FTPT8 SESSION PLAN Name of teacher: Richard Llopis-Garcia University of the West of England, School of Education PCET and Learning and Skills Practical Teaching modules Course and year: A2 Biology Module/unit: section 6 Topic: Human eye Date/week no: 22/V/09 Start time:1:00 Duration: 1 h Location: H407 Context for this session (e.g. group profile, special needs of learners, learners’ relevant prior knowledge/experience) -Please see enclosed confidential group profile -Previous knowledge of human receptors and structure of the human eye. No. learners: 9 Rationale for approach and strategies to be used this session (e.g. points arising from previous session evaluation, response to individual/group needs of learners, awarding body requirements etc.) Regular variation of teaching styles approach (i.e. use of IT) to encourage retention of knowledge and skills and the development of English language in a scientific context. Response to individual students need for more teacher talk and practice of exam questions from last term consultation and evaluation of semester. To cover function of the human eye unit as specified in the AQA (A2) syllabus. Formal/summative assessment (longer term): Anatomy and physiology of the eye Aim(s) of this session: Conduct a dissection of a pig eye Differentiated learning objectives (number these*) At the end of the session ALL learners will be able to: 1. Explain the gross structure of the eye. 2. List the different components of the eye 3. Describe the individual functions of the components of the eye. At the end of the session SOME learners will be able to: 4. 5. Conduct a safe dissection of the pig eye Health and Safety considerations: General Science laboratories H + S considerations. No food or drink. No mobile phones. Sharp blades in use Use of ILT/ICT Demonstration of the use of Web site and interactive learning How does the session take account of relevant policies/codes of practice e.g ECM/Youth Matters Making a positive contribution, Achieving economic wellbeing Functional/Key Skills to be embedded in the session: Communication (presentation skills) and IT (interactive learning) TIME CONTENT/TUTOR ACTIVITY LEARNER ACTIVITY 1:00 Register Objectives Recap of previous knowledge eye structure and homework (assertive questioning, open forum) Assertive answers to questions on eye structure 4:15 Intro to Dissection of the eye. Health and safety instructions Brainstorm Note taking Reading protocol dissection 4:2 0 Interactive dissection of the eye. assertive questions 4:50 Plenary session. Recap of points learned. Assertive questions. Setting Synoptic past papers for half term revision. LEARNING OBJECTIVE NO.* ASSESSMENT METHOD RESOURCES Correct answers Computer Data projector 1, 2 Correct notes and answers Computer Data projector Dissection protocol “Cow eye” Dissection skills following instructions (video or protocol) Drawing skills 3, 4 Correct dissection Correct diagrams draw Correct answers to questions Computer Data projector Interactive video “dissection of the Cow eye Q+A assertive questions answered Collect past papers 1, 2,3,4 Correct answers to questions Past papers Synoptic Whiteboard/ pens MEMORY JOGGER - brief review of session to be completed shortly afterwards e.g. during debrief with observer