, touching the
lives of every citizen. The Region of Waterloo is responsible for
providing approximately 60 per cent of municipal government
services in this community and provides a range of services
through seven departments and a Chief Administrator’s Office:
Public Health
 Clinics - Immunization (e.g. influenza, Hepatitis B, HPV), HIV
testing, International Travel, Sexual Health, Sexually
Transmitted Infections, Dental Health, Tuberculosis
 Disease surveillance and health status reporting to the public
 Communicable disease control and environmental health
(management of cases, outbreaks, health hazards and the
human health impacts of environmental problems)
 Food and Water safety (inspections and promotion)
 Preparedness and response for public health emergencies e.g.
Pandemic Influenza Planning
 Health promotion and awareness initiatives e.g. vaccination,
injury prevention, tobacco use prevention, healthy eating and
active living, preconception health, healthy child development,
community engagement, policies to prevent illness and
promote health
 Healthy Babies, Healthy Children
 Emergency Medical Services (land ambulance)
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Social Services
 Plan for and administer local child care system
 Five directly operated Children’s Centre and a licensed home
child care program
 Financial assistance with child care costs
 Infant & Child Development Program
 Services for Children with Special Needs
 Sunnyside Supportive Housing and Assisted Living
 Senior’s Wellness Centre
 Homemakers and Nursing Program
 Sandhill’s Café
 Community Outreach Program
 Community Supports and Programs
 Financial Assistance (Ontario Works)
 Emergency Energy Assistance Program
 Employment Resource Centres
 Employment Ontario Service Provider
 Employment Services and Supports for Ontario Works
Planning, Housing and Community Services
 Growth Forecasting and planning for growth management
 Regional Official Plan
 Review and approve area Municipal Official Plans
 Review and approve various development applications
 Community Housing Administration and Affordable Housing
 Regional and Community Housing
 Transportation Planning and Corridor Control
 Grand River Transit Planning
 Transportation Demand Management
 Region of Waterloo (Township) Libraries
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 Waterloo Region Museum, Doon Heritage Village, Joseph
Schneider Haus, McDougall Cottage
Transportation and Environmental Services
 Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment
 Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection in Wellesley and
North Dumfries
 Waterloo Landfill Site and Transfer Stations, Blue Box and
Materials Recycling, and Garbage Collection
 Grand River Transit including MobilityPlus
 Light Rail Transit Project
 Region of Waterloo International Airport
 Regional Roads and Traffic Signals
 Design and construction of all Regional engineering projects
such as roads, bridges, water treatment plants etc.
Human Resources
 Attracting, developing and retaining effective and dynamic
 Human resources programs and services including Return to
Work Programs, Benefits Administration, Employee Wellness,
and Organizational Development and Design
 Labour Relations services
 Health and Safety programming and consulting advice
 Employee Fitness Centres
Corporate Resources
 In-house legal and real estate services
 Maintenance and construction services for Regional buildings
& property
 Fleet acquisition and maintenance
 Information and communications technology
 Business systems analysis
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Council support
Information and document management
Design, Print and Mail Services
Provincial Offences Court administration and prosecution
Licensing and enforcement services
Citizen services
Public access to information
Corporate archives
Energy Management and Environmental Sustainability Office
 Financial, accounting, treasury, payroll, accounts receivable,
accounts payable, stores and purchasing services to all
departments and external agencies of the Region
 Budget coordination
 Corporate Performance Measurement
 Risk Management/Insurance
 Property Tax Policy
 All debenture financing for the Region and Area Municipalities
 Grants to Voluntary Organizations
 Grant claims to senior levels of government
 Development charge collection and administration
Chief Administrator’s Office
 Emergency Management
 Corporate Communications
 Internal Audit
 Strategic planning
Directly and indirectly the Region is also involved with community
partners in economic development, community safety and crime
prevention, heritage preservation, funding for the arts and hospital
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capital financing.
The Waterloo Regional Police Service (WRPS) is responsible for
providing policing services to the citizens of Waterloo Region and is
an “arms length service” to the Region of Waterloo, which means
the service is associated with and receives funding from the Region
of Waterloo, but governance of the WRPS is the responsibility of
the Waterloo Regional Police Services Board.
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The 2011-2014 Region of Waterloo Strategic Plan
What is the Region of Waterloo’s Strategic Plan?
The 2011-2014 Strategic Plan describes a future view of what the
Region of Waterloo is working to achieve. It provides a common
focus for Council and staff over the next four years. It helps to
guide priority setting and ensures that our programs and services
address the changing needs of our community.
How was the Strategic Plan Developed?
The Region of Waterloo engages in a strategic planning process for
each term of Council. This helps to identify priorities for the next
four years, and to ensure the Region is dealing with the most
pressing issues in the community. The Region’s strategic planning
process began in November 2010 and incorporated numerous
opportunities for public and staff input, including:
 Community meetings.
 Statistically reliable telephone survey with 1,160 community
 Online and paper survey.
 Involvement of advisory committees of Council.
 More than 25 focus groups with diverse participants.
The consultation provided input on the following key elements:
 Quality of life in Waterloo Region.
 Issues related to the progress on the 2007-2010 Strategic
Plan, including:
- Management of growth
- Management of the environment
- Transportation
- Social issues and well-being
 Trust and confidence in Regional government.
 Region of Waterloo program and service quality.
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 Drivers of satisfaction with Regional service delivery.
 Priorities for improvement.
 Improving diversity and inclusion in Region of Waterloo
services and programs.
 Improving communication and engagement with the public.
Detailed results from the consultations are available on the
Region’s website at www.regionofwaterloo.ca or by contacting staff.
The Strategic Plan Framework
The framework for the Region’s Strategic Plan includes the Vision,
Mission, Values; and the Strategic Focus Areas, Objectives,
Actions and Indicators to monitor progress.
Vision, Mission and Values
The Strategic Plan is guided by the organization’s vision, mission
and organizational values.
The vision describes the preferred future and the impact that the
organization hopes to have on the community:
Waterloo Region will be an inclusive, thriving and sustainable
community committed to maintaining harmony between rural
and urban areas and fostering opportunities for current and
future generations.
The mission describes the organization’s purpose and addresses
why the organization exists:
The Region of Waterloo provides innovative leadership and
services essential to creating an inclusive, thriving and
sustainable community.
The values are the guiding principles that help Council and staff
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achieve the vision and fulfill the mission. The following values are
the collective commitment to how staff and Council work with
citizens, customers, colleagues and community partners:
Service: Satisfy and build confidence
We provide excellent public service and strive to understand
and meet the needs of all those we serve.
Integrity: Instill Trust
We practice high standards of ethical behaviour and conduct
ourselves with an openness and transparency that inspires
Respect: Value and recognize
We create an environment where people are included, valued
and treated with dignity.
Innovation: Make ideas happen
We foster an environment of leadership, excellence and
Collaboration: Involve and engage others
We build internal and external relationships to achieve
common goals and resolve differences.
Focus Areas, Strategic Objectives and Actions
In order to achieve the vision of an inclusive, thriving and
sustainable community, five focus areas have been developed for
the 2011 – 2014 term of Council. Ongoing partnerships and
dialogue with area municipalities, partner organizations, other
orders of government, citizens and customers of Regional services
will be key to the Region’s success in these focus areas.
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1. Environmental Sustainability:
Protect and enhance the
2. Growth Management and Prosperity: Manage growth to foster
thriving and productive urban and rural communities.
3. Sustainable Transportation: Develop greater, more
sustainable and safe transportation choices.
4. Healthy and Inclusive Communities: Foster healthy, safe,
inclusive and caring communities.
5. Service Excellence: Deliver excellent and responsive services
that inspire public trust.
These five focus areas provide a common sense of direction for the
next four years. The focus areas are highly interconnected and
therefore the success of one focus area will be dependent on the
progress of another. The Region’s vision will only be achieved with
consideration and integration of this overlap of the focus areas and
the related strategic objectives.
For each focus area, strategic objectives have been identified in
order to add clarity to the focus areas, describe the overall intent
and direction of the focus areas, and help staff align their work to
the Focus Areas. The strategic objectives define “what” the Region
is trying to accomplish in that area of focus. In order to move these
strategic objectives forward, specific actions have been developed,
which identify “how” the Region will achieve the strategic
It is important to note that these actions are not
intended to be an inclusive list of everything the Region does in the
community. Rather, the actions identify new or ongoing initiatives
that the organization needs to focus on in order to ensure it is
responding to the priorities identified by Council and the community
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throughout the strategic planning process.
Progress Indicators
Meaningful progress indicators for each of the actions under the
focus areas have been developed in order to track our progress
towards our goals. These progress measures will come in the form
of numbers as well as narrative comments for each of the focus
areas. Samples of indicators that will track our progress are found
in each of the following focus areas.
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Environmental Sustainability:
Protect and enhance the
What did we hear?
The environment is very important to residents living in Waterloo
Region. They understand the role that growth and other factors
have on the environment and recognize that a healthy natural
environment is essential to the quality of life the public is seeking.
Priorities identified include:
o Support and continue to improve recycling, reuse and waste
reduction programs.
o Protect our drinking water.
o Improve our air quality and reduce green house gas emissions.
o Work collaboratively across all sectors to protect and enhance
the environment.
o Restore and preserve green space, agricultural land and
sensitive environmental areas.
What are we doing?
Clean air, water, land and green spaces are critical to keeping
Waterloo Region healthy, sustainable and livable. The Region of
Waterloo will consider the environment in all of its decisions and will
work with area municipalities and other community partners to
foster community stewardship of the natural environment.
Strategic Objective 1.1 Integrate environmental considerations
into the Region’s decision-making.
Develop and implement an integrated funding program to
support community based environmental initiatives.
Implement the Region’s green purchasing initiative to
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promote and encourage the use and purchase of environmentally
responsible products.
Strategic Objective 1.2 Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
work to improve air quality.
Implement the Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions from Regional operations.
Assist in development and implementation of a
Community Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Action Plan and Reduction
Develop an Energy Reduction Plan for Water and
Wastewater facilities.
Pilot test technology to reduce idling in Regional fleet.
Strategic Objective 1.3. Reduce the amount of waste going to
Develop the Waste Management Master Plan including
the evaluation of alternative disposal technologies (e.g. energy from
waste) and considering additional materials for recycling.
Evaluate and consider enhancements to the Green
Bin/Green Cart Program.
Strategic Objective 1.4 Protect the quality and the quantity of our
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drinking water sources.
Complete the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades in
Kitchener & Waterloo to improve effluent quality and reduce
impacts on the Grand River.
Integrate the Provincial Water Protection Strategy &
Regional Source Protection Plan to minimize the risk of historic,
existing and future land uses on municipal water supplies.
Update and continue to implement the Water Efficiency
Master Plan.
Strategic Objective 1.5 Restore and preserve green space,
agricultural land and sensitive environmental areas.
Develop Implementation Guidelines for Environmental
Impact Statements under the new Regional Official Plan.
Complete operating plans for all Regional Forests.
Foster partnerships to promote and protect Waterloo
Region’s environmentally sensitive lands (e.g. rare Charitable
Research Reserve, Grand River Corridor, Conservation
Easements, potential land trust, etc.)
Work in partnership with various stakeholders to develop
policies and programs to provide shade (e.g. tree canopy) in our
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Growth Management and Prosperity: Manage growth to foster
thriving and productive urban and rural communities.
What did we hear?
People like living in Waterloo Region. They believe it is a safe
community, which has a small town feel with big city advantages.
The location of Waterloo Region and the blend and close proximity
of rural and urban areas and even the Region’s geographical
location in relation to other city centres received positive praise.
Residents also see arts, culture and heritage as important aspects
of the community. Waterloo Region residents see the need for
proper maintenance and management of planned growth which
included building vibrant urban places, protecting our countryside,
fostering a strong and prosperous economy while still maintaining
the small town feel.
Priorities identified include:
o Continue to manage and shape growth.
o Ensure infrastructure meets the demands of a growing
o Enhance our arts, culture and heritage.
o Strengthen partnerships with all orders of government and our
community partners to plan, and manage growth.
o Support a diverse, innovative and globally competitive
What are we doing?
Managing and shaping growth to maintain rural and urban harmony
is key to fostering individual and community well-being. The
Region of Waterloo is implementing a Growth Management Plan
and will work in partnership with the community and area
municipalities to cultivate a vibrant region that is globally
competitive, supports a diverse and prosperous economy,
preserves heritage and creates spaces that maintain quality of life
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for people of Waterloo Region.
Strategic Objective 2.1. Encourage compact, livable urban and
rural settlement form.
Implement a sustainable Brownfield Program to promote
the redevelopment of previously contaminated sites.
Work with area municipalities to develop and implement a
comprehensive strategy to promote intensification and
reurbanization within existing urban areas.
Strategic Objective 2.2 Develop, optimize and maintain
infrastructure to meet current and projected needs.
Continue to prioritize and implement capital program
projects required to meet community needs and ensure
Develop and implement a comprehensive asset
management strategy to achieve optimal long-term value from
regional infrastructure.
Complete the Regional Development Charge By-law
Review and Update.
Strategic Objective 2.3 Support a diverse, innovative and
globally competitive economy.
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Advance New East Side Employment Lands toward
Development Readiness.
Continue to identify and support partnership opportunities
that foster innovation and economic development (e.g. post
secondary institutions, technology, manufacturing, food processing,
Strengthen the coordination and implementation of
economic development activities by clarifying the roles and
responsibilities of the Region, area municipalities and other key
stakeholders (e.g. Canada’s Technology Triangle).
Strategic Objective 2.4 Promote and enhance arts, culture and
Work with the Creative Enterprise Enabling Organization,
area municipalities and others to strengthen the arts and culture
Provide opportunities to optimize the use of Regional
cultural facilities, with a focus on the new Waterloo Region
Establish a Regional Heritage Conservation Toolbox.
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Sustainable Transportation: Develop greater, more
sustainable and safe transportation choices.
What did we hear?
The physical infrastructure, the ease of getting around the
community and providing options for active transportation were
cited as critically important to the community.
Without proper
maintenance and management for planned growth, there were
concerns noted about increased congestion on the roads and the
future of sustainable transportation.
Priorities identified include:
 Improve traffic flow.
 Improve intercity transportation.
 Improve public transportation.
 Enhance active forms of transportation such as walking,
cycling and transit.
 Optimize existing road capacity to safely travel throughout
Waterloo Region.
What are we doing?
The transportation system will help balance cultural, economic,
environmental and social issues to ensure Waterloo Region
continues to be a great place to live and work. The transportation
system will offer accessible and affordable choices for moving
people and goods in a safe, integrated and seamless manner which
will support a sustainable and thriving community for current and
future generations. The Region is implementing a Transportation
Master Plan:
Moving Forward 2031, that defines how the
transportation system will grow and change in the coming decades.
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Strategic Objective 3.1 Implement a Light Rail Transit System in
the Central Transit Corridor fully integrated with an expanded
conventional transit system.
Develop an implementation plan for Light Rail Transit
including corridor and station area planning.
Expand the bus network (Conventional Transit) and begin
to integrate it with the future Light Rail Transit System.
Develop and implement programs to improve access to
and awareness of public transit (GRT and Mobility Plus).
Strategic Objective 3.2 Develop, promote and integrate active
forms of transportation (cycling and walking).
Work with Local Municipalities and other stakeholders to
develop an integrated and safe network of regional, local and offroad cycling and walking routes.
Work with the community to develop and support a
Transportation Management Association that would work with
employers to encourage and support active and sustainable
Strategic Objective 3.3 Optimize existing road capacity to safely
manage traffic throughout Waterloo Region.
Identify and address priority transportation bottlenecks to
reduce road congestion and improve safety, e.g. roundabouts,
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queue jump lanes for transit, turn lanes at signalized intersections,
Implement proven roadway safety strategies
education to enhance the safety of our roadways.
Strategic Objective 3.4 Encourage improvements to inter-city
transportation services to and from Waterloo Region.
Implement the multimodal transportation hub at Victoria
and King Streets.
Actively participate in the Ministry of Transportation’s long
term strategic plan for South Central Ontario.
Advocate for improved rail service to Kitchener and
Support the growth of aviation-related activities at the
Region of Waterloo International Airport, and investigate the
potential for further expansion of the Airport.
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Healthy and Inclusive Communities: Foster healthy, safe,
inclusive and caring communities.
What did we hear?
Fostering healthy, safe, inclusive and caring communities is very
important to our community. Environmental and social conditions
such as poverty and disparity were cited as having a great impact
on the health and safety of our community. The Region needs to
respond to the changing and diverse needs of the community to
provide services that are supportive, caring, inclusive and
accessible to citizens and communities.
Priorities identified include:
o Reduce poverty.
o Create more and better affordable housing.
o Reduce emergency wait times.
o Enhance community safety and crime prevention.
o Collaborate with the community to support the development of
services for children.
o Plan and support programs that enable older adults to live
healthy, active lives.
o Partner with the community to improve programs and services
for immigrants/refugees.
What are we doing?
The Region of Waterloo will work with community partners to take
actions to reduce inequities and enhance community health, safety,
inclusion and quality of life. The Region plans and provides
programs and services to respond to the changing demographics
and diverse needs of the community. This creates opportunities for
people to develop to their full potential and to make a positive
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difference at all stages of life.
Strategic Objective 4.1 Work collaboratively to reduce poverty.
Develop and implement the Region of Waterloo’s
comprehensive approach to poverty reduction.
Continue to collaborate with community partners in broad
based efforts to reduce poverty.
Strategic Objective 4.2 Foster healthy living through information,
education, policy development and health promotion.
Work with community partners to improve harm reduction
and prevention programming for substance misuse.
Establish and co-ordinate a Healthy Communities
Partnership in Waterloo Region to take action regarding three
community identified priorities: healthy eating, physical activity and
mental health promotion.
Plan and implement a Youth Engagement Initiative to
inform and direct youth-based health promotion work.
Strategic Objective 4.3 Enhance local health service delivery by
optimizing Emergency Medical Services (EMS) delivery and
collaborating with health care partners to support system change.
Continue to address population growth and demographic
changes through the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Master
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Advocate and support health care system changes to
reduce EMS offload delays in area hospitals.
Strategic Objective 4.4 Enhance community safety and crime
Work with the Crime Prevention Council to develop an
Integrated Drugs Strategy.
Work with the Crime Prevention Council to develop and
implement the Street Gang Prevention Project.
Strategic Objective 4.5 Work collaboratively to increase the
supply and range of affordable housing and reduce homelessness.
Update and implement the Homelessness to Housing
Stability Strategy.
Update and monitor the implementation of the Region of
Waterloo Affordable Housing Strategy prioritizing the creation of
new supportive and lower income housing.
Strategic Objective 4.6 Collaborate with the community to
support the development of services for children.
Develop and implement an Early Years System Plan
(Children’s Strategy).
Work with the Boards of Education to implement the
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Provincial Early Learning Framework.
Work with community partners to further streamline the
process for identifying families of children at risk for poor child
development outcomes and linking them to appropriate
Strategic Objective 4.7 Collaborate with the community to
support older adults to live healthy, active lives.
Work with area municipalities and community partners to
develop a Seniors Strategy that actively supports the well-being of
older adults.
Work with community partners to establish a Seniors
Advisory Committee that will provide advice on planning and issues
for older adult programs and services.
Strategic Objective 4.8 Partner with the community to improve
programs and services for immigrants/refugees.
Continue to support the Immigration Partnership in its
work to coordinate efforts to attract, welcome and integrate
immigrants and refugees in our community.
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Service Excellence: Deliver excellent and responsive services
that inspire public trust.
What did we hear?
Residents expect excellent customer service and responsive staff
to meet the needs of the growing community. Knowing the right
person to contact and having easy points of access to the service
were highlighted as necessary by the community. Overall, citizens
noted high levels of satisfaction with Regional programs and
services although there are also a number of areas where residents
would like to see improvements.
Priorities identified include:
o Improve community awareness about the services provided by
the Region.
o Engage and involve the public in decisions that impact the
o Improve the accessibility of Regional programs and services to
support our diverse community.
o Improve service satisfaction with Regional programs.
o Ensure Regional programs and services are efficient and
effective and are open and transparent to the public.
o Retain, recruit and develop skilled and citizen-centered
o Strengthen and enhance partnerships with area municipalities,
academia, community stakeholders and other orders of
What are we doing?
The Region of Waterloo will strive for consistently high levels of
citizen satisfaction in delivering citizen focused programs and
services that are accessible, efficient, effective and responsive to
community needs. Staff and volunteers will instil public trust by
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collaborating with community partners and engaging citizens to
foster open, transparent and accountable municipal government.
The Region will recruit and retain service focused people and
ensure they are supported by the right organizational processes,
facilities, equipment and resources.
Strategic Objective 5.1 Improve the accessibility of Regional
programs and services to support our diverse community.
Develop and implement an action plan to make the
Region’s programs, services and workforce more accessible and
responsive to our diverse community.
Implement a consolidated Call Center with a single phone
number for the Region of Waterloo and explore the potential for a
311 inter-municipal call centre.
Implement the standards under the Accessibility for
Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) to comply with Provincial
Strategic Objective 5.2 Improve satisfaction with Regional
programs and services.
Develop Service Standards and performance targets and
initiate improvement plans in selected departments.
Implement a comprehensive citizen/customer service
training program for staff.
Strategic Objective 5.3 Ensure Regional programs and services
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are efficient and effective and demonstrate accountability to the
Develop a five Year Financial / Budget Plan.
Further integrate Performance Measurement into Regional
Continue to undertake Program Reviews based on an
enterprise risk management approach.
Strategic Objective 5.4 Retain, recruit and develop skilled,
motivated and citizen-centered employees.
Develop and implement actions to support the effective
recruitment of employees to the Region.
Implement actions designed to build leadership capacity.
Conduct an employee survey and take follow-up actions.
Strategic Objective 5.5 Improve awareness of Regional services
and facilitate processes for public input and involvement.
Develop a comprehensive resource guide for public and
community stakeholder participation.
Implement webcasting of Regional Council and Standing
Committee meetings.
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Explore new ways to increase awareness of Council
activities and opportunities for citizens to interact with members of
Regional Council.
Enhance external communication to increase awareness
of Regional programs and services.
Strategic Objective 5.6 Strengthen and enhance partnerships
with area municipalities, academia, community stakeholders and
other orders of government.
Define and implement an open data program that
improves the ability of the public to find, download and use Region
of Waterloo data.
Develop a corporate volunteer management strategy and
work plan.
Explore opportunities for partnerships with area
municipalities in order to improve services.
Host meetings of all area municipal Councillors at least
annually to share information and discuss issues of common
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From Planning to Implementation
The Strategic Plan provides a framework for other Region of
Waterloo plans and initiatives, guiding Council and staff in setting
priorities and delivering programs to address the changing needs of
our community. In order to continue to make the Strategic Plan
meaningful and relevant during this term of Council, the following
components will be implemented:
Alignment and linkages with other corporate and
department processes and plans
The plan will be directly tied to the annual budget process as well
as other corporate initiatives to allow for informed decisions about
resource allocation. This Strategic Plan also incorporates key
elements from various Regional Master Plans (e.g. Transportation
Master Plan). Other Regional Master Plans will be updated over the
next four years to ensure alignment with the Strategic Plan (e.g.
Waste Management Master Plan).
The Strategic Plan also
provides direction for other major planning initiatives such as the
Region’s Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, Service Strategy and
communications planning.
Departmental Strategic Plans
In parallel with the Corporate Strategic Plan, each Department is
developing a Departmental Strategic Plan.
The Department
Strategic plans will identify additional priority actions needed to
implement the vision and corporate strategic objectives as well as
more detailed departmental objectives and actions specific to
Departmental priorities.
Orientation and Training
The Region of Waterloo Strategic Plan will be a core component of
staff training and ongoing development. It will also be a focus in
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the New Employee Orientation Program (NEOP).
Communication of the Plan
Communication will be a key factor in the success of the Strategic
Plan implementation. The Corporate Strategic Plan will be shared
with the community and staff, area municipalities, community
partners and other organizations. The communication will be an
ongoing effort, and the plan and our progress will be shared on a
regular basis. In order to effectively communicate the plan to a wide
range of audiences a number of vehicles and methods to involve
and inform residents and staff will be created. In an effort to
support environmental sustainability, we will minimize paper based
communication and maximize electronic communication of the
Ongoing partnerships with area municipalities, community partners
and other orders of government will be key to the Region’s success
in the implementation of the Strategic Plan. Where possible and
appropriate we will strengthen internal and external relationships to
achieve common goals and resolve community issues.
Continued Community Engagement
The Region of Waterloo’s 2011-2014 Strategic Planning process
provided a forum where citizens talked about what matters to them,
what they like and value about Waterloo Region, what they want to
improve, and what their aspirations for the Region are as it grows
over the next several years.
Conversations have taken place across the region, through focus
groups, a statistically reliable telephone survey, online and paper
surveys, community meetings and online using social media tools.
Continuing the community engagement process will enable the
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Region to collectively create and implement priorities that are clear,
inclusive, sustainable and supported by the community.
While the framework and initial focus areas and objectives have
been identified, the process remains ongoing, with annual
benchmarking and implementation that will make this vision a
Continuing community engagement and regular
communication of progress will ensure that the strategic plan
moves from planning to implementation and achievement.
Progress Monitoring and Reporting
An important element of our strategic planning process will be to
measure the progress on our strategic objectives and actions.
Regular reporting on the strategic planning process will
demonstrate to Council, the public and staff how the strategic
objectives are being achieved across the organization. Annual
reports will be developed to ensure Regional Council, citizens,
community partners and employees are aware of our progress.
Finally, the Region’s strategic plan is an ongoing progress. Over
the next four years it will be important to be conscious of new
challenges and emerging issues. The Region will need to be
flexible in order to respond to these changing directions and
Accordingly, the Plan will be reviewed approximately
half-way through the term of Council (late 2012). This will provide
the opportunity to refine any of the objectives and/or add or delete
priority actions in order to respond to any significant changes in
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Message from the Chief Administrative Officer
The 2011-2014 Strategic Plan provides a common focus and a set
of priorities for the organization to ensure we continue to meet the
evolving needs of our community. One of the most rewarding
aspects of developing this plan was the way in which citizens and
Regional staff enthusiastically participated in this process to help to
shape the future of our community. This input helped Regional
Council define five areas of focus, 27 strategic objectives and 73
actions for the next four years in order to address community
priorities. We benefited greatly from the guidance and direction of
Regional Council, and from ongoing partnerships with many groups
and individuals including the area municipalities, community
partners and advisory committees. I would like to thank everyone
who helped to shape the vision and priorities reflected in this plan.
I would also like to extend a special acknowledgment to the
Region’s Corporate Leadership Team and Senior Management
Team for their vital role in the strategic planning and
implementation process.
The vision for the Region is to be an inclusive, thriving and
sustainable community committed to maintaining harmony between
rural and urban areas and fostering opportunities for current and
future generations. Regional staff and volunteers are committed to
working diligently so we are focused on achieving “service
excellence” by delivering accessible, efficient, effective and
responsive services that meet community needs. By providing
excellent service we hope to promote public trust and confidence in
the Region, and to help build a community that is inclusive, thriving,
sustainable and prepared for the future.
As we move forward to achieve our vision, we know that the
journey will come with challenges. It will require that the Region
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lead by example and work collaboratively and creatively with our
community stakeholders and partners. We are ready for the
challenge and embrace the opportunity to create the community we
desire and ensure there is a rich legacy left for future generations.
Mike Murray
Chief Administrative Officer
Corporate Leadership Team (Department Contacts):
 Chief Administrative Officer - Mike Murray
 Commissioner of Public Health and Medical Officer of HealthDr. Liana Nolan
 Commissioner of Corporate Resources - Gary Sosnoski
 Chief Financial Officer - Larry Ryan
 Commissioner of Human Resources - Penny Smiley
 Commissioner of Planning, Housing and Community Services Rob Horne
 Commissioner of Social Services - Michael Schuster
 Commissioner of Transportation and Environmental Services Thomas Schmidt
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For more information
We invite you to stay in touch with the Region’s Strategic Plan.
Visit our website, contact us by phone/e-mail or request your own
copy of the Strategic Plan. The plan is available in other formats
upon request. For information or alternative format please contact:
Lorie Fioze
Manager of Strategic Planning and Strategic Initiatives
150 Frederick St.
Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4J3
Phone: 519-575-4758
Fax: 519-575-4440
TTY: 519-575-4608
Click on “Regional Government” to find the Strategic Plan.
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