International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS) _______________________________________________________________________ A Survey on Discovering Time Dependent Shortest Path in WSN 1 Pradhnya S. Kalaskar, 2Prachi Jaini Department of Computer Science & Engineering G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur-16,India Email :, Abstract— The problem of least-latency end-to-end multicast routing over adaptively duty-cycled wireless sensor networks is considered. These type of networks exhibit a time-dependent feature, where transmission latency and link cost from one node to other nodes vary constantly in different discrete time moments. It presents distributed algorithm for finding the time dependent shortest paths to the sink node for all nodes. It presents distributed shortest path maintenance algorithms with low message complexity and space complexity in wireless mesh network . Keywords- Duty cycle, Time dependent, ² synchronizer I. INTRODUCTION The transport and network layer protocols we have studied so far provide for the delivery of packets from a one source to a one destination. Protocols involving just one sender and one receiver are often referred to as unicast protocols. A number of network applications which are come into view require the delivery of packets from one or more senders to a group of receivers. These applications include bulk data transmission, sharing of data applications, data feeds, and interactive gaming. For each of these applications, a widely useful abstraction is the notion of a multicast: the sending of a packet from one sender to multiple receivers with a single “transmit” operation. Multihop data routing over wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has attracted extensive attention in the recent years. Since there is no infrastructure in sensor networks, the problem of routing is different from the one in traditional wired networks or the Internet [1], [2]. Due to the increasing interest in the dynamic management of transmission systems, there is need to find shortest paths over a large graph, where the weights (or delays) associated with edges dynamically change over time (time dependency). Transportation systems, which can provide real-time traffic information (used to calculate edge delays) to users, include the Vehicle Information and Communication System (VICS) and the European Traffic Message Channel2 (TMC) [3]. Here we study the generalized form of this query; this problem is called time-dependent shortest-path: to find the optimal path (with the minimum travel time) from a source to a destination, on a time-dependent graph, when the starting time (departure time from the source) is selected from a user-given starting-time interval. TDSP problem was studied to find out approximate answers with discrete-time approaches or with continuoustime approaches [3]. Wireless sensor networks have been envisioned to be useful in many military and civilian applications such as battlefield habitat monitoring, surveillance, target tracking, etc. Sensor nodes are generally powered by battery hence techniques to prolong the network lifetime have become the recent research focus. A variety of energy conservation strategies have been proposed. Among them, a frequently used mechanism is to deploy more sensors than required, and schedule the activity of each sensor node such that sensors perform the given mission in turn and at any time, only a small number of sensors are active to meet the coverage requirement of the mission [4]. The focus on extremely low duty-cycle sensor networks, in which energy management protocols aggressively _______________________________________________________________________ ISSN (Online): 2347-2820, Volume -2, Issue-1, January, 2014 24 International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS) _______________________________________________________________________ reduce energy consumption by allowing a very low duty cycle for each particular sensor device. During the operation of sensor applications, sensor nodes are activated and stay in sleep state for a long time. Due to the extremely limited power, it is not feasible to maintain a ready-to-use communication backbone continuously. For any given time frame, this type of networks may be fragmented (partitioned) and network connectivity (topology) becomes time-dependent [5]. In other words, when a node has packets ready to be sent, all of its neighbouring nodes may be in the dormant state and the sender may have to wait for one of its neighbours to wake up in order to forward its packet. The time spent on waiting for a neighbour to wake up at the sender is called sleep latency. Therefore, the sleep latency dominates the E2E delay in such extremely low duty-cycle sensor networks [5]. The problem of updating efficiently all-pairs shortest paths in a distributed network whose topology dynamically changes over the time, in the sense that link weights can be modified during the lifetime of the network, is considered crucial in today’s practical applications. Hence, it is very important to find efficient dynamic distributed algorithms for shortest paths [1], [6]. The Cyclic Quorum System Pair (CQSPair) which contains a pair of quorum systems suitable for heterogeneous quorum-based wakeup schedule. The mechanism of CQS-Pair can guarantee that two adjacent nodes adopt heterogeneous quorums. Wireless sensor networks can achieve better trade-off between energy consumption and average delay with the help of the CQS-Pair Consider an example, all cluster- heads and gateway nodes can pick up a quorum from the quorum system with shorter cycle length as their wake up schedule, to get shorter discovery delay. All members in a cluster can choose a quorum from the system with longer cycle length as their wakeup schedules, in order to save more idle energy [7]. II. RELATED WORK In [1] Shouwen Lai and Binoy Ravindran chose two MAC protocols: ALPL and quorum-based duty-cycling. In the ALPL mode, a node just wakes up for a short time during a checking interval to check the channel activities. The duration of the checking interval varies for different nodes. They changed the duration of the checking interval in their simulation experiments with four sets, C1, C2, C3, and C4. With each set, they randomly chose one element as the value of the LPL checking interval for each node. With different time slot sets, the size of a message is changing. Thus, they used a flexible packet size in their simulation. Each element in a vector occupied 1 byte in all experiments. For quorum-based dutycycling, they choose the (7,3,1) and (21,5,1) difference sets for the heterogeneous wakeup schedule settings. The duration of one time slot was set to 100 ms in quorum-based dutycycling. Since FTSP, FTSP-M, TD-Bellman, and DSPP1 are independent of wakeup scheduling, we argue that the comparison is fair even when we choose quorum-based dutycycling. LPL/ALPL in WSNs: LPL means that a node only wakes up and listens the channel state for a short time period. For example it include B-MAC which is a CSMA-based technique utilizing low power listening and an extended preamble to achieve low power communication. In B-MAC, nodes have an independent sleep-wake up schedule. In BMAC if a node wishes to transmit the packet, it precedes the data packet with a preamble that is slightly longer than the sleep period of the receiver. A node samples the medium during the awake period and if a preamble is detected, it remains awake to receive the data. Using the extended preamble, a sender is assured that at some point during the preamble, the receiver will wake up, then detect the preamble, and remain awake in order to receive the data. B-MAC surpasses existing protocols in terms of energy consumption, latency and throughput. B-MAC performs quite well but it suffers from the overhearing problem, therefore the long preamble dominates the energy usage [1]. Delay-efficient routing over adaptively duty-cycled WSNs: The adaptively duty-cycled WSNs, routing will be more difficult due to two reasons: (1) intermittent connection between two neighbour nodes and (2) changes in the transmission latency at different times. In recent year some work has studied the delay-efficient routing problem over adaptively duty-cycled WSNs [1]. Su et al. [4] proposed two methods to solve routing over intermittently connected WSNs for duty cycling. One is by an on-demand approach; it uses probe messages to determine the least-latency route. And the second method is called as proactive method, where all leastlatency routes at different departure times are computed at the beginning. The first method does not work properly for frequent data deliveries. The other one is a centralized approach which is not flexible for distributed construction. Time-dependent shortest path problem was first proposed by Cooke and Halsey [16]. It has been well studied in the field of traffic network time dependent graphs, and GPS navigation. Some previous solutions for this problem mostly work offline using a centralized approach. These solutions cannot be applied to WSNs where the global network topology is not known by a centralized node. The work in [17] discusses two techniques for the time dependent shortest path problem: waiting and no waiting. Waiting does not mean waiting in the buffer, but it means that waiting for some time after the data has been delivered (i.e., the receiver is awake). No waiting means that a sender will immediately send the data once the receiver is awake. In [17] they do not _______________________________________________________________________ ISSN (Online): 2347-2820, Volume -2, Issue-1, January, 2014 25 International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS) _______________________________________________________________________ consider the waiting policy in their work, since the end-to-end latency does not benefit from waiting. Dynamic shortest path maintenance: Work in [18], exist for handling the dynamically link decreases and increases, and node insertion and deletion in static networks. In [19], an algorithm is given for computing all-pairs shortest paths, which requires O(n2) messages when the network size is n. In [20], Ramarao and Venkatesan give a solution for updating all-pairs shortest paths that requires O(n3) messages, O(n3) time, and O(n) space. In the worst case, updating the shortest path is as not easy as computing shortest paths. They suggest two possible ideas toward devising efficient fully dynamic algorithms for updating all-pairs shortest paths: 1) explore the trade-off between the messages, time and space complexity for each kind of dynamic change, and 2) devise algorithms that are efficient in different complexity models. stores the route entries for all other nodes, the algorithms in [18] are also memory-inefficient, incurring the space complexity of O(|V|). Unlike previous works in [18], where each node stores the route information for all other nodes, the [1] propose a solution in which a node only stores the route information to the sink node, which is more practical in WSNs due to their memory constraints. In the paper [1] they proposed algorithm, when one node is updated (denoted as the source node), the algorithm does not update the shortest path for the whole network from scratch, but it updates the information of necessary nodes. Thus, the main idea is first to identify which nodes need to be updated. After that, the algorithm updates the shortest path for these identified nodes. The below table I shows the summary of related work. TABLE Summary of Related work -Synchronizer: The synchronizer is a methodology for designing efficient distributed algorithms in asynchronous networks. Many researchers have used synchronizers to reduce message complexity of some asynchronous algorithms, for example, Bellman-Ford algorithm. A synchronizer works as follows: a synchronizer generates sequences of “clockpulses” at each node of a network. A new pulse is generated at each node only after it receives all the messages which were sent to that node by its neighbours at the previous pulse. Hence, a synchronizer runs in a phase-by- phase manner [1], [21]. A -synchronizer is a special type of synchronizer, it has an initialization phase includes a leader s’ is chosen in the network and a spanning tree rooted at s’ is constructed. After the execution of one phase, the leader s’ will eventually learn that all the nodes in the network are “safe.” simultaneously, s’ broadcasts a message along the spanning tree, notifying all the nodes that they may generate a new pulse. The pattern for communication to receive all acknowledgments is just like convergecast. With a -synchronizer, whenever a node learns that it is safe and all its descendants in the tree are safe, and if there are no any defective nodes, it sends an acknowledgment to its parent [1], [21]. The proposed distributed algorithms for path maintenance are also equipped with the -synchronizer in order to avoid exponential message complexity. The proposed algorithms in [1], referred to as FTSP-M (Fast Time Dependent Shortest PathMaintenance), which is used to focus on per-node update and can be easily extended to node deletion and insertion. The algorithms will run concurrently at multiple nodes if there are multiple node updates. Some previous works in static networks in [18] have proposed solutions that efficiently deal with single link updates. Since each node _______________________________________________________________________ ISSN (Online): 2347-2820, Volume -2, Issue-1, January, 2014 26 International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS) _______________________________________________________________________ III. CONCLUSION [10] In this paper we have studied the various shortest path algorithms for time dependency in wireless sensor network. Also studied the distributed shortest path routing problem in duty cycled wireless sensor network using adaptive duty cycle and ² synchronizer for decreasing the time, space and message complexity of a node. W. Ye, J. Heidemann, and D. Estrin, “Medium Access Control With Coordinated Adaptive Sleeping for Wireless Sensor Networks,” In IEEE/ACM Transaction 2004. [11] T.V. Dam and K. Langendoen, “An Adaptive Energy-Efficient Mac Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in ACM 2003. IV. REFERENCES [12] M. Zuniga and B. 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