SLOVAK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Material Science and Technology in Trnava PLANNING IN PRODUCTION SYSTEMS Prof. Dr. Ing. Oliver Moravčík TRNAVA 2007 1 Introduction Planning in production systems One of the fundamental functions of plant – control function – plan, organize, control and coordinate all next functions. Market requirements: broad product diversification, short delivery dates, low prices, innovations at high quality rising requirements on the field of planning and control, associated with growing amount of data and information the necessity of suitable system planning and production control and its computer aid Production and control planning – tasks oriented on customer order map out production control and for process production coordination of its flow to fulfil its realization in optimal relations. There is important check in time of planning (feedback), which is important element for control according to the plan. 1.1. Operational management basis Organisation has justification only when it is satisfying the customer needs. Result of the organisation activity is so-called “serduct” (what is satisfying the customer), which may be: - material (product) - non-material (service, information etc.). Customer: - may be situated outside but also inside the organization too - may want the product or to be user of „the system“ - has necessity role of the company is to identify the necessity of customer and prognosticate, i.e. estimate the amount and type of necessity, and then try to satisfy it (Picture 1); this Picture can be transformed to loop (Picture 2) Each organization can be then represented as the hierarchy of input/output diagrams (Picture 3 and Picture 4). Mentioned activities can be merged into two big groups: - marketing part - operational (production) part (see Picture 5 and Picture 6). Production part includes own transformation process - i.e. process which transforms inputs to outputs. Input – all what enter the process (e.g. material, energy, work etc. - Pictures 7, 8, 9, 10). 2 needs Customer Organization serduct Customer Picture 1 Prognosis process of customer needs and its satisfaction Organization needs serduct Custome r Picture 2 Transformation of the Picture 1 into the loop needs Customer prognosis Identification and prognostication Analysis and integration prognosis The plan of source necessity Suply The plan of source necessity production inputs Transformation production outputs production inputs production outputs Distribution serduct Picture. 3 Input/output diagram 3 Customer Prognosis The plan of source necessity Analysis and integration Identification and prognostication Suply Production inputs Needs Customer Serduct Transformatio n Distribution Outputs Picture 4 Input/output diagram Analysis and integration Prognosis The plan of source necessity Production Identification and prognostication Suply Production inputs Needs Customer Marketing Transformatio n Outputs Serduct Distribution Picture 5 Marketing and production part of the organization 4 Marketing increasing fruitfulness Production decreasing feasibility Marketing Production Marketing Production Picture 6 Marketing and production part of the organization 5 Control levels (hierarchy) 1. Strategical control level - top management – strategical decision-making to the future plans for 5 to 20 years – long time targets and ways how to achieve them. 2. Executive control level - executive management plans for 1 to 2 years. 3. Operational management 1 to 3 months – job control 4. Production units 5. Workplaces 6. Activator Character of the plans and its determination is different for each level – top down – shortening time of realization and request instantiation. To control as a activity is needed: - planning (plan creation, target definition) - regulation - feedback (evidence of trajectory and regulation intervention). There can occur following events by control: required state does not correspond with real the control does not change - ideal state required state does not correspond with real we try to mineralise the aberrance by regulation to approximate to required state, eventually it is necessary to change the plan. By company controlling change of the target means other – additional costs. Groups of factors affecting Production and Operations Management Definition Production and Operations Management ("POM") is about the transformation of production and operational inputs into "outputs" that, when distributed, meet the needs of customers. The process in the above diagram is often referred to as the "Conversion Process". There are several different methods of handling the conversion or production process - Job, Batch, Flow and Group POM incorporates many tasks that are interdependent, but which can be grouped under five main headings: PRODUCT Marketers in a business must ensure that a business sells products that meet customer needs and wants. The role of Production and Operations is to ensure that the business actually makes the required products in accordance with the plan. The role of PRODUCT in POM therefore concerns areas such as: - Performance - Aesthetics - Quality 6 - Reliability - Quantity - Production costs - Delivery dates PLANT To make PRODUCT, PLANT of some kind is needed. This will comprise the bulk of the fixed assets of the business. In determining which PLANT to use, management must consider areas such as: - Future demand (volume, timing) - Design and layout of factory, equipment, offices - Productivity and reliability of equipment - Need for (and costs of) maintenance - Heath and safety (particularly the operation of equipment) - Environmental issues (e.g. creation of waste products) PROCESSES There are many different ways of producing a product. Management must choose the best process, or series of processes. They will consider: - Available capacity - Available skills - Type of production - Layout of plant and equipment - Safety - Production costs - Maintenance requirements PROGRAMMES The production PROGRAMME concerns the dates and times of the products that are to be produced and supplied to customers. The decisions made about programme will be influenced by factors such as: - Purchasing patterns (e.g. lead time) - Cash flow - Need for / availability of storage - Transportation PEOPLE Production depends on PEOPLE, whose skills, experience and motivation vary. Key people-related decisions will consider the following areas: - Wages and salaries - Safety and training - Work conditions - Leadership and motivation 7 - Unionization - Communication Picture 7 Production and Operations Management 8 Strategic management of the manufacturing Level of strategic management = the biggest aggregation of input and output information Business strategy - Resource of creation objective, strategic measure planning and basic assumption creation for business operation - Must be flexibly and momently updated Elements of Strategy: - Conception of performance (products, services) it depends on financial management strategy area and strategy in area of business property - Conception of development and structural change labour power and firm organization Aspect of strategic management of the manufacturing: - Conception of product / market – area performance definition and basic market determination - Conception of resources – resources and definition of their goals - Conception of competitive position formation – strategic intention definition from views competitive advantage Strategic management system ties with tactical operative management Basic operational parameters of strategic management: - strategy of new products - strategy of new market - strategy of market channel - strategy of new technologies - construction of competitive priority It is needed - to know development factors in surroundings and their effect on own creation performance, - create assumption for realization of working competition ability Base conception of product / market – determination of business branch Conception of business is on base of three dimension: - consumer group what requisites to request - filling of functions product purpose - technology description how to reach it Order dimension alternate: Functions - technology - consumer Tactical management of the manufacturing - continuation of the strategic management - decision about - products 9 - equipment of production system - organization of production system Tactical targets 1. - minimize of variable unit production cost The factors enabling this retrenchment: - new technology implementation - modification of business size - general improvement of product Principle of production economy a) principle of minimum - safety of output with the smallest possible input b) principle of maximum - safety of the biggest output at existent input Indicators of the personal and social implications: - relative number of employee - scope of execution work and necessary qualification - load and demand on work - hierarchy of work - remuneration - influence of environment - effect on environment 2. – winning qualitative competition Objective of tactical management of manufacturing: A) new project of product system – system of products B) new project of production system - system of production New project of product system The strategy of product policy: - diversification - a risk management technique, related to hedging, that mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio. Because the fluctuations of a single security have less impact on a diverse portfolio, diversification minimizes the risk from any one investment - innovation - refer to both radical and incremental changes in thinking, in things, in processes or in services - differentiation - the process of distinguishing the differences of a product or offering from others, to make it more attractive to a particular target market - variation - change of some partial functions - elimination - product liquidation (faulty piece, there is not wantable consumption, small competitive capacity and market attractiveness) 10 Support of analysis of production schedule: - analysis of product life cycle - analysis of product portfolio Conflict of interests between marketing and production: PRODUCTION MARKETING minimalizácia nákladov cost minimization TARGET maximization of selling zjednodušenie simplificationvýrobkovej of product rady advice PLAN maximum of variety products New project of the production system Resolution of conception of production system elements: - operation process - productive units (machines and people) - assignment of operation processes to productive units helpful matrix by the proposed of control system: strength foible ways threats product company process people production programme from analyse what is needed to improve substance of behaviour this control system - decision analyse of future scenarios (what - if) – one of the tool for support decision, it is needed the pattern of behaviour of system - simulation basic objective of prognostication of demand – determination of the right amounts of products in right time and to de right destination place Technology Forecasting Techniques that reduce over-optimism and provide more rigor: • Extrapolative planning… but only (a) if there are trends to extrapolate and (b) you believe that trends grow up and have baby trends that look like their parents. 11 • Projective forecasting: use expert opinion to forecast technological futures (e.g., Delphi Method, prediction market). The BCG matrix product portfolio method Picture 8 BCG matrix The BCG matrix method is based on the product life cycle theory that can be used to determine what priorities should be given in the product portfolio of a business unit. To ensure long-term value creation, a company should have a portfolio of products that contains both high-growth products in need of cash inputs and low-growth products that generate a lot of cash. It has 2 dimensions: market share and market growth. The basic idea behind it is that the bigger the market share a product has or the faster the product's market grows the better it is for the company. Placing products in the BCG matrix results in 4 categories in a portfolio of a company: 1. Stars (=high growth, high market share) - use large amounts of cash and are leaders in the business so they should also generate large amounts of cash. - frequently roughly in balance on net cash flow. However if needed any attempt should be made to hold share, because the rewards will be a cash cow if market share is kept. 2. Cash Cows (=low growth, high market share) - profits and cash generation should be high , and because of the low growth, investments needed should be low. Keep profits high - Foundation of a company 12 3. Dogs (=low growth, low market share) - avoid and minimize the number of dogs in a company. - beware of expensive ‘turn around plans’. - deliver cash, otherwise liquidate 4. Question Marks (= high growth, low market share) - have the worst cash characteristics of all, because high demands and low returns due to low market share - if nothing is done to change the market share, question marks will simply absorb great amounts of cash and later, as the growth stops, a dog. - either invest heavily or sell off or invest nothing and generate whatever cash it can. Increase market share or deliver cash The BCG Matrix method can help understand a frequently made strategy mistake: having a one-size-fits-all-approach to strategy, such as a generic growth target (9 percent per year) or a generic return on capital of say 9,5% for an entire corporation. In such a scenario: A. Cash Cows Business Units will beat their profit target easily; their management have an easy job and are often praised anyhow. Even worse, they are often allowed to reinvest substantial cash amounts in their businesses which are mature and not growing anymore. B. Dogs Business Units fight an impossible battle and, even worse, investments are made now and then in hopeless attempts to 'turn the business around'. C. As a result (all) Question Marks and Stars Business Units get mediocre size investment funds. In this way they are unable to ever become cash cows. These inadequate invested sums of money are a waste of money. Either these SBUs should receive enough investment funds to enable them to achieve a real market dominance and become a cash cow (or star), or otherwise companies are advised to disinvest and try to get whatever possible cash out of the question marks that were not selected.For each product or service, the 'area' of the circle represents the value of its sales. Only a diversified company with a balanced portfolio can use its strengths to truly capitalize on its growth opportunities. The balanced portfolio has: stars whose high share and high growth assure the future cash cows that supply funds for that future growth question marks to be converted into stars with the added funds Prognostication, estimate of necessity, application of prognosis prognostication - forecasting the future by science - modification of uncertainties measure of future development - its result is prognosis – setting of qualitative and quantitative parameters of future events and the term of their creation basic methodological process of prognosis creation: 13 - definition of prognosticate event and selection of temporal horizon - structuring of examined system - data analysis - creation-of possible future of existent system by the models and scenarios - selection of strategy on reaching of desired future The Delphi method The Delphi method is a systematic, interactive forecasting method which relies on a panel of independent experts. The carefully selected experts answer questionnaires in two or more rounds. After each round, a facilitator provides an anonymous summary of the experts’ forecasts from the previous round as well as the reasons they provided for their judgments. Thus, participants are encouraged to revise their earlier answers in light of the replies of other members of the group. It is believed that during this process the range of the answers will decrease and the group will converge towards the "correct" answer. Finally, the process is stopped after a pre-defined stop criterion (e.g. number of rounds, achievement of consensus, stability of results) and the mean or median scores of the final rounds determine the results. Delphi seems to have these advantages over prediction markets: 1. Built-in resistance to manipulation with no incentive structure. 2. Potentially quicker forecasts if experts are readily available. 3. Forecasts may be kept private. Brief History of Delphi Method Developed by Rand Corporation to assess impact of technology on warfare. Used for a variety of forecasting studies, including technological predictions. Increasingly being used for consensus building in policy development, strategy planning, etc. The Delphi method requires: • Panel isolation and anonymous feedback to insure independent judgment. • Multiple rounds with feedback to clarify views and move the panel toward consensus. • Structured information flow, including careful analysis of results of each round. • Quantitative analysis of subjective opinions. 14 3. PRODUCTION Processes Types of productions Production processes are processes which transform inputs to outputs individual production processes are different from dependency on different characteristic are organized by different approach Differences between processes are in: their physical entity character of produced goods area and details of TPB (technical production background) // - TPB has 3 components - designing PB - technological PB - organizational PB - character of machine control - worker´s qualification (skills) - form of control organization and assembling - economic prediction Production in aspect of amount of produced goods: - piece production - individual piece production - so-called capital entity - TPB isn´t elaborated in details, uses universal machine - hight qualification of workers (because documentation isn´t detailed) - difficult control - serial production - short-run production - medium-run production - long-run production - mass production - character of produced goods is same (very similar) - TPB is deep-dyed, documentation detailed, uses single-purpose machine, special appliance and gears - not to much qualified workers - current organization form, planing is simple, hight claims on crew, production is hight effective 15 Types of production Goods type TPB Qualification Device Machines Complete industrial plan, machinery Not so detailed but large Hight difficult universal From simple to Serial complex production: short-, medium-, long- By higher level of production type, TPB is detailed By higher level of production type, qualification is lower By higher level of production type, device is simpler Detailed and arduous, prototype, confirmation series Low Simple Piece production mass (current) production Ware of individual necessary, normalized components Definitepurpose Organization of production process and current of production Organization of production process production process /PP/ is working on parallel places and in parallel time have to coordinate (organize) it. Organization part (PP): 1. Area part: - co-ordination individual factors in area – area structure (organization of workplaces and material current) - area structure basic element - workplace - co-ordination and workplaces grouping is influenced by specialization of production array 2. Time part: bilateral co-ordination individual operation PP – time structure of PP (time knot, advance accounting ) Basic workplaces class : by the degree of specialization – workplaces in: piece production serial production mass production by the degree of work technical evaluation hand machine - hand machine automated robotic by the number of workers on workplace individual group 16 more machinery Basic factors which influence area production organization: - general factory - communication network - buildings character - engineering networks - type of production - in-plant specialization - operating equipment - technological method of making goods Area structure PP is definite by type of workplaces co-ordination: - technological co-ordination - workplaces for doing technological collateral operations - especially in piece and short-run production (in beam house only lathes, in other only grinder, and so on) - large claim to area - production current are crossing very flexible co-ordination, adaptive and little sensitive to production program changes - objective co-ordination - in one array are grouped workplaces which are needed to producing any type (beam house for producing arbor or cog-wheel and so on) - we know two forms of objective co-ordination grouped - machines are not co-ordinated by the technological method (serial production) current - workplaces are co-ordinated by the technological method (long-run production, mass production) - little transportation time, short distances - hight effective - little flexibility - composite co-ordination - in one technological co-ordination are groups, which are objective co-ordinated - star, box, cell - uses for increasing effectiveness - short-run production - stationary co-ordination - producing object is stationary, workplaces comes to it - example – boat building - individual co-ordination - no rule exist - example – beam house of service 17 co-ordination workplaces Production type Material current Producing field Flexibility Technological: technological smooth or collateral workplaces piece, short-run Long and complicated transporting times Large claim to Hight field, little flexibility, low limpidity sensitivity to mistakes of PP Objective: workplaces grouped for producing individual goods P- group are not coordination by technological method serial P - current are coordinated be technological method long-run, mass Short transporting ways and times Composite Little producing and flexibility, storing fields hight sensitivity to mistakes composite in technological co-ordination have groups objective coordination (cell, star) short-run constructing mobile workplaces, producing object is stationary complete industrial plant, large and heavy goods individual without rules co-ordinated producing current - production line (flow-shop), current production semico-ordinated producing current - grouped organization, composite production nonco-ordinated producing current - technological workplaces co-ordination , i.e. beam house - (job shop) construction co-ordination - project organization Basic factors which influence time structure of production process: length of technological operations charges amount approach delivery of charges pieces approach accession of producing device technological factors workers qualification length of transporting ways speed of operating equipment 18 time of control operations time of breaks level of production management continuous producing time - time interval, which elapsed from first operation goods setting to ending last operation and delivery it to store production charge - number of pieces, which are non-stop dressed on one workplace with one-shot time uses for constructing this workplace transporting length - number of pieces, which are transporting together from one workplace to other executing charge - number of pieces, which are use for doing i-operation in one step Production organization increases changes: - transporting center of production organization from production process to organization background area and production operating - mathematics models application and models for resolution placement problems - change to higher production types - uses organization flexibility of production process Organization production process form - concrete production process co-ordination in area and time Factors, which influence organization production forms: - production type - goods character - technology and technique level Forms: Phase - for short-run production, is here technological workplace co-ordination - large goods selection - from the aspect of time structure – unrepeated importing goods in small producing charge - continually passing - non lap accession - universal machines, universal appliances - qualified workers - advantage- hight flexibility, relatively little sensitive to machines mistakes, able to achieve hight utilization of capacities. - disadvantage – long and complicated transporting times, long continuous production time, hight claim to production fields - the oldest organization form - usually uses Current - for long-run and mass production - workplace co-ordination type is objective - close production selection - unending importing hight production charges - little transporting charges - overlapped accession - special defined-purpose machines 19 - advantages – very short transporting distances, little inner operating resource (only what lay on desk), little costs on manipulation, hight work productivity, little continuous times - disadvantage – hight sensitivity to mistakes by the higher production type, adaptation to any mistakes is difficult! allied by FORD Group - try to uses current principles, but not in so hight degree - arrays are objective specialized - group workplace accommodation , defined main material flow - but can exist abnormality - transporting length can be dynamic changed - periodically or aperiodically repeating importing - little production charges - passing production charges by composite or continuous approach - usually overlapped accession - serial, short-run production - flexible production charges Cell (nest) - rise by combination phase and group characteristic - create cells, which are objective co-ordinated - rise from the reason to do production more effective (phase is flexible but not so effective) - lower manipulation and transporting costs - reduction continuous times Constructing goods is stationary, workers and material have to transporting Group organization form – uses principles group technology Employment NC - 3forms: 1. individual 2. group – in real closed group 3-5 machines, in which accomplish close working circle – cells (nest); if cell organization dominated, the special production equipment and background is adjust 3. production system - integrated production parts from NC machines , production groups designed and technological similar parts, integration technological methods with manipulation, control and administration. 20 Resource and capacity planning Resource planning is a set of forward planning tools to help people balance future demand and supply, to predict capacity problems with enough time to do something about them, to create a load leveled master schedule, and to project supplier requirements well in advance. Manufacturing planning and control entails the acquisition and allocation of limited resources to production activities so as to satisfy customer demand over a specified time horizon. As such, planning and control problems are inherently optimization problems, where the objective is to develop a plan that meets demand at minimum cost or that fills the demand that maximizes profit. The underlying optimization problem will vary due to differences in the manufacturing and market context. Production planning, at its core, production planning represents the beating heart of any manufacturing process. Its purpose is to minimize production time and costs, efficiently organize the use of resources and maximize efficiency in the workplace. The identification of the relevant costs is also an important issue. For production planning, one typically needs to determine the variable production costs, including setup related costs, inventory holding costs, and any relevant resource acquisition costs. There might also be costs associated with imperfect customer service, such as when demand is back ordered. A planning problem exists because there are limited production resources that cannot be stored from period to period. Choices must be made as to which resources to include and how to model their capacity and behavior, and their costs. Also, there may be uncertainty associated with the production function, such as uncertain yields or lead times. One might only include the most critical or limiting resource in the planning problem, e. g., a bottleneck. Alternatively, when there is not a dominant resource, then one must model the resources that could limit production. Capacity planning Capacity planning is the process of determining the production capacity needed by an organization to meet changing demands for its products. In the context of capacity planning, "capacity" is the maximum amount of work that an organization is capable of completing in a given period of time. A discrepancy between the capacity of an organization and the demands of its customers results in inefficiency, either in under-utilized resources or unfulfilled customers. The goal of capacity planning is to minimize this discrepancy. Demand for an organization's capacity varies based on changes in production output, such as increasing or decreasing the production quantity of an existing product, or producing new products. Better utilization of existing capacity can be accomplished through improvements in Overall Equipment Effectiveness. Capacity can be increased through introducing new techniques, equipment and materials, increasing the number of workers or machines, increasing the number of shifts, or acquiring additional production facilities. 21 Capacity is calculated: (number of machines or workers) x (number of shifts) x (utilization) x (efficiency). Utilization of the production facilities 70-80% 1. Desirable increase of capacity utilization 2. The less utilization – the more expensive production 3. The better capacity utilization – the better productivity Disadvantageous capacity utilization projection = production time extension (in order to prevent idle time, it is needed to move the operation elsewhere) Production lines 4. First is known the product, time structure and after that are the machines obtained. - It is not allowed to occur the idle capacity the are used single-purpose machines Minor types of manufacturing - there are machines, and after that is recognized, which products is the company able to produce Methods of planning the utilization capacity Forward planning: Forward plan is a document that results from the process of forward planning. In broad terms it sets out the aims and objectives of your organization over a defined period, matched against resources and staff responsibilities. A forward plan can be as long or as short as necessary, depending on the scale of your organization and what is appropriate to you, but it should always include an associated action plan. The important thing is that it is clear, achievable and realistic, and that the process of creating it helps you take steps towards achieving your overall mission. Backward assembly planning An assembly planning system that operates based on a recursive decomposition of assembly into sub assemblies, and analyzes assembly cost in terms of stability, directionality, and manipulability to guide the generation of preferred assembly plans. The planning in this system incorporates the special processes, such as cleaning, testing, labeling, etc. that must occur during the assembly, and handles non reversible as well as reversible assembly tasks through backward assembly planning. In order to increase the planning efficiency, the system avoids the analysis of decompositions that do not correspond to feasible assembly tasks. This is achieved by grouping and merging those parts that can not be decomposable at the current stage of backward assembly planning due to the requirement of special processes and the constraint of interconnection feasibility. The invention includes methods of evaluating assembly cost in terms of the number of fixtures (or holding devices) and reorientations required for assembly, through the analysis of stability, directionality, and manipulability. 22 Capacity and time restrictions Causes conflicts, which have to be solved there exists 2 possibilities: 1. it is necessary to take into deliberate the real capacities (capacity restrictions) and then is build the schedule – it is used by forward planning 2. Capacities are quasi infinite and there are used terms required by the user. In case of the conflict possibility, i tis necessary to solve this problem (supplementary capacities or modification of the Schedule) - it is used by backward planning Higher control (planning) levels - backward; rough calculations Lower control (planning) levels – more accurately plans - forward; calculated with limited capacities Operative plan capacity balancing Aim of the capacity balancing - Possibilities verification of planned production tasts by hardware device and by workers - Measure adoption for production tasks harmonization with possibilities of production capacity balancing steps setting the production capacity setting the capacity for planned production tasks realization comparison of disposable and necessary production capacity and receiving arrangement for disproportion removing. a) Setting the production capacity Capacity Capacity planning is the process of determining the production capacity needed by an organization to meet changing demands for its products. Capacity of the production unit may be determined by many ways and express in natural, time and value units of measure The most objective and most exact expression of the production capacity is in natural units Production capacity in this case: Amount of definite products, which certain production facility or a group of production facilities is able to produce in certain period use – for capacity balancing only in conditions of higher types manufacturing (production in large series, mass production with small range of goods production capacity expression in time units maximum possible time usage of the machinery, workers or production plane in some period expression by the time fund – calendar, nominal and effective time fund časový fond 23 calendar time fund - conjunction of calendar days in a year (365 days) and hours in a day (24h) - is the base of capacity production of continual production Nominal time fund - conjunction of workdays and hours in working shift (in machine industry usually 2 shifts = 16 hours) Effective time fund - determined on the base of nominal time fund, by substraction of the time needed for repairs and machinery adjusting - time expression of the production capacity (effective technical capacity) usage - unit production and serial production more universal than expression in natural units b) setting the capacity necessity for operative plan tasks assurance the second step the operative plans of the capacity balancing is the calculation of the capacitive load with plan tasks. c) self capacity balancing Disposable capacity comparison to capacity consumption usually is determined the existence of capacitive disproportion Capacity and resources planning After setting the time of production preparation, times needed for individual operation, date of start and production finish capacity plan verification – if there are available capacities the goal is to assure observance of terms and cut-down the idle time completion and modification of the schedule definitive loading plan of the machinery for the closest days, weeks, months Costs planning target – total costs definition for job realization and its minimalization; After capacities plan and costs design – project realization, i.e. self production- customer acquaintance with the manufacturing process, manufacturing operation. Production capacity of the machines and production facilities calculation - usage of the 3 basic formulas production capacity - Qp Q p = Tp * V p 24 Qp Tp Vp - production capacity couched in natural units - usable time fund in hours - power in natural units per 1 hour The production capacity calculation through the capacity of work difficulty – used in machine manufacturing by mechanical working Capacity of work difficulty in hours - tk t tk = k1 * k2 t - standard of work difficulty in nh (normohours) k1 - standard fulfilling index k2 - progression index Calculation of the production capacity : Tp Qp = tk production capacity utilization - kc Qs k c = Qp kc - total production capacity utilization coefficient Qs - real production volume Qp - production capacity factors that affect the level of production capacity utilization - production plan - real working time machinery performance utilization capacitive reserve – production volume, which can be able to be produced by full production capacity utilization - divergence Qp - Qs total production capacity utilization coefficient synthetic indicator = real reached volume of production Qs Q s = Ts * V s Ts - real machine uptime 25 Vs - real machine performance total utilization of the production capacity coefficient utilization we get: time utilization of the production capacity coefficient performance utilization of the production capacity coefficient if is the production capacity calculated by formula Tp Qp = tk i.e. through the usage of capacitive standard of work expenditure, it is possible to measure it as follows: Qs ´= Qp Ts Tp where ts - real work expenditure of the product 26 tk ts Organization production process forms phase Production type Workplace co-ordination selection importing delivery accession Machine type workers piece, technological large unrepeated continuous no lap universal qualified Low qualification short-run current long-run, mass objective - current, stable transporting relations Normalized accessories unending, large VD parallel overlapped Definedpurpose, specialized, gear and equipment group serial, objective - group by the production flow, unstable transporting relations, close production circle, all equipment which are needed for production are nonco-ordinated by the technological methods Constructing and technological similar part – group technology periodically or aperiodically repeating in little VD composite or continuous usually overlapped one-shot NC, cultivation centers can have form PVS combination phase and group characteristic composite – in technological coordination is created objective specialize group - cells On base of group technology mechanized b. universal piece constructing One-shot projects boats, furnaces Cultivation centers short-run cells constructing automatized b. group NC machines with service roboto - 27 - Operation scheduling - the lowest level of planning - detailed description of that, what would be produced, when and on which machines The most often are used heuristic methods: - they are not optimizing methods - these methods in majority of cases find suitable solution, which suits to limiting conditions - it is not obvious, to what extent the solution is good, because optimal solution is not known - they are based on experiences, using knowledge from some previous action Scheduling of production in the system of planning and production managing Main aims of scheduling - maximum utilization of machines - maximum degree of completion and minimal continuous time - minimize of inaccuracy function Scheduling principle Input data into scheduling – operational production plan for certain planning period Scheduling objectives 1. assign operations to production facilities – entering into production with aim to design a removal profile of capacity units with this realization we should achieve to work out individual sources, workplaces average wait times and transports are used Two basic approaches: forward loading backward loading 2. to define processing order of individual products in process of production – sequencing effort for minimize continuous time and maximize of machines using Forward loading it starts with actual point in time, products are assigned to workplaces towards future on the workplaces the capacity demands which are under consideration time periods are cumulated; it is possible to consider of final or unlimited workplace capacity time scheduling horizon could be overrun – no fulfillment of product delivery time 28 Backward loading products are starting to assign into workstations from the term of their eduction backwards, in actual term, assigning starts at latest possible term, minimalization of working out, short continual periods it is possible to over step capacity border of workplace terms of overrun are not over stepped Assignation order of processing production task it is necessary to define superior selection rule – according it the products are chosen from line and are assigned to working places to assign rule for choice of machine, that performs right operation Production plan Customers Request Verification of capacity possibilities t0 Term in unknown Term is known Forward planning Backward planning t1 t2 t installation t0 t1 Result, term, capacity Release of order Picture 9 Forward and backward planning 29 t2 t installation Formation of Gantt diagram –possibility of evaluation plan from the piont of view of products and production source Hand made Gantt diagram – demonstrative in simple tasks More complex problems – computer programs are used Forward loading Operatio n 01 02 03 04 Backward loading Operatio n 01 02 03 04 Picture 10 and 11 Gantt diagram, forward and backward loading 30 Techniques and methods of scheduling Conventional methods New methods Techniques of artificial intelligence and knowledge systems Techniques with use of neuron nets Techniques with use of modeling and simulations Mathematical programming approaches – linear programming, dynamic programming Heuristically oriented approaches Dynamic programming It is the technique for solving problems, it is not summary prepared algorithms. It is necessary to create algorithms to concrete tasks Heuristically oriented approaches The most used are those, which are progressively choosing one task along with creating complete sequence, the easiest progress. Tasks are chosen in the way that if once comes to solution, it is not allowed repeated consideration of alternative solutions Techniques of artificial intelligence and knowledge systems Artificial intelligence- suggestion of intelligent computer systems, which are showing features typical for human being intelligence Techniques with use of neuron nets Nets are used for identification of rule candidates for simulation analysis, in every point of neuron net the candidate is generating rules for every type of problem and this rule is evaluated by simulation, simulation passes under different entrance conditions Techniques with use of modeling and simulations Discrete event simulation as a scheduling tool, simulation is designed as a tool for evaluation of scheduling rules Simulating model is initialized from actual state in production Place of scheduling in systems of planning and production controlling Module that deals with scheduling is using information from modules TPV, material planning, capacity planning, supplies control and control of customer requests 31 Source requests of plan Aggregate production planning Rough capacity planning Operation planning Capacity requests of plan Material requests of plan input/ output analysis analýzy Offer management Workshop system of scheduling Dynamic management Picture 12 Place of scheduling in PPS systems Place of scheduling in PPS systems Required input and output information Place of scheduling in PPS systems Place of scheduling in PPS systems Input information Output information production plan Input to production Products structure, components Production order Production procedure, operations Working sheets Technologies used, production sources production currency Working sources Calendar of changes 32 MRP systems Planning and controlling production system - PPS systems has base in material economy planning systems, which are oriented to methods which define size of material charges, considering to orders of customers. First computers supported planning systems for planning materials needs MRP systems (“Material Requirements Planning”). MRP systems - constant definition of primary requirements for production assurance - predicted knowledge of production program by the sort, amount and terms - from know primary requirements find out claims for subordinated subgroups, equipments, material, sources and resume them to production charges - have to exist adequate database with pieces arrests and items. MRP systems account: - accomplished with computer supporting brake-ups of any finally goods to primary requirements. - goods structure and its subgroups execute with uses information database system. - necessary subordinated equipments for any time period was find out quantitative and with time specification. - all material economy can by planning with supporting software system and MRP. Planning method with MRP: 1. comparing gross necessaries (necessaries to finally goods, main subgroups, alone equipments) with usable (disposition) state in store 2. they transformation to clear necessaries 3. production orders generation with the accent to production time. 33 Time oriented planning diagram with MRP: Thought day MRP SYSTEM 0 goods WELDER Gross necessary Store state 2 3 20 Planning enter to store Running production time = 2 days production charge = 20 pieces 1 6 40 20 10 30 Production charge 10 10 20 gross necessary Running production time = 1 day production charge= 15 pieces 5 10 20 20 0 10 10 20 subgroup TRANSFORMER 4 20 20 Planning enter to store Store state 5 Production order 5 0 15 15 15 15 10 MRP system structure If we want to have 1, 2, 3, we need to do production background – circle plan. Pieces define structure of produced goods (what and how many is need to goods produce). smaller about it). 34 MRP: not acceptable for all production control requirement also, we know, what to do, we need to know, what we have in disposition MRP II New systems for production plants are based in MRP - production program planning level increasing (including market prediction and customers orders control) - increasing of term and planning capacity level and production control MRP II (“Manufacturing Resource Planning”) - orientation to production sources planning. MRP II characteristic: - all information current, planning function and production control integrate to one logical chain cross material current, - using continuous planning principles production process hierarchy support. MRP - material requirement planning MRP II - manufacturing resource planning MRP II - production sources planning: it’s updated MRP system about capacity balance sheet work it’s in software image (part or full) 35 Production is automated – higher flexibility by the higher flexibility, complication planning level increasing. Production flexibility increasing by creation more variants of technological methods. for example. Hole we can drill or swing; if the capacity for one variant is empty, we can use capacity for another variant. 36 37 JIT base idea – to optimized buffering stocks, which help us to control supplies level; high supplies level = small effectiveness more then supplies control – philosophy based on continual deficit finding out and elimination on all organizations levels. JIT can see as: - philosophy or full access to production - technics which are used for production system design and operation - beam house control system - kanban = dispatch note. Decrease supplies level way to higher production effectiveness (smaller requirements to storing, to beginning production, lower biding capital). By decreasing supplies level we can see hidden problems. Two problems source: extern – mistakes in delivery - customers relations solution = build reliable stable delivers chain and reliable customers experience: leading JIT without delivers and customers support is from long time point of view untenable, because cost of storing is transporting from delivers or customers (have to create save storage, that they have to be able do theirs contracts pledge in relations to plant with using JIT principles) - have to supporting delivers and customers in getting the JIT system – only in that way we can reach increasing effectiveness level in full first chain from first production to finally customer intern – mistakes which reach as consequence of quality deficient (material, production engineering, production process organization, work power, goods and technical documentation design) solution = complex quality increasing and monitoring - TQM, active production process quality assurance - SPC; it try to do ZD (zero defects). Aim of JIT: 1. dodge to generality: by the customers – fast change of claim and preferences – although we need to retain adequate costs, offer palette of goods and short delivery dead-lines to assurance, we need to think about it in phase of production design - modular principle in goods design increase production effectiveness and increasing production palette flexibility higher production among in individuality conservation ( incorporated bogie bench VW, integrated circumference – hardware development beginning 70´s years after production integrated circumference ) production flexibility – achieve by organization shorting, using NC centers and versatile qualified workers by the delivers – first step in production important in storage nonexistence to achieve quality and right supplies or blank in right time anyone deliver have to be informed forward about customers production plan and qualitative claim to decreasing time which is needed for production control, do delivers audit with claim to logic increasing. 38 by the workers o absence and another problems can be reduced with right workers motivation, increasing the work claim (safety, ergonomics), work organization – delegation responsibility to quality and organization they work, higher work motley(quality circles) and easy identification their portion to making good o workers education - achieve decreasing level of goods mistakes o preference before making simply monotone operations continuously by many workers (no production links, better production links cells) have to be making complex operations by one workers 1 worker don’t doing only 1 operation, but close technological entity worker universality by claim of trade – this is not anytime constant JIT – successful only in where are sufficient flexible production means to absorb small deviation in trade claim. 2. avoid the loss: overproduction – two events of losses from overproduction : a) qualitative overproduction – production is higher then consumption – losses arise be supplies using, energy, people and machines, storage space, transporting etc. solution – better planning and prognoses and reliability of production means b) almost production - goods (semi-product) are almost finished, as we need their to montage – have too temporary storage solution - implementation right planning production system a) b) c) d) e) f) idle time and production storages – mistakes in continuous production current process can by reduced primary production planning system minimalization production storage (and production budged): reduction of time line up decreasing transporting charge – decreasing production making rebalanced capacity granting sufficient production flexibility and sufficient capacity for absorbing season necessity fluctuation modular goods structure reliable production equipment, unending process increasing transporting – using gravity power, U – production cell form, or links, time snap mistakes – cause production slowing minimalization number of mistakes: a) prevent upkeep b) using effectiveness equipments to process control (higher degree of automation) c) minimalization of people overburden and machinery d) implementation of all safety rules 3. continuing improvement: effective increasing, looses elimination, indemnity for reliability, making production discipline etc. (unending process) 39 KAIZEN philosophy sense to have trying achieve production without mistakes for all goods, because mistakes destroying continuous production current (continuously increasing process). Advantages JIT: - decreasing of waiting time - interoperable and other storage - decreasing of operating time – workers training, whose are qualified and usable in many ways - reduction transporting times – production systems design with using cell structure in U form - decreasing time line upping - group technology and SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies) boat company height of sea-level height supplied; in decreasing sea-level (interoperable supplies) is showing more problems, which was near high sea-level hidden – showing to light of sun higher risk production obstacle – need advanced control By the higher level interoperable supplies is better overcoming machine mistakes, but the prices increasing. When decreasing the sea-level, we need to destroying what it above than. Low level of supplies need high quality. JIT - including TQM, which is concentrating to quality control and searching causes why rising mistakes - base on group technology - can be used only when, if it have or have to respect by delivers; have to by good delivery and customers relations 40 JIT limitations: - JIT is successful, if audit only moderate fluctuate - usually go about higher type of production (long-run serial production) – cell production, production links, current production – anywhere, where is need to arrange the production - shouldn’t anticipate to production innovations usually - we don’t betoken requirements on production, we have to be able adjust their - JIT failing when mistakes rise, which are not betoken 41 PPS systems – production planning and control systems Production planning and control systems are in English and America literature presented under the name: Production Planning System (PPS) Production Planning and Control (PPC) Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) Production Management System (PMS) In German literature are production planning and control systems presented as PPS systems , which is short form from German: Produktionsplanung und - steuerung (PPS) In Czech literature abbreviation PPS is used for the area of production planning and production controlling. Production planning systems(PPS) PPS – for all systems which contains and solves functions, that belong to area of planning and production control. PPS structure PPS system activity - is conditioned by existence of suitable database PPS system PPS system demands Production program planning material items planning - quantity term and capacity planning Production control Fulfilled requests Picture:13 PPS structure 42 Tasks of PPS systems - to secure scheduling of customer’s order by production - to coordinate ordering process by production, in a way to fulfil its realization in optimal relations PPS system is solving two main areas: Production planning - define assortment and quantity of production orders, that should be released – place an order into production - to secure their term layout for available production facilities Production controlling - connects on tasks of production planning - coordinates reciprocal action for basic elements of production process - coordinates reciprocal action of main and helping production processes Tasks of PPS systems are possible to cumulate into six basic functions (picture below) - in practice are differently modified – it is caused by: - the character of production tasks ( difficulty and quantity of final products), their further development ( reduction of production and change of continuous times) - aspects that characterize production process- proportionality, parallelism of operations and concentration of production, division of labour, automation degree - organizing conditions 43 Picture 14 Basic structure of PPS system Data administration - common for both areas of PPS - collection, processing, administration of all basic data needed for PPS system - basic data: information about suppliers information about customers information about products and orders bills of materials information about production structure technological process information about production tools Production program planning - realization and creation of gross production program ( production quantity, amounts and terms) - activities: demand requests planning of customer orders gross terming of customer orders 44 informative calculation of capacities gross calculation of material usage Planning of quantity - arrangements that are needed for security of material production, in regard of product type, quantity and terms - entrance bases – production documentation, size of reserves - specific activities planning material requests calculation of reserves calculation amount ordered material ordering Term and capacity planning - designates capacity demands and time schedule of production, occupied capacities are taking into consideration during calculation - technological processes consist of : time schedule of production orders calculation of capacities harmonization of capacities planning continuity of production Controlling of production orders - characteristic activities: releasing of orders into production preparation of production documentation control of the production safety short term schedule of production Monitoring of production orders - control the making progress of production order - activities control time keeping of schedule in short term production control of quantity control the fulfilment terms of production orders control of machine capacity usage Requests on PPS Users request from PPS systems: ability to respond quickly on customer’s demands from the view of size, terms and properties of products ability to introduce new products into going production keeping beneficial production costs 45 accurate forecast of material demands possibility of early recognition and mastering the capacity differences unloading from routine activities support the production control, which is oriented on material flow stabilization of production program LOGISTIC SALE short time deliverie s high flexibility low supplie s short continuous times PPS optimal amounts high and equalable capacity itilization real orders on production definite orders on productio n PRODUCTION Picture 15 Concurrent demands on PPS systems Choice and application of PPS system - application of PPS system into company – high costs - PPS system needs to be adapted on real company conditions, that are the most modified by: company profile - actual company’s organizational structure actual structure of production progress of material flows existent structure of system collecting and data processing PPS systems can perform functions only when they are using high- class database with reliable system of changes actualization Before implementation of PPS system we need to: 1. analysis of actual situation in company 2. setting the goals, that we want to achieve before implementation of PPS system 3. perhaps reorganization of company in area: 46 adaptation of organizational structure improvement of organization in material and information flows structuring the processes in production 1. suggestion of structure in computer assisted collection and treating data 2. implementation of PPS system: establishment of strategy in system implementation design the time plan in system implementation control of implementation- continual controls Picture 16 General funkcions of PPS 47 MES SYSTEMS IN HIERARCHY OF INFORMATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS IN PRODUCTION COMPANY Effective control of production company is not thinkable without adequate use of information technologies and information systems. Information systems assigned to individual business areas: - They are in different phase of their life-cycle, - they are developed and operated on different technology and architectures, - they are characterized by diverse level of openness, - usually they are not interconnected. Two fixed areas of information at production company: - technological, control and information systems (control of production processes), - information systems assigned to support of control of all company. Striving of companies – integration of both levels to general information system, which can coordinate all of production activities (receiving of customer order - production – expedite of final product) It exist several various conceptions to integration. Relatively new access = concept MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems). MES renews an originally two-levels hierarchy (interlayer, which can integrate them). General contributions of effective connection of both areas: the more effective production management and contiguous processes – by level connection, the information, which are not available until now, or their acquirement was to hard or long, are accessed to users on particular level of management. (information acquired by non-automated way is characterized by significant measure of inaccuracy, non-topicality and incompleteness), faster reaction to defects/anomalies – by observing of production process in the real time it allows to respond to defects of required (drafted) status immediately – loss fluent from delayed look to process in production are minimized, degrade of hand (off-line) inquiries and transmissions of data from production to IS at superior level. MES performs four primary functions: Collects data (e.g. bar-code scanning) in real time. Organizes and stores data in a centralized database. Makes data accessible throughout the network, and integrates critical data from other information systems such as planning and accounting. Delivers and manages orders from ERP to production, with detailed scheduling reacting to real-time events, increasing productivity and quality Benefits of using computerised MES Reduces manufacturing cycle time Reduces or eliminates data entry time Reduces work-in-process 48 Reduces or eliminates paperwork between shifts Reduces lead times Improves product quality Eliminates lost paperwork Empowers plant operations people Improves the planning process Improves customer service Full Functions of MES – by MESA Resource Allocation and Status Operation/Detail Scheduling Dispatching production Unit Document control Data Collection Labour Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis Core Functions of MES Planning System Interface Work Order Management Workstation Management Inventory Tracking and Management Material Movement Management Data Collection Exception Management Manufacturing Intelligence Support Functions of MES Maintenance Management Time and Attendance Statistical Process Control Quality Assurance Process Data / Performance Analysis Document / Product Data Management Genealogy / Product Traceability Supplier Management The position of MES systems in hierarchy of information system of company MES systems The software interlayer, which is set between the control systems at process level of production control and the systems working on managerial level of company Between levels overshoot two way simultaneous communication, at which MES realizes an important function of integrator of both level. 49 ERP systems: - they don’t work in real time, therefore time factor is 100x, - they index orders of customers, demands at production resources (people, machines, - they send the generated production demands to the MES layer. MES systems: - they account for pursuance of production tasks, i.e. for conducting of all operations contiguous with product production, - they send the specifically instructions how to make into level Control, - they work with radix lesser time factor then ERP (10x), but there isn’t still the real time. When are all instructions, production documentation, programs and other production demands accepted by procedural layer, on this level can come to production operations flow. Working mode is realized in the real time – time factor 1x. The particular levels work with data, which are characterized by: various level of abstraction (operation process, documents, control signals), various period of processing (milliseconds – real time, minutes till tens of minute – transoperational regime), various data structure (unstructured documents, structural drawing, records in databases), various level of precision (scanning parameters and control signal prognoses, planes, estimates, various subject of processing (management staff, executive productive operatives, machines and devices) Possible solution of data flows between levels MES and ERP and between MES and systems of procedural control are insinuated on the followings pictures 50 Picture 17 Solution possibility of data flows between MES and procedural control. 51 Picture 18 Solution Possibility of data flows between ERP systems and MES systems. MES Context Model SSM – Sales & Service Management SCM – Supply Chain Management ERP – Enterprise Resources Planning P/PE – Product and Process Engineering Controls – PLC, DCS, line and machine control Picture 19 the relation between MES and other enterprise activities MES provides an information hub that links to and sometimes between all of these systems. MES overlaps with other manufacturing system types, which also overlap with each other. For example, scheduling may appear in both MES and SCM; labor management in MES, 52 SSM, and the HR function of ERP; document control in MES and P/PE; and process management in both MES and Controls MES Functional Model Basic functions of MES systems are follows: Picture 20 Basic functions of MES systems 1. Resource Allocation and Status This function tracks resource status and maintains a detailed history. It ensures that equipment is properly set-up and that resources and other entities such as documents are available for a production activity to commence. The management of these resources includes reservation in support of the Operations/Detail Scheduling function. 2. Operations/Detail Scheduling Provides sequencing of independent activities based on priorities, attributes, characteristics, and/or recipes associated with specific production units with the objective of meeting user defined performance goals. It is finite and it recognizes alternative and overlapping/parallel production activities in order to calculate, in detail, exact time or equipment loading and adjust to shift patterns. 53 3. Dispatching Units Directs workflow of production units in the form of jobs, orders, batches, lots, and work orders according to production plans and detailed schedule. Dispatch information is presented in the sequence in which the work needs to be done and changes in real time as events occur on the factory floor. It has the ability to alter prescribed schedule and/or production plan on the factory floor. Additions and alterations may include material preparation and handling, and process operations such as rework, recovery, and salvage. Dispatch also has the ability to control the amount of work in process at any point with buffer management. 4. Document Control Controls, manages and delivers information packages associated with the production unit, including work instructions, recipes, drawings, standard operation procedures, part programs, batch records, engineering change notices, and shift-to-shift communications. For example, it sends instructions to operators or recipes to device controls. It also supports editing "as planned" information and maintains version histories of specifications. It would also include the control and integrity of environmental, health and safety regulations, and information such as Corrective Action procedures. 5. Data Collection / Acquisition This function acquires and updates production information used for product tracking, maintaining production histories, and other production management functions. It may use some combination of scanners, entry terminals, and software interfaces to manufacturing controllers and other software to perform this function. The data may be collected from the factory floor either manually or automatically in an up-to-the-minute time frame. 6. Labor Management Provides status of personnel in an up-to-the-minute time frame. Includes time and attendance reporting, certification tracking, as well as the ability to track indirect activities such as material preparation or tool room work as a basis for activity based costing. It may interact with resource allocation to determine optimal assignments. 7. Quality Management Provides real-time analysis of measurements collected from manufacturing to assure proper product quality control and to identify problems requiring attention. It may recommend action to correct the problem, including correlating the symptom, actions and results to determine the cause. It May include SPC/SQC tracking and management of off-line inspection operations, and analysis from a laboratory information management system (LIMS) could also be included. (SPC- Statistical Process Control; SQC -Statistical Quality Control). 8. Process Management Monitors production and either automatically corrects or provides decision support to operators for correcting and improving in-process activities. These activities may be interoperational and focus specifically on machines or equipment being monitored and controlled, as well as intra-operational which is tracking the process from one operation to the next. It may include Exception management to make sure factory personnel are aware of process changes that are outside acceptable tolerances. It provides interfaces between intelligent equipment and MES, possibly through Data Collection/Acquisition. 9. Maintenance Management Tracks and directs the activities to maintain the equipment and tools to insure their availability for manufacturing and insure scheduling for periodic or preventive maintenance 54 as well as the response (alarms) to immediate problems. It maintains a history of past events or problems to aid in diagnosing problems. 10. Product Tracking and Genealogy Provides the visibility to where work is at all times and its disposition. Status information may include who is working on it; component materials by supplier, lot, serial number; current production conditions; and any alarms, rework, or other exceptions related to the product. The on-line tracking function creates a historical record, as well. This record allows traceability of components and usage of each end product. 11. Performance Analysis Provides up-to-the-minute reporting of actual manufacturing operations results along with the comparison to past history and expected business result. Performance results include such measurements as resource utilization, resource availability, product unit cycle time, conformance to schedule, and performance to standards. May include SPC/SQC. Draws on information gathered from different functions that measure operating parameters. These results may be prepared as a report, presented on-line as current evaluation of performance, or used to trigger alarms when derived parameters deviate from acceptable ranges. 55 Flow of information between MES and other software tools Picture 21 Flow of information between MES and other software tools Figure shows the flow of information from MES to the other major types of systems. It isn't shown in the figure but the others systems also feed MES with information. ERP feeds MES with plans that will be used by its work dispatch. The masters plans and schedules from Supply Chain drive the timing of activities from MES. Product and Process Engineering give work instructions and data from Controls is used to measure actual performance and operating conditions. It should be noted that there is an overlap of some functionalities between MES and the other systems, but MES is always focused in operations management. 56 Revolution in manufacturing control APS system - marked as BaanSCS (Baan Supply Chain Solutions) Software system designed to integrate with ERP and MRP systems to enhance the short term production planning and scheduling. What is planning and scheduling The basic idea of scheduling is to determine the timing and location of activities that will be conducted in a process to meet a set of orders or demands from customers. The rocess to be scheduled consists of a set of equipment, people, materials, and other resources that must be coordinated to meet the demands of the customers. An order or demand to be scheduled is typically given as a due date and quantity of material or an end state to be achieved. A schedule must take into account what is currently being executed in the process, satisfy all the process requirements, and consider preferences of people who understand the business implications of making tradeoffs. Planning refers to exploring the possible behavior of a process over a long period of time or under different conditions than those that currently exist. The planning process is used to answer what-if questions such as How will capacity improve if additional equipment is purchased? What are the implications of cross-training operators? Which options will best reduce overtime? What is the best due date to promise a potential customer? Where should research & development dollars be spent to best improve a process? Is there enough capacity to meet expected demand? APS systems - APS = Advanced Planning and Scheduling Many definitions of an APS system are possible. Practically speaking an old-fashioned planning and scheduling system involves using planning boards, whiteboards, or pencil & paper. An “Advanced” Planning and Scheduling system is usually defined to be one that is computer based. Using this definition there is a wide variation in sophistication and cost of APS systems. What is the Value of an APS System? Hard data on the financial value of planning and scheduling is difficult to collect because people rarely conduct a controlled before-and-after experiment for an APS system installation. Also very few academic studies have been completed. As a result most success stories and customer testimonials are anecdotal in nature. Considering these caveats, the available data suggests that the estimated improvement attributable to effective planning and 57 scheduling is 5% to 15% as measured by a decrease in process costs (e.g. waste, changeover, inventory reduction) and/or increase in process throughput. In order to achieve this performance an APS system must be used in an effective business process whereby the data used is reasonably accurate and schedules and plans must be executed with reasonable precision. To achieve consistent results the planning and scheduling process must be repeated when business conditions change appreciably. Finally since the cost of an APS system is usually small with respect to the capital and operating costs of a process, any improvement usually accrues directly to profit. As such an APS system that works can be a good investment. Comparison of APS and ERP systems Value addition ERP Transaction support of company process APS Optimal progress searching Number of final customers high (tens, hundreds of customers) low (exceptionally tens of customers) Time aspect Typical implementation 12 – 36 months, economic return 2 – 5 years Typical implementation 6 – 9 months, economic return 0,5 – 1 year Comparison of APS and ERP systems (Enterprise Resources Planning) Supply Chain Management Typical Features Demand Planning Looks at past performance and historical trends to determine how much product should be made. Supply Planning Covers replenishment requirements and makes sure safety stocks are at appropriate levels Manufacturing Scheduling Looks at available resources and devises a production schedule based on "constraints", or real-world restrictions. It can automatically adjust manufacturing plans if certain supplies are unavailable or a key employee is out sick. Transportation Planning Determines the best, most cost-effective method for warehousing and shipping. In addition, some supply chain products can contain some of the following, less common features: - Graphical Supply Chain Modeler - Supply Chain Optimizer - Performs linear program simulations for creating an optimized plan. Forecasting 58 Baan's supply-chain solution This is a suite of integrated applications covering supply-chain network design, demand management, supply-chain planning and order fulfillment, factory scheduling and execution, and logistics planning. Each of these applications has further components. BaanSCS designer This graphical strategic decision tool lets you model your supply chain. For example, you can define appropriate resources, such as transportation and inventory and also, look at the costs, revenues, and constraints in your supply chain. Its key features include: Interactive map-based graphics; drag-n-drop functionality; easy-to-use wizards; standard data templates for Excel and Access; and Scenario manager for defining and analysing multiple scenarios. BaanSCS planner This helps in developing manufacturing plans and takes into account the cost, resources, constraints, and the demand forecasts to meet the customer demand. Its features include: Graphical analysis tools; multi-plant planning based on resource availability and logistics; integrates planning data from BaanERP and other ERP systems. BaanSCS scheduler The Scheduler helps in creating manufacturing schedules by coordinating the plant activities with the market demand orders and resources available. You can also change production schedules in response to customer demand. It has a real-time graphical display of order status and production data which helps eliminate bottlenecks. It also provides sales people accurate order-delivery information and can be integrated with the BaanSCS planner. APS systems usage - For companies which skirmish with one of the following factors: wide supplier base logistical complex production processes complex and complicated distribution expressively fluctuating demand for products - Good application in: Grocer’s, drinks, consumer goods, traffic optimalization and industrial goods Chemistry, machine industry, automotive industry Shoemaking industry, clothing industry 59