Session 12B: 1600 – 1730 - International Rural Network

IRN Conference: Inverness, 23-27 June 2003: PROGRAMME
Sunday 22 June:
Arrival of delegates.
There will be Registrations during the afternoon from 4pm and evening and an Informal
Welcome Reception and Performance at 6pm-8pm in Eden Court Theatre. Dr James Hunter, the
well-known Historian of the Highlands and Islands, Crofting and Scottish Emigration, and
currently Chairman of Highlands and Islands Enterprise, will welcome the participants. Highland
traditional music will be provided by Feis Rois.
Day 1, Monday 23 June:
Community & Local Development
[Day Chair: Agnes Rennie, MBE]
0900-0930 Conference Opening [10 minutes each]
Prof. John Bryden: Conference Chair: Welcome/ Conference Objectives
Prof. David McSwan: IRN Chair: Opening remarks/ IRN
Agnes Rennie MBE: Day Chair. What we want from today
[the day chair will introduce the speakers unless there is a session chair to do this]
Session 1: 0930-1100
Plenary Session
[20 minutes each + 10 mins questions]
Norman Drummond, Columba 1400, Skye, Scotland: ‘The Columba 1400 experience in
community and international leadership’.
Sandor Koles, Carpathian Foundation, Slovakia: ‘Turning the Pyramid on its head in Central
and Eastern Europe’
Billie Jean Young, Southern Rural Black Women’s Initiative, Alabama, USA: ‘The Arts and
Community Empowerment’
11.00-11.30 Coffee
Session 2A: 1130-1300
Plenary Session
Prof. Baburao Baviskar, Institute of Social Studies, Delhi, India*: ‘Womens’ empowerment in
India through the legislating of gender balance in village councils (Panchayat)’
Mr. Emmanuel Kallonga, HakiKazi Catalyst, Tanzania, Alana Albee, DFID Tanzania and
George Clark, Caledonia Centre for Social Development: ‘The Popularization of Poverty Policy
in Tanzania’.
Marta Marczis, Hungarian Rural Parliament, Hungary: ‘Hearing the Rural Voice: Rural
Parliaments and Social Movements’
Session 2B, 3A and 4A:
Optional Round Tables, Workshops, Panel and Paper Sessions: 1130-1300, 1400-1530,
and-1600 – 1730.
Workshop/roundtables are grouped according to topic. Each item stands as a separate workshop
although some have or may be combined due to parallel interests or capacity constraints.
Note – Room designations in bold – see Venue map for locations. Session number (and thus time)
is also indicated.
I. Village Halls and Centres as a Vehicle for Local Development and Empowerment of
Local Communities
Key presenters/topics:
1: Harry Hassel, Coigach Community Hall; Alison Kettles, Birnam Inst
Community Development Of Village Halls And Centres – The Pros And Cons.” HC1 – 2B
II. Information & Communications Technologies in Community Empowerment
Key presenters/topics:
1: Simon Berry, Ruralnet and Bruce Ware, Rural Gateway: “Achieving Collaboration between
Rural Online Communities”
HC2 – 3A
2: Ann Craig : ICT in Rural Communities: Inclusive Communities today or Isolation
Confirming Technologies?
HC2 – 4A
III: Community and Local Enterprise
Key presenters/topics:
1: Vickie Rightmyre: The Local Rural Enterprise Initiative – measuring performance EC3 – 3A
2: Tor Justad: Scottish Coop: Development of the Community Cooperative Movement in the
Highlands & Islands.
HC£ - 2B
IV. Local Community Capacity-Building
Key presenters/topics:
1: Nick Holliday, CA: Empowering Local Communities – an English perspective from the CA.
EC2 – 4A
2: John Chapman: NA/UK CE: A Model for Individual and Community Capacity Development
HH2 – 2B
3: Hugh Donaldson & Sarah MacLean,Murdo MacKay, Initiative at the Edge: Prioritising remote,
fragile communities through multi-agency partnerships”
HC5 – 4A
4: Estrella Gualda Caballero Mª José del Pino Espejo – Human development in Andalusia. A
comparative overview of the Spanish and European policy context.
5: Meg Telfour, Vanessa Halhead: Dùthchas - Local Community Planning for Sustainable
V:. Rural Community Transport
Key presenters/topics:
1: Ewan Jones, Maggie Lawson Jill Brewer. Communities On The Move –The Reality Of Local
Community Transport Development
EC3 – 4A
VI. Community Land Purchase & Land Reform
Key presenters/topics:
1: Catherine Francis , Andrew Anderson: HIE CLU. Community Empowerment through Land
HC3 – 3A
2: Fiona MacKenzie, Erika Seki and Community Representatives. (Aberdeen University/Arkleton
Institute): Communities And Land Ownership In North Sutherland.
HC3 – 4A
3: Archie MacNab and Jane Thomas, Crofters' Commission. People, Land and Housing: Rural
Partnerships to promote positive development in fragile crofting areas
EC3 – 2B
VII:. Approaches to Local Development in Canada and the EU: LEADER compared with
Community Futures
Key presenters/topics (as a combined round table):
Scott Merrifield: FEDNOR, Ontario (chair)
Dan Borowec, President of the Ontario Association of Community Futures Development
Tony Fuller & Carolyn Pletsch, A Comparative Framework
Sophia Efstratoglou, A first comparison
Colin Roxburgh: Community Futures in Scotland
Jean-Pierre Vercruysse: the LEADER experience
Lars Larsson: The Swedish LEADER programme
John Bryden: What have we learned?
1a: Panel Discussion
Overview of Community Futures in Ontario and LEADER in Europe
HC1 – 3A
1b: Round Table 16:00-17:30
HC1 – 4A
Comparative Analysis of Community Futures in Ontario Canada and LEADER in Europe
VIII:. Money, Community Currencies.
Key presenters/topics:
1: Michael Linton: Playing with Community Currencies
EC6 – 2B
2: Mike Oborn: Rural Communities in Australia fighting back: community bank branches
HH1 – 2B
(Session IX: Methods and Tools for Community Visioning and Planning, moved to Day 2)
X: Empowerment of Ethnic and Cultural Minorities
Key presenters/topics:
1: Dale Hamilton and Spirit Valley Group: Rural & Remote Community Empowerment From a
Native Canadian Perspective
EC2 – 3A
2: Lou Dryden, UNBC
Salmon farming in partnership with the Kitasoo people, Marine Harvest and NIC in Klemtu,
British Columbia
EC5 – 2B
XI: Renewable Energy and Community Empowerment
Key presenters/topics:
1: Mr. Zoltan Baros, Mr. Csaba Patkos: Biofuel projects with private woodlots in Hungary
Eric Dodd, HIE Community Energy Unit: Delivering community revenues and savings through
renewable energy.”
HH2 – 3A
2: Susan Alexander, USA. Wages, labor structure, and economic development potential
of non-timber forest products
HH2 – 4A
XII: Social Movements, Rural Parliaments
Márta Márczis, Stafan Bond, Vanessa Halhead, Michael Dower et. al. A workshop/round table
over two separate sessions
HH1 – 3A
HH1 – 4A
XIII: Nature Music and Empowerment
1: Henry Fosbrooke : Woodland Orchestra, Scotland [An Action Workshop]
XIV: Using culture for local empowerment
1: Dr. Dag Joerund Loenning, Dr. Rhys Evans,
The strategic use of local culture and knowledge as resources for economic and placedevelopment.
EC6 – 3A
2: The Mountain Festival Organising Committee (Convenor: Chris Cooper).
To be presented by Frank Vanclay. The Mountain Festival- celebrating a sense of place for
community empowerment
EC5 –4A
3: Dr Pam A. Bartholomaeus, Flinders University
The importance and role of ‘rural place’ in people’s lives –or, putting ‘rural place’ in perspective
EC6 – 4A
XV:. Empowering Rural Youth
1: Mark Shucksmith: Rural Youth Issues in the EU
EC4 – 3A
2: Kevin O’Toole. Deakin Univ. Aus.
Strengthening the weak ties; empowering youth to create stronger linkages in rural communities
– the case of Brophy Family and Youth Services, Warrnambool
EC5 – 3A
3: Marie Forsberg" Sweden. “PULZ, a young women’s organisation in the county of Jämtland,
north Sweden”
EC4 – 4A
XVI: Making and Measuring Success in Community Development.
HC4 – 3A
1: Thomas G. Johnson, RUPRI - Chair: Community Decision Support for Rural Communities in
the United States.
Louise Kinlen: The Border-Midland-Western Regional Assembly , Ireland. A Social
Accounting Matrix Based Policy Analysis System for the Border-Midland-Western
Region of Ireland.,
J. Matthew Fannin: Paper. . . Collaborative Research in a Rural Missouri Community:
The role of Higher Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dr. Jim Scott. The Economic Importance of Health and Social Services in Rural Northern
XVII: Communications: Local Stories, Community and regional radio and community
1: Chris Dzimadzi: Using Radio Soap Operas In Consolidating Democracy And Governance:
Lessons From Malawi
HC5 –2B
2: The role of Storytelling in rural community development
HC5 - 3A
A presentation by Chrisella Ross of Proiseact Nan Ealan on the work of the Western Isles
Sgeulachdan Project (2000 - 2003)
3: Case Study 2 Chrisella Ross -- How this issue is being addressed elsewhere. SM – 4A
XVIII: interactions between communities and professionals
1: Tom Gougeon, University of Calgary, Canada.
Take a picture but leave only opportunities behind.'
HC4 – 2B
2: Richard Robinson SNH. Community participation to deliver local benefits in nationally
important landscapes and National Parks (note: this is tied to the Field Visit (Day 3) #5 "Conservation
and Rural Development).
EC4 – 2B
3: Rosemary Clews, New Brunswick Canada
Strategies for breaking down barriers between communities, governments, and non-government
EC2 – 2A
4: David Gass, Chair of the Scottish Enterprise Rural Policy Group and Chief Executive of SE
Borders “The role of an economic development agency in community development” HC4 – 4A
Paper presentation sessions:
Session 3B 1400 – 1530 Main Auditorium EC1
1: Jean-Pierre Fournier, Solidarité Rurale du Québec “Quebec National Policy on Rurality : An
approach supporting local dynamism“
2: Bill Reimer -- "The NRE: What Have We Learned”
3: Mara E. N. Danaila, Romania. Community Development in Romania
4: Kevin O’Toole, Australia. Community Renovation in small rural towns: Changing the focus of
community groups to local governance
5: Mr. John F. Devlin, University of Guelph, Canada. Democratization, Development and Rural
Session 4B – 1600 – 1730 Main Auditorium EC1
1: Mike Oborn --Rural Communities in Australia fighting back: community bank branches
2: Michael Linton -- Community Currencies
3: Csaba Patkós, Hungary -- Environmental Consciousness and Renewable Energy Sources
4: Susan J. Alexander, USA. People in the under-story: managing access to nontimber forest
5: Dan Otieno Ong’or. Community conservation initiatives-Issues, conflicts and opportunities
in Lake Victoria region. A research and project experience
Displays & Posters:
Aleksandar A.L. Lukic: Revitalization of rural communities in Croatian-Slovenian mountainous
border region: heritage trail as an example of local development project in rural tourism
Sonali Jain: Manavta Kendra – Process Towards Self-Reliance In Rural Communities
Photographs, Brochure, Booklets, Charts
Dave Lamie: Display Booth for the Community Development Society (CDS)
Rachael Mann --Post-mine clearance Land Use in N.W. Cambodia
Community Development Film Fest: [not all may be shown on the first day, and some will
be repeated on other days: see separate schedule for further details and complete listing.
All films to be shown in the Screen Machine]
Cool & Crazy Norway: Documentary about a Community Choir in N Norway which acts as a
force for ‘community-building’ ]
Grassroots – A People’s Story, Documentary, featuring a rural communities journey of healing
following the closure of its fishing industry
An Sgoth Scotland: Documentary about the building of a local design of sailing boat used for
fishing off the Western Isles
Documentary from India about the recent Panchayat (village) council laws which legislated for
women to hold 50% of the village leadership posts – the documentary traces the experience of
several of the ‘new’ women leaders in practice ISS- Presented by Baburao Baviskar
“Capacity building – a valid option for rural development”. Kimanzi Muthengi World NeighboursKenya.
The Barwon Darling Alliance (BDA), Aus. short video
The Childrens Opera from the Village of Cromarty to celebrate the bi-centennial of Hugh Miller,
geologist and writer.
A World of Its Own. A Danish documentary on the persistence of the Common Agricultural Policy
by prize-winning Poul Erik Heilbuth and Hans Bulow (Europe Besieged, The Battle of the Titans,
Endgame Europe, etc.) 60 minutes approx.
[note: some of the above still awaiting copyright clearance]
1730-1830 Theme Day Reception
sponsored by Community Action Network Scotland
Monday Evening: Official Conference Dinner, 1930 - 2300, sponsored by Highland Council
Welcome: Alison Magee, Convenor, Highland Council.
After dinner entertainment: R. Owens, The Highlander
Day 2, Tuesday 24 June:
Community Health
[Day Chair: Professor Craig Veitch, James Cook University, Queensland, Australia]
Plenary session
Opening Remarks: Professor Craig Veitch
Welcome: Dr Mac Armstrong Chief Medical Officer, NHS Scotland.
Session 5: The Global Perspective
Prof. Roger Strasser, Northern Ontario Medical School, Laurentian University, Canada*: A
Global Perspective on Rural Health issues’
Prof. Emilia Martinez-Brawley, Professor of Social Work and John Roatch Distinguished
Community Service Scholar, Arizona State University, USA. ‘The Patch Approach to Social Work
in Rural Communities’
Dr. Keith Mueller, RUPRI Centre for Rural Health Policy Analysis, University of Nebraska, USA:
‘Key issues in rural health policy in the USA’
1100 – 11:30
Session 6A: 1130 - 1300
Plenary Session
The National Perspective
Dr. James Douglas, Scotland, RARARI, ‘Rural and Remote Health Care Issues’
Dr. Ian McNicol, GP, Appin, Scotland ‘Life in the Community: Medicine without a Stethoscope’
Margaret Dakers Thompson, Highland Health Council, Scotland ‘The Rural Patient’s
Session 6B: 1130 -- 1300 Alternative Workshop Sessions (Community Development -carried over from Day 1. tba)
1300 – 1400 LUNCH
Workshop/roundtable and Paper sessions:
Session 7 A: 1400 – 1530 Rural Health Workshop Sessions [1] (see below for titles)
Session 7 B: 1400 – 1530 Rural Health Paper Presentation Session [1]
Session 8 A: 1600 – 1730
Session 8 B: 1600 – 1730
Session 8 C: 1600 – 1730
Rural Health Workshop Sessions [2]
Rural Health Paper Presentation Session [2]
Alternative Paper Sessions (Community Development – carried
over from Day 1)
1730 – 1830 Theme Day Reception:
Sponsored by RARARI
1930 – 2100 Special Conference Reception: Sponsored by the University of Aberdeen and
University of the Highlands and Islands Millennium Institute. Music by Feis Rois. [Speeches by
Professor Lord Sewel, Senior Vice-Principal, University of Aberdeen and [tbc] Professor John
Little, Principal of Inverness College, University of the Highlands and Islands Millennium
Day 2 Workshops and Paper Presentations
(these workshops and rooms are provisional and may be altered as a result of space and
note – Room designations in bold – see Venue map for locations. Session number (and
thus time) is also indicated.
Workshop/roundtable sessions:
Rural healthcare services
A: The Future For Remote Hospitals
Chair: Malcolm Alexander
Key presenters
West Highland Project
20/20 Vision
Remote Surgeons
HC1 -- 7A
Gavin Brown
Fort William
Michael Johnson Shetland
Andrew Sim
Western Isles
Non Traditional Roles For Rural Nurses
Chair: Moira Newiss
Key presenters
A Framework for Remote and Rural Nursing. Christina West
HC2 – 7A
Midwifery in Remote Areas
Chair: Monica Thomson
Key presenter
The Rural Midwifery Project
HC2 – 8A
Emergency services
Chair Stewart Whiteford
Key presenters
Basics Scotland
First responder schemes
Royal Ambulance Victoria
Karen King
HH1 -- 7A
Colville Laird
Ron Lilly
David Lyster
The Rural Patient
Empowering patients.
Chair Steve Jack
Key presenters
‘Through Patients Eyes’
Patient Participation In Wigtownshire
EC6 – 7A
Pat Straw
John Macdonald
HC3 – 7A
The Frail And Ageing Patient
Chair Mary Doyle
Key presenters
‘Living North Of 65’
Hemingway / Macleod
3. Healthy communities
HC4 – 7A
Keeping Services Local
Chair Stephen Moore
Key presenters
‘Securing Accessible Local Services’
‘A Road To Rural Community Action On Health’
Elaine Turner
Sue Briggs
Healthy Schools
Chair Morag Nicolson
Key presenters
Health Promoting Schools in the W. Isles
CPR For School Children
HC4 -- 8A
Donald Macleod
Henderson/ Hopkins
HC1 – 8A
Keeping the Rural Public Healthy
Chair John Macleod
Key presenters
WHO Nutrition Programme
The Unst Project
Nutrition and Dietetics
Aileen Robertson
Elizabeth Roberts
Sue Mcalpin
HC3 – 8A
Mobile and Peripatetic Services
Chair Gordon Baird
Key presenters
Chemotherapy Outreach
Mobile Dentists
Aortic Aneurism Screening
Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
Ray Pickles
Colwyn Jones
John Duncan
Sandra McRury
HH2 – 8A
Mental Health In Rural Areas
Chair Eric Mckenzie
Key presenters
Suicide and DSH
Bid 79 Handling Disturbed Patients
Befrienders Highland
Cameron Stark
Malcolm Kerr
Jean Gordon
F: Building Partnerships For Rural Health And Wellbeing
Kathryn Mitchinson
G: Medical Education in Rural Areas
EC5 – 7A
EC4 7A
Moira Maley
Vanessa Lockyer
Richard Hays
A look into the future
‘Strategies To Increase The Number Of Health Practitioners In Rural Areas’
Chair Lyndall Angel
EC6 – 8A
B: Training Physicians For Remote,
Rural And Northern Settings Chair Jim Douglas
Chair Jim Douglas
HH1 – 8A
Geoffrey Tesson
Roger Strasser
Craig Veitch
Richard Hays
Transforming Rural Urgent Care Systems
Chair: Peter O’Meara
EC5 – 8A
Health And Social Services In Rural N. Ireland
Chair: James Scott
EC2 – 8A
Transport Issues In Accessing Rural Health
Chair: Ronald McQuaid
EC2 – 7A
Highland Conversations: The Paradoxes Of Community Care
Philomena De Lima, Sheena Munro, Inverness.
EC4 – 8A
Paper Presentations.
Chair Prof David Godden (HIHRI)
Session 7 B: 1400 – 1540
Main Auditorium EC1
1: Community Based Health Research And Development In Northern British Columbia
Macleod / Hemingway / Macleod
2: SOPHIE - Stroke Outcomes
Noelle O’Neill
3: Urban / Rural Morbidity
Jane Farmer
4: The Role Of Private And Public Sector In Health Care Provision From Rural Thailand
Ambihadevy Sinnathambu
5: Addressing Rural Issues – An Australian Context
Jackie Mcgilp/ Christopher Carroll
Session 8 B: 1600 – 1730
Main Auditorium EC1
6: Procedural Rural Medicine In Rural Regional And Remote Australia
Ken MacKay
7: Promoting Sexual Health
Lakshmi Murthy
8: Economic Effects Of Hospital Closure In Rural US Communities
David Hartley
9: Rural Health in Australia.
Dr. Kim Webber, NSW, Aus.
Session 6B: 1130 – 1300
Alternative workshop sessions (Community Development – carried
over from Day 1)
IV-2. Local Community Capacity-Building
Key presenters/topics:
1: Richard Comerford and Shirley Dawe: The Newfoundland approach to partnership building at
Municipal level.
EC2 – 6B
2: Sonali Jain Community development through people’s participation -- involving people’s active
participation in their own process of development, making them responsible for their efforts and
towards sustainable community development.
EC6 – 6B
3: Colin Roxburgh’s “Community Futures in Loch Lomond & Trossachs
HH1 – 6B
IX-2: Methods and Tools for Community Visioning and Planning
Key presenters/topics:
1: Dave Lamie: Illinois: Strategic Visioning Program
HC2 – 6B
2: Dr. Daniel W. MacInnes: "Voluntary Planning: A Citizens' Policy Forum:
Models of Policy formation and Rural Community Empowerment"
HC3 – 6B
3: Stephen Wright, Glos. C.C. Dean by Definition a community planning process in the Forest
of Dean.
HC4 – 6B
Session 8C: 1600 – 1730
Alternative Paper Presentation Sessions (Community
Development – carried over from Day 1)
EC3 – 8C
1: Kevin O’Toole, Deakin Univ. Aus.
Community Renovation in small rural towns: Changing the focus of community groups to local
2: Lars Larsson, Sweden. The Swedish LEADER experience
3: John Bryden, Arkleton Institute: Why local economies differ: The factors underlying good and
poor economic performance in rural localities in Europe. [Results of a recent comparative
research programme with Scotland, Sweden, Greece and Germany]
Day 3, Wednesday 25 June.
All-Day Field Trips.
See Appendix with Options. Note it is important to indicate choices as soon as possible if you
have not already done so.
Wednesday evening event: Special Boat Cruise on Loch Ness [Prize for the best photograph of
the Monster!] sponsored by Inverness and Nairn Enterprise [NB There are limited numbers, so if
you have not booked early we may not be able to fit you into the boat!]. Free to the lucky
Day 4, Thursday 26 June:
Community Education and Education for Community:
Day Chair: Prof Jim Montgomery, Malaspina College, Vancouver Island, Canada
Session 9: 0900-1045:
Plenary Session
Prof. Jim Montgomery, Opening remarks
Bruce Robertson, Highland Council, Scotland ‘The New Community Schools’
Prof. Asle Högmo, University of Tromso, Norway ‘The Lofoten Project in retrospect’
Dr. Finlay MacLeod, Gaelic Writer, Broadcaster and Film-maker, Western Isles, Scotland
‘Personal Schooling: Thinking beyond the Curriculum’
Session 10A: 11:30 – 1300 Plenary Session.
Hilary Lawson, Workers Educational Association, Highland Region, Scotland ‘Post-school nonformal education & citizen empowerment’
Prof. Tom Gougeon, University of Calgary, Canada: ‘Corporate World Citizens'
Rev Dr. Jack Shelton , USA ‘The role of Higher & Further Education in Rural Development’
Sessions 10B, 11A and 12A
Workshops, Roundtables, Posters, Papers and Films (see notes for previous sessions)
1130-1300; 1400-1530; 1600-1730.
I: Local schools/community empowerment
1. Canadian – Norwegian Community Development: A Comparison of Two Rural Communities
Empowered by Their Local School
Professor Tom Tiller, Tromso University, Norway
Dr. Jim Montgomery, Malaspina University-College,
Dr. Katheryn Peppersmith, Dr. Robert Peppersmith, and Dr.Mike Grant, Canada EC2 – 11A
2. The role of schools to help build capacity among members of isolated
communities.' Tom Gougeon, Calgary
3. The strengthening of a remote island community through the
development of integrated educational provision and creative use of
ICT. Douglas Sewell, Mrs Jackie Sinclair.
HC3 – 11A
HC2 – 11A
4. Building Community Learning Capacity; Utilizing Community Learning Assets
Douglas Myers and Richard Williams, Nova Scotia
EC6 – 11A
5: Roger Hemming & Rory MacLeod : Capacity building in the Scottish borders by the Scottish
Borders Rural Partnership’s Rural Resource Centre.
HH2 – 12A
6: Elsa Løfsnæs, Norway
Valid Teaching in Small Rural Schools
EC5 – 11A
7: Mrs Vanessa Lockyer-Stevens -- “Community Memory: Setting the scene for medical
education in the bush”
EC4 – 11A
II: Higher Education and training for and in Rural Areas
1: Prof. David McSwan, Townsville Aus, Prof. Jim Montgomery,. Dr. Katheryn Peppersmith, Dr.
Robert Peppersmith, Dr. Mike Grant Nanaimo Canada.
An Online Masters in Rural Education
EC2 – 12A
2: The cultural and economic community development potential and higher education delivered
through a minority language.
HC2 – 12A
Norman Gillies, Alison Dix, Sabhal Mor Ostaig, Skye
3: Aspirations for post-school education among students in regional areas
Nola Alloway, Rob Gilbert, Aus.
HC3 – 12A
5: The promotion of community growth and sustainability in a remote rural community through
the integrated provision of secondary, further and higher education
Murdo Macleod
EC2 – 10B
6: Training of teachers for Rural / Multi-grade schools in South Australia
Spencer Gulf Rural Health School in Whyalla South Australia
HC4 – 11A
7: "Improving community skills through Skills Recognition Programs in rural NSW"
Alan Lowson
EC4 – 12A
8: Cutting the ‘distance’ from distance learning – The Open University
approach to supporting learning in remote areas through creative use of
electronic environments. Dr J. Macdonald, Suzanne Robins
EC2 – 11A
9: Online education and sustainable rural development
Dr. Frank Rennie, UHIMI
HC4 – 12A
10: Dr. Phil Reid. Rural Health Partnerships and the Development of a Rural Clinical School in
Western Australia.
EC3 – 11A
11: Douglas Myers, Richard Williams, Nova Scotia.
HH2 – 11A
Building Community Learning Capacity; Utilizing Community Learning Assets
III: Local people/local knowledge/local learning
1: 'A community's fight to reverse its decline through the local provision of education from the
pre-school to the secondary stages, including the development of childcare and early education
provision to meet the changing needs of a rural community.' Stephanie Bruce, Fiona Ednie,
Edna Taylor.'
HC3 – 10B
2: Minority language and cultural development through local and national
celebration of tradition through dance, music and other activities.
John Fyfe, J D Macleod, Dougie Pincott, Lisa Hunter – performance
HH2 – 10B
3: Dialogue Youth – creating a focus, a force and a voice for youth issues
in rural communities. Alison Debline
HC3 – 11A
4: The positive effect of local initiatives in developing high quality secondary education in a
remote rural community
John Fyfe, Bruce Robertson
HC2 – 10B
5: Angus Council Community Education Services
Ann Craig, Jonathan G M Brown. ICT in rural areas - Inclusive communities today or isolationconfirming technologies?
HH2 – 12A
6: Margaret Alston, Geraldine Duncan and Heather Boetto. Aus.
Empowering young rural women: the provision of a social work service for young women in a
disadvantaged rural high school. Workshop and video.
HC4 – 10B
7: Rory MacLeod, Scottish Borders Council.
Borders Forest Trust – Developing Capacity with
EC6 – 12A
8: E. Kruse SHN Scotland
Environmental Justice in a rural context: training agents in the community
EC5 – 12A
9: Dr. Audrey M. Anthoney Children in Scotland.
“On the Move”
EC3 – 12A
Open workshop sessions on a joined up approach to rural issues and action – tba.
Paper Presentations: Main Auditorium, EC1
Session 11B: 1400 – 1530
1: Lyndall Angel, Australia.
Sustainability of Regional Universities: importance of partnerships for student recruitment into
health courses AND clinical placements to increase numbers of health
2: John C. Wren, Toronto Rural Cooperation Community and Government. The Fast Track for
Vocational Skills Training.
3: Shannon E. Uzzell, Annie Pavilla
"No Language Left Behind: The impacts of the US 'No Child Left
Behind Act' on rural Alaskan Yupik Immersion Schools"
4: Dr. Audrey M. Anthoney Children in Scotland.
Developing services for Children in Rural Scotland, co-location and multi-functional services
Session 12B: 1600 – 1730
1: Penny & Mike Grant. Vancouver Island Regional public Library, Canada.
“I don’t think I could live here if there wasn’t a library”: Stakeholders’ views about a
Canadian rural regional library.
2: Dr. Yazali Josephine, NIEPA, New Delhi. Impact of Participatory Planning on Primary
Education Development of Girls in tribal rural areas in India.
3: J Joubert. “Organising mimesis. Governmental and commercial agricultural extension
services in Northwestern Ghana”.
4: G. Stelios Deligeorgis
Development of training methodologies for livestock sector in rural regions in Greece and Cyprus
Ann Brady
poster / stand for exhibition
Highland Pre-school Services
S. Uzzell and A. Pavila, Alaska
Poster: "No Language Left Behind: The impacts of the US 'No Child Left Behind Act'
on rural Native Alaskan language immersion schools"
1800-1900: IRN AGM & Elections. All old and new members invited. [venue: tba]
Evening Session: 2000 - late
Official Conference Ceilidh, Highland Music and Scottish Dancing. Music and guidance from
Ben Wyvis and the Last Resort. Late evening savories provided.
Day 5, Friday 27 June:
Rural Policies to support local empowerment
Day Chair:
Prof. John Bryden, Arkleton Institute
Session 13 0900-1045
Plenary Session
[20 minutes each, consecutive + 45 minutes panel debate/discussion]
Prof John Bryden, Introductory remarks
Rt Hon Alun Michael, UK Minister for Rural Affairs and Urban Quality of Life: ‘UK Policies to
support Rural Empowerment’
Hon Andy Mitchell, Canadian Secretary of State for Rural and Regional Affairs]: ‘The Rural
Policy Experience in Canada’.
Oliver Drewes [European Commission, Member of the Cabinet of the Commissioner for
Agriculture and Rural Development]. The reform of EU Rural Policy.
1100 - 1130
Session 14A 1130 – 1300
Plenary Session
Dr Eero Uusitalo Secretary General of the Rural Policy Committee (YTR) in the Ministry of
Agriculture and Forestry, Finland and Chairman of the Village Action Movement. ‘Rural Policy in
Dr Richard Wakeford, Chief Executive, Countryside Agency, England: ‘The approach of the
Countryside Agency’.
Dr Keith Meuller, Rural Policy Research Institute, USA. ‘Towards a Place-based Rural Policy?’
Lunch 1300 - 1400
Session 14B and 15A: 1130-1300; 1400-1330.
Round Tables, Workshops,
1. Building Rural-Urban Relations: Strategies for Rural Revitalization
Bill Reimer , Concordia Montreal & New Rural Economy Project, Canada. EC6 – 14B
2. Strategies for breaking down barriers between communities, governments, and nongovernment organizations. Rosemary Clews, Aus.
HC2 – 14B
3. Representational information flow between remote communities and local/regional/national
government and/or public organisations: Sue Beer, Aberdeen
HC3 – 14B
4. Addressing Rural Issues – an Australian Context. Jacqueline McGilp, Christopher Carroll
EC4 – 15A
5: Scott Merrifield, Canada. Round Table
Learnings and Insights from Community Futures in Ontario Canada and LEADER in Europe.
Tony Fuller, Guelph Cda; Lars Larsson, Sweden, John Bryden UK.
EC6 – 15A
6: Des Harris. Stronger Regions North and West Australian Department of Transport and
Regional Services. Trialing a new approach to regional development in Australia: progress so
far and lessons learnt with the Sustainable Regions Programme
HC4 – 14B
7: Jennifer Ball and Dr. Wayne Caldwell
Workshop - "Space for Many Voices: Mediation Committees in Rural Ontario"
HC3 – 15A
8: Rural Voices – a fund to invest in community capacity’
Nina Loginova, Juliet Harvey, Scottish Executive
With guests from the Invergordon Murals project.
HC 3 – 14B
9: Geoff Fagan, Ruth McKain, Scotland
CADISPA: From Local Projects to Sustainable Development
HC2 – 15A
10: Denise Servante,
EC4 –15A
Peak District Rural Deprivation Forum
“No Overall Control: Relationships within and between communities and professionals: getting
inside community development.”
Open workshop sessions on a joined up approach to rural issues and action – tba.
Paper presentation sessions:
Session 15B 1400 – 1530. Riverside Screen EC3
1: Neil Ferguson 'Smart Successful Scotland' and rural development - the local
2: Bruno JEAN, Quebec. Building rural capacity and public policy : the new Quebec rural policy
3: J. Joubert
Training of teachers for Rural / Multi-grade schools in South Africa
4: Jennifer Ball, Wayne Caldwell, Huron County Planning and Development Department
“Space for Many Voices: Mediation Committees in Rural Ontario”
5: John Bryden, Arkleton Institute: Prospects for EU Rural Policy after Enlargement.
Session 14C : 1130 – 1300. Riverside Screen EC3
1: Dr. Nonita Yap, John F. Devlin, Robert Weir. Good Governance and Environmental Impact
Assessment: Case Studies on EIA Practice.
2: Dr. Daniel W. MacInnes. "Voluntary Planning: A Citizens' Policy Forum:
Models of Policy formation and Rural Community Empowerment
3: Dr Aileen Robertson,WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen
The WHO Nutrition Action Plan: Its relation to the nutrition and agricultural policies in the EU
4: Kameshwar Choudhary. Rural Institutional Landscape In India:
Putting the Oppressed Centre-stage
5: Ms M. M. V. Natoo, K.J.Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce, Mumbai, India. Sustainable
Industrial Development in Rural Areas.
Session 15C. 1300 – 1530. Highland Hospice HH2
1: Sony Pellissery: Revalorisation as an empowerment strategy for rural development:
Experiences in reducing social exclusion among Bhil tribals in India
3: Jennifer Ball and Wayne Campbell "Speaking for Rural Communities: Form and Process The Ontario Rural Council"
4: Dixon Torimiro: Nigeria’s University-based Rural Development Project: An exemplary of
holistic model for rural Communities’ empowerment in Sub- Sahara African Region
5: Dr. Dewaram A. Nagdeve. Impact of an irrigation project on demographic behaviour of rural
Session 16 Conference Round Up and Close [1600 - 1700]
A. Professor Tom Johnson, Director of the Community Policy Analysis Centre, will present a 30
minute overview of what happened, and what we have achieved at the conference
B. Stephen Wright will build on delegate comments to suggest some of the ways we might seek
to build on the themes and organisation of this conference for the next one
C. Closing remarks / next steps / 2005 Conference arrangements 15 mins :
Prof. Tom Johnson, Rural Policy Research Institute, USA
Stephen Wright, ACRE and Gloucestershire Rural Community Council
Prof John Bryden, IRN Conference Chair
Prof David McSwan, IRN Chair: The way ahead.
Friday Evening: Informal Traditional Highland Ceilidh – A participatory arts event, with
friends, and bring your own songs, tunes, poems, stories etc. Cold buffet and drinks provided!
A Highland Farewell.
Saturday: Departures etc.
Please note: There will be crèche facilities available off-site.