Credit rating
Type of module
Contemporary issues in sports medicine
Blended learning / online learning
This module aims to help the student:
 Acquire a critical understanding of the relevance of
contemporary issues to the treatment of an athlete
 Develop a critical awareness of how these issues may
influence the management of the injury and the performance
of the sports person
By the end of the module the student will be able to:
Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical
awareness of the issues covered in this module
Evaluate critically the way in which this knowledge would
effect clinical practice in sports medicine
Demonstrate the ability to integrate this information into high
level clinical reasoning and management of patients with
sports injuries
A variety of contemporary issues, which relate to sports medicine,
will be covered in this module. For example:
 Sports psychology
 Sports nutrition / hydration
 Doping / drugs in sports
 Equality and diversity in sports
 Disability and sports
These are all large specialities in their own right, however the
emphasis in this module will be to look at the impact that these may
have on the clinical practice of sports medicine and the importance
of recognising the boundaries and responsibilities of each member
of the sports medicine team. The content of the module may evolve
as further topics come to the fore in the practise of sports medicine.
Teaching and learning
Learning support
This module will use case based learning, using the same triggers
as are used in the management of sports injuries modules. These
will form the basis for a series of online learning packages which will
combine core information and learning activities, covering the
content of the module. The module will be launched using a
camtasia presentation, e mails and other on line contacts. This will
introduce the students to the module, give guidance on the areas
that they will be expected to cover, and give an introduction to online
learning. At the end of the period of study there will be a day of
attendance when students will be encouraged to bring examples of
relevant research and clinical practise. This material will from the
basis of interactive tutorial sessions.
The students will be given guidance on study skills as part of the
online resources available to them. The library at Queenwood holds
a large quantity of relevant material and through the university there
is access to extensive relevant online material.
Reading list
De Paul, K. P., and S. J. Garron, (2005), Disability and Sport,
Human Kinetics, Leeds
McArdle W. D., F. I. Katch and V. L Katch (2005), Sports and
Exercise Nutrition 2nd Edition, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins,
Waddington I., and A. Smith (2008) An Introduction to Drugs in
Sport – Addicted to Winning? 3rd edition, Routledge, London
Weinberg, R., and D. Gould., (2007) Foundations of Sport and
Exercise Psychology , 4th edition, Human Kinetics, Leeds
Norris, C. M., (2001) Sports Injuries Diagnosis and Management,
Butterworth Heinemann, Edinburgh.
Brukner, P and Khan, K, (2007) Clinical Sports Medicine 3rd edition,
McGraw Hill, London.
British Journal of Sports Medicine
American Journal of Sports Medicine
Physiotherapy in Sport
Clinics in Sports Medicine
Clinical Biomechanics
Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy
Assessment tasks
www.acpsm.org Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in
Sports Medicine (ACPSM)
www.sportforall.org International Federation of Sports
Physiotherapists (IFSP)
www.basem.co.uk British Association of Sport and Exercise
www.eis2win.co.uk English Institute of Sport
The students will be required to choose one of the topics covered in
the module and exploring this in depth and its relevance to sports
medicine. The information presented should address the learning
outcomes of the module. All information offered should be fully
justified, critically evaluated and referenced
Word count- 3000 words
Brief description of module This module covers a variety of topics relevant to working in sports
content and/or aims
medicine in the 21st century. An understanding of issues such as
(maximum 80 words)
nutrition, hydration and sports psychology are intrinsic to effective
treatment of disabled and able-bodied athletes. An awareness of
doping regulations is also essential for health professionals working
in sports medicine.
Area examination board to Post graduate courses in the School of Health Professions
which module relates
Module team/authors/
Lucy Redhead (module coordinator)
Clare Pope
Semester offered, where
Semester 2
Site where delivered
Robert Dodd Building, Eastbourne
Date of first approval
July 2008
Date of last revision
Date of approval of this
July 2008
Version number
Replacement for previous
Field for which module is
This is an option module on the GPHSS and a core module in the
acceptable and status in
MSc Sports Injury Management
that field
Course(s) for which
Core module for MSc in Sport Injury Management
module is acceptable and
status in course
School home
School of Health Professions
External examiner
Ms Angela Cumine