Dr. Ir. Ward ANSEEUW Agricultural and Land Development Economist PERSONAL DATA Nationality: Date of birth: Place of birth: Marital status: Personal address: Professional address: Phone: Cell: Fax: Email: Belgian 3rd of July 1974 Kigali (Rwanda) Single 95 Matroosberg Road, Waterkloof 0181, Pretoria, South Africa Post Graduate School for Agriculture & Rural Development, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa 012 420 5022 082 852 5035 012 420 3206 ward.anseeuw@up.ac.za EDUCATION 2000-2004 PhD in International and Development Economics University Pierre Mendès-France (UPMF, Grenoble, France) and National Institute for Agricultural Research – Department of Agrarian Systems and Development (INRA SAD, Paris, France). Graduated on the 16th June 2004 with the highest distinction and the unanimous honours of the jury 1998-1999 Masters degree in Agricultural, Agri-business and Rural Development Economics National Agricultural High School of Montpellier (ENSAM, Montpellier, France) and Department of Economics of University of Montpellier (France) 1993-1998 Masters degree in Agricultural Engineering and Applied Biological Sciences Agricultural Economics Department, University of Ghent (Belgium) 1987-1993 High School Belgian School of Kigali (Rwanda) PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS & INTERNSHIPS Sept 07- … Research officer – CIRAD researcher (French International Centre for Agricultural Research and Development, Unit Markets, Policies and Collective action ARENA) seconded to UP-PGSARD (University of Pretoria, Post-graduate School for Agricultural and Rural Development) (Pretoria) Jan 05-Aug 07 Research officer – UP-PGSARD (post-doctoral position) and CIRAD-ARENA Associate researcher (Pretoria) Apr 03-Jan 04 Research Officer (post-doctoral position) – LSE (London School of Economics) and IFAS (French Institute of South Africa) (Johannesburg) May 00-Jul 03 Research officer (doctoral position) – INRA SAD (Paris) Jan-May 00 Research assistant – United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (Geneva) 1998-1999 Masters internship – French-South African Scientific Co-operation (INRA – UP) (Pretoria) 1997-1998 Masters internship – University of Ghent (Belgium) and UP (Pretoria) 1 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Main research projects (Fund raising, coordination, main research): 2009-… 2009-… 2007-2009 “Commercial pressures on land” (Extensive study of large-scale land acquisitions, based on more than 25 case studies around the world, in collaboration with the International Land Coalition) “Assessment of contractual agreements for agricultural market access in South Africa: A smallholders' perspective” (Contract farming analysis, in collaboration with CIRAD, UP, National Agricultural Marketing Council, Westen Cape department of Agriculture) “Communal land reform and policy in South Africa” (Securing land and policy development processes, in collaboration with CIRAD, UP, IRAM-France, French Development Agency End 2005-… “Agricultural policy development in the framework of NEPAD” (Renovation of agricultural policy in Africa, in collaboration with: CIRAD, UP, NEPAD, Tegemeo Institute for Policy Analysis-Kenya, ISRA-BAME-Senegal) 2005 “Linking land reform to sustainable development in South Africa” (Evaluation of land reform programmes in South Africa, in collaboration with UP, University of Limpopo (South Africa), Department of Agriculture and Department of Land Affairs of South Africa) 2004-2005 “Southern Africa and the crisis in Zimbabwe” (A comparative study of land reform policies and analysis of the impact of the Zimbabwean crisis on land policies in neighbouring countries, in collaboration with LSE, IFAS, CIRAD, FAO Southern African Regional Office 2000-2003 “The conversion of retrenched mineworkers towards agriculture and public policies (South Africa)” (Economic analysis of South Africa’s agrarian and land reforms, in collaboration with INRA, Agricultural Research Council (South-Africa), Department of Agriculture of the Northern Cape (South Africa), National Union of Mineworkers (Kimberley, South-Africa) 1999 “Household, Family or Economic Unit: Identification of the pertinent economic units for development (South Africa)” (Masters project, socio-economic analysis of decision-making processes, in collaboration with INRA, CIRAD, UP, Department of Agriculture of the Northern Cape (South Africa)) 1998 “Socio-economic survey of the informal cut flower market of Pretoria (South Africa)” (Masters project, socio-economic baseline study of informal markets, in collaboration with University of Ghent (Belgium), UP, Agricultural Research Council (South-Africa) Main other research projects (participating as researcher): 2007 - … “Land in Kenya – issues, policies and conflicts” (In collaboration with CIRAD, UP, KIPPRA-Kenya) 2007 - … “Limpopo Basin Focal Project” (Challenge Program on Water and Food, in collaboration with IWMI, FANRPAN, University of Limpopo, University of Zimbabwe, University of E. Mondlane, etc.) 2006 - … “Water governance in South Africa” (SAFE Water, in collaboration with UP, CIRAD, department of Water Affairs (South Africa)) 2006 “Structural Implications of Liberalization on Agriculture and Rural Development” (In collaboration with World Bank, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Development Bank Southern Africa, Tegemeo-Kenya, etc.) 2 Consultancy projects (short term): 2009 MCC & Saivavo Consulting – “Evaluation de la réforme foncière à Madagascar” 2007 Department of Agriculture (South Africa) - agricultural economist consultant – “Evaluation of possible increase of SA’s cereal, vegetable and fruit exports” 2006 - 2007 World Bank, Ruralstruc Programme – agricultural economist consultant – “Analysis of the structural implications of trade liberalisation on agriculture” 2004 Department of Agriculture of Northern Cape – agricultural expert – “Advice on Northern Cape’s agrarian reform” 2001-2003 INRA-SAD APT - external advisor – “Development of INRA-SAD’s research programme in the framework of their restructuring” Lecturing activities: University of Pretoria – Department of Agricultural Economics and Post Graduate School of Agriculture and Rural Development (Honours and Masters level) - Rural Development Studies (Course leader) - Natural Resource Management - Research methodology 2007 - … COMPETENCES Research & evaluation Public policy analysis, in particular agricultural and land policies (political economy analysis, institutional analysis) and their structural impacts (policy evaluation) Socio-economic analysis (agricultural and development economics related to livelihood diversity, farm trajectories, labour issues); evaluation of land and agricultural policies () Qualitative and quantitative analysis mainly related to land and agricultural reform, development and extension projects. Practical Developing and formalizing research projects in collaboration with other partners and institutions (Fund raising, development, coordination and implementation of collaborative research projects) Designing and implementing field surveys for quantitative and qualitative research analyses Capacity building and communication Lecturing and student follow-up (3 PhDs, Masters) Restitution, communication and knowledge transfer skills (to local actors, organizations, researchers) Article review, seminar discussant, conference organisation ************************* Languages Dutch: French: English: Afrikaans: Swahili, German, Spanish: Computer sciences General Programs Mother tongue Mother tongue level Fluent Good knowledge Basic/School knowledge Windows, Office, Netscape 3 Statistical Programs SPSS OTHER Member: IAAE (International Association of Agricultural Economists) AEASA (Agricultural economics Association of South Africa) Research and Regulation Association of Social Economics REFEREES Dr. Johann KIRSTEN Department agricultural Economics University of Pretoria Pretoria 0002 SOUTH AFRICA Tel : + 27 (0)12 420 3248 Johann.kirsten@up.ac.za Dr. Luc D’HAESE Department Agricultural Economics (Univ. of Ghent) Coupure Links 653 9000 Gent BELGIUM Tel : + 32 (0)9 264 60 88 Luc.dhaese@rug.ac.be Dr. Catherine LAURENT INRA-SAD 16, Rue Claude Bernard 75231 Paris Cedex 05 FRANCE Tel : + 33 (0)1 44 08 72 89 Laurent@inapg.inra.fr Dr Jacques MARZIN CIRAD – ARENA TA 60/15 – 73 rue Jean-Francois Breton 34 398 Montpellier Cedez 5 FRANCE Tel: + 33 4 67 61 57 56 Jacques.marzin@cirad.fr 4