Social and Psychological Aspects of Health and Physical Exercise Fall, 2009 (PHED 410-001) Mary Schumann, Ph.D. Email: or Phone: 703-716-4644 Class: Prince William – Occoquan Bldg, Rm 203 Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00-10:15 am Purpose of the course: This course will look at different factors and their influence on physical health and exercise in athletes as well as the normative population. It will also consider how exercise and physical health are determinants of and contributors to mental health and well being. Additionally, this class hopes to create an environment in which to discuss, debate and explore the information presented as well as students’ knowledge and experiences. Textbook. Weinberg, R.S. and Gould, D. (2007) Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology 4th edition. Champagne, IL; Human Kinetics. Technology used: You should have access to the internet and an email address for this course. Office Hours: Right after class. Easiest way to set up a time is to contact me by email to arrange. Course Requirements: Your final grade will be determined by the following: 1. Exams 25 pts each; 50 total (50% of grade) There are two exams in this course, a mid term and a final exam. They will consist of multiple-choice questions, short answer and/or essay questions. Typically there is a choice among essays. 2. Papers: 10 pts each; 30 total (30% of grade) Each student will do 3 journal article review papers. Choose a topic within the course topic areas (such as: effects of physical exercise on self-esteem; relationship between exercise and anxiety, etc.). Write a 3 page summary (double spaced and typed; APA format). Journal articles must come from the list of scientific journals in this field (see list) or must be approved by the instructor. These are not popular press articles, but scientific studies. Papers will be evaluated on how well you organize the paper, writing, and presentation of the findings from the source. 3. Oral Presentation: 15 pts (15% of grade) Your final class assignment will involve an interest area of yours in this course topic. Choose an area of interest, find at least 3 scientific sources, and prepare an oral presentation for the class. Presentation should be no longer than 12 to 15 minutes (including questions from the class). You may use Powerpoint or other visual display of information 4. Class Participation: 5 pts (5% of grade) Attendance and class participation are an important part of your grade in this course. We will discuss many issues in the curriculum in both larger class discussions and small groups. You are encouraged to contribute in this way. Both attendance and participation will make up these points. The grading scale is: 98-100 pts = A+ 94-97 pts = A 90-93 pts = A87-89 pts = B+ 84-86 pts = B 80-83 pts = B77-79 pts = C+ 74-76 pts = C 70-73 pts = C60-69 pts = D 59 pts or less = F HONOR CODE: STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO BE FAMILIAR WITH AND TO FOLLOW THE GMU HONOR POLICY. All work should be your own and should be cited properly using APA format. Students should be advised that the honor code specifically applies to and has enforced disciplinary procedures for: Plagiarism Lying (to administration or faculty) or falsifying documents Cheating or attempted cheating Stealing Please review the honor code : DISABILITIES RESOURCES: If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations, please see me and contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at 703-993-2474. All academic accommodations must be arranged through that office. OTHER INFO: Make-up exam policy: Approval to take a make-up exam must be obtained IN ADVANCE from the professor. Make- up exams will be given only during times scheduled by myself. NO EXCEPTIONS! SCHEDULE OF CLASSES: Dates 9/1, 9/3 Topic Chapter Introduction and Course Overview What is Sport/Exercise Psychology? 1 9/8 How our thoughts affect health & exercise Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory 9/10, 9/15 Personality and its Influence on Sport 2 9/17, 9/22 3 9/24, 9/29 Motivation Journal Article Review Paper Due 9/22 Arousal, Stress and Anxiety 10/1 Feedback, Reinforcement and Intrinsic Motivation 6 10/6 Group and Team Dynamics 10/8 Mid term Exam 10/13 No Class – Columbus Day break 10/15 Intro to Psychological Skills Training 11 10/20 Imagery 13 10/22, 10/27 Self-Confidence Journal Article Review Paper Due 10/22 14 10/29, 11/3 Exercise and Psychological Well-Being 17 11/5, 11/10 Exercise Behavior & Adherence 18 11/12, 11/17 Athletic Injuries and Psychology 19 11/19 Addictive and Unhealthy Behaviors 20 11/24 Class Presentations Journal Article Review Paper Due 11/24 11/26 NO CLASS - HAPPY THANKSGIVING 12/1, 12/3 12/8, 12/10 12/15 Class Presentations Class Presentations FINAL EXAM 7:30 – 10:15 a.m. 4 7