Peer Review of Learning and Teaching A guide for participants Introduction and Philosophy The Peer Review of Learning and Teaching (PRLT) is a familiar aspect of good practice in higher education. In the case of multi-discipline, research-led universities such as Cardiff, there is a need for policy to embrace a diversity of activities, to recognise existing practice and also foster the good health of teaching. PRLT is a pan-University activity for all staff whose role directly impacts on the student learning experience. It is an opportunity for staff to take part in an annual, scholarly, peer-assisted reflection on the breadth of their teaching/learning support practice. PRLT differs fundamentally from the narrow, judgemental exercise associated with the QAA in being both a matter of professional development and by its commitment to the enhancement of the student experience. It also differs by not being restricted to classroom observation. The central tenets of PRLT are reflection, development and enhancement. It is envisaged that, through peer-assisted reflective practice, participants will develop within their roles and accumulate the evidence required to support enhancement and other activities. PRLT is aligned with initiatives that support existing and anticipated requirements for the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of teachers/learning support staff in Higher Education. The new policy for Cardiff is flexible and light touch in approach, but also specific in its requirements for both Schools and individual staff. The former must provide confirmation to the University that the policy is in operation. The latter must inform their School of the date and nature of their PRLT activity. Fuller details are given below in the Frequently Asked Questions opposite. Approached in this open, positive manner, PRLT has been shown to bring benefits to both teachers and students, to support the learning process and to encourage the development of new models of assessment and teaching. The new policy is aimed at these ideals. Appendix 1 defines the key words: Peers, Reflective Practice, Review, Scholarship of learning and teaching and Teaching as used in the context of the Policy Framework. The Policy Framework and support resources are available at: Professor Nigel Palastanga PVC Learning and Teaching Cardiff University February 2006 1 Frequently Asked Questions Why has Cardiff University adopted this approach to PRLT? development are valued across the Institution. The external context. Consultation process: Learning and Teaching within higher education institutions (HEIs) is receiving intensive scrutiny both nationally and internationally. Two related issues are emerging: a major policy shift towards improving student learning and increasing emphasis being placed upon institutions’ provision of continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities for all staff involved in the student learning experience. The Cardiff approach to PRLT draws extensively on staff and student responses to an Institution-wide consultation process, and is informed by current literature and practice across other, comparable HEIs. The White Paper ‘The Future of Higher Education’ (2003) proposed that a national standards framework be developed for all who teach and support learning in HEIs as a means of demonstrating the professionalism that staff bring to support the student learning experience. In addition, very many staff within Cardiff University have externally imposed requirements to demonstrate personal, ongoing professional development. The internal context: Cardiff University is structured around distinct communities of practice (Schools/Directorates). Each has its own priorities, language and culture with respect to learning and teaching. Personal reflective and peer-assisted reflective practices to inform personal The consultation process identified a need for the development of a flexible, enabling policy framework for PRLT that transferred responsibility for specific design and implementation to local sites. Specifically the consultation process suggested that the Policy Framework should: be simple, embrace the whole teaching role, be empowering and inclusive, promote fair access to development resources for all staff. How does PRLT work in practice? The University’s approach to PRLT offers participants the opportunity to pause and reflect on their teaching/learning support practice. PRLT is intended to promote dialogue focussed on professionalism in teaching (as underpinned by the value statements in Box 1) across the breath of teaching/learning support roles, and is based upon peerassisted, scholarly reflective practice. 2 Box 1: In accordance with the University Mission, the PRLT process is underpinned by the following values. An understanding of how people learn A concern for student development A commitment to scholarship, professionalism and ethical practice A commitment to working with and learning from colleagues Working effectively with diversity and promoting inclusively A commitment to continuing reflection on professional practice. The Institution recommends the following as the minimum expected frequency of participation in a formal PRLT cycle: All Cardiff University staff whose activities directly impact on the student learning experience will be involved in the PRLT cycle. All staff with significant learning and teaching duties will complete an identifiable PRLT cycle once per academic year. Staff whose main employer is not the University, but who have some teaching related responsibilities, should take part in a PRLT cycle at least biennially, as agreed across the School/Directorate. What are the key components? There are a variety of models of PRLT across the UK and within the University. The web-based resources to support the Policy Framework [] offer a range of examples and links to relevant resources that outline successful, rigorous and embedded models. While PRLT acknowledges the wealth of existing approaches within Cardiff University, it is important that base-line standards are achieved. As such, all approaches should demonstrate the following features: Confidentially resting with participants. An initial peer discussion to set the context, purpose and scope of PRLT. Peer-assisted reflective practice that is informed by evidence collected by the peer partners. The PRLT dialogue should not be based upon subjective opinions. Peer-assisted reflective practice that is supported by related discipline-specific or generic literature and evidence collected during the review cycle. A non-judgemental dialogue where staff feel safe to reflect on their established practice and underpinning values. Confidential reflections exploring the benefits of engaging with PRLT, the selected theme and possible implications for personal practice. A system for staff to disseminate examples of practice or seek advice for specific development. A system that closes the loop and helps staff see the benefits of the 3 PRLT activity and dissemination e.g. through Appraisal. Are there specific things we should be ‘Reviewing’? No. PRLT encourages Schools/Directorates and participants to look broadly at the teaching/learning support role. In Figure 1, the umbrella fabric represents the student/staff learning experience and the spokes the elements that make-up that practice. Figure 1: A holistic approach to PRLT. Fieldwork learning Module review Teaching/learning material development Assessment review Feedback on course work Face-to face teaching sessions Clinical teaching On-line discussions How does PRLT link with my existing practice? PRLT should be viewed as a positive opportunity to ‘take-time out’ and reflect on and evidence professionalism in teaching/learning support and not as an activity ‘boltedonto’ daily practice. PRLT does not detract from the many informal opportunities for dialogue with which staff currently engage. How do I facilitate the reflective practice of others? While Schools/Directorates will have their specific contexts of practice, the following examples are provided to suggest the potential breadth of PRLT foci. Engagement with the Assessment Strategy/Learning and Teaching Strategy Implementation of a more accessible curriculum Engagement with Personal Development Planning (PDP) Meetings with tutees/clients Post-graduate supervision Curriculum development Reflective practice is often viewed as a cyclical, spiral process (see Figure 2 and web-based links) where individuals use evidence from multiple sources to review a practice so that they more forward with a confirmed and/or reframed approach. While web-based proforma are available as triggers for discussion, participants should negotiate the form and scope of their data collection to suit their specific needs. There is no intention for PRLT to be judgmental or cloning in nature. In this context the term ‘review’ simply means: an opportunity to look at again. 4 Figure 2: A model of Reflective Practice. Professional Practice Act Plan Act What will be done with the information/paperwork individual staff generate? Is there a hidden agenda? Observe Reflect Plan No. PRLT is a staff-orientated process for the mutual benefit of staff, students and the Institution. PRLT aims to ensure safe teaching/learning support practice and to promote excellence in learning and teaching. Observe Reflect Staff are encouraged to utilise the eportfolio tool within the Blackboard Content System to build evidence of their attainments and reflections. Further information about this can be obtained from the Information Services Learning and Teaching team. What happens if uncover potentially discriminatory practice? Staff are advised to follow the relevant University guidance when concerned that the PRLT process may be uncovering practises that are contrary to legislation or their Duty of Care to prevent foreseeable harm to colleagues and students. It is important that staff overtly discuss issues of confidentiality with their peer partner/group before undertaking any formal review activity. Schools/Directorates require evidence (in the form of a frequency/topic record) that PRLT has been completed, but the records of the specific dialogue remain confidential to the peer pair/group. Staff will be asked to consider how PRLT (in their role as both reviewer and the reviewed member of staff) has influenced their learning and teaching practice during the Annual Appraisal process, but will not be asked to produce specific records or transcripts. Participants may choose to include sections of PRLT records or transcripts within the teaching portfolio they offer for promotion/regrading purposes. These submissions will be viewed by HoS and School Promotion Panels, or similar. Will there be support to help staff get going? Many of the attributes and skills to undertake and facilitate PRLT are 5 inherent in any teaching/learning support role. It is acknowledged however, that participants may value specific support in key areas such as: undertaking reflective practice, facilitating scholarly, reflective practice in others, topics arising from consideration of the Underpinning Values, issues surrounding confidentially, issues related to responsibilities under Duty of Care and associated legislation and regulation etc. While the Human Resources Directorate and Registry will meet generic and local development needs, staff within Schools/Directorates may wish to explore existing or new processes to support staff in-house. The web-based resources to support the Policy Framework [] offer a range of examples of PRLT in practice and links to relevant resources. How will Schools/Directorates help us participate in PRLT? Schools/Directorates will need to ensure that they are able to meet the minimum expectations set out in the Policy Framework. Good practice may include: Choosing an annual theme for whole School/Directorate review. Adopting a PRLT format to meet their needs (e.g. peer pairs, triads, small groups). Discussing the options for local peer pairing or small group formation. Issues may include the benefits and/or perceived barriers to pairings across staff seniority levels, within or across disciplines etc. Discussing the perceived conflicts between a formative, mutually beneficial reflective process and the need for confidentiality in instances of perceived risk to staff or students. Discussing the staff development needed to help implement PRLT effectively. Participants will want to have confidence in the value of the process and the ability of their peer partner to do a good job. Schools/Directorates may wish to explore inter-disciplinary partnerships. Schools / Directorates have a responsibility to ensure fair access to development and enhancement resources for all staff. 6 Where can I get more information? For information about general courses/programmes of support: For information about Blackboard training and e-portfolio opportunities: For ideas/options for implementing PRLT to suit your local context : For help with developing and implementing a local PRLT process: For information about potential legal liabilities with respect to the PRLT process: HUMRS: Training and Development INSRV: Learning and Teaching Team Email: REGIS: Learning and Teaching Support REGIS: Learning and Teaching Support Corporate Compliance Unit Appendix 1 - Glossary: Peers are colleagues normally, but not exclusively, operating within the same or a similar community of practice. Peers are mutually supportive and will help each other engage actively in a scholarly, reflective process. Reflective practice is a means by which practitioners can develop a greater selfawareness about the nature and impact of their performance, an awareness that creates opportunities for professional growth and development (Osterman and Kottkamp, 1993). Maximum benefits from reflection are said to occur when the process happens in community, in interaction with others; when participants value the personal and intellectual growth of themselves and others; and when participants have time to engage in slow, non-assumptive thinking (Rodgers, 2002). Review refers to the opportunity to reflect and visit again any aspect of the teaching: student-learning interface. The integration of multiple sources of evidence will provide detailed, descriptive, evidence-based data for peer-assisted reflection on practice. Scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) is characterised by: deep knowledge of the subject or discipline being taught; pedagogical knowledge specific to the discipline as well as general pedagogical knowledge; reflectivity; sharing and peer review (Kreber, 2005). Scholarship in research is recognised as a public activity valued through peer reviewed journals. Similarly teaching can be recognised as a scholarly, public activity with peer review and student evaluations an automatic part of CPD (Maier, 2003). Teaching encompasses the whole breadth of the teaching/learning support role. This is a deliberate departure from a narrow scrutiny of teaching ‘performance’. 7