Grade 10 Science Final Exam Review

Grade 10 Science Final Exam Review
The following list contains sections of the textbook that we’ve covered this year.
Although the final exam will be mostly concerned with the Biology and Climate
Units, Both the Chemistry and Physics units will be covered as well.
Biology: Sustaining Ecosystems
1.1 The Silence of the Frogs
(additional: How Wolves Change Rivers)
1.2 Canada’s Endangered Species
1.5 Ecology
1.10 Energy in Ecosystems (part)
1.11 Following Energy Movement in Ecosystems
2.1 Cycling of Matter in Ecosystems
2.2 Pesticides
2.5 The Carbon Cycle
2.6 Nitrogen/Phosphorus Cycle
2.9 Monitoring Changes in Populations
2.10 Limits on Populations
3.1 Canadian Biomes
3.2 Biogeography
3.3 Soil and Its Formation
13.8 The Hydrosphere
Chemistry: Chemical Processes
5.1 Chemicals and Chemical Change
5.5 Elements and the Periodic Table
5.6 How Elements Form Compounds
5.8 Ionic Compounds
5.9 Polyatomic Compounds
5.11 Molecular Compounds
6.1 Word Equations
6.3 Conserving Mass
6.5 Balancing Chemical Equations
6.6 Combustion
6.7 Types of Chemical Reactions
6.10 Types of Chemical Reactions
7.3 Factors that Control the Rate of Reaction
(additional: Acids and Bases; Organic Chemistry)
Physics: Motion
9.2 Measurement and Calculations
9.5 Relating Speed to Distance and Time
9.7 Distance-Time Graphs
10.3 Defining Acceleration
10.4 Speed-Time Graphs for Acceleration
11.1 Vectors: Positions and Displacement
11.3 Adding Vectors Along a Straight Line
11.5 Adding Vectors at an Angle (only at a right angle)
Climate: Earth’s Climate and Climate Change
13.1 A Closer Look at Earth
16.2 The Greenhouse Effect and Ozone Depletion
Video: The inconvenient truth ; The Great Global Warming Swindle
Text Questions that are “fair game” for the exam:
Biology: Page 160-163 #1bcdefgijk, 2bcefg, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14 plus all
assigned questions from each section
Page 46-47 #1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10
Page 84-85 #1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19
Page 122-123 #1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,
Chemistry: Page 214-215 #1, 4, 5, 15
Page 252-253 #5, 6, 7, 8 (#5/6 identify the type of reaction)
Page 286-287 #1, 5, 6, 8 (Additional to be added)
Physics: Page 490-493 #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12ab, 13, 18, 19
Climate: Page 540-541 #1, 3, 4, 10
Page 648 – 649 #2, 3
*Don’t forget that all of your assignments from the
semester are also very good to study from!
1. Definitions:
1. Abiotic
2. Acceleration
3. Atmosphere
4. Autotroph
5. Average Acceleration
6. Average Speed
7. Average Velocity
8. Bioamplification
9. Biodiversity
10. Biotic
11. Biotic potential
12. Bohr Diagram
13. Carbon Cycle
14. Carnivore
15. Carrying Capacity
16. Catalyst
17. Cellular Respiration
18. Chemical Change
19. Chemistry
20. Climate
21. Closed Population
22. Community
23. Compound
24. Constant Acceleration
25. Constant Speed
26. Constant Velocity
27. Consumer
28. Covalent Bond
29. Decomposer
30. Denitrification
31. Density-dependent Factor
32. Density-independent Factor
33. Distance
34. Ecology
35. Ecosystem
36. Electron
37. Element
38. Emigration
39. Endangered
40. Endothermic
41. Exothermic
42. Extant
43. Extinct
44. Extirpated
45. Food Chain
46. Food Web
47. Fossil Fuel
48. Habitat
49. Herbivore
50. Heterotroph
51. Hydrosphere
52. Immigration
53. Inorganic
54. Instantaneous Speed
55. Ion
56. Ionic charge
57. Ionic Compound
58. Law of Conservation of Mass
59. Lithosphere
60. Matter
61. Natality
62. Neutron
63. Nitrogen Cycle
64. Nitrogen Fixation
65. Omnivore
66. Open Population
67. Organic
68. Photosynthesis
69. Physical Change
70. Polyatomic Ion
71. Population
72. Producer
73. Product
74. Proton
75. Reactant
76. Secondary Consumer
77. Significant Figure
78. Slope of the Line
79. Threatened
80. Trophic Level
81. Uniform Motion
82. Velocity
83. Vulnerable
84. Weather
2. Concepts:
1. The sun allows green plants to carry out photosynthesis. In what form
is the energy that comes from the sun? What is the equation?
2. Which elements on the periodic table are metals? Non-metals? Can
you tell the difference?
3. What has to happen in order for a chemical reaction to take place?
4. What is leaching? Why is this a serious problem for the soil?
5. Discuss pesticides and pesticide use. ex DDT. And bioamplification.
6. What factors increase the rate of a chemical reaction?
7. What is the difference between Nitrogen and Nitrates, in terms of
being used by humans?
8. Write a balanced equation for the following word equations.
1. sulfuric acid + sodium chloride  hydrochloric acid + sodium sulfate
2. potassium iodide + ammonium nitrate  potassium nitrate + ammonium
3. calcium hydroxide + sulfuric acid  calcium sulfate + water
4. aluminum chloride + iron (III) nitrate  aluminum nitrate + iron (III)
5. ammonium chloride + potassium hydroxide  potassium chloride +
ammonia (NH3) + water
6. calcium chloride + ammonium hydroxide  calcium hydroxide +
ammonium chloride
7. potassium hydroxide + sulfuric acid  potassium sulfate + water
8. lead (II) nitrate + sodium sulfide  lead (II) sulfide + sodium nitrate
9. lithium carbonate + hydrochloric acid  lithium chloride + water + carbon
10. ammonium bromide + strontium hydroxide  strontium bromide +
ammonia + water
11. calcium bromide + lithium sulfate  lithium bromide + calcium sulfate
12. potassium carbonate + sulfuric acid  potassium sulfate + water + carbon
13. sodium chlorate + ammonium chloride  ammonium chlorate + sodium
9. Naming Chemical Formulas.
1. HCl
2. HgOH
3. KCl
4. FeCl3
5. NH4OH
6. Cu2O
7. Al2(SO4)3
8. NaOH
9. HF
10. Pb(OH)2
11. NH4NO3
12. HgO
13. Zn(NO2)2
14. CsOH
15. Li2O
16. CH4
17. C6H12
18. C2H2
19. C9H16
20. C4H8
10. Writing the Formulas of Chemical Names.
1. Sodium bromide
2. Calcium oxide
3. Lithium sulphate
4. Iron (II) sulphate
5. Silver chloride
6. 4-Decyne
7. Copper (II) hydroxide
8. Ammonium sulphide
9. Iron (II) oxide
10. 1-nonene
11. Mercury (I) sulphate
12. Magnesium phosphate
13. Heptane
14. Nitrogen dioxide
15. Triboron tetrasulfide
16. Hexaphosphorus monoxide
17. Heptacarbon trifluoride
18. 2-Hexene
19. Sulfur trioxide
20. Ethane
1. What is “competition” between organisms (two types)?
2. Why are frogs good indicators of ecological damage to the
3. Rank the biomes in order of:
a) increasing temperature:
b) biodiversity:
c) amount of precipitation:
d) length of growing season:
4. What happens to a neutral atom for it to become a cation? And
5. What happens to atoms in order for them to form chemical bonds?
6. What is permafost? In which Canadian biome is it located?
7. Compare the abiotic and biotic factors in the boreal forest and
8. Identify the three layers in the deciduous forest?
9. What is the mathematical equation that describes population
10. Where is organic carbon stored? (reservoirs)
11. What are greenhouse gases? List the examples.
12. How greenhouse gases are created naturally?
How do humans contribute?
13. Is the Earth’s climate changing? Are humans contributing?
14. What is ozone?
15. Do the above Questions to review the Motion Unit.