Previous FRQ questions

AP Environmental Science
ECOLOGY (7 Questions)
-The effect of pH on water organisms (1998)
-The effect of abiotic & biotic factors on a pond ecosystem (1999)
-Oak-woodland food web interactions (2001)
-Deciduous forest leaf-litter ecosystem invaded by works (2003)
-Factors affecting estuary ecosystems (2003)
-Termite and decomposition rates (2010)
-Pine beetle boom/bees bust (2011)
-Biodiversity (2013)
POPULATION (3 Questions)
-Interpretation of age structure diagrams (2000)
-Birth rate and death rate graphing (2003)
- TFR and impact of human population growth (2008)
WATER (5 Questions)
-Stream pollution analysis (2001)
-The effect of dams and water diversion projects (2002)
-Sewage Treatment (2007)
-Water Conservation and energy conservation (2007)
-Dam on Colorado River and climate change (2009)
-Sediment & Fertilizer pollution on the Mississippi (2013)
AIR (4 Questions)
-The causes and effects of various air pollutants (1999)
-Identification and impacts of indoor air pollution (2001)
-Impacts of mercury from coal-fired power plants (2004)
-Nitrogen based fertilizers and smog (2009)
-Ozone – stratospheric and tropospheric (2013
-The causes and impacts of El Nino (2002)
-Climate Change/Global Warming (2006)
-Atmospheric Ozone (2007)
-CO2 changes in atmosphere (2009)
-Climate change/effects of rise in sea level (2010)
-Coral Reef impact due to Climate Change (2011)
LAND (13 Questions)
-Community land use planning (1998)
-Renewable versus nonrenewable resources (1999)
-Pros and cons of pesticide use (1999)
-Pros and cons of recycling aluminum and newspapers (2000)
-LD50 toxicity analysis (2002)
-Soil analysis, fertilizers, and conservation (2004)
-Meat production (2005)
-Brownfields (2006)
-Urbanization including air pollution, temperature, water cycle
- Landfills (2008)
- Forest Fires (2008)
- GM foods (2009)
-Arable land for agriculture & population (2011)
-Pesticides – design an experiment (2012)
-Wetlands – use and benefits
SPECIES (5 Questions)
-Causes of species extinction (2000)
-Causes of decline and mitigations for Condor and Whooping
Crane (2003)
-Anwar (2005)
-Georges Bank Fisheries (2006)
-Invasive Species – zebra mussel (2010)
ENERGY (14 Questions)
-Dishwasher versus hand washing (1998)
-Nuclear power plants (1998)
-Coal fired electric power pant (2000)
-Energy needed to heat a house (2001)
-Electric vehicles (2001)
-Wind powered power plant versus coal powered power plant
-Low level radiation versus high level radiation (2004)
-Coal (2005)
-Solar (2006)
-Energy & water conservation (2007)
-Microalgae Fuel Production (2008)
-Methane Digester (2009)
-Coal and toxicity of pollutants (2010)
-GDP vs Annual electrical energy consumption (2011)
-Battery Powered Electric Vehicles (2013)
-Fracking (2012)
-Carbon reduction by planting trees (2012)