Informative Speech Outline

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Informative Speech Outline
Name: Anne
Date: March 9, 2016
Topic reviewed: _____
Topic: Multiple Births
Purpose: Disclose the mystery of how multiples are formed and explain
their increasing numbers recently
Specific purpose: Explain the rising rate of multiple births due to the use
of fertility drugs and discuss the problems or
controversy of it
Thesis: Multiple births can be really rare compared to a birth with one child,
but the modern use of fertility drugs and IVF have resulted in the
increasing percentage of multiple births.
I. Attention:
A famous multiple-birth example: Quintuplets, the Dionne sisters
II. Reveal & relate topic:
A pregnancy with one baby is indeed wondrous, but imagine how
unusually marvelous it will be to have twins, triplets, quadruplets,
and higher multiple births.
III. Credibility:
Hellin's law provides an approximation of higher multiple births.
The frequency of triplets is approximately the square of the
twinning rate, and the frequency of quadruplets is the cube of the
twinning rate, and so on.
IV. Preview:
In the United States, one woman out of 90 gives birth to twins, but
because of the increasing use of fertility drugs, the likelihood of
multiple births has increased.
I. It is estimated worldwide that normally, twins occur in one out of
80 births. Thus, according to the Hellin’s law, triples may occur in
one out of 6,400 births, quadruplets in one out of 51,200 births, and
quintuplets one out of 40,960,000.
A. Identical and fraternal multiples plus their characteristics
B. Factors affecting the frequency of multiple births
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(transition) Nowadays, however, these possible factors seem to be less
II. Since 1960s, the frequency of quintuplets, sextuplets, and even
septuplets has increased due to the advent of fertility drugs and in
vitro fertilization (IVF).
A. The hormones in fertility drugs trick the ovaries to produce
more than one egg in a single circle and therefore increase the
possibility of multiple births.
B. In the IVF, more than one zygote will be placed into
women’s uterus in order to increase the chance of
implantation and gestation.
(transition) Creating multiple births out of these two methods, however, is
not as perfect and wondrous as it may seem.
III. There are both problems of survival of the multiples and
controversy in IVF.
A. Higher death rates and higher risk of chronic ills of multiple
B. Ethical, moral, and religious concerns about these artificial
ways to have multiple births
(transition) [Click here and type your tip off]
I. The use of fertility drugs and the implementation of IVF have
increased the possibility of having multiple births, making them no
longer a rarity. Nevertheless, while we admire in wonder for how
marvelous the multiples can be, it is also worthwhile for us to realize
the problematic issues behind.
II. Closing: [Click here and type your closing punchline]
Hint: To help remember how to properly list your references go to
Wyshak, G. (2010). Multiple Birth. Encyclopedia Americana. Retrieved
October 20, 2010, from Grolier Online
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Mark I. Evans (2009). The Truth About Multiple Births. Newsweek 153 No.9
14, Mr. 2, 2009. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from Wilson’s Wed Online;h
Lusted, Marcia Amidon. (2009). Sharing a room: multiple births. Odyssey
Jan. 2009: 13. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from Gale Science In Context
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