Four Causes of the Rennaissance Rennaissance of English character: new nationalism, self questioning, self conscious maturity. Away from medieval Scholasticism, more toward Greeks, theology, logic, philosophy. Scholasticism: knowledge as Aristotle and his commentators. got from Church fathers, and Humanism Printing Protesant Reformation Tudors skepticism, New World's wealth Humanism Rebirth began in Italy in 13-14the centuries, moving north thru France, Spain, up North Europe, skip to England. Hits England late 15th, early 16: 2 centuries from Italy to England. Rebirth of Classical learning discovery of manuscripts: Aristotle from Arabs/Crusades some Plato Rediscovery of Sextus Empericus Letters of Cicero Petrarch's boast: he owned a greek manuscript 1490's: Greek chair, John Collet, in Oxford Humanism pervaded 16th what is? Contemporary, Old Historical Old Historical Humanism New philosophy of man. Old medieval contempt of man replaced with confidence in men's powers, of his mind. Dedicated to serving World. Kristeller redefines age: 1. rebirth of education. Middle Ages logic based on middle aged texts, ie, symbolic logic. In Rennaissance, this is forsaken for Cicero, Aristotle, and Plato. 2. Anti Scholastic: Scholastics were late middle ages church empire theologians and logicians. Reformers were all clerics, but emphasis on study of Grammar and rhetoric, classical, moral philosophy, and history. In England: 1512: St Paul's School in London, run by More, Lyly, Erasmus. A Humanist approach. Henry VIII made it a model for public education; a liberal arts curriculum. All his schools put together for purpose of civic duty, not contemplative. New Historians S. Greenblatt Marxism: art not an end in itself, but always political. Humanism involved new sense of selves and the world; politics in sense that people saw themselves as works of art, to be fashioned; being sincere not the key. Self was the mode of art. Creates self conscioussness without rarefication. New Historians generally pessimistic on period, emphasize pamphlet politics, dissillusionmeny in the arts. American intellectuals such as Greenblatt are dissillusioned, unlike Kristeller and Inge, who were more optimistic. Effects of Humanism Wyatt, More..all humanist educations 1. literature: wonderfull; education to understand and write literary works, rhetoric explored, style, encouraged patronage of the arts, valued translation, Latin, English. Latin is standard schoolboy mode. 2. increased interest in the sciences [great dissemination of information because of printing.] 3. occasion for Tudor New Men development; government came to be run by humanist, secualr men, not medieval churchmen. Switch: Cardinal Wolsey [first half Henry VIII's] to Thomas More Meant a New Class Mobility First time mobility possible outside of church Mobility even for some women Protestant Tutors for Edward, Elizabeth, were humanists [Ascham] Cathoic Tutors for Catherine of Aragon's daughter humanist. 4. texts of our courses: As Rennaissance rediscovered old manuscripts, found they were different [Plato, Bible] Textual Editing born. this first used on the bible, then on philosophical work. Printing Wyatt: printing not a part of life during his time. He was a manuscript poet. did not read much. 40 years later, printing fashionable. Printing began by Gutenberg in 14th century, William Caxton in 15th, in England. first printed materials; gutenberg Bible, Papal materials, psalters, missiles, Alamanacs, Latin grammar, Latin dictionary. Books of scripture organized to calander of monastic devotion. Marshal McLuhan: The Gutenberg Cosmos Print Culture, unlike Oratorical: 1. Possiblity of mass education [economical paperbooks] 2. More class mobility based on education 3. Reaction against mobility caused through education 4. 60% in town, 30% in court, were literate, though often could not write, by end of century. 5. Religion moved from a ritual to a reading "as means" of witnessing the bible. 6. From outloud to silent reading. 7. intellectual change based on spread of knowledge. Dynamic change. 8. Makes possible Scientific change. 9. accuracy, distribution of technology. 10. Politics, a new propoganda tool [Tudors loved it]. 11. also lead to heavey cencorship, then subversion. The Familists, the Family of Love, printed at night; printer by day [French]. Dickens, A.G. Spitts, Lewis court Protestant Reformation 1517 Luthers 95 thesis in Wittenberg offering to argue [when you got an M.A. in the middle ages, you offered to debate.] important Reformation thesis: 1. bible open to interpretation 2. Religious experience to be set on personal faith, not by number of works. Faith, not works. This in reaction to materialism of late middle ages. Luther the first generation of Protestantism. Calvin, Jean [Humanist education, did M.A. thesis on Ovid]: France, then Geneva. Takes Luther's tenets and extends them. Calvin behind American Puritanism. 1. grace and faith, not works. 2. God determines our Faith. 3. Exponent of Theocracy: Geneva becomes Theocracy. further, with Geneva Bible: Election: what we do is wrong, save thru God. Right for Monarch to lead church correctly. Catholic Customs [substantiation, confession] considered Satanic. No transubstantiation, no celebacy. Geneva Experiment influences Scotland [John Knox] warrior monarchs. In England, translations of the Bible: 1527: William Tyndale published New Testament in English. He was declared a heretic by Henry VIII. 1534: Henry VIII broke with Catholic Church, brought in Coverdale and Matther Bible in mid 30's. Henry VIII ordered, in 1539, the Great Bible. Bible becomes political tool, so passages reflect your doctrine: Bishops or Elders? Edward VI: Protestant, reforms other church material; Anglican Service, and First Articles of Church. Mary: meantime, 1558: back to Catholicism, Bible This the main Aristocarats left translated the caused publication of the Geneva base for the King James Version. England for Geneva, and in Bible. Elizabeth and Moderate Protestantism Geneva Bible too radical. Elizabeth changes to Bishops bible. The Golden Age then [Shakespeare, Sidney, Spenser] would have agreed with Liz's settlement. 1. Results Europe in Religious Wars throughout the 16th. German city states Spain fights Netherlands French internal Wars. 2. Protestanism re-inforced Rennaissance.: going back to early church fathers. going back to sources [Augustine wrote classical latin, a humanist perspect.] 3. Protestantism increases literacy, if Bible saves, you must read, even women allowed. 4. Bible and translation developed common literacy language. Bible read allover; helped create language. Translation the "midwife to great literature." 5. Caused Catholics to establish censorship. Science studies moved to Protestant countries. Copernicus a Protestan hero. Reformation and Science linked.