Contractor Training Manual -

Training Document
09 March 2016
Training Document
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09 March 2016
Training Document
ARCOVendor – USA Vendor Instruction Sheet v 1.0
Issue date:
Wednesday, 09 March 2016
Caroline Hawkins – BP Maintenance Service Centre UK
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Logging Into .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
ARCOVendor Homepage ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Key Elements of Page ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
To View Outstanding Calls ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
To View Overdue Calls ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Update / Complete a Ticket ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Ticket Details Screen ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Decline Ticket ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Decline Ticket – Details screen ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Invoicing Section ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
AutoPhone Updates ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Preventive Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Requests for Further Ticket Information ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 and AutoPhone Outage ................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Vendor Service Outage .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Weekend Calls ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Hours of Operation ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
09 March 2016
Training Document
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09 March 2016
Training Document
The purpose of this document is to introduce you to ARCOVendor and the eMaintenance system, and to explain your role in using the new system and how as a
vendor you can notify Arco Mission Control of the work you have completed at a facility and invoice calls placed on the eMaintenance system via the Autophone
system and the Web.
ARCOVendor and eMaintenance are the result of two years of development by Global Alliance and Urgent Technology with the aim of producing a highly visible
form (for facilities, Mission Control, BP and vendors) of tracking maintenance calls from placement to completion while keeping a historical record of a facility’s
maintenance history. The system is to be updated in real-time by vendors and Mission Control providing an accurate, minute-to-minute record of the outstanding
jobs and maintenance issues felt by facilities over the entire BP network. is the vendor’s interface with the eMaintenance system and allows you as the vendor to notify Mission Control of a job’s real-time status.
This removes the time consuming follow-up calls from facilities and Mission Control, provides fast invoice processing, and speeds up the life of a maintenance
By becoming one of ARCO/BP’s chosen eMaintenance vendors, you have agreed to update this information on a regular basis via the Autophone system and This document will show you how your technicians on site and the personnel back in the office can both update the eMaintenance
Logging Into
After opening an Internet browser, please navigate to Your vendor user name is your company’s name. A password will be given
individually to each vendor and can be changed on request. Please contact Mission Control immediately if you have any problem accessing the website or if you
need your password to be changed. Logging in will take you to the web site’s home page.
09 March 2016
Training Document
Figure 1 Login Screen
09 March 2016
Training Document
ARCOVendor Homepage
Figure 2 - ARCOVendor Homepage
09 March 2016
Training Document
Key Elements of Page
Indicates the system in use.
Vendor Details
Vendor name and date are displayed. Please call Mission Control immediately if your vendor name is not shown here.
Click on this link to return to the home page.
Click on this link to log out of
My Tickets
Outstanding Tickets
<<View Outstanding>>
Click this link to view outstanding jobs.
Overdue Tickets
<<View Overdue>>
Click this link to view all overdue jobs.
<<Ticket Summary>>
<<Update/Complete Ticket>>
<<Decline Ticket>>
<<Invoicing Section>>
<<Scheduled Work>>
<<Ad hoc Report>>
Click here to view a summary of all of your tickets.
Click this link to select a ticket to update or complete.
Click this link to select a ticket to decline.
Click on this link to invoice completed tickets.
This feature is still being developed.
Click this link to run an ad hoc report on selected data.
There is a description to explain what each link does. This document works through these, beginning with “View Outstanding.”
09 March 2016
Training Document
To View Outstanding Calls
Click on <<View Outstanding>> on the right hand side toolbar and the following screen appears:
Figure 3 - View Outstanding Screen
09 March 2016
Training Document
This screen shows the following
Search by:
The drop down allows you to search using the following parameters: All, Facility Name, Ticket No, Ticket Status.
Ticket No
This is the BP/Arco Mission Control ticket number.
Full name of the facility
An abbreviated job description is shown for reference.
The date and time that this call was sent to you by your preferred method of notification
The amount of time to begin work according to the priority assigned and the Service Level Agreement
Status of the maintenance call
Click here for more information on the individual ticket.
A red clock in the status column indictetes that this call is now overdue.
A dollar sign in the status column indicates that the ticket has been invoiced.
This symbol indicates that a safety statement has been assigned to the job.
Click on the page numbers to view further pages of outstanding tickets.
[Page #s]
As you will see, there are several different statuses a job can go through during its life: Accepted, On Site, Estimated, Parts on Order, Revisit,
Completed, Declined, and/or Cancelled. As soon as you change the status of a call, you will see the status change in the ticket summary.
09 March 2016
Training Document
To View Overdue Calls
Click on <<View Overdue>> on the right hand side toolbar and the following screen appears:
This screen shows the following
Order No
This is the BP/Arco order number
Full name of the facility
An abbreviated job description is shown for reference.
The date and time that this call was sent to you by your preferred method of notification
SLA allocated by Mission Control for the job
Status of the maintenance call with an overdue flag marked:
Click this icon to see more information about the individual job.
[Page #s]
Further pages of outstanding jobs
Once a ticket’s location has been visited, the ticket is no longer overdue.
09 March 2016
Training Document
Update / Complete a Ticket
When you click on <<Update/Complete Ticket>>, only tickets for outstanding jobs are shown. A ticket can be updated from the View screens by clicking on the
icon for the individual ticket. This will take you to the Ticket Details screen.
Figure 4 - Update / Complete Ticket
09 March 2016
Training Document
Ticket Details Screen
09 March 2016
Training Document
The ticket details screen contains information about the call and, more importantly, allows you to change the information about the progress or
status of a call. From here you can progress a call to “Onsite,” “Estimated,” “Parts ordered,” “Revisit,” “Completed,” or “Declined.”
Click on the calendar icons to select a date, then select the time that the status changed from the drop-down menus. When you are updating to
“Parts ordered” or “Revisit”, you will also be prompted to select an estimated return date.
You can enter notes about a job, such as ETAs or details about parts ordered or work undertaken by entering it into the text box titled “Your notes.” Just above
that section, you can view any notes or additions that have been posted to this ticket by Mission Control. Please note that any notes you add to a ticket are
visible both to the facility and to Mission Control.
You can upload documents such as quotes or photos by clicking the <<Browse>> button next to “Upload Document:”, selecting the document to upload, and
clicking <<Open>>. The file path will be displayed in the text box. Click <<Update Job>> to save this document to this ticket. Please note that any documents
you add to a job are visible both to the facility and to Mission Control.
When updating the status to “Complete,” please add notes to explain what work was done.
You can print out this page by clicking <<Print Details>>.
09 March 2016
Training Document
Decline Ticket
Click <<Decline Ticket>> from the actions toolbar. A summary screen will appear, showing all the tickets that can be declined. Please note that a
ticket can only be declined when its status is ‘Accepted’. Once a ticket has been updated, it can no longer be declined. Click on the icon to
select a ticket to decline.
Figure 5 - Decline Ticket Screen
09 March 2016
Training Document
Decline Ticket – Details screen
Enter the reason for declining the call and click on the <<Decline>> button, or click on the <<Cancel>> button if you wish to return to the Decline
Ticket screen without declining the ticket. A call should never be updated to ‘Completed’ if in fact you wish to decline it, as this will not notify
Mission Control that the call has been declined.
Figure 6 - Decline Ticket Reason Screen
09 March 2016
Training Document
Invoicing Section
Click on <<Invoicing Section>> in the Actions toolbar. The following screen will appear with the calls that can be invoiced. Please note that only
completed calls can be invoiced. Click on the icon to select a ticket for invoicing.
Figure 7 - Invoicing Section
09 March 2016
Training Document
Select the required fields from the drop-downs, type a description of the work performed, and click on <<Submit>>, or click on <<Cancel>> instead if
you wish to return to the Invoicing Section Screen without submitting a ticket for invoicing.
Figure 8 - Invoicing Section Ticket Details
09 March 2016
Training Document
Add a line item for each part used and a line item for each hourly charge, such as labor, overtime labor, and travel time. When entering labor, please enter the
number of hours worked as the quantity. You may use decimal values. Please enter the tax as one line item that includes all tax. When entering the tax, there is
only one field to fill out, which is the dollar amount. Click on <<Finish>> to view the confirmation screen. Click the trash can icon at the far right to delete a line.
Figure 9 - Invoicing Section Line Items
09 March 2016
Training Document
Please use the “Click here to print this page” hyperlink on the invoice confirmation screen to print a copy of this invoice and attach it to your own
invoice before you mail it in, along with the applicable Work Acknowledgement Forms. Also, please include “Attn: eMaintenance” in the mailing
address. Click on <<Return to Invoice Summary>> to view other calls available for invoicing.
Figure 10 - Invoicing Section Confirmation Page
09 March 2016
Training Document
Ad Hoc Reports
The report feature lets you search for calls by facility name, date, or job status. Once you have made your desired search selection, click on <<Submit>>. Leave
all fields blank to view all tickets.
Figure 11 - Ad-Hoc Tickets Report
09 March 2016
Training Document
The search results will be shown on the following screen. You have the option of exporting this information into an Excel® spreadsheet. To do this, please click
<<Send Report to >>. Then, to view the report, click on <<Download the Report>>. A separate window will open, and you can save the document from there.
To save the document without viewing it, right-click on <<Download the Report>>, select <<Save Target As…>>, and choose where you want to save the file.
Figure 92 - Ad-Hoc Reports Return Screen
09 March 2016
Training Document
AutoPhone Updates
Technicians are required to update a ticket upon arrival to and departure of a facility via an automated phone system. To do this, they will need the
6-digit ticket number. Technicians can call 888-778-0763, select option 5, and enter the ticket number. The automated system will then read back
the facility number and vendor name to ensure that the correct ticket is updated. The technicians will be led through a process allowing them to
notify Mission Control of a the new status, add any comments required, and be transferred to Mission Control for authorization of work over the
dollar limit set by the Area Maintenance Manager, or to ask technical questions. Please note that both the facility and Mission Control can listen to any
comments you add to a ticket.
Preventive Maintenance
The scheduled work section is where scheduled, contracted work is posted. This section is still being developed.
Requests for Further Ticket Information
Where a call has been placed through eMaintenance and has gone overdue you, may receive a call or an email from Mission Control asking for an
update. This will only take place where insufficient vendor notes have been entered on the individual ticket. and AutoPhone Outage
Mission Control may at times need to bring the system down for system maintenance. This will normally be done during off-peak hours. If you are
unable to access the web site or the autophone system, please call 888-778-0763, select option #1, and ask for an eMaintenance representative,
who will be able to assist you.
Vendor Service Outage
Please notify Mission Control if you are having difficulties receiving jobs though your preferred method (i.e. faxes are not coming through; there is a
significant delay between call placement and fax transmission). Mission Control will discuss with you a temporary measure to cover this outage.
09 March 2016
Training Document
Weekend Calls
During the weekend (depending on your contractual service level agreements (SLA)), tickets will still be logged on the system. However, the SLA
response time will only start on the next working hour as determined on your individual contract. Therefore, for vendors that do not cover the
weekends, calls will start their SLA on the following business day (i.e. Monday morning). Please notify Mission Control if you require different
contact details for after-hours calls. All emergency calls will follow the current procedure of being placed through the answering service.
Hours of Operation
You can log onto ARCOVendor to update tickets at any time. If your call requires authorizing by Mission Control, such as for quoted work, this will
be done between the hours of 6:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday.
09 March 2016