ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION SECTION 04 20 00 - UNIT MASONRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION SUMMARY This Section includes unit masonry assemblies consisting of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1.03 A. RELATED SECTIONS Related Sections include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1.04 Face Brick Concrete masonry units Installation of salvaged brick. Mortar Building in of expansion joints, wall reinforcing, ties, anchors and other items required. Install all loose steel lintels. Prepare masonry openings, chases and recesses as required. Prepare openings for pre-cast concrete and trim. Install hollow metal door frames in masonry walls. Cold weather protection when required. Fire-rated concrete masonry units. Ties and Anchors. Embedded flashings, weep holes. Install expansion joint fillers for vertical expansion in masonry walls. Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 03 05 05 07 07 07 08 08 45 12 50 84 62 92 51 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 13 00 – – - Architectural Pre-Cast Concrete; mock-ups Structural Steel; Relief Shelf Angles. Metal Fabrications; Steel Lintels. Firestopping. Sheet metal flashing and trim. Joint Sealers; Masonry Expansion Joints. Aluminum Windows; mock-ups Louvers and Vents. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data for each type of masonry unit, accessory, and other manufactured products, including certifications that each type complies with specified requirements. Submit fire tests for rated concrete masonry units. B. Samples: For verification purposes submit the following: UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 1 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Facing brick samples for each type face brick required. Include in each set the full range of exposed color and texture to be expected in the completed work. Colored masonry mortar samples, showing full extent of colors available. Batching Controls: Submit method for measuring and batching mortar materials, including color pigments at the job site in order that proportions for the mortar can be accurately controlled and manufactured. Submit samples of each masonry anchoring system, including fasteners and sleeves. reinforcement shop drawings showing in elevation all reinforcement, including dowels and splices. C. Mix Designs: For each type of mortar and grout. Include description of type and proportions of ingredients. D. 1. Include test reports, per ASTM C 780, for mortar mixes required to comply with property specification. 2. Include test reports, per ASTM C 1019, for grout mixes required to comply with compressive strength requirement. Shop Drawings: 1. 2. 1.05 Detail bending and placement of unit masonry reinforcing bars, comply with ACI 315. Fabricated flashing detail corner units, end-dam units and other special applications. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Referenced Standards: Masonry assemblies shall comply with ACI 530/ASCE 5, T.M.S 402. "Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures", and ACI 530.1/ASCE 6, "Specifications for Masonry Structures, and their Commentaries". B. Fire Performance Characteristics: Where fire-resistance ratings are indicated for unit masonry work, provide materials and construction which are identical to those of assemblies whose fire endurance has been determined by testing in compliance with ASTM E 119 by a recognized testing and inspecting organization or by another means, as acceptable to authority having jurisdiction. C. Field Constructed Mock-Up: Prior to installation of masonry work, erect sample walls representative of completed masonry work required for project with respect to qualities of appearance, materials and construction. Provide for a minimum of three (3) mock-ups as directed by the Architect. Locate mock-up on site in locations as directed by Architect. Retain mock-up during construction as standard for judging completed masonry work. For the following types of masonry, build mock-ups which are approximately 4 ft. long by 4 ft. high (1200 x 1200mm) by full thickness including back-up wythes. When directed, demolish mock-ups and remove from site. The following mock-ups are UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 2 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION required. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. D. Masonry Testing Service: The Owner will engage a qualified testing laboratory,(ASTM C 1093) to test mortar and grout composition, properties, and strengths, according to ASTM E 548. The Owner shall engage an inspector to verify the placement and grouting of reinforcement per reviewed shop drawings. 1. 1.06 A. 1.07 Typical exterior face brick wall, which shall include a window assembly with pre-cast trim. Where masonry is to match existing, erect panels parallel to existing surface. Use mortar composition determined by testing laboratory to match existing, see article 3.13, paragraph A. Use specified or selected mortar colors. Strike joints as directed by the Architect. Erect samples in sufficient time that mortar has at least one week of dry weather to cure before presentation to Architect and Owner. Approval of mock-ups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups, unless such deviations are specifically approved by Architect in writing. When new masonry work is to match existing, the Owner will employ and pay for a testing laboratory to evaluate the existing mortar and prepare findings on it's composition, see article on Quality Control, Part III Execution, this Section. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Deliver masonry materials to project in undamaged condition. Store and handle masonry units to prevent their deterioration or damage due to moisture, temperature changes, contaminants, corrosion or other causes. PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS A. Protection of Work: During erection, cover top of walls with waterproof sheeting at end of each day's work. Cover partially completed structure when work is not in progress. Extend cover a minimum of 24 inches(600mm) down both sides and hold cover securely in place. B. Do not apply uniform floor or roof loading for at least 12 hours after building masonry walls or columns. C. Do not apply concentrated loads for at least 3 days after building masonry walls or columns. D. Staining: Prevent grout or mortar or soil from staining the face of masonry to be left exposed or painted. Remove immediately grout or mortar in contact with such masonry. Protect base of walls from rain-splashed mud and mortar splatter by means of covering a spread on ground and over wall surface. UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 3 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION E. F. Protect sills, ledges and projections from droppings of mortar. Cold Weather Protection: Perform the following construction procedures while masonry work is progressing. Temperature ranges indicated below apply to air temperatures existing at time of installation. 1. 2. 3. 4. G. 40 deg. F to 32 deg. F(4.4 to 0 deg.C): Heat mixing water to produce mortar temperature between 40 deg. F and 120 deg.F.(4.4 to 48.8 deg.C). Prior to the building being enclosed by walls, if the outside temperature shall fall below 32 deg F(0 deg.C) at any time during the day or night, it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to provide a temporary enclosure to maintain a temperature of 40 deg F(4.4 deg.C) throughout the entire work area. Heat shall be evenly distributed throughout work area. Accelator may be submitted for review if cooler temperatures are significantly limiting production rates. Comply with cold-weather construction requirements contained in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602. Hot weather requirements: comply with ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 BRICK A. Defective Units: Referenced masonry unit standards may allow a certain percentage of units to exceed tolerances and to contain chips, cracks, or other defects exceeding limits stated in the standard. Do not uses units where such defects, including dimensions that vary from specified dimensions by more than stated tolerances, will be exposed in the completed Work or will impair the quality of completed masonry. B. Face Brick: New face brick to match existing. 1. New face brick to be a blend of brick to match existing face brick in color, texture and size (utility brick). Sizes include, but are not limited to: 4 by 12 by 4 inches and 4 by 8 by 4 inches. 2. Molded brick (oversize brick) at Atrium and Planetarium. Sizes include, but are not limited to: 4 by 12 by 4 inches. 3. Submit samples for Architect's approval. Contractor shall initiate search for matching brick immediately upon award of construction contract. Delay in project schedule due to tardy presentation of brick samples by contractor will not be acceptable. If sufficient quantity of salvaged existing brick exists after patching, salvaged brick may be mixed with new brick to achieve match if approved by Architect. UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 4 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION C. Cash Allowance for Brick. 1. General Conditions of the Contract include the following subparagraph pertaining to "Allowances": a. " the Contractor's costs for unloading and handling on the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, profit and other expenses contemplated for the original allowance shall be included in the Contract Sum and not in the allowance;".... 2. Cash allowance for brick, includes delivery of brick to project site (F.O.B.). 3. Allowance: $500 per 1,000 brick, delivered. D. Face brick shall conform to ASTM C 216, Type SW, Minimum 3000 psi, Type "FBS" with an initial rate of absorption less than 20g/30 sq, in.(20g/ per minute when tested per ASTM C67. E. Efflorescence: Provide brick that has been tested according to ASTM C 67 and is rated not efflorescenced. F. For sills, caps and similar applications resulting in exposure of brick surfaces which otherwise would be concealed from view, provide uncored or unfrogged units with all exposed surfaces finished. G. Common Brick: Concealed locations only. minumum compressive strenrth 3000 psi. 2.02 ASTM C 62, Grade SW, CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS (CMU) MATERIALS A. Size: Manufacturer's standard size plain block units with nominal face dimensions of 8 inches x 16 inches(200 x 400mm). Thickness of units as indicated on the drawings. B. Concrete Brick: Manufacturer's standard, solid, 3-5/8 inches x 7-5/8 inches x 2-1/4 inches(92 x 57 x 194mm). C. Special Shapes: Provide where required for lintels, corners, jambs, sash, control joints, headers, bonding and other special conditions. D. Hollow load bearing units - ASTM C 90, Grade N-I; normal weight. E. Hollow non-load bearing units - ASTM C 129, Type I. only); light weight. F. Solid load bearing units - ASTM C 90, Grade N-I; normal weight. G. Exposed concrete block (painted and non-painted) shall have tight texture, medium smoothness, uniform color. UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 5 (Interior (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION H. All units shall be sound and free from cracks or other defects that would interfere with the proper placing of the units or impair the strength and appearance. I. Cure units in moisture-controlled atmosphere or in autoclave at normal pressure, temperature to comply with ASTM C 90, Type I. J. Limit moisture absorption during delivery and until time of installation to the maximum percentage specified for Type I units. K. Fire-rated concrete masonry units where shown on drawings. 2.03 A. MORTAR MATERIALS Article includes the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Portland cement-lime mix, packaged blend of portland cement complying with ASTM C 150, Type 1 or Type III, and hydrated lime complying with ASTM C 207. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I; Type III for cold weather construction. Low-alkali, nonstaining cement with natural color or white cement and sand as required to produce the mortar color desired. Mortar pigments: natural and synthetic iron oxides and chromium oxides, compounded for use in mortar mixes. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, UBC Standard 21-13. Type S. Aggregate for Mortar: ASTM C144. a. natural white sand or ground white stone. Water: Clean and potable. Colored Mortar: for face brick only. a. Manufacturers of Colored Portland Cement-Lime Mix. 1) 2) 3) Glen-Gery/Oldcastle Corporation "Color Mortar Blend", Wyomissing, PA, (610)-374-4011. Lehigh Portland Cement Co. "Lehigh Custom Color Portland/Lime", Allentown, PA, (800)-523-5488. The Riverton Corporation "Riverton Portland Cement Lime Custom Color", Front Royal, VA (540)-635-4131. b. Manufacturers of Mortar Pigments 1) Davis Colors "True Tone Mortar Colors", Los Angeles, CA, (800)-356-4848. 2) Solomon Grind-Chem Services, Inc. "SGS Mortar Colors", Springfield, IL, (800)-624-0261. 3) Bayer Corporation “Bayferrox Iron Oxide Pigments”, Pittsburgh, PA, (412)-777-2000. d. Match existing mortar colors, as well as texture of aged existing mortar. Contractor shall be prepared to use brush techniques as e. UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 6 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION well as vary aggregate add mixtures to achieve both mortar color and texture of existing cleaned mortar in various locations on existing structure. 1) When attempting to match existing mortar, the Contractor shall submit to a testing laboratory, a sample of the existing mortar to determine it’s contents. 2) Upon determination of the contents of the existing mortar, the Contractor will produce a wall mock-up using the formula for the existing mortar to create new mortar. The Architect will then review the mock-up for approval. 2.06 A. 8. Cold-weather admixture: ASTM C 494/C C494 M, Type C, nonchloride, noncorrosive. a. Manufacturers: 1) Euclid Chemical Co. “Accelguard 80”; Cleveland, OH, (800)-321-7628. 2) W.R. Grace & Co. “Morset”, Cambridge, MA, (866)-333-3726. 3) Sonnebon, Div. of ChemRex, Inc. “Trimix-NCA”, Mahwah, NJ, (201)-760-2940. 9. Water: Potable JOINT REINFORCEMENT Manufacturers 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Horizontal Joint Reinforcing: Provide welded wire units prefabricated in straight lengths of not less than 10 ft.(3m), with match corner ("L") and intersecting ("T") units. Fabricate from cold-drawn steel wire complying with ASTM A 82 and ASTM A 951, and with deformed continuous side rods and plain cross rods, into units with widths of approximately 2 inches(50mm) less than nominal width of walls and partitions as required to position side rods for full embedment in mortar with mortar coverage of not less than 5/8 inch(15mm) on joint faces exposed to exterior and not less than 1/2 inch(12mm) elsewhere. Provide the following type of joint reinforcing, unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. C. AA Wire Products Company, Chicago, IL, (312)-586-6700. Dur-O-Wal, a Division of Dayton Superior, Aurora, IL, (630)-898-1101. Southern Wire, Memphis, TN, (800)-238-0333. Wire Bond, Charolette, NC, (800)-849-7622. Truss type with diagonal cross rods in CMU without vertical reinforcing. Ladder type in CMU with vertical reinforcing. Number of Side Rods: Single pair for single wythe masonry and as indicated for multi-wythe masonry, or if not otherwise indicated, UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 7 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION one side rod for each brick wythe and one side rod for each face shell of each concrete masonry wythe. D. Wire Sizes: Fabricate with W2.8, 0.188 inch(4.8mm) side and cross rods, unless otherwise indicated. Splices welded or lapped shall comply with ACI 530195 Section 8.5.7. E. Wire Finish: Provide manufacturer's standard mill galvanized finish for interior walls ASTM A 82 with ASTM A 641/A 641M Class I coating. For exterior walls hot-dip galvanize joint reinforcing after fabrication to comply with ASTM A 153/A 153M, Class B-2 coating. F. Brick Veneer/CMU adjustable ties: Horizontal joint reinforcing with adjustable ties with pintle and eye connections. Required where face brick coursing does not match CMU coursing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.07 A. Type: Similar to Dur-O-Wall Inc., or approved equal. Type: Dur-O-Wall "Dur-O-Eye"; Truss type wall reinforcement with adjustable wall tie eye sections welded on at 16 inches(407mm) on center. Wall Ties: Minimum 3/16 inch(5mm) diameter rectangular, adjustable wall tie pintle sections. Overall assembly width shall be provided to extend wall ties into brick mortar joints to within 1 inch(25mm) from exterior face of brick. Wire Finish: Hot-dip galvanized finish applied after fabrication. Comply with ASTM A153/A 153M, Class B-2 coating. ANCHORS AND TIES Manufacturers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AA Wire Products Company, Chicago, IL, (312)-586-6700. Dur-O-Wal, a Division of Dayton Superior, Aurora, IL, (630)-898-1101. Heckmann Building Products, Melrose Park, IL, (800)-621-4140. Southern Wire, Memphis, TN, (800)-238-0333. Wire Bond, Charolette, NC, (800)-849-7622. B. Provide straps, bars, bolts and rods fabricated from not less than 16 gage sheet metal or 1/4 inch(6mm) diameter rod stock, unless otherwise indicated. C. Flexible Anchors for anchorage to structural steel: Anchor masonry to structural steel with flexible anchors. Provide 2-piece anchors which will permit horizontal and vertical movement of masonry but will provide lateral restraint. 1. Channel-slot and channel slot anchors. a. Weld-On Ties: 1/4 inch(6mm) diameter wire x 9 UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 8 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION inches(225mm) long. Hot dip galvanized finish. Weld to steel and touch-up welded areas with galvanized paint approved by Architect. b. 2. Column flange tie: Profile and length as required with minimum 2 inch(50mm) leg at masonry wall. a. D. 2.08 A. 1/4 inch (6mm)diameter wire. galvanized finish. ASTM A-82. Hot dip Rigid partition "Z" strap anchors: 3/16 inch(5mm) x 2 inch(50mm) wide x 16 inches(400mm) long with 2 inch(50mm) bend legs at each end. Hot-dip galvanized finish. 1. 2. E. Channel-slot anchors: Triangular type, length as required. 12 gage with 3/16 inch(5mm) diameter wire. Hot dip galvanized finish. For anchoring concrete masonry walls at intersections. Install 16 inches(400mm) o.c.; stagger with horizontal joint reinforcing. Adjustable concealed lintel system for vaulted arches: Halfen, Converse, TX 800-323-6896 Manufacturer is responsible for engineering how concealed lintel system is to support masonry. Some areas to be supported by this system are a herringbone pattern, which may require the manufacturer to modify their system to accommodate the pattern selected. MISCELLANEOUS EMBEDDED MATERIALS Filler for Vertical Expansion Joints 1. 2. 3. Face Brick: 3/8 inch(10mm) x width of face brick, minus 3/8 inch(10mm). Concrete Masonry Units: 1 inch(25mm) x width of concrete masonry units. Material: Neoprene or other filler material approved by Architect, complying with ASTM D 1056, Grade 2A1, compressible up to 35 percent of width and thickness indicated. B. Control Joints: Premolded Control Joint/Expansion Joint Strips: Solid rubber strips with a Shore A durometer hardness of 60 to 80, complying with ASTM D 2000, designed to fit expansion joint and maintain lateral stability in masonry wall, size and configuration as indicated. 3/8 inch(10mm) x width of wall minus 1 inch(25mm). C. Rectangular Weeps: honeycomb rectangular plastic weep hole material; 1-1/2” by 3-1/2” as manufactured by Hohmann and Barnard, Inc. 631-234-0600, , or approved equal. D. Through Wall Membrane Flashing: Width of roll as required to waterproof using one width of material. Contractor's option to use one of the following: UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 9 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION 1. Rubberized Asphalt Sheet Flashing: Self-adhered, fullyadhered 40 mil membrane; 32 mils of pliable and highlyadhesive rubberized asphalt compound integrally bonded to an 8 mil high density cross-laminated, polyethylene film. Supplied in rolls with silicone coated release paper. Surfaces to receive flashing membrane shall be primed prior to membrane application. a. 2. 3. Manufacturers: 1) W. R. Grace and Co.; "Perm-A-Barrier", Cambridge, MA, (866)-333-3726. 2) Polyguard Products, Inc.; "Polyguard 300", Ennis, TX, (800)-541-4994. 3) Hohmann & Barnard, Inc.; "TextroFlash", Hauppauge, NY, (800)-645-0616. Elastomeric thermoplastic Flashing: Manufacturer's standard composite flashing product consisting of a polyesterreinforced ethylene interpolymer alloy, 1.0mm thick with a .4mm thick layer of rubberized-asphalt adhesive. a. Provide flashing as a complete system with preformed corners, end dams, other special shapes, and seaming materials; all produced by flashing sheet manufacturer. b. Manufacturers: 1. Hyload Flashing Membrane; Hyload Cloaked Flashing System, Wadsworth, OH, (800)-457-4056. 2. Approved equal. EPDM flashing: Manufacturer's standard flashing product formed from a terpolymer of ethylene-propylene diene, complying with ASTM D4637, 1mm thick. a. Manufacturers: 1. 2. 3. E. Carlisle, “Pre-Kleened EPDM, thru-wall flashing”, Charlotte, NC, (866)-869-0474. Firestone Building Products, “FlashGuard”, Indianapolis, IN, (800)-4284442. Heckmann Building Products, Inc. “No. 81 EPDM, thruwall flashing”, Melrose Park, IL, (800)-621-4140.. Through Wall Metal Flashing: 1. Aluminum: a. b. 0.032 inch(0.8mm) thick aluminum. ASTM B209; aluminum alloy 3003, temper H14. Mill finish. UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 10 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION F. Cavity Drainage Material: free draining mesh, made from polymer strands that will not degrade within the wall cavity. 1. 2.09 A. MORTAR AND GROUT MIXES General: Do not use admixtures, including pigments, air-entraining agents, accelerators, retarders, water-repellent agents, antifreeze compounds, or other admixtures, unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. 3. C. Manufacturers: a. Advanced Building Products, Inc; “Mortar Break” Springvale, ME, (800)-252-2306. b. Dayton Superior Corporation; “Mortar Stop”, Dayton, OH, (888)-977-9600. c. Mortar Net USA LTD.; “Mortar Net”, Gary, IN, (800)-664-6638. Do not lower the freezing point of mortar by use of admixtures or anti-freeze agents. Do not use calcium chloride in mortar or grout. Add cold-weather admixture (if used) at the same rate for all mortar, regardless of weather conditions, to ensure that mortar color is consistent. Mortar for Unit Masonry: Comply with ASTM C 270, Proportion Specification, for types of mortar required, unless otherwise indicated. 1. The method of measuring materials for the mortar used in construction shall be either volume or weight. Measurement of sand and other mortar materials by shovel is not permitted. Refer to Article 1.03 submittals. D. Use Type S mortar for exterior, above grade loadbearing and non-loadbearing walls, for interior loadbearing walls, and for other applications where another type is not indicated. It is to be used where maximum flexural strength is required and for use when mortar adhesion is the sole bonding agent between facing and backing. E. Above grade face brick shall be type "N" mortar for use on exterior walls subjected to severe exposure, such as parapet walls. Use in restoration of existing walls. F. Use Type M mortar for masonry below grade and in contact with earth, and where indicated. G. Grout for Unit Masonry: Comply with ASTM C 476 for grout for use in construction of reinforced and non-reinforced unit masonry. Use grout of consistency indicated or if not otherwise indicated, of consistency (fine or coarse) at time of placement which will completely fill all spaces intended to receive grout. UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 11 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION 1. 2. 2.10 A. 2.11 A. Coarse concrete grout mix with pea gravel, maximum 3/8 inch(10mm) stone. Minimum 3000 psi. REINFORCEMENT Reinforcement Bars: ASTM A615, Grade 60, Deformed. MASONRY CLEANING MATERIALS Manufacturers 1. Citrus-Based bio-degradable V.O.C. compliant emulsified cleaner/stripper. a. Manufacturer: Conspec "Orange Peel," 1-800-348-7351. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Thickness: Build masonry construction to the full thickness shown, except build single-wythe walls (if any) to the actual thickness of the masonry units, using units of nominal thickness shown or specified. B. Build chases and recesses as shown and as required for the work of other trades. Provide not less than 8 inches(200mm) of masonry between chase or recess and jamb of openings, and between adjacent chases and recesses. C. Cut masonry units with motor-driven saws designed to cut masonry with clean, sharp, unchipped edges. Cut units as required to provide pattern shown and to fit adjoining work neatly. Use full units without cutting wherever possible. Use dry cutting saws to cut concrete masonry units. D. Do not wet concrete masonry units. E. Construction Tolerances: Comply with tolerances in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602 and the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Variation from Plumb: For vertical lines and surfaces do not exceed 1/4 inch(6mm) in any story, nor 1/2 inch(12mm) maximum. Variation from Level: For bed joints and lines of exposed lintels, sills, parapets, and horizontal grooves, do not exceed 1/4 inch(6mm) in 20 feet(6m), nor 1/2 inch(12mm) maximum. Variation of Linear Building Line: For position shown in plan and related portion of columns, walls and partitions, do not exceed 1/2 inch(12mm) in 20 feet(6m), nor 3/4 inch(20mm) in 40 feet(12m) or more. Variation in Mortar Joint Thickness: Do not exceed bed joint UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 12 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION thickness plus or minus 1/8 inch(3mm), with maximum thickness limited to 1/2 inch(12mm). F. Pattern Bond: Lay exposed masonry in the bond pattern shown, or if not shown, lay in running bond vertical joint in each course centered on units in courses above and below. Lay concealed masonry with all units in a wythe bonded by lapping not less than 2 inches. Bond and interlock each course of each wythe at corners, unless otherwise shown. Do not use units with less than nominal 4 inch (100mm) horizontal face dimensions at corners or jambs. G. Match coursing, bonding, color and texture of new masonry with existing masonry on adjacent buildings, unless otherwise directed. H. Layout walls in advance for accurate spacing of surface bond patterns, with uniform joint widths and to properly locate openings, movement-type joints, returns and offsets. Avoid the use of less-than-half size units at corners, jambs and wherever possible at other locations. I. Lay-up walls plumb and with courses level, accurately spaced and coordinated with other work. J. Stopping and Resuming Work: Rack back 1/2 masonry unit length in each course; do not tooth. Clean exposed surfaces of set masonry, wet units lightly (if specified to be wetted), and remove loose masonry units and mortar prior to laying fresh masonry. K. Built-In Work: As the work progresses, build in items specified under this and other sections of these specifications. Fill in solidly with masonry around built-in items. Provide openings and/ or recesses in masonry to receive work by others. 1. 2. 3. Fill space between hollow metal frames and masonry solidly with grout. Where built-in items are to be embedded in cores of hollow masonry units, place a layer of metal lath in the joint below and rod mortar or grout into core. Fill CMU cores with grout 3 courses (24 inches, 600mm) under bearing plates, beams, lintels, posts and similar conditions. See typical beam bearing plate detail on structural drawings. L. Intersecting Loadbearing Walls: If carried up separately, block or tooth vertical joint with 8 inches(200mm) maximum offsets and provide rigid steel anchors spaced not more than 24 inches(600mm) o.c. vertically. Form anchors of galvanized steel not less than 1-1/2 inch x 1/4 inch x 4 ft.(38 x 6 x 1220mm) long with ends turned up not less than 2 inches(50mm) or with cross-pins. If used with hollow masonry units, embed ends in mortar filled cores. M. Non-loadbearing Interior Partition Walls: Build full height of story to underside of solid floor or roof structure above, unless otherwise indicated. UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 13 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION 3.02 MORTAR BEDDING AND JOINTING A. Lay brick bed, head fill head joints or B. Lay hollow concrete masonry units with full mortar coverage on horizontal and vertical face shells. Bed webs in mortar in starting course on footings and foundation walls and in all courses of piers, columns and pilasters, and where adjacent to cells or cavities to be reinforced or to be filled with concrete or grout. For starting courses on footings where cells are not grouted, spread out full mortar bed including areas under cells. C. Joints: Maintain joint widths shown, or match adjacent existing joint widths, except for minor variations required to maintain bond alignment. If not otherwise indicated, lay new walls in new construction with 3/8 inch(9mm) joints. Cut joints flush for masonry walls which are to be concealed or to be covered by other materials. Tool exposed joints slightly concave in new construction using a jointer larger than joint thickness. Match existing tooled joints when patching or repairing existing walls in existing buildings. Rake out mortar in preparation for application of caulking or sealants where shown. (ADD#4) D. Remove masonry units disturbed after laying; clean and relay in fresh mortar. Do not pound corners at jambs to fit stretcher units which have been set in position. If adjustments are required, remove units, clean off mortar, and reset in fresh mortar. 3.03 and solid concrete masonry units with completely filled and collar joints; butter ends with sufficient mortar to joints and shove into place. Do not deeply furrow bed slush head joints. CAVITY WALLS A. Keep cavity clean of mortar droppings and other materials during construction. Strike joints facing cavity flush. B. Tie exterior wythe to back-up with continuous horizontal joint reinforcing, installed in mortar joints at not more than 16 inches(406mm) o.c. vertically and 36 inches horizontally. Stagger ties in alternate courses. Provide additional ties within 12 inches(300mm) of openings and space not more than 36 inches(900mm) apart around perimeter openings. 3.04. A. 3.05 A. CAVITY DRAINAGE MATERIAL Provide cavity drainage material and install at bottom of all veneer walls to prevent mortar droppings from clogging weep holes. Netting is approximately 5'-0" long x 10 inches high x 1 inch thick (1524 x 250mm x 25mm). Any gaps over 1/4 inch should be filled with rigid backer against sheathing or block. WEEP HOLES Provide weep holes in exterior wythe of masonry walls located UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 14 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION immediately above ledges and flashing, spaced 16 inches(400mm) o.c. 3.06 HORIZONTAL JOINT REINFORCING A. Provide continuous horizontal joint reinforcing as shown and specified. Fully embed longitudinal side rods in mortar for their entire length with a minimum cover of 5/8 inch(16mm) on exterior side of walls and 1/2 inch(12mm) at other locations. Lap reinforcement a minimum of 12 inches(300mm). Do not bridge control and expansion joints with reinforcing, unless otherwise indicated. Provide continuity at corners and wall intersections by use of prefabricated "L" and "T" sections. Cut and bend units as directed by manufacturer for continuity at returns, offsets, column fireproofing, pipe enclosures and other special conditions. B. Space continuous horizontal reinforcing as follows: C. 1. For multi-wythe walls (solid or cavity) where continuous horizontal reinforcing acts as structural bond or tie between wythes, space reinforcing as required by code but not less than 16 inches(400mm) o.c. vertically. 2. For single-wythe walls, space reinforcing at 16 inches(400mm) o.c. vertically, unless otherwise indicated. 3. For parapets, space reinforcing at 8 inches(200mm) o.c. vertically, unless otherwise indicated. Space brick veneer/CMU adjustable ties as follows: 1. D. 3.07 Space adjustable ties 16 inches(400mm) on center vertically and maximum 16 inches(400mm) on center horizontally, staggered, unless otherwise indicated. Reinforce masonry openings greater than 12 inches(300mm) wide, with horizontal joint reinforcing placed in two horizontal joints approximately 8 inches(200mm) apart, both immediately above lintels and below sills. Extend reinforcing a minimum of 24 inches(600mm) beyond jambs of the opening. ANCHORING MASONRY WORK A. Provide anchoring devices of the type indicated. If not indicated, provide standard type for facing and back-up involved. B. Anchor masonry to structural members where masonry abuts or faces such members to comply with the following: 1. Build masonry tight to faces of structural members, same as the existing buildings. 2. Anchor masonry to structural members with metal ties embedded in masonry joints and attached to structure. UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 15 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION 3. 3.08 Space anchors 16 inches(400mm) O.C. vertically and 16 inches(400mm) O.C. horizontally, unless otherwise indicated. ANCHORING MASONRY VENEERS A. Brick veneer/CMU adjustable ties: space ties 16 inches(400mm) O.C. vertically and 16 inches(400mm) O.C. horizontally staggered, unless otherwise indicated. B. Mortar Netting: Provide "Mortar Net" or approved equal, and install at bottom of veneer wall to prevent mortar droppings from clogging weep holes. Netting is 5'-0" long x .8 inch (1524 x 23mm) thick. 3.10 LINTELS A. Install loose lintels of steel where required. Provide minimum bearing of 8 inches (200mm) at each jamb, unless otherwise indicated. B. Flashing of Masonry Work 1. Provide concealed flashings in masonry work at, or above, all shelf angles, lintels, ledges and other obstructions to the downward flow of water in the wall so as to divert such water to the exterior. Prepare masonry surfaces smooth and free from projections which could puncture flashing. Place through-wall flashing on bed of mortar and cover with mortar. Seal penetrations in flashing with mastic before covering with mortar. 2. Extend flashings the full length of lintels and shelf angles and minimum of 4 inches(100mm) masonry each end. Extend flashing through the exterior face, through the outer wythe, turned up a minimum of 4 inches(100mm), and through the inner wythe to within 1/2 inch(12mm) of the interior face of the wall in exposed work. Where interior surface of inner wythe is concealed by furring, carry flashing completely through the inner wythe and turn up approximately 2 inches(50mm). At heads and sills turn up ends not less than 2 inches(50mm) to form a pan. a. b. Exterior flashings shall "lip-out" the exterior face of the exterior wall. Cut off flashing flush with face of wall after masonry wall construction is completed. Turn down sheet metal flashing at exterior face of masonry to form drip. 3. Provide weep holes in the head joints of the same course of masonry bedded in the flashing mortar. 4. Install flashings in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 16 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION 5. 3.11 Install reglets and nailers for flashing and other related work where shown to be built into masonry work. CONTROL AND EXPANSION JOINTS A. Install control and expansion joints in unit masonry where indicated. Build-in related items as masonry progresses. Do not form a continuous span through movement joints unless provisions are made to prevent in-place restraint of wall or partition movement. B. Form control joints in concrete masonry: 1. 2. 3. 4. Fit bond-breaker strips into hollow contour in ends of concrete masonry units on one side of control joint. Fill resultant core with grout and rake out joints in exposed faces for application of sealant. Install preformed control-joint gaskets designed to fit standard sash block. Install interlocking units designed for control joints. Install bond-breaker strips at joint. Keep head joints free and clear of mortar or rake out joint for application of sealant. Install temporary foam-plastic filler in head joints and remove filler when unit masonry is complete for application of sealant. C. Form expansion joints in brick: 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.12 Build flanges of metal expansion strips into masonry. Lap each joint 4 inches (100 mm) in direction of water flow. Seal joints below grade and at junctures with horizontal expansion joints if any. Build flanges of factory-fabricated, expansion-joint units into masonry. Build in compressible joint fillers where indicated. Form open joint full depth of brick wythe and of width indicated, but not less than 3/8 inch (10 mm) for installation of sealant and backer rod specified in Division 07 Section "Joint Sealants." REPAIR, POINTING AND CLEANING A. Repair: Remove and replace masonry units which are loose, chipped, broken, stained or otherwise damaged, or if units do not match adjoining units as intended. Provide new units to match adjoining units and install in fresh mortar or grout, pointed to eliminate evidence of replacement. B. Pointing: During the tooling of joints, enlarge any voids or holes, except weep holes, and completely fill with mortar. Point-up all joints at corners, openings and adjacent work to provide a neat, uniform appearance, properly prepared for application of caulking or sealant compounds. UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 17 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION C. Cleaning: Clean new brick masonry surfaces by the bucket and brush hand cleaning method. Comply with requirements of BIA Technical Notes No. 20 "Cleaning Brick Masonry." 1. 2. 3. B. If citrus based cleaners do not clean sufficiently: use acidic Cleaner for existing brick to remain exposed: Manufacturer's standard strength acidic masonry restoration cleaner composed of hydrofluoric acid blended with other acids including trace of phosphoric acid and combined with special wetting systems and inhibitors. 1. 2. 3.13 Use commercial cleaning agents in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, if approved by Architect. Face brick: No muriatic acid permitted. a. No high pressure (over 300 psi.). b. Water shall be clean and potable. Clean exposed CMU masonry by dry brushing at the end of each day's work and after final pointing to remove mortar spots and droppings. Comply with recommendations in NCMA TEK Bulletin No. 8-2A. Diedrich Technologies, Inc.; "101G Granite, Terra Cotta and Brick", Oak Creek, WI, (800)-323-3565. Pro So Co., Inc.; "Sure Klean Restoration Cleaner", Kansas City, KS (913)-281-2700. QUALITY CONTROL A. When new masonry work is to match existing, the Owner will employ and pay for a testing laboratory to evaluate the existing mortar and prepare findings on it's composition. The Contractor will be responsible to prepare a mock-up wall section using the composition of mortar in the laboratory's findings. The Architect will review the mock-up to determine if the mortar composition does match the existing mortar in color, texture and appearance. B. The Owner will employ and pay all costs for a testing laboratory to perform quality control testing during construction, including a certified technician to obtain samples at the job site. 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. Testing Frequency: Tests and evaluations listed in this article will be performed during construction for each 5000 sq. ft.(465sq.m.) of wall area or portion thereof. Evaluate mortar composition and properties; ASTM C 780.(UBC Standard 21-16) Test mortar properties; ASTM C 270. Test grout used in masonry construction; ASTM C 1019.(UBC Standard 21-18). Brick tests: ASTM C67 Concrete Masonry Unit tests: ASTM C 140. Prism Test: ASTM C 1314 at 7 days and 28 days. Evaluation of Quality Control Tests: In absence of other UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 18 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION 9. 10. 3.14 indications of noncompliance with requirements, masonry will be considered satisfactory if results from construction quality control tests comply with minimum requirements indicated. The results will be reported in writing to Architect, Owner and Contractor on same day that tests are made. Verify location and grouting of all reinforcement including joint reinforcement, and the splices of such in accord with reviewed shop drawings. WASTE MANAGEMENT A. Separate and recycle waste materials in accordance with the Waste Management Plan and to the maximum extent economically feasible. B. Fold up metal banding, flatten, and place in designated area for recycling. C. Collect wood packing shims and pallets and place in designated area. D. Place unused mixed mortar in designated locations where lowerstrength mortar meets the requirements for bulk fill; for example, use as retaining wall footing ballast, cavity fill at grade, or underground utility pipe kickers. E. Waste Disposal as Fill Material: Dispose of clean masonry waste, including excess or soil-contaminated sand, waste mortar, and broken masonry units, by crushing and mixing with fill material as fill is placed. 1. 2. 3. Crush masonry waste to less than 4 inches (100 mm) in each dimension. Mix masonry waste with at least two parts of specified fill material for each part of masonry waste. Fill material is specified in Division 31 Section "Earth Moving." Do not dispose of masonry waste as fill within 18 inches (450 mm) of finished grade. F. Excess Masonry Waste: Remove excess clean masonry waste that cannot be used as fill, as described above, and other masonry waste, and legally dispose of off Owner's property. END OF SECTION UNIT MASONRY 04 20 00 - 19 (45307035)