Module 1 Unit 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Uses of Computer Networks 1.2.1 Business Applications 1.2.2 Home Applications 1.2.3 Mobile Users 1.2.4 Social Issues Unit 2 Network Hardware and software 2.1 Network Hardware 2.1.1 Wireless Networks 2.1.2 Internetworks 2.2 Network Software 2.2.1 Protocol Hierarchies 2.2.2 Design Issues for the Layers 2.2.3 Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Service 2.2.4 Service Primitives 2.2.5 Relationships of Services to Protocols Unit 3 Example Networks 3.1 The ARPANET 3.2 The Internet 3.3 ATM Module 2 Unit 1 Network Layer Design issues 1.1 Store-and-Forward Packet Switching 1.2 Services Provided to the Transport Layer 1.3 Comparison of Virtual Circuit and Datagram Subnets Unit 2 Routing algorithms 2.1 The Optimality Principle 2.2 Shortest Path Routing 2.3 Flooding 2.4 Distance Vector Routing 2.5 Link state Routing 2.6 Hierarchical Routing 2.7 Broadcast Routing 2.8 Multicast Routing 2.9 Routing for Mobile Hosts Unit 3 Congestion Control Algorithms 3.1 General Principles of Congestion Control 3.2 Congestion Prevention Policies 3.3 Congestion Control in Virtual-Circuit Subnets 3.4 Congestion Control in Datagram Subnet 3.5 Load Shedding 3.6 Jitter Control Module 3 Unit 1 Quality of Service 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Flow characteristics Techniques for Achieving- Good Quality of Service Integrated Services Differentiated Services Unit 2 Internetworking 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Need for Network Layer Internet as Packet-Switched Network Internet as Connectionless Network Tunneling Internetwork Routing Fragmentation Unit 3 The Network Layer in the Internet 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 The IP Protocol IP Addresses Subnet IPV6 Module 4 Unit 1 Services and elements 1.1 The Transport Service 1.1.1 Services Provided to the Upper Layers 1.1.2 Transport Service Primitives 1.2 Elements of Transport Protocols 1.2.1 Addressing 1.2.2 Connection Establishment 1.2.3 Connection Release 1.2.4 Flow Control and Buffering Unit 2 The Internet Transport Protocol 2.1 Introduction to UDP 2.2 Remote Procedure Call 2.3 The Real-Time Transport Protocol Unit 3 Transmission Control Protocol 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Introduction to TCP TCP Segment Header TCP Connection Establishment TCP Connection Release Modeling TCP Connection Management TCP Transmission Policy TCP Congestion Control Module 5 Unit 1Domain Name System 1.1 Application Layer Overview 1.2 DNS 1.2.1 The DNS Name System 1.2.2 Resource Records 1.2.3 Name Servers Unit 2 Electronic Mail 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Architecture and Services The User Agent Message Formats Message Transfer Final Delivery Module 6 Unit 1Overview 1.1 Services, Mechanisms and Attacks 1.2 OSI Security Architecture 1.3 A Model for Network Security Unit 2 Cryptography-I 2.1 Symmetric cipher Model 2.2 General concepts 2.3 Cryptanalysis 2.4 Substitution Techniques 2.5 Transposition Techniques Unit 3 Cryptography-II 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Simplified DES Block Cipher principles The Data Encryption Standard The RSA algorithm Unit 4 E-mail Security 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Pretty Good Security 4.2.1 Operational description of PGP 4.2.2 Cryptographic keys and key rings 4.3 S/MIME 4.3.1 S/MIME Functionality 4.3.2 S/MIME Messages Unit 1 Introduction to Computer Networks 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Uses of Computer Networks 1.2.1 Business Applications 1.2.2 Home Applications 1.2.3 Mobile Users 1.2.4 Social Issues 1.1 INTRODUCTION A computer network is an interconnected collection of autonomous computers. Two computers are said to be interconnected, if they are able to exchange the information. The connection can be wired or wireless. Difference between distributed systems and computer networks Distributed systems Collection of independent computers. It is the software built on top of a network. Existence of multiple autonomous computers is transparent (not visible) to user. A layer of software on top of the operating system called Middleware is responsible for implementing this model. E.g. www (World Wide Web) Computer networks Collection of autonomous computers interconnected by a single technology. Users are exposed to actual machines; they explicitly log on to one machine, explicitly submit jobs, move files and handle all network management personally. No software and coherence. Thus the distinction between a network and a distributed system lies with the software (especially operating system), rather than with the hardware. 1.2 USES OF COMPUTER NETWORKS Computer networks are used in various fields by individuals/organizations. The major classifications in usage are Business application Home application Mobile users Social issues 1.2.1 Business Applications Networks for companies provides Resource sharing High reliability Reliable cost Scalability Resource sharing The goal is to make the availability of all the programs, equipments and data to anyone on the network, without considering the physical location of the resource of user. An example is group of office workers sharing a common printer. Reliability High reliability can be obtained by having alternate sources of supply. For example the files could be placed in two or three machines on the network. In case of any hardware failure, the copy of the file stored on the other system can be used. Saving money Small computers have much better price/performance than the larger ones. Networks can be built with personal computers, one per user with data kept on one or more shared file server machines, this arrangement is called client-server model. Client-server model The users are called as clients and data stored on the machines are called as servers. The client and server machines are connected by a network, as shown in the fig.1.1 Fig 1.1 A network with two clients and one server Generally the communication starts from the client. The client sends the request over the network to the server process and waits for a reply message. When the server process gets the request, it performs the requested data and sends back the reply. This is depicted in fig1.2. Fig 1.2 Client-Server model Scalability It is the ability to increase the system performance gradually as the work load grows by adding more processors. With the client-server model, new clients and servers can be added as needed. Communication Networks provides a powerful communication medium among the widely spread employees. It enhances human-to-human communication. 1.2.2 Home Applications Some of the popular uses of networks for the people are Access to remote information Person-to-person communication Interactive entertainment Electronic commerce Access to remote information Some of the examples are Access to financial institution – people staying at home pay their bills, mange their accounts and handle their investments. Home shopping – the ability to view online catalogs of thousands of companies and place their orders. Online newspaper and digital library can be personalized. Access to information system like www, which contains information about science, sports, cooking, government, health, travel etc… Person-to-person communication E-mail (Electronic mail) is used by millions of people for interaction in the form of text or audio or video. Video conference – virtual meetings among the far flung people. Chatting – instant messaging between two persons or group of people. Interactive entertainment Video-on-demand – watching the selective move online. Live television becomes interactive. On-line games provide more entertainment. E-Commerce Some forms of e-commerce are tabulated in the table 1.1 Table 1.1 Some forms of e-commerce 1.2.3 Mobile users Mobile computers like laptops, PDA’s (Personal Digital Assistants) are one of the fastest growing segments of computer industry. People on the road often use their mobile computers to send and receive telephone calls, faxes, e-mail, surf the web and log on to remote machines. Wireless parking meters have advantages for both users and city governments. Wireless smoke detectors could call the fire department. Wireless networks are of great value to fleet of trucks, taxis, delivery vehicles and repair persons for keeping in contact with home. Wireless networking and mobile computing are often related. The distinction between fixed wireless and mobile wireless is tabulated below in table 1.2. Table 1.2 Combination of wireless networks and mobile computing 1.2.4 Social issues The networking introduces new social, ethical and political problems. A popular feature of many networks are newsgroups or bulletin boards, where by people can exchange messages with like-minded individuals. The trouble comes when newsgroups set up topics like politics, religion or sex. Views posted to such groups may affect some people. Employee rights versus employer rights. Many people read/write email at work. Some employers have claimed the right to read and edit employee messages. Not all employees agree with this. Government versus citizen. The government does not have control on threatening people’s privacy. Example – Small files called cookies that web browsers store on users’ computers allow companies to track users’ activities in cyberspace and may allow credit card numbers, social security numbers and other confidential information to leak all over the internet. Along with the good comes the bad. The internet provides a way to find information quickly but a lot of it is ill-informed. Example – email messages containing active contents can contain viruses. Unit 2 Network Hardware and software 2.1 2.2 Network Hardware 2.1.1 Wireless Networks 2.1.2 Internetworks Network Software 2.2.1 Protocol Hierarchies 2.1.3 Design Issues for the Layers 2.1.4 Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Service 2.1.5 Service Primitives 2.1.6 Relationships of Services to Protocols 2.1 NETWORK HARDWARE Apart from LAN, WAN and MAN, we have wireless networks and internetworks. 2.1.1 Wireless networks Wireless networks can be divided into three main categories 1. System interconnection 2. Wireless LAN’s 3. Wireless WAN’s Fig 2.1 (a) Bluetooth configuration (b) Wireless LAN System interconnection is about interconnecting the components of a computer using shortrange radio. A short-range wireless network called Bluetooth is used to connect the components without using wires. It allows digital cameras, headsets, scanners, and other devices to connect to a computer by merely being brought within range. The simplest form is shown in the fig 2.1. Wireless LAN’s are the systems in which every computer has a radio modem and antenna with which it can communicate with other systems. Often there is an antenna on ceiling that the machines talk to, as shown in fig 2.1(b). It is used in small offices, homes etc. the standard for wireless LAN’s is IEEE 802.11. Wireless WAN’s is the third kind of wireless network. The radio network used for cellular telephones is an example of low-bandwidth wireless system. The system has undergone three generations. The first generation was analog and for voice. Second generation was digital and for voice only. Third generation is digital and for both voice and data. Cellular wireless network are wireless LAN’s except the distances involved are much greater and the bit rates much lower. 2.1.2 Internetwork A collection of interconnected networks is called internetwork or internet. A common form of internet is a collection of LAN’s connected by a WAN as shown in fig 2.2. Fig 2.2 A common form of Internet An internetwork is formed when distinct networks are interconnected. Connecting a LAN and a WAN or connecting two LAN’s forms an internetwork with little agreement in the industry over the terminology. If different organizations paid to construct different parts of network and each maintains its part, then it is an internetwork rather than single network. 2.2 NETWORK SOFTWARE Network software is highly structured at present. Some of the software structuring techniques is dealt below. 2.2.1 Protocol Hierarchies Networks are organized as a stack of layers or levels, each one built upon the other. The number of layers, name of each layer, contents and functionality of each layer differ from network to network. Each layer offers services to the upper layers. Layer n on one machine carries a conversation with layer n on another machine. The rules and conventions are collectively known as layer n protocol. Protocol is an agreement between the communicating parties on how communication is to proceed. Fig 2.3 Layers, protocols and interfaces A five-layered network is shown in the fig 2.3. The entities comprising the corresponding layers on different machines are called Peers. Between each pair of adjacent layers is an Interface. The interface defines which primitive operations and services the lower layer makes available to the upper one. A set of layers and protocols is called Network architecture. A list of protocols used by a system, one protocol per layer is called Protocol stack. The fig 2.4 shows the communication between the layers in the network. Fig 2.4 Example information flow supporting virtual communication in layer 5 At the sending machine A message M produced by an application process in layer 5, is given to layer 4 for transmission. Layer 4 adds a header in front of the message to identify the message and passes it to layer 3. The header includes control information such as sequence number, size, address etc. Consequently layer 3 breaks up the incoming message to smaller units. M is divided into M1 and M2 and sends to layer 2. Layer 2 on the other hand adds a header and trailer to each piece and sends to layer 1 for physical transmission. At the receiving machine As the message moves upward from layer to layer, the header and trailers are stripped off and message is delivered. 2.2.2 Design Issues for the Layers Some of the key design issues that occur in computer networks are present in several layers. The more important ones are: 1. Addressing- The unique identity of machines on the network is addressing. It helps to identify the specific destination. 2. Direction of data flow- Communication between two devices can be a. Simplex– Data travel in one direction (unidirectional). This is shown in fig 2.5 Fig 2.5 Simplex b. Half-Duplex– Data can travel in either direction but not simultaneously as shown in the fig 2.6 Fig 2.6 Half-Duplex c. Full-Duplex– Data can travel in both the directions simultaneously as shown in fig 2.7 Fig 2.7 Full-Duplex 3. Error control - It is one of the important issues. Many error-detecting and error-correcting codes are known, but both ends of the connection must agree on which one is being used. All the communication channels will not preserve the order of messages sent, so the protocol must make explicit provision for the receiver to reassemble properly. Another issue that occurs at every level is how to keep a fast sender from swamping a slow receiver with data. This is called as flow control. 4. The inability of all the processes to accept arbitrarily long messages. This leads to the mechanisms for disassembling, transmitting and then reassembling messages. 5. When it is inconvenient or expensive to set up a separate connection for each pair of communicating processes, the underlying layer may decide to use the same connection for multiple, unrelated conservations. As long as this multiplexing and demultiplexing is done transparently, it can be used by any layer. 6. Routing – There are multiple paths between the source and the destination, a route must be chosen. 2.2.3 Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Services The layer offers two different types of services to the layer above them: Connection-oriented Connectionless Connection-oriented service The service user first establishes a connection, uses the connection and then releases the connection. E.g. Telephone system. When the connection is established, the sender, receiver and subnet conduct a negotiation about parameters to be used, such as quality of service, maximum message size and other issues. Reliable connection-oriented service has two minor variations: message sequences and byte streams. Message sequences- message boundaries are preserved. For example when two 512-byte messages are sent, they arrive as two distinct 512-byte messages. Byte streams – A stream of bytes with no message boundaries. For example, two 512 byte messages can arrive as one 1024 byte message or two 512-byte messages. Connectionless service No connection is established. Each message carries the full destination address and each one is routed independently of all others. E.g. Postal system. Unreliable connectionless service is often called datagram service. e.g. telegram service Acknowledged datagram service provides reliability without any connection establishment. It is like sending a registered letter and requesting a return receipt. When the receipt comes back to the sender, it is sure the letter has delivered to the intended party. Request-reply service is the service in which sender transmits a single datagram containing a request: the reply contains the answer. Request-reply is commonly used to implement communication in the client server model. The table 2.1 summarizes the types of services discussed Table 2.1 Types of service 2.2.4 Service Primitives A service is formally specified by a set of primitives (operations) available to a user process to access the service. These primitives tell the service to perform some action. The primitives for connection-oriented service are different from those of connectionless service. The table 2.2 shows the primitives for simple connection-oriented service. These primitives might be used as follows. Table 2.2 Service primitives for implementing a simple connection-oriented service Fig 2.8 Packets sent in a simple client-server interaction on a connection-oriented network Initially the server executes LISTEN primitive to accept the incoming connections. To establish a connection the client executes CONNECT primitive, by using a parameter – server address. The operating system then typically sends a packet to the peer asking it to connect, as shown by (1) in fig 2.8 When a packet arrives at the server, it is processed by the operating system. When the system sees that the packet is requesting a connection, it checks for listener. If so it unblocks the listener and sends back an acknowledgement (2) This acknowledgement releases the client. At this point both client and server are running and have a connection established. If a connection request arrives and there is no listener the result is undefined. The server then executes RECEIVE primitive to accept the request. The RECEIVE call blocks the server. Then the client executes SEND primitive to transmit its request (3) followed by the execution of RECEIVE to get the reply. The arrival of request packet at the server unblocks the server process so that it can process the request. Then the server uses SEND primitive to return the answer to the client (4). If the client does not have any additional requests, it can use DISCONNECT to terminate the connection (5). When the server gets this packet, it also issues a DISCONNECT of its own, acknowledging the client and releasing the connection. When the server’s packet (6) gets back to client machine, the client process is released and the connection is broken. 2.2.5 The Relationship of Services to Protocols A service is a set of primitives that a layer provides to the layer above it. The service defines what operations the layer is prepared to perform on behalf of its users but nothing about how these operations are implemented. The service relates to an interface between two layers, with the lower layer – service provider and the upper layer – service user. In contrast, a protocol is a set of results governing the format and meaning of the packets or messages that are exchanged by the peer entities within a layer. Entities use protocols to implement their service definitions. Services relate to the interfaces between layers. In contrast, protocols relate to the packets sent between peer entities on different machines. This is shown in the fig 2.9. Fig 2.9 Relationship between a service and a protocol With respect to programming languages, service is like an abstract data type or an object in an object-oriented language. It defines the operations to be performed but does not specify how these operations are implemented. A protocol relates to the implementation of service. Unit 3 Example Networks 3.1 The ARPANET 3.2 The Internet 3.3 ATM 3.1 The ARPANET The network was originally conceived by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) or the U.S. Department of Defense as an experiment in computer resource sharing: a network that would interconnect dissimilar computer throughout the United States, allowing users and programs at one computer centre to access reliably and interactively use facilities of other centers geographically. The ARPA network has probably generated more interest and excitement in the field of computer networking than any other network in the world. It has spawned a vast amount of research activities in many diverse areas such as: computer-to-computer protocol, interconnection of dissimilar networks, line protocol, communication processor hardware and software design, network topological design, network reliability, network security, adaptive routing and flow control, protocol verifications packet-switching concepts, and so on. The development of the ARPA network has led, directly or indirectly, to the development of a whole host of large-scale computer-communications networks worldwide, both commercial as well as government-owned. The subnet would consist of minicomputers called IMPs (Interface Message Processors) connected by transmission lines. For high reliability, each IMP would be connected to atleast two other IMPs. The subnet was to be a datagram subnet. Each node of the network was to consist of an IMP and a host, in the same room, connected by a short wire. A host could send message of up to 8063 bits to its IMP, which would then break these up into packets of at most 1008 bits and forward them independently towards the destination. Each packet was received in its entirety before being forwarded, so the subnet was the first electronic storeand-forward packet-switching network. Later in 1968 BBN, a consulting firm chose to use specially modified Honeywell DDP-316 minicomputers with 12K 16-bit words of core memory as the IMPs. The IMPs did not have disks, since moving parts were considered unreliable. The IMPs were interconnected by 56kbps lines leased from telephone companies. The software was split into two parts: subnet and host. The subnet software consisted of the IMP end of the host-IMP connection, the IMP-IMP protocol, and a source IMP to destination IMP protocol designed to improve reliability. The original ARPANET design is shown in fig 3.1. Outside the subnet, software was also needed, namely, the host end of the host-IMP connection, the host-host protocol, and the application software. . Fig 3.1 The original ARPANET design Later the IMP software was changed to allow terminals to connect directly to a special IMP, called a TIP (Terminal Interface Processor), without having to go through a host. Subsequent changes included having multiple hosts per IMP, hosts talking to multiple IMPs (to protect against IMP failures), and hosts and IMPs separated by a large distance (to accommodate hosts far from the subnet). ARPA also funded research on satellite networks and mobile packet radio networks. By 1983, the ARPANET was stable and successful, with over 200 IMPs and hundreds of hosts. At this point, ARPA turned the management of the network over to the Defense Communications Agency (DCA), to run it as an operational network. During the 1980s, additional networks, especially LANS, were connected to the ARPANET. As the scale increased, finding hosts became increasingly expensive, so DNS (Domain Naming System) was created to organize machines into domains and map host names onto IP addresses. By 1990, the ARPANET had been overtaken by newer networks that it itself had spawned 3.1 The Internet Internet is a vast collection of different network’s that use certain common protocols and provide certain common services. Architecture of the Internet The fig 3.2 shows the overview of Internet. Fig 3.2 Overview of the Internet The client calls his or her ISP (Internet Service Providers) over a dial-up telephone line. The modem is a card within the PC that converts the digital signals to analog signals. These signals are transferred to the ISP’s POP (Point of Presence), where they are removed from the telephone system and injected into the ISP’s regional network. From this point on, the system is fully digital and packet switched. The ISP’s regional network consists of interconnected routers in the various cities. If the packet is destined for a host served directly by the ISP, the packet is delivered to the host. Otherwise, it is handed over to the ISP’s backbone operator. Large corporations and hosting services that run server farms (machines that can serve thousands of web pages per second) often connect directly to the backbone. Backbone operators encourage this direct connection by renting space in what are called carries hotels. To allow packets to hop between backbones, all the major backbones connect at the NAPs. A NAP is a room full of routers, at least one per backbone. In addition to being interconnected at NAPs, the larger backbones have numerous direct connections between their routers, a technique known as private peering. One of the many paradoxes of the Internet is that ISP’s who publicly compete with one another for customers often privately cooperate to do private peering. 3.2 Asynchronous Transfer Mode Connection-oriented network is ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode). ATM was designed in the early 1990s. ATM was going to solve all the world’s networking and telecommunications problem by merging voice, data, cable television, telex, telegraph and everything else into a single integrated system that could do everything for everyone. ATM was much more successful than OSI, and it is now widely used deep within the telephone system, often for moving IP packets. ATM Virtual circuits ATM networks are connection-oriented so connections are virtual circuits. Most ATM networks also support permanent virtual circuits, which are permanent connections between two hosts. Each connection temporary/permanent has a unique connection identifier. A virtual circuit is shown in fig 3.3. Fig 3.3 A virtual circuit ATM cell The basic idea behind ATM is to transmit all information in small, fixed size packets called cells. The cells are 53 bytes long, of which 5 bytes are header and 48 bytes are payload as shown in fig 3.4. Fig 3.4 An ATM cell The connection identifier is a part of header, so the sending and receiving hosts and all the intermediate routers can tell which cells belong to which connections. Cell routing is done in hardware at high speed. ATM is that the hardware can be set up to copy one incoming cell to multiple output lines. Example-broadcast of TV programs to many receivers. Small cells do not block any line for very long, which makes guaranteeing quality of service easier. Cell delivery is not guaranteed, but their order is maintained. It guarantees never to deliver the cell out of order. Example– if cells 1 and 2 are sent in that order, then first 1 is received by the destination followed by 2. ATM networks are organized like traditional WANs with lines and routers. The common speeds are 155Mbps and 622Mbps. ATM Reference Model ATM reference model is different from OSI and TCP/IP model. It is a three dimensional reference model; this model is shown in fig 3.5. It consists of three layers Physical layer ATM layer ATM adaptation layer plus users choice on top of that Fig 3.5 ATM Reference model Physical layer It deals with physical medium: voltages, bit timing and others. ATM has been designed to be independent of transmission medium i.e. ATM cells can be sent on a wire or fiber by themselves but they can also be packaged inside the payload of other carrier systems. It is divided into two sublayers PMD (Physical Medium Dependent) - It moves the bits on and off and handles the bit timing. TC (Transmission Convergence) - when cells are transmitted, TC layer sends them as a string of bits to PMD layer. At the other end, TC sublayer gets a pure incoming bit stream from PMD sublayer. Its job is to convert this bit stream into cell stream for the ATM layer. ATM layer It manages cell, including their generation and transport. It defines the layout of a cell and tells what the header fields mean. It also deals with establishment and release of virtual circuits. Congestion control is also located here. It is not split into sublayers. ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) Most applications do not want to work directly with cells; a layer above ATM layer has been defined to allow users to send packets larger than a cell. The ATM interface segments these packets, transmits the cells individually and reassembles them at the other end. This layer is AAL. It is divided into two sublayers SAR (Segmentation And Reassembly) – This lower sublayer breaks up packets into cells on the transmission side and puts back together at the destination. CS (Convergence Sublayer) – This upper sublayer makes it possible to have ATM systems offer different kinds of services to different applications like file transfer, videoon-demand etc. The functions of the layers and sublayers are summarized in table 3.1 Table 3.1 ATM layers, sublayers and their functions Module 2 Unit 1 Network Layer Design Issues 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Store-and-Forward Packet Switching Services Provided to the Transport Layer Implementation of Connectionless Service Implementation of Connection-Oriented Service Comparison of Virtual Circuit and Datagram Subnets Concepts of Routing Algorithms Unit 2 Routing Algorithms 2.1 The Optimality Principle 2.2 Shortest Path Routing 2.3 Flooding 2.4 Distance Vector Routing 2.5 Link state Routing 2.6 Hierarchical Routing 2.7 Broadcast Routing 2.8 Multicast Routing 2.9 Routing for Mobile Hosts Unit 3 Congestion Control 3.1 General Principles of Congestion Control 3.2 Congestion Prevention Policies 3.3 Congestion Control in Virtual-Circuit Subnets 3.4 Congestion Control in Datagram Subnet 3.5 Load Shedding 3.6 Jitter Control UNIT 1 NETWORK LAYER DESIGN ISSUES 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Store-and-Forward Packet Switching 1.3 Services Provided to the Transport Layer 1.4 Implementation of Connectionless Service 1.5 Implementation of Connection-Oriented Service 1.6 Comparison of Virtual Circuit and Datagram Subnets 1.7 Concepts of Routing Algorithms 1.1 Introduction The network layer is responsible for carrying packets from the source all the way to destination. It deals with end to end transmission (host to host delivery). The figure 1.1 shows the position of network layer in TCP/IP model. The network layer is the third layer in the model, which receives services from the data link layer and provides services to the transport layer. Fig 1.1 The position of network layer and its functionalities 1.2 Store-and-Forward Packet Switching The context deals with which the network layer protocol operates. This is shown in the fig 1.2. The major components of the system are carriers equipment (router connected by transmission lines) customers equipment The carriers’ equipment is shown inside the shaded oval and customers’ equipment is shown outside the oval. Host H1 is directly connected to one of the carriers’ router A by a leased line. Host H2 is on a LAN with router F, owned and operated by the customer. This router also has a leased line to the carrier router E. Fig 1.2 The environment of network layer protocols Usage of this equipment A host sends the packet to the nearest router. This packet is stored there until it has fully arrived so that the checksum can be verified. Then the packet is forwarded to the next router along the path until it reaches its destination host. This mechanism is Store and forward packet switching. 1.3 Services Provided to the Transport Layer The network layer provides services to the transport layer at the network layer/ transport layer interface. The services are designed with the following goals. 1. The services provided should be independent of router technology. 2. The transport layer should be secured from the number, type, and topology of the routers present. 3. The network addresses made available to the transport layer should use a uniform numbering plan, even across LANs and WANs. The network layer provides connection oriented or connectionless service. The Internet offers connectionless network layer service. ATM networks offer connection oriented network layer service. 1.4 Implementation of Connectionless Service In connectionless service packets are injected into the subnet individually and routed independently of each other. No advance setup is needed. The packets are frequently called datagrams and the subnet is called a datagram subnet. As an example the process P1 in fig 1.3 has a long message for P2. It hands the message to the transport layer with instructions to deliver it to process P2 on host H2. The transport layer code runs on H1, typically within the operating system. It prepends a transport header to the front of message and hands the result to the network layer, probably just another procedure within the operating system. Fig 1.3 Routing within a datagram subnet If the message is four times longer than the maximum packet size, so the network layer has to break it into four packets, 1, 2 , 3 and 4 and sends each of them in turn to router A using some point-to-point protocol. Every router has an internal table telling it where to send packets for each possible destination. Each table entry is a pair consisting of a destination and the outgoing line to use for that destination. Only directly-connected lines can be used. For example, in fig 1.3, A has only two outgoing lines to B and C, so every incoming packet must be sent to one of these routers, even if the ultimate destination is some other router. A’s initial routing table is shown in the fig under the label “initially.” As they arrived at A, packets 1, 2 and 3 were stored briefly. Then each was forwarded to C according to A’s table. Packet 1 was then forwarded to E and then to F. when it got to F, it was encapsulated in a data link layer frame and sent to H2 over the LAN. Packets 2 and 3 follow the same route. For some reason, A decided to send packet 4 via a different route than that of the first three. Perhaps it learned of a traffic jam somewhere along the ACE path and updated its routing table, as shown under the label “later.” The algorithm that manages the tables and makes the routing decision is called the routing algorithm. 1.5 Implementation of Connection-Oriented Service For connection-oriented service, we need a virtual-circuit subnet. The idea behind virtual circuits is to avoid having to choose a new route for every packet sent, when a connection is established, a route from the source machine to the destination machine is chosen as part of the connection setup and stored in tables inside the routers. That route is used for all traffic flowing over the connection, exactly the same way that the telephone system works. When the connection is released, the virtual circuit is also terminated. With connection-oriented service, each packet carries an identifier telling which virtual circuit it belongs to. Fig 1.4 Routing within a virtual circuit subnet Consider an example as shown in the fig 1.4; host H1 has established connection 1 with host H2. It is remembered as the first entry in each of the routing tables. The first line of A’s table says that if a packet bearing connection identifier 1 comes in from H1, it is to be sent to router C and given connection identifier 1. Similarly, the first entry at C routes the packet to E, also with connection identifier 1. If H3 also wants to establish a connection to H2, It chooses connection identifier 1 (because it is initiating the connection and this is its only connection) and tells the subnet to establish the virtual circuit. This leads to the second row in the tables. We have a conflict here because although A can easily distinguish connection 1 packets from H1 from connection 1 packets from H3, C cannot do this. For this reason, A assigns a different connection identifier to the outgoing traffic for the second connection. Avoiding conflicts of this kind is why routers need the ability to replace connection identifiers in outgoing packets. In some contexts, this is called label switching. 1.6 Comparison of Virtual-Circuit and Datagram Subnets The comparisons are tabulated in the table 1.1 Table 1.1 Comparison of datagram and virtual-circuit subnets 1.7 Concepts of Routing Algorithms The main function of the network layer is routing packets from the source to the destination. The routing algorithm is a part of the network layer software. It is responsible for deciding on which output line the incoming packet should be transmitted. If the subnet uses datagram internally, then the decision must be made for an arriving packet to choose the best route. If the subnet uses virtual circuits internally then the decisions are made only when a new virtual circuit is being set up. Therefore data packets just follow the previous established route. Difference between routing and forwarding Forwarding moves packets from routers input to appropriate router output. It is the process of getting through single interchange. Routing determines the route taken by packets from the source to the destination. It is the process of planning trip from source or destination. The properties that are required for a routing algorithm are correctness, simplicity, robustness, stability, fairness and optimality. The routing algorithm classification is shown in fig 1.5 Fig 1.5 The routing algorithm classification Non adaptive algorithm [Static routing] The network establishes an initial topology of paths. Addresses of initial paths are loaded onto routing tables at each node for a certain period of time. The router changes slowly over time The choice of the route is computed in advance off-line and downloaded to routers when network is booted. Adaptive routing [Dynamic routing] The state of the network is learned through the communication of each router with its neighbors. Thus, the state of each region in the network is propagated throughout the network after all the nodes finally update their routing tables. The router changes more quickly. They change their routing decision to reflect changes in topology UNIT 2 ROUTING ALGORITHMS 2.1 The Optimality Principle 2.2 Shortest Path Routing 2.3 Flooding 2.4 Distance Vector Routing 2.5 Link state Routing 2.6 Hierarchical Routing 2.7 Broadcast Routing 2.8 Multicast Routing 2.9 Routing for Mobile Hosts 2.1 The Optimality Principle The optimal route is one, which has the shortest distance between any two nodes without regard to network traffic or topology. The optimality principle states that “If router J is on the path from router I to router K, then the optimal path from J to K also falls along the same route” To see this, let the part of the route from I to J is r1 and the rest of the route is r2. If a route better than r2 existed from J to K, it could be concatenated with r1 to improve the route from I to K, contradicting our statement that r1r2 is optimal. 2.2 Shortest Path Routing [Dijikstra Shortest Path] The key concept in this routing is to build a graph of subnet, with each node of the graph representing a router and each arc of the graph representing a communication line (link). To choose a route between a given pair of routers, this algorithm finds the shortest path between them on the graph. The labels on arcs could be computed as function of distance, bandwidth, average traffic, communication cost, mean queue length, measured delay and others. Dijikstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm Initially label the nodes with its distance from source node along the best known path. Since no paths are known, all nodes are labeled with infinity (except source). Working node = source node Sink node = destination node While working node is not equal to sink node 1. Mark the working node as permanent 2. Examine all adjacent nodes in turn If the sum of label on working node plus distance from working node to adjacent node is less than current labeled distance on the adjacent node, implies a shorter path. Re-label the distance on the adjacent node and label it with the node from which probe was made. 3. Examine all tentative nodes (not just adjacent nodes) and mark the node with smallest labeled value as permanent. This node becomes the new working node. Reconstruct the path backwards from sink to source. In this example, we need to find the shortest path from A (source) to D (destination) Fig 2.1 Compute shortest path from A to D The arrows indicate the working node Mark node A as permanent by, indicating a filled in circle as shown in the fig 2.1(a) Examine the adjacent nodes to A, and re-label each one with the distance to A. whenever the node is relabeled, the labeling should be from which the probe was made, so that we can reconstruct the final path later. Now choose B as new working node, as the distance from node A is less than the adjacent node G, shown in fig 2.1(b) Start with node B and examine all the nodes adjacent to it. Assign the cumulative distance to its adjacent nodes, i.e. sum of label on B and the distance from B to adjacent nodes (C and E). Node E is chosen as the new working node, shown in the fig 2.1(c) The procedure works until all the nodes adjacent to the working node have been inspected and tentative labels are changed if possible. Hence the shortest path computed is A-B-E-F-H-D with a distance of 10 units. 2.3 Flooding Flooding is one of the static algorithm in which every incoming packet is sent out on every outgoing line expect the one from which the packet came. It generates large number of duplicate packets. So certain measures are taken 1. One of the measures is to have a hop counter in the header of each packet, which is decremented at each hop. When the counter reaches zero the packet is discarded. The hop counter should be initialized with the length of path from the source to the destination. 2. Another measure is to keep track of which packets have been flooded, in order to avoid sending them for the second time. So a sequence number is placed by the source router in each packet it receives from its nodes. Each router then needs a list per source router, telling which sequence numbers originating at that source have already been seen. 3. Another type of flooding is Selective flooding. In this algorithm the routers do not send every incoming packet out on every line, only to those lines that are going approximately in right direction. Flooding is used in Military applications – large number of router may be blown to bits at any instant Distributed database applications – to update databases concurrently Wireless networks – messages transmitted by a station can be received by all other stations It is used as a metric against which other routing algorithms can be compared. 2.4 Distance Vector Routing [Bellman Ford Routing Algorithm or Ford – Fulkerson Algorithm] The most popular dynamic algorithm is distance vector routing. In distance vector routing, Each router maintains a routing table indexed by and containing one entry for each router in the subnet. The entry has two parts Preferred outgoing line to use for that destination Estimation of time/ distance to that destination. Router transmits its distance vector to each of its neighbors. Each router receives and saves the most recently received distance vector from each of its neighbors. A router recalculates its distance vector when It receives a distance vector from a neighbor containing different information than before. It discovers that a link to a neighbor has gone down (topology change) The metric used might be number of hops, time delay in milliseconds, total number of packets queued along the path etc. Fig 2.2 (a) A subnet (b) Input from A, I, H, K and the new routing table for J Consider an example, where delay is used as a metric. The fig 2.2(a) shows the subnet. The first four columns shows the delay vectors received from neighbors of Router J in fig 2.2(b). Router A claims to have 12 ms delay to B, 25 ms delay to C, 40 ms delay to D and so on. Router I claims to have a 24 ms delay to A, 36 ms delay to B and proceeds. Similarly the delays are entered in the routing table for H and K routers. Suppose J estimates its delay to its neighbors A, I, H and K as 8, 10, 12 and 6 ms respectively. Then the new routing table for J is computed and shown in the last column of the fig 2.2(b). To compute a new route from router J to G Therefore the best of these values is 18 ms, so it makes an entry in its routing table that the delay to G is 18 ms and route used is via H. The same calculation is performed for all other destinations. The Count –to - Infinity Problem Distance vector routing works in theory but has a serious drawback in practice. In particular it reacts rapidly to good news but leisurely to bad news. Fig 2.3 The Count-to-Infinity To see how fast good news propagates, consider five node subnet of fig 2.3(a) where the delay metric is number of hops. Suppose if A is down initially and other routers know about A or all the other routers have recorded the delay to A as infinity. When A comes up, other routers learn about it through vector exchanges. At the first exchange B learn that its left neighbor has zero delay to A. So B makes an entry in its routing table that A is one hop away to left on the next exchange. C learns that B has length 1 to A, so it updates to 2 next exchange by D so it updates to 3 and next exchange by E updating to 4. The good news is spreading at the rate of one hop per exchange. In fig 2.3(b) all the lines and routers are initially up. Suddenly A goes down or line between A and B is cut. At the first packet exchange, B does not hear anything from A. Then C suggests its path to A of length 2. So B thinks it can reach A via C with length 3. D and E do not update their entries for A on the first exchange. On second exchange, C notices its neighbor have a path to A with length 3, so it makes its new distance to A as 4. Subsequent exchanges are shown in fig 2.3(b). So from this fig it is clear why bad news travels slowly. Generally all routers work their way up to infinity, but number of exchanges required depends on numerical value used for infinity. So it is wise to set infinity to the longest path plus 1. If the metric is time delay, then there is no well defined upper bound, so a high value is needed to prevent a path with a long delay from being treated down. This problem is known as Count – to – Infinity problem. 2.5 Link State Routing Distance vector routing was used in ARPANET until 1979, and then replaced by link state routing because of two primary problems. They are 1. The delay metric was queue length; it did not take line bandwidth into account while choosing the routes. 2. The algorithm often took too long to converge ( count – to – infinity problem) Each router must do the following 1. Discover its neighbors and learn their network addresses. 2. Measure the delay or cost to each of its neighbors. 3. Construct a packet telling all it has just learned. 4. Send this packet to all other routers. 5. Compute the shortest path to every other router. Learning about neighbors When a router is booted, it sends HELLO packet to each point-to-point line to learn who its neighbors are. The router on the other end replies back who it is. The names must be globally unique. Measuring line cost Each router should know the delay to each of its neighbors. So to determine this delay, a special ECHO packet is sent by the router to each of its neighbors. On receiving, it has to send back immediately. By measuring round trip time and dividing by two, the sending router estimates the delay. For better results, the test is carried out for several times and average is taken. When the load is taken into account, the round trip timer must be started when the ECHO packet is queued. To ignore the load, the timer should be started when ECHO packet reaches the front of queue. Building Link State Packets After collecting the required information, the next step for each router is to build a packet. The packet starts with identity of the sender, followed by sequence number, age, and list of neighbors. For each neighbor, the delay to that neighbor is given. The fig 2.4 shows the subnet and the corresponding link state packets for all six routers. The packets are build periodically (at regular intervals) or when some significant event occurs. Fig 2.4 (a) A subnet (b) The link state packets for this subnet Distributing the Link State Packets The link state packets should be distributed reliably. The basic distribution algorithm - Flooding is used. To keep the flood in check, each packet contains sequence number that is incremented for each new packet sent. Routers keep track of source router, sequence number when a packet comes in, it checks with the list of packets already sent. If it is new then it is forwarded or else if duplicate, it is discarded. If a packet with a sequence number lower than the highest one seen so far ever arrives, it is rejected. This algorithm encounters certain problems Sequence numbers wrap around If router crashes, it will lose track of its sequence number. If sequence number is ever corrupted and 35,450 are received instead of 4 then packets 5 through 35,450 will be rejected. The solution to these problems is to include the Age of each packet after sequence number. It is decremented for every second. When the age hits zero, the information from that router is discarded. To make this algorithm more robust, some refinements are done. When a packet comes in to a router for flooding, it is not queued. Instead it is placed in a holding area to wait. If another link state packet comes in, then sequence numbers of both the packets are compared. If they are equal then the duplicate is discarded. In case of different, the older one is thrown out. To protect against errors on router – router lines, all link state packets are acknowledged. Computing the New Routes Once the router receives the full set of link state packets, it constructs the entire subnet graph. Every link is represented twice, once for each direction. The two values can be averaged or used separately. Then Dijikstra’s algorithm can be made to run locally to construct the shortest path to all the possible destinations. The results of this algorithm are installed in the routing tables and normal operation is resumed. For a subnet with n routers and k neighbors, the memory required to store input data is proportional to kn. Link state routing is widely used in networks OSPF protocol used in internet uses link state algorithm. Link state protocol IS – IS (Intermediate System – Intermediate System) is used in some internet backbones, digital cellular systems and can even support multiple network layer protocols at the same time. 2.6 Hierarchical Routing The growth of networks in size increases the routing tables, memory consumption, CPU time to scan the table and bandwidth. So the routing has to be done hierarchically. In hierarchical routing routers are divided into Regions, with each router knowing the details to route the packets to the destination within its own region but knowing nothing about the internal structure of other regions. For huge networks, 2 level hierarchies are not sufficient. It is required to group the Regions into Clusters, Clusters into Zones, and Zones into Groups and so on. Fig 2.5 Hierarchical Routing The fig 2.5 gives an example of two-level hierarchy routing with five regions. The full routing table for router 1A has 17 entries as shown in fig 2.5(b). The hierarchical routing table is shown in the fig 2.5(c). The entries for local routers are made in detail where as for all other regions; it is condensed into single router. So for region 2, all the traffic goes via 1B line and for the rest of the regions via 1C line. Hence Hierarchical routing reduces the table from 17 to 7 entries. As the ratio of number of regions to the number of router per region grows, the savings in the table space increases. As an example consider a subnet with 720 routers If a two-level hierarchy is chosen then subnet is partitioned into 24 regions of 30 routers. Each router requires 53 entries (30 local entries + 23 remote entries). If a three-level hierarchy is chosen with 8 clusters, each containing 9 regions of 10 routers. Each router needs 25 entries (10 entries for local router + 8 entries to other regions within its own cluster + 7 entries for distant clusters) In general the optimal number of levels for N routers, subnet is ln N, requiring total e ln N entries per router. 2.7 Broadcast Routing Sending packets to all the destinations simultaneously is called as Broadcasting. Some of the proposed methods are 1. Sending distinct packet to each destination. This method results in waste of bandwidth. 2. Flooding is one of the methods for broadcasting. The disadvantage is, it generates too many packets and consumes more bandwidth. 3. Multi destination Routing - Each packet contains a list of destinations or a bit-map indicating the desired destinations. When a packet arrives at a router, it checks all the destinations to set the output lines. The router generates a new copy of packet for each output line and includes only those destinations in each packet. The destination set is partitioned among the output lines. After sufficient number of hops, each packet will carry only one destination and treated as a normal packet. This method is like one of them pays full fare and the rest ride free. 4. Use of sink tree for the router or Spanning tree - A spanning tree is a subset of the subnet that includes all routers but contains no loops. If each router knows which of its lines belong to the spanning tree, it can copy an incoming packet onto all lines expect the one it arrived on. This method makes excellent use of bandwidth. The only disadvantage is each router must have the knowledge of the spanning tree for the method to be applicable. 5. Reverse Path Forwarding - The router forwards copies of packets onto all lines except the one it arrived on. The packets that do not arrive along the preferred line are discarded Fig 2.6 Reverse path forwarding (a) A subnet (b) A sink tree (c) The tree built by reverse path forwarding The example subnet is shown in fig 2.6(a), fig 2.6(b) shows a sink tree for router I of that subnet and fig 2.6(c) shows the working of Reverse Path Forwarding. On the first hop, router I sends packets to F, H, J, and N. Since they arrived on the preferred path to I, it is indicated by circle around the letter. On the second hop, five arrive along the preferred line out of eight packets generated. On the third hop, only three arrive on preferred path and others are duplicates. After five hops and 24 packets, the broadcasting terminates, compared with 4 hops and 14 packets had the sink tree been followed exactly. This method is easy and efficient to implement. Routers need not have the knowledge of spanning tree. 2.8 Multicast Routing Sending the message to the members of the group is called Multicasting and its routing algorithm is called Multicast Routing. Multicasting requires group management. There should be a mechanism to create and destroy groups and to allow processes to join and leave the groups. When either a host joins or leaves the group, the router should update the information in each case. To do multicast routing, each router computes a spanning tree covering all the other routers. As an example fig 2.7(a) have 2 groups 1 and 2, fig 2.7(b) shows the spanning tree for the leftmost router, fig 2.7(c) shows the trimmed spanning tree for group 1 and fig 2.7(d) shows the pruned spanning tree for group 2. Fig 2.7 (a) A network (b) A spanning tree for the leftmost router (c) A multicast tree for group 1 (d) A multicast tree for group 2 Various ways of pruning (trimming) the spanning trees are Use of link state routing and each router is aware of complete topology including which hosts belong to which groups. Use of distance vector routing, the basic algorithm is reverse path forwarding. Use of core-based trees - a single spanning tree per group is computed with the root (core) near the middle of the group. 2.9 Routing for Mobile Hosts The different kinds of hosts are 1. Stationary hosts - the host that never moves and is connected to the network by copper wires or fiber optics. 2. Migratory hosts - are the stationary hosts which moves from one fixed site to another site from time to time but use the network only when they are physically connected to it. 3. Roaming hosts - they compute on the run and maintains their connections as they move around. 4. Mobile hosts - the hosts that are away from home but still want to be connected. Fig 2.8 A WAN to which LANs, MANs and wireless cells are attached All the hosts have a permanent home location that never changes. They have a permanent home address to determine their home locations. The model of the world that network designers typically use is shown in fig 2.8. The world is divided geographically into small units. Each unit is called as area. Each area has One or more Foreign agents - are the processes that keep track of all mobile hosts visiting the area. Home agent - which keeps track of hosts, whose home is in the area, but who are currently visiting another area. When a new host enters an area then is must register itself with the foreign agent. The registration procedure is as follows Periodically, each foreign agent broadcasts a packet announcing its existence and address. A newly arrived mobile host may wait for one of these messages, but if none arrives quickly then the host can broadcast a packet in search of any foreign agent. Mobile host registers with the foreign agent by giving the details – home address, current data link layer address and some security information. The foreign agent contacts the mobile host’s home agent to inform about the host. The message from the foreign agent contains its network address and also security information to convince the home agent that the host is really there. The home agent examines the security information, which contains a timestamp. If it accepts then it informs the foreign agent to proceed. Once the acknowledgment from the home agent is received by the foreign agent, then it makes an entry in its tables and informs the mobile hosts that it is registered. Fig 2.9 Packet routing for mobile hosts When a packet is sent to a mobile host, it is routed to the host’s home LAN as illustrated in the step1 of fig 2.9. The home agent then looks up the mobile host’s new location and finds the address of the foreign agent handling the mobile host. The home agent does two things It encapsulates the packet in the payload field of an outer packet and sends to the foreign agent (step 2 in fig 2.9). This mechanism is called Tunneling. The foreign agent removes original packet from payload field after getting encapsulated packet and then sends it to the mobile host as a frame. The home agent tells the sender to send packets to mobile host by encapsulating them in the payload of packets explicitly addressed to the foreign agent (step 3). Subsequent packets are routed directly to the host via foreign agent (step 4), by passing the home location entirely. UNIT 3 CONGESTION CONTROL 3.1 Introduction 3.2 General Principles of Congestion Control 3.3 Congestion Prevention Policies 3.4 Congestion Control in Virtual-Circuit Subnets 3.5 Congestion Control in Datagram Subnets 3.6 Load Shedding 3.7 Jitter Control 3.1 Introduction When too many packets are present in the subnet, the performance degrades; this situation is called as congestion. It may occur if the load on the network is greater than the capacity of the network. The fig 3.1 depicts the congestion. When the traffic increases, the routers are no longer able to cope, so they begin to drop the packets. Hence performance collapses completely. Congestion occurs based on several factors If packets arriving on three or four input lines need the same output line, a queue will be built. If there is insufficient memory to hold, then packets will be lost. If routers have an infinite amount of memory then congestion gets worse. Because by the time packets get to the front of the queue, it will be timed out and duplicates will be sent. Slow processors also cause congestion. Low bandwidth lines can also cause congestion. Fig 3.1 When too much traffic is offered, congestion sets in and performance degrades sharply Difference between congestion control and flow control Congestion control makes sure the subnet is able to carry the offered traffic. It involves the behavior of all the hosts, all the routers, store and forwarding processing within the routers and all the other factors related to the carrying capacity of the subnet. Flow control relates to the point-to point traffic between a given sender and a receiver. Its job is to make sure that a fast sender cannot continuously transmit data faster than the receiver is able to absorb it. It involves direct feedback from the receiver to the sender. 3.2 General Principles of Congestion Control The solution for many problems in complex system is divided into two groups’ open loop and closed loop. Open loop solutions attempt to solve the problem by good design in order to make sure it does not occur in the first place. Once the system is up and running, midcourse corrections are not made. Closed loop solutions are based on the concept of a feedback loop. It has three parts when applied to congestion control Monitor the system to detect when and where the congestion occurs Pass this information to places where action can be taken Adjust the system operation to correct the problem Some of the metrics to monitor the subnet for congestion are The percentage of all packets discarded for lack of buffer space, average queue lengths, number of packets that time out, average packet delay; in all these cases raising numbers indicates growing congestion. The hosts or routers should periodically send probe packets out to explicitly ask about congestion. In feedback schemes the knowledge of congestion will cause the host to take appropriate action to reduce congestion. Congestion control algorithms are classified as 1. Open loop algorithm (prevention) - congestion control is handled either by source or destination. Policies are applied to prevent congestion before it happens. 2. Closed loop algorithm (removal) - It is further classified into Explicit feedback algorithm – packets are sent back from the point of congestion to warn the source. Implicit feedback algorithm – the source deduces the existence of congestion by making local observations such as time required for acknowledgements to come back. 3.3 Congestion Prevention Policies Some of the data link, network and transport policies that affect congestion are summarized in the table 3.1. Table 3.1 Policies that affect congestion With respect to data link layer Retransmission policy is how fast a sender times out and what it transmits upon timeout. Jumpy senders that time out quickly and retransmit all outstanding packets using go-back-n. This is closely related to buffering policy. If receivers routinely discard packets, packets have to be transmitted again creating extra load. So with respect to congestion control selective repeat is better than go-back-n. Acknowledgement policy affects congestion that is if each packet is acknowledged immediately, traffic increases. So tight flow control scheme helps in congestion control and reduces the data rate. Network layer The choice between using virtual circuits and datagram’s affects congestion since most algorithms works only with virtual circuit subnets. Packet queuing and service policy relates to check whether routers have one queue per input line, one queue per output line or both. Discard policy is to inform which packet is dropped because of no space. Routing algorithm can help to avoid congestion by spreading the traffic over all lines. Packet lifetime management deals with how long a packet works for long time. Transport layer The same issues occur as in data link layer. In addition if timeout interval is too short, extra packets will be sent unnecessarily. If too long, congestion will be reduced but response time will suffer whenever a packet is lost. 3.4 Congestion Control in Virtual-Circuit Subnets One of the techniques that are widely used to control the congestion in virtual circuit subnet is Admission control i.e. once congestion has been signaled; no more virtual circuits are set up until the problem is solved. Another approach is to allow new virtual circuits but carefully route all new virtual circuits around problems areas. The example shown in the fig 3.2 depicts omitting the congested routers and all their lines. Fig 3.2 (a) A congested subnet (b) A redrawn subnet that eliminates the congestion. A virtual circuit from A to B is also shown The other factor is to negotiate an agreement between the host and the subnet when a virtual circuit is setup. This agreement specifies the volume and the shape of traffic, quality of service required and other parameters. As a part of agreement the subnet reserves the resources along the path when the circuit is set up. The only disadvantage is all the time it tends to waste resources in this kind of reservation. 3.5 Congestion Control in Datagram Subnets Some of the approaches used in datagram subnets are Choke packets A choke packet is a packet sent by the router to the source host to inform about congestion. The original packet is tagged (a header bit is turned on) not to generate anymore choke packets. When the source gets the choke packet, it reduces the traffic on the line to the destination. Since other packets aimed at the same destination are already on the way, choke packets will be generated. The host should ignore choke packets for a fixed time interval. After that period expires, the host starts listening for choke packets. If the line is still congested, the host reduces the flow and ignores the choke packets again. If no choke packets arrive during the listening period, the host may increase the flow again. Hop-by-Hop chokes packets At high speeds or over long distances, sending a choke packet to the source hosts does not work well as the reaction is so slow. An example of choke packet propagation is shown in the fig 3.3(a). An alternative approach is to have the choke packet take effect at every hop it passes through, as shown in fig 3.3(b). As choke packet reaches F, it reduces the flow to D. Doing so will require F to devote more buffers to the flow, since the source is still sending away at full blast, but it gives D immediate relief. In the next step, the choke packet reaches E, which tells E to reduce the flow to F. This action puts a greater demand on E’s buffers but gives F immediate relief. Finally choke packets reaches A and the flow genuinely slows down. The net effect of this hop-by-hop scheme is to provide quick relief at the point of congestion at the price of using up more buffers upstreams. Fig 3.3 (a) A choke packet that affects only the source (b) A choke packet that affects each hop it passes through 3.6 Loading Shedding It is one of the methods to bring down congestion. Load shedding is when routers are being flooded by packets that they cannot handle, they just throw them away. The packets that are to be discarded may depend on the applications running. Some of the applications are The router just picks the packet randomly to drop In case of file transfer, an old packet is worth dropping than a new one. In contrast for multimedia, a new packet is dropped than the old one. Implementing an intelligent discard policy, applications must mark their packets in priority classes to indicate how important they are. To allow the hosts to exceed the limits specified in the agreement negotiated, when virtual circuit was set up but subject to the condition that all excess traffic be marked as low priority. RED (Random Early Detection) is a popular algorithm to deal with congestion as soon as it is first detected. The routers drop packets before the situation has become hopeless (hence the name ‘early’), the idea is that there is time for action to be taken before it is too late. To determine when to start discarding, routers maintain a running average of their queue lengths. When this average queue length exceeds threshold on some line, the line is said to be congested and action is to be taken. The router informs the source about congestion by sending a choke packet. The problem is, it puts more load on the congested network. A different approach is to just discard the selected packet and not report it. The acknowledgement for that packet will not be received by the source. So the source understands the situation and takes appropriate action. 3.7 Jitter Control Jitter is the variation in delay for packets belonging to the same flow. Real time audio and video cannot tolerate high jitter i.e. some packets taking 20 ms and other taking 30 ms to arrive will give an uneven quality to sound/movie. Jitter is illustrated in fig 3.4. The range chosen must be feasible. It must take into account the speed of light transit time and the minimum delay through the routers and perhaps leave a little slack for some inevitable delays. The jitter can be bounded by computing the expected transmit time for each hop along the path. When a packet arrives at a router, it checks to see how much the packet is behind /ahead of the schedule. If it is ahead of the schedule then it slows down and behind the schedule gets speeded up. It is done to reduce the amount of jitter. Fig 3.4(a) High jitter (b) Low jitter In some applications such as VOD, jitter can be eliminated by buffering at the receiver and then fetching the data for display from the buffer instead of fetching from the network in the real time. Module 3 Unit 1 Quality of Service 1.1 Flow characteristics 1.2 Techniques for Achieving- Good Quality of Service 1.3 Integrated Services 1.4 Differentiated Services Unit 2 Internetworking 2.1 Need for Network Layer 2.2 Internet as Packet-Switched Network 2.3 Internet as Connectionless Network 2.4 Tunneling 2.5 Internetwork Routing 2.6 Fragmentation Unit 3 The Network Layer in the Internet 3.1 The IP Protocol 3.2 IP Addresses 3.3 Subnet 3.4 IPV6 UNIT 1 QUALITY OF SERVICE (QoS) 1.1 Flow characteristics 1.2 Techniques for Achieving- Good Quality of Service 1.3 Integrated Services 1.4 Differentiated Services Quality of Service (QoS) is an internetworking issue. We can informally define QoS as something a flow seeks to attain. 1.1 Flow Characteristics The four types of characteristics attributed to flow are reliability, delay, jitter and bandwidth as shown in fig 1.1 Fig 1.1 Flow characteristics Reliability Reliability is a characteristic that a flow needs. Lack of reliability means, losing a packet or acknowledgement which needs retransmission. E-mail, file transfer and Internet access have reliable transmission. Delay Source to destination delay is another flow characteristic. Telephony, audio and video conferencing and remote login need minimum delay where as the delay in file transfer or e-mail is less important. Jitter Jitter is the variation in delay for packets belonging to the same flow. Real-time audio and video cannot tolerate high jitter. Bandwidth The range of frequencies transmitted without being strongly attenuated is called bandwidth. Different applications need different bandwidth. Some common applications and rigidity of their requirements are listed in table 1.1. Table 1.1 How stringent the QoS requirements are ATM are networks classify flows in four broad categories with respect to their QoS demands. They Constant bit rate (e.g. telephony) Real-time variable bit rate (e.g. compressed video conferencing) Non real-time variable bit rate (e.g. watching a movie over internet) Available bit rate (e.g. file transfer) 1.2 Techniques for Achieving Good Quality of Service Some of the techniques the system designers use to achieve QoS are Over Provisioning An easy solution is to provide much router capacity, buffer space and bandwidth. So that packets flow through easily. The disadvantage is it is expensive. To some extent telephone system is over provisioned. Buffering Flows can be buffered on receiving side before being delivered. Buffering does not affect reliability or bandwidth but increases delay and smoothes out the jitter. The fig 1.2 shows the stream of packets being delivered with substantial jitter. Fig 1.2 Smoothing the output stream by buffering packets Packet 1 is set from server at t = 0 sec and arrives at the client at t = 1 sec. Packet 2 undergoes delay and takes 2 secs to arrive As the packets arrive they are buffered on the client machine. At t = 10 sec, the playback begins. Packets 1 through 6 that have been buffered are removed at uniform intervals for smooth play. Packet 8 has been delayed so playback stops until it arrives creating a gap in the play. The problem can be solved by using large buffer and delaying the starting time still more. Traffic Shaping Traffic shaping is a mechanism to control the amount and the rate of traffic sent to the network. It is about regulating the average rate of data transmission. The two techniques to shape the traffic are Leaky bucket Token bucket Leaky bucket The fig 1.3(a) depicts a bucket with a small hole at the bottom. No matter the rate at which water enters the bucket, the outflow is at a constant rate ρ when there is water in the bucket and zero when the bucket is empty. Once the bucket is full, it spills out additional water at the sides. Similarly in networking a technique called leaky bucket can smooth out bursty traffic. It is shown in fig 1.3(b). Each host is connected to a network by an interface containing a leaky bucket i.e. a finite internal queue. If a packet arrives at the queue when it is full then packet is discarded. The host is allowed to put one packet per clock tick on the network. This can be enforced by interface card or by OS. It works fine if the packets are all the same size. Turner proposed the leaky bucket algorithm in 1986. The following is an algorithm for variable length packets. Initialize a counter to n at the tick of the clock. If n is greater than the size of the packet, send the packet and decrement the counter by packet size. Repeat this step until n is smaller than packet size. Reset the counter and go to step 1. Fig 1.3 (a) A leaky bucket with water (b) A leaky bucket with packets A simple leaky bucket implementation is shown in fig 1.4 Fig 1.4 Leaky bucket implementation Thus a leaky bucket algorithm shapes bursty traffic into fixed- rate traffic by averaging the data rate. It drops the packets only when the bucket is full. Token Bucket In token bucket algorithm, the leaky bucket holds tokens, generated by a clock at the rate of one token every Δ T sec. For a packet to be transmitted, it must capture and destroy one token. The fig 1.5(a) shows the bucket holding three tokens with five packets waiting for transmission. In fig 1.5(b) three packets have acquired the tokens and two are waiting for tokens to be generated. To implement this algorithm, the token is initialized to zero. Each time a token is added, counter is incremented by 1. Each time a unit of data is sent counter is decremented by 1. When counter is zero, the host cannot send the data. Thus token bucket algorithm allows bursty traffic at a regulated maximum rate. Fig 1.5 The token bucket algorithm (a) Before (b) After Comparison between Leaky bucket and Token bucket Leaky bucket is very restrictive. It does not credit an idle host. For example, if a host is not sending for while then the bucket becomes empty. If the host has bursty data, it allows only on average rate. The time the host was idle is not taken into account. Token bucket allows idle host to accumulate credit for the future in the form of tokens. Leaky bucket algorithm discards packets when the bucket fills up. Token bucket algorithm throws average tokens when the bucket fills up but never discards packets. To calculate the length of maximum rate Let, Burst length = S sec Token Bucket Capacity = C bytes Token Arrival Rate = ρ bytes / sec Maximum Output Rate = M bytes / sec Output burst contains a maximum of C + ρ S bytes. Number of bytes in a maximum speed burst of length S sec is M S Hence, we have C + ρ S = M S Where S = C / (M – ρ) The potential problem with token bucket algorithm is it allows large bursts again, even though the maximum burst interval can be regulated by careful selection of ρ and M. Resource reservation A flow of data needs resources. It becomes possible to reserve resources along that route to make sure the needed capacity is available. The three different kinds of resources that can potentially be reserved are Bandwidth Buffer space CPU cycles To calculate mean delay of a packet T Let packets arrive at random with mean arrival rate of λ packets/sec. CPU time required is also random with mean processing capacity of µ packets/sec. Assuming both arrival and service distributions are Poisson distributions. The mean delay of a packet T is Where ρ = λ / µ → CPU utilization 1 / µ → service time Admission Control Admission control refers to the mechanism used by a router, or a switch to accept or reject a flow based on predefined parameters called Flow Specification. Typically the sender produce a flow specification proposing the parameters it would like to use. An example based on RFC’s 2210 and 2211, is tabulated in the table 1.2. Before a router accepts the flow for processing, it checks the specifications to see if its capacity and its previous commitments to other flows can handle the new flow. Table 1.2 An example flow specification Proportional Routing To provide a high QoS, it is required to split the traffic for each destination over multiple paths. Since routers generally do not have complete overview of network traffic, it can use locally available information for splitting. A simple method is to divide traffic equally or in proportion to the capacity of outgoing links. Packet Scheduling Several scheduling techniques are designed to improve the quality of service. One of the algorithms is Fair Queuing algorithm. In this algorithm the routers have separate queues for each output line, one for each flow. When a line becomes idle, router scans the queues round robin taking the first packet on the next queue. This algorithm has a problem, it gives more bandwidth to hosts that use large packets than that use small packets. So an improvement in which the round robin is done in such a way as to simulate a byte–to–byte round robin, instead of a packet–by–packet round robin. In fig 1.6(a), we see packets of length 2 to 6 bytes. At clock tick 1, the first byte of the packet A is sent. Then at tick 2, the first byte of packet B is sent and so on. The first packet to finish is C after 8 ticks. The sorted order is given in fig 1.6(b). If there are no new arrivals, the packets will be sent in the order listed from C to A. Fig 1.6 (a) A router with five packets queued for line O (b) Finishing times for the packets This algorithm gives all the hosts the same priority. So a modified algorithm called Weighted Fair Queuing is widely used. In this technique, the packets are still assigned to different classes and admitted to different queues. 1.3 Integrated Services Integrated Services is a flow-based QoS model designed for IP. It was aimed at both unicast and multicast applications. To implement a flow-based model over a connectionless protocol, a protocol was designed called as Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP). RSVP- Resource reSerVation Protocol The main IETF protocol for the integrated services architecture is RVSP. This protocol is used for making resource reservations. RSVP allows multiple senders to transmit to multiple groups of receivers, permits individual receivers to switch channels freely and optimizes bandwidth use and at the same time eliminates congestion. The Protocol uses multicast routing using spanning trees. Each group is assigned a group address. To send to a group, a sender puts the group’s address in its packets. The standard multicast routing algorithm then builds a spanning tree covering all the group members. The routing algorithm is not a part of RSVP. As an example, consider the network of fig 1.7(a). Hosts 1 and 2 are multicast senders and hosts 3, 4 and 5 are multicast receivers. In this example, the senders and receivers are disjoint, but in general, the two sets may overlap. The multicast trees for hosts 1 and 2 are shown in fig 1.7(b) and fig 1.7(c) respectively. To eliminate congestion, any of the receivers in a group can send a reservation message to the sender. The message is propagated using the reverse path forwarding algorithm. At each hop, the router notes the reservation and reserves the necessary bandwidth. If insufficient bandwidth is available, it reports back failure. By the time the message gets back to the source, bandwidth has been reserved all the way from the sender to the receiver making the reservation request along the spanning tree. An example of such a reservation is shown in the fig 1.8(a). Here host 3 has requested a channel to host 1. Once it has been established, packets can flow from 1 to 3 without congestion. If host 3 reserves a channel for other sender host 2, so the user can watch two television programs at once. A second path is reserved, as illustrated in fig 1.8(b). Note that two separate channels are needed from host 3 to router E because two independent streams are being transmitted. Fig 1.7 (a) A network (b) The multicast spanning tree for host1 (c) The multicast spanning tree for host 2 Finally, in fig 1.8(c) host 5 decides to watch the program being transmitted by host 1. The dedicated bandwidth is reserved as far as router H. However, this router sees that it already has a feed from host 1, so if the necessary bandwidth has already been reserved, it does not have to reserve any more. Fig 1.8 (a) Host 3 requests a channel to host 1 (b) Host 3 then requests a second channel to host 2 (c) Host 5 requests a channel to host 1 When making a reservation, a receiver can (optionally) specify one or more sources that it wants to receive from. It can also specify whether these choices are fixed for the duration of the reservation or whether the receiver wants to keep open the option of changing sources later. The router uses this information to optimize bandwidth planning. In particular, two receivers are only set up to share a path if they both agree not to change sources later on. The reason for this strategy in the fully dynamic case is that reserved bandwidth is decoupled from the choice of source. Once a receiver has reserved bandwidth, it can switch to another source and keep that portion of the existing path that is valid for the new source. 1.4 Differentiated services Flow-based algorithms have the potential to offer good quality of service to one or more flows because they reserve whatever resources are needed along the route. They require an advance setup to establish each flow, something that does not scale well when there are thousands or millions of flows. IETF has also devised a simpler approach to quality of service, one that can be largely implemented locally in each router without advance setup and without having the whole path involved. This approach is known as class-based (as opposed to flow-based) quality of service. IETF has standardized architecture for it, called Differentiated services. Differentiated services (DS) can be offered by a set of routers forming an administrative domain. The administration defines a set of service classes with corresponding forwarding rules. If a customer signs up for DS, customer packets entering the domain may carry a Type of Service field in them, with better service provided to some classes (e.g., premium service) than to others. Since this scheme requires no advance setup, no resource reservation, and no time-consuming end-to-end negotiation for each flow, as with integrated services. This makes DS relatively easy to implement. The difference between flow-based quality of service and class-based quality of service is explained by an example: internet telephony. With a flow-based scheme, each telephone call gets its own resources and guarantees. With a class-based scheme, all the telephone calls together get the resources reserved for the class telephony. These resources cannot be taken away by packets from the file transfer class or other classes, but no telephone call gets any private resources reserved for it alone. Expedited Forwarding The simplest class is expedited forwarding. It is described in RFC 3246. Two classes of service are available: regular and expedited. The vast majority of the traffic is expected to be regular, but a small fraction of the packets are expedited. The expedited packets should be able to transit the subnet as though no other packets were present. A symbolic representation of this “two-tube” system is given in fig 1.9. The two logical pipes shown in the figure represent a way to reserve bandwidth, not a second physical line. Fig 1.9 Expedited packets experience a traffic free network One way to implement this strategy is to program the routers to have two output queues for each outgoing line, one for expedited packets and one for regular packets. When a packet arrives, it is queued accordingly. Packet scheduling should use something like weighted fair queuing. For example, if 10% of the traffic is expedited and 90% is regular, 20% of the bandwidth could be dedicated to expedited traffic and the rest to regular traffic. Doing so would give the expedited traffic twice as much bandwidth as it needs in order to provide low delay for it. This allocation can be achieved by transmitting one expedited packet for every four regular packets. Assured forwarding The assured forwarding is described in RFC 2597. It specifies that there shall be four priority classes, each class having its own resources. In addition, it defines three discard probabilities for packets that are undergoing congestion: low, medium and high. Taken together, these two factors define 12 service classes. Fig 1.10 shows one way packets might be processed under assured forwarding. Fig 1.10 A possible implementation of the data flow for assured forwarding Step 1 is to classify the packets into one of the four priority classes. This step might be done on the sending host or in the ingress (first) router. The advantage of doing classification on the sending host is that more information is available about which packets belong to which flows there. Step 2 is to mark the packets according to their class. A header field is needed for this purpose. Fortunately, an 8-bit Type-of-service field is available in the IP header. RFC 2597 specifies that six of these bits are to be used for the service class, leaving coding room for historical service classes and future ones. Step 3 is to pass the packets through a shaper/dropper filter that may delay or drop some of them to shape the four streams into acceptable forms, for example, by using leaky or token buckets. If there are too many packets, some of them may be discarded here, by discard category. In this example, these three steps are performed on the sending host, so the output stream is now fed into the ingress router. UNIT 2 INTERNETWORKING 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Need for Network Layer 2.3 Internet as Packet-Switched Network 2.4 Internet as Connectionless Network 2.5 Tunneling 2.6 Internetwork Routing 2.7 Fragmentation 2.1 Introduction The physical and data link layers of a network operate locally. These two layers are jointly responsible for data delivery on the network from one node to the next. So, for transfer of data between networks, they need to be connected to make an internetwork. The fig 2.1 shows an example of internetwork. The internetwork is made of five networks: four LANs and one WAN. If host A needs to send a data packet to host D, the packet first needs to go from A to S1 (a switch or router), then from S1 to S3 and finally from S3 to host D. The data packet passes through three links. The main problem is when data arrive at interface f1 of S1, how does S1 know that they should be sent out from interface f3? There is no provision in the data link (or physical) layer to help S1 make the right decision. The frame does not carry any routing information either. The frame contains the MAC address of A as the source and the MAC address of S1 as the destination. Fig 2.1 Internetwork 2.2 Need for network layer To solve the problem of delivery through several links, the network layer was designed. The network layer is responsible for host-to-host delivery and for routing the packets through the routers or switches. Fig 2.2 shows the same internetwork with a network layer added. Fig 2.2 Network layer in an internetwork Network layer at source The network layer at the source is responsible for creating a packet that carries two universal addresses: a destination address and a source address. The source network layer receives data from the transport layer, adds the universal address to host A, adds the universal address of D, and makes sure the packet is the correct size for passage through the next link. If the packet is too large, the packet is fragmented. The network layer at the source may also add fields for error control. This is shown in fig 2.3 Network layer at router or switch The network layer at the switch or router is responsible for routing the packet. When a packet arrives, the router or switch finds the interface from which the packet must be sent. This is done by using a routing table. This is depicted in fig 2.4. Network layer at destination The network layer at the destination is responsible for address verification; it makes sure that the destination address on the packet is the same as the address of the host. It also checks to see if the packet has been corrupted during transmission. If it has, the network layer discards the packet. If the packet is a fragment, the network layer waits until all fragments have arrived. And then it reassembles them and delivery the reassembled packet to the transport layer. This is shown in the fig 2.5. Fig 2.3 Network layer at the source Fig 2.4 Network layer at a router Fig 2.5 Network layer at the destination 2.3 Internet as a packet-switched network The internet at the network layer, is a packet-switched network. In general, switching can be divided into two broad categories: circuit switching and packet switching. Packet switching itself uses either the virtual circuit approach or the datagram approach. The fig 2.7 shows the taxonomy. Fig 2.6 Switching In circuit switching, a physical link is dedicated between a source and a destination. In packet switching, data are transmitted in discrete units of potentially variable-length blocks called packets. Each packet contains not only data but also a header with control information such as priority codes, source and destination addresses. Virtual Circuit Approach In the virtual circuit approach to packet switching, the relationship between all packets belonging to a message or session is preserved. A single route is chosen between sender and receiver at the beginning of the session. When the data are sent, all packets of the transmission travel one after another along that route. Wide area networks use the virtual circuit approach to packet switching. This approach is used in WANs Frame Relay and ATM and is implemented at the data link layer. Datagram Approach In the datagram approach to packet switching, each packet is treated independently of all others. Even if one packet is just a piece of a multipacket transmission, the network treats it as though it existed alone. Packets in this approach are referred to as datagrams. Fig 2.7 shows how the datagram approach can be used to deliver four packets from station A to station X. Fig 2.7 Datagram approach The datagram approach has some advantages too. It does not need call setup and virtual circuit identifiers. The routing and delivery of the packet are based on the source and destination address included in the packet itself. The switches or routers each have a routing table that can decide on the route based on these two addresses. 2.4 Internet as a Connectionless Network The delivery of a packet can be accomplished using either a connection-oriented or a connectionless network service. In a connection-oriented service 1. The source first makes a connection with the destination before sending a packet. 2. When the connection is established, a sequence of packets from the same source to the destination can be sent one after another. In this case, there is a relationship between packets. 3. They are sent on the same path in sequential order. A packet is logically connected to the packet traveling before it and to the packet traveling after it. 4. When all packets of a message have been delivered, the connection is terminated. In a connection-oriented protocol, the decision about the route of a sequence of packets with the same source and destination addresses can be made only once, when the connection is established. In connectionless service, the network layer protocol treats each packet independently, with each packet having no relationship to any other packet. The packet in a message may or may not travel the same path to their destination. This type of service is used in the datagram approach to packet switching. The Internet has chosen this type of service at the network layer. The reason for this decision is that the Internet is made of so many heterogeneous networks that it is almost impossible to create a connection from the source to the destination without knowing the nature of the networks in advance. 2.5 Tunneling Tunneling is a technique used when two computers are on same type of network but wants to communicate through different networks. It can also be defined as a technique to communicate between two different networks. The fig 2.8 shows an example Fig 2.8 Tunneling a packet from Paris to London To send an IP packet to host 2, host 1 constructs the packet containing IP address of host 2 and inserts into an Ethernet frame addressed to paris multilprotocol router and sends. When multiprotocol router gets the frame, it removes the IP packet, inserts it in the payload field of WAN network layer packet and addresses the later to WAN address of London multiprotocol router. When it gets there, the London router removes the IP packet and sends it to host 2 inside Ethernet frame. 2.6 Internetwork Routing Routing through an internetwork is similar to routing within a single subnet but with added complications. Consider an example of internetwork as shown in fig 2.9(a). Here five networks are connected by six routers. Making graph model provides every router can directly access to every other router. For example B can directly access A and C via network 2 and D via network 3. This leads to the graph of fig 2.9(b). Fig 2.10 (a) An internetwork (b) A graph of internetwork Once the graph has been constructed, known routing algorithm is applied to multiprotocol routers. This gives a two level routing algorithm, within each network an interior gateway protocol is used and between the networks an Exterior gateway protocol is used. Difference between internetwork routing and intranetwork routing Internetwork routing - routing between the networks. It requires crossing international boundaries. The exterior routing is cost expensive Intranetwork routing - routing within each network. It does not require any crossing of boundaries. The interior routing is comparatively less than exterior routing. 2.7 Fragmentation Fragmentation is the process of breaking the packets into small units called fragments. Each fragment is treated as a separate internet packet. The packet is fragmented either by source host or any router in the path. The two types of fragmentation are 1. Transparent fragmentation 2. Non Transparent fragmentation Transparent fragmentation In this approach, when an oversized packet arrives at a gateway, the gateway breaks it up into fragments. Each fragment is addressed to the same exit gateway, where it is recombined. Passing through small packet network is made transparent. This is shown in fig 2.10(a). Subsequent networks are not aware that fragmentation has occurred. An example is ATM networks The disadvantages are 1. The exit gateway must know when it has received all the pieces, so count field bit must be provided 2. All packets must exit via the same gateway Fig 2.10 (a) Transparent fragmentation (b) Non Transparent fragmentation Non Transparent fragmentation This approach is to refrain from recombining fragments at any intermediate gateways. Once a packet has been fragmented, each fragment is treated as original packet. All fragments are passed through exit gateway as shown in fig 2.10(b). Recombining occurs only at destination host. The advantage is multiple exit gateways are used, achieving higher performance. The disadvantages are 1. Every host should be able to do reassembly 2. When large packet is fragmented, total overhead increases because each fragment must have a header. UNIT 3 THE NETWORK LAYER IN THE INTERNET 3.1 The IP Protocol 3.2 IP Addresses 3.3 Subnet 3.4 IPV6 3.1 The IP Protocol IP, the Internet Protocol, is the network layer protocol associated with the popular TCP/IP network software. IP is the basis of the world-wide network commonly known as the Internet. More correctly the Internet is a connection of smaller networks (an internetwork) and IP is the protocol used to route between those networks. In practice, IP is also used within those networks. IP Header The fig 3.1 shows the format of the IP header. Fig 3.1 The IPv4 header The IP header contains the following fields Version- This 4-bit field contains the version number of IP to which this packet conforms. This field should currently contain the value 4, although IP version 6 is currently being defined. Parts of the header for version 6 will be different, particularly the length of the address fields. IHL(Internet Header Length)- This 4-bit field contains the length of the header in 32bit words. If there are no options, the value of this field will be 5 (giving a header length of 20 bytes). Type of service- This field gives information about the quality of service requested for this packet. It contains subfields which indicate the type of packet and its urgency. Total length- This 16-bit field gives the total length of the packet in bytes. Identification- The identification field is used in conjunction with the source and destination address fields to ensure that each packet is uniquely identified. This field can be used to reassemble packets which have been fragmented because they are too long for one of the links. Flags- This 3-bit field contains three flags, only two of which are currently defined. DF stands for Don’t Fragment. If DF bit is set, then it informs the router not to fragment the datagram. MF stands for More Fragment. If this bit is set, then all fragments except the last one arrived have this bit set. Fragment offset- This field is used when packets are fragmented. It contains the offset from the beginning of the original packet where this packet starts. It is measured in multiples of 8 bytes. Time to live- This field is initialized when the packet is generated and decremented as the packet passes through each node. If the value ever reaches zero, the packet is discarded. This is intended to defeat routing loops. Protocol- This field indicates which higher level protocol should be used to interpret the data in this packet. Header checksum- This checksum is used to ensure that the header has been transmitted correctly. Source address- This field contains the IP address of the originating host for this packet. This does not necessarily correspond to the address of the node which sent this packet within the network but is the address of the host which first put this packet into the network. It thus differs from the data link layer address. Destination address- This is the address of the host for which this packet is ultimately destined. It is this address which is used to determine the path this packet will take through the network. Not that each packet contains full addressing information rather than a virtual circuit number. IP is a datagram oriented (connectionless) protocol. Options- This field is used to include protocol information which is not present in the original design. Options field is variable in length. 3.2 IP addresses All IP addresses are (currently) 32 bits. The next version of IP will extend this to much longer addresses. The address consists of two parts. A network number and a host number within that network. The format of IP addresses is shown in fig 3.2. An IP address is traditionally written as four decimal numbers separated by dots with each number representing one byte of the IP address. Thus a typical IP address might be Fig 3.2 IP address formats Class A addresses A class A address has the most significant bit 0. The next seven bits contain the network number and the last 24 bits the host number. There are thus 126 possible class A networks, each having up to about 16,000,000 hosts. (Networks 0 and 127 are used for other purposes.) Class B addresses A class B address has the two most significant bits 10. The next fourteen bits contain the network number and the last 16 bits the host number. There are thus 16384 possible class B networks each containing 65354 hosts. Class C addresses A class C address has the three most significant bits 110. The next 21 bits contain the network number and the last eight bits the host number. There are thus more than 2000000 possible class C networks each containing 254 hosts. Multicast addresses It is often desirable to send some types of message to many different hosts simultaneously. The remaining IP addresses (i.e. those which start with 111) are used for such messages. As a special case, the address is a broadcast address so that packets with that destination address are received by all hosts within the network. In some networks the address is also a broadcast address. Within a network, the address with the host number containing all 1s (or 0s) is a broadcast address within that network. 3.3 Subnet IP addresses are 32 bits long. 2 bytes of the address represents or indicates a network id and other 2 bytes indicates the host id on the network. This partitioning indicates some type of hierarchy levels in IP addressing. To reach host on the internet, first network is reached by using first portion (network id) of the address. After reaching the network then the host can be reached by using second portion (host id) of the address. In classes A, B and C, IP addressing is designed with two levels of hierarchy. But two level hierarchies is not enough, it is because we cannot have more than one physical network. The hosts cannot be organized into groups and all the hosts are at same level. The organization has one network with many hosts. The solution to this problem is subnetting. Further division of a network into smaller networks called subnetworks. The routing of an IP datagram involves three steps: i. Delivery to the site ii. Delivery to the subnetwork iii. Delivery to the host Subnet Masking Masking is a process that extracts the address of the physical network from an IP address. Masking can be applied to subnetted or non-subnetted networks. If the network is not subnetted, masking extracts the network address from an IP address. If the network is subnetted, masking extracts subnetwork address from an IP address. The example is shown below. To find the subnetwork address, apply the mask to the IP address. There are two levels of masking. Boundary Level Masking Non boundary level masking Boundary Level Masking If the masking is at the boundary level (the masked number is either 255 or 0), finding the subnetwork address is very easy. The rules to be followed are The bytes in the IP address that corresponds to 255 in the mask will be repeated in the subnetwork addresss. The bytes in the IP address that corresponds to 0 in the mask will damage subnetwork address. Non boundary level masking If the masking is not at the boundary level (the masked number is not just 255 or 0), finding the subnetwork address involves bitwise AND operator. The rules to be followed are The bytes in the IP address that corresponds to 255 in the mask will be repeated in the subnetwork addresss. The bytes in the IP address that correspond to 0 in the mask will change to 0 in the subnetwork address. For other bytes, use the bit wise AND operator. CIDR – Classless Inter Domain Routing The basic idea behind the CIDR is to allocate the remaining IP addresses in variable sized blocks, regardless of the classes. In CIDR network addresses, the network part of an IP address can be of any number of bits long, rather than being constrained to 8, 16 or 24 bits. The CIDR network address has the dotted decimal form a.b.c.d/x, where x indicates the number of leading bits in 32 bit quality that constituents the network portion of the address. In CIDR, each routing table entry is extended by giving it a 32 bit mask. The routing table for all networks consists of an array of IP addresses, subnet mask and outgoing line as triples. When a packet comes in, its destination IP address is first extracted. Then the routing table is scanned entry by entry, masking the destination address and comparing it with the table entry for a match. It is possible that multiple entries match, in which case the longest mask is used. Example: The network address in CIDR will have the following format as shown in fig 3.3. Fig 3.3 Network address in CIDR Contiguous class C addresses have been assigned to various geographical regions as shown in table 3.1. Addresses Region to Europe to Reserved to North America to Central and South America to Asia and Pacific to Reserved Table 3.1 Allocation for class C network The organizations x, y and z in the subnet needs 4096, 2048 and 1024 addresses. Each subnet will have contiguous addresses having a base, a last address and a mask. For organization x we have 0 to 4095 Base address : 200.40.1010 0000 0000 0000 Last address : 200.40.1010 1111 1111 1111 Mask : 255.255.1111 0000 0000 0000 For organization y we have 4096 to 6143 Base address : 200.40.1011 0000 0000 0000 Last address : 200.40.1011 0111 1111 1111 Mask : 255.255.1111 1000 0000 0000 For organization z we have 6144 to 7167 Base address : 200.40.1011 1000 0000 0000 Last address : 200.40.1011 1011 1111 1111 Mask : 255.255.1111 1100 0000 0000 If the packet address with comes in. This performs AND operation with all the three masks x, y and z. Binary equivalent of is 1100 1000 00101000 10111101 11010010 1. After performing AND operation with x the results is 2. After performing AND operation with y, the result is 11001000 00101000 10111000 00000000 3. With c the result is These matches with the base address of y and will be routed to the organization. NAT (Network Address Translation) The problem of running out of IP address has happened. The long term solution for the internet is to migrate from IPV4 to IPV6, which has 128 bit address. This migration is slower and will take few years. The quick short term solution came in the form of the NAT (Network Address Translation). The idea behind NAT is to assign single IP address for each company for internet traffic. Every computer inside the company or organization will get a unique IP address, which is used for routing the traffic. Operation of NAT The fig 3.4 shows the network setup to demonstrate the operation of the NAT. Fig 3.4 Placement and operation of a NAT box Step 1: Within the company, every machine has unique addresses of the form 10.x.y.z. when packet leaves the company premises; it passes through NAT box which converts the internal IP source addresses to true IP addresses. In figure internal IP source addresses is converted to the company’s true IP addresses NAT is combined and placed with firewall, which provides security by controlling the information going out and coming in. Step 2: When the reply comes back from outside the company premises, it is naturally addressed to So, NAT has to know which address to replace it with. NAT designers observed that most IP packets carry either TCP or UDP payloads. TCP and UDP use port for holding the connection. These ports are used to make NAT work. Step 3: Each outgoing TCP / UDP message contains both a source port and destination port. Ports are used to identify the processes during the connection on both ends. Mapping between internal IP source address and true IP addresses are done by using source port field. Whenever an outgoing packet enters the NAT box, the internal IP 10.x.y.z source address is replaced by the company true IP addresses. TCP source port field is replaced by an index into NAT box’s translation table. This translation table can hold 65,536 entries and contain the original (true) IP addresses and original source port. Finally both the TCP and IP headers checksum are recomputed and inserted into the packet. Step4: when packet arrives at the NAT box from the ISP, the source port in the TCP header is extracted. This port is used as index into NAT box mapping table. Entry is located in the internal IP address and TCP source port is extracted and inserted in to the packet. There both the TCP and IP checksums are recomputed and inserted into the packet. The packet is then passed to the company router for normal delivery using 10.x.y.z addresses. There are some limitations on NAT method NAT violates the architecture model of IP, which states that every IP address uniquely identifies a single machine worldwide. NAT changes the internet from a connectionless network to a kind of connection oriented network. If the NAT box crashes, it loses mapping table and all its top connections are destroyed NAT violates the most fundamental rule of protocol layering i.e. layer to be kept independent. But if TCP ports are upgraded to 32 bit ports, then NAT will fail. Some applications insert IP addresses in the body of the text. The receiver then extracts this address and uses them. NAT does not know about these addresses, it cannot replace them, so NAT will fail. On the internet, if new protocol is used other than TCP or UDP, NAT will fail. Because NAT box will not be able to locate TCP source port correctly. TCP source port field is 16 bits; at most 65,536 machines can be mapped into an IP address. But first 4096 ports are reserved for special purpose. Only 61,440 machines can be mapped. 3.4 IPv6 Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) also known as Internetworking protocol. The next generation (IPng), was proposed and is now a standard. IPv6 has some advantages over IPv4 that can be summarized as follows: Larger address space Better header format New options Allowance for extension Support for resource allocation Support for more security IPv6 Header Format The fig 3.5 shows the base header with its eight fields Fig 3.5 IPV6 header Version- This 4-bit field defines the version number of the IP. For IPv6, the value is 6. Traffic Class- This 8-bit field is used to distinguish between packets with different real time delivery requirements. Flow label- The flow label is a 20-bit field that is designed to provide special handling for a particular flow of data. Payload length- This 16-bit field defines the total length of the IP datagram excluding the base header. Next header- The next header is an 8-bit field defining the header that follows the base header in the datagram. The next header is either one of the optional extension header used by IP or the header for an upper-layer protocol such as UDP or TCP. Each extension header also contains this field. Hop limit- this 8-bit hop limit field serves the same purpose as the TTL (time to live) field in IPv4. Source address- the source address field is a 16-bit (128-bit) Internet address that identifies the original source of the datagram. Destination address- the destination address field is a 16-byte (128-bit) Internet address that usually identifies the final destination of the datagram. However, if source routing is used, this field contains the address of the next router. Module 4 Unit 1 Services and Elements 1.1 The transport Service 1.1.1 Services Provided to the Upper Layers 1.1.2 Transport Protocols 1.2 Elements of Transport Protocols 1.2.1 Addressing 1.2.2 Connection Establishment 1.2.3 Connection Release 1.2.4 Flow Control and Buffering Unit 2 The Internet Transport Protocol 2.1 Introduction to UDP 2.2 Remote Procedure Call 2.3 The Real-Time Transport Protocol 2.4 Introduction to TCP 2.5 TCP Service Model Unit 3 Transmission Control Protocol 3.1 The TCP Protocol 3.2 TCP Segment Header 3.3 TCP Connection Establishment 3.4 TCP Connection Release 3.5 Modeling TCP Connection Management 3.6 TCP Transmission Policy 3.7 TCP Congestion Control UNIT 1 SERVICES AND ELEMENTS 1.1 The Transport Service 1.1.1 Services Provided to the Upper Layers 1.1.2 Transport Service Primitives 1.2 Elements of Transport Protocols 1.2.1 Addressing 1.2.2 Connection Establishment 1.2.3 Connection Release 1.2.4 Flow Control and Buffering 1.1 THE TRANSPORT SERVICE The transport layer is the heart of the whole protocol hierarchy. It provides reliable, costeffective data transport from the source to the destination machine, independent of the networks. The figure 1.1 shows the position and functionalities of transport layer. Fig 1.1 Position of transport layer 1.1.1 Services provided to the upper layers The transport layer makes use of services provided by the network layer and provides efficient, reliable and cost-effective service to its users. The hardware and/or software within the transport layer that does the work are called transport entity. The transport entity can be located in OS kernel, in a separate user process, in a library package bound into network applications or on the network interface card. The fig 1.2 shows the relationship of the network, transport and application layers. The transport layer provides both connection oriented and connectionless transport service. Fig 1.2 The network, transport and application layers The differences in network layer service and transport layer service are 1. The transport code runs entirely on the user’s machine but network layer mostly runs on the routers, which are operated by the carrier. 2. The existence of transport layer makes it possible for the transport service to be more reliable than underlying network service which is generally unreliable. Lost packets and managed data can be detected and compensated for by the transport layer. 3. The transport service primitives can be implemented as calls to library procedures in order to make them independent of the network service primitives. 4. Network service is used only by transport entities whereas many programs see the transport primitives. Thus the application programmers can write code according to the standard set of primitives and place them on wide variety of networks without worrying about different subnet interfaces and unreliable transmission. It is the transport layer that isolates the upper layers from the technology, design and imperfections of the subnet. In the OSI model, the bottom four layers can be seen as Transport Service Provider and upper layers are Transport Service User. This distinction puts the transport layer in a key position, since it forms the major boundary between the provider and user of the reliable data transmission service. 1.1.2 Transport Service Primitives The users are allowed to access the transport service through the transport service interface. Each transport service has its own interface. The table 1.1 provides the primitives for a simple transport service. Table 1.1 The primitives for a simple transport service The general terminology in the transmission is TPDU (Transport Protocol Data Unit) for messages sent from transport entity to transport entity. Thus TPDU’s (exchanged by transport layer) are contained in packets (exchanged by network layer). In turn packets are contained in frames (exchanged by data link layer). When the frame arrives, the data link layer processes the frame header and passes the contents of frame payload field up to network entity. The network entity processes the packet header and passes the contents of packet payload up to the transport entity. This nesting is shown in the fig 1.3. Fig 1.3 Nesting of TPDUs, packets and frames Consider an example – An application with a server and a number of remote clients. Initially the server executes LISTEN primitive, by calling a library procedure which makes a system call to block the server until a client turns up. When a client needs a server, it executes a CONNECT primitive. The transport entity carries out this primitive by blocking the caller and sending a packet to the server i.e. the client’s CONNECT call causes a CONNECTION REQUEST TPDU to be sent to the server. If the server is blocked on a LISTEN then it unblocks the server on receiving the client’s TPDU and sends a CONNECTION ACCEPTED TDPU back to the client. On receiving TDPU, client is unblocked and connection is established. Data can be exchanged between server and client using SEND and RECEIVE primitives. Every data packet sent will also be acknowledged. The packets bearing control TDPUs are also acknowledged implicitly or explicitly. These acknowledgements are managed by transport entities. To the transport users, a connection is a reliable bit pipe: one user stuffs bits in and they magically appear at the other end. When a connection is no longer needed, it must be released to free up table space with in two transport entities. Disconnection are of two types 1. Asymmetric- Either transport user can issue a DISCONNECT primitive, which results in a DISCONNECT TDPU being sent to the remote transport entity. On receiving, the connection is released. 2. Symmetric- Each direction is closed separately, independent of the other. When one side does a DISCONNECT, that means it has no more data to send but it is still willing to accept data from its partner. The state diagram for connection establishment and release for the simple primitive is shown in fig 1.4. Fig 1.4 A state diagram for simple connection management scheme. The solid lines show the clients state sequence. The dashed lines show the servers state sequence. 1.2 ELEMENTS OF TRANSPORT PROTOCOLS The transport service is implemented by a transport protocol used between the two transport entities. The transport protocols and data link protocols resembles as they both deal with error control, sequencing and flow control. The differences are due to major dissimilarities between the environments in which two protocols operate as shown in fig 1.5. Fig 1.5 (a) Environment of data link layer (b) Environment of transport layer The table 1.2 summarizes the differences between the functionalities of data link layer and network layer Transport layer Routing – explicit destination is required. addressing Data link layer of It is not necessary for a router to specify which router it wants to talk to. Each outgoing line uniquely specifies a particular router. Connectivity initial connection The process of establishing a connection establishment is more complicated. over the physical medium is simple. Storage capacity-when a router sends a frame, it may arrive or be lost, but it cannot bounce around for while and then suddenly emerge If the subnet uses datagrams and adaptive routing, then there is a probability that a packet may be stored for a number of seconds and then delivered later. Buffering-the difference lies in amount. Some of the protocols allocate a fixed The larger numbers of connections that number of buffers to each line, so that when must be managed make the idea of a frame arrives, a buffer is always available. dedicating many buffers to each one. Table 1.2 Differences between transport layer and data link layer 1.2.1 Addressing Addressing is an important mechanism that is required to identify and connect to a process. In transport layer, the addresses are used to setup a connection to a remote process. These end points in Internet are called ports (16 bit integers between 0 and 65,535), in ATM networks AAL-SAPs. The generic term used is TSAP (Transport Service Access Point). The analogous end points in the network layer (network layer addresses) are called as NSAPs (Network Service Access Points). IP addresses are examples of NSAPs. Relationship between TSAP, NSAP and transport connection Application process, client and server can attach themselves to a TSAP to establish connection to a remote TSAP. These connections run through NSAPS on each host as shown in the fig 1.6. Each computer has a single NSAP, so some mechanism is needed to distinguish multiple transport end points that share that NSAP. A possible scenario for transport connection is as follows. Server process on host-2 attaches itself to TSAP 1522 and wait for incoming request from the client. A LISTEN call might be used. Application process on host 1 wants to connect, issues a CONNECT request specifying TSAP 1208 as source and TSAP 1522 as destination. This results in transport connection being established between application process on host 1 and server process on host 2. The application process then sends a request. The server process responds to the request. Transport connection is released. Fig 1.6 TSAPs, NSAPs and transport connection Most of the time, the server processes will be active and listening to stable TSAP address. It is wasteful to listen to TSAP address all day long. So to overcome these problems a better scheme is proposed called as Initial Connection Protocol. In this method, instead of each server listening to TSAP addresses, a special process server is used to listen to a set of ports at the same time, waiting for a connection request. Process server acts as a proxy for less heavily used server. If no server is waiting for users, they get a connection to the process server as shown in fig 1.7(a). When the process server gets the incoming request, the process server spawns the requested server, allowing it to inherit the existing connection with the user. The new server then does the requested work, while the process server goes back to listen for new requests as shown in fig 1.7(b). In some situations services do exist independently of the process server. For example a file server needs to run on special hardware (a machine with a disk) and cannot just be created on-the-fly when someone wants to talk to it. To handle this situation, an alternative scheme is used. In this scheme, a special process called name server or directory server is used. When a new service is created, it must register itself with the name server, giving both its service name and its TSAP. The name server records this information in its internal database. Fig 1.7 User process in Host-1 establishing connection with a server in Host-2 1.2.2 Connection Establishment The connection establishment looks very simple and straight forward. But the problem occurs when the network can lose, or store duplicate packets. When there is heavy congestion on the subnet, the acknowledgement will not get back in time. Due to this delay, the packets are retransmitted two or three times. After some time original packets may arrive at destination following the different route. This mislead to the generation of duplicate packets. These duplicate packets create lot of problem and confusion in real time applications. The solutions are proposed to avoid duplicate packets, some of them are: Throw away transport address - If there is disconnection, each time when transport address is needed, a new one is generated. When connection is released, the address is discarded and never used again. Using connection identifier - The connection identifier is given to each connection. Connection identifier is a sequence number incremented for each connection established. Connection identifier is chosen by an initiating party and placed in each TPDU, including the one requesting the connection. After each connection is released, each transport entity could update a table listing absolute connections as pairs. When a connection request comes in, it could be checked against the table, to see if it belongs to a previously released connection. The above two approaches fails because each transport entity has to maintain certain amount of history information indefinitely. If a machine crashes and lose its memory, it will no longer know which connection identifiers have already been used. By killing the aged packets and ensuring that no packet lives longer than some known time, the problem can be manageable. Packet life time can be restricted to known maximum criteria using the following techniques: 1. Restricted subnet design In this method, packets are prevented from looping, combined with some way of bounding congestion delay over the longest possible path. 2. Putting a hop counter in each packet The hop count is initialized to some appropriate value and decremented each time when packet is forwarded. When packet hop count becomes zero, packets are discarded. 3. Time stamping each packet Each packet is added with time it was created. The routers agree to discard any packet older than some agreed upon time. This method requires clocks to be synchronized because it works on time factor. The problem of machine losing all memory after crash can be solved by a method proposed by Tomlinson in 1975. Each host is equipped with a time of day clock. The clocks at different hosts need not be synchronized. Each clock is assumed as a binary counter that increments itself at uniform intervals. The number of bits in the counter must be equal or greater than the number of bits in the sequence numbers. The important thing is, the clock is assumed to continue running even if the host goes down. There are many problems, before establishing a connection. After connection is established, the clock based method solves the delayed duplicate problem for data TPDUs. If control TPDUs is delayed, then there is potential problem in getting both sides to agree on the initial sequence number. So connection will not be established if control TPDUs are not exchanged properly. To overcome this problem Tomlinson introduced three way handshake. The three protocol scenarios for establishing a connection using three way handshake is explained with three cases. Case 1: Normal operation Case 2: Old duplicate CONNECTION _REQUEST Case 3: Duplicate CONNECTION_REQUEST and duplicate ACK Case 1: Normal setup procedure is shown in the fig 1.8(a). Host-1 chooses a sequence number x and sends a CONNECTION_REQUEST TPDU to Host-2. Host-2 receives CONNECTION_REQUEST TPDU and replies with ACK TPDU acknowledging x and assigns its own initial sequence number y. Finally, Host-1 acknowledges host-2’s choice of an initial sequence number in the first data TPDU. The DATA TPDUs has sequence number x, indicating the connection identifier for that connection. CR : Connection Request TPDU REJECT : Reject TPDU ACK : Acknowledge TPDU x and y are sequence numbers Fig 1.8 Three protocol scenarios for establishing a connection using a three-way handshake Case 2: First TPDU is a delayed duplicate CONNECTION_REQUEST from an old connection as shown in figure 1.8(b). This delayed CR TPDU arrives at Host-2 without the knowledge of Host-1. Host-2 replies to this delayed TPDU by sending ACK TPDU to Host1. Host-1 gets ACK TPDU without sending CR TPDU. This is because Host-1 does not have the knowledge of CR TPDU sent, as it is the delayed one. So, Host-1 rejects Host 2’s attempts to establish a connection, Host-2 realize that it was a delayed duplicate and discards the connection. In this way delayed duplicate does no damage. Case 3: This situation arises, when both CONNECTION REQUEST and ACK TPDUs are delayed as shown in fig 1.8(c). Host-2 gets a delayed CONNECTION REQUEST and replies to it. The CR is acknowledged by Host-2 by assigning its own sequence number y. At this point, second delayed duplicate from old connection with acknowledge sequence number z arrives at Host-2. But, the sequence number y is not acknowledged from Host-1, because Host-1 is not aware of the CONNECTION_REQUEST sent to Host-2. This indicates that both CR and old duplicate DATA with ACK z are duplicate TPDUs. So, Host-1 sends REJECT TPDUs for rejecting the connection to Host-2. 1.2.3 Connection Release Connection release is easier than establishing the connection. The connections are released in two ways: asymmetric release and symmetric release, summarized in table 1.3. Consider a scenario, shown in fig 1.9 where release is abrupt and may result in data loss. After the connection is established, Host-1 sends DATA TPDU that arrives properly at Host2. Then Host-1 sends another TPDU. Unfortunately, Host-2 issues a DISCONNECT REQUEST (DR) before the data TPDU arrives at Host-2. The result is that connection is released asymmetrically and data is lost. Table 1.3 Asymmetric and Symmetric release Fig 1.9 Abrupt disconnection with loss of data Four protocol scenarios for releasing a connection are discussed with the following cases: 1. 2. 3. 4. Normal connection release Final ACK lost Response lost Both response lost and subsequent DISCONNECTION_REQUESTs (DRs) lost Case 1 Normal connection release One of the users sends a DR TPDU to initiate the connection release as shown in the fig 1.10(a).When DR arrives at Host-2; it sends back a DR TPDU indicating its willingness to release. Timers are started when DR TPDU is sent, to keep track of the time. When DR TPDU arrives at Host-1, the original sender sends back an ACK TPDU and releases the connection. Finally, ACK TPDU arrives at the Host-2 and also releases the connection. Note: Releasing the connection means that the transport entity removes the information about the connection from its table of currently open connection and signals the connection owner (transport user). DISCONNECTION_REQUEST is different action from a transport user issuing a DISCONNECT primitive. Case 2 Final ACK TPDU is lost When final ACK TPDU is lost, the timer will save the situation. Host-2 will wait for time out. When the timer expires, the connection is released anyway. This is shown in the figure 1.10(b). Case 3 Response Lost This is the case, when second DR TPDU is being lost. This is shown in the figure 1.10(c). The Host-1 initiating the disconnection will not receive the expected response. This is due to second DR from Host-2 is lost. At Host-1, time out occurs and will start all over again i.e. once again DR is sent. Host-2 upon arrival of DR, replies back. Host-1 receives second DR and releases connections and sends ACK to Host-2. Upon receiving the ACK, Host-2 releases connection. Case 4 Both response and subsequent DRs are lost In this case, assume all the repeated attempts to retransmit the DR also fails due to lost TPDUs as shown in the figure 1.10(d). After N retries, the sender just gives up and releases the connection. Meanwhile, the receiver times out and also exits. The sender side will give up and release the connection, while other side does not know about the attempts to disconnect. This situation results in a half open connection. Half open connection can be avoided by not allowing the sender to give up after N retries. But if other side is allowed to time out, then sender will not release connection forever. Another way is to have a rule, if no TPDUs have arrived for a certain number of seconds, then connection is automatically disconnected. If one side ever disconnects, the other side will detect lack of activity and also disconnect. Normal case of three way handshake Response lost Final ACK lost Response lost and subsequent DRs lost Fig 1.10 Four protocol scenarios for releasing a connection 1.2.4 Flow Control and Buffering Connections are to be managed while they are in use. The key issues are flow control and buffering. Flow control problem in the transport layer is same as in the data link layer and other issues are different. In both the layer, sliding window scheme is used to keep a fast transmitter from over running a slow receiver. Flow control scheme used at data link layer and transport layer are different. They are listed below in the table 1.4. Data Link Layer Transport Layer 1. Frames are buffered at both sending router and at the receiving router. Because frames might have to be retransmitted. 2. All the frames are acknowledged except for the lost frames. All frames are buffered until all the frames are acknowledged. 1. Only if the subnet provides datagram service, the sending transport entity must buffer all TPDUs for the same reason (i.e. for retransmission). 2. If receiver knows that a sender buffers all TPDUs until they are acknowledged, the receiver may or may not use specific buffers to specific connections. Table 1.4 Flow control at data link layer and transport layer In transport layer, receiver may maintain a single pool shared by all connections. When TPDUs comes in, new buffer is acquired for that connection. If buffer is available, the TPDU is accepted, otherwise it is discarded. Even if TPDU is discarded, no harm because sender is prepared to retransmit lost TPDUs by the subnet. The problem is wastage of resources. The sender just keeps trying until it gets an acknowledgement. The buffering at receiver side has some problems. The major problem is with buffer size. It is very difficult to allocate buffer size at the receiver. If all the TPDUs are in the same size, then it is easy to organize the buffer. Here buffer can be a pool of identically sized buffers, with one TPDU per buffer. The fixed size buffer is shown in fig 1.11. The problems with fixed size buffer are: If there is wide variation in TPDU from few characters to thousands of characters, then fixed size buffer fails. For few characters TPDUs, space is wasted and for long TPDU, it overflows as shown in the fig 1.11(a). If the buffer size is chosen equal to the largest possible TPDU, space will be wasted when a short TPDU arrives. If the buffer size is less than the maximum TPDU size, multiple buffers will be needed for long TPDUs, with increasing the complexity. Buffer size problem can be solved by using another approach. In this approach, variable sized buffers are used as shown in the fig 1.11(b). Advantage of using variable sized buffers is better memory utilization and disadvantage is more complicated buffer management. Third approach uses a single large circular buffer per connection as shown in fig 1.11(c). Fig 1.11 (a) Chained fixed-size buffers (b) Chained variable-size buffers (c) One large circular buffer per connection Dynamic Buffer Allocation Dynamic buffer management means, inefficient, a variable window. The sender requests a certain number of buffers, based on its requirement. The receiver then grants as many of these as it can afford. Every time, when sender transmits TPDU, it must decrement its allocation stopping altogether when the allocation reaches zero. If allocation reaches zero, then receiver cannot offer buffer to the sender. The receiver then separately piggy backs both acknowledgements and buffer allocation onto the reverse traffic. UNIT 2 THE INTERNET TRANSPORT PROTOCOL 2.1 Introduction to UDP 2.2 Remote Procedure Call 2.3 The Real-Time Transport Protocol 2.4 Introduction to TCP 2.5 TCP Service Model The internet has two important protocols in the transport layer UDP (User Datagram Protocol) TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) The connectionless protocol is UDP and connection-oriented protocol is TCP 2.1 Introduction to UDP UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is an internet protocol, supporting a connectionless transport service. UDP transmits segments consisting of 8 byte header followed by the payload. Characteristics of UDP No connection establishment UDP provides a way for applications to send encapsulated IP datagrams and send them without having to establish a connection. UDP does not introduce any delay to establish a connection. So some application protocol like DNS (Domain Name System) uses UDP instead of TCP. No connection state UDP does not maintain connections state and does not keep track of any parameters like congestion control. Small packet header overhead The overhead caused by the UDP packet header is very less because UDP uses only 8 byte header. Final application level control over which and when data is sent As soon as application process passes data to UDP, UDP will pack the data inside a UDP segment and immediately pass the segment to the network layer. Table 2.1 Examples of application that uses UDP DNS prefers UDP, not TCP because there is no connection establishment delay. The following table 2.1 gives the different applications and application layer protocol that uses UDP at the transport layer for connection. UDP segment consists of an 8 byte header followed by payload. The header is shown in the figure 2.1. Fig 2.1 UDP segment structure Source port and destination port The source port is required when reply is needed to be sent back to the source machine. Receiving machine copies the incoming segment source port to the outgoing segment’s destination port. Destination port is needed to reach the destination machine. UDP length This field is 16 bit in length and is used to get the length of UDP datagram. The length includes 8 byte header plus data. Checksum This field is also 16 bit and used for error detection. This field is optional and stored as 0 if not computed. Checksum is used to determine whether bits within the UDP segment have been altered due to interference or noise in the links as it moves from source to destination. 2.2 Remote Procedure Call When a process on machine 1 calls a procedure on machine 2, the calling process on 1 is suspended and execution of the called procedure takes place on 2. Information can be transported from the caller to the callee in the parameters and can come back in the procedure result. No message passing is visible to the programmer. This technique is called RPC (Remote Procedure Call) and has become the basis for many networking applications. The idea behind RPC is to make a remote procedure call look as much as possible like a local one. In the simplest form, to call a remote procedure, The client program must be bound with a small library procedure, called the client stub that represents the server procedure in the clients address space. The server is bound with a procedure called the server stub. These procedures hide the fact that the procedure call from the client to the server is not local. The actual steps in making RPC are shown in the fig 2.2 Fig 2.2 Steps in making a RPC. The stubs are shaded Step 1–The client calling the client stub. The call is a local procedure call with the parameters pushed onto the stack in the normal way. Step 2 – The client stub packing the parameters into a message and making a system call to send the message. Packing the parameters is called marshalling. Step 3 – The kernel sending the message from the client machine to the server machine. Step 4 – The kernel passing the incoming packet to the server stub. Step 5 – The server stub calling the server procedure with the unmarshalled parameters. The reply traces the same path in the other direction. The client procedure written by the user makes a normal (local) procedure call to the client stub, which has the same name as the server procedure. Since the client procedure and client stub are in the same address space, the parameters are passed in the usual way. Similarly the server procedure is called by a procedure in its address space with the parameters it expects. To the server procedure, nothing is unusual. In this way instead of I/O being done on sockets, network communication is done by faking a normal procedure call. With RPC passing pointers is impossible because the client and the server are in different address spaces. RPC need not use UDP packets, but RPC and UDP are a good fit and UDP is commonly used for RPC. 2.3 The Real Time Transport Protocol Client-server RPC is one area in which UDP is widely used. Another one is real-time multimedia applications. It gradually became clear that having a generic real-time transport protocol for multiple applications would be a good idea. Thus RTP (Real-Time Transport protocol) was born. It is described in RFC 1889 and is now in widespread use. The position of RTP in the protocol stack is somewhat strange. It was decided to put RTP in user space and have it (normally) run over UDP. It operates as follows. The multimedia application consists of multiple audio, video, text, and possibly other streams. These are fed into the RTP library, which is in user space along with the application. This library then multiplexes the streams and encodes them in RTP packets, which it then stuffs into a socket. At the other end of the socket (in the operating system kernel), UDP packets are generated and embedded in IP packets. The protocol stack for this situation is shown in fig 2.3(a). The packet nesting is shown in fig 2.3(b). Since RTP runs in user space and is linked to the application program, it certainly looks like an application protocol. On the other hand, it is a generic, application-independent protocol that just provides transport facilities, so it also looks like a transport protocol. Probably the best description is that it is a transport protocol that is implemented in the application layer. Fig 2.3 (a) The position of RTP in the protocol stack (b) Packet Nesting The basic function of RTP is to multiplex several real-time data streams onto single stream of UDP packets. The UDP stream can be sent to a single destination (unicasting) or to multiple destinations (multicasting). Because RTP just uses normal UDP, its packets are not treated specially by the routers unless some normal IP quality-of-service features are enabled. Each packet sent in an RTP stream is given a number one higher than its predecessor. This numbering allows the destination to determine if any packets are missing. If a packet is missing, the best action for the destination to take is to approximate the missing value by interpolation. RTP has no flow control, no error control, no acknowledgements, and no mechanism to request retransmissions. Each RTP payload may contain multiple samples, and they may be coded any way that the application wants. To allow for interworking, RTP defines several profiles and for each profile, multiple encoding formats may be allowed. Another facility many real-time applications need is timestamping. The idea here is to allow the source to associate a timestamp with the first sample in each packet. Time stamping reduces the effects of jitter, but it also allows multiple streams to be synchronized with each other. The RTP header is illustrated in fig 2.4. It consists of three 32-bit words and potentially some extensions. Fig 2.4 The RTP header The first word contains the Version field, which is already at 2. The P bit indicates that the packet has been padded to a multiple of 4 bytes. The last padding byte tells how many bytes were added. The X bit indicates that an extension header is present. The CC field tells how many contributing sources are present, from 0 to 15. The M bit is an application-specific marker bit. It can be used to mark the start of a video frame, the start of a word in an audio channel, or something else that the application understands. The Payload type field tells which encoding algorithm has been used. The Sequence number is just a counter that is incremented on each RTP packet sent. It is used to detect lost packets. The timestamp is produced by the stream’s source to note when the first sample in the packet was made. This value can help reduce jitter at the receiver by decoupling the playback from the packet arrival time. The Synchronization source identifier tells which stream the packet belongs to. It is the method used to multiplex and demultiplex multiple data streams onto single stream of UDP packets. The Contributing source identifiers, if any, are used when mixers are present in the studio. RTP has a little sister protocol called RTCP (Real-time Transport Control Protocol). It handles feedback, synchronization, and the user interface but does not transport any data. 2.4 Introduction to TCP The internet’s transport layer, connection oriented, reliable protocol is TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). TCP was specifically designed to provide a reliable end to end byte stream over an unreliable internetwork (IP). The internetwork differs from single network because they may have different topologies, bandwidth, delays, packet sizes and other parameters. Characteristics of TCP Connection oriented: Before actual data transfer, two communicating process must exchange control segments to establish a connection. This means processes must first hand shake each other. Communication is reliable one. Full duplex: The connection established is bidirectional. So, data transfer will take place in both the direction. Point to point: The connection is established between the single sender and the single receiver. TCP is not good for multicasting so only supports unicasting. 2.5 The TCP Service Model TCP service is obtained by both the sender and receiver creating end points called sockets. Each socket has a socket number consisting of the IP address of the host and 16 bit number local to that host called a port. A port is the TCP name for TSAP (Transport Service Access Point). TCP service is obtained by establishing connection between a socket on sending machine and a socket on the receiving machine. Socket may be used for multiple connections at the same time. Connections are identified by the socket identifiers at both ends i.e. (socket 1, socket 2). The port numbers below 1024 are reserved for some standard services, they are called as well known ports. For example, file transfer FTP uses port 21, email SMTP uses port 25 and internet HTTP uses port 80. The lists of some of the well known ports are shown in the table 2.2. All TCP connections are full duplex and point to point. Full duplex means that traffic can go in both the directions at the same time. Point to point means that each connection has two end points. Port Protocol Application 21 FTP File transfer 23 Telnet Remote login 25 SMTP Email 69 TFTP Trivial FTP 79 Finger Look up information 80 HTTP World wide web 110 POP-3 Remote access 119 NNTP USENET news e-mail Table 2.2 Some assigned Ports TCP connection is byte stream connection. The data is delivered to the receiving process in terms of multiple bytes. For example, if sending process wants to write four 512 bytes to the TCP stream then these data may be delivered to the receiving process as four 512 byte chunks or two 1024 byte chunks or one 2048 byte chunk or in some other way. Receiver cannot detect the units in which the data were written. UNIT 3 TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 The TCP Protocol TCP Segment Header TCP Connection Establishment TCP Connection Release Modeling TCP Connection Management TCP Transmission Policy TCP Congestion Control 3.1 The TCP Protocol Every byte in a TCP connection has its own 32 bit sequence number. TCP entities exchange the data in the form of segments. TCP segment consists of fixed 20 byte header (plus an optional part) followed by zero or more data bytes. The length of segments will be decided by TCP software. TCP software can split data into one or multiple segments or accumulate data into one segment. There are two limits which restricts the segment size. First, each segment including the TCP header, must fit in the 65,515 byte IP payload. Second limitation is each network has a Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) and each segment must fit in the MTU. Generally MTU is 1500 bytes (Ethernet payload size). The basic protocol used by TCP entities is the sliding window protocol. When a sender transmits a segment, it also starts a timer. When the segment arrives at the destination, the receiving TCP entity sends back a segment bearing the acknowledgement number equal to the next sequence number it expects to receive. At the sender end, if timer goes off before receiving the acknowledgement, then sender retransmits the segment. 3.2 TCP Segment Header Every TCP segment begins with a fixed format, 20 byte header. The fixed header may be followed by header options. Segments without data are commonly used for acknowledgements and control messages. The fig 3.1 shows the layout of a TCP segment. Fig 3.1 The TCP header Source port and destination port: These fields identify the local end points of the connection. A 16 bit port number plus its host’s 32 bit IP address forms a 48 bit unique end point. The source and destination end points together identify the connection. These port numbers are used for multiplexing or demultiplexing data from/ to upper layer applications. Sequence number: Is a 32-bit field that TCP assigns to each first data byte in the segment. The sequence number restarts from 0 after the number reaches 232 - 1. Acknowledgment number: It specifies the sequence number of the next byte that a receiver waits for and acknowledges receipt of bytes up to this sequence number. If the SYN field is set, the acknowledgment number refers to the initial sequence number (ISN). TCP header length: This field is a 4-bit field indicating the length of the TCP header in 32 bit words. TCP header can be variable length due to the TCP options field. URG (Urgent Pointer Bit): It is a 1-bit field. URG is set to 1 if the urgent pointer is in use. Urgent pointer is used to indicate a byte offset from the current sequence number at which the urgent data are to be found. ACK (Acknowledgement): This bit is set to indicate that the acknowledgement number is valid. If ACK is 0, the segment does not contain an acknowledgement so the acknowledgement number field is ignored. PSH (Pushed data): If this bit is set, it indicates that the receiver should deliver the data to the upper layer immediately. RST (Reset bit): This bit is used to reset a connection that has become confused due to a host crash or some other reason. It is also used to reject an invalid segment or refuse an attempt to open connection. SYN (Synchronize bit): This bit is used to establish connections. Connection request has SYN=1 and ACK=0 to indicate that the piggy back acknowledgement field is not in use. Connection request has SYN = 1 and ACK =1, this indicates the connection reply does bear an acknowledgement. FIN (Finished bit): This bit is used to release connection. This indicates that the sender has no more data to transmit. After closing a connection, the closing process may continue to receive data indefinitely. Window size: This 16 bit window size field is used for flow control. It is used to indicate the number of bytes that a receiver is willing to accept. TCP uses variable sized sliding window. Checksum: This field is used for extra reliability. The checksum in algorithm is simply used to add-up all the 16 bit words in one’s complement and one’s complement sum is taken. When the receiver performs the calculation on the entire segment, including checksum field, the result should be zero. The pseudoheader contains 32-bit IP addresses of the source and destination machines, the protocol number for TCP and byte count for TCP segment. The conceptual pseudoheader is shown in the fig 3.2. Including the pseudoheader in the TCP checksum computation helps to detect misdelivered packets. Including it also violates the protocol hierarchy since the IP addresses in it belongs to the IP layer not to the TCP layer Urgent data pointer field: This field directs the receiver to add up the values in the urgent-pointer field and the sequence number field to specify the last byte number of the data to be delivered urgently to the destination application. Options field: This provides extra facilities that ate not covered by the regular header. The most important option is the one that allows each host to specify the maximum TCP payload it is willing to accept. Fig 3.2 The pseudoheader included in the TCP checksum 3.3 TCP Connection Establishment TCP establishes connection by three way handshake messages. Server waits passively for an incoming connection, by executing the LISTEN and ACCECPT primitives. At the client side, it executes CONNECT primitive, specifying the IP address and port to which it wants to connect, maximum TCP segment size and some user data. The CONNECT primitive sends a TCP segment with the SYN bit on and ACK bit off and waits for a response. When segment arrives at the destination, TCP entity checks a process that has executed LISTEN on the port given in the destination port field. If not, it sends a reply with RST bit on and rejects the connections. Fig 3.3 (a) TCP connection establishment in the normal case (b) Call collision The sequence of TCP segments sent in normal case is shown in fig 3.3(a). SYN segment consumes one byte of sequence space so that it can be acknowledged without any problems. In the event that the two hosts simultaneously attempt to establish a connection between the same two sockets, the sequence of events is as illustrated in fig 3.3(b). The result of these events is that only one connection is established, not two because connections are identified by their end points. If the first step results in a connection identified by (x, y) and the second one does too, only one table entry is made for (x, y). 3.4 TCP Connection Release TCP connections are full duplex and it can be seen as a pair of simplex connections. Each simplex connection is released independently of other. To release connection, either party can send a TCP segment with the FIN bit set, which means no more data to transmit. When the FIN is acknowledged, that direction is shut down for new data. Data may continue to flow indefinitely in the other direction. When both the direction is shut down, the connection is released. Four TCP segments are needed to release a connection. One FIN and one ACK for each direction, it is also possible to combine first ACK and second FIN in the same segment and reduce segment count to three. 3.5 TCP Connection Management Modeling The steps required establishing and release connections can be represented in a finite state machine with the 11 states listed in table 3.1. In each state, certain events are legal. When a legal event happens, some action may be taken. If some other event happens, an error is reported. Each connection starts in the CLOSED state. It leaves that state when it does either a passive open (LISTEN), or an active open (CONNECT). If the other side does the opposite one, a connection is established and the state becomes ESTABLISHED. Connection release can be initiated by either side. When it is complete, the state returns to CLOSED. Table 3.1 The states used in the TCP connection management finite state machine The finite state machine itself is shown in fig 3.4. The common case of a client actively connecting to a passive server is shown with heavy lines- solid for the client, dotted for the server. The lightface lines are unusual event sequences. Each line in fig 3.4 is marked by an event/action pair. The event can either be a user-initiated system call (CONNECT, LISTEN, SEND, or CLOSE). A segment arrival (SYN, FIN, ACK or RST), or in one case, a timeout of twice the maximum packet lifetime. The action is the sending of a control segment (SYN, FIN or RST) or nothing, indicated by –. Comments are shown in parentheses. Fig 3.4 TCP connection management finite state machine To understand the diagram first follow the path of a client (the heavy solid line), then later follow the path of a server (the heavy dashed line). When an application program on the client machine issues a CONNECT request, the local TCP entity creates a connection record, marks it as being in the SYN SENT state and sends a SYN segment. When the SYN+ACK arrive, TCP sends the final ACK of the three-way handshake and switches into the ESTABLISHED state. Data can now be sent and received. When an application is finished, it executes a CLOSE primitive, which causes the local TCP entity to send a FIN segment and wait for the corresponding ACK (dashed box marked active close). When the ACK arrives, a transition is made to state FIN WAIT 2 and one direction of the connection is now closed. When the other side closes too, a FIN comes in, which is acknowledged. Now both sides are closed, but TCP waits a time equal to the maximum packet lifetime to guarantee that all packets from the connection have died off, just in case the acknowledgement was lost. When the timer goes off, TCP deletes the connection record. Server’s viewpoint The server does a LISTEN and settles down to see who turns up. When a SYN comes in, it is acknowledged and the server goes to the SYN RCVD state. When the server’s SYN is itself acknowledged, the three-way handshake is complete and the server goes to the ESTABLISHED state. Data transfer can now occur. When the client is done, it does a CLOSE, which causes a FIN to arrive at the server (dashed box marked passive close). The server is then signaled. When it, too, does a CLOSE, a FIN is sent to the client. When the client’s acknowledgement shows up, the server releases the connection and deletes the connection record. 3.7 TCP Transmission policy Window management in TCP is not directly tied to acknowledgements as it is in most data link protocols. For example suppose the receiver has a 4096-byte buffer as shown in fig 3.5. If the sender transmits a 2048 byte segment that is correctly received, the receiver will acknowledge the segment. However since it now has only 2048 of buffer space, it will advertise a window of 2048 starting at the next byte expected. Now the sender transmits another 2048 bytes, which are acknowledged, but the advertised window is 0. The sender must stop until the application process on the receiver host has removed some data from the buffer, at which time TCP can advertise a large window. When the window is 0, the sender may not normally send segments, with two exceptions. 1. Urgent data may be sent. For example, to allow the user to kill the process running on the remote machine. 2. The sender may send a 1-byte segment to make the receiver reannounce the next byte expected and window size. Senders are not required to transmit data as soon as they come in from the application. Neither are receivers required to send acknowledgements as soon as possible. For example in fig 3.5, When the first 2KB of data came in TCP, knowing that it had a 4KB window available, would have been completely correct in just buffering the data until another 2KB came in, to be able to transmit a segment with a 4KB payload. This freedom can be exploited to improve performance. Fig 3.5 Window management in TCP Nagle’s Algorithm What Nagle suggested is simple: when data come into the sender one byte at a time, just send the first byte and buffer all the rest until the outstanding byte is acknowledged. Then send all the buffered characters in one TCP segment and start buffering again until they all are acknowledged. If the user is typing quickly and the network is slow, a substantial number of characters may go in each segment, greatly reducing the bandwidth used. The algorithm additionally allows a new packet to be sent if enough data have trickled into fill half the window or a maximum segment. Nagle’s algorithm is widely used by transmission implementations, but there are times when it is better to disable it. In particular, when an X-window application is being run over the internet, mouse movements have to be sent to the remote computer. Another problem that can ruin TCP performance is the silly window syndrome. This problem occurs when data are passed to the sending TCP entity in large blocks, but an interactive application on the receiving side reads data one byte at a time. The problem is addressed in the fig 3.6. Initially, the TCP buffer on the receiving side is full and the sender knows this (i.e., window size 0). Then the interactive application reads one character from the TCP stream. This action makes the receiving TCP happy, so it sends a window update to the sender saying that it is all right to send 1 byte. The sender obliges and sends 1 byte. The buffer is now full, so the receiver acknowledges the 1-byte segment but sets the window to 0. This behavior can go on forever. Fig 3.6 Silly window syndrome Clark’s solution is to prevent the receiver from sending a window update for 1 byte. Instead it is forced to wait until it has a decent amount of space available and advertise that instead. Specifically, the receiver should not send a window update until it can handle the maximum segment size it advertised when the connection was established, or its buffer is half empty, whichever is smaller. Furthermore, the sender can also help by not sending tiny segments. Instead, it should try to wait until it has accumulated enough space in the window to send a full segment or at least one containing half of the receiver’s buffer size. Nagle’s algorithm and Clark’s solution to the silly window syndrome are complementary. Nagle was trying to solve the problem caused by the sending application delivering data to TCP a byte at a time. Clarke was trying to solve the problem of the receiving application sucking the data up from TCP a byte at a time. Both solutions are valid and can work together. 3.8 TCP congestion control When the load offered to any network is more than it can handle, congestion builds up. In theory, congestion can be dealt with by employing a principle borrowed from physics: the law of conservation of packets. The idea is not to inject a new packet in to the network until an old one leaves. TCP attempts to receive the goal by dynamically manipulating the window size. The first step in managing congestion is detecting it. When a connection is established, a suitable window size has to be chosen. The receiver can specify a window based on its buffer size. If the sender sticks to this window size, problem will not occur due to buffer overflow at the receiving end, but they may still occur due to internal congestion within the network. In fig 3.6(a) a thick pipe leads to a small capacity receiver. As long as sender does not send more water than the bucket can contain, no water will be lost. Fig 3.6(b), the limiting factor is not the bucket capacity, but the internal carrying capacity of the network. If too much water comes in too fast, it will back up and some will be lost. Fig 3.6 (a) A fast sender feeding a low-capacity receiver (b) A slow network-feeding a high-capacity receiver The internet solution is to realize that two potential problems exist: network capacity and receiver capacity and to deal with each of them separately. To do so, each sender maintains two windows: the window the receiver has granted and a second window, the congestion window. Each reflects the number of bytes the sender may transmit. The number of bytes that may be sent is the minimum of two windows. Thus the effective window is the minimum of what the sender thinks is all right and what the receiver thinks is all right. Module 5 Unit 1Domain Name System 1.1 Application Layer Overview 1.2 DNS 1.2.1 The DNS Name System 1.2.2 Resource Records 1.2.3 Name Servers Unit 2 Electronic Mail 2.6 Architecture and Services 2.7 The User Agent 2.8 Message Formats 2.9 Message Transfer 2.10 Final Delivery Unit 1 DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM 1.1 Application Layer Overview 1.2 DNS 1.2.1 The DNS Name System 1.2.2 Resource Records 1.2.3 Name Servers 1.1 Application Layer Overview The application layer is built on the transport layer and provides network services to user applications. The application layer defines and performs applications such as electronic mail (email), remote access to computers, file transfers, newsgroups, and the web, as well as streaming video, internet radio and telephony, P2P file sharing, multi-user networked games, streaming stored video clips, and real-time video conferencing. The application layer has its own software dependencies. When a new application is developed, its software must be able to run on multiple machines, so that it does not need to be rewritten for networking devices, such as routers, that function at the network layer. In client/server architecture for example, a client end host requests services from a server host. A client host can be on sometimes or always. Fig 1.1 shows an example of application-layer communication. Fig 1.1 Web communication between two end systems 1.2 Domain Name System (DNS) On the internet, each host is identified by address (for example TCP/IP protocol uses the IP address). These addresses are hard and difficult for people to remember. So, people started preferring names instead of addresses. Therefore, we need a system that can map an ASCII name to an address or an address to an ASCII name. One of the most important components of the application layer is the Domain Name System (DNS) server. DNS is a distributed hierarchical and global directory that translates machine or domain names to numerical IP addresses. DNS can be thought as a distributed database system used to map the host names to IP addresses, and vice versa. DNS is a critical infrastructure, and all hosts contact DNS servers when they initiate connections. DNS can run over either UDP or TCP. However, running over UDP is usually preferred, since a fast response for a transaction provided by UDP is required. Some of the information-processing functions, the DNS server handles are Finding the address of a particular host Delegating a sub-tree of server names to another server Denoting the start of the sub-tree that contains cache and configuration parameters, and giving corresponding addresses Naming a host that processes incoming mail for the designated target Finding the host type and the operating system information Finding an alias for the real name of a host Mapping IP addresses to host names DNS is an application-layer protocol, and every Internet service provider whether for an organization, a university campus, or even a residence has a DNS server. In the normal mode of operation, a host sends UDP queries to a DNS server. The DNS server either replies or directs the queries to other servers. The DNS server also stores information other than host addresses. The DNS routinely constructs a query message and passes it to the UDP transport layer without any handshaking with the UDP entity running on the destination end system. Then, a UDP header field is attached to the message, and the resulting segment is passed to the network layer. The network layer always encapsulates the UDP segment into a datagram. The datagram, or packet, is now sent to a DNS server. If the DNS server does not respond, the fault may be UDPs unreliability. 1.2.1 Domain Name Space Any entity in the TCP/IP environment is identified by an IP address, which thereby identifies the connection of the corresponding host to the Internet. An IP address can also be assigned a domain name. Unique domain names assigned to hosts must be selected from a name space and are generally organized in a hierarchical fashion. The internet is divided into 200 top level domains, where each domain covers many hosts. Each domain is partitioned into sub-domains and these are further partitioned and so on. Domain names are defined in a tree-based structure with the root at the top, as shown in the fig 1.2. A tree is structured with a maximum of 128 levels, starting at level 0 (root). Each level consists of nodes. A node on a tree is identified by a label, with a string of up to 63 characters, except for the root label, which has empty string. Fig 1.2 Hierarchy of domain name space, labels, and domain names The top-level domains are classified into two categories. They are Generic domain Countries domain The generic domains define registered hosts according to their generic behavior and it is shown in the fig 1.2. The Generic domains are .com (commercial) .edu (educational institutions) .gov (government) .int (some international organizations) .mil (US armed forces) .net (network providers) .org (Non profit organizations) The country domains include one entry for every country, for example India’s domain is .in, Australia has .au etc. All these countries domains are defined in ISO 3166. It follows the same format as the generic domains and uses two character country abbreviations. The last label of a domain name expresses the type of organization; other parts of the domain name indicate the hierarchy of the departments within the organization. Thus, an organization can add any suffix or prefix to its name to define its host or resources. A domain name is a sequence of labels separated by dots and is read from the node up to the root. For example, moving from right to left, we can parse as follows: domain name, a commercial organization (.com) and the "news" section of "company1" (news.company1). Domain names can also be partial. For example, is a partial domain name. The domain names are Absolute or Relative. An absolute domain name always ends with a dot, (for example, where as a relative domain names does not end with a dot. Domain names are case insensitive. So, edu or EDU means the same thing. The full path names must not exceed 255 characters and each component names can be up to 63 characters long. If a new domain has to be created, permission is required of the domain in which it should be included. 1.2.2 Resource Records Each domain name is associated with a record called as resource record. The server database consists of resource records. These records are returned by the server to the client. Here server is a DNS server which returns resource records associated with that name. Thus, the primary function of DNS is to map domain names onto resource records. Format of Resource Record Resource record consists of five tuples and all fields are encoded in binary form for efficiency. Resource records are represented as ASCII text, one line per resource record. The fig 1.3 shows the format of resource record. Fig 1.3 Resource Record Format The five tuples are Domain_name Time_to_live Class Type Value Domain_name This variable length field tells the domain to which this record applies. This field is used as primary search key to satisfy queries. Time_to_live This field is 32-bit that gives an indication of how stable the record is. If the information is highly stable then it is assigned with a large value and highly volatile information is assigned with a small value. If this field is zero, then resource record is used only for single transaction and it is not stored for future use. Class This field identifies domain class of every resource record. For internet information, it is always IN and for non-internet information other codes can be used. Type This field tells what type of resource record it is. There are various types of resource records, most important ones are listed in table 1.1. Domain Type SOA A Meaning Start of Authority IP address of a host Value Parameters for this zone 32-bit integer Priority, Domain willing to accept email MX Mail exchange NS Name Server Name of a server for this domain CNAME PTR HINFO Canonical name Pointer Host description Domain name Alias for IP address CPU and OS in ASCII TXT Text information Text information associated name. Table 1.1 The principal DNS resource record types SOA (Start of Authority) - SOA record provides the name of the primary source information. This information may be the name server’s zone, e-mail address of the administrator, a unique serial number, various flags, and timeouts. A (Address) - This record is most important record type, holds a 32-bit IP address for some host. Each host on the internet is identified or addressed by at least one IP address. This IP address is used by other machine for communication. Some hosts have two or more network connections, in which case they will have only one type of A resource record (per IP address). MX (Mail Exchange) - The MX record provides the name of the host prepared to accept e-mail for the specified domain. MX record is used because; every machine is not prepared to accept e-mail. It redirects mail to a mail server. NS (Name server) record - The NS records are used to specify the name servers. Every DNS database normally has an NS record for each of the top-level domains. CNAME (Canonical Name) record - CNAME records will have domain name as value. CNAME records allow aliases to be created. Sometimes the address might not be correct. For example a person familiar with internet naming wants to send a message to his friend whose name is X in the computer science department at IISC. He might guess that will work. But the actual address is Making CNAME entry, one can do the job in the following way. 86400IN CNAME PTR record - Similar to CNAME, PTR points to another name. But CNAME is macro definition. PTR is a regular DNS data type whose interpretation depends on the context in which it is found. Commonly, PTR is used to associate a name with an IP address. For a given IP address it returns the name of the corresponding machine. This mechanism is known as reverse lookups. HINFO record - This record gives the type of machine and operating system a domain corresponds to. It gives the host description with type of CPU and OS. TXT record - Text record allows domains to identify themselves in arbitrary ways. Value This field can be a number, a domain name or an ASCII string. The semantics depend on the record type. A short description of the value fields is given in the table 1.1. 1.2.3 Name Servers The domain name space is divided into subdomains, and each domain or subdomain is assigned a domain name server. This way, we can form a hierarchy of servers, as shown in fig 1.3, just as the hierarchy of domain names. A domain name server has a database consisting of all the information for every node under that domain. Each server at any location in the hierarchy can partition part of its domain and delegate some responsibility to another server. The root server supervises the entire domain name space. A root server typically does not store any information about domains and keeps references only to servers over which it has authority. Root servers are distributed around the world. Fig 1.3 Hierarchy of DNS domain name servers The entire DNS database should be stored and name server has to respond to all the queries, but if we use single name server and centralized DNS database, then it may be inefficient and not reliable to have such huge amount of information. To avoid these problems, the DNS name was divided into nonoverlapping zones. Each zone contains some part of the tree and also contains name servers holding the information about that zone. Zone will have one primary name server and one or more secondary name servers. Primary name servers get their information from a file on its disk and secondary name servers get their information from the primary name servers. The fig 1.4 shows one of the possible ways to divide the name space. Fig 1.4 Part of the DNS name space showing the division into zones Let us consider the example of fig 1.5 to explain the process of resolving remote name. A resolver on wants to know the IP address of the host Fig 1.5 How a resolver looks up a remote name in eight steps Step 1 Originator sends a query to local name server So, local server has never had a query for this domain before and asks nearby name servers. Step 2 It sends a UDP packet to the server for edu given its database Step 3 forwards the request to the name server for Step 4 In turn, one forwards the request to which must have authoritative resource records. Step 5 to Step 8 Since each request is from a client to a server, the resource record requested works its way back in step 5 to step 8. The query method described here is a recursive query since each server that does not have the requested information goes and finds it some where and reports back. DNS is extremely important to the correct functioning of the internet; all it really does is mapping the symbolic names for machines onto their IP addresses. Unit 2 ELECTRONIC MAIL 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Architecture and Services The User Agent Message Formats Message Transfer Final Delivery Electronic mail or simply e-mail is one of the most popular network services. In the beginning email was most commonly used in academia. After 1990, it became known to the public at large and was very popular. The first e-mail system simply consists of file transfer protocols with the convention that the first line of each message contained the recipient’s address. There were some limitations and problems of using file transfer protocol. They are 1. It was not possible or difficult to send message to a group of people. 2. No internal structure of messages, which makes computer processing difficult. 3. There was no way to intimate the arrival of new e-mail message to the senders. 4. There was no facility of re-directing messages to secretaries, when some one was away on business. 5. Poor user interface. 6. Not possible to create and send messages containing a combination of text, images, voices and facsimile. As experience was gained, more elaborate e-mail systems were proposed and developed. The developed standard was Internet e-mail system. 2.1 Architecture and Services The email systems consists of two subsystems User Agents (UA) Users Agent will allow people to read and send mail. They are the local programs that provide a command-based, menu-based or graphical-based method for interacting with the e-mail system. Message Transfer Agent (MTA) Message Transfer Agent moves the message from the source to the destination. MTAs are typically system daemons i.e. processes that run in the background and their job is to move e-mail through the system. E-mail system supports five basic functions. The basic functions are 1. Composition 2. Transfer 3. Reporting 4. Displaying 5. Disposition Composition The process of creating messages and answers. The e-mail system itself will support to compose a mail. The mail address and other header fields can be attached to each message. Transfer This refers to transferring mail from sender to the recipient. For this we need to establish a connection to the destination or intermediate machine. After transferring the messages the connection can be released. The e-mail system will automatically connect/ disconnect without the intervention of the user. Reporting This process will inform the sender about the e-mail sent. This information can be whether the mail was delivered or rejected or lost. Reporting helps in providing confirmation about the email sent. Displaying Displays the e-mail received, so that people can read their e-mails. Sometimes, e-mail cannot be viewed directly so simple conversion is required or special viewer tools are needed to get the messages. Disposition It is the final step and concerns what the recipient want to do with the message after receiving it. The e-mail may be read and deleted or not read or read and saved so on. The e-mails are saved so that whenever it is needed it can be reread or retrieved or forwarded. Addition to the basic services, some e-mail systems provide special advanced features. Some of these advanced features are: Mail boxes These are created to store incoming e-mail. Explicit commands are needed to create and destroy mailboxes, check the contents of mailboxes, insert and delete messages from mail boxes and so on. Mailing list The mailing list is a list of email addresses. When an e-mail is sent to this mailing list, the same copies are delivered to everyone on the list. Advanced features The advanced features like carbon copies (cc), blind carbon copies (bcc), height priority email, encrypted e-mail, automated reply e-mail and so on are developed. 2.2 The User Agent User Agent (UA) is a part of e-mail system used at the client side. A user agent is a program that accepts a variety of commands. These commands are used to compose, receive, send, delete and move mails to a folder etc. Some user agents have an extra user interface that allows window type interactions with the system. These user agents requires mouse for using fancy menu or icon driven interfaces. Eudora is an example of icon driven interface. Some of the popular user agent programs are MH, Berkeley mail, Elm, Zmail and Mush. Sending E-mail through the UA E-mail can be sent through User Agent by creating mail that looks very similar to postal or snail mail. It has an envelope and a message. A user must provide destination address, message and other parameters. The message can be prepared by text editor or work processing like program which is built into the user agent. The envelope contains the sender address, receiver address and other related information. The header of the message contains the sender, the receiver and the subject of the message. The body contains the actual information to be read by the recipient. The destination address of the recipient must be in the form of username@dns-address.Mailing lists are supported by most of the e-mail systems. With the mailing list support, user can send the same copy of the message to the list or to the group of people with a single command. Reading E-mail with the UA User Agent checks the mail boxes periodically for the incoming e-mail. If a user has a mail in mailbox then the UA informs the user first by giving a notice (or alert) or number of messages in the mailbox. If the user is ready to read the mail, a list is displayed in which each line contains a summary of the information about a particular message in the mailbox as shown in the table 2.1. Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 Flags K Sender address Subject raj Hello ravi Conference KA Re:CSE Dept raghu Request KF rajesh Re:Acceptence Table 2.1 Screenshot of the contents of a mail box Size 413K 20K 612 212K 43K The line of the display contains several fields extracted from the envelope or header of the corresponding message. The first field is the message number. Second field contain flags K, A and F. Flag K indicates that message is not new and was read already. Flag KA indicates that message is already read and answered. Flag KF indicates that message was read and forwarded to someone. There may be additional flags supported by user agent. The third field tells who has sent the message. This field may contain only first name or e-mail address or full name. The next field subject gives the brief summary of what the message is about. Finally, the last field tells the size of the message in bytes. 2.3 Message Formats The format of the e-mail message which is described in RFC 822 is studied. The envelope format is described in RFC 821. RFC 822 The message consist of Primitive envelope Header fields Blank line Message body The header fields related to the message transport have the following fields as shown in the table 2.2. Header Meaning To: Field gives email addresses of the primary recipient(s) Cc : Gives the addresses of any secondary recipient(s) Bcc: Email addresses for blind carbon copies From: Who wrote or created the message Sender: Email address of the actual sender Received: Line added by each transfer agent along the route Return-Path: Can be used to identify a path back to the sender Table 2.2 RFC 822 Header fields The RFC 822 header fields are described below To field: This field gives the email address of the primary recipient (to whom message has to be sent). Cc field: This field gives the email address of any secondary recipients. Cc stands for Carbon copy. There is no specific distinction between the primary and secondary recipients. Bcc field: This field is referred as Blind carbon copy, it is similar to cc field, except this line is deleted from all the copies sent to the primary and secondary recipients. So, that primary and secondary recipient cannot know the copies sent from Bcc field. From field: This field tells who wrote the mail or from whom message has been received. Sender field: This field tells who has sent the mail Received field: This field is added by each message transfer agent along the way. The line contains the agent’s identity, the data and time the message was received. Return-path: This field is added by the final message transfer agent and was used to tell how to get back to the sender. In addition to these fields, RFC 822 messages may also contain a variety of header fields. The important fields are listed in the table 2.3. Header Meaning Date: Date and time the message was sent Reply-To: E-mail address to which replies should be sent Message-Id: Unique number for referring this message later In-Reply-To: Message-Id of the message to which this is a reply References: Other relevant messages-Ids Keywords: User chosen keywords Subject : Short summary of the message for the one-line display Table 2.3 Additional fields of RFC 822 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) There are some limitations in the message format of RFC 822. On the internet there were some problems in sending and receiving with Messages in languages with accents (e.g. French and German) Messages in Non-latin alphabets (e.g. Hebrew and Russian) Messages in languages without alphabets (e.g. Chinese and Japanese) Messages cannot be used to send binary files. Messages with audio or video or images. The solutions were proposed in RFC 1341 and updated in RFCs 2045-2049. This solution is called MIME. MIME continued to use the same RFC 822 format, but added structure to the body and defined encoding rules for non-ASCII messages. All MIME messages can be sent using mail programs and protocols. MIME defines five new message headers, as shown in the table 2.4. Header Meaning MIME Version: Identifies version of the MIME used Content-Description: Human readable string telling what is in the message Content-Id: Unique identifier Content-Transfer-Encoding: Method to encode body for transmission Content-Type: Type and format of the content Table 2.4 RFC 822 MIME headers MIME Version The header tells the user agent receiving the message that it is dealing with a MIME message and which version of MIME it uses. Content-Description This header defines whether the body of the message is image, audio or video. So, the recipient will know whether it is worth decoding and reading the message. Content-Id This header identifies the content of the message. Content-Id follows the same format as the standard Message-Id header. Content-Transfer-Encoding It defines the method to encode the message into binary form for transmission through the network. Five schemes are provided to encode which is shown in the table 2.5. Content-type This header is used to specify the type or nature of the message body. The content type will have further content subtype. They are separated by a slash. Depending on the subtype, the header may contain other parameters. Format: Content-Type: <type/subtype; parameters> Type 7 bit 8 bit Binary Base 64 Quotedprintable Meaning ASCII characters and short lines Non-ASCII characters and short lines Non-ASCII characters with unlimited length lines 6-bit blocks of the data are encoded into 8 bit ASCII characters. Non ASCII characters are encoded as an equal sign followed by an ASCII code. Table 2.5 Content-Transfer-Encoding Seven types are defined in RFC 2045, each of which has one or more subtypes. These are listed in table 2.6. Type Text Message Image Audio Video Application Subtype Plain Enriched RFC 822 External body Partial Meaning Unformatted text Text with simple formatting commands Body is an encapsulated message. Body is a references to a another message Message has been split for transmission JPEG Image is in JPEG format GIF Image is in GIF format Basic Audible sound MPEG Video is in MPEG format Octet-stream Uninterrupted byte sequence Postscript printable document in postscript Table 2.6 MIME types and subtypes 2.4 Message Transfer Message Transfer system is related with sending messages from originator to the recipient. The connection is established from the source machine (originator) to the destination machine (recipient). After or once connection was established, message can be transferred. The TCP/IP protocol that supports e-mail on the internet is called SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). This protocol is used to send message to other users based on the e-mail addresses. SMTP- The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SMTP is a simple ASCII protocol, which uses TCP connection with port 25 of the destination machine; email daemon (background process) listen to the port 25, accepts incoming connections and transfer message from them into the appropriate mailboxes. If the message cannot be delivered to the intended recipient, then error report of undeliverable message is returned to the sender or originator. A sample illustration of transferring a message from to is given in steps. The line starting with C indicates sent by the client and S by the server. S: C: S: C: S: C: S: C: S: C: C: C: C: C: C: C: C: C: C: S: 220 HELO 250 MAIL FROM //SMPT service ready //command from client //says hello to <> 250 sender OK RCPT TO: <> 250 receipt OK //only one RCPT command because only one recipient DATA 354 send mail; //end with “.” on a line by itself. From: To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-Id: <0703716182.> Content-Type: multipart/alternative Subject: Wishes Happy Birthday to you S: 250 messages accepted QUIT 221 closing connection There are some limitation of SMTP protocol, they are Some older implementations cannot handle messages exceeding 64 KB If the client and server have different timeouts, one of them may give up while other is still busy, unexpectedly terminates the connection. Infinite mailstorms can be generated which increases email traffic. To get around all the above problems extended SMTP (ESMTP) has been developed. 2.5 Final Delivery SMTP establishes a TCP connection to the receiver and then transfer e-mail over it. If the recipient is not online, then connection cannot be established and e-mail is not delivered. One solution to this problem is to have a Message Transfer Agent (MTA) on an ISP (Internet Service Provider) machine accept e-mail for its customer and store it in their mail boxes on an ISP machine. There are currently two mail access protocols: Post Office Protocol (POP3) and Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP). POP3 (Post Office Protocol Version 3) POP3 protocol is used to pull or receive e-mail from the ISP’s message transfer agent and allow email to be copied from the ISP to the user. POP3 is described in RFC 1939. There are two situations in which POP3 protocol works. They are 1. When both sender and receiver are online (connected) 2. When sender is currently online but receiver is not. Case 1: When both sender and receiver are online the arrangement is shown in the fig 2.1. Fig 2.1 Sending and reading mail when the receiver has a permanent Internet connection and the user agent runs on the same machine as the message transfer agent. When user starts the mail reader, in turn mail reader calls up the ISP and establishes a TCP connection with the message transfer agent at port 110. A POP3 protocol performs three functions once the connection has been established. The three functions are Authorization – It deals with user login Transactions – It deals with the user collecting the e-mails and marking them for deletion from the mail box. Update – It causes the e-mails to be deleted Case 2 When sender is currently online, but the receiver is not. The arrangement is shown in the fig 2.2. Fig 2.2 Reading e-mail when the receiver has a dial-up connection to an ISP. When sending host is currently online, SMTP establishes TCP connection with the ISP’s machine. The email (message) is sent to the MTA, and the mail is transferred to the user’s respective mailboxes. So, ISP machine will hold the entire message in user’s respective mailboxes. When receiver tries to connect to the ISP’s machine via dial-up connection POP3 protocols starts working. POP3 server software is installed on users PC. Through UA, user is allowed to connect to POP3 server and starts reading or receiving the mails which are available in mailbox. So, the problem of sending the message to offline receiver is solved with the help of ISP’s machine. IMAP (Internet Mail Access Protocol) IMAP is similar to POP3, but has more features. IMAP is more powerful and complex. POP3 allows all stored messages at each contact and this result in user’s email quickly gets spread over multiple machines. To overcome this disadvantage IMAP was developed. IMAP is defined in RFC 2060. IMAP server listens to port 143. Some of the limitations of POP3 are listed below. POP3 does not allow the user to organize their mails on the server The user cannot have different folder on the server. POP3 does not allow the user to partially check the contents of the mail before downloading. IMAP provides extra functions over POP3. They are User can check the e-mail header before downloading it. IMAP provides mechanism for creating, destroying and manipulating multiple mailboxes on the server. User can create a hierarchy of mail boxes in a folder for e-mail storage. User can also download e-mail partially. This feature is useful when bandwidth is limited and e-mail contains multimedia which needs high bandwidth. User can also search the contents of the email for specific characters before downloading. Comparison of IMAP and POP3 is given in the table 2.7 POP3 IMAP Defined in RTC 1939 Defined in RFC 2000 Uses 110 TCP port for connection Uses 143 TCP port for connection Emails are stored on user’s PC Email are stored on IMAP server Emails are read offline Emails are read online Little time is required for establishing a Requires more time for establishing connection connection. User will have backup of mail boxes ISP will have backup of mail boxes Do not provides multiple mailboxes Provides multiple mail boxes Not suitable for mobile user’s More suitable for mobile users Does not allow partial downloads Allows partial downloads Very simple to implement Not so simple to implement Table 2.7 Differences between POP3 and IMAP Delivery features Many systems provide additional features for incoming e-mail. Filters: E-mail user can setup filters on some messages. These are the rules that are checked when e-mail arrives in or when user agent is started. Each rule specifies a condition and a corresponding action. Most of the ISP’s provide filter that automatically separates the incoming e-mail as either important or spam (junk email or viruses) and stores each message in separate folders. There are some techniques to detect spam. For example if mail has sent to hundreds of users with the same message subject line, it is probably a spam. Filters examine the subject line and sometimes even sources. Ability to forward incoming e-mail to different addresses The ability to install a vacation daemon, this daemon examines each incoming message and sends the sender a stored reply. Webmail More users today are sending and accessing e-mail through their web browsers. Hotmail introduced web access in mid 1990s. They provide e-mail service to anyone. They have normal MTA’s listening to port 25 for incoming SMPT connections. The e-mails are delivered through webpage. User goes to the e-mail webpage and enters login name and password. When the user clicks on signin, the login name and password are sent to the server, which then validates. If login is successful, the server finds the user mailbox and builds a listing of all the mails and displays on the user’s screen. All the mails are listed and formatted as HTML. Many items on the page are interactive, so message can be read, deleted, forwarded and replied and so on. Many implementations of web based e-mail use an IMAP server to provide the folder functionally. Module 6 Unit 1 Introduction to Network Security 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Services, Mechanisms and Attacks 1.2.1 Services 1.2.2 Mechanisms 1.2.3 Attacks 1.3 The OSI Security Architecture 1.3.1 Security Services 1.3.2 Security Mechanisms 1.3.3 Security Attacks 1.4 A Model for Network Security Unit 2 Cryptography-I 2.1 Symmetric Cipher Model 2.1.1 Cryptography 2.1.2 Cryptanalysis 2.2 Substitution Techniques 2.3 Transposition Techniques Unit 3 Cryptography-II 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Simplified DES Block Cipher Principles The Data Encryption Standard The RSA Algorithm Unit 4 E-mail Security 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Pretty Good Security 4.2.1 Operational description of PGP 4.2.2 Cryptographic keys and key rings 4.3 S/MIME 4.3.1 S/MIME Functionality 4.3.2 S/MIME Messages Unit 1 Introduction to Network Security 1.5 Introduction 1.6 Services, Mechanisms and Attacks 1.6.1 Services 1.6.2 Mechanisms 1.6.3 Attacks 1.7 The OSI Security Architecture 1.7.1 Security Services 1.7.2 Security Mechanisms 1.7.3 Security Attacks 1.8 A Model for Network Security 1.1 INTRODUCTION Computer security is the process of preventing and detecting unauthorized use of your computer. Prevention measures helps to stop unauthorized users (also known as "intruders") from accessing any part of your computer system. It focuses on ensuring the availability and correct operation of a computer system without concern for the information stored or processed by the computer Information security is concerned with the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data regardless of the form the data may take: electronic, print, or other forms. The terms network security and information security are often used interchangeably, however network security is generally taken as providing protection at the boundaries of an organization, keeping the intruders (e.g. black hat hackers, script kiddies, Trudy, etc.) out. Network security systems today are mostly effective, so the focus has shifted to protecting resources from attack or simple mistakes by people inside the organization, e.g. with Digital Leak Protection (DLP). One response to this insider threat in network security is to compartmentalize large networks, so that an employee would have to cross an internal boundary and be authenticated when they try to access privileged information. Examples of security violations 1. User A transmits a file to user B. the file contains sensitive information that are to be protected from disclosure. User C, who is not authorized to read the file, is able to monitor the transmission and capture a copy of the file during its transmission. 2. A network manager, D transmits a message to a computer, E, under its management. The message instructs computer E to update an authorization file to include the identities of a number of new users who are to be given access to that computer. User F intercepts the message, alters its contents to add or delete entries, and then forwards the message to E, which accepts the message as coming from manager D and updates its authorization file accordingly. 3. Rather than intercept a message, user F constructs its own message with the desired entries and transmits that message to E as if it had come from manager D. Computer E accepts the message as coming from manager D and updates its authorization file accordingly. 4. An employee is fired without warning. The personnel manager sends a message to a server system to invalidate the employee s account. When the invalidation is accomplished, the server is to post a notice to the employee s file as confirmation of the action. The employee is able to intercept the message and delay it long enough to make a final access to the server to retrieve sensitive information. The message is then forwarded, the action taken, and the confirmation posted. The employee s action may go unnoticed for some considerable time. 5. A message is sent from a customer to a stockbroker with instructions for various transactions. Subsequently, the investments lose value and the customer denies sending the message. Internetwork security is both fascinating and complex. Some of the reasons follow 1. Major requirements for security services are confidentiality, authentication, Nonrepudiation, and integrity. But the mechanisms used to meet those requirements can be quite complex and understanding them may involve rather subtle reasoning. 2. In developing a particular security mechanisms or algorithm, one must always consider potential countermeasures. In many cases, countermeasures and designed by looking at the problem in a completely different. 3. Because of point 2, the procedures used to provide particular services are often counterintuitive. 4. Having designed various security mechanisms, it is necessary to decide where to use them. This is true both in terms of physical placement and in a logical sense. 5. Security mechanisms usually involve more than a particular algorithm or protocol. They usually also require that participants be in possession of some secret information, which raises questions about the creation, distribution, and protection of that secret information. There is also a reliance on communications protocols whose behavior may complicate the task of developing the security mechanism. 1.2 Services, Mechanisms and Attacks Information security is about how to prevent cheating in information-based systems. The manager is responsible for security needs. A systematic way of defining the requirements for security and characterizing the approaches is required. The three aspects of information security are 1. Security Attack - Any action that compromises the security of information owned by an organization. 2. Security Mechanism - A mechanism that is designed to detect, prevent or recover from a security attack. 3. Security Service - A service that enhances the security of the data processing systems and the information transfers of an organization. The services are intended to counter security attacks and they make use of one or more security mechanisms to provide the service. 1.2.1Services Security services can be considered as replicating the types of functions normally associated with physical documents. Documents typically have signatures and dates; they may need to be protected from disclosure, tampering or destruction. The types of functions traditionally associated with paper documents must be performed on documents that exist in electronic form. Several aspects of electronic documents make the provision of such services challenging It is usually possible to discriminate between an original paper document and a xerographic copy. An electronic document is merely a sequence of bits; there is no difference between the original and any number of copies. An alteration to a paper document may leave some sort of physical evidence of the alteration. Altering bits in a computer memory or in a signal leaves no physical trace. Any proof process associated with a physical document typically depends on the physical characteristic of that document. Any proof of authenticity of an electronic document must be based on internal evidence present in the information itself 1.2.2 Mechanisms There is no single mechanism to support the functions like authorization, signature, validation, accessing, witnessing etc. The most common mechanism in use is cryptographic techniques: Encryption or encryption-like transformations. 1.2.3 Attacks G. J Simmons points out information security is about how to prevent attacks or failing to detect attacks on information-based systems wherein the information itself has no meaningful physical existence and then to recover from the attacks. Some of the examples of attacks are Conceal the presence of some information in other information. Gain unauthorized access to information. Modify the license of others Prevent the function of software, typically by adding a convert function. Difference between threat and attack Threat - A potential for violation of security, which exists when there is a circumstance, capability, action or event that could break security and cause harm .i.e. a threat is a possible danger that might exploit a vulnerability. Attack – An assault on system security that derives from an intelligent threat; i.e. An intelligent act that is a deliberate attempt to evade security services and violate the security policy of a system. 1.3 THE OSI SECURITY ARCITECTURE 1.3.1 Security Services The classification of security services are Confidentiality - Ensures that the information in a computer system and transmitted information are accessible only for reading by authorized parties. Authentication - Ensures that the origin of a message or electronic document is correctly identified, with an assurance that the identity is not false. Integrity - Ensures that only authorized parties are able to modify computer system assets and transmitted information. Nonrepudiation - Requires that neither the sender nor the receiver of a message be able to deny the transmission. Access control - Requires that access to information resources may be controlled by or for the target system. Availability - Requires that the computer system assets be available to authorized parties when needed. 1.3.2 Security Mechanism There is no one single mechanism that will provide all the services that performs all functions. Transformations like encryption or decryption are generally used for providing security. 1.3.3 Security Attacks Attacks on security can be classified into four general categories; they are as shown in the fig 1.1 below. Fig 1.1 Classification of security attacks Interruption - This attack is on availability. An asset of the system is destroyed or becomes unavailable or unusable. Interception - This is an attack on confidentiality. An unauthorized party gains access to an asset. Modification - This is an attack on integrity. An unauthorized party not only gains access to an asset but also tampers with it. Fabrication - This is an attack on authenticity. An unauthorized party inserts counterfeit objects into the system. According to RFC 2828 and X.800security attacks are classified as passive and active attacks. Passive attacks are in the nature of eavesdropping on, or monitoring of, transmissions. The goal of the opponent is to obtain information that is being transmitted. Passive attacks are very difficult to detect because they do not alter any data. The two types of passive attacks are Release of message contents Traffic analysis Active attacks involve some modification of the data stream or the creation of a false stream. It is subdivided into four categories Masquerade - Takes place when one entity pretends to be a different entity. A masquerade attack usually includes one of the other forms of active attack. Replay - It involves the passive capture of data unit and its subsequent retransmission to produce an unauthorized effect Modification of messages - Some portion of a legitimate message is altered or delayed or reordered to produce an unauthorized effect. Denial of service - Prevents or inhibits the normal use or management of communications facilities. This attack nay have a specific target Table 1.1 Differences between passive attacks and active attacks 1.4 A Model for Network Security The fig 1.2 shows the model for a secured transaction. The two parties, sender and the receiver are the principals in the transaction. A logical channel is established by defining a route through the network by the cooperation of the principals and the protocols. Fig 1.2 Model for Network security The techniques to provide information security have two components. A security related transformation on the information. This may be an encryption of the information along with the necessary code information to verify the identity of the sender. Secret information shared by the principals. It may be an encryption key used to unscramble the encrypted information. The model also explains four tasks in designing a security service. Designing an algorithm for performing the security related information Generate the secret information to be used with the algorithm Develop methods for sharing and distribution of secret information Specify the protocol to be used by the principals Another type of unwanted access is placing of logic that exploits the system resources and its vulnerabilities. Such attacks may be through human intervention (hacker) or by software (virus). Two types of threats are possible. Information access threats intercept or modify data on behalf of users who should not have access to the data. Service threats exploit service flaws in computers to inhibit use by legitimate users. Viruses and worms are two examples of software attacks. Such attacks can be introduced into a system by means of a diskette that contains the unwanted logic concealed in otherwise useful software. They can also be inserted into a system across a network. Fig 1.3 Network access security model The security mechanisms needed to cope with unwanted access fall into two broad categories as shown in the fig 1.3. The first category might be termed a gatekeeper function. It includes password-based login procedures that are designed to deny access to all but authorized users and screening logic that is designed to detect and reject worms, viruses, and other similar attacks. Once access is gained, by either an unwanted user or unwanted software, the second line of defense consists of a variety of internal controls that monitor activity and analyze stored information in an attempt to detect the presence of unwanted intruders. Unit 2 Cryptography-I 2.1 Symmetric cipher Model 2.1.1 General concepts 2.1.2 Cryptanalysis 2.2 Substitution Techniques 2.3 Transposition Techniques Cryptography is the study of secret (crypto) writing (graphy) concerned with developing the algorithms which may be used to Conceal the context of some message from all, except sender and recipient (privacy / secrecy) Verify the correctness of message to the recipient (authentication) Form the basis of many technological solutions to computer and communications security problems 2.1 Symmetric Cipher Model Single key encryption is an encryption technique in which both the sender and recipient share a secret key and this secret key is applied on the encryption algorithm at the sender’s side and on the decryption algorithm at the recipient’s side. Single key encryption is also referred to as symmetric encryption or conventional encryption. The model for this encryption is given here which illustrates the conventional encryption process. Fig 2.1 Simplified model of conventional encryption The model comprises of the following components Plaintext: This is the original intelligent message or data that is fed into the algorithm as input. Encryption Algorithm: It performs various substitution and transformation on the plaintext. Secret Key: It is also input to the encryption algorithm. The key is value independent of the plaintext and the algorithm will produce a different output depending on the key used. The exact substitutions and transformations performed by the algorithm depend on the key. Ciphertext: This is the scrambled message produced as output. It depends on the plaintext and the key. Decryption Algorithm: This is essentially the encryption algorithm run in reverse. It takes the ciphertext and the secret key to produce the original plaintext. Once the ciphertext is produced by encrypting the plaintext using the secret key, it may be transmitted. Upon reception, the ciphertext can be transformed back to the original plaintext by using a decryption algorithm and the same key that was used for encryption. There are two requirements for secure use of conventional encryption. A strong encryption algorithm is needed. The opponent should be unable to decrypt ciphertext or discover the key even if he has a number of plaintext and ciphertext samples of those plaintexts. The secret key must be kept secure and only the sender and receiver must have the copies of it. Model of conventional cryptosystem The conventional cryptosystem model is as shown in the figure below: Fig 2.2 Model of conventional crytosystem A source produces a message in plaintext, X = [X1, X2, ----, XM]. The M elements of X are letters in some finite alphabet. Traditionally, the alphabet usually consisted of the 26 capital letters. Nowadays, the binary alphabet {0, 1} is typically used. For encryption, a key of the form K = [K1, K2, ----, KJ] is generated. If the key is generated at the message source, then it must also be provided to the destination by means of some secure channel. A third party may also generate a key and securely deliver it both source and destination. With the message X and the encryption key K as the input, the encryption algorithm forms the ciphertext Y = [Y1, Y2,..., YN]. This can be written as Y=EK (X) This notation indicates that Y is produced by using the encryption algorithm E as a function of the plaintext X, with the specific function determined by the value of the key K. The intended receiver, in possession of the key, is able to invert the transformation: X=DK(Y) An opponent, observing Y but not having access to K or X, may attempt to recover X or K or both X and K. It is assumed that the opponent knows the encryption (E) and decryption (D) algorithms. If the opponent is interested in only this particular message, then the focus of the effort is to recover X by generating a plaintext estimate X. Often, however, the opponent is interested in being able to read future messages as well, in which case an attempt is made to recover K by generating an estimate K. 2.1.1 General Concepts Cryptography systems are characterized along three independent dimensions: The type of operations used for transforming plaintext to ciphertext: All encryption algorithms are based on two general principles substitution and transposition. o Substitution: In this method, each element in the plain text is mapped into another element. o Transposition: In this method, elements in the plain text are rearranged. There is a requirement that no information be lost. The number of keys used: If both sender and receiver use the same key, the system is referred to as symmetric, single-key, secret-key or conventional encryption. If the sender and the receiver each use a different key, such system refer to as asymmetric, two-key or public-key encryption. The way in which the plaintext is processed: o A block cipher processes the input one block of elements at a time, producing an output block for each input block. o A stream cipher processes the input elements continuously, producing an output element at a time. Difference between Steganography and Cryptography Table 2.1 Difference between steganography and cryptography 2.1.2 Cryptanalysis The process of attempting to discover the message in plaintext (X) or encryption key (K) or both is known as cryptanalysis. The strategy used by the cryptanalyst depends on the nature of the encryption scheme and the information available to the cryptanalyst. Various types of cryptanalytic attacks based on the amount of information known to the cryptanalyst are as follows: Ciphertext only: In this case the encryption algorithm and ciphertext to be decoded is known by the opponent. One possible attack is the brute-force approach of trying all possible keys, which is impractical for a very large key space. Known plaintext: In this case, the opponent knows the encryption algorithm, the ciphertext to be decoded and one or more plaintext-ciphertext pairs formed with the secret key. With this knowledge, the cryptanalyst may be able to deduce the key on the basis of the way in which the known plaintext is transformed. Chosen plaintext: In this case, the opponent knows the encryption algorithm, ciphertext to be decoded and a plaintext message chosen by the cryptanalyst, together with its corresponding ciphertext generated with the secret key. Chosen ciphertext: In this case, the opponent knows the encryption algorithm, ciphertext to be decoded and also purported ciphertext chosen by cryptanalyst, together with its corresponding decrypted plaintext generated with the secret key. Chosen text: In this case, the opponent knows the encryption algorithm, ciphertext to be decoded, purported ciphertext chosen by cryptanalyst, together with its corresponding decrypted plaintext generated with the secret key and also plaintext message chosen by cryptanalyst, together with its corresponding ciphertext generated with the secret key. An encryption scheme is unconditionally secure if the ciphertext generated by the scheme does not contain enough information to determine uniquely the corresponding plaintext, no matter how much ciphertext is available. That is, no matter how much time an opponent has, it is impossible for him or her to decrypt the ciphertext, simply because the required information is not there. With the exception of a scheme known as the one-time pad, there is no encryption algorithm that is unconditionally secure. Therefore, all that the users of an encryption algorithm can strive for is an algorithm that meets one or both of the following criteria: The cost of breaking the cipher exceeds the value of the encrypted information. The time required to break the cipher exceeds the useful lifetime of the information. An encryption scheme is said to be computationally secure if the foregoing two criteria are met i.e., it is very difficult to estimate the amount of effort required to cryptanalyze ciphertext successfully. 2.2 Substitution Techniques A substitution technique is one in which the letters of plaintext are replaced by other letters or by numbers or symbols. If the plaintext is viewed as a sequence of bits, then substitution involves replacing plaintext bit patterns with ciphertext bit patterns. The encryption techniques using substitution are Caesar cipher Playfair cipher Hill cipher Caesar Cipher Caesar cipher involves replacing each letter of the alphabet with the letter standing three places further down the alphabet. For example: The alphabet is wrapped around so that the letter following Z is A. The transformation can be defined by listing all the possibilities as follows: If we assign numerical equivalent to each letter (a-1, b=2, etc.), then the algorithm can be expressed as follows. C = E(p) = (p+k )mod (26) Where, k takes on a value in the range 1 to 25. The decryption algorithm is simply p = D(C) = (C-k) mod (26) Cryptanalysis If it is known that a given ciphertext is a Caesar cipher, then a brute-force cryptanalysis is easily performed by simply trying all the 25 possible keys. Important characteristics of this cipher which rendered the easy use of brute-force cryptanalysis are: The encryption and decryption algorithms are known. There are only 25 keys to try. The language of the plaintext is known and easily recognizable. Playfair Cipher This is a multiple-letter encryption cipher which treats diagrams in the plaintext as single units and translates these units into ciphertext diagrams. This is based on the use of a 5 X 5 matrix of letters constructed using a keyword. In the example shown below keyword used is MONARCHY. Plaintext is encrypted two letters at a time, according to the following rules Repeating plaintext letters that would fall in the same pair are separated with a filler letter. Plaintext letters that fall in same row are replaced by letter to the right, with the first element circularly following the last element Plaintext letters that fall in the same column are replaced by letter beneath with the top element of the row circularly following the last element. Otherwise, it is replaced by the letter that lies in its own row and the column occupied by the other plaintext letter. Cryptanalysis The Playfair cipher is a great advance over simple mono-alphabetic ciphers since there are 26 X 26 = 676 diagrams so that identification of individual diagrams is more difficult. Furthermore, the relative frequencies of individual letters exhibit a much greater range than that of diagrams, making frequency analysis much more difficult. Hill Cipher The encryption algorithm takes m successive plaintext letters and substitutes for them m ciphertext letters. The substitution is determined by m linear equation In which each character is assigned a numerical value (a=0, b=1, … z =25). For m=3, the system can be described as follows C1= (k11p1 + k12p2 + k13p3) mod 26 C2= (k21p1 + k22p2 + k23p3) mod 26 C3= (k31p1 + k32p2 + k33p3) mod 26 This can be expressed in term of column vectors and matrices Where C and P are column vectors of length 3, representing the plaintext and ciphertext, and K is a 3x3 matrix, representing the encryption key. Operations are performed using mod 26. For 2 X 2 matrix determinant is k11 k22 – k33 k21. For a 3 X 3 matrix, the value of the determinant is k11 k22 k33 + k21 k32 k13 – k31 k22 k13 – k21 k12 k33 – k11 k32 k23. If a square matrix A has a nonzero determinant, then the inverse of the matrix is computed as Where (Dij) is the sub-determinant formed by deleting the ith row and the jth column of A and det(A) is the determinant of A. In general terms, the Hill system can be expressed as follows: C = Ek (P) = KP P = Dk (C) = K-1 C = K-1 KP = P 2.3 Transposition Techniques A transposition cipher is achieved by performing some sort of permutation on the plaintext letters. The simplest such cipher is the rail fence technique, in which the plaintext is written down as a sequence of dialogues and then read as a sequence of rows. Example: meet me after the toga party →mematrhtgpryetefeteoaat A more complex scheme is to write the message in a rectangle row by row, and read the message off, column by column, but permute the order of the columns, which then becomes the key to the algorithm. Example Cipher text: T T N A A P T M T S U O A O D W C O I X K N L Y P E T Z The transposition cipher can be made significantly more secure by performing more than one stage of transposition. The result is more complex permutation that is not easily reconstructed. Example Output: N S C Y A U O P T T W L T M D N A O I E P A X T T O X Z UNIT 3 CRYPTOGRAPHY-II 3.1 Simplified DES 3.2 Block Cipher Principles 3.3 The Data Encryption Standard 3.4 The RSA Algorithm 3.1 Simplified DES The overall structure of simplified DES, referred to as S-DES is as shown in the fig 3.1. The SDES encryption algorithm takes an 8-bit block of plaintext and a 10-bit as input and produces an 8-bit block of ciphertext as output. The S-DES decryption algorithm takes an 8-bit block of ciphertext and the same 10-bit key to produce that ciphertext as input and produces the original 8-bit block of plaintext. Fig 3.1 Structure of S-DES The encryption algorithm involves five functions: An initial permutation (IP) A complex function labeled fK, which involves both permutation and substitution operations and depends on a key input A simple permutation function that switches (SW) the two halves of the data The function fK again And finally a permutation function that is the inverse of the initial permutation (IP-1) The use of multiple stages of permutation and substitution results in a more complex algorithm, which increases the difficulty of cryptanalysis. The function fK takes as input not only the data passing through the encryption algorithm, but also an 8-bit key. A 10-bit key is used from which two 8-bit subkeys are generated. The key is first subjected to permutation (P10). Then a shift operation is performed. The output of the shift operation is then passed through a permutation function (P8) that produces an 8-bit output for the first subkey (K1). The output of the shift operation also feeds into another shift and another instance of P8 to produce the second subkey (K2). The encryption algorithm can be written as follows: Where K1 = P8 (Shift (P10 (key))) K2 = P8 (Shift (Shift (P10 (key)))) The decryption is essentially the reverse of encryption and can be written as: 3.1.1 S-DES Key Generation S-DES depends on the use of a 10-bit key shared between sender and receiver. From this key, two 8 bit subkeys are produced for use in particular stages of the encryption and decryption algorithm. Fig 3.2 Key generation for Simplified DES First permute the key P10 can be defined as follows P10 3 5 7 4 10 1 9 8 6 Next, perform a circular left shift (LS-1) or rotation, separately on the first 5 bits and the second five bits. Next, we apply P8, which picks out and permutes 8 of the 10 bits according to the following rule. P8 6 2 3 7 4 8 5 10 9 The result is subkey1 (K1). The pair of 5 bit strings are then circular left shifted by 2 bit positions LS-2 functions on each 5-bit string. Finally, P8 is again applied to produce K2. Hence the required 8-bit keys K1 and K2 are generated which are then used in the encryption stages. S-DES Encryption Function Initial Permutation The input to the algorithm is an 8-bit block of plaintext, which we first permute using the IP function IP is the initial permutation IP 2 6 3 1 4 8 5 7 This retains all 8-bits of the plaintext but mixes them up. At the end of the algorithm, the inverse permutation is used: -1 IP is inverse of IP IP 4 1 3 5 -1 7 2 8 6 It is easy to show by example that the second permutation is indeed the reverse of the first, that is, IP-1(IP(X)) =X. The Function fK The most complex component of S-DES is the function fK, which consists of a combination of permutation and substitution functions. The functions can be expressed as follows. Let L and R be the leftmost 4-bits and rightmost 4-bits of the 8-bit input to fK, and let F be a mapping from 4bit strings to 4-bit strings. Then we get fK (L, R) = (L ⊕ F(R, SK), R) Where SK is a subkey and ⊕ is the bit-by-bit exclusive-OR function. Fig 3.3 Simplified DES scheme encryption detail We now describe the mapping F. the input is a 4-bit number (n1n2n3n4). The first operation is an expansion/permutation operation E/P 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 1 It is clearer to depict The 8-bit subkey k1= (k11, k12, k13, k14, k15, k16, k17, k18) is added to this value using exclusiveOR: Let us rename these 8-bits The first four bits (first row of the preceding matrix) are fed into the S-box S0 to produce a 2-bit output, and the remaining 4-bits (second row) are fed into S1 to produce another 2-bit output. These two boxes are defined as follows: The S-boxes operate as follows: the first and fourth bits are treated as 2-bit numbers that specify a row of the S-box, and second and third input bits specify a column of the S-box. The entry in that row and column, in base 2, is the 2-bit output. Next, the 4-bits produced by S0 and S1 undergo a further permutation as follows P4 2 4 3 1 The output of P4 is the output of the function F. The switch function The function fK only alters the leftmost 4 bits of the input. The switch function (SW) interchanges the left and right 4 bits so that the second instance of fK operates on a different 4 bits. In this, second instance, the E/P, S0, S1 and P4 functions are the same. The key input is K2. 3.2 Block Cipher Principles A stream cipher is one that encrypts a digital data stream one bit or one byte at a time. Examples of classical stream ciphers are the auto keyed Vigenere cipher and the Vernam cipher. A block cipher is one in which a block of plaintext is treated as a whole and used to produce a ciphertext block of equal length. Typically, a block of 64 or 128 bits is used. Block ciphers seem to be applicable to a broader range of applications than stream ciphers. The vast majority of network based symmetric cryptographic applications make use of block ciphers Fiestel Cipher Structure The fig 3.4 given below depicts the structure proposed by Feistel. The inputs to the encryption algorithm are a plaintext block of length 2w bits and a key K. The plaintext block is divided into two halves, L0 and R0. The two halves of the data pass through n rounds of processing and then combine to produce the ciphertext block. Each round i have as inputs Li-1 and Ri-1, derived from the previous round, as well as a subkey Ki, derived from the overall key K. All the rounds have the same structure. A substitution is performed on the left half of the data. This is done by applying a round function F to the right half of the data and then taking the exclusive-OR of the output of that function and the left half of the data. The round function has the same general structure for each round but is parameterized by the round subkey Ki. Following this substitution, a permutation is performed that consists of the interchange of the two halves of the data. The parameters and design features of a Feistel network are: Block Size: Larger block size means greater security but reduced encryption/decryption speed. A block size of 64 bits is universally used in block cipher design. Key Size: Larger key size means greater security but may decrease encryption/decryption speed. Key size of 64 bits or less are considered inadequate and 128 bits is commonly used. Number of Rounds: the essence of Feistel cipher is that a single round offers inadequate security but that multiple rounds offer increasing security. A typically size is 16 rounds. Subkey Generation Algorithm: greater complexity in this algorithm should lead to greater difficulty of cryptanalysis. Round Function: greater complexity means greater resistance to cryptanalysis. Fast Software Encryption/Decryption: The speed of execution of the algorithm used is a concern and must be fast. Ease of Analyze: The algorithm must be easier to analyze for cryptanalytic vulnerabilities and hence develop a higher level of assurance as to its strength. Fig 3.4 Classical fiestel network 3.3 The Data Encryption Standard DES Encryption Algorithm The overall scheme for DES encryption is illustrated in the fig 3.5. The processing of the plaintext proceeds in 3 phases. First, the 64-bit plaintext passes through an initial permutation that rearranges bits to produce the permuted input. This is followed by a phase consisting of 16 rounds of the same function, which involves both permutation and substitution functions. The output of the last round consists of 64 bits that are a function of the input plaintext and the key. The left and right halves of the output are then swapped to produce the preoutput. Finally, the preoutput is passed through a permutation that is the inverse of the initial permutation function to produce the 64-bit ciphertext. Fig 3.5 General Description of DES Encryption Algorithm Single Round of DES The fig 3.6 shows the internal structure of a single round DES. Fig 3.6 Single Round of DES Algorithm The overall processing at each round can be summarized using the following formulas. The round key Ki is 48-bits. The R input is 32 bits. This R input is first expanded to 48-bits by using a table that defines a permutation plus an expansion that involves duplication of 16 of the R bits. The resulting 48 bits are XORed with Ki. This 48-bit result passes through a substitution function that produces a 32-bit output, which is again permuted. The role of S-boxes in the function F is as illustrated in the fig 3.7 given below. The substitution consists of a set of 8 S-boxes, each of which accepts 6 bits as input and produced 4 bits as output as defined by the respective S-box definition table. The first and the last bits of input to box Si form a 2-bit binary number to select one of 4 substitutions defined by the four rows in the table for Si. The middle four bits select one of the 16 columns. The decimal value in the cell selected by the row and column is then converted to its 4-bit representation to produce the output. Fig 3.7 Calculation of F(R, K) 3.4 The RSA Algorithm The RSA scheme was developed by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman. It makes use of an expression with exponentials. The RSA algorithm is given below: Key Generation Select p, q Calculate n = p x q Calculate φ(n) = (p - 1) (q - 1) Select integer e Calculate d Public key p and q both prime gcd(φ(n), e) = 1; 1< e < φ(n) d ≡ e-1 mod φ(n) KU = {e, n} Private key KR = {d, n} Encryption Plaintext: Ciphertext: M<n C = Me (mod n) Decryption Ciphertext: Plaintext: C M = Cd (mod n) Example Select two prime number, p = 17 and q = 11 Calculate n = pq = 17 x 11 = 187 Calculate φ(n) = (p - 1) (q – 1) = 16 x 10 = 160 Select e such that e is relatively prime to φ(n) = 160 and less than φ(n); we choose e = 7 Determine d such that de = 1 mod 160 and d < 160. The correct value is d = 23. The resulting keys are public key KU = {7, 187} and private key KR = {23, 187}. The encryption of the plaintext 88 using the above values is as depicted in the fig 3.8 below: Fig 3.8 Example of RSA algorithm Proof of RSA We have chosen e and d such that d ≡ e-1 mod φ(n) Therefore, ed ≡ 1 mod φ(n) Therefore, ed is of the form kφ(n) + 1. But by the corollary to Euler’s theorem, given two prime numbers, p and q, and integer’s n = pq and M, with 0 < M < n M k φ(n) + 1 = M k(p – 1) (q – 1) + 1 ≡ M mod n So Med = M mod n Now C = Me mod n M = Cd mod n = (Me)d mod n = Med mod n Hence the proof. Unit 4 E-MAIL SECURITY 4.4 Introduction 4.5 Pretty Good Security 4.5.1 Operational description of PGP 4.5.2 Cryptographic keys and key rings 4.6 S/MIME 4.6.1 S/MIME Functionality 4.6.2 S/MIME Messages 4.1 Introduction In the entire distributed environment, electronic mail is the most heavily used network based application across the entire platform and among all architectures. With such a growth in this field, there is need for authentication and confidentiality services. The two approaches that is to stay for the next few years are Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) S/MIME 4.2 Pretty Good Privacy PGP is a service which provides confidentiality and authentication for e-mails and file storage applications. PGP is effect of Phil Zimmermann. In essence, the contribution of Zimmermann is as follows The building blocks are best of the available cryptographic algorithms Integrated these algorithms into a general-purpose application that is independent of operating system and processor and that is based on a small set of easy-to-use commands. Made the package and its documentation, including the source code, freely available via the internet, bulletin boards and commercial network such as AOL (American On Line). Entered into an agreement with a company (network associates previously via crypt) to provide a fully compatible, low-cost commercial version of PGP. Notations used with the concept of PGP are listed below Ks = session key used in the conventional encryption scheme KRa = private key of user A, used in public key encryption scheme KUa = public key of user A, used in public key encryption scheme EP = public key encryption DP = public key decryption EC = conventional encryption DC =conventional decryption H = Hash function || = Concatenation Z = Compression using ZIP algorithm R64 = Conversion to radix 64 ASCII format Secret key = key paired with a public key in a public key encryption scheme. The reasons for wide usage or popularity of PGP It is freely available It runs on variety of platforms like DOS/windows, UNIX and Macintosh etc. It supports several vendors It is based on algorithms which are very popular and are supposed to be or considered to be extremely secure like RSS, DSS and Diffie-Hellman for public-key encryption and CAST-128, IDEA, TDEA for conventional encryption and SHA – 1 for hash coding It can send message world wide through internet security It was not developed by, nor is it controlled by government or standardization organization, thus it is more attractive to people who don’t trust these establishments. 4.2.1 Operational Description of PGP It has five services 1. Authentication 2. Confidentiality 3. Compression 4. E-mail compatibility 5. Segmentation Authentication This refers to the digital signature service provided by PGP. The sequence for authentication is as follows a. The sender creates a message. b. SHA-1 is used to generate a 160-bit hash code of the message. c. The hash code is encrypted with RSA using the sender’s private key, and the result is prepended to the message. d. The receiver uses RSA with the sender’s public key to decrypt and recover the hash code. e. The receiver generates a new hash code for the message and compares it with the decrypted hash code. If the two matches, the message is accepted as authentic. The RSA assures that the matching private key can generate the signature and because of SHA-1 the recipient is assured that no one else could generate a new message that matches the hash code and hence, the signature of the original message. Alternatively, we can generate the signature using DSS or SHA-1 also. Generally signatures are attached to the message or files, detached signature may also be used. For example a user may wish to maintain a separate signature log of all messages sent or received. A detached signature of an executable program can detect subsequent virsus infection. A detached signature may also be used when more than one party must sign a document. The concept is illustrated in the fig 4.1(a). Confidentiality The next basic service provided by PGP is confidentiality, which is provided by encrypting messages to be transmitted or to be stored locally as files. Algorithms like CAST-128, IDEA, TDEA, CFB mode is used for encrypting both plain text message and the signature, for session key encryption RSA is used. On a whole, “The sender first signs the message with its own private key then encrypts the message with a session key and then encrypts the session key with the recipient’s public key. The concept is shown in the fig 4.1(b). Fig 4.1 PGP cryptographic function It is as follows 1. The sender generates a message and a random 128-bit number to be used as a session key for this message only. 2. The message is encrypted using CAST-128 or IDEA or 3DES with the session key. 3. The session key is encrypted with RSA using the recipient’s public key, and is prepended to the message. 4. The receiver uses RSA with its private key to decrypt and recover the session key. 5. The session key is used to decrypt the message. Observations 1. To reduce encryption time the combination of conventional and public-key encryption is used in preference to simply using RSA or EIGamal to encrypt the message directly: CAST-128 and the other conventional algorithms are substantially faster than RSA or EIGamal. 2. The use of public-key algorithm solves the session key distribution problem, because only the recipient is able to recover the session key that is bound to the message. 3. The use of one-time conventional keys further strengthens the conventional encryption approach. First a signature is generated for the plaintext message and prepended to the message. Then the plaintext message plus signature is encrypted using CAST-128 or IDEA or 3DES, and the session key is encrypted using RSA or EIGamal. This sequence is more convenient to store a signature with a plaintext version of the message. Furthermore, for purposes of third party verification, if the signature is performed first, a third party need not be concerned with the conventional key when verifying the signature. Thus, when both services are needed, the sender first signs the message with its own private key, then encrypts the message with a session key, and then encrypts the session key with the recipient’s public key. Compressions By default, the PGP compresses the message after applying the signature, but before encryption. 1. The signature is generated before compression for two reasons a. It is generally preferable to store the signature with the uncompressed message. If the one signed an uncompressed document is stored, then it would be necessary either to store a compressed version of the message for later verification or to recompress the message when verification is required. b. Even if one were willing to generate dynamically a recompressed message for verification, then PGP’s compression algorithm has problems. This compression algorithm is not deterministic, i.e. various implementation of the algorithm will yield different compressed forms. However, these different compression algorithms are interoperable because of any version. Applying the hash function and signature after compression would constrain all PGP implementation to the same version of the compression algorithm. 2. Message encryption is applied after compression to strengthen cryptographic security. Because the compressed message has less redundancy than the original plaintext, cryptanalysis is more difficult. Email compatibility In case of PGP, atleast part of the block, to be transmitted is encrypted. PGP provides the service of converting the raw 8-bit binary stream to a stream of printable ASCII characters. It uses radix-64 conversion [Each group of three octets of binary data is mapped into four ASCII characters]. The use of radix-64 expands the message by 33%. Here the point to be noted is that the plain text message has been compressed and the session key with the signature portion of the message is untouched. One point about the radix-64 algorithm is that it blindly converts the input stream to radix 64 format regardless of content, even if the input is ASCII text. Thus, if a message is signed but not encrypted and the conversion is applied to the entire block, the output will be unreadable to the normal observers, which provides a certain level of confidentiality. Optionally, PGP can also be configured to convert to radix-64 format (only the signature portion of signed plaintext messages). This enables the human recipient to read the message without using PGP. But to verify signature, PGP must be used. The fig 4.2 below shows the relationship among the services (Authentication, Confidentiality, Compression and E-mail compatibility). Fig 4.2 Generic transmission On transmission, if it is required, a signature is generated using a hash code of the compressed plaintext. Then the plaintext plus signature if present, is compressed. Next, if confidentiality is required, the block is encrypted and prepended with the public key encrypted conventional encryption key. Finally, the entire block is converted to radix-64 format. On reception, the incoming block is first converted back from radix-64 format to binary. Next, if the message is encrypted, the recipient recovers the session key and decrypts the message. The resulting block is then decompressed. Segmentation and Reassembly Generally email facilities have restriction on the maximum length of 50000 octets. If the message length is greater than the specification, then it must be broken into smaller segments each of which will be mailed separately. To accommodate this restriction, PGP automatically subdivides a large message into smaller segment which could be accommodated through e-mail. The segmentation process is done after all other processing is done, including the radix-64 conversion. Thus, the session key component and signature component appears only once, at the beginning of first segment. At the receiving end, PGP must strip off all e-mail headers and reassemble the entire original block before performing the strips shown in fig 4.3. Fig 4.3 Generic reception The PGP services are summarized in table 4.1. Function Digital signature Message Encryption Compression E-mail compatibility Segmentation Algorithm used DSS / SHA or RSA / SHA Description A hash code of a message is created using SHA-1. This message digest is encrypted using DSS or RSA with the sender’s private key and included with the message. CAST or IDEA or three-key A message is encrypted using triple DES with DiffieCAST-128 or IDEA or 3DES Hellman or RSA with a one-time session key generated by the sender. The session key is encrypted using Diffie-Hellman or RSA with the recipient’s public key and included with the message. ZIP A message may be compressed for storage or transmission using ZIP. Radix-64 conversion To provide transparency for e-mail applications, an encrypted message may be converted to an ASCII string using radix-64 conversion ------To accommodate maximum message size limitations, PGP performs segmentation and reassembly. Table 4.1 Summary of PGP services 4.2.2 Cryptographic Keys and Key Rings Under PGP, these is usage of four types of keys 1. One-time session conventional keys 2. Public keys 3. Private keys 4. Passphrase-based conventional keys Requirements for these keys are i. A means for generating unpredictable session keys is needed ii. Every user may be allowed to have multiple public key or private key pairs. It may be due to User may wish to change the key pairs from time to time A user may wish to have multiple key pairs at a given time to interact with different groups. Simply to enhance security iii. Each PGP must maintain a file of its own public or private pairs as well as a file of public keys of correspondents. Session key Generation Key Identifiers and key Rings Every message as a session key associated with it It is only used for encryption and decrypting the message. o Here we assume to use CAST-128 symmetric encryption algorithm. o Using CAST-128 128-bit random number s is generated. The plain text input to the random number generator, consists of two 64 bit blocks, which is derived from a stream of 128-bit randomized number. These numbers are based on keystroke input from the user. This random input is combined with previous session key output from CAST-128 to form the key input to the generator. The result, given the effective scrambling of CAST-128, is to produce a sequence of session keys that are effectively unpredictable. Key Identifiers The problem - At the receiving end, the recipient recovers the session key and then recovers the message. If the sender/user employs only one public and private key pair, then it becomes easy for the recipient to decrypt the message; but we know that there could be multiple public/private key pairs with the user, Then “How does the recipient know which of its public keys was used to encrypt the session key ? The solution would be to use/associate an identifier with public key that is uniquely within one user, i.e. combination of user ID and key ID. Thus key = user ID + key ID In PGP, for every public key there will be a key ID assigned, that is unique for a user with user ID. The key ID consists of atleast least significant 64 bits. Therefore key ID of public key KUa is [KUa mod 264] which is of sufficient length and the probability of duplicate key ID’s is very small. Therefore Key ID is also used for digital signature is PGP. Format of a PGP message from A to B A message consists of three components. The message component contains 1. Actual data to be stored or transmitted 2. Filename 3. Timestamp which tells the time of creation The signature component [optional] contains Timestamp – The time at which the signature was made Message digest o The digest = signature Timestamp (ii) data portion of the message component o It uses the 160 bit SHA -1 digest encrypted with sender’s private signature key Leading two octet of message digest o To enable the recipient to determine, if the correct public key was used to decrypt the message digest for authentication, by comparing this plaintext copy of the first two octets with the first two octets of the decrypted digest. Key ID of sender’s public key o Identifies the public key that should be used to decrypt the message digest and hence, identifies the private key that was used to encrypt the message digest Fig 4.4 General format of PGP message The session key component (Ks) includes the session key and the identifier of the recipient public key that was used by the sender to encrypt the session key. The entire block is usually encoded with radix-64 encoding. The PGP message format is as shown in the figure 4.4. Key rings The following fig 4.5 shows PGP message generation from user A to user B with no compression or radix-64 conversion and the message is to be both signed and encrypted: Fig 4.5 PGP message generation The sending PGP entity performs the following steps: 1. Signing the message a. PGP retrieves the sender’s private key from the private-key ring using your_userid as an index. If your_userid was not provided in the command, the first private key on the ring is retrieved. b. PGP prompts the user for the passphrase to recover the unencrypted private key. c. The signature component of the message is constructed. 2. Encrypting the message a. PGP generates a session key and encrypts the message. b. PGP retrieves the recipient’s public key from the public-key ring using the her_userid as an index. c. The session key component of the message is constructed. The PGP message reception from user A to user B is as shown in the fig 4.6. Fig 4.6 PGP reception The receiving PGP entity performs the following steps 1. Decrypting the message a. PGP retrieves the receiver’s private key from the private-key ring using Key ID field of the session key component of the message as an index. b. PGP prompts the user for the passphrase to recover the unencrypted private key. c. PGP then recovers the session key and decrypts the message. 2. Authenticating the message a. PGP retrieves the sender’s public key from the public-key ring using the Key ID field in the signature component of the message as an index. b. PGP recovers the transmitted message digest. c. PGP computes the message digest for the received message and compares it to the transmitted message digest to authenticate. 4.3 S/MIME S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension is a security enhancement to the MIME Internet e-mail format standard, based on technology from RSA Data Security. The limitations of SMTP/822 scheme are: SMTP cannot transmit executable files or other binary objects. A number of schemes are in use for converting binary files into a text form that can be used by SMTP mail systems, including the popular UNIX UUencode/UUdecode scheme. However, none of these is a standard or even a de facto standard. SMTP cannot transmit text data that includes national language characters because these are represented by 8-bit codes with values of 128 decimal or higher, and SMTP is limited to 7-bit ASCII. SMTP servers may reject mail messages over a certain size. SMTP gateways that translate between ASCII and the character code EBCDIC do not use a consistent set of mappings, resulting in translation problems. SMTP gateways to X.400 electronic mail networks cannot handle non-textual data included in X.400 messages. Some SMTP implementations do not adhere completely to the SMTP standards defined in RFC 821. Common problems include the following: o Deletion, addition, or recording of carriage return and linefeed. o Truncating or wrapping lines longer than 76 characters. o Removal of trailing white spaces (tab and space characters). o Padding of lines in a message to the same length. o Conversion of tab characters into multiple space characters. MIME is intended to resolve these problems in a manner that is compatible with existing RFC 822 implementations. . 4.3.1 S/MIME Functionality Enveloped data: This consists of encrypted content of any type and encrypted-content encryption keys for one or more recipients. Signed data: A digital signature is formed by taking the message digest of the content to be signed and then encrypting that with the private key of the signer. The content plus signature are then encoded using base64 encoding. A signed data can only be viewed by a recipient with S/MIME capability. Clear-signed data: As with signed data, a digital signature of the content is formed. However, in this case, only the digital signature is encoded using base64. As a result, recipients without S/MIME capability can view the message content, although they cannot verify the signature. Signed and enveloped data: Signed-only and encrypted-only entities may be nested, so that encrypted data may be signed and signed data or clear-signed data may be encrypted. 4.3.2 S/MIME Message S/MIME makes use of number of new MIME content type, shown in table 4.2 Table 4.2 MIME content type Securing a MIME Entity S/MIME secures a MIME entity with a signature, encryption or both. A MIME entity may be an entire message, or if the MIME content type is multipart, then a MIME entity is one or more of the subpart of the message. The MIME entity is prepared according to the normal rules for MIME message preparation. Then the MIME entity plus some security-related data, such as algorithm identifiers and certificates are processed by S/MIME to produce what is known as PKCS object. The PKCS object is then treated as message content and wrapped in MIME. The result of applying the security algorithm will be to produce an object that is partially or totally represented in arbitrary binary data .This will then be wrapped in an outer MIME message and transfer encoding can be applied at that point typically base 64. However in case of a multipart signed message, the message content in one of the subparts is unchanged by the security process. Unless the content is 7 bit, it should transfer encoded using base 64 or quoted printable, so that there is no danger of altering the content to which the signature was applied. EnvelopedData The steps for preparing an envelopedData MIME entity are as follows: Generate a pseudorandom session key for a particular symmetric encryption algorithm (RC2/40 or tiple DES) For each recipient encrypt the session key with the recipient’s public RSA key. For each recipient, prepare a block known as RecipientInfo that contains the sender’s public-key certificate, an identifier of the algorithm used to encrypt the session key and the encrypted session key. Encrypt the message content with session key. The RecipientInfo blocks followed by the encrypted content constitute the envelopedData .This information is then encoded into base 64. To recover the encrypted message, the recipient strips off the base 64 encoding .Then the recipient’s private key is used to recover the session key. Finally, the message content is decrypted with the session key. SignedData The signedData smime-type can actually be used with one or more signers. The steps for preparing an enveloped Data MIME entity are as follows: Select a message digest algorithm (SHA or MD5) Compute the message digest or hash function, of the content to be signed Encrypt the message digest with the signer’s private key Prepare a block known as SignerInfo that contains the signer’s public key certificate, an identifier of the message digest algorithm, an identifier of the algorithm used to encrypt the message digest and the encrypted message digest The signedData entity consists of a series of block including message digest algorithm identifier, the message being signed and SignerInfo. This information is then encoded into base 64. To recover the signed message and verify the signature, the recipient first strips off the base 64 encoding. Then the signer’s public key is used to decrypt the message digest. The recipient independently computes the message digest and compares it to the decrypted message digest to verity the signature. Clear signing Clear signing is achieved using the multipart content type with a signed subtype. This signing process does not involve transforming the message to be signed so that the message is sent “in the clear”. Thus, recipients with MIME capability, but not S/MIME capability are able to read the incoming message. A multipart/signal message has two parts First part can be any MIME type but must be prepared so that it will not be altered during transfer from sources to destination. o Then this part is processed in the same manner as signedData, but in this case an object with signed Data format is created that has an empty message content field. o This object has detached signature. It is then transfer encoded using base 64 to become the second part of the multipart/signed message The second part has a MIME content type of application and a subtype of pkcs -7 signatures.