Xavier University of Louisiana Syllabus for CHEM1020/1020D Website: [http://www.xula.edu] Fall 2014 Course Plan - issued August 25, 2014 Course Title, Number, and Section: General Chemistry II (CHEM 1020.01 and all drills, CHEM1020D) Each student MUST be enrolled in the lecture AND one of the related drills in order to receive credit for Chemistry 1020. IMPORTANT NOTES: In order for a student to repeat a course more than once, there must be written permission of the student’s departmental advisor or chair and the chair of the department in which the course is offered. Students in CHEM1020 lecture must have made at least a “C” in CHEM1010 lecture. Chemistry 1020 Lecture Time 01 12-12:50 Drill Time 03 8-9:50 04 1-2:50 05 3-4:50 06 1:15-3:05 Days MWF Days T W W R Teacher Privett Teacher Craig Anthony Crosby T. Nguyen Room Science 105 Room Science 103 Science 103 Science 103 Science 103 Hours Credit: Three semester hours Instructors, Office Locations and Phone Extensions: Instructors Dr. Ann Privett Office Locations Phone Extensions Email Addresses Science 343 Extension 5079 aprivett@xula.edu Office Hours: Other times by appointment Dr. Privett Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2-3 9-10:30 3-4 3:30-5 10-11 Course Description: From XU's Catalog: General Chemistry II – A continuation of the introduction to chemistry. Topics include solutions, acid/base chemistry , kinetics, equilibrium, electrochemistry, thermochemistry, and nuclear chemistry.1020 has three hours of lecture per week. Drill sessions (CHEM1020D) meet two hours once per week. In order for a student to repeat a course more than once, there must be written permission of the student’s advisor or chair and the chair of the department in which the course is offered. Prerequisites: CHEM1010/1010D are prerequisites for CHEM1020/1020D. Corequisites: CHEM1020 and 1020D must be taken concurrently. General Chemistry Syllabus Page 1 Required Text and Materials: Six items are required for Chemistry 1020. All items except the laminated periodic table are available in XU's bookstore. Items required are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Chemistry by Steven S. Zumdahl (D.C. Heath and Co., 1997), 9th edition (Hybrid). General Chemistry Handbook Volume II for Chemistry 1020 by JW Carmichael,et. al. (Stipes Publishing, Champaign, IL) Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student by Harold Levine (Amsco School Publications, Inc., 1983), 4th Edition. Sapling Online Homework Access. Details for purchase provided on last page of this syllabus. TI-30xs calculator. Laminated periodic table to be used in drill. Details for purchase will be given in lecture. Course Objectives: Upon completing Chemistry 1020, a student should: 1. 2. 3. Understand the changing nature of science. Have a perspective of the scope of modern chemistry and its implications for society. Display mastery of those concepts of chemistry needed to succeed in upper level chemistry and chemistry-based courses. Course requirements: General Requirements: You must be registered for both a Chemistry 1020 lecture sequence and Chemistry 1020D (drill) in order to receive credit for Chemistry 1020. The lecture meets 3 hours/week in a large section to impart information. Each drill section is scheduled to meet one two-hour period each week during which time you will be given a short quiz to identify areas of weakness and then provided individual assistance as you work on those areas in which you are weak. Because of the large number of students in General Chemistry at Xavier, it is very unlikely that you will have the same person for lecture that you have for drill. This is okay because the various lecture and drill instructors meet weekly to jointly plan what is happening in the course. You will not be able to benefit from this planning, however, unless you attend class. THEREFORE, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO SHOW UP FOR ALL CLASSES ON TIME AND TO STAY UNTIL THE END OF THE CLASS PERIOD. Attendance Policy: The university attendance policy for non-degree credit and 1000 level courses states that absence is considered excessive when the number of absences exceeds twice the number of times the class meets per week. This means that six absences is the maximum number of absences allowed for MWF lectures and four absences is the maximum number of absences allowed for TR lectures. The total number of absences includes days missed for any reason including illness, late registration, or late enrollment in the course. Excessive absences will result in the grade of FE (failure due to excessive absence). The university attendance policy is stated in the university catalog. Drill: Chemistry is difficult for most students because a) it requires a high level of analytical reasoning, and b) everything you learn depends on things you learned previously. In an effort to maximize the number of students who pass the course AND, at the same time, provide a high quality course, General Chemistry at XU is structured so as to give each student the opportunity to learn the various topics well as he/she goes along. This is accomplished by organizing lecture and drill so that material covered in lecture one week is tested and remediated in drill the following week. The material covered each week in lecture is specified in your General Chemistry Handbook in a series of Study Guides. Each Study Guide provides a list of learning goals which tell you exactly what you must learn, a list of activities which you may use to learn the material, and a set of sample problems(homework). You are expected to study the material in each module and work all problems before coming to your drill class. When you arrive at the drill, you will be expected to... turn in your homework from the module as you enter the classroom door; turn in your advisor's card with your homework; use the first 30-45 minutes of the drill to take a quizzes which are like the sample problems from your module; take a short vocabulary quiz on the words indicated on your schedule; General Chemistry Syllabus Page 2 assemble the assigned model (if applicable, see the module) with the members in your assigned group; spend the remainder of the two-hour period working a number of problems similar to those you missed on the quiz. Generally, reinforcement will require that you work all the problems for that question. Absences: We believe that it is educationally beneficial to give many exams. For details, refer to the Evaluation section of this course plan and the calendar that accompanies the course plan. However, because so many tests are given, it is not possible to offer make-ups for the drills. Therefore, your lowest drill grade will be dropped. If death, illness, or a similar serious problem causes you to miss an hour exam, it is possible that the lecturer will allow you to prorate or make up the exam. You must provide documentation to your lecturer as soon as you return to class. Academic Misconduct: Academic Misconduct includes, but is not limited to 1.using unauthorized materials in completion of an exam, quiz, or assignment; 2 assisting or gaining assistance from an unauthorized source during an exam, quiz, or assignment; 3. providing assistance to another student in a manner not authorized by the instructor; 4. obtaining an examination or assignment in an unauthorized manner; 5. using material from a source without giving proper citation; 6. improperly fabricating or altering data; 7. submitting work to one class that is substantially similar to work submitted for another class without prior approval from the instructors involved; 8. submitting written work that is not completely one’s own or allowing others to submit one’s work; 9. destroying or altering the work of another student; or 10. committing any other violation of academic integrity as described in course syllabi. Disciplinary sanctions for academic misconduct include academic censure, academic suspension, dismissal or expulsion from the University. The full text of the College of Arts and Sciences’ Academic Integrity Policy can be found at www.xula.edu/cas. CELL PHONES, IPODS AND OTHER SIMILAR ELECTRONIC DEVICES ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE LECTURE HALL OR DRILL ROOM. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS RULE WILL RESULT IN YOUR REMOVAL FROM THE CLASS ROOM. POSSESSION OF THESE ITEMS IN DRILL WILL RESULT IN A GRADE OF “0” FOR THE DRILL FOR THAT DAY. THAT “0” WILL NOT BE DROPPED AS YOUR LOWEST DRILL GRADE AT THE END OF THE SEMESTER. Students with disabilities: It is the policy of Xavier University of Louisiana to accommodate individuals with disabilities pursuant to federal law and the University’s commitment to equal educational opportunities. It is the responsibility of the student to present documentation to the instructor which clearly outlines all necessary accommodations. Any student requiring accommodations should contact Ms. Sheila August in St. Joseph Academic/Health Center (Building 13) Room 202. After the student has received his/her accommodation form, he/she should meet with the instructor to discuss the provisions of those accommodations as soon as possible. The accommodations will begin the date the form is received by the instructor. Evaluation: Grading: Final course grades will be assigned in Chemistry 1020, on a "10-point" scale--that is, 90% = A, 80% = B, 70% = C, and 60% = D. Midterm Grade: Calculated using grade on first exam and scores on first five drills. For exact point breakdown, see the gradesheet accompanying this syllabus. You can earn points as follows: o Weekly Drills: 20 points for each drill quiz/homework (Note: Some part of the points lost on a drill quiz can be "earned back" by working designated problems for which you receive 1/2 credit.) o 1 point for each Homework Assignment o 5 points for each Vocabulary Quiz o 1 point each time you turn in your Adviser's card o 1 point each time there is a model to assemble General Chemistry Syllabus Page 3 Skills Points: One point for each Skills Module Homework and 10 points for each quiz. Lecture Points: Unannounced quizzes and take home assignments will be given in lecture. Points earned on such activities will be prorated to a maximum of "20" before assigning final grades. On-line Homework: There will be an on-line homework assignment for each module. The lowest score will be dropped at the end of the semester. Points will be prorated to a maximum of “50” points before assigning final grades. Hour Exams: 100 points each for the 3 Hour Exams to test material as shown: Exam Material covered on exam Date exam will be given Hour Exam 4 (Chem 1020) Modules 11A, 11B, and 13 Monday, September 22 Hour Exam 5 (Chem 1020) Modules 14A, 14B, and 15 Wednesday, October 22 Hour Exam 6 (Chem 1020) Modules 16, 18, and 17 Monday, November 17 Final Exam: o The final in Chemistry 1020 will be comprehensive in nature and will be worth 200 points. The final exam in Chemistry 1020 is scheduled as follows: o Section Date & Time Final will be given Final for Chemistry 1020.01 Friday, December 12, 8:00-10:00 Note: If you have any questions about any grade you receive on any activity, you must talk to your lecturer about the matter within 2 weeks of the date the grade is assigned. Course Outline: The following is a list of the materials to be covered in Chemistry 1020. The Vocabulary and Skills assignments (if any) are to be completed at the same time as the corresponding chemistry module. A calendar indicating when each is due follows. 11A Solutions I Vocabulary (in 4th edition Vocabulary book) None 11B Solutions II V121 (pp. 176-202) 13 Equilibrium V122 (pp. 203-214) Acids and Bases I Acids and Bases II Acids and Bases III Solubility Product Equilibria Electrochemistry Thermodynamics Kinetics I Kinetics II Nuclear Chemistry V123 (pp. 215-222) V124 (pp. 223-231) V125 (pp. 232-243) Logarithms Rounding (homework only) Quadratic Equations None None None V126 (pp. 243-255) None V127 (pp. 256-261) V128 (pp. 261-271) V129 (pp. 272-283) V130 (pp. 284-295) None None None None None None Module (in Handbook II) 14A 14B 15 16 18 17 12A 12B 19 General Chemistry Syllabus Skills (in Handbook) Page 4 NOTE: In the event that classes are cancelled due to a hurricane evacuation, assignments and other course materials will be posted on Blackboard. Students should access the Blackboard site as soon as possible following the evacuation. Monday 25 Lec: 11A Monday 1 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY 8 Lec: 11B 15 Lec: 13 22 Lec: HR 4 29 Tuesday 26 Dr: Logs + Quads August, 2014 Wednesday Thursday 27 Last day 28 to Dr: Logs + add/change Quads Dr: Logs + Quads Lec: 11A September, 2014 Tuesday Wednesday 2 3 Dr: 11A+LOGS Dr: 11A+LOGS Lec: 11B Friday 29 Lec: 11A Thursday 4 Dr: 11A+LOGS Friday 5 Lec: 11B 9 Dr: 11B+Round +V121 10 Dr: 11B+Round +V121 Lec: 13 11 Dr: 11B+Round +V121 12 Lec: 13 16 Dr: 13+Quads+V122 17 Dr: 13+Quads+V122 Lec: 14A 18 Dr: 13+Quads+V122 19 Lec: 14A 23 Dr: Mandatory Review 24 Dr: Mandatory Review Lec: 14A 25 Dr: Mandatory Review 26 Lec: 14B 30 Dr: 14A+V123 Lec: 14B General Chemistry Syllabus Page 5 Monday Tuesday 6 October, 2014 Wednesday 1 Dr: 14A+V123 Lec: 14B Thursday Friday 2 Dr: 14A+V123 3 Lec: 15 7 Founder's Day Dr: 14B+V124 8 Dr: 14B+V124 Lec: 15 9 Dr: 14B+V124 10 Lec: 16 13 14 FALL BREAK (Contingent on hurricane evacuations) FALL BREAK (Contingent on hurricane evacuations) 15 Dr: 15+V125 Lec: 16 16 Dr: 15+V125 17 Lec: 16 20 21 Midterm 22 Dr: Mandatory Review 23 Dr: Mandatory Review 24 Lec: 18 30 Dr: 16+V126 31 Last day to Lec: 15 Grades due Dr: 15+V125 Lec: 18 Lec:HR5 27 28 Dr: 16+V126 Lec: 18 29 Dr: 16+V126 Lec: 17 drop a course w/a "W” Lec: 17 3 Pre-reg for 4 Pre-reg for November, 2014 Wednesday 5 Pre-reg for Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Lec: 17 Dr: 18+V127 Dr: 18+V127 Lec: 12A Dr: 18+V127 Lec: 12A 10 11 Dr: 17+V128 12 Dr: 17+V128 Lec: 12B 13 Dr: 17+V128 Monday Tuesday Lec: 12A 17 Dr: Mandatory Review 18 Dr: Mandatory Review 19 Dr: 12A+V129 Lec: 12B Thursday 6 Pre-reg for Friday 7 Pre-reg for 20 Dr: 12A+V129 14 Lec: 12B 21 Last day to withdraw from the University Lec: 19 Lec: HR6 24 Lec: 19 25 Dr: 12A+V129 Monday Tuesday 1 Lec: 19 2 Dr: 12B+V130 8 Finals Begin 9 26 27 28 Thanksgiving Holiday Thanksgiving Holiday Thanksgiving Holiday December, 2014 Wednesday 3 Dr: 12B+V130 Lec: Review 10 Thursday 4 Dr: 12B+V130 11 Friday 5 Last class day Lec: Mod 19 Quiz 12 Finals End CHEM1020.01 8:00-10:00 GENERAL CHEMISTRY TUTORING CENTER General Chemistry Syllabus Page 6 NCF ACADEMIC SCIENCE COMPLEX ROOM 108L (To the right inside the entrance to the Premed Office) Hours: Monday-Thursday 9-5, Friday 9-3, and Saturday 10-2 Mission: The mission of the Chemistry Resource Center (CRC) at Xavier University of Louisiana is to provide academic support to all students enrolled in chemistry courses at Xavier University of Louisiana. Through a variety of peer-to-peer tutoring techniques, students in General Chemistry are given academic assistance, addressing their individual needs in a constructive environment. A part of our mission is to work closely with our faculty, as well as all other offices that provide student academic services. Our Goal: To empower Xavier students with the skills to become confident, effective, and independent, science learners. To work in a partnership with the Xavier expert faculty to identify and assist those Xavier students with academic needs. To assist all Xavier students in improving their learning capabilities. To offer an individualized learning program for each Xavier student in a way that fosters self-confidence, high personal achievement, and intellectual independence that will last a lifetime. Staffed by: A director with a M.S. in Chemistry (Mr. Wayne Brown) "Peer Counselors" (Upper-level XU students) who earned good grades in General Chemistry and have demonstrated the ability to communicate with others. What the Center IS: A place to get help in General Chemistry A place to get answers to specific questions regarding your notes, text, or handbook A place where you can work together with others in your class What the Center IS NOT: A replacement for lecture A lounge (no food or drink allowed) A place where someone will work your homework for you. They will show you how to do ONE or find you an example. YOU have to do the work so YOU are prepared for quizzes and exams. A place to get help if you haven't done any advanced work. That is, you should come with specific questions, not "I don't understand chemistry." Instructions for Sapling On-Line Homework General Chemistry Syllabus Fall, 2014 Page 7 1. If you are NOT a first time user, then use your existing account. 2. If you are a first time user, then you can either buy a card in the bookstore or pay $38.00 by credit card when you go to the website listed in #4. 3. If you are taking the course for the second time then you need to send an e-mail to support@saplinglearning.com which includes this information. You will not have to pay again for this semester. DON’T WAIT! DO THIS ASAP!! 4. Go to http://www.saplinglearning.com 5. Click "Create an account". Supply the requested information and click "Create my account". NOTE: You MUST use your full name and your Xavier e-mail if you wish to receive credit for your Sapling homework. Check your email (and spam inbox) for a message from Sapling Learning and click on the link provided in that email to confirm your account. 6. Find your course in the expandable list (sorted by subject, term, and instructor) and click the title link. BE SURE TO SELECT YOUR CORRECT INSTRUCTOR AND SECTION. Once you have registered and enrolled, you can log in at any time to complete or review your homework assignments. During sign up - and throughout the term - if you have any technical problems or grading issues, send an email to support@saplinglearning.com explaining the issue. The Sapling support team is almost always more able (and more quick) to resolve issues than your instructor. REMINDERS: 1. The date that each assignment becomes available and the due date for each assignment will be displayed once you log into the course. You will not be allowed to complete any problems for a particular assignment after the due date and time! NO EXCEPTIONS! 2. You can try each problem as many times as you wish, but there is a 10% penalty on any particular problem each time you enter an incorrect answer. IMPORTANT NOTE: You will only have one try for the questions on the Algebra Skills Quiz. 3. Be sure to start with the “Practice Assignment/Tutorial” if you are a first time user. It will help you avoid errors in entering answers for graded problems. 4. Sapling Homework is worth 6% of your grade in this course. General Chemistry Syllabus Page 8 Chemistry 1020 Grade Sheet for _____________ Fall, 2014 Instructions: This sheet allows you to calculate both your grade for the day and your current (cumulative) grade in Chemistry 1020 as you complete each drill or hour exam. You should record your grades on this sheet as you earn them and record the totals for the day on your Adviser’s Card. Activity Quiz Home Work Adviser Card Vocab Model Skills Your Points Today/ Max Points Today Your % Points Today Your Letter Grade Today Your Points Cum/Max Possible Cum Points Module 11A /20 /1 /1 NA NA NA / 22 / 22 NA /1 NA NA NA /10 / 11 / 33 /20 /1 /1 /5 /1 NA / 28 / 61 NA /1 NA NA NA NA /1 / 62 /20 /1 /1 /5 /1 NA / 28 / 90 NA /1 NA NA NA /10 / 11 / 101 /100 NA NA NA NA NA / 100 / 201 /20 /1 /1 /5 /1 NA / 28 / 229 /20 /1 /1 /5 /1 NA / 28 / 257 /20 /1 /1 /5 /1 NA / 28 / 285 /100 NA NA NA NA NA / 100 / 385 /20 /1 /1 /5 /1 NA / 28 / 413 /20 /1 /1 /5 /1 NA / 28 / 441 /20 /1 /1 /5 /1 NA / 28 / 469 /100 NA NA NA NA NA / 100 / 569 /20 /1 /1 /5 /1 NA / 28 / 597 /20 /1 /1 /5 /1 NA / 28 / 625 /20 NA NA NA NA NA / 20 / 20 / 645 / 665 /50 / 715 / 200 / 915 Logs Module 11B Rounding Rules Module 13 Quadratic Equations Exam 4 Module 14A Module 14B Module 15 Exam 5 Module 16 Module 18 Module 17 Exam 6 Module 12A Module 12B Module 19 LecPts* On-line* Homework Final Exam /200 NA NA NA NA NA Grade Scale for all activities: ≥90 = A, 80-89.9999=B, 70-79.9999=C, 60-69.9999=D *Lecture points and on-line homework points are distributed as the semester proceeds by your lecturer, but not summed up until the end of the semester. There will be a maximum of 20 points for lecture points and 50 points for on-line homework points. REMINDER: If you have any questions about any grade you receive on any activity, you must talk to your lecturer about the matter within 2 weeks of the date the grade is assigned. General Chemistry Syllabus Page 9 Your % Cum Points Your Cum Letter Grade