500 MYA 65 MYA 32 MYA 25 MYA 3.5 MYA 3.4 MYA 3 MYA 0.7 MYA 0.12 MYA 0.014 MYA 71,000 BC 50,000 BC 40,000 BC 38,000 BC 35,000 BC 34,000 BC 33,000 BC 30,000 BC 28,000 BC 24,000 BC 23,000 BC 21,000 BC 20,000 BC 18,000 BC 17,000 BC 16,000 BC 15,000 BC 13,000 BC 12,000 BC 11,000 BC 10,000 BC 9000 BC 8000 BC 7500 BC 7000 BC Burgess Shale forms Chicxulub meteor on Yucatan, Eruption of the Deccan Traps in India Primates form <i>Proconsul</i> forms Laetoli E Africa eruption captures <i>Australopithecine</i> footprints North and South America join “Lucy” walks the earth <i>Australopithicenes</i> Taupo Biggest eruption Neanderthal’s appear Last ice age begins Toba eruption Barringer AZ meteor impact Aboriginal Australians sail, beginning of modern humans, stone tools, rock engravings in Australia Humans in limestone caves in N Borneo, Cro-Magnon reaches Europe, waisted axes in New Guinea Early counting device found in S Africa made from baboon fibula, end of Neanderthals Hunter-gatherers in Lesotho and Zambia Small quartz tools in Zaire Evidence of berry gathering in AFR Aboriginal Australian stone tools Nambian cave drawings, European clay houses, cremations in AUS Clay statuettes found Ivory boomerang in Poland Mastodons roam N America, Lascaux France paintings created, Spainish paintings created Cave dwellers in Australia, hunter-gatherers in Zaire Wild cereal gathered near Lake Kinneret (Galilee), rock paintings in Australia Huts created with mammoth-bone roofs Spear hunters in Indonesia Terra cotta figures in Algeria, hunter-gatherers in Asia, humans cross Alaska Mastodons roam Siberia N European cave dwellers make obsidian points, Cave dwellings in Nagasaki, Japan, Obsidian points found in Greece, Humans in Chile Retreat of last ice age, advanced stone tools found, colossal flood in Washington State Stone tools created in Peru, Jamon pottery period of Japan begins, Clovis hunters in US huntb bison Cave paintings found in W AFR, painted human figures in AFR, settlement of Jericho, mud brick in Asia, shellfish consumption in Europe Earliest cemetery – in Arkansas Fishing communities in N AFR, farming in W Asia, earliest crops in MEX, Possible time of Bosphorous flood in Turkey 6500 BC 6000 BC 5400 BC 5000 BC 4500 BC 4241 BC 4000 BC 3760 BC 3500 BC 3372 BC 3350 BC 3300 BC 3200 BC 3100 BC 3000 BC 2800 BC 2772 BC 2750 BC 2700 BC 2650 BC 2600 BC 2500 BC 2400 BC 2350 BC 2300 BC 2270 BC Cereal farming in Europe and the Indus valley, grain crops in Peru Villages of wooden huts found in Europe, town of Catal Huyuk in Turkey, pigs domesticated in China, Cattle domestication in Sahara, millet domesticated in China, irrigation in Mesopotamia Eruption and mudflow at Ranier WA European copper and gold work, rice cultivated in China, jade imported to China from Siberia, Egyptian village communities grow wheat and barley, stone age tools in China, first cities in Sumer, farming in S France, Karanova settlement in Bulgaria, corn cultivated in MEX, Cochise culture in SW US, Chumash culture in CA, Chonchorros people in Chile, copper used in Mesopotamia, Gumelnitsa culture in Romania Pottery in Nubia, Vinca copper culture in Yugoslavia First precisely dated year Farmers in Sahara domesticate animals, first sail used on boats in Egypt, pottery made in Ghana W AFR, city of Enridu Mesopotamis expands, passage graves built at Carnac France, crops in Britain First year of Hebrew calendar Naqada culture begins in Egypt, Ur founded, llama first used in Peru, Haida culture in NW CAN, Fishing villages in Peru, Cotton introduced in Peru, Drought and famine in Egypt and Africa First date in Mayan chronology Jordhoj graves constructed in DEN Passage graves built in Spain Earliest hieroglyphics in Egypt, Newgrange passage grange built in Ireland Menes unites two Egypts, Byblos founded, experimental bronzework in Mesopotamia , Flood and cyclone hit Mesopotamia Wheel appears in Mesopotamia, plow used in China, Neolithic age in SE Asia, Bronze Age in Crete, Stone temples in Malta, Neolithic village of Skara Brae built in Orkney, Scotland Stonehenge Egyptian calendar lengthened to 365 days Gilgamesh rules Uruk King Gilgamesh reigns at Uruk Sumeria, City of Troy founded Start of great pyramid building in Egypt Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) built Rise of Indus civilization in Pakistan complete with writing, building of the Sphinx at Giza, people at Ebla, Syria trade with Mediterranean peoples, Beaker culture from low countries reaches France, Paloma site in Chilca river valley in Peru abandoned, Corn becomes diet staple in Americas Lugalzaggisi of Uruk defeats Lagash empire – becomes king of the countries Lugalzaggisi defeated by Sargon – Sargon king of four quarters Sargon II of Akkad dominates Sumer, End of Yao dynasty - Shun dynasty of China begins Naramsin rules Babylon 2233 BC 2205 BC 2200 BC 2100 BC 2060 BC 2000 BC 1887 BC 1849 BC 1800 BC 1790 BC 1786 BC 1760 BC 1750 BC 1708 BC 1700 BC 1600 BC 1595 BC 1590 BC 1550 BC 1530 BC 1515 BC 1500 BC 1480 BC 1450 BC 1420 BC 1400 BC 1385 BC 1380 BC 1379 BC 1362 BC 1358 BC 1350 BC 1335 BC 1300 BC End of Naramsin’s rule of Babylon End of Shun Dynasty of China – start of Hsai dynasties Middle Jamon period in Japan, beginning of Bronze Age in Ireland, Drought and famine in Egypt, Earthquake or space threat (Sodom Gomorrah), Hyksos begin to rule Egypt Corn grown in Andean highlands, end of Sargon reign of Sumeria, estimated departure of Abraham from Ur Ziggurat of Ur built Inuits settle Arctic, Andean settlements thrive in Peru, Afanasievo Neolithic culture begins in Siberia, end of Sumerian power in Mesopotamia, Bronze age begins in Scotland, Minoan palace civilization in Crete Sesostris III invades Canaan Death of Sesostris III of Canaan Ceremonial platforms in Peru Reign of King Hammurabi in Babylon Rule of the Hyksos in Egypt End of Hsei dynasties of China – Start of Shang Dynasty Death of Hamurrabi of Babylon, Estimated start of Persian empire Drought and famine in Egypt/middle east (Joseph?) End of rule of Hyksos in Egypt – also 1550/75 Beginning of Mycenaean power in Agean Hittites from Turkey sack Babylon Kassites from Zagros mountains seize Babylon Ahmose I drives Hyksos out of Egypt – also 1575 BC – New Kingdom Amenhotep I rules Egypt Death of Amenhotep I of Egypt Thutmose I rules Death of Thutmose I of Egypt – wife Hatshepsut rules until 1480 Phoenicians trade via ship, Shang Dynasty begins in China, Kassites take over Indus civilization, collapse of Minoan civilization in Crete, first Olmec gravel platforms in MEX, Greek volcano erupts – may have led to tsunamis which wiped out the Minoans on Crete (River to blood?) Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt turns throne over to son Thutmose III End of reign of Thutmose III of Egypt Amenhotep III rules Egypt First Phoenician alphabet, farming develops in Honduras End of reign of Amenhotep III of Egypt, Amenhotep IV rules (Ikhnaton) tries to set up Aton monotheism Suppiluliumas I becomes king of Hittites Reign of Akhenaten begins in Egypt Death of Akhenaten in Egypt Death of Pharoah Amenhotep IV (Ikhnaton) Settlement begins at San Jose Mogote, MEX, Start of 19th Egyptian Dynasty with Seti and Ramses Death of Ahmose I of Egypt? Earthquake in Israel? (Jericho?) 1290 BC 1260 BC 1250 BC 1226 BC 1200 BC 1193 BC 1182 BC 1151 BC 1146 BC 1123 BC 1122 BC 1120 BC 1116 BC 1100 BC 1090 BC 1085 BC 1077 BC 1050 BC 1045 BC 1002 BC 1000 BC 970 BC 960 BC 950 BC 945 BC 935 BC 925 BC 917 BC 911 BC 907 BC 900 BC Ramses II reasserts Egyptian power Approximate date of writing of Deuteronomy Building of Lion Gate at Mycenae Mt Etna erupts on Sicily Yams grown for food in W AFR, Greeks destroy Troy after 10 year war, Olmec peoples thrive in Gulf of Mexico, Chavin culture grows in Peru, first epic tales of Gilgamesh told, End of New Kingdom of Egypt and 19th Dynasty – estimated departure of Israelites from Egypt, Start Egypts 20th Dynasty Trojan War destroys Troy Ramesses III begins to reign Death of Ramesses III of Egypt Nebuchadnezzar I begins to rule Babylon End of Nebuchadnezzar I of Babylon End of Shang Dynasty of China, Start Chou city of Mycenae destroyed Tiglath-pileser I begins Assyrian empire First Assyrian civilization in n Mesopotamia declines, Olmec culture flourishes in San Lorenzo End Egypt’s 20th Dynasty, start 21st Government of Egypt passes to Pharaohs in north End of Tiglath-pileser I of Assyria Priest-kings of Thebes in Egypt separate from pharaohs Zhou replaces Shang in China Saul begins rule of Israel Khosian people on edge of Kalahari hunt, Last Jomon period (Banki), begins in Japanese pottery, Zhou of China make pottery, Aryans expand over Ganges river plain, Greeks begin to colonize Aegean islands, early iron age in Italy, expansion of Olmecs at Cuicuilco, west of San Lorenzo, La Venta becomes Olmec commerce center, Saul of Israel defeated by Philistines Reign of Solomon in Israel begins Approximate death of David in Israel Poppies first grown in Egypt End of reign of pharaohs of north, 21st Dynasty ends End of reign of Solomon of Israel, division of Israel Approximate death of Solomon in Israel End reign of Rehoboam I of Judah Reign of Adad-Nirari marks Assyrian supremacy End of Jereboam I of Israel Nok people of Nigeria, W Africa sculpt, Kushites in Sudan establish capital at Napata, trade begins to revive in Mediterranean, state of Sparta in S Greece founded by Dorians from north, peoples at Hallstart in Austria mine salt, iron in use, Geometric art begins to appear in Greece, Peru’s Paracas peninsula becomes religious center, Chavin culture focuses around Chavin de Huantar in Peruvian Andes 891 BC 883 BC 879 BC 859 BC 853 BC 850 BC 841 BC 824 BC 814 BC 811 BC 807 BC 801 BC 800 BC 787 BC 784 BC 776 BC 775 BC 771 BC 770 BC 763 BC 753 BC 746 BC 745 BC 744 BC 735 BC 730 BC 727 BC 722 BC 721 BC 720 BC 715 BC 705 BC 704 BC 701 BC 700 BC 690 BC 689 BC 681 BC 672 BC End of reign of Adad-Nirari of Assuria Assurnasirpal II rules Assyria Samaria rebuilt as Israel stronghold End of Assurnasirpal II of Assyria, start Shalmaneser III Battle of Qarqaar – Assyrian King Shalmaneser III defeated by King Ahab of Israel and Hadad-ezer of Damascus Andes mountains holds Chavin civilization and their temple at Chavin de Huantar where Peruvians pilgrimage to worship the Smiling God Start of verified Chinese chronology End Shalmaneser III of Assyria Phoenicians found colony at Carthage in Tunisia (813) Queen Samuramat of Assyria – legendary queen of Semiramis begins reign End reign of Queen Samuramat of Assyria King Joas of Israel rules Olmec carvings show early reverence of the jaguar, cereal production in Ethiopia increases, Etruscans begin to set up city-states in W central Italy, start of Egypt’s 23rd Dynasty End King Joas of Israel Jereboam II rules Israel First recorded Olympic games in Greece Solar eclipse first verified Chinese date Zhou capital moved east towards Luoyang Kushite rulers in Sudan lead armies against Egypt Eclipse marks start of new Assyrian calendar Rome founded on Tiber river in Italy Tiglath-pileser II rules Assyria End of Egyptian 22nd Dynasty End reign of Jereboam II of Israel Greeks found colony at Syracuse, Sicily End Egypt’s 23rd Dynasty End reign of Tiglath-pileser of Assyria – subjugates Syria and Philistia Samaria destroyed by Sargon II of Assyria Reign of Sargon II of Assyria begins Sargon II of Assyria conquers Israel Numa Pompilius starts reign as second king of Rome – increases months of Rome’s calendar King Sennacherib of Assyria starts to reign End of reign of Sargon III of Assyria, Sennacherib rules Assyria Isaiah prophesies Kushites worship lion god Apedemak, Iron tools and weapons made in Egypt, Olmecs abandon San Lorenzo, End of Bronze Age in Scotland Manasseh reigns in Judah Sennacherib invades Babylonia and sacks Babylon Death of Sennacherib of Assyria End of Reign of Numa Pompilius of Rome 671 BC 650 BC 642 BC 640 BC 639 BC 630 BC 625 BC 616 BC 612 BC 611 BC 608 BC 605 BC 604 BC 600 BC 590 BC 586 BC 585 BC 581 BC 578 BC 569 BC 561 BC 560 BC 557 BC 554 BC 553 BC 550 BC 546 BC 545 BC 539 BC 536 BC 535 BC 529 BC 527 BC 526 BC 525 BC 522 BC Egypt overrun by Mesopotamians Greeks found colony of Cyrene in N Africa Thales of Miletus Greek Philosopher born Solon serves as Athenian statesman Death of King Manasseh of Judah, start reign of Josiah Zoroaster of Persia born Babylon re-emerges as major power Reign of Tarquinis Priscus of the Etruscans begins in Rome Assyrian capital of Nineveh sacked by Babylonians and Medes Anaximander of Miletus the philosopher born End reign of Josiah king of Judah Nebuchadnezzar II becomes king of Babylonia Lao-tse born in China Greek culture height, Nok people of Nigeria begin to mine iron, Carthaginians explore N Africa by sea, possible circumnavigation of Africa, Oaxaca culture grows stronger than Olmecs in Mexico Solon, chief magistrate in Greece establishes laws barring enslavement of debtors Nebuchandezzar II conquers Judah and takes captives Prophet Jeremiah flees to Egypt Nebuchadnezzar II burns Jerusalem Death of Tarquinis Priscus the Etruscan king, reign of Servius Tullius in Rome (penultimate king) – walls started Amasis II of Egypt opens trade with Greece Croesus King of Lydia begins to rule Siddartha Gautama (Buddha) born, Death of Solon the Athenian statesman Reign of Cyrus the Great of Persia begins Lydian Empire taken by Cyrus the Great of Persia Death of Zoroaster of Persia, Cyrus II the Great begins to rule Persia Oaxaca center established at Monte Alban, end of Persian empire estimated Death of Anaximander of Miletus – philosopher, Death of Croesus of Lydia, Death of Anaximander who taught that all life develops from amphibians Death of Thales of Miletus the Greek Philosopher Cyrus captures Babylon Cyrus frees Jews in Babylon, Milo of Crotona becomes six-time champion of Olympics Death of Servius Tullius King of Rome Death of Cyrus of Persia, son Cambyses II begins to reign Peisistratus – usurper of Athenian government - dies Death of Amasis II of Egypt who opened Greek trade Cambyses of Persia conquers Egypt – end of rule of Pharaohs, Themistocles Athenian statesman born, Aeschylus – Greek deamatist born Death of Cambyses II of Persia 521 BC 519 BC 515 BC 510 BC 509 BC 508 BC 500 BC 499 BC 498 BC 497 BC 495 BC 494 BC 493 BC 492 BC 491 BC 490 BC 488 BC 486 BC 485 BC 484 BC 483 BC 482 BC Begin reign of Darius I of Persia (522), Buddha preaches first sermon in city of Benares Xerxes of Persia born Birth of Greek philosopher Parmenides Celts settle in Britain and France, sons of Peisistratus overthrown in Greece, Cleisthenes introduces democratic reforms in Athens Roman republic founded, Brutus becomes one of chief consuls, Roman Temple of Jupiter completed Democratic reforms introduced to Greece by Cleisthenes Semitic people from southern Arabia migrate to Eritrea and Ethiopia for trade, Darius I of Perisa improves highway from Susa to Ephesus, Paracas culture flourishes in Peru, Adenas people in Ohio valley reach peak civilization, Sardinia captured by Greeks, Phoenicians and Carthaginians, Ionians revolt from Persia under Histiaeus and Aristagoras, Satyr play introduced in Athens, Ramayana – ancient Hindu poem created, erection of the Theseum in Athens, “Treasury of the Athenians” built at Delphi, Pindar begins to write odes, Indian surgeon Susrata performs cataract operations, Greek physician Alcmaeon discovers Eustachian tubes, hanno the Carthaginian travels the west coast of Africa Ionian War begins, Sardis burned by Athenians, length of lunar month discovered in Babylon, Tarquin defeated and killed at Battle of Lake Regillus, Temple of Saturn built at Rome Pythagoras of Greece dies Anacreon Greek Poet dies City of Persepolis founded by Darius is razed, Ionian War ends with capture of Miletus, Latin League fights against Etruscans – plebians win and elect tribunate, Vouni Palace erected in Cyprus Miltiades flees to Athens, Romans conquer Corioli, Dionysus’ Theater in Athens built Darius I demands earth and water from Greece as tribute Coriolanus banished from Rome Athenian Greeks defeat Persian attack at Battle of Marathon, woodworking increases along W coast of AK and CAN, birth of Zeno of Elea the disciple of Parminides, Persian wars begin as Persian army is defeated by Greeks at Marathon Militiades disgraced Death of Darius I of Persia (485), Death of Hecataeus of Greece who write about India Reign of Xerxes of Persia, Hypostyle Hall of Xerxes erected at Persepolis, Gelo becomes tryant of Syracuse, Cincinnatus becomes Roman dictator (458) Temple of Castor and Pollux erected in Rome, Aeschylus first play Death of Heraclitus the Greek Philosopher, Aristides banished, Athenian sea power established Death of Siddartha Gautama (Buddha) (480) 480 BC 479 BC 478 BC 477 BC 475 BC 472 BC 471 BC 468 BC 466 BC 465 BC 464 BC 462 BC 461 BC 460 BC 459 BC 458 BC 456 BC 454 BC 451 BC 450 BC 449 BC Voyage of Carthaginian admiral Hanno along W African coast, Persian fleet of King Xerxes annihilated at Battle of Salmis, End Chou Dynasty of China, Spartans defeated by Persians at Thermopylae, Athens burned and acropolis destroyed by Xerxes, in Battle of Salamis Persians defeated by Athenians, Carthaginians under Hamilcar Barca defeated by Gelo of Syracuse Kung Fu-tse (Confucius) dies, Persians capture and destroy Babylon Marble temple of Apollo at Delphi created, “Victorious Charioteer” bronze statue at Delphi created, Hiero the tyrant of Syracuse calls poets Aeschylus Pindar and Bacchylides to court, walls of Athens rebuilt, Delian league founded in opposition to Themistocles Vardhamana – Indian reformer dies, Begin Athenian ascendancy, death of 306 Roman Fabii in battle with Etruscans “Phoenissae” the Greek tragedy about the Persian wars created Aeschylus writes “The Persians” tragedy Aeschylus introduces second actors, protagonists and chorus into plays, Themistocles banished from Greece, Plebians in Rome choose own tribune Sophocles introduces third actor into plays and wins contest over Aeschylus, death of Simonides of Keos the Greek poet Battle of Eurymedon Persian army and navy destroyed Assassination of Xerxes of Persia – son Artaxerxes rules, disastrous earthquakes in Sparta, democracy in Syracuse Earthquake in Greece destroys Sparta and Laconia Soldiers and judges of Athens receive salaries, Cimon banished, Begin of rise of Pericles in Athens Perikles elected party head and govern Athens Hippocrates the Greek physician born, Temple of Zeus in Olympia built, death of Democritus the Greek philosopher, Aeschylus writes “Prometheus Bound” Death of Themistocles – Athenian statesman Ezra goes to Jerusalem to restore Law of Moses, Aeschylus writes “Oresteia”, War between Athens and Corinth Death of Greek Dramatist Aeschylus, long walls from Athens to Piraeus finished End of Cimon banishment, Achaea joins Athenian alliance, Greeks in Egypt defeated by Megabyzus Three Roman senators go to Athens to study the laws of Solon Celts first settle in Scotland, Alcibiades Greek politician and general dies, Tarentum the Greek trading city in Italy subdued by Rome, death of Greek poet Bacchylides, Mimes introduced into theater by Sophron of Suracuse, Roman laws codified into 12 Tables, Temple of Theseus built at Athens, Aspasia the mistress of Pericles rules Athenian society Earliest creation of Roman laws drawn up, Persian wars end with Greek victory, Death of Cimon of Athens 447 BC 445 BC 443 BC 440 BC 439 BC 438 BC 437 BC 436 BC 433 BC 431 BC 430 BC 429 BC 428 BC 424 BC 423 BC 421 BC 420 BC 415 BC 414 BC 413 BC 411 BC 408 BC 407 BC 406 BC Death of Pindar – Greek poet, Administration of Roman exchequer passes into the hands of quaestors, Revolt of Megabyzus the Persian satrap of Syria, Athenians defeated at Coronea by Boeotians 30 year truce begins between Athens and Sparta, Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sunium, Lex Canuleia permits intermarriage between patricians and plebeians in Rome Sophocles writes “Antigone”, Pericles elected general for 15 years Pericles of Athens takes Samos, Judean law prohibits intermarriage, Pericles founds the colony of Thurii in southern Italy with Herodotus as one of its citizens Bust of Pericles made by Cresilas, Plebian revolt in Rome Cincinnatus appointed dictator Concecration of Parthenon Plato dies, Amphipolis colonized by Athenians Death of Phidias the Greek sculptor Acropolis rebuilt Great Peloponnesian war between Athens and Sparta, Euripides writes “Medea”, Temple of Apollo in Rome, Pericles delivers funeral oration Plagues hit Athens – probably smallpox, death of Greek philosopher Empedocles Death of Pericles of Athens – Cleon and Nicias rule Approximate death of Anaxagoras the Greek philosopher Herodotus the “Father of History” dies, death of Artaxerxes of Persia, Thucydudes exiled from Athens, Xerxes II becomes king of Persia but is assassinated and is succeeded by Darius II End of plague in Athens, Aristophanes “The Clouds” Cratinus – Greek comedian dies, Peace of Nicias between Athens and Sparta, Cratinus the Greek comedian dies, Aristophanes writes “The Peace” Death of Polyclitus the Greek sculptor, Epaminodas of Thebes dies Protagoras the Greek Philosopher dies, end of 30 year truce between Athens and Sparta, Athenians invade Sicily and besiege Syracuse, Alcibiades accused of sacrilege and goes over to Spartans, Aristophanes writes “The Trojan Women” Athenian army in Sicily destroyed, Aristophanes writes “The Birds” Nicias the Athenian statesman and general dies, Athenian general Nicias executed Diogenes born, coup in Athens and power transferred to people, Alcibiates returns to Athens Athenians capture Byzantium Erechtheum completed on Acropolis at Athens, Rhodes (the town) built, Euripides writes “Iphigenia in Aulis”, Plato becomes pupil of Socrates Death of Greek dramatists Sophocles and Euripides, Athens reject Spartan peace offer 405 BC 404 BC 403 BC 400 BC 399 BC 396 BC 395 BC 394 BC 390 BC 387 BC 384 BC 380 BC 379 BC 377 BC 373 BC 371 BC 366 BC 365 BC 362 BC 360 BC 359 BC 356 BC 354 BC 352 BC 351 BC 350 BC Darius II of Persia dies, Spartan navy under Lysander destroys Athenian navy – end of Peloponnesian war, Artaxerxes II reigns in Persia, Aristophanes writes “The Frogs” End of Great Peloponnesian War, Alcibiades murdered in exile by orders of Sparta Athenian democracy restored and Thrasybulus expels 30 tyrants Copper smeltering begins in Mauritania in W Sahara, farmers occupy Tiahuanaco near Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, Eruption of Popocatepetl volcano in Lake Texcoco MEX, Yellow River flood, Indus valley flood, retreat of Ten Thousand under Xenophon and Greek army withdrawn, Carthaginians occupy Malta, Etruscan bronze sculpture of Mars created Death of Socrates Etruscan city of Veii captured by Romans, Carthaginians destroy Messina, Plato writes “Apologia” in defense of Socrates Coalition of Athens, Thebes, Corinth and Argos, Thucydides the Greek historian dies, Marcus Furius Camillus the Roman general and dictator dies Spartan general Agesilaus defeats allied troops at Coronea Brennus, Gaulish chief from N Italy, sacks Rome, death of Chinese philosopher Meh Tih Aristophanes dies, Plato writes “Symposium”, Rome rebuilt after Gallic invasion M. Manlius Capitolinus thrown from the Tarpeian rock, Aristotle born Start Egypt’s 30th Dynasty (last native house) Massacre of Spartan tyrants at Thebes by Pelopidas and Epaminondas Hippocrates the Greek Physician dies, city walls around Rome built Greek earthquake End of Peace of Nicias between Athens and Sparta, Xenophon writes “Anabasis” Thebans defeat Sparta at Battle of Leucrea Temple of Concordia built in Rome, first plebian elected to office of consul in Rome Etruscan actors stage first theatrical performances in Rome, Epaminondas the Theban general killed in Battle of Mantinea Cappadocia becomes kingdom under Ariarathes I, death of Democritus of Abdera the “laughing philosopher” Accession of Artaxerxes III in Persia Herostratus sets fire to Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, Alexander the Great begins to conquer the known world, start construction of Great Wall of China against the Huns Xenophon the Greek historian dies Philip II rules Macedon Tomb of Mausolus completed as the first mausoleum, Demosthenes delivers his first Philippic against Philip II of Macedon Phoenician cities Sidon, Tyre, Aradus and Byblus secede from Persia, Gauls leave S France and settle in N Italy, Etruscan power on the decline, revolt of Jews against Artaxerxes III in Persia, Indian epic poem 348 BC 347 BC 343 BC 341 BC 340 BC 339 BC 338 BC 336 BC 335 BC 333 BC 332 BC 331 BC 330 BC 328 BC 327 BC 326 BC 325 BC 323 BC 322 BC 321 BC 320 BC Mahabharata written, Heraclides – disciple of Plato – teaches heliocentric model, Shuang-tse founds Chinese monist religious philosophy, Greek painter Pamphilus teaches unity of art and mathematics, Greek theater of Epidaurus built, Corinthian columns first appear in Greek architechture Trade agreement between Rome and Carthage, Philip of Macedon takes Olynthus, Aristotle travels to Assos, Lesbos and Pelia Death of Plato End of 30th House in Egypt – native rulers overthrown, first Samnite war begins, Persians reconquer Egypt, Ch’u Yuan the Chinese poet born, Aristotle becomes teacher of Alexander the Great End of first Samnite war Epicurus born, Scopas the Greek sculptor dies, Aristotle lays foundations of musical theory, difference between arteries and veins discovered by Praxagoras of Cos Plato’s nephew Speusippus commits suicide and Xenocrates becomes head of Athens Academy Philip defeats Greeks, Isocrates the Athenian orator dies, first Roman coins, Corinth becomes trading center Assassination of Philip II of Macedon, Alexander the Great begins conquests, Assassination of Arses of Persia 0 Darius III Codomannus reigns, Zeno of Citium the Greek stoic is born Alexander destroys Thebes, Aristotle returns to Athens, Choragic monument of Lysicrates of Athens built Alexander conquers Darius III and conquers Persia Alexander the Great Conquers Egypt, Tyre and Jerusalem, Alexander founds Port of Alexandria Alexander re-defeats Darius III at Gaugamela Praxiteles the Greek sculptor dies, Alexander occupies Babylon, Susa and Persepolis, Darius III of Persia murdered, Spartans under Agis defeated by Antipater of Macedon, Greek artists employed at court of Alexander, death of Praxiteles the Greek sculptor, Greek Pytheas of Massila (Marseilles) reaches Britain Alexander marries Bactrian princess Roxana Alexander invades India, Renewal of war between Rome and Samnites Alexander extends boundaries to Indus River, but Generals turn back End of La Venta center of Olmec culture, earliest Greek papyrus written in Greek that still exists, Alexander orders Admiral Nearchus to explore Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf Alexander the Great dies in Babylon, End of conquests of Alexander the Great, Ptolmey Soter starts new rule in Egypt, Euclid publishes “Elements” on Geometry Chandragupta founds Mauryan empire in India, death of Aristotle, Demosthenes commits suicide War among Alexander’s Successors Ptolmey Soter of Egypt invades Syria, Aristoxenus defines rhythym speech, melody and movement in music 319 BC 316 BC 314 BC 312 BC 311 BC 307 BC 305 BC 304 BC 301 BC 300 BC 298 BC 295 BC 293 BC 290 BC 289 BC 287 BC 285 BC 283 BC 282 BC 280 BC 279 BC 277 BC 275 BC Polysperchon – Antipater’s successor – restores liberty to Greece, Chandragupta Maurya reconquers northern India from Macedonians and founds Mauryan dynasty Olympias – mother of Alexander the Great put to death by Cassander, son of Antipater, Cassander founds Salonika and rebuilds Thebes Seleucids of Syria rule Palestine Roman Censor Appius Claudius Caecus completes construction of Appian aqueduct and begins Appian way, Judea ruled by Antigonus I End of Greek civil wars – Macedonia goes to Cassander Thrace to Lysimachus, Egypt to Ptolemy SOter and Asia to Antigonus Museum and library started at Alexandria under Ptolmey Soter, Demetrius Poliorcetes king of Macedon takes Athens from Cassander, Carthaginians defeat Agathocles and besiege Syracuse Ptolemy dynasties founded in Egypt, library at Alexandria, Egypt founded End of second war between Rome and Samnites Antigonus I killed at Battle of Kings at Ipsus – Palestine under Egyptian rule Kushite kingdom expands, trades with Sudan, Yayoi civilization develops in Japan, Beginning of later Hopewell culture in N America, end of Chavin culture in Peru, beginning of Moche civilization in Peru, city of Tiotihuacan begins in Mexico, Rinthon of Tarentum founds Roman comedy, Roman plebeians admitted to priesthood, Aristoxenus the Greek philosopher and musician dies, Mexican temple Atetello at Teotihuacan built Thirs Samnite War bagins Etruscans subject to Rome, Siege of Athens by Demetrius I, Euclid publishes “Optica” Romans defeat Samnites, Diocles of Carustus the Greek physician dies Meander the Greek comedian dies, End of third Samnite war, Death of Menander – master of Greek comedy Romans defeated by Senones a Gaulish tribe at Arretium Full equality between patricians and plebians in Rome, Demetrius of Macedon deposed Ptolmey II rules jointly with his father as father abdicates Corsica captured by Romans War between Tarentum and Rome Pyrrhus king of Epirus lands in Italy to aid Tarentum – defeats Romans at Heraclea Pyrrhus defeats Romans again Ch’u Yuan the Chinese poet dies Romans defeat Pyrrhus at Beneventum in Italy, Antiochus I defeats Gauls, End of history of Babylon – Babylonians reestablished in Seleucia, Manetho high priest of Egypt writes history of Egypt in Greek, Completion of Colossus of Rhodes, completion of lighthouse at Pharos Alexandria 272 BC 271 BC 268 BC 266 BC 265 BC 264 BC 263 BC 256 BC 255 BC 250 BC 247 BC 246 BC 241 BC 240 BC 239 BC 238 BC 236 BC 233 BC 230 BC 228 BC 225 BC 224 BC 222 BC 221 BC 220 BC 218 BC End of 10 years of war between Rome and Tarentum – Rome reconquers most of Italy, Romans continue the Appian Way Epicurus dies Athens taken by Antigonus II Gonatas, first appearance of Roman coin denarius Calabria conquered by Romans Mauryan ruler Ashoka conquers Kalinga, Rome in contact with Greek medicine through prisoners of war First Punic War begins between Rome and Carthage, first appearance of Roman gladiators in public combat Death of Philemon the Greek comedian Roman fleet defeats Carthaginians Kingdom of Parthia founded by Arsaces, Antigonus II Gonatus liberates Athens, Septuagint written Siberian Traps eruption, Arsaces I founds Parthian kingdom on edge of Perisa, Theocritus the Greek bucolic poet dies, unsuccessful siege by Romans, Invasion of Britain by La Tene, Roman comedian Platus born, Arcesilaus founds Second Academy of Athens, Asoka the Indian emperor erects 40 foot column inscribed with laws, parchment produced at Pergamum, first Roman prison – the Tullianum Death of Ptolmey II Philadelphus, Ptolmey III rules Egypt Birth of Hannibal, Antiochus II Theos killed by wife and succeeded by son Seleucus II Callinicus End of First Punic War where Rome defeats Carthage and takes Sicily, Agis IV of Sparta put to death for reforms Comedies of Livius Andronicus first performed in Rome Leap year introduced into Egyptian calendar Sardinia and Corsica become subject to the Roman Empire, Carthage begins conquest of Spain, Sardinia becomes part of Roman republic War between Sparta and Achaean League Death of Sun-tsi marks end of Chinese classical philosophy Egyptian temple of sun god Horus at Edfu, oil lamps introduced to Greece Carthago Nova (Cartagena) founded by Hasdrubal, First Roman ambassadors in Athens and Corinth Romans defeat Gauls at battle of Telamon, Quintus Gabius Pictor becomes first Roman historian, Gauls defeated near Telamon in Eturia Earthquake at Rhodes, Greece destroys Colossus Rome conquers n. Italy including Mediolanum (Milan), Antigonus III Doson of Macedonia takes possession of Sparta Zheng, king of Qin adopts title of Qin Shi Huangdi, first emperor of China, death of Ptolmey III of Egypt, unification of Chinese measures and weights, start of Ch’in dynasty in China, Cleomentes the king of Sparta flees to Egypt Creation of Flaminian Way between Rome and Rimini Second Punic War begins between Rome and Carthage, avalanches in Italian Alps, Hannibal crosses Alps and takes Turin 217 BC 216 BC 215 BC 212 BC 211 BC 209 BC 207 BC 206 BC 205 BC 202 BC 201 BC 200 BC 198 BC 197 BC 195 BC 194 BC 192 BC 191 BC 189 BC 185 BC 184 BC 183 BC 182 BC 179 BC 172 BC 171 BC Earthquake in Egypt, Hannibal defeats Romans, Rome appoints Quintus Fabius Maximus as dictator Roman army annihilated by Hannibal at battle of Cannae, Romans defeated with 50,000 killed, Philip V of Macedon makes pact with Hannibal Death of Greek poet Apollonius of Rhodes, Great Wall of China built to keep out invaders, Roman armies enter Spain Romans besiege and take Syracuse in Sicily, mathematician Archimedes killed in siege, Archimedes the Greek mathematician dies, Romans sack Syracuse – Archimedes killed Roman armies in Spain defeated, Hannibal attack Rome Antiochus III of Persia at peak of power, Chinese emperor Shi Huang-ti dies and Liu Pang becomes emperor Battle of Metaurus where Romans defeat relief army coming to aid Hannibal, Hanibal retires after defeat of brother Hasdrubal End of Ch’in dynasty in China Plautus presents “Miles gloriosus” comedy Hannibal defeated at Zama - end of Second Punic War, Tunisia by Romans, Beginning of W Han dynasty in China Second Punic War between Rome and Carthage ends, Gnaeus Naevius the Roman author dies Eruption and mudflow at Ranier WA, Beginning of early classic Mayan period, beginning of Nazca culture in Peru, Second Macedonian War begins – Attica ravaged, gears first used in water wheel for irrigation, Cato the Elder publishes “De agricultura” Antiochus III takes Palestine from Egypt Battle of Cynoscephalae in N Greece where Romans defeat Philip V of Macedon and end of Second Macedonian War, Eumenes II becomes king of Pergamos Hannibal flees to Antiochus III of Syria, Cato the Elder becomes consul of Rome Erastothenes the Greek scientist dies Antiochus II and Hannibal land in Greece, War begins between Sparta and Rome Antiochus III defeated by Romans at Thermopylae, Platus presents Latin comedy “Pseudolus” Hannibal defeated by Rhodian fleet, insurrections in upper Egypt due to high taxes, Armenia independent from Seleucid rule Scipio Africanus the Elder goes into voluntary exile Death of Plautus the Latin comedian Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus of Rome dies, Pisa and Parma in N Italy become Roman colonies Death of Hannibal by suicide First stone bridge in Rome – Pons Aemilius War between Rome and Macedon with Rome defeated by Perseus Mithradates I becomes Parthian king 170 BC 168 BC 167 BC 160 BC 159 BC 149 BC 147 BC 146 BC 144 BC 140 BC 135 BC 133 BC 129 BC 123 BC 121 BC 115 BC 113 BC 112 BC 105 BC 103 BC 102 BC 101 BC 100 BC Death of Rome’s Ennius “Father of Latin Literature”, Apollonius of Perga, Greek mathematician dies, earliest known paved streets in Rome End of war between Rome and Macedon – Perseus defeated by Romans – beginning of Roman world dominion, Battle of Pydna results in Macedonians sold as slaves in Rome Terence presents performance of “Andria” Hipparchus of Nicaea invents Trigonometry End of reign of Eumenes II as king of Pergamum, Roman dramatist Terence dies, first water clock created in Rome Death of Marcus Portius Cato the Elder – Roman politician, start of third Punic War, Hu Shin publishes Chinese dictionary Rome takes over Macedon and brings Greece under Roman law, Roman forces destroy Carthage, War between Sparta and Achaea, Greece comes under Roman rule Carthage destroyed, End of third Punic War, Roman empire has seven provinces – Sicily, Sardinia + Corsica, the two Spains, Gallia, Transalpina, Africa and Macedonia Judas successor Jonathan Maccabee assassinated and Simon Macabaeus takes charge Venus de Milo sculpted, Crates of Mallus forms great globe of the world End of reign of Simon Maccabee in Judah Asia Minor becomes eighth Roman province, Roman reformer Tiberius Gracchus murdered by order of Senate Death of Scipio the Younger, destroyer of Carthage Gaius Gracchus elected tribune and instigated wide reforms, Carthage rebuilt Southern Gaul conquered and becomes province of Narbonensis (SE France), Gaius Gracchus killed in riot and his senate reforms die Chinese army crosses Lop Nor desert and occupies Tarim basin – imposes policies Ancient German tribe – the Cimbri – leave Jutland to reach Roman province of Noricum (Carinthia) War in Africa between Rome and Jugurtha king of Numidia, Rise of Pharisees and Sadducees in Palestine German people (the Cimbri) defeats Roman army under Quintus Caepio at Arausio, end of war between Rome and Numidia in Africa – defeated by Marius and Sulla, mathematician Heron founds first college of technology at Alexandria Cimbri and Teutones become allies and decide to invade Italy Gaius Marius defeats Teutones people at Aquae Sextiae Gaius Marius defeats Cimbri (German) and Teutones peoples, Tiotihuacan city dominates Mexico, Goods carried between China and Europe via silk road, Beginning of pioneer period of Hohokam culture in Arizona, emergence of Anasazi culture in SW US, Marius becomes Roman consul for 6th time, Great Stupa erected in Sanchi India, first Chinese ships reach coast of India 90 BC 89 BC 88 BC 86 BC 82 BC 79 BC 78 BC 73 BC 72 BC 71 BC 69 BC 68 BC 63 BC 62 BC 61 BC 60 BC 59 BC 58 BC 55 BC 54 BC 53 BC 52 BC 51 BC 50 BC 49 BC 48 BC Civil war in Rome – Sulla drives out Marius, Vitrucius publishes “De architectura”, Asclepiades the Greek physician practices nature healing in Rome Roman army led by Sulla gains control of Italy Uprisings against Roman rule in Athens Death of Marius of Rome Sulla defeats younger Marius and is declared dictator for life, Oldest existant theater erected in Pompeii, Alexander Poluhistor of Miletus writes a history of the Jews Sulla of Rome resigns dictatorship voluntarily, Lucullus imports cherry trees from Asia Minor to Rome Death of Sulla of Rome Massive slave revolt in Italy led by Spartacus lasts for two years, Mithridates VI of Pontus renews war against Rome and is defeated by Lucullus The Suevi – German tribe – cross upper Whine and under King Ariocistus invade Gaul End of Spartacus slave revolt in Italy – slaves defeated by Pompey and Crassus Dynastic war in Palestine Hyrcanus II deposed and house of Antipater rules Crete captured by Romans Romans conquer Judah, capture Jerusalem , Defeated by Romans Mithridates VI commits suicide, Pompey enters Syria and finishes taking Palestine – becomes province of Syria, Roman shorthand invented by Marcus Tullius Tiro – former slave of Cicero Death of Roman politician Lucius Sergius Catilina, Florence founded Gaius Julius Caesar – nephew of Marius – wins first victories in Spain First triumvirate of Cassius, Pompeii and Caesar formed, Lucretius publishes the Epicurean doctrine of the universe in poetic form, Roman colonies in Switzerland Julius Caesar becomes sole consul of Rome Julius Caesar begins conquest of Gaul until 50 BC Julius Caesar first invades Britain, death of Roman poet Titus Lucretius Carus, Cicero publishes “De oratore”, northern Gaul conquered Catullus the Roman poet dies, Cicero publishes “De republica”, new Julian forum erected in Rome, Belgic tribal leader begins payments to Rome Death of Roman politician Marcus Licinus Crassus (Triumvirate) Pompey becomes consul in Rome Caesar (or Cicero) publishes “De bello Gallico” regarding the Gallic War Julius Caesar finishes conquest of Gaul, returns to Rome as rival of Pompey, Oboe created in Rome Roman civil war ensues as Caesar crosses Rubicon to retake from Pompey Pompey defeated by Caesar 47 BC 46 BC 45 BC 44 BC 43 BC 42 BC 40 BC 38 BC 35 BC 34 BC 31 BC 30 BC 27 BC 25 BC 23 BC 19 BC 9 BC 8 BC 6 BC 4 BC 2 BC Herod becomes governor of Galilee, Pompey murdered in Egypt by order of Cleopatra, Library of Ptolemy I of Alexandra destroyed by fire, Caesar (or Cicero?) presents “De bello civili” Death of Cato the Younger, Africa becomes Roman province and Caesar returns to Rome, adoption of Julian calendar with leap year End of Roman civil war, Julius Caesar emerges as emperor, adopts nephew Gaius Octavius as heir Gaius Julius Caesar assassinated by Brutus and Cassius Longinus, Marc Antony forms triumvirate with Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and Gaius Octavius, Roman civil war follows Roman army invades Britain and rules until 410, Roman politician and orator Cicero dies Marcus Junius Brutus – Cato’s Nephew and son-in-law dies – Brutus and Cassius commit suicide after capture by triumvirate Herod declared king of Judaea Marc Antony returns to Egypt, Laocoon marble sculpture created, Chinese octave subdivided into 60 notes Death of Roman historian and author Sallust Dalmatia becomes Roman province Octavius, Julius’ nephew, ends civil wars at Battle of Actium – Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide – Egypt becomes Roman province Death of Cleopatra, Egypt becomes Roman, Octavius renamed Augustus and becomes first emperor, Pantheon at Rome started Octavius becomes first (official) emperor of Rome and renames self Caesar Augustus Roman author Cornelius Nepos dies First recorded wrestling match in Japan Death of Virgil the Roman poet Roman army under Drusus and Tiberius penetrates Germania as far as the Elbe Death of Gaius Maecenas the Roman statesman, Death of Roman poet Horace Judaea annexed by Rome Death of Herod – control divided among sons, possible birth of Jesus after calendar adjustment Ovid presents “Ars Amatoria” 1 AD El Mirador city in Guatamala reaches height, Teotihuacan in Mexico reaches population of 40,000 5 AD Cymbeline king of the Catuvellauni recognized by Rome as Rex Brittonum, Ovid presents “Metamorphoses” 6 AD Judaea a Roman province 9 AD Wang Man rules China, Roman army conquers in Teutoburg Forest, Ovid banished 14 AD Death of Emperor Augustus, Tiberius becomes emperor 16 AD Ovid’s “Epistulae ex Ponto”, first definite reference to diamonds 17 AD Revolt of Tacfarinas, the Numidian leader against Rome in N Africa, death of Roman historian Livy (Titus Livius) 18 AD Roman poet Ovid dies 25 AD Eastern Han dynasty begins rule in China (or 22) 26 AD Tiberius retires to Capri leaving Rome in charge of Sejanus 27 AD Possible baptism of Jesus 30 AD Possible death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ 37 AD Tiberius – emperor – dies, Caligula new emperor 40 AD Mauretania (Northern Morocco and Algeria) annexed by Rome, early Christian church created at Corinth 42 AD Caligula assassinated by Praetorian guard – Claudius new emperor 43 AD Roman emperor Claudius reaches Britain, British under Caractacus defeated at Medway, London founded 45 AD Paul sets out on missionary journies 50 AD Buddhism reaches China, Nazca culture flourishes in Peru, Gothic kingdom set up on Lower Vistula, Romans learn to use soap from the Gauls 54 AD Death of Claudius of Rome by poisoning by wife Agrippina, her son Nero becomes emperor 58 AD Ming-Ti the new Chinese emperor introduces Buddhism into China, Paul writes 1st and 2nd Corinthians 59 AD Nero has mother Agrippina killed 60 AD Rebellion of Boudicca the queen of Iceni in Britain 61 AD Roman force explores Nile valley, end of rebellion of Boudicca in Britain 62 AD Nero has wife Octavia killed and marries Poppaea Sabina, Seneca resigns position in Nero’s court 63 AD Roman exploration reaches Sudan 64 AD Great fire of Rome, persecution of Christians begins 65 AD Death of Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Roman philosopher and dramatist by suicide on Nero’s orders, Gospel of St. Mark written 67 AD St. Peter executed, supposedly Bishop Linus becomes supposed second pope 68 AD Civil war in Rome follows the suicide of Nero, Galba becomes emperor, Flavius Josephus writes “History of the Jewish War” 69 AD Civil war in Rome, death of Galba in Rome and Vitellius becomes emperor 70 AD Revolt of Jews in Palestine – Jerusalem captured and destroyed 79 AD Eruption of Vesuvius, Malaria outbreak in Rome, Death of Vitellius of Rome – Titus becomes emperor 80 AD Completion of Colosseum and amphitheater in Rome 81 AD Death of Titus of Rome, Domitian emperor, Arch of Titus erected in Rome 85 AD Gospels of John and Matthew written 88 AD End of Bishop (Pope) Linus, Bishop (Pope) Clement 96 AD End of reign of Domitian as emperor, Nerva emperor 97 AD End of Bishop (Pope) Clement 98 AD Death of Nerva as emperor, Trajan begins to rule Rome, Colonia Nervia Glevensis (Gloucester) founded 100 Aksum becomes capital of Eritrea, northern Ethiopia, Moche civilization of Peruvian coast begins and flourishes at Sipan, Hopewell cultures flourishes in 105 114 115 116 117 120 122 124 127 130 135 138 140 150 161 162 163 164 166 167 170 175 180 184 189 190 191 192 193 197 200 Mississippi valley, Mogollon culture develops in SW US, Monte Alban in Oaxaca MEX hits maximum power Paper invented in China, perhaps by Cai Lun Apuleius the Roman Satirist born Revolt of Jewish community in Cyrenaica (N Libya) against Romans, Earthquake in Antioch (Turkey) Roman empire reaches greatest extent, possible death of Emperor Trajan of Rome, empire at greatest extent Death of Emperor Trajan, Hadrian begins to rule, Tacitus writes “Historiae” Chinese Zhang Heng introduces seismograph, Kushan King Kanishka rules N India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and central Asia, death of Martial the Roman poet, Death of Plutarch the Greek historian Hadrian’s Wall started in Britain, Jewish uprising under Bar Kokhba Pantheon finished in Rome Hadrian’s Wall completed Taupo, New Zealand volcano erupts End of Jewish uprising under Bar Kokhba Hadrian’s Wall in Britain finished, Antonius Pius becomes emperor, Death of Juvelan – Roman poet Roman theater built at Verulamium (St. Albans) in England Eruption in New Zealand, earliest known Sanskrit writings in INdia End of reign of Antonius Pius, Marcus Aurelius becomes emperor Death of Kushan King Kanishka of India Plague of Galen in Syria until 180 Oldest Mayan monuments, Start of great plague of Roman empire Roman empire devastated by plague Plague continues in Rome, wars of Marcomanni and Quadi 8 years Pausanias of Magnesia writes “Perigesis” as a guide to Greek art and history, Ptolemy draws 26 maps of various countries End of wars of Marcomanni and Quadi Death of emperor Marcus Aurelius of Rome and Pax Romana, end of Plague of Galen in Syria, Commodus becomes emperor, Romans defeated in Scotland – return to Hadrian’s wall Rebellion of Yellow Turban sect against Han dynasty in China Roman bishop now Victor I Rise of Hindu Chola kingdom in S India, Column of Marcus Aurelius Rome erected. Galen extracts plant juices for medical purposes Death of Bishop Victor I of Rome Murder of Commodius of Rome Libyan Septimus Severus becomes emperor of Rome Albinus proclaims self emperor of Britain but is killed in Battle of Lyons Beginning of the decline of Monte Alban at Oaxaca MEX, Roman emperor Septimus Severus builds defensive line in Africa, first period of major construction at Tiahuanaco near Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, Afghanistan invaded by Huns 340 years, start of fourth period of Chinese literature, period of NeoPlatonism – last of the Greek philosophies, formation of neo-Hebrew language, 205 211 212 217 220 222 224 225 226 230 235 238 244 248 249 250 251 253 254 257 258 260 264 268 270 271 Bishop of Rome gains his predominant position of pope, Period of carvings on Amaravati stupa in Madras, Carthage becomes world metropolis again under Roman rule, Silkworms arrive in China from Korea – subsequently in Japan End of Yellow Turban rebellion in China End of reign of Septimus Severus of Rome with his death in York Britain, son Caracalla rules Roman citizenship formally extended to all freeborn people in empire, The baths of Caracalla in Rome started Assassination of Caracalla of Rome, Heliogabalus becomes emperor, end of building of Caracalla baths End of Han dynasty in China, followed by Jin dynasty and Three Kingdoms (division of four), Goths invade Asia Minor and Balkan peninsula, Kalidasa writes the Sanskrit drama “Sakuntala” End of reign of Heliogabalus of Rome, start reign of Alexander Severus, Pope Urban I End of Parthian power in Persian empire and beginning of Sassanid dynasty under Ardashir End of the Andgra dynasty in Deccan region – south India breaks up into regions Sassanids in Persia (Ctesiphon) Death of Pope Urban I Civil war and chaos period in Roman empire with death of Emperor Alexander Severus – murdered in army meeting, Maximus becomes emperor Revolt against Rome in Africa, End of reign of Maximus of Rome as he is assassinated by his troops – Troops Gordian I and II, Balbinus, Pupienus and Gordian III rule Five emperors end rule, reign of Philip the Arabian in Rome Rome celebrates 1,000th anniversary End of reign of Philip the Arabian in Rome, start Emperor Decius Classic Mayan period begins in Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico, Christian persecution increases – Martyrs being revered as saints, Diophantus of Alexandria produces first book on Algebra End of Emperor Decius, Emperor Gallus rules Death of Emperor Gallus, Emperor Valerian rules Origen dies – author of “Hexapla” the Greek Old Testament Goths, divided from Visigoths and Ostrogoths, invade Black Sea area, Franks invade Spain Alemanni and Suevi conquer Upper Italy but are defeated at Milan Shapur I of Persia defeats Roman emperor Valerian in battle – Valerian captured – end of Valerian as son Gallienus rules Constantine forbids public gladiatorial combats End of emperor Gallienus, Emperor Claudius II Emperor Claudius II dies, Goths sack Athens, Sparta and Corinth, Emperor Aurelian “restitutor orbis” rules, Marcomanni advance from Bohemia across the Danube Building of the Aurelian walls around Rome begins, Aurelian defeats Marcomanni and Alemanni 273 275 276 282 283 284 285 290 295 297 300 303 304 305 306 308 311 312 313 320 324 325 330 331 337 338 340 Emperor Aurelian overthrows kingdom of Palmyra End of Emperor Aurelian Walls around Rome built, Emperor Marcus Aurelius Probus reigns, Crusifiction of Mani the founder of the Manichaean sect in Persia End of Emperor Marcus Aurelius Probus, start Emperor Marcus Aurelius Carus End of Emperor Marcus Aurelius Carus End of long period of chaos in Roman empire as Diocletian named emperor of Rome, tetrarchy of four emperors begin Partition of Roman empire into E and W, Carausius – Roman commander of British fleet proclaims himself independent Emperor of Britain Construction of the ampitheater of Verona begins Emperor Diocletian begins to organize local government in N Africa Romans take Armenia from Persians Diocletian organizes local government in N Africa, Bantu cereal cultivators begin cattle herding in SE Africa, beginning of early eastern Polynesian culture, Separate developments of five Germanic dukedoms: Saxons, Franks, Alemanni, Thuringians and Goths, Lombards begin move from Lower Elbe southward (to 568), earliest religious plays created, Christianity introduced in Armenia, Growing Buddhist influence in China, Bowling becomes part of religious ritual in German monasteries, palace of Diocletian in Ragusa (Dubrovnik) begun Beginning of last persecution of Christians in Rome Actor Genesius dies a martyr’s death during performance in Rome Diocletian abdicates E Roman empire amd Maximian in the W – E goes to Constantius Chlorus and W to Galerius End of E Roman Constantius Chlorus – dies at York – son Constantine becomes emperor End of W Roman Galerius End of last persecution of Christians in Rome Constantine becomes western emperor Christianity tolerated throughout Roman empire by edict of Milan, oldest bridge over Rhine near Cologne Rise of Gupta empire in Ganges Valley, India when Chandragupta crowned Constantine becomes sole emperor Council of Nicaea decides against Arians in favor of Athanasius, erection of first Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (dest. In 529), Teotihuacan first mentioned in ancient writings Beginning of conversion of kingdom of Aksum in Ethiopia-Eritrea to Christianity by Bishop Frumentius, new city of Constantinople inaugurated on site of ancient Greek Byzantium, Basilican Church of St. Peter’s erected (dest. 1506) Seat of Roman Empire moved from Rome to Constantinople Baptism and death of Constantine the Great – succeeded by sons Constantine II Constantius II and Constans Jewish calendar revised by introducing different lengths of years Constantine II killed in Battle of Aquileia fighting brother Constans, Rome splits with Constans as W emperor and Constantius II as E Emperor 350 360 361 364 365 370 375 376 378 379 382 383 386 390 392 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 403 406 End of Kushite civilization at Meroe – possibly brought down by Aksum, Persians regain Armenia from Rome, Christianity in Abyssinia, Foundation of Schola Cantorum for church song in Rome, Fortifications built in London Embassy from King Meghavarna of Sri Lanka reaches Gupta court – religious monument for Sri Lankan visitors is built, First invasions of Europe by Huns from central Asia, Picts and Scots cross Hardians Wall to attack Britain, Huns invade Europe, scrolls begin to be replaced by books, Lo-tsun Chinese monk founds Cave of the Thousand Buddhas in Kansu Death of Emperor Julian the Apostate who attempted to revive paganism in the Empire Roman empire formally divided – E from lower Danube to Persian border under Valens – W from Caledonia to NW Africa under Valentinian I Earthquake at Knossos Crete kills 50,000, Egypt and Alexandria hit with this quake, Cyprus earthquake Picts and Scots driven out from Britain by Theodosius End of Bolivian construction near Tiahuanaco – it continues to develop Beginning of the reigh of Changragupta II – golden Gupta age, Huns invade Russia Romans defeated at Adrianople by Visigoths – Emperor Valens killed, rivalry between leading Maya cities Tikal and Uaxactun iends in victory of Tikal, Emperor Valens defeated and killed by Visigoths at Adrianople in Thrace, St. Ursus builds Tavenna Cathedral Emperor Theodosius I begins to reign Emperor Theodosius resettles Visigoths in empire Romans begin to evacuate Britain, Emperor Magnus Maximus crosses Channel and conquers Gaul and Spain Beginning of the era of north-south division in China to 589, Hymn singing introduced by Ambrose Bishop of Milan First hallelujah hymns in Christian Churches Accession of Theodosius the Great as Emperor of E and W (last) Death of Theodosius Roman emperor, Honorius and Arcadius re-divide empire Alaric king of Visigoths invades Greece Berber prince Gildo begins major rebellion against Roman emperor Honorious, death of Bishop Ambrose of Milan Alaric of the Visigoths sacks Athens and plunders the Balkans Chinese Buddhist historian Fa-hien begins his journey through India Bantu herders cultivating cattle in SE Africa, use of iron spreads through eastern Africa, Christianity in Aksum empire in NE Africa spreads, Gupta empire spans all India, Zapotec state with capital at Monte Alban flourishes in S Mexico, St. Ninian brings Christianity to Scotland, first definite recorded Japanese history Visigoths invade Italy to 403, Pope Innocent I End of Visigoth invasion in Italy Gunderic becomes king of Vandals, foundation of Burgundian kingdom of Worms, Stilicho stops Visigoth invasion at Fiesole 410 411 416 417 418 420 425 428 429 432 433 436 439 440 443 445 446 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 457 460 461 465 466 467 470 471 Alaric the Goth, king of Germanic Visigoths sacks Rome, end of Roman rule in Britain as Rome withdraws to protect Italy, death of Alaric, Beginnings of alchemy with search for Philosopher’s Stone and Elixir of Life St. Augustine writes “The City of God” Visigoths conquer Vandals in Spain Pope Innocent I dies Franks settle in parts of Gaul, Theodoric I is king of Visigoths Nanking becomes capital of Northern China Barbarians settle Roman provinces, Valentinian III western Roman emperor under mother Galla Placida, founding of Constantinople University End of Gunderic king of Vandals, start Gaiseric of Vandals Picts and Scots expelled from S England by Saxons, Jutes and Angles, Aetius chief minister of Valentinian III rules Western empire, Gaiseric founds Vandal kingdom in N Africa St. Patrick introduces Christianity to Ireland, Building begins on Badilica of S. Maria Maggiore in Rome Attila becomes chief of Huns, German king Odoacer tules Last of Roman troops leave Britain, Huns destroy Burgundian kingdom of Worms Codex Theodosianus writes summary of Toman law Pope Leo I, Great flood in Brittany submerges town of Ys Alemanni settle in Alsace, Gaiseric takes last Roman possessions in northern Africa and establishes absolute monarchy Attila the Hun sacks W Europe Galla Placidia erects her famous Mausoleum at Ravenna Anglo-Saxon conquest of Britain from Jutes Saxons from Germany begin to invade Britain, Theodosius II the Eastern Roman emperor dies, Marcian new Eastern emperor, services in Roman church begin to follow Jewish tradition of alternation of singing between precentor and community Attila defeated at Chalons, death of Theodoric I king of Visigoths Venice founded by refugees from Attila’s Huns Death of Attila the Hun, Theodoric II becomes king of VIsigoths End of rule of minister Aetius over W Roman empire Vandals sack Rome, Skandagupta becomes emperor of India Death of Emperor Marcian of the Eastern Roman Empire, Battle of Crayford – Britons defeated by Hengest and abandon Kent to Jutes, Childeric I king of Salian Franks Cologne captured by Franks, Vandals defeat Roman fleet off Cartegenia End of St. Patrick’s mission to Ireland, Leo I becomes Eastern Roman Emperor, Severus becomes last of the W Roman emperor, Pope Leo I dies, Lyons becomes capital of Burgundy W Roman emperor Severus dies, Athemius rules Death of Theodoric II king of Visigoths at hand of his brother Euric – Euric rules Death of Athemius WestRE, Alybrius rules Huns withdraw from Europe, Mayan civilization boom in Mexico Theodoric the Great king of Ostrogoths 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 483 484 485 487 489 490 491 492 493 496 498 500 End of Alybrius WestRE, Glycerius rules Death of Leo I Eastern Roman Emperor, Death of Glycerius WestRE, Julius Nepos rules, Zeno becomes Eastern Roman Emperor Removal of Julius Nepos WestRE, Romulus Augustulus rules Germanic invader Odoacer expels Romulus Augustus, last Western emperor of Rome, and takes control of the city, German king Odoacer executes Orestes, Platonic Academy of Athens founded by Proclus, Cave temples at Yun-Kang in N China with figures of Buddha, Aryabhata the Hindu astronomer and mathematician born, Gaiseric King of Vandals sells Sicily to Theodoric king of Visigoths End of Gaiseric king of Vandals, Kasyapa, the Parricide, builds his palace at Sigiriya, the Lion Rock, Ceylon (famous “cloud maidens” cave paintings), Founding of the kingdom of Sussex, Hunneric king of Vandals named after father dies becomes fierce persecutor of Catholics, Basilicus EastRE deposes Zeno and then is deposed First Shinto shrines in Japan Ch’i dynasty in southern China Damascius the Greek Neo-Platonist philosopher born, ex-emperor Julius Nepos killed in Dalmatia Death of Childeric I king of Salian Franks, revolt of Vahan Mamikonian in Armenia Death of pope Simplicius succeeded by Felix III, Building of Basilica of S. Stefano Rotondo in Rome started Death of Euric king of Visigoths, Pope’s excommunication of Patriarch Acacius of Constantinople leads to first schism between W and E Churches, death of Hunneric King of Vandals, nephew Gunthamund rules, End of revolt of Vahan Mamikonian in Armenia, Gupta empire overthrown by Epthalite invaders from beyond the Oxus River Philosopher Proclus dies – neo-Platonic scholar Apollinaris Sidonius the Gallic prelate and author dies Large Buddhist temples built in China, also cave temples, EastRE Zeno destroys school of the Nestorians at Edessa and rebuilds the Chirch of St. Simeon Stylites around the saint’s pillar Christian Latin poet writes “De laudibus Dei”, Theodoric presents King Gundebald of Burgundy with a clepsydra – a water clock Death of Zeno the Eastern Roman Emperor Death of Pope Felix III Death of German Odoacer Death of Gunthamund King of Vandals Nestorians settle in Nisibis Persia Ghanian empire becomes power in W Africa, Indian mathematicians introduce the zero, the Huns destroy the Gupta civilization of India, Thule people move into Alaska, Hopewell culture in North America builds elaborate burial mounds, Leprosy outbreak in Egypt, Codex Bezae written – New Testament in Greek and Latin, Aristainetos writes about life in Alexandria, Johannes Stobaios from Macedonia issues anthology of Greek literature, first plans for the Vatican in 502 511 519 524 525 526 527 529 538 534 540 542 543 550 552 553 563 565 568 570 580 589 595 597 600 602 605 610 618 626 632 634 639 640 Rome, Basilica of Turmanin and Kalb-Luzch in Syria, Boethius writes “De institutione musica”, St. Romanos called Melodos writes hymns for Christmas Easter and the Passion, Anglo-Saxons wear shirts, tunics and coats, Tamo brings tea from India to China End Ch’i dynasty in S China Son of Childeric I Clovis becomes king of Salian Franks and founds Merovingian power End of first schism between W and E churches Execution of Boethius the Roman scholar King Kaleb of Aksum conquerors Yemen in southern Arabia and builds many churches Earthquake in Antioch Turkey, death of Theodoric the Great king of Ostrogoths Reign of Justinian I the Great begins and he tries to reunite E and W churches St. Benedict founds monastery south of Rome, Justinian introduces law codes, fire destroys first Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem Buddhism reaches Japan End of Justinian introducing law codes End of Hun invasions in Afghanistan 25 million die in plague in Constantinople areas Death of Benedict of Nursia – creator of western monks Nubians in Sudan become Christian, comet debris or falling fire hits Salisbury, Wiltshire, England Monks smuggle silkworms to Constantinople Start of Byzantium silk industry St. Columba travels from Ireland to Scotlans End of Reign of Byzantine Justinian – who tried to reunite Church Lombards arrive in Italy (moving since 300) Mohammed born in Mecca Wen Di – first Sui emperor – reunites China End of the division of China north and south Indian mathematicians use decimals St. Columba spreads Catholicism in Scotland, Mission of St Augustine to England to convert the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity 50,000 people inhabit Tiahuanaco, Nubians become Christian, beginning of important period of art and literature in Ireland, Tiahuanaco civilization begins in Bolivia, Height of Maya civilization, Rise of Huari in Peru Slavic tribes begin settlement of Balkans Chinese build grand canal Chinese build grand canal to link Yangtze with Chang’an, Plague hits Canton, China Tang Dynasty begins in China Tang court adopts Buddhism Death of Mohammed Beginning of the Arab empire Moslems take Palestine Caliph Omar goes to Egypt, Arabs expand across Northern Africa 641 642 645 646 650 652 661 664 670 673 675 697 698 700 710 711 715 732 750 751 757 762 768 784 786 787 788 794 795 796 800 Caliph Omar conquers Egypt Arabs erect first mosque at al-Fustat in Egypt Japanese court begins to adopt Chine influences Political and social reforms (Taika) start in Japan Revelations of Mohammed written and form the Koran, Hopewell people established aling northern Mississippi, Teotihuacan in Mexico thrives Christian Nubians and Arabs agree that Aswan on Nile marks southern limit of Arab expansion First Muslim Omayyad rules in Damascus, Syria Synod of Whitby in England chooses Roman Christianity over Celtic teachings Syrian chemist Callinicus invents Greek Fire for use as a weapon Greek Fire first used at Battle of Cuzicus by Syrians BUlgar nomads settle in lands south of the Danube Arabs destroy Byzantine city at Carthage in N Africa New city of Tunis built by Arabs near former Carthage End of Taika reforms in Japan, rise of Mississippi culture, Pueblo people builds houses in Arizona, Easter Island natives begin to build stone platforms, first Polynesians settle in Cook Islands, Start of Ireland’s Golden Age of art and literature for 200 years Nara (S of Kyoto) becomes capital of Japan End of Arab expansion across N Africa, Omayyads conquer Sind and found first Muslim state in India Muslim forces conquer most of Spain, only Basques in mountains remain independent Charles Martel, king of Franks, defeats Muslims at Poitiers in France, stopping Muslim invasion Drought in Aksum destroys empire, end of Muslim Omayyad rule in Damascus, Syria, beginning of collapse of Teotihuacan civilization in Mexico Arabs win battle of Talas River in central Asia – Islam comes to China Offa King of Mercia begins to rule Abbasid dynasty begins ruling Iraq and makes Baghdad the capital Charlemagne becomes king of Franks End of heavy Chinese influence on Japanese government, end of Nara as capital of Japan, Offa – king of Mercia in central England – builds defense between Wales and England Reign of Harun-al-Rashid, greatest Abbasid ruler Vikings make raids on coasts of Britain Idris, Arab chief, becomes ruler in Morocco Heian-kyo (Kyoto) becomes capital of Japan, beginning of Heian period of Japan – Japan seeks more independence from China First Viking raid on Ireland End of reign of Offa, king of Mercia (England) Book of Kells – illuminated manuscript – kept in Ireland, end of collapse of Teotihuacan civilization in Mexico, Aghlabid dynasty roles in Tunis, Christian empire in Ethiopia continues after Aksum declines, Arabs and Persians explore E African coast and set up trading stations at Mombasa, Malindi, Kilwa and 802 809 811 813 814 817 820 822 827 833 841 843 844 843 845 850 856 858 860 862 866 868 871 872 878 885 886 887 889 890 891 893 899 Mogadishu, Pope crowns Charlemagne emperor in Rome, first castles built in Europe, Hohokam peoples in Americas expand settlements, Smallpox outbreak in Lake Chad AFR King Jayavarman II of Khmer people of Cambodia founds Angkorian dynasty, Ecghberht, King of Wessex is first King of Britain End of reign of Harun al Rashid of the Abbasids, Beginning of war between Byzantine empire and Bulgars – Khan Krum of Bulgaria Khan Krum of Bulgaria defeats Byzantines and kills emperor Rule of Abbasid caliph al-Mamun begins Death of Charlemagne End of war between Byzantines and Bulgars of Bulgaria Persian mathematician Musa al-Chwarazmi develops Algebra Eruption of Popocatepetl at Lake Texcoco MEX Aghlabids from Tunis set up colony in Sicily, end of reign of Ecgberht, King of Wessex End of rule of Abbasid caliph al-Mamun, he sets up House of Wisdom in Baghdad – most important school in Arab world Vikings found Dublin on E coast of Ireland Charlemagne’s Frankish empire breaks up, Kenneth Mac Alpin unites kingdomk of Scotia and becomes first king of Scotland Rule of Rhodri Mawr, first prince of all Wales begins until 878 Kenneth MacAlpin conquers Picts Buddhism banned in China Arabs perfect astrolabe, Southern Mayan cities collapse Earthquake at Damghan Persia, Earthquake in Greece Beginning of Fujiwara clan’s control of Japanese emperors Vikings rule at Novgorod in Russia, Kenneth MacAlpin unites northern Scotland Vikings led by Rurik are invited by E Slavic and Finnish tribes of N Russia to rule them Fujiwara Yoshifusa becomes regent over child emperor Seiwa Ahmad ibn-Tulun, a Turkish Egyptian noble, breaks away from Abbasid caliphate and sets up Tulunid dynasty in Egypt, <i>Diamond Sutra</i> becomes oldest printed book – Chinese woodblock Rule of Alfred the Great in England End of regency of Fujiwara Yoshifusa in Japan End of reign of Rhodri Mawr, first prince of all Wales, killed by Vikings, Alfred of England defeats Vikings under Gudrum at Ethandune – treaty of Wedmore divides England between them Vikings begin raids in France Chola dynasty rules much of S India for almost 400 years, Vikings raid Paris Fujiwara Mototsune becomes chief advisor to the Japanese emperor Khmers start to build capital city at Angkor, Cambodia Huari empire begins to collapse in Peru, Monks write the history of England in <i>Anglo-Saxon Chronicle</i> Earthquake in Persia Death of Alfred the Great in England 900 902 906 907 909 910 911 912 916 919 924 935 936 937 940 941 942 949 950 955 960 961 962 963 969 970 973 976 978 979 983 985 986 Kasar House (Housaland) in the Niger region of W Africa prospers, Magyars from central Asia invade Europe, Mayan power in N Mexico begins to fade, Pueblo settlements in N America, Toltecs begin to build power at Tula, Mexico, Hohokam culture in AZ and NM, Firsst settlers on Cook Islands – ancestors of Maori reach S Island New Zealand, Orkney and Shetland taken over by Vikings, End of golden age of Irish art and literature End of Aghlabid (Tunisian) colony on Sicily Collapse of Tang dynasty in China Complete collapse of Tang Dynasty in China leads to 50 years of chaos, Khitan Mongols conquer inner Mongolia and upper China End of Aghlabid (Tunis) dynasty Benedictine Abbey of Cluny founded in Burgundy, France Rollo, Viking chief, settles in Normandy France Rule of Abd-al-Rahman III caliph of Cordoba begins (Omayyid dynasty) Hywel Dda (the Good) begins Welsh rule – produces code of Welsh Laws Pueblos at Pueblo Bonito NM Athelstan reigns in Britain Koryo (Korea) state founded in west-central Korea Reign of Otto the Great in Germany Athelstan of England defeats large army of Scots, Irish and Danes at Battle of Brunanburh, N England Death of Athelstan of Britain Fujiwara Tadahira becomes civil dictator in Japan Welsh law begins to be written Hywel Dda dies – Welsh King Approximate end of decline of Aksum empire in Ethiopia as Christian empire continues, Record of Welsh law written down on orders of Hywel Dda, prince of Wales, Igbo-Ukwu culture in E Nigeria begins Otto defeats Magyars at Battle of Lechfeld near Augsburg and defeats Slavs at Rechnitz Song Dynasty reunifies China Rnd of reign of caliph Abd-al-Rahaman III in Cordoba Otto the Great of Germany declared Holy Roman Empire, ALptigin (Turkish warrior slave) seizes Afghan fortress of Ghanzi Mieszko I founds kingdom of Poland, succeeded by Boleslav I who expands territory Fatmid dynasty expands from Tunis and conquers Egypt from Tulunid dynasty – Fatmids build Cairo which becomes capital Fatmids build Azhar University at Cairo, paper money introduced in China End of Otto the Great, HRE Reign of Basil II, Byzantine emperor Vladimir becomes Grand Prince of Kiev Aethelred II of England reigns 1000 chapter encyclopedia <i>Taiping Yulan</i> produced in China Chola king Rajaraja I conquers Kerala in S India Eric the Red sets up colony at Greenland 987 989 990 996 997 1000 1001 1005 1008 1014 1016 1019 1020 1021 1025 1030 1034 1035 1037 1038 1040 1042 1044 1050 1053 1054 1057 1062 1064 1065 Reign of Hugh Capet of France begins Vladimir of Kiev chooses Orthodox Christianity as official religion of his people Toltec people take over Chichen Itza End of reign of Hugh Capet of France Mohammed of Ghanzi rules for 33 years, invades India 17 times Fading of Maya power in N Mexico, Bantu speaking people set up kingdoms in S Africa, Kingdoms of Takrur and Gao flourish in W Africa due to gold trade, Chinese perfect gunpowder and begin to use it in warfare, Italian towns become city-states, Rule of Stephen, first of Arpad dynasty of Hungary – accepts Christianity, Farmers in Peru grow sweet potatoes and corn, Leif Ericson reaches N America, Maori people settle in New Zealand, Polynesians begin to build stone temples Chola king Rajaraja I conquers Sri Lanka Malcolm II rules Scotland, Brian Boru of Munster recognizes in Ireland as “ard ri” (high king) Japanese court lady Murasaki Shikibu begins to write <i>Tale of Genji</i> Basil II of Byzantine empire defeats Bulgarians, Rajendra I becomes ruler of Cholas who dominate India, Brian Boru, high king of all Ireland defeats Vikings, but is killed after victory, Brian Boru of Ireland defeats Vikings at Clontarf, but is slain Death of Aethelred II, Reign of Canute, Viking king of England, begins Yaroslav the Wise, ruler of Kiev begins to rule, unifies Russian areas Japanese court lady Murasaki Shikibu finishes writing <i>Take of Genji</i>, Boleslav I of Poland creates unified state Reign of Fatmid caliph al-Zahir begins Death of Basil II of Byzantine empire Mohammed of Ghanzi’s rule of Afghan empire ends after 33 years and 17 Indian invasions Scotland becomes united under Malcolm II End of reign of Fatmid caliph al Zahir ends – decline of Fatmid power, death of Canute, Viking king of England, Normandy in N France grows powerful Spanish kingdoms of Castile and Leon unite Death of Stephen of Hungary, Chinese earthquake Earthquake in Persia Edward the Confessor begins to rule as king of England Anawrata takes power in Burma End of Igbo-Ukwu culture in E Nigeria, Culture of Yoruba people if Ife flourishes in Nigeria until 1400, Almoravids – Berber Muslims from W Sahara start to take over Morocco, Algeria and part of Spain Harold, son of Earl of Wessex serves as King Edward’s chief advisor Death of Yaroslav the Wise of Kiev, Split of Rome and E Christian Byzantium Malcolm III rules Scotland Almoravids from W Sahara found capital at Marrakech Harold promises to support the claim of William of Normandy when Edward dies, Drought and famine begins in Egypt Muslim Seljuk Turks invade Asia Minor 1066 1068 1069 1071 1072 1076 1077 1086 1087 1090 1091 1093 1096 1098 1099 1100 1113 1115 1119 1120 1124 1128 1130 1131 1132 1135 1138 1139 1142 1144 1146 Battle of Hastings where William of Normandy defeats Harold of England First invasion of South Wales by Normans Drought in Durham England Seljuks defeat Byzantine army at Battle of Manzikert, William the Conqueror defeats rebel Anglo-Saxon Hereward the Wake, William the Conqueror invades Scotland, Turks take Jerusalem Beginning of Norman conquest of Sicily, William the Conqueror recognized as overlord of Scotland by Malcolm III, End of 8 years of famine in Egypt W Saharan Muslims invade Ghana, Seljuk Turks capture Jerusalem Pope Gregory expels HRE Henry IV from church – conflict for 100 years William I orders Domesday survey of England Death of William I of England, Son William II rules Mechanical water clock invented in Kaifeng China Norman armies finally conquer Sicily, Tornado in London England End of rule of Malcolm III of Scotland First Crusade Monastery founded at Citeaux France – Cistercian monks, Wales invaded by William II of England, Battle of Jerusalem Floods in ENG and Netherlands, Crusaders capture Jerusalem Pueblos build circular rooms in N America, decline of Ghana empire in W Africa, probable founding of Katanga in Zaire, Height of Chimu civilization at Chan Chan, Peru, Anasazi build cliff dwellings, Rise of Incas in Peru, Hohokam people build religious platforms in AZ, first statues erected on Easter Island, Beginning of Hawaiian societies, Earliest Polynesian settlements on Pitcairn islands, Death of William II of England, Reign of Henry I, Baldwin becomes King of Jerusalem Reign of Suryavarman II of Cambodia – starts building temple complex at Angkor Wat French teacher Peter Abelard begins teaching, Bernard of Clairvaux makes his abbey most important monastery in Europe Bologna U founded in Italy Chinese invent and play with painted playing cards, Heir to English throne William is drowned David I rules in Scotland Matilds of England marries Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou, Knights Templar organized Pueblo peoples at Pueblo Bonito, NM Welsh Tintern Abbey founded for Cistercian Order St. Denis Abbey – first gothic church – built by Abbot Suger in Paris Death of Henry I of England, Stephen assumes throne, invoking civil war between Stephen and Plantagenets Earthquake in Syria Alphonso I becomes first king of Portugal French teacher Peter Abelard makes Paris center of religious learning Completion of St. Denis Abbey in Paris Almoravids from W Sahara have taken over Morocco, Algeria and Spain, New Crusade preached against Turks 1147 1148 1149 1150 1152 1153 1154 1163 1164 1165 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1180 1185 1186 1187 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1198 1199 Almohads, opposed group to Almoravids seize Marrakech and go on to capture Spain, Algeria and Tripoli, Christian Crusaders engage Turks in Palestine Louis VII and Conrad meet on Crusade in Jerusalem Christian armies defeated by Turks, abandon siege of Damascus Continuation of Hohokam culture in NM and AZ, End of reign of Suryavarman II of Cambodia, Paris U is founded, Zagwe dynasty rules in Ethiopian highlands, End of Hopewell culture in N America, Maoris begin to settle in river mouth areas in New Zealand Reign of Frederick I HRE begins (Barbarossa), Archbishop of Armagh Ireland links Irish to Roman church Death of Bernard of Clairvaux, monastery man, death of David I of Scotland and Malcolm IV rules, Treaty of Wallingford ensures English throne will pass to cousin Matilda’s son Henry Plantagenet End of Stephen as king of England, Reign of Henry II Plantagenet of Anjou as king of England begins Birth of Genghis Khan Constitutions of Clarendon in England limit power of Church Death of Malcolm IV of Scotland, William the Lion rules Eruption and earthquake at Mt. Etna Sicily Mexican Toltec’s capital at Tula overthrown by Chichimec nomads, Thomas a Becket archbishop murdered Saladin overthrows Fatimid dynasty, Henry II of England invades Ireland and starts 750 years of English reign over Irish Henry II is accepted as lord of Ireland Saladin declares self Sultan of Egypt, Saladin overcomes Palestine and Syria – start, William the Lion from Scotland invade England but is captured Decline of Chola kingdom, Philip II Augustus rules France, Toltecs driven out of Chichen Itza End of Heian period of Japan, Death of Alphonso I of Portugal Last Ghaznavid ruler deposed by Mohammed of Ghur in N India Saladin takes Jerusalem, Richard I sets out of crusade End of Reign of Henry II in England, Richard I rules England, but leads 3rd crusade End of reign of HRE Frederick Barbarossa, Teutonic Order of Knights – military society set up in Germany to defend Christian lands in Palestine and Syria, End of first flat-topped mound culture of Mississippi valleys, Acre besieged by Franks, Richard of GBR and Philip of FRA set out together Richard I of England arrives in Acre Truce between Richard I and Saladin ends 3rd Crusade, British crusaders raid Saracen territory, Richard begins return to England End of Saladin’s takeover of middle east as he dies Llywelybn Faer (The Great) rules Wales Mt. Vesuvius erupts in Italy Death of Richard I of England in jousting tourney, John rules in stead, drought and famine in Egypt for three years, new crusade preached 1200 Italian towns have become city-states, Hohokam of AZ build religious platforms, King Lalibela of Ethiopia cuts churches from rocks, Cahokia in N America (temple mounds) at height of power, Incas in Peru settle around Cuzco, cliff apartments in Colorado, Tui Tonga monarchy builds platforms in Tonga, Maori legend reports meteor and crater 1202 Drought and famine in Egypt, earthquake in Acre, Lebanon 1203 Hojo family rules Japan after Minamoto Yoritomo’s death 1204 Greeks storm Crusaders 1206 Former Turkestan slave Aibak founds sultanate of Delhi in N India, Mongol empire founded by Genghis Khan 1209 St. Francis of Assisi founds Franciscan religious order 1212 Almohads defeated by Christians at battle of Las Navas de Tolosa 1214 Death of William the Lion of Scotland and Alexander II rules 1215 English King John seals Magna Carta giving more power to barons 1216 End of reign of English King John, Henry III rules 1217 Peace treaty between Scotland and England ensures peace for 20 years 1218 Ayyubid empire breaks up, but Ayyubids remain in power until 1250 in Egypt, Treaty of Worcester between Llywelyn and Henry III of England confirms Llywelyn as Prince of Wales 1219 North sea flood 1220 City-state of Kilwa in Tanzania increases prosperity 1223 End of reign of Philip II Augustus of France 1228 5th Crusade – called for by Frederick II (GER/HRE) 1229 Christians regain Jerusalem 1230 Hafsid monarchy takes over from Almohads in Tunisia and acquires Saharan trade 1233 Dominicans serve as Catholic inquisitors under Gregory IX, inquisition born 1235 Sun Diata founds Mali empire in W Africa 1240 Russian Alexander Nevsky defeats Swedes at great battle on Neva river, Death of Llywelyn Fawr of Wales 1241 Lubeck and Hamburg form a Hansa (association) for trade and mutual protection 1244 Christians lose Jerusalem, Louis IX of France survives sickness and goes on crusade, Turks sweep into Jerusalem – Final Christian loss 1246 Llywelyn Yr Ail (the Last) begins rule of Wales 1249 University College (Oxford) founded, Death of Alexander II of Scotlans and reign of Alexander III 1250 Ayyubids out of power in Egypt, Colorado cliff buildings built, Kanem kingdom in Lake Chad region begins to break up, last Ayyubid ruler in Egypt murdered, Mamluks – soldiers from central Asia take power, CHimu people expand in Peru, Maya revival as new capital built at Mayapan, Damietta surrendered to crusaders 1254 Marco Polo born in Venice 1256 Hulagu, grandson of Genghis Khan becomes leader of Persia 1260 Mamluk commander Baybars takes over as sultan of Egypt, Khubilai grandson of Genghis becomes Great Khan, Battle of Ain Jalut – Mongols halted by Mamluks in Palestine, Sultan murdered by Baibars 1262 Iceland and Greenland come under Norwegian rule 1263 1264 1265 1267 1268 1269 1271 1272 1273 1274 1277 1281 1282 1284 1286 1287 1290 1291 1292 1293 1296 1297 1298 1300 1305 1306 1307 1308 Scots defeat Vikings at Battle of Largs Barons defeat king Henry III, but he continues to reign Simon de Montdort summons first parliament in Britain End of Chola dynasty in India, King Saint Louis goes out on crusade, but is warned against it Earthquake in Turkey, Antioch falls to Baibars King James I of Antioch diverted from crusade by storm Venetian explorer Marco Polo sets out for China End of King Henry III, Edward I returns from crusade and reigns Rudolph I becomes first Habsburg ruler of Austria Kyushu eruption Mamluks in control of Egypt, Llywelyn Yr Ail of Wales defeated by British Edward I, baibars dies by poisoning Kyushu eruption, Typhoon in sea of Japan destroys Mongols, Mongols driven away from Japan by “divine wind” Edward I of England begins to conquer Wales as Llywelyn rebels against Edward I, Edward I of England conquers Wales, Peterhouse, the first college of Cambridge U founded, Sequins coined in Venice, Italy Alexander III falls over a cliff and dies and granddaughter Margaret Maid of Normandy reigns North Sea flood Earthquake in Gulf of Chihili, Invention of spectacles in Italy, end of reign of Margaret in Scotland, Chinese earthquake Three Swiss cantons join together to begin struggle for independence from Hapsburgs John Baliol chosen king of Scotland – removed from throne by Edward I of England Earthquake in Japan Edward I defeats Scots at Dunbar and captures John Baliol of Scotland – Stuart alliance with France (Auld Alliance) Scots rise against English rule under William Wallace and defeat Edward, first Irish paraliament meets in Dublin William Wallace of Scotland defeated at Falkirk but starts guerilla war to 1305, King (Saint) Louis canonized by Rome Ife culture of W Africa produces brasses, Osman I founds Ottoman dynasty in Turkey, Incas begin to expand throughout Andes, Hawaiians start to develop class structure as a result of economic growth, Stone temples (marae) erected on Raratonga, Cook Islands, Huge stone statues erected on Easter Island William Wallace of Scotland captured and beheaded by England Robert Bruce assumes Wallace’s role and is crowned at Scone Scotland in defiance of English, becomes Robert I End of Edward I of England, Begin Edward II of England Papal court moves to Avignon, Great Schism follows, Montaillou France, last refuge of Cathar Christians, suffers from corrupt Catholic priest – 2 million die in crusade against Cathar heretics, Clergue (the priest) seducing women 1310 1314 1315 1317 1320 1321 1324 1325 1327 1328 1329 1332 1333 1335 1336 1337 1338 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1352 1353 1357 1358 1359 1360 1362 1366 1368 1370 1371 1373 1377 1380 1381 1388 1389 One of the “Good Men” Pierre Autlier burned in France Scots defeat England at battle of Bannockburn Belfast Ireland suffers three years of late freezes End of Ireland crop freezes, Death of King Louis X Inquisition re-heats in France “Convert or Die”, Declaration of Arbroath Nobles and church in Scotland pledge to support Robert Tughluq dynasty founded in Delhi, Brunings begin in French inquisition Emperor of Mali, Mansa Musa, makes pilgrimage to Mecca Aztecs found city of Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) Edward II murdered and Edward III reigns Treaty of Edinburgh where English formally recognize Bruce as king of Scotland Death of Robert Bruce (Robert I) of Scotland, rule of David II Deadliest flood and famine in China Chinese famine Ashikaga Takauji (Japanese general) rebels against Emperor Hindu empire of Vijayanagar in India founded by Harihara I becomes center of resistance to Islam Edward III of England claims French throne, start of 100 years war (to 1453), Japanese generals overthrow emperor forming the Ashikaga shoguns English defeat French at Battle of Crecy, Plague outbreak begins through 1353, Battle of Neville’s Cross where Scotland attacks England but fails and king David II is captured until 1357 Bubonic plague reaches Europe Egypt devastated by plague Black plague reaches England Last Hindu Javanese kingdom of Majapahit begins to spread in SE Asia, Maoris flourish in N Island New Zealand, start of “Little Ice Age” period Ibn Battuta begins survey of Africa, End of plague outbreaks Ibn Battuta finishes survey of Africa in writing, end of seven years of plague David II of Scotland released from English prison Jacquerie Revolt – peasant uprising in north of Paris Hailstorm in Chartres France - see 1360 Hailstorm in Chartres, FRA stops English soldiers under Edward III North Sea flood, Iceland volcano eruptions Statute of Kilkenny enforces writ of English law in Ireland Mongols driven out of China – Zhu Yuanzhang founds Ming dynasty Geoffrey Chaucer writes Book of the Duchess, Acamapitchtli chosen as king of Aztecs Death of David II of Scotland – rule of Robert II Treaty of Anglo-Portuguese friendship lasts over 600 years Death of Edward III of England, Richard II rules in England Foundation of Kongo kingdom in Congo river mouth region of Zaire Peasants’ Revolt in England led by Wat Tyler Battle of Otterburn results in Scottish victory over English Christian Serbs defeated by Ottoman Turks at Kosovo 1390 Ottoman Turks complete conquest of Asia Minor, Viracocha becomes 8th Inca ruler, myth tells how he travels to Pacific and never returns, death of Robert II of Scotland and rule of Robert III 1391 Priests call for mandatory conversion of Jews in Spain 1397 Kalmar Agreement unites three Scandinavian kingdoms of Denmark, Norway, Sweden 1398 Tamerlane sacks Delhi, killing 100,000 Hindu 1399 Richard II of England deposed and cousin Henry Plantagenet IV rules 1400 Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe in S Africa thrives on gold trade, Gold from Zimbabwe exported to Asia, Engaruka community farms land in Tanzania, Pueblo people abandon northern sites, expansion of Aztec empire in Mexico, Expansion of Inca, Tongans build major center at Mu’a, widespread cultivation of wet taro in Hawaii 1401 Owain Glyndwr opens campaign for Welsh independence – makes treaty with France 1402 Tamerlane, Mongol conqueror from central Asia defeats Ottomans at battle of Ankyra in Turkey, Robert III of Scotland hands government to Regent – Duke of Albany 1403 20,000 chapter Encyclopedia called the <i>Yongle Dadian</i> started to be compiled in China, Ghiberti sculpts human body in realistic style for bronze doors of Florence baptistery, heralding the Renaissance, Henry IV defeats rebel lords in England 1404 Glyndwr sets up Welsh parliament at Machynlleth Wales 1405 Chinese Muslim Zheng He makes seven voyages westward to collect tribute for Ming leaders 1406 Death of Robert III of Scotland, James I rules Scotland 1411 Reign of Indian sultan Ahmad Shah of Gujarat 1413 Henry IV dies and Henry V renews 100 years war 1415 John Hus, Bohemian religious reformer burned at the stake, Henry V defeats French at Agincourt 1417 End of Great Schism in Catholic church, a single pope elected in Rome 1419 Korea prospers under King Sejong 1420 Portuguese sailors explore west coast of Africa, Songhai people in Gao region of W Africa begin raids in Mali empire, Ming capital moves to Beijing 1421 North Sea Floods 1422 Henry V dies, Henry VI reigns 1425 Scotland introduces reforms 1426 Aztec 1429 Joan of Arc leads French at Siege of Orleanss at Tenochtitlan form triple alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan, Henry VI begins to expel French from England 1430 Sultans of Kilwa on E Africa begin grand building program, Collpase of Khmer empire in SE Asia 1431 Angkor Wat abandoned after being sacked by Thai army, Zheng He makes his final voyage and reaches East coast of Africa, Joan of Arc burned at the stake, Terrible freeze as part of Little Ice Age results in famine for several years 1430 Gutenberg experiments with moveable type 1434 1437 1438 1440 1442 1447 1448 1449 1450 1453 1455 1456 1460 1461 1462 1463 1466 1467 1468 1470 1471 1472 1473 1477 1478 1479 1480 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1488 Reign of Christian emperor Zera Yacub in Ethiopia Death of James I of Scotland and James II rules Inca emperor Viracocha dies, successor Pachacuti expands Inca empire Incas build great fortress at Cuzco, Reign of Aztec emperor Moctezuma I and warriors begin to conquer E Mexico End of reign of Indian sultan Ahmad Shah of Gujarat Casimir IV of Poland unites Polish kingdom with Grand Dutchy of Lithuania Thailand expands under King Trailok, begins reforms Rule of shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa in Japan begins End of reign of King Sejong of Korea, script money issued, Building of Great Zimbabwe of S Africa at height, Inca city of Machu Picchu built in Peru Ottomans besiege and capture Constantinople Printing press invented, beginning of Bible printing in Europe, Huge temple built to Aztec war god Huitzilopochtli in Tenochtitlan, James II of Scotland defeats Black Douglas family of nobles at Arkinholm First Bible printed in Europe, Earthquake in Naples Italy Imperial porcelain works at Jingdezhen in China exports Ming pottery, Death of James II of Scotland and begin rule of James III Death of Henry VI, Edward IV reigns Sonni Ali becomes ruler of the Songhai and goes on to build and empire, Reign of Ivan III Grand Prince of Muscovy War between Ottoman Turks and Venetians lasts 6 years Birth of Erasmus, Dutch scholar Onin war in Japan begins – civil war over shogun succession End of reign of Aztec ruler Moctezuma I Collapse of Chimu culture in N Peru Emperor Topa Inca expands Inca empire into Bolivia, Chile and Argentina Orkney and Shetland annexed by Scotland Tenochtitlan absorbs neighboring Aztec cities Onin war ends Ashikaga shogunate’s authority Rule of Renaissance patron Lorenzo de Medici – Start of Spanish Inquisition roots End of war between Ottoman Turks and Venetians ends with Turks triumphant, Crowns of Aragon and Castille united under Ferdinand and Isabella Spanish Inquisition introduced to uncover heresy Portuguese explore Congo river estuary Ashikaga Yoshimasa completes building Silver Pavilion Temple at Kyoto, Japan, death of Edward IV of England, Edward V reigns and is deposed, Richard III reigns Spanish Inquisitors enter Aragon to denounce Jews Henry VII becomes first Tudor king of England and Wales after defeat of Richard III Plantagenet at Battle of Bosworth, Spanish Inquisitor assassinated Rule of Aztec emperor Ahuitzotl begins, Henry VII marries Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV, uniting York and Lancaster Ming emperors open rebuilding of Great Wall to defend China, Death of James III of Scotland and James IV begins to rule 1489 Typhus putbreak in S Spain 1491 Ruler of Congo kingdom baptized Christian by Portuguese 1492 Sikander Lodi, sultan of Delhi annexes Bihar and moves his capital to Agra to aid conquest of Rajasthan, End of rule of Lorenzo de’ Medici, Christian Spanish capture Granada in Spain from Muslims, expulsion order of Jews from Spain, beginning of plagues in Americas spread by Europeans 1493 End of reign of Emperor Topa Inca in Peru 1495 Poyning’s Law – no Irish parliament without English consent, Syphilis outbreak in Naples, Italy – may have been from Columbus’ crew 1497 End of reign of Aztec ruler Moctezuma I, Portuguese Vasco de Gama rounds Cape of Good Hope and sails on to India 1498 Italian religious reformer, Savanarola, burned at stake, Tsunami hits Japan 1499 Plague in England causes Henry VII to flee to Calais 1500 Songhai empire in W Africa expands, trade aids growth of Hausa states in W Africa, black-lead pencils used in England, French exploration of Canada begins this century, village of oval stone houses built on Easter Island 1501 Reign of Ismail, first Safavid shah of Persia, begins 1502 End of rule of Aztec emperor Ahuitzotl, Columbus begins second voyage 1503 James IV of Scotland marries Margaret, dau. Of Henry VII of England 1504 End of Columbus’ second voyage 1505 End of reign of Ivan III of Muscovy, Ortuguese capture Sofala on Africa’s E coast 1506 Destruction of original St. Peters built 330 - Construction started on St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Huge ship <i>Great Michael</i> built in Scotland 1507 Portuguese found Mozambique and begin to trade with Africans, Nzinga Mbemba (Christian and Portuguese ally) becomes king of Kongo, Andrew Myllar sets up Scotland’s first printing press 1509 Death of Henry VII, Henry VIII begins to rule, marries Katherine of Aragon 1511 Portuguese navigators begin to explore Pacific 1513 Vasco Nunez de Balboa sights the Pacific, Death of James IV of Scotland at battle of Flodden, beginning of rule of James V 1517 Ottomans defeat Mamluks and conquer Egypt, 95 theses published in Germany be Martin Luther 1519 Charles, archduke of Austria and king of Spain elected HRE until 1556, Death of Leonardo da Vinci, Cortes enters Aztec empire, Magellan starts out to circumnavigate the globe 1520 Reign of Sulayman the Magnificent, Ottoman empire at peak 1521 Cortes decimates Aztec empire, Disease ravages Mexico City 1522 Magellan’s crew reaches Portugal, Venice used as flow for Protestant materials 1524 End of reign of Ismail, first Safavid shah of Persia 1525 Diego Riberio, mapmaker of Spain, makes first charts of Pacific, Portuguese arrive at Caroline Islands near New Guinea and Palau Islands 1526 Babur, descendant of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane invades India, Portuguese arrive at Papua New Guinea, Smallpox in Peru 1527 Troops of Charles V HRE sack Rome and capture Pope Clement VII 1528 Cyclone hits Gulf of Mexico sinking Spanish ships 1529 Muslims defeat Christian Ethiopians at battle of Shimbra Kure – overrun kingdom until 1543 when defeated by Portuguese 1530 Portuguese organize trans-Atlantic slave trade 1531 Earthquake in Portugal 1532 Francisco Pizarro invades and destroys Inca empire in Peru, Court of Session created in Scotland 1533 Start of reign of Czar Ivan IV the terrible, Pope excommunicates Henry VIII, Three cyclones hit Puerto Rico 1534 Henry VIII breaks with Rome, Jacques Cartier makes first expedition to Canasa, King Henry VIII becomes head of Church of England 1536 Monasteries in England begin to be dissolved, Act of Union between England and Wales 1540 Spanish arrive in California 1541 Leadership of John Calvin in Geneva begins, Irish parliament declares Henry VIII king of Ireland 1542 Death of James V of Scotland, Scots defeated by English at battle of Solway Moss, Mary Queen of Scots rules 1543 Drought at horn of AFR begins 19 years, Portuguese defeat Ethiopian Muslims, First accurate anatomical drawings done by Vesalius 1545 Start of Council of Trent, Italy and Catholic reform 1546 Tabinshwehti conquers Pegu from Mons and becomes king of all Burma 1547 Czar Ivan IV “the Terrible” takes power in Russia, Death of Henry VIII of England and Edward VI rules 1549 Start of mission of Jesuit St. Francis Xavier to Japan, British Book of Common Prayer published 1550 Maoris in N and S islands of New Zealand build forts calles “pa” 1551 End of mission of Jesuit St. Francis Xavier to Japan, Bayinnaung inherits Burmese throne and overruns Thailand 1552 Typhus outbreak on German France border 1553 Death of Edward VI of England and Mary I rules, Cyclone hits Veracruz MEX, sinking Spanish ships 1554 Mary marries Philip of Spain 1556 Deadliest earthquake hits Shaanxi China killing 830,000, HRE Charles retires, Reign of Moghul emperor Akbar in India begins, Start of reign of Philip II of Spain, 1557 Freeze and famine in Russia 1558 Reign of Elizabeth I of England begins, Calais retaken by French 1559 Building of palace of Escorial palace outside of Madrid, Elizabeth becomes head of Church of England 1560 Portuguese establish embassies in Timbuktu, W Africa, French wars of religion begin for 30 years, Reformation Parliament establishes Protestantism as Scotland’s religion – championed by John Knox 1561 Mary returns to Scotland to restore Catholicism 1562 Drought at horn of AFR ends after 19 years, Sir John Hawkins starts English slave trade in W Africa 1563 End of Catholic Council of Trent 1564 End of time of John Calvin of Geneva, Shakespeare born 1566 Death of Sulayman the Magnificent of Ottomans 1567 Alvaro de Mendana, Spanish sailor, sets sail from Callo in Peru across Pacific, reaches Ellice Islands and Solomon Islands, Protestant lords rebel in Scotland against Mary who flees to England where Elizabeth I imprisons her, James VI rules Scotland 1568 End of reign of Christian emperor Zera Yacub in Ethiopia, Period of national unification in Japan begins when old feudal lord, Oda Nobunaga, captures Kyoto, Dutch campaign for independence from Spanish rule begins 1570 Drought in W Central AFR, Kanem-Borneo reaches height of kingdom power, starts alliance with Ottomans for 40 years 1571 Don John of Austria smashes Ottoman fleet at battle of Lepanto 1572 Massacre of St. Bartholemew as perhaps 20,000 protestants die in Paris and France, Dutch Sea Beggars take Brill 1573 Reign of emperor Wan Li in China, period of great paintings and porcelain making, imperial kilns at Jingde Zhen produce china 1574 End of reign of shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa in Japan, Storm in Leyden Netherlands kills Spanish troops 1575 Portuguese begin to colonize Angola, 100+ years of fighting follows, Stephen Batory, prince of Transylvania in Romania elected king of Poland 1576 Martin Frobisher tries to find NW passage to China along Canadian coast 1577 English Francis Drake begins circumnavigation 1580 Drought in W Central AFR, Sir Francis Drake completes circumnavigation, Spain unites with Portugal for 60 years 1584 End of reign of Czar Ivan IV “the Terrible”, building of palace of Escorial near Madrid completed, Sir Walter Raleigh explores Virginia, Regents rule Scotland 1585 Roanoke colony set up, fails, Regents rule Scotland 1586 Kelut eruption, end of reign of King of Poland Stephen Batory of Transylvania 1587 Reign of Shah Abbas I The Great of Persia begins 1588 English fleet defeats Spanish armada aided by Atlantic storms, Translation of Bible into Welsh helps save Welsh language, 1590 French wars of religion end as leading nobles struggle under weak Valois kings, Songhai empire fights Moroccan army, Burma begins break-up 1591 Songhai empire defeats Moroccan army, Cyclone off Havana shrinks Spanish fleet, Eruption in Philippines 1592 Korea and Japan begin fighting 1595 Eruption and mudflow at Nevado del Ruiz, Mendana visits Marquesas and Nderic (Santa Cruz) 1596 Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan 1598 End of reign of Philip II of Spain, First Dutch trade posts in Guinea, W Africa, Korea fends off Japanese invasions, Henry IV the first Bourbon king of France grants equal rights to Protestants 1600 End of Japanese period of unification, Kalonga kingdom north of Zambezi river becomes rich through ivory trade, Hausaland dominates trade routes through Sahara, Great Zimbabwe replaced by split kingdom capitals of Transvaal, Botswana and Zimbabwe, Abbas I introduces reforms into Persia, Battle of 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1616 1618 1619 1620 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1631 Sekigahara Japan – Tokugawa Ieyasu defeats rivals and the Tokugawa (Edo) period begins, English, Dutch, Danish and French East India Companies started to be founded, Beginning of building of “tupa” or stone towers on Easter Island, in Tonga, leadership passes from Tu’i Tonga dynasty to Tu’i Kanokupolu dynasty Death of Elizabeth I of England, throne passes to cousin James Stuart (VI) of Scotland – renamed James I Earthquake and tsunami in south Peru Reign of Moghul emperor Akbar in India ends, Burma breaks up into small states, End of Boris Godunov’s reign in Russia, Gunpowder plot fails (Guy Fawkes blowing up parliament) Luis Vaez de Torres from Spain sails around New Guinea and reaches straits of Torres, Flood in Severn Valley, England Confucianism gains influence in Edo society, Jamestown colony founded in Virginia Quebec, CAN founded by French Italian Galileo Galilei confirms heliocentric model, Nicaraguan earthquake Kanem-Bornu in W Central Africa enjoys alliance with Ottomans and receives firearms, training and camels, Hudson explores Hudson Bay Reign of Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden begins, Earthquake and tsunami in Japan St. Peters Basilica in Rome completed after 94 years, Japanese begin persecution of Christians until 1639 Reign of Bethlen Gabor of Hungary begins By this time, Dutch, English, Danish and French East India Companies founded Death of William Shakespeare, Eruption in the Philippines Landslide Chiavenna ITA, killer avalanches in the Alps, Drought at horn of AFR, 30 Years War begins in Europe Dutch begin to establish monopoly of spice trade in Moluccas and Indonesia, William Harvey begins work on circulation of blood in London End of reign of Wan Li in China, Queen Nzinga of Ndongo fights Portuguese in Angola, Beginning of Japanese national policy of restriction of contact with the outside world, <i>Mayflower</i> sails, Mayflower compact written Dutch monopoly of spice trade in Indonesia, Cardinal Richelieu becomes forst minister of France Dutchman Hugo Grotius publishes <i>De Jure Belli ac Pacis</i> which becomes basis of international law, French settlements in Caribbean begin at St. Christopher, End of reign of James I of England, start rule of Charles I Dutch found New Amsterdam in North America Manchus overrun Korea, Catholics besiege Huguenots in La Rochelle in W France Kalliste eruption and tsunami, Minoan volcanic eruption, William Harvey announces discovery of blood circulation in London, Kingdom of Burma breaks up, Petition of Right in England curtails kings powers, End of reign of Shah Abbas I the Great of Persia, end of reign of Bethlen Gabor of Hungary, British king Charles I tries to rule without parliament until 1640, Dutch found New Amsterdam in North America Mt. Vesuvius erupts 1632 End of reign of Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, Shah Jahan begins building Taj Mahal, Start reign of Queen Christina of Sweden 1633 Charles I of England first visits Scotland 1634 Flood in Germany 1637 Prayer Book forced upon Scotland by England – riot in Edinburgh Cathedral 1638 First printing press reaches North America, Tornado in England 1639 End period of Japanese persecution of Christians, First Welsh chapel founded after breakaway from Church of England, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut written 1640 Drought in W Central AFR, Spain ends unity with Portugal as Portugal gains independence, End of British king Charles I trying to rule without parliament, teo parliaments summoned – second session for 20 years 1641 Dutch capture Malacca on Malay peninsula, Massachusetts Body of Liberties written 1642 Flood at Kaifeng, Civil war in England, Scotland and Ireland for five years, Montreal, Canada founded, Abel Tasman reaches Tasmania, British Great Civil War between king and parliament 1643 Italian physicist Torricelli invents barometer, French defeat Spanish in 30 Years War, Reign of Louis XIV of France begins, Cyclone sinks Spanish ship off Hispaniola West Indies 1644 Qing (Manchu) dynasty akes over China, Abel Tasman reaches New Zealand, Scottish general Leslie joins Cromwell to help at Battle of Marston Moor in Civil war 1645 Candian War between Venice and Ottoman Turks until 1669, In British civil war, parlimentarians defeat royalists 1646 Bahamas colonized by the English 1647 Civil war in Britain ends 1648 end of Dutch campaign for independence from Spain, End of 30 Years War in Europe with Treaty of Westphalia, Shah Jahan completes Taj Mahal in India, The Frondes – revolts against Mazarin’s rule in France 1649 Charles I of England executed, Britain ruled by commonwealth until 1660, Cromwell appointed as British chairman of Council of State, has campaigns in Ireland 1650 Drought in W Central AFR, Portuguese clash with Muslims in Zambezi region, Ethiopia expels Portuguese missionaries and diplomats, Dutch prosperity leads to new achievements in art, Scottish royalists routed by Cromwell at Battle of Dunbar, Cyclone hits Basserette Antilles killing thousands 1652 Dutch found Cape Town, South Africa, Start of first Sutch war with England 1653 End of The Frondes – revolts against Mazarin’s rule in France, Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell in Britain 1654 End reign of Queen Christina of Sweden, End of first Dutch war of England, Portuguese drive Dutch out of Brazil 1655 English capture Jamaica from Spanish 1656 Plague and famine in Rome, ITA 1657 Tokugawa Mitsukuni begins compilation of <i>History of Japan</i> 1658 Emperor Aurangzeb becomes last great Moghul emperor, End of Cromwell’s protectorate in Britain 1659 Treaty of Pyrenees between France and Spain 1660 Malway-al-Rashid restores sultanate of Morocco, end of rule by Commonwealth in Britain as Charles II restored as king 1661 Reign of the Kangxi emperor in China beings which expands territory and scholarship, Death of Cardinal Mazarin – Louis XIV reigns personally, Bishops restored in Scotland 1664 Dutch force king of Thailand to give them monopoly of deerskin exports, English capture New Amsterdam from the Dutch and rename it New York, Great plague of London begins 1665 Great plague of London 1666 Great London fire, Cyclone hits Lesser Antilles kills thousands 1667 Shemakha Caucasia (Azerbaijan) quake, Rebuilding Act passes in London 1669 Eruption of Mt. Etna kills 20,000, Candian War between Venice and Ottoman Turks ends, Drought and famine in India 1670 French settle in Senegal, Fulani pastoralist people gain control of Bondu in south Senegal, Secret Treaty of Dover between England and France, Drought and famine in India 1674 John Sobieski reigns in Poland 1678 Imaginary “Popish Plot” to overthrow Charles II of England invented by Titus Oates 1679 Habeas Corpus Act in England ensures no imprisonment without court appearance, Father Hennepin reaches Niagara Falls in Canada 1680 Rise of Asante kingdom in West Africa, Butua kingdom flourishes in Zimbabwe, Portuguese driven into Zambezi valley and eastward, Statue building ends on Easter Island as civil war begins, Cyclone hits Dominican Republic 1681 Territory granted to William Penn in America, La Salle of France explores Mississippi Rover, founds Louisiana 1682 Reign of Peter the Great begins in Russia 1683 Formosa (Taiwan) becomes Chinese territory, Turks besiege Vienna but are beaten off by John Sobieski 1685 Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in France, death of Charles II of France, James II rules 1686 Louis XIV of France officially annexes Madagascar 1688 Revolution in England against James II brings William of Orange to the throne 1689 killer avalanches in the Alps, Formation of Grand Alliance of Habsburgs, the Dutch and the English against France, British Bill of Rights passes parliament, British William III invited to take over Scottish government from James II, English Bill of Rights written 1690 English East India Company official Job Charnock founds the city of Calcutta in India, William victorious in Scotland, battle of the Boyne – William’s army defeats James in Britain, Earthquake in Antilles 1691 Confiscation of Irish land by England 1692 Massacre at Glencoe Scotland – Macdonald clan killed by rival Campbell clan, Catholics excluded from Irish parliament, Earthquake and tsunami in Jamaica 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 Earthquake in Catania and Naples ITA Cyclone hits Barbados Cyclone hits Antilles End of John Sobieski’s reign in Poland Treaty of Ryswick between France and Grand Alliance, Rule of Charles XII in Sweden, Peter the Great of Russia travels Western Europe in disguise, lightning storm in Ireland causes explosion that destroys castle Portuguese expelled from Mombasa on east coast of Africa, Peter the Great travels W Europe in disguise Treaty of Karlowitz – Habsburgs gain almost all Hungary Age of Enlightenment introduces revolutionary new ideas to Europe, Agricultural Revolution begins in Britain, Great Northern War begins between Sweden and Russia, Europeans exploit the Caribbean, N American colonies begin to prosper, First contact between Tahitians and Europeans Seed drill invented, Osei Tutu creates free Asante nation in W Africa, War of Spanish Succession begins until 1713, City of Detroit founded by Antoine de Cadillac, British Act of Settlement – William III will be succeeded by sister-inlaw Anne, then afterwards Sophia of Hanover – granddaughter of James I End of reign of William and Mary in England, Anne rules England, first British daily newspaper published 47 ronin commit suicide in Japan to honor their dead lord, Peter the Great founds St. Petersburg. Earthquake in Tokyo kills 200,000, Great Storm in England , Earthquake and tsunami in Japan French routed in War of Spanish Succession at battle of Blenheim Bey Husain ibn Ali founds dynasty at Tunis, N Africa, Kongo prophetess Dona Beatrice founds new religious cult and helps end civil war, Cyclone hits Cuba Eruption of Teide Tenerife near Guarrachico Mt. Fuji begins erupting, tsunami in Honshu, Moghul empire begins to break up and Aurangzeb dies, Act of Union unites England and Scotland, Ghilzai people under Mir Vais defeat Persian army – Afghanistan no longer obedient to Persians, Death of Japanese shogun Tsunayoshi Drought in W Central AFR, Dey becomes pasha in Algiers, controlling N Algeria Tuscarora War between settlers and Native Americans in N Carolina, Storm hits Belle Isle Canada wrecking English ships In England Thomas Newcomen invents a workable steam pump for mines, Religious warfare in Switzerland End of War of Spanish Succession, Reign of Frederick William I of Prussia begins France captures island of Mauritius, Death of Anne of England – cousin George I rules End reign of Louis XIV of France, First Jacobite rising in Britain attempts to restore Stuart Dynasty, Yamasee nation attacks South Carolina colony, killing hundreds of English, Cyclone hits Straits of Florida sinking Spanish ships Reforming shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune rules Japan until 1745, Manshu emperor Kangxi sends troops to expel Junkar people from Tibet, French build fortress in Louisbourg, CAN 1717 Spain establishes viceroyalty of New Granada in South America, Flood in the Hague, Netherlands 1718 End of rule of Charles XII of Sweden, Death of William Penn – Quaker founder of Pennsylvania, dispute between Spanish and French over Texas begins, Volcano erupts in Antilles, Avalanche in Switzerland 1720 killer avalanches in the Alps, Drought in W Central AFR, Yoruba state of Oyo dominates area W of Niger, Kangxi enthrones seventh Dalai Lama in Tibet, South Sea Bubble – financial scandal in England, Texas becomes Spanish possession 1721 End of Great Northern War – Russia victorious and replaces Sweden as the dominant power in NE Europe, Robert Walpole becomes first and longest serving British prime minister until 1742, 1722 Death of Kangxi Manshu emperor of China, new Manshu emperor Yongzheng signs treaty with Russia and defines Siberian-Mongolian border, Asante conquer kingdom of Bono-Bansu in Akan region of W Africa, Dutch navigator Roggeveen reaches Samoa Islands and Easter Island in Pacific, Cyclone hits Jamaica 1724 King Agaja of Dahomey W Africa temporarily disrupts slave trade, Asaf Jah, minister of the Moghul empire retires to the Deccan – becomes independent and declared first Nizam of the Hyderabad, Peter the Great founds Russian Academy of Sciences 1725 Death of Peter the Great in Russia, Fulani Muslim cleric Alfa Ibrahim appointed “Commander of the Faithful” in Futa Jalon in W Africa, <i>Gujin tushu jicheng</i> encyclopedia commissioned by Qing emperor Yongzheng 1726 Cardinal Fleury foverns France peacefully for 17 years, Spanish found city of Montevideo in Uruguay to stop Portuguese spread out of Brazil 1727 Death of Mulai Ismail followed by 30 years of anarchy in Morocco, Coffee first planted in Brazil by Europeans, first discovery of diamonds in Brazil in area where gold is mined, Death of George I of England, George II rules, Earthquake in Persia 1729 Yongzheng sets up Grand Council of military advisors in China 1730 Vitus Bering, Danish explorer, discovers strait with his name, Earthquake in Japan, Eruption in Canary Islands off Africa 1733 France and Austria fight War of Polish Succession to make their candidates Polish king until 1735 1734 End of King Agaja of Dahomey W Africa – slave trade resumes in 1740s 1735 Manshu ruler of China works with Russia to define borders, Nadir Shah, chief adviser and general to last Safavid ruler in Persia defeats Turks at Baghavand and captures Tiflis, End of war of Polish succession, Libel trial of John Peter Zeuger in New York helps establish freedom of the press 1736 Nadir Shah reigns as Shah of Persia 11 years, Rule of Qianlong the Qing emperor – frequent rebellions follow until death in 1796, Natural rubber discovered in Peru, academic schools of Sao Paolo and Sao Jose founded in Brazil by Portuguese Jesuits 1737 Cyclone hits Bengal and Bangladesh, Earthquake in Calcutta kills 300,000, Cyclone hits Bay of Bengal, India, Earthquake in Japan 1739 Nadir Shah invades India and New Delhi, taking away Peacock throne of the Moghuls Outbreak of War of Jenkins’ Ear – Spain and Britain fight for control of N American and Caribbean waters, South Carolina shaken by slave revolts 1740 End of reign of King Frederick William I of Prussia, Lunda create prosperous kingdom in Africa, Power of Hindu Marathas of central India expands north, Frederick the Great rules Prussia and expands territory, Prussia attacks Austria and drags Europe into War of Austrian Succession, Population of colonies reaches 1.5 million, including 250,000 slaves 1741 Reign of Elizabeth I of Russia for 20 years – eventually founds first University at Moscow 1742 End of service of Robert Walpole as first British prime minister as Sir Spencer Compton takes over, Juan Santos takes name Atahualpa II and leads native Peruvians in revolt against Spanish 1743 End of reign of Cardinal Fleury as governor of France, End of Sir Spencer Compton as British Prime Minister, Henry Pelham serves 1745 End of rule of Japan by shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune, Second Jacobite rising in Britain led by Bonnie Prince Charlie – fails to restore Stuart dynasty to British throne, British forces and New England settlers capture French fortress of Louisbourg in Canada, George II of England becomes last British king to fight in battle at Dettingen 1746 Mazrui dynasty in Mombasa E Africa becomes independent from Oman, Earthquake in Peru 1747 End of reign of Nadir Shah of Persia, Amhad Shah Durrani begins rule of Afghanistan 1748 End of war of Austrian Succession 1750 Chinese capture Lhasa and take over Tibet, Karim Khan begins 29 year reign of south Persia, Sebastian de Carvalho appointed foreign secretary of Portugal 1752 Amad Shah Durrani who rules Afghanistan invades India, takes Lahore and plunders Delhi 1753 Alaungpaya reunites Burma, founds last Burmese dynasty to 1885, French occupy Ohio valley 1754 Concordat with Vatican gives Spanish church independence from Rome, AngloFrench War (French and Indian) begins, end of Henry Pelham as Prime Minister of Britain, Dukw of Newcastle reigns, Volcano in Philippines 1755 Earthquake, fire and tsunami in Lisbon Portugal kills 60,000, First outbreak of smallpox in Cape Town, South Africa kills Khosian peoples, Eruption and earthquake at Mt. Etna – related to big Portugal disaster 1756 “Black Hole” of Calcutta, Seven Years War begins with Prussia and Britain vs France, Austria and Russia, End prime minister Duke of Newcastle and begin service of Duke of Devonshire 1757 End of 30 years of anarchy in Morocco, Robert Clive defeats Siraj ud daula, Nawab of Bengal at Battle of Plassey, Battle of Rossbach where Frederick the Great defeats French and Austrians, Sidi Mohammed begins rule of Morocco, Earthquake and tsunami in Chile 1758 Aoki Konyo Japanese scholar introduces sweet potato into Japan and completes Dutch/Japanese dictionary 1759 General James Wolfe defeats French at Battle of Quebec, Jesuits expelled from Brazil, foundation of Carron Iron Works in Stirlingshire Scotland 1760 Canada passes into British hands, End of British king George II, George III takes throne 1761 End of reign of Elizabeth I of Russia, Battle of Panipat between the Marathas and Ahmad Shah Durrani of Afghanistan – great Afghan victory 1762 British fleet captures Manila in Philippine Islands from Spain, Publication of Jean Jacques Rousseau’s <i>Contrat Social</i>, Reign of Russian empress Catherine the Great begins, Brits seize Havanna from Spain 1763 End of Seven Years’ War in Europe, Anglo-French war in Americas, Britain becomes dominant power in India as a result of the Treaty of Paris, Rio becomes capital of Brazil, Pontiac conspiracy where American Indians join in uprising against British, 1764 Reign of Osei Kwadwo the Asante ruler in W Africa begins, Reign of king Stanislas Poniatowski the last king of Poland begins 1765 Stamp Act in US, Declaration of Rights written 1766 Eruption in Philippines, Earthquake and tsunamis in Japan 1767 Burmese invade Thailand, destroying Ayudhya and forcing Thais to accept Burmese dictatorship – Burmese repulse China from invading Thailand, British Captain Samuel Wallis reaches Tahiti, Earthquake hits Martinique 1768 Scottish explorer James Bruce begins travels in Ethiopia, Ali Bey a Mamluk army officer makes himself ruler of Egypt, First of British Captain James Cook’s voyages to Pacific 1769 Drought and famine in India 1770 Tukolor kingdom gains power in former Songhai region of W Africa, Spanish sailors reach Easter Island, Drought and famine in India 1772 Captain Cook begins second voyage, Eruption in Java 1773 Ahmad Shah Durrani of Afghanistan dies, end of travels of James Bruce of Scotland in Africa, Mamluk Ali Bey dies after being wounded in battle with rebels led by Abu’l-Dhahab, Emelian Pugachev leads uprising of Cossacks and peasants in Russia until 1775, Boston Tea Party, Earthquake in Guatemala 1774 Warren Hastings becomes governor of British India, Reign of Louis XVI of France begins 1775 End of peasant uprising in Russia, Cyclone hits Newfoundland Canada killing 4000, Liberty or Death written 1776 Spanish create Viceroyalty of La Plata in S America, Captain James Cook begins third voyage, James Watt of Scotland produces commercial steam engine, Virginia Bill of Rights written 1777 End of reign of Osei Kwadwo the Asante ruler in W Africa, Sidi Mohammed ruler of Morocco abolishes Christian slavery, Christianity introduces into Korea by Chinese Jesuits, Accession of Maria as queen of Portugal, she exiles Pombal but continues his work, Treaty of San Idelfonso defines Spanish and Portuguese holdings in Brazil, Articles of Confederation written 1778 War of Bavarian Succession between Prussia and Austria 1779 Karim Khan, dictator of S Persia dies, Dutch farmers in Cape Colony clash with organized Xhosa resistance, Captain Cook beaten to death by Hawaii islanders, Volcano in Japan erupts 1780 Hurricane hits Martinique and Barbados, Joseph II co-ruler of Austria with his mother Maria Theresa becomes sole ruler on her death, Revolt of Tupac Amaru in Peru begins, Cyclone in Barbados, eruption in Japan, Massachusetts Constitution written 1781 Militant Tijaniyya Islamic order set up in Algeria, Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown 1782 Beginning of reign of Rama I in Thailand – Chakri dynasty, end of revolt of Tupac Amaru in Peru 1783 Iceland eruption leads to cooler weather worldwide, Severe five-year famile begins in Japan, Russian government annexes Crimea, William Pitt the Younger becomes Prime Minister of England until 1801, Treaty of Paris recognizes US independence, Italian earthquake, Iceland volcano, eruption in Japan 1784 11 year Drought in W Central AFR and S AFR begins, US begins to trade with China 1785 Omani rulers reassert influence in Zanzibar, end of rule of Warren Hastings as governor of India, Comte la Perouse leads expedition to Pacific 1786 Death of Frederick the Great of Prussia, Virginia Statute of Religious Liberty written 1787 Tuaregs, Sahara nomads, abolish Moroccan pashalik of Timbuktu, Turkey fights Russia to regain the Crimea, US Constitution, Voyage of Lt. William Bligh in the <i>Bounty</i> to the Pacific, Northwest Ordinance written, US Constitution written 1788 End of five year famine in Japan, Comte la Perouse, French navigator, lost at sea, Usuman dan Fodio stirs holy war against Hausa king in Africa, African Association founded in England to explore interior of Africa, Sweden attacks Russia, First British convicts shipped to Botany Bay, Australia 1789 Outbreak of French Revolution, Conspiracy of Tiradentes in Brazil – revolt in gold mines, Washington serves as president of US, crew of <i>the Bounty</i> mutinies and puts LT. Bligh out to sea, Cyclone hits India 1790 End of reign of Sidi Mohammed of Morocco, Treaty between Sweden and Russia, revolt in Haiti against French rule led by Toussaint L’Ouverture, Lt. Bligh of the <i>Bounty</i> returns to England, Drought, famine and cannibalism in India 1791 Canada Act divides Canada into upper and lower, Drought, famine and cannibalism in India “Skull Famine”, Bill of Rights written, French annex papal states, Quebec splits, riots in England over French revolution, French royal family captured 1792 End of reign of Louis XVI of France, Chinese army marches into Nepal, Sheikh Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab, founder of Saudi Arabia, dies, Russia defeats Turkey in attempt to regain Crimea, eruption and tsunami in Japan 1793 Trinidad captured from Spanish in Caribbean, First free British settlers reach Australia, Eruption in Java 1794 Aga Mohammed founds Kajar dynasty and unites Persia, Mt. Vesuvius erupts 1795 Drought in AFR ends after 11 years, death of Stanislav Poniatowski, last king of Poland, British seize Cape Colony from Dutch, Scotish explorer Mungo Park travels through Gambia, France overruns Netherlands, creates dependent Dutch republic 1796 Death of emperor Qinglong of Qing dynasty in China – ends period of rebellions, death of Catherine the Great of Russia, Scottish explorer Mungo Park reaches Niger, Emperor Qianlong of China relinquishes power but still directs government until 1799, Vaccination discovered, Papal monopoly broken in Italy by Napoleon’s troops, Jews allowed to be full citizens of Italy during Napoleon’s rule, George Washington’s Farewell Address 1797 End of George Washington’s presidency, Earthquake in Ecuador, Italian earthquake 1798 Wolfe Tone organizes Irish revolt against English rule, Strait between Australia and Tasmania navigated, Rising of United Irishmen against British fails and some leaders executed 1799 Ranjit Singh founds Sikh kingdom in Punjab, India, Major civil war in Tonga 1800 Volta of Italy invents electric cell, industrial revolution in England, Act of Union between Britain and Ireland, Tuberculosis outbreak in England, Tsunami in Indonesia, French retakes papal states 1801 First rail locomotive, end of era of William Pitt the Younger as British Prime Minister, beginning of reign of Czar Alexander I of Russia, Matthew Flinders begins to circumnavigate Australia , Thomas Jefferson delivers inaugural address 1802 Emperor Gia-Long begins reign in Vietnam, Worlds first steam shipi <i>Charlotte Dundas</i> built in Scotland 1803 Second Maratha war disrupts India 2 years, circumnavigation of Australia by Matthew Flinders complete – he names it, Napoleonic War between Britain and France until 1815 1804 Fulani begins jihad in N Nigeria, Russian envoy visits Nagasaki Japan and tries to negotiate treaty – fails, First oil lamps made in England (designed by French), Napoleon becomes emperor of French, Lewis and Clark begin expedition 1805 Mungo Park explores Niger river W Africa, Mohammed Ali rules Egypt and Egypt breaks away from Ottoman empire, end of second Maratha War in India, Battles of Trafalgar (British victory) and Austerlitz (French) 1806 Goldau Valley Landslide, Mungo Park explores Niger River, W Africa, Napoleon brings HRE to an end, End of Lewis and Clark expedition, Imam Sayyid Said begins to rule Oman, Cyclone hits Dominica, Yellow Fever hits Martinique, Landslide in Switzerland 1807 Asante invade Fante confederacy in Africa, British abolish slave trade, though slavery continues until 1833, Portugal’s John VI flees to Brazil 1808 Fulani invade Bornu near Lake Chad, Peninsular War in Spain begins until 1814, Rebellions against Spain begin in South America 1809 Charles Darwin born, Death of Rama I of Thailand 1810 Hidalgo begins revolts against Spain in Mexico, King Kamehameha becomes king of Hawaii 1811 New Madrid MO quake, beginning of regency furniture period, Mohammed Ali of Egypt overruns Arabian peninsula through 1818 – end of first Saudi empire, Tornado kills 500 in Charleston SC, 1812 New Madrid MO quake, First tin cans produced in England for preserving food, Napoleon reaches Moscow, burns it and retreats to France, Volcano on St. Vincent Island in West Indies, Earthquake in Venezuela 1813 Napoleon defeated at “Battle of Nations” in Leipzig 1814 End of Peninsular war in Spain, Cape Colony South Africa ceded to Britain, End of war of 1812, Eruption in Philippines, Inquisition returns to Spain and Italy after Napoleonic era – Spain hunts supporters of France, Rome demands return of stolen documents, fall of Napoleonic system 1815 Tambora Indonesia eruption – deadliest kills 82,000, Java restored to Dutch by British, Battle of Waterloo and Congress of Vienna follows defeat of Napoleon – map of Europe decided, Russia tries to make landings in Hawaiian islands, 1816 Tambora eruption aftermath – world temperatures lower approximately 4 degrees. Crops fail, starvation ensues, IN becomes a state as more people move west, Shelley writes “Frankenstein” Byron writes “Darkness” Cholera and typhus sweep through Europe, Start of career of Zulu ruler Shaka in S Africa, Bolivar defeats Spanish in Venezuela, stethoscope invented 1817 Disease ravages Europe, crops fail in NE US, Last Maratha War begins in India, San Martin defeats Spanish army at Chacabuco in Chile, Pest and blight in Ireland’s crops, Cholera outbreak in Calcutta 1818 Mohammed Ali of Egypt has overrun all Arabian peninsula, Chilean independence 1819 End of last Maratha War in India – British rule India except Punjab, Sind and Kashmir, Singapore founded by Stamford Raffles, Pomare II establishes Society Island’s legal code, Death of King Kamehameha I of Hawaii and Kamehameha II abolishes system of gender separation, Mobile Alabama cyclone kills over 200 1820 Drought in S AFR, end of regency furniture period, end of reign of Gia-Long in Vietnam – unified Vietnam, Fulani emirate founded in Adamawa, W Africa, Fulani in Mali W Africa found the Hamdallahi caliphate, Peace treaty ends piracy and leads to 150 years of British rule in Persian Gulf, Minh Mang becomes emperor of Vietnam and reverses Gia-Long’s policies and expels Christians, Development of N Pacific whaling industry in Japan, Missouri Compromise, Death of George III of England – reign of George IV 1821 Greek War of Independence starts against Turks until 1829, Venezuelan independence confirmed, San Martin wins independence for Peru, protestant missionaries arrive in Cook islands 1822 Galunggung eruption, Pedro of Brazil, son of John VI of Portugal declares Brazil independent, Liberia founded in W Africa as home for former slaves, Earthquake in Chile, Java eruption 1823 Monroe Doctrine written 1824 Canning invented, First Burmese War with Britain begins, Kamehameha II of Hawaii visits England and dies there, Cyclone hots St. Simmons Island GA and kills field workers, Flood at St. Petersburg Russia 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 Fire in ME and New Brunswick, death of Czar Alexander I of Russia, Egyptians found the city of Khartoum Sudan, Persian-Russian War begins, Javanese revolt against Dutch for five years, Bolivar founds state of Bolivia, Dutch annex Irian Jaya, the W part of New Guinea, Hurricane in Puerto Rico End of first Burmese war with Britain, start of cholera pandemic until 1834, Cholera outbreak in India until 1838 Frenchman Nicephore Niepce takes first photograph, Battle of navarino Bay where British, French and Russian navies destroy Turkish fleet Drought at horn of AFR, end of reigh of Zulu ruler Shaka in S Africa, Basel mission to Ghana (Gold Coast) W Africa, SHaka the Zulu leader was assassinated by half-brother Dingane who then rules Zulu nation, Persian-Russian War ends as Russia captures Tabriz, Indian Hindu Raja Ram Mohan Roy founds reforming Hindu society, Brahmo Samaj, Uruguay becomes independent, Daniel O’Connell becomes member of parliament of Britain in spite of ban on Catholics Drought at horn of AFR, “The Rocket” train proves railroad travel feasible, end of Greek War of Independence, Practice of widow burning (suttee) made illegal in India, Robert Peel founds Metro Police Force in Britain, Catholic Emancipation Act in Britain/Ireland Drought in S AFR, French invade Algeria, end of Javanese revolt against Dutch, Russians repress Polish revolt, Revolution in France, Kingdom of Belgium founded, Tahitian Protestant missionaries arrive in Fiji, Malietoa Vaiinupo of Savai’I becomes king of Samoa, Death of George IV of England, William IV reigns Mohammed Ali of Egypt seizes Syria and rules it until 1840, Charles Darwin sets sail, Cyclone hits Barbados Cholera outbreak in London, Abd-al-Kadir leads Arab resistance to France in Algeria until 1847, First Great Reform Bill in Britain gives more men the vote British abandon slavery, Drought and famine in India French Catholic Missionaries arrive in Mangareva in Tuamotu Islands in South Pacific, end of world cholera pandemic, Cyclone hits Dominican Republic Quake and tsunami in Talcahuano, Dost Mohammed begins rule in Afghanistan until 1863, Cyclone hits Florida Keys, Volcano in Nicaragua, Earthquake and tsunami in Chile, Start of freeze in Finland until 1850 – kills 137,000 Great Trek of Boers begins in Africa, Siege of the Alamo, Texan independence Continuation of Great Trek of Boers, SHogunate of Tokugawa Ieyoshi begins in Japan until 1853, Frenchman Jules Dumont d’Urville attempts to chart coast of Antarctica until 1840, Death of William IV of England, reign of Victoria begins, Cyclone in St. Thomas Boers found Republic of Natal, Nakayama Miki founds faithhealing Tenri sect in Japan, Trail of Tears, Lt. Charles Wilkes leads US expedition to Antarctica, People’s Charter in Britain allows for political reform, Cholera outbreak in India ends after 12 years Ottoman sultan Abdul Majid starts the “Tanzimat” program for modernization, First Afghan War with British starts until 1842, Start of Opium War in China until 1842 1840 Bad year for tornadoes in US, Mohammed Ali of Egypt stops ruling Syria, Imam Sayyid Said ruler of Oman makes Zanzibar his capital, Penny postage stamp introduced in Britain, postage stamps reform postal systems, Upper and Lower Canada unites, End of attempt to chart coast of Antarctica, British and Maoris in New Zealand sign Treaty of Waitangi, Kamehameha III begins constitutional monarchy in Hawaii and first written constitution, Tornado hits Natchez MS killing 300, major disease outbreaks in New Zealand 20 years 1841 End of reign of Minh Mang of Vietnam, Nationalist leader Lajos Kossuth founds Hungarian liberal reform newspaper, St. Jo Florida cyclone, Earthquake in Puerto Rico, Cyclone in Hong Kong 1842 End of First Afghan War – a British army annihilated, End of Opium War in China, France annexes Marquesas Islands and makes Tahiti a protectorate 1843 Idea for fax machine conceived by Bain in Scotland, Britain takes over Natal from Boers and adopts it as British colony, Great Disruption in Scotland results in Evangelicals forming Free Church of Scotland 1844 Cambodia becomes Thai protectorate, First effective Factory Act in Britain, Cyclone in Mexico 1845 Eruption and mudflow at Nevado del Ruiz, Earthquake and tsunami in south Peru, Sikh wars with Britain begin until 1849, The Great Hunger in Ireland (potato famine) until 1847/8 1846 Mexican-American War begins, Irish Potato famine 1847 End of Algerian resistance to France lead by Abd-al-Kadir, Civil war in Switzerland, Antiseptics used in surgery by Semmelweiss, Anesthetic properties of chloroform discovered, Irish Potato famine last year 1848 End of reign of Mohammed Ali in Egypt, Accession of Nasir ud-din ablest of the Kajar dynasty of Persia, Switzerland becomes a federal state, Publication of <i>Communist Manifesto</i>, Year of revolutions throughout Europe, end of Mexican-American War as California and New Mexico ceded to US, Meeting in Seneca Falls New York calls for Women’s rights, Hawaiian king Kamehameha III gives peoples shares in the islands, Begin reign of Nasir-ud-Din of Persia 1849 End of Sikh wars in India results with Britain annexing Punjab, California gold rush 1850 Early anesthetics invented, Taipeng rebellion in China begins and goes for 14 years, jeans invented in California, Compromise in US fails to ease slavery tensions, Begin 39 year era of progress in Brazil under Pedro II, Britain transfers some powers to four major Australian colonies, end of “Little Ice Age” 1851 King Rama IV begins to rule Thailand, Great Exhibition in England, gold found in SE Australia, 15 year flood in Shanghai China 1852 Tukolor leader al-Hajj ‘Umar launches jihad along Senegal and upper Niger rivers to establish Islamic state in Africa, in South Africa, Britain recognizes Transvaal’s independence, Nasid-ud-Din takes personal power in Persia and promotes major reforms, Louis Napoleon becomes Emperor Napoleon III 1853 End of shogunate of Tokugawa Ieyoshi in Japan, Dr. David Livingstone crosses Africa following the Zambezi River and reaches Victoria Falls 1856, Fall of Nanking China, Able king Mindon Min reigns in Burma, Crimean War begins 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 with Russia fighting Turkey, Britain, France and Sardinia, France annexes New Calcedonia, Cholera outbreak in Longon for 10 years Cholera outbreak in London, Boers ofund Orange Free State in Africa, Treaty of Kanagawa – US and Japan trade treaty, Eureka stockade – brief miner’s revolt at Ballarat (Oceana), Major storm in Black Sea Alexander Parkes of GBR invents plastic, Beginning of reign of Emperoro Theodore of Ethiopia Queen Victoria awards first Victoria Cross, cheap steel possible with Bessemer process, Death of Imam Sayyid Said of Oman, Dr. Livingstone crosses Africa, end of Crimean War in Europe and Middle East, Antislavery Republican party formed in US, Australia achieves full self-government, Dernieres Island Louisiana Cyclone, Major lightning storm off Rhodes Greece Indian Mutiny shakes British rule, Earthquake in Italy, Earthquake in Japan After Indian Mutiny, East India Company abolished, reformer Benito Juarez becomes Mexican president, Irish foundation of Fenian movement to break from Britain, Inquisition Bologna Edgardo Mortara case where child was abducted by Papal power by Pius IX, other Italian states demand Papal reforms, Austria retreats from supporting Pope and leaves Italy John Brown begins to start slave revolt, Earthquake in Ecuador, outbreak of rabbits in Australia, begin of self-proclaimed reign of Emperor Norton I of the US, dissolves congress Kerosene developed, British and French loot and burn in Beijing, Italian parliament meets in Turin – Garibaldi takes southern Italy and most of Italy unified, Burke and Wills cross Australia from S to N, Start of first Maori War in New Zealand until 1870, Pasteur works with immunization, End of 20 years of outbreaks in New Zealand, US Emperor Norton bans use of the terem “Frisco” Otto produces gas engine, Czar Alexander II abolishes serfdom, End of reign of Benito Juarez of Mexico, Gold discovered in New Zealand, Collapse of Papal States French begin to occupy Indo-China, Bismark begins 28 year career as chief minister of Germany, US land given to European immigrants to farm, Last wars abainst American Indians begin in US West for 28 years Dost Mohammed ends rule in Afghanistan, Al-Hajj ‘Umar of Tukolor takes Timbuktu, Poles rebel against Russian rule, French invade Mexico and set up Austrian Archduke as emperor, end of cholera outbreak in London, Earthquake in Philippines Drought at horn of AFR for 2 years, Cyclone hits Bengal and Bangladesh, end of the Hamdallah caliphate in Mali, W Africa, Taiping rebellion in China results in fall of Nanking, Poles continue rebellion against Russian rule, First French convicts sent to New Caledonia, Oceana, Cyclone hits India Wars between Orange Free State and Moshweshwe’s Basuto people in South Africa until 1868, King Kojong persecutes Christians in Korea, 13th US Amendment, Paraguay attacks neighboring countries 5 years, first Chinese laborers arrive in Hawaii, New Zealand capital moved from Auckland to Wellington, Salvation Army created in London, Wild Bill wins first showdown, KKK forms, Gregor Mendel 1866 Drought at horn of AFR ends, Prussia defeats Austria at Sadowa in Seven Weeks War, Northern US Republicans force through radical reforms for south for 11 years, 15 year flood in Shanghai China ends, Drought and famine in India, Tsar Alexander III marries borther’s widow – Princess Dagmar of Denmark – Alex mocks Slavs in favor of Prussians and supported Berlin Treaty and Eastern Orthodoxy, persecutes Jews, Ottomans clash with Maronite leader in Lebanon and are defeated – starts war, Jesse James first robs a bank, Bismarck survives assassination, Austro-Prussian war begins and Prussia begins domination of Germany, first trans-Atlantic cable laid, Metric Act standardizes weights, dynamite invented, end of Austro-Prussian War 1867 Diamonds discovered in Kimberly S Africa, Disraeli introduces Second Reform Bill in Britain, end of French interference in Mexico with emperor Maximilian from Austria governing, Britain makes Canada a dominion, first black votes in D.C., Benito Jua’rez becomes Mexican president again, Maronite Catholic sect member Karam goes to Algeria – Maronites helped the Crusaders and were protected by France since 1638, japan Shogun Yoshinobu abdicates and Emperor Meiji rules, Suez canal opens, Lister publishes regarding antiseptics, Canada formation more formal, Alaska purchased from Alexander II of Russia, Singapore becomes British, <i>O Canada</i> written, Thomas Baker eaten in Fiji, Manifest Destiny – Medicine Lodge treaty signed, Charles Dickens in US – visits NY theater, “Grange” precursor formed, Belmont stakes first run, Otto von Bismarck re-organizes Germany under Prussia, Yellow Fever in New Orleans, Diamonds discovered in South Africa 1868 Quake and tsunami in Africa S. America, End of reign of Emperor Theodore of Ethiopia, King Rama IV ends rule of Thailand and opens country to foreign trade, Wars between Orange Free State and the Basuto people end, Reign of Rama V of Thailand begins, Meiji period in Japan begins and capital moves to Edo (Tokyo) and shogunate abolished, Gladstone becomes British prime minister for first time until 1874, Earthquake in Ecuador, Drought and famine in India, First Mardi gras with floats held, first Memorial Day, WY made a territory, Johnson pardons rebels, Indian Wars with Custer killing 103 Cheyenne 1869 Suez Canal opened, Germany acquires lands in Caroline Islands, Oceana, Cyclone hits Boston, Woman’s suffrage Association organized in NY, Capital Punishment Act ends hangings in Britain, Emperor Norton I of the U.S. abolishes political parties, Socialist party developed in Germany, barbed wire invented 1870 End of first Maori war in New Zealand, end of King Kojong in Korea and his persecution of Christians, Franco-Prussian War begins as Napoleon II abdicates, Paraguay almost annihilated in attacks on neighboring countries, Antonio Guzman rules Venezuela 18 years, Gold Rush in New Caledonia, Oceana, Irish Home Rule movement launched, Earthquake in Oaxaca MEX, Large storm off coast of France kills 122, End of ghettoization of Jews by Papal state, Italy relegates Papacy to Vatican, Rome retaken by secular Italy, office of inquisition loses policing power, Franco-Prussian war begins with Napoleon III v. King Leopold – Napoleon III imprisoned ending second French Empire, 180,000 French soldiers surrender, Italy seizes “Papal States” reunifying Italy, Rockerfeller creates Standard Oil, Virginia readmitted to Union, Women vote in 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 UT, MS, TX, GA return to Union, first black senator, War between Prussia and France (Franco-Prussian), Napoleon III deposed, Prime Minister of Spain assassinated Chicago Fire, Peshtigo fire WI (deadliest – in US), Third Republic established in France until 1940, End of Franco Prussian War, Unification of Germany and Prussian king William I becomes German emperor, Cakobau, leader of Bau on Fiji establishes monarchy, Bismarck unifies Prussia and the German kingdoms into Germany and King Wilhelm I becomes Kaiser, Treaty of Frankfurt calls for money to be paid to Germany, France signs treaty with Germany, ending FrancoPrussian War, French attempt revolution and Paris taken but reconquered by army with Prussian support, Stanley finds Livingstone, German empire created, France surrenders to Germany, Chicago fire and Wisconsin fire burn with 1,200,000 acres each, NRA created, Bismarck tries to suppress Catholics politically, Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall Cape Colony of S Africa granted self government, First railroad in Japan opens, Cyclone in Zanzibar (Tanzania), Brigham Young arrested, Yellowstone established, 7.2 quake in LinePine CA, Civil Rights re-established for rebels, Susan B Anthony votes, is fined $100 but never pays, Modoc Indian War begins Colt revolver peacemaker invented, End of reign of Able King Mindon Min in Burma, War between Asante kingdom and Britain begins in Africa, UK declares war on Ghana for trading slaves, Indian Wars – Modoc, New Spanish republic, Indian Wars – stronghold, Vienna stock crash results in long depression , Royal Canadian Mounted Police created, Modoc War ends with capture of Captain Jack, Jesse James train robbery, First clash between Custer and Sioux, Germans leave France, US stock market crash, DDT developed End of war between Asante and British in Africa, end of first reign of Gladstone as British Prime Minister, Beginnings of Mande state in old Mali under Samori Ture, Africa, Disraeli’s second and last government of Britain begins and lasts 6 years, Prince David Kalakaua becomes ruler of Hawaii until 1891, Baton Rouge LA Flood, Measles outbreak on Fiji, NY gets the Bronx, Hawaii annexed by US treaty, Blue jeans created, Home rule granted in Ireland Rudimentary sewage system created in London, Japanese legal code drawn up for 13 years, Earthquake and Volcano in Colombia, France becomes Republic, Kwang-su becomes emperor of China, US government issues report stating Sioux and Cheyenne are hostile, Treaty of St. Petersburg between Japan and Russia, Tong Wars in San Francisco (Chinese Mafia) Drought at horn of AFR for 2 years, Telephone invented, Cyclone hits Bengal and Bangladesh, Queen Victoria declared Empress of India, Japanese pressure forces Korea to open ports to trade, Famine in the Deccan, S India results in 2 years and 5 million dead, Turks put down Bulgarian uprising – very violent, Bell invents telephone, reign of President Diaz of Mexico 35 years, Cyclone in Bangladesh, Drought famine and Cholera in India Sound recording invented, end of reform for US South, Satsuma rebellion in Japan results in death of Samurai, Edison invents record player, Tsunami in Chile, Volcano in Ecuador, Drought, famine and Cholera in India, Drought and famine in China 1878 Drought at horn of AFR ends, end of famine in S India Deccan area and 5 million dead, Second Afghan War begins with British invasion of Afghanistan to counter Russian influence, Congress of Berlin ends Russo-Turkish War and allows for freedom of some Balkan countries, New Caledonian people rebel against French in Oceana, Earthquake in El Salvador, Drought and famine in China 1879 Early lightbulbs invented by Edison in US and Swan in GBR, Zulu war with British ends with British defeated in one area but victorious in another, End of second Afghan war, War of the Pacific begins between Chile, Peru and Bolivia, Britain establishes naval station at Samoa, major storm off coast of Scotland produces waterspout that destroys bridge and train 1880 Drought at horn of AFR, Beginning of European “Scramble for Africa,” First Boer War begins, End of Disraeli’s reign in Britain, Australian ranger Ned Kelly is hanged and becomes folk hero, France annexes Tahiti as a colony, Marshfield MO tornadoes, Emperor Norton I of U.S. dies, total solar eclipse over S France 1881 Cyclone hits Haiphong, First Boer war ends with Transvaal defeating Britain, Assassination of Czar Alexander II of Russia, Cyclone in Martinique, Landslide in Switzerland, earthquake in Turkey 1882 Cyclone hits Bombay, death of Charles Darwin, Triple Alliance is formed between Germany, Austria and Italy, Mt. Ranier WA erupts 1883 Deadly eruption and tsunami combination – Krakatoa kills 36,000, Edison invents marketable light bulb, earthquake in Anatolia Turkey, major landslide in Switzerland 1884 Bad year for tornadoes in US, Dowager Empress Cixi sacks grand council of China, End of War of the Pacific between Chile, Peru and Bolivia, Davidsboro GA cyclone, earthquake in Spain 1885 End of last Burmese dynasty, Conference in Berlin regarding African colonization, Sudanese Muslim leader the Mahdi takes Khartoum from Egypt – General Gordon killed, Foundation of Indian National Congress (India), Third Burmese War begins, German Karl Benz is first to sell motor cars, Canadian Pacific railroad opens, Goldfields open in Papua New Guinea, Hurricane in Puerto Rico, Earthquake in Mexico, Earthquake in Granada Spain, Kashmir India earthquake 1886 Britain annexes Burma in end of Third Burmese War, Gold found in the Transvaal, AFL established, Gladstone’s Home Rule for Ireland bill defeated, Charleston SC earthquake, Storm in Cornwall England, New Zealand eruption 1887 Flat records invented, celluloid invented, Yellow River floods, Bulgaria elects Ferdinand of Coburg king and becomes leading Balkan state, Kaifeng China flood, Attempted assassination of Tsar Alex III by Lenin’s brother 1888 Major blizzard hits US East and TB, pneumonia and diarrhea follow, later subway is built to combat similar problems, Drought at horn of AFR for 5 years, deadliest hailstorm on record hits Moradabad (middle east), end creation of new Japanese legal code, end of rule of Antonio Guzman over Venezuela, Kaiser William II reigns in Germany until 1918, Slaves freed in Brazil, hailstorm hits India, Wilhelm II becomes Kaiser of Germany when father dies – Hohenzollern dynasty 1889 British create official cubic inch, End of reforms in Brazil as Pedro II deposed, New Meiji constitution for Japan, First Pan-American conference held in Washington DC, Brazil becomes a republic, Malietoa Laupepa king of Samoa 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 recognized by Britain, US and Germany who serves as joint supervisors of Samoa, Johnstown PA flood Drought in S AFR, End service of Bismarck as chief minister of Germany, End of wars against US American Indians in Western US, first Japanese general election, New Orleans LA flood End of reign of King David Kalakaua of Hawaii, Franco-Russian agreement for 3 years, Civil War in Chile, Earthquake in Japan Drought at horn of AFR ends, Shredded Wheat invented, Oil City PA flood, Landslide in France, storm off Portugal Diesel invents engine, World expo in Chicago, SLC temple dedicated, Votes for women introduced in New Zealand, University of Wales founded at Aberystwyth, Charleston SC cyclone, New Orleans cyclone Fire in Wisconsin , SLC city county building completed, French set up protectorate in Dahomey (Benin) W Africa, War between Japan and China, end of Franco-Russian agreement as treaty not renewed, 12 million die in plague outbreak in India, Canton and Hong Kong plague kills between 80,000 and 100,000, Home Rule for Scotland X-Ray invented, Utah’s constitution created, Women vote in UT, Joseph F Smith criticizes members of Democratic Party and some members take this as Republican endorsement, Jameson raid into Transvaal, Japanese win ChineseJapanese war and occupy Korea, Lumiere brothers invent film projector in France, Assassination of Bulgarian prime minister Stambuloff, Marconi invents the wireless, first X-Rays, Tsar Nicholas II coronated – thousands trampled – wife cousins to Kaiser Bad year for tornadoes in US, end reign of Nasir-ud-Din of Persia, France takes Madagascar, Ethiopian ruler Menelik crushes Italian army at Adowa, British persuade Malay states to form federation, St. Louis MO tornado, tsunamis in Japan Assam India quake and Sanriku tsunami, Slavery banned in Zanzibar, New Zealand introduces eight-hour working day and retirement pensions, Eruption in Philippines Utahns volunteer in Spanish American war, In China, Dowager Empress Cixi crushes reform attempts, US annexes Hawaii, Drought and famine in India Drought at horn of AFR, Second Boer War in S Africa begins, France proclaims protectorate in Laos, Australian and New Zealand troops sent to Boer War Drought at horn of AFR, Brinell tester (Metal hardness tester) invented, Buganda E Africa ruled bu the Kabaka (king) with British advice, uprising in Asante, W Africa, Boxer rebellion in China, Russia annexes Manchuria, Germany proposes 20 year plan to build naval fleet, Phosphate-rich Ocean Island (Oceana) annexed by British, New Zealand annexes Cook Islands, Hurricane in Galveston Texas, Scofield mine disaster Britain annexes Asante, W Africa, Separation of the church and state begins 4 year run in France, Bolshevik party starts in Russia (Russian Social Revolutionary Party), Britain gains control over Tonga’s foreign relations, Commonwealth of Australia formed, Death of Victoria of Britain, Edward VII reigns 1902 Pelee on Martinique, Virgin Islands erupts and kills 26,000, end of second Boer War, Treaty of Vereeniging ends second Boer War in S Africa, Anglo-Japanese alliance reached, treaties between China, Britain, US and Japan, Ibn Saud captures Riyadh – beginning of Saudi Arabia, votes for women introduced in Australia, Earthquake and volcano in Guatemala City, Volcano on St. Vincent Island, Volcano on Martinique, Volcano in Guatemala, earthquake in Ubekistan, Mercalli invents earthquake scale 1903 Gilette invents disposable blade, Sokoto caliphate in Hausaland Africa taken over by Britain, British viceory of India (Lord Curzon) sends expedition to Tibet, Assassination of Alexander, king of Serbia, Scandal breaks in Belgium over rule in Zaire – 2 years, Panama secedes from Colombia with US backing, Boundary dispute between Alaska and Canada settled, landslide in Alberta CAN, Gainesville GA tornado, Heppner OR flood and storm 1904 French create federation of French West Africa, Entente Cordiale between Britain and France, Russo-Japanese War begins, Final settlement between Bolivia and Chile after War of the Pacific, presidency of Ismael Montes of Bolivia begins – period of social reforms, Legislative council organized in Fiji, Plague outbreak in Bombay India 4 years, Emergency code is CQD (not SOS), Surprise attack on Pt. Arthur starts Russo-Japanese War, US gains control of Panama Canal, Russians retreat through Korea, Tunnel created under Hudson River, Brits defeat Tibetan troops, Treaty between French and British, Rolls Royce company created, Governor-General of Finland assassinated, Trans-Siberian railway created, Ice cream cone invented, NYC subway created, Herero Wars begin in Namibia with Oct. Massacre, 2nd Polygamist Manifesto 1905 End of separation of church and state in France, end of Beligium scandal over Zaire, end of Russo-Japanese war, Kaiser William II visits Tangier and provokes crisis with France, Maji-Maji rebellion in Tanzania, Japan presses Korea to sign a treaty whereby Japan “protects” Korea, Japanese navy fights and defeats Russian fleet at Tsushima strait, Revolution in Russia, Norway breaks away from Sweden – elects King Haakon VII, Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan formed in Canada, British New Guinea becomes possession of Australia – renamed Papua, Earthquake in Italy, Earthquakes in India, Japan wins Russo-Japanese War, “Bloody Sunday” massacre between troops and workers in St. Petersburg, Tsar Nicholas II creates elected assembly, Russian troops lose 100,000 in five days amid retreats, Mata Hari in Paris, Vegas founded, Togo of Japan destroys Russian fleet, Norway and Sweden union dissolves, Connaught/Prussian princess marries prince of Sweden, Russian mutiny, Saskatchewan and Alberta CAN established, British Dreadnought ship revealed, triggering arms race, Tsar forced to grant constitution, Prince Carl of Denmark becomes King Haakon VII of Norway, Sinn Fein in Ireland founded for independence, Einstein publishes, Druidic rituals at Stonehenge begins, U-Boats made 1906 SF Earthquake, Vacuum tube invented, Tripartite pact seeks to preserve integrity of Ethiopia, Liberal government comes to power in Britain, Navy arms race escalates in Europe, Alaska elects delegate to US Congress, Cuba occupied by US forces after a revolt, Britain and France rule over New Hebrides in Oceana, Florida Keys cyclone, Earthquake in Chile, Japanese earthquake, Cyclone and 1907 1908 1909 1910 storm surge in Hong Kong, earthquake off coast of Colombia, Typhoon hits Tahiti, British launch “Dreadnought” battleship, Traian Vuia flies self-propelled aircraft, Vesuvius erupts, Swedish riots, Irish crown jewels stolen, Hong Kong typhoon, S.O.S. created as universal help, San Francisco segregates Japanese, Roosevelt goes to Panama, First radio broadcast, first Tb immunizations, 2nd Geneva convention Bakelite plastic invented, government of Mozambique organized, Emperor Kojong of Korea abdicated – succeeded by son Sujong, Run on US banks checked by JP Morgan, New Zealand becomes a dominion, first elections for national assembly in Philippines, Earthquake in Jamaica, Durma (Parliament) in Russia opens spurring 40,000 demonstrators, Plague hits San Francisco, Korea protected by Japan, New Zealand declared a dominion, Oklahoma made from Indian territories, Triode amplifier improves electronics, Herero Wars end, Parliamentary elections in Philippines Earthquake Messina, Sicily?, Model T produced by Ford, meteor explosion over Siberia, Belgium takes over Congo Free State, Death of Chinese empress Cixi and the Guangxu emperor, Young Turk revolution, Carlos I of Portugal assassinated, Austria annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ferdinand I proclaimed emperor of Bulgaria, Earthquake and tsunami in Sicily, end of Plague outbreak in India, Tunguska meteor in Siberia, first Times Square ball drop, Grand Canyon made national park, First long-distance radio broadcast from Eiffel Tower, Carlos I of Portugal and Prince Luis shot, Japanese immigration to US outlawed, British get new Prime Minister Herbert H. Asquith, Cooke, Peary arrive at N Pole, British hit oil in Persia, “Amalthea” ship explodes, FBI created, Bulgaria declares independence from Ottomans – Ferdinand I Tsar, Zionist colony in Palestine, Qing dynasty changes emperors, Model T developed First aircraft crossing of English channel, end of reign of Ismael Montes in Bolivia and era of reforms, Franco-German agreement reached on Morocco, Liberia calls on US for financial assistance, Creation of separate labor party in New Zealand, Britain’s Peoples Budget increases taxes on wealthy, Bay City TX cyclone, Warrington FL cyclone, Cyclone hits Mexico, Colombia recognizes Panama’s independence, Shakleford reaches south pole, US troops withdraw from Cuba after Spanish American War, NAACP created, “Silver Dart” in Canada,Ham radio created, Former president Roosevelt goes on safari, Serbia accepts Austrian control of Islamic Bosnia-Herzegovina, British radio begins broadcasting, Halley’s Comet visible, Pearl Harbor established, Landsteiner develops blood type grouping Avalanche in Wellington WA – Cascade mountains, End of reign of Rama V of Thailand after 42 years, Union of S Africa, Portuguese revolution ends monarchy, In Australian general election Labour party under Andrew Fisher wins, Death of Edward VII in Britain, George V reigns, Rockerfeller retires to become a philanthropist, first sea plane created, Glacier National Park created, Halley’s Comet Tail, South Africa created, first Zeppelin, France protests public executions, Black boxer Jack Johnson defeats white – race riots result, “Paul Bunyan,” Japan annexes Korea, the McNamaras arrested for bombing, Portugal 1911 1912 1913 1914 becomes a republic, Mexican revolution, Jet engine developed, Bubonic plague in Manturia, TNT developed End of rule of President Diaz of Mexico, Chinese rebellion against Manchus, President Diaz of Mexico overthrown, Universal military training established in New Zealand, House of Lords deposed as chief power and House of Commons reigns supreme, Flooding in China, eruption in Philippines, Australia’s North Territory created, Scots v. Russ. Shootout in London, Denmark abolishes death penalty, Standard Oil Company monopoly declared unconstitutional, IBM company created, German warship invades Moroccan port, Mona Lisa stolen, French ship explodes, WuChang Uprising in China, Italy declares war on Turkey and annexes Tripoli and Cyrenacia, Sun Yat-Sen becomes president of China ending Qing dynasty, 1st Solvay Congress of physicists End Meiji period of Japan, New loans to Liberia coupled with US control over customs, French makes Morocco a protectorate at Treaty of Fez, Chinese republic established and Sun Yat-sen first president (but warlords gain power), Taisho period begins in Japan, Japan builds first dreadnought battleship, Balkan wars begin, Alaska names US territory, AZ and NM names states, secret ballot and universal suffrage in Argentina, Katmai AK eruption, Cyclone in Jamaica, Cyclone hits Taiwan, Novarupta eruption, China officially becomes Republic of China, Scott arrives at South Pole, Italians use airships in Turkey, Amundsen reaches S Pole, France becomes protectorate over Morocco, Titanic, Britain develops an air force, US Marines invade Cuba, End Meiji era in Japan and Yoshihito becomes emperor, Chinese nationalist party develops, Balkan War begins when Montenegro attacks Turkey, Khios independence from Ottomans, Spain becomes protectorate over Morocco, Albania becomes independent from Ottomans, End of first Balkan War Drought at horn of AFR, Stainless steel invented in Britain, South African laws preserves 87% of land to whites, China recognizes Outer Mongolia as independent, Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore awarded Nobel Lit. prize, end of Balkan Wars, Coup d’etat of Young Turks in Turkey, Wallis Islands becomes French protectorate (Oceana), Foundation of United Federation of Labour and Social Democratic party in New Zealand, Dayton OH flood, Galveston TX cyclone, House of Lords rejects Irish independence, Romanoff 300 anniversary, George I of Greece assassinated, Sung Chiao-Jen of Chinese nationalist party assassinated, Balkan War – Bulgarians take Adrianople, Panama canal finished, insane Otto of Bavaria deposed, Mohandas Gandhi arrested, assembly-line manufacturing at Ford, Mona Lisa returned to Louvre, Greece annexes Crete Drought begins in SW Australia, Drought at horn of AFR, Britain and France occupy German colonies in W Africa, Assassination of heir to Austrian throne in Sarajevo, Battle of the Marne, Battle of Tannenberg between Germans and Russians ends in German victory, Panama canal opened, Completion of Grand Trunk Pacific Railway in Canada, Irish Home Rule bill passed, but suspended due to WWI, Eruption in Philippines, Tsunami hits Japan, Apr – 3000 US marines in MEX, Hellenic holocaust in Ottoman empire, US meets with Kaiser, Archduke Ferdinand assassinated Jun, Emperor Franz Joseph of Austro-Hungary declares war on Serbia, Russia joins war as Serbian ally, French pacifist assassinated, 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 Germany declares war on Russia, France and Belgium, Britain declares war on Germany, Germans stopped in France, trench warfare begun, “Christmas Truce” Panama canal opens Aug US annexes Cyprus, Jehovah’s Witnesses predict end of the world Germans start submarine campaign to blockade British, Dardanelles Campaign – British try to force passage to Constantinople, Britain annexes Gilbert and Ellice islands in Oceana, Ottoman Turks kill one million Armenians in genocide, Earthquake in Italy, German zeppelins over England, German blockade, Allies begin battle for Gallipoli, U Boat sinks Lusitania, Tsar Nicholas takes command of Russian armies, British use gas, but wind shifts, Haig becomes British commander, Allies withdraw from Gallipoli killer avalanches in the Alps, Boer leader Jan Smuts leads anti-German drive from Kenya into Tanzania, British and Belgian troops take Yaounde – capital of German Cameroon, Arab revolt against Ottoman Turks in Hijaz, Hussein pronounces self king of Arabs, Battle of Jutland between British and Germans ends in stalemate, Easter Uprising against British in Ireland, Hipoliti Irigoyen becomes president of Argentina until 1922, Effort to introduce national army conscription in Australia defeated, Easter Rising in Dublin against Dublin, Matheson Ontario CAN fire, NY polio outbreak, Avalanche in Italian Alps, Britain institutes the draft, Battle of Verdun results in 1 million casualties, Battle of Somme results in 1 million casualties – British introduce the tank, David Lloyd George names British Prime Minister, Rasputin murdered Dec 31 Deadly tornado year in US Midwest, electric drill invented, Ras Tagari becomes regent of Ethiopia, German forces in German East Africa withstand British and Portuguese at Mahiwa – Germans withdraw into Mozambique, Balfour Declaration promises homeland for Jews in Palestine, British troops capture Baghdad and Jerusalem, Sun Yat-sen struggles for leadership of Chinese republic, October Revolution, Mexico adopts new constitution, Brazil and US declares war on Germany, Filipino National Guard organized in Philippines, Volcano in El Salvador, German secretary Zimmerman telegram to Mexico discovered and translated by Brits, Germans renew sub warfare, Ysar Nicholas II abdicates, halfmillion French mutiny (“go on strike”), US draft reinstated, 3rd battle of Ypres results in 700,000 total casualties Jul-Nov, October revolution in Nov as Lenin overthrows Kerensky’s government, New Russian government by Trotsky, Brits take Jerusalem from Turkish Arabs Fire un Cloquet US (Can?), Fire in Hinckley (US/CAN), defeat of Kaiser William II of Germany, Emir Faisal proclaims Syrian state, king in 1920, Venezuela oilfields opened, Wilson’s 14 points, Queen Salote becomes queen of Tonga, Flu epidemic kills more than the war, Irish republicans win seats in government and found own parliament in Dublin, Cloquet MN fire, Red Baron killed, Czar Nicholas II murdered, German sailors mutiny, Turks sign armistice, Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates, Weimar republic created, 11:00 on 11/11 armistice signed Kelut eruption, ANC demonstrates against pass laws in Transvaal, British troops massacre over 300 Indian civilians at Amritsar, Ernest Rutherford splits atom, US Congress refuses to recognize League of Nations, Augusto Leguia president of Peru – very progressive until 1930, Dry dock completed at Pearl Harbor HI, War 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 between Ireland and Britain, Corpus Christi TX cyclone, Eruption in Java, flue pandemic, Russian Civil War, German coup suppressed, German socialists Liebknecht, Luxemburg murdered, cenotaph unveiled in London, Wilson collapses in exhaustion Drought at horn of AFR for 3 years, Drought in S AFR, deadliest landslide hits Gansu, earthquake in Gansu, Emir Faisal becomes king of Syria, British and Indians increase settlement in Kenya, Palestine becomes British mandate, Indian leader Gandhi launches peaceful non-cooperation movement against British rule, US refuses to recognize League of Nations, Prohibition in US until 33, New Zealand given mandate over Samoa, Formation of Federal Country Party in Australia, New Zealand becomes member of League of Nations, War between England and Ireland, Church of Wales disestablished, Earthquake in Kansu China, US Senate fails to ratify Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations, Failure to overthrow Weimar Republic Insulin discovered, Abd-el-Krim leads Berbers and Arabs against Europeans in N Africa, Lenin introduces new economic policy in Russia, Progressive president Juan Bautista Saavedra in Bolivia begins, Australia given mandate over German New Guinea, Anglo-Irish Treaty between Britain and Ireland, Pueblo CO storm and flood, flood San Antonio TX, Drought hits Volga region of Russia, Russian civil war ends, Russians spared by donations of American food Bad year for tornadoes in US, Drought at horn of AFR, End of presidency of Hipolito Irigoyen in Argentina, Egypt becomes independent from Britain under King Fuad, Irish free state founded, Mussolini becomes prime minister, First portable radio and first car radio in US, Irish Free State founded, Drought in Volga region of Russia Kanto Japan quake leads to 1927 economic slump, Ethiopia admitted to League of Nations, Mustafa Kemal becomes president of Turkey, Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera in Spain, Fire in Berkeley CA, Earthquake and fires in Tokyo Chinese nationalist party Kuomintang holds first national conference, First British Labour Party victory, death of Vladimir Lenin, Florence SC tornadoes, Hitler imprisoned for sedition against Weimar republic, UT mine disaster Deadliest tornado storms hit MO IL IN (tri-state tornado), Galveston TX hurricane, End of struggle for power of Sun Yat-sen in China, Mussolini changes from prime minister to dictator, Locarno Agreements between major European powers for stability, End of presidency of Juan Bautista Saavedra in Bolivia, Earthquake in China, Hitler released from prison End of Taisho period in Japan, In Britain, John Logie Baird invents the television, Panama and US agreement to protect Panama during wartime, Dover NJ lightning storm, Miami FL cyclone, Cyclone hits Cuba, Landslide in Bosnia Economic depression hits Japan, Kuomintang leader Chaing Kai-shek establishes government at Nanking – Communists challenge his rule, Canberra becomes capital of Australia, Cairo IL flood, Tornadoes Poplar Bluff MO, Earthquake in China Japanese troops murder military ruler of Manchuria, French begin to build fortification – the Maginot Line – on German border, Stalin launches five-year plan to expand industry, Fleming discovers Penicillin, Britain extends vote to 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 women over 21, Foundation of Scottish National Party, Cyclone Lake Okeechobee FL, Cyclone in Antilles, Eruption of Mt Etna in Sicily, Great flood in London Stock exchange and great depression, Uprising of Mau people of Samoa against New Zealand government, Burin peninsula CAN tsunami, earthquakes and landslide in Anatolia Turkey, Volcano in Chile End of dictatorship of Primo de Rivera of Spain, End of President Augusto Leguia in Peru, White women given vote in South Africa, Ras Tafari crowned emperor of Ethiopia and renames self Haile Selassie, First Round Table Conference between British government and Indian parties, Getulio Vargas becomes Brazilian president and becomes dictator until 1937 Six years of drought hit US great plains, First trans-African railroad completed from Angola to Mozambique, Japanese occupy Chinese province of Manchuria, Republic declared in Spain after King Alfonso XIII abdicates, Statute of Westminster makes dominions of British empire self-governing, Foundation of United Australia Party, Cyclone hits Belieze, flood and storm surge in 1931, Eruption on Java, Earthquake in New Zealand Earthquake in Gansu, Absolute rule of Thai king ends – new Thai constitution, Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay begins, begin of US dustbowl until 1940, Marion AL tornadoes, Cyclones hit Puerto Rico, Cuba, Drought and famine in Kiev, Earthquake in China End of prohibition in US, Hitler appointed German chancellor by Hindenburg, Nazis begin persecution of Jews, Peruvian president Sanchez Cherro assassinated by an “aprista”, Australia takes control of large section of Antarctica, Long Beach CA quake, Cyclone hits Mexico, Drought and famine in Kiev, Flooding in China, Tsunami in Japan after 8.9 quake off coast British colonial government of Ghana suppresses radical African critics 2 years, Communists go on Long March through China led by Mao Zedong and Zhu Du, Opening of British oil pipeline from Kirkuk Iraq to Tripoli Syria, Mussolini meets Hitler, Glendale CA storm and flood, Cyclone hits El Salvador, Earthquake in Nepal, Landslides in China, Cyclone hits Japan End of Chaco war between Bolivia and Paraguay, Government of India Act passes for autonomy starting 1937, US Social Security Act, Labour government elected in New Zealand, Dodge City KS drought, Matcumbe Key FL hurricaine, Newfoundland cyclone, Flooding in Haiti, earthquake in Pakistan, Charles Richter invents earthquake scale Bad year for tornadoes in US, end of British suppression of Ghana speakers, Representation of Natives Act denies South African blacks political equality, general strike in Syria – France grants Syria home rule, Germany invades Rhineland region on French-Belgian border, civil war in Spain until ’39, Arbitration Court of New Zealand fixes wages, Death of George V of England, Edward VIII crowned and abdicates, George VI reigns, Tupelo MS tornado 8 years of droughts in SW Australia begins, last of six years of drought in US great plains, End of dictatorship of Getulio Vargas in Brazil, India has selfautonomy, conflict between Jews and Arabs in Palestine, Undeclared war in China and Japan until 1945, Eamonn de Valera becomes prime minister of Ireland, 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 US National Labor Relations Act, New Zealand National Party formed in opposition to Labour Party, Fire in Australia, eruption in New Guinea Conflict between Jews and Arabs in Palestine, Hitler compels Austria to form union with Germany, Munich crisis – France and Britain agree to allow Hitler to partition Czechoslovakia, Mexico takes over British and British oil companies in Mexico, Long Island NY cyclone Yellow River floods, end of civil war in Spain, South Africa declares war on Germany, Stalin and Hitler agree to divide Poland, Germany invades Poland, Robert Menzies becomes Australian prime minister, Earthquake in Chile, Earthquake in Turkey, flood and famine in China End of Third Republic of France, British scientists develop radar, France surrenders to Germany, non-English speaking immigrants head to Australia, Trotsky assassinated in Mexico City, end of US dustbowl, Earthquake in Romania German army under Rommel attacks British in N Africa, Ethiopia liberated from Italians by Ethiopians and British and recognized as independent, Japanese overrun SE Asia, Jet aircraft developed in England and Germany, US Congress passes Lend-Lease Act to fund allies, Pearl Harbor attacked, Avalanche in Peru Cyclone hits Bengal and Bangladesh, British defeat German army at Battle of El Alamein in Egypt, Japanese overrun SE Asia, Naval victories at Midway Island, Cyclone in Bengal India Germans and Italians driven from North Africa, German Sixth Army fails to capture Stalingrad, eruption of Paracutin Venezuela Allies invade France, First free presidential election in Guatemala, Cyclone hits Cuba, Vesuvius eruption, Cyclone near Philippines, Tsunami hits Japan 8 years of drought in central Australia ends, World Zionist Conference calls for Jewish state in Palestine, US builds and drops A bombs on Japan, Scottish National Party sends first representative to parliament Tsunami Hawaii, US bomb tested on Bikini Atoll in Marshall Islands – US and French test nuclear devices in Pacific, Courtenay Vancouver, BC quake, Unimak Island AK tsunami, Earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan Transistors invented, India independence, Japan democratic constitution made, Truman doctrine pledges aid for resisting Communism, foundation of Edinburgh Festival, Woodward OK tornado, Iceland eruption Flooding in Fuzhou, Afrikaner National Party wins power in S Africa, ArabIsraeli War, Marshal plan for post-war recovery through 1951, Mahatma Gandhi assassinated in New Delhi, Free medical treatment established in Britain, Vancouver BC flood Khait landslide, Mao Zedong proclaims People’s Republic of China, NATO formed, Republic of Ireland formally declared and Ireland leaves Commonwealth, Earthquake in Ecuador, Landslide in India “Winter of Terror” killer avalanches in the Alps, Korean War, Civil Rights campaign increases in US, Ultrasound first used on pregnant women, Hantavirus in S Korea, earthquakes and landslides in INdia Lamington eruption, killer avalanches in the Alps, flooding in Manchuria, Churchill forms peacetime government in England, End of Marshal Plan for post- 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 war recovery, Cyclone hits Jamaica, Epidemic in Brazil, Eruption in Philippines, Eruption in New Guinea Bad year for tornadoes in US, Mau-Mau guerrilla war against British in Kenya until 1959, Death of George VI of England, Elizabeth II rules, Smog storm kills thousands, Tsunami in USSR, Lynmouth Devon GBR flood Bich invents Bic pens, Korean War ends, death of Stalin, Khrushchev in power, DNA discovered, North Sea floods, Flint MI tornadoes, Worcester MA tornado, Storm and flood on North Sea, Cyclone hits Vietnam, Eruption in New Zealand, Waco TX tornado killer avalanches in the Alps. War for independence started in Algeria until 1962, contraceptive pill developed, Newport RI hurricane, Hurricane Hazel hits Toronto CAN, Flooding along Texas/Mexico border, 3000 die in storm in Iran, Avalanches in Austria, flooding in China and Tibet, Typhoon in Japan, earthquake hits Algeria Warsaw Pact signed, Army officers seize power from Argentinian president Peron, Two hurricanes hit Connecticut, Hurricanes hit Mexico, Monsoon flood in India, flood in Australia Kimberly Coast, AUS cyclone, Suez Crisis – Britain and France attempt to regain control, but Egypt too strong, Morocco, Tunisia and Sudan gain independence, Soviet troops invade Hungary and quash revolt, Cyclone hits Antilles, Blizzard and gale over France – England to Siberia, Typhoon Wanda hits China Ghana becomes first sub-Saharan country to become independent, Sputnik launched, Treaty of Rome ushers in EEC, Hurricane hits Cameron LA, Earthquake hits Mexico City Lituya Bay (AK or CAN) big tsunami, silicon chip invented, Independence for Zaire, Nigeria, Somalia begins until 1960, Charles de Gaulle president of France, heart pacemaker developed, Blizzard hits Allentown PA, Cholera and Smallpox in Pakistan, Typhoon in Japan Excavations at Olduvai gorge, Mau-Mau guerrilla war against British in Kenya ends, Antarctic Treaty limits exploitation of Antarctica, SWRD Bandarnaike the Sri Lankan prime minister assassinated, estimated start of AIDS in Kinshasa Congo, Landslides hit Mexico, Lightning storm over Italy, Typhoon hits Japan, Montana earthquake, flooding on French Riviera Hawaiian tsunami, Quake and tsunami in Valdivia Chile, Laser invented, Independence for French African colonies, Civil War in south Sudan and Zaire (Belgian Congo), start of laser surgery, Hurricane in Puerto Rico, Earthquake and tsunami in Chile, Earthquake and Tsunami in Morocco, Typhoon Lucille hits Philippines Independence for Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi, Zambia, Lesotho, Botswana, Gambia and Swaziland (to 1967), Russian Yuri Gagarin becomes first human in space, Berlin Wall built, female oral contraceptive pill comes on the market, Hurricane hits Belize Microchips invented, Freedom in Algeria, Cuban missile crisis, independence for W Samoa, Landslide and avalanche in Peru, Drought and fire in Brazil, Earthquake in Iran, Locusts in Kenya, Flash flood in Barcelona Spain, Flooding and dykes broken in Germany 1963 Cyclone hits Bengal and Bangladesh, Organization for African Unity founded, Kennedy assassinated, Hurricane hits Cuba, Landslide in Italy, Earthquake in Yugoslavia (Macedonia), Cyclone hits E Pakistan (Bangladesh), Volcano in Indonesia, Dam bursts and flooding in Italian Alps 1964 Earthquake and tsunami in Anchorage AK, Flooding hits Mekong delta, Arab leaders set up the PLO, Brezhnev takes over from Khrushchev, US Civil Rights Act bans racial discrimination, chemotherapy used to treat cancer, Hurricane hits Haiti, Storm and flood in E Pakistan (Bangladesh), Typhoon hits Philippines, Flood in Japan 1965 Cyclone hits Bengal and Bangladesh, White regime in Zimbabwe declares independence, Vietnam War begins, Malcolm X assassinated in New York, tornadoes hit Indianapolis IN, Skeena Mountains get avalanche in BC CAN, Cyclone hits E Pakistan (Bangladesh), eruption in Philippines 1966 Landslide in Rio, Indira Gandhi becomes prime minister of India, beginning of China’s cultural revolution, First woman Scottish National Party representative, First Welsh National Party candidate wins seat at Westminster, Hurricane hits Haiti, Landslide in Rio de Janeiro Brazil, Storm kills 230 in Aegean sea, Flood in Florence ITA, Landslide in S Wales 1967 Independence for Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi, Zambia, Lesotho, Botswana, Gambia and Swaziland, Biafran War begins in Nigeria along with three year famine, Six Day War between Israel and Arabs, first successful heart transplant, Volcano in Iceland, Fire in Australia 1968 Students riot in Paris, Czechoslovakia tries to initiate reforms in “Prague Spring” but is crushed, Robert F. Kennedy assassinated in L.A., Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated in Memphis, Civil Rights Campaign leads to violence in Ireland, earthquake in N Iran, major storm “Wind of the Century” in Scotland, flooding in India 1969 US astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin land on the moon, British troops attempt to restore order in N Ireland, Landslides in LA CA, Famine begins in Mali AFR 5 years, Storm in Tunis AFR 1970 Deadliest cyclone hits Bangladesh, end of Biafran War in Nigeria and famine, severe droughts on edge of deserts of Africa, Khmer Rouge forces take over Cambodia, Tonga and Fiji gain independence from Britain, Chimbote Peru quake, two cyclones hit Philippines, cyclone hits E Pakistan (Bangladesh), Earthquake in China 1971 Bangladesh independence, Avalanche in Lima Peru, Typhoon hits Hong Kong, Cyclone hits Australia 1972 Begin major drought in Sahel (13 years?), “Bloody Sunday” in Londonderry Ireland as troops fire on civil rights marchers, Northern Ireland parliament suspended and direct rule introduced, Flash floods in Rapid City SD, Hurricane Agnes hits Wilmington, DE, Earthquake in Nicaragua, Storms in Mexico, Quake in Iran, Flooding in Punjab India, Tornadoes in Bangladesh, Drought in India, Flooding in S Korea 1973 Yom Kippur War cuts oil production in middle east, starts economic crisis, Chilean president Allende killed in coup, British and Ireland join European 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Community, Icelandic Heimaey splits open and erupts, Earthquake in Mexico, Eruption on Iceland Fire season begins in central Australia, deadly tornado year in US Midwest, Huancavelica landslide (Americas), Nixon resigns after Watergate, Cyclone Tracy hits Australia, Hurricane in Honduras, Flood in Brazil, end of famine in Mali, storm on English Channel, Earthquake in Kashmir India, Cyclone hits Darwin Australia Terrible fire season in central Australia ends, totally disposable razor invented, End of Vietnam War, Nigeria becomes leading oil producer in Africa, Revolutionary regime in Ethiopia until 1991, Angola and Mozambique gain independence from Portugal, Khmer Rouge takes over Cambodia – rename Year Zero, Papua New Guines gains independence from Australia, Political crisis in Australia as appointed governor-general deposes elected body, Asian immigration to Australia increases sharply, Earthquake in Liaoning China predicted by strange animal behaviors Earthquake hits Tangshan killing 242,000, schoolchildren spark uprisings in Soweto, S Africa, Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong die- fall of “Gang of Four”, Helsinki convention of Human Rights adopted, Big Thomson River flood in Colorado, Earthquake in Guatemala, emergence of Ebola in Africa, Tsunami hits Philippines, Earthquake in China Eruption of Nyiragongo in AFR, 240 Czech intellectuals sign charter stating freedoms denied, Johnstown PA flood, Rift Valley Fever emerges in Egypt, volcano erupts in Zaire Camp David Summit between Israel and Egypt, first “test-tube” baby born in England, Earthquake in Iran Tsunami in San Juan (Colombia?), Chungar (Peru?) Landslide, Voyager Probe launched, Ayatollah Khomeini adopts Islamic constitution for Iran, Soviets invade Afghanistan to support communists, Britain elects first female Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Sandinistas take power in Nicaragua, Smallpox eradicated, Park Chung Hee- S Korean president assassinated, hurricane in Lesser Antilles, deadly tornado in Wichita Falls KS Eruption at Mt. St. Helens, landslide in Darjeeling, Zimbabwe independent after guerrilla war, Iran-Iraq War breaks out, Solidarity Union formed in Poland, Quebec narrowly votes to stay in Canada, Civil war in El Salvador until 1992, Malaria outbreak in Madagascar, Earthquake in Italy Landslide in Sichuan, Start of drought of Ethiopia until 1985, major storm in S Africa Compact Discs invented, Israeli forces invade Lebanon, Falklands War between Argentina and Britain, Mexico fails to repay foreign loans, resulting in national financial crisis, Volcano in Mexico, Earthquake in Yemen Drought in S AFR, Conflict in Sudan – over 1.5 million die, Argentina reverts to civilian rule and Alfonsin elected president, Ash Wednesday Fire in Australia, Tsunami in Japan, Ash Wednesday fire in Australia Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi assassinated by Sikhs, New Zealand declared Nuclear Free Zone, Mauna Loa eruption, Ethiopian drought 1985 End major drought in Sahel, Mikhail Gorbachev elected and introduces reforms, Treaty of Raratonga sets up nuclear-free zone in Pacific, Earthquake in Mexico City, eruption of Nevado Del Ruiz in Colombia, end of Ethiopian drought, Cote D’Azur fire in France, Ethiopian drought, Tuberculosis hits Thailand 1986 Nuclear power plant disaster at Chernobyl, Volcano in Cameroon Africa, New Zealand eruption 1987 Fire in Manchuria, fire in Borneo, Saragosa TX tornado, Landslide in Colombia, “Great Storm” in Kent, England 1988 Cease fire in Iran-Iraq War, Spitak Armenia quake kills 100,000, Yellowstone fire, Hurricane in Jamaica, flood in Khartoum, Sudan, Meningitis outbreak in Chad AFR, Flooding in Bangladesh, Earthquake in Nepal 1989 Loma Prieta CA Quake, mass demonstrations for democracy in Tiananmen Square end in massacre, Berlin Wall deconstructed, US soldiers invade Panama and depose leader, geomagnetic storm plunges Montreal CAN into darkness, Earthquake in Australia 1990 Namibia gets independence, Civil war in Liberia, Nelson Mandela freed in S Africa and apartheid starts to be dismantled, Iraq invades Kuwait, starting Gulf War, E and W Germany unified, Solidarity party’s Lech Walesa elected president of Poland, Margaret Thatcher loses power in Britain, Sandinistas defeated in Nicaraguan elections, Aristide elected president of Haiti until 2004, Earthquake in N Iran kills 45,000, also landslide, earthquake in Philippines, flood in Australia 1991 Channel Tunnel meets, end of revolutionary regime in Ethiopia, Allied forces liberate Kuwait, Breakup of Soviet Union, resignation of Gorbachev and Yeltsin takes power, Yugoslavia breaks up into civil war, Eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in Philippines, Cyclone 2B hits Bangladesh, Yangtze River floods in China, Kilauea HI erupts, Earthquake in Costa Rica, earthquake and avalanche in French Alps, earthquake in Afghanistan, Mt. Pinatubo erupts in Philippines, cyclone hits Bangladesh, earthquake in India, flooding in China, Unzen volcano eruption in Japan 1992 Florida hurricanes including Hurricane Andrew, Drought in S AFR, Lexus developed by Toyota, End of civil War in El Salvador, UN Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, BRA, Gomeç Turkey avalanche, plague of locusts in Africa, drought in Zimbabwe, Earthquake in Turkey, Storm in France 1993 Mayon eruption, Drought at horn of AFR, Drought in S AFR, fire hits Sumatra, Fire in Borneo, Eritrea breaks from Ethiopia, Israelis and Palestinians sign Oslo Peace Accords, Aboriginals win land rights in Australia, Storm of the Century in Eastern US, Mississippi River floods, Flooding in Argentina, Earthquake in India, flooding in Nepal, Tsunami hits Japan, Earthquake in New Guinea 1994 Northridge, Los Angeles CA quake, Drought at horn of AFR, African National Congress wins multiracial elections in S Africa, Genocide in Rwanda after Hutus assassinate president and 750,000 Tutsis, Drought and fire in Australia 1995 Kobe Japan earthquake, Popocatepetl begins erupting (MEX), Eruption and mudflow at Nevado del Ruiz, Earthquake and tsunami in south Peru, Itzhak Rabin of Israel assassinated, eruption of Mount Sakurajima in Japan, Cholera outbreak in Peru, Kobe earthquake in Japan, earthquake in Russia 1996 Volcano and flood in Iceland, tornado in Bangladesh 1997 End of 2 years of eruptions for MEX Popocatepetl, Mobutu deposed in Zaire after 32 year rule, Jenny Shipley becomes Prime Minister of New Zealand, Hong Kong returned to China, tornado in Jarrell Texas, Major storm in Denver CO, Hurricane in Mexico, Volcano in lesser Antilles, Locusts in Mauritania NW AFR, flood in Somalia, flood in Eritrea AFR, Earthquake in Italy, Flood in Spain, Flood in Poland, Cyclone in Bangladesh, Typhoon in S Vietnam, “Bird Flu” in Hong Kong, flood in India, Fire in Australia, Drought and freeze in New Guinea, landslide and avalanche in Australia 1998 Hurricane in Honduras and Nicaragua, fire in the Amazon, Good Friday Peace Agreement in N Ireland, Good Friday Agreement aims at peace in N Ireland, Ice storm in Montreal CAN, Sanford FL tornadoes, Flooding in Peru, flood in Kenya, earthquake in Afghanistan, Earthquake in China, Flood in Australia, tsunami in Papua New Guinea, flood in Bangladesh 1999 Mudslide in El Tololar, earthquake in Colombia, Macao – last European colony in Asia reverts to Chinese rule, Bill Clinton survives congressional impeachment, Australia rejects proposal to become a republic, Scottish Parliament set up in Edinburgh, Welsh Assembly set up at Cardiff, Avalanche in Austrian Alps, Oklahoma tornado 2000 UN sets agenda for new millennium at NY Summit meeting, Sydney hosts successful Olympic games 2001 Earthquake in Olympia region WA, Earthquake and tsunami in south Peru, Gujarat earthquake, US invades Afghanistan and ousts Taliban regime, US rejects Kyoto warming agreements, al-Qaeda terrorists attack World Trade Center 2002 Blacks seize white-owned farms in Zimbabwe, East Timor gains independence from Indonesia 2003 US and Britain invade Iraq and topple Saddam Hussein, mapping of entire human genome complete 2004 European Union expands to 25 members, President Aristide of Haiti deposed, earthquake in Bam, S Iran kills over 40,000 2006 Church membership reaches 12,868,606, 124 temples in operation 123 Sacramento CA 124 Helsinki Finland 2007 Virginia Tech massacre, British prime minister Tony Blair steps down, flooding in Britain, Bridge collapses in MN, 5 Utah miners trapped