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Directory of Opportunities for Disabled People in Fife 2009
Getting Started
Getting into Work
Gaining Work Experience
Self Employment
Going Back to Education
Meeting Other People
Money Matters
Transport Services
Support Groups and Services
Other Useful Information
The information in this booklet is correct at the time of printing. The booklet can be
made available in a number of alternative formats. If you would like an alternative
format or if you have any comments, suggestions or amendments, please contact:
Sandra Wilson
Development Co-ordinator
Fife Employability Network
Fife Council Community Services
189 Nicol Street
Kirkcaldy KY1 1PF
01592 583378
Fax: 01592 583634
Fife Employability Network, led by Fife Council Community Services, brings together
agencies in Fife working with and for people with disabilities to help you:
 find work in mainstream or supported employment
 find suitable training for employment or life skills
 increase confidence to make the move back to work or training
 get involved in activities in your local community.
This guide tells you about local employment and training opportunities, where you
can go to meet up with other people and who can help you take your plans forward.
You’ll find out about:
getting advice on moving into work or training
college courses
special projects for people with disabilities
voluntary work
getting advice on grants, benefits and training allowances
childcare and transport.
There are full contact details for the agencies and services mentioned.
If you’ve been away from work or learning for a while, don’t worry - there are ways of
easing yourself back in.
You may find it helpful to use this guide with the Adult Learning in Fife booklet. You
can get a copy from a number of community venues in Fife or from FenLink.
Good luck with your plans.
Whether you’re thinking of a job, training, work experience, voluntary work or
something to put you in touch with other people, it’s important to get as much
impartial advice as possible. By talking to the people with an overview of what’s
around, you’ll be able to get a complete picture of your options and work out what’s
best for you.
This section introduces the key agencies for you to contact. Which one you choose
will depend on a number of factors. If you’re getting help from your GP, another
health professional or a social worker, you may wish to discuss your ideas with that
person. If you’re ready for the next step, you may wish to make direct contact with
the agency you feel can best help you.
Speak to your GP or other health professional
If you’ve been off work for a while through illness, it’s important to discuss your next
step with your doctor or hospital consultant to check how much you should take on.
You might also be working with a community psychiatric nurse who can give you
help and advice on ways of easing yourself back in.
Talk to your social worker
Your circumstances might mean that you’re in touch with a social worker who may
be able to help you work out a good starting point.
Contact FenLink
Fife Employability Network’s information and signposting service that puts you in
touch with the person or agency who can best help you. FenLink is available to:
anyone with a disability living or working in Fife looking for advice and
information on anything connected with employment, education and training
anyone who works with people with disabilities looking for employment and
training advice and information
employers looking for advice and information on employing people with
disabilities, retaining staff with disabilities or health problems, or the impact of
the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)
family and friends.
You can contact FenLink by:
01592 583378
Fax: 01592 583634
Contact Opportunities Fife
A new outreach service for employability support. You can meet with an adviser at a
local venue to talk about work and learning opportunities.
Citizens Advice and Rights Fife (CARF)
Provides independent generalist advice throughout Fife to ensure that people do not
suffer through a lack of knowledge of their rights and responsibilities, the services
available to them or because they have difficulty expressing their needs. Advice
offered includes:
Welfare Benefits and Tax Credits
Consumer Goods and Services
Education and employment
Financial products and services
Health and community care
Legal issues
Tax, utilities and communications.
 General advice (including equality and human rights issues)
Money Advice
Independent Advisory Support Service (IAS)
1400 093
The Macmillan Rights Welfare Benefits Partnership
Going back to work doesn’t mean you must go back full-time. This section tells you
where to go to look for work and introduces the people who can help. You can also
find out about special work programmes if you feel you’d be better to ease yourself
back in.
Jobcentre Plus
Provides advice, guidance and information about work, training and benefits.
Looking for work
If you’re looking for work, contact your local Jobcentre or the website Jobcentre Plus provides a wide range of vacancies and
information to help people back to work including:
New Deal and New Deal for Lone Parents
Training for Work
Pathways to Work
Disability Employment Advisers.
Disability Employment Advisers (DEAs)
Provide a specialist service to help:
people with disabilities find a job or training
employers with the cost of providing specialist equipment
employers to retain staff who develop a disability or health problem.
Access to Work
Supports people with disabilities to start and keep work by helping with the additional
costs of their disability, such as specialist equipment, travel, communication support
at interview or support in the workplace. May also be able to help employers with
the cost of adaptation to premises.
Contact your local Jobcentre or:
 Access to Work Business Team
0845 602 1358.
Work Preparation Programmes
Help people with disabilities prepare to return to work.
Contact the DEA at your local Jobcentre.
JobSeeker Direct
The quick and easy telephone service which keeps you in touch with the latest job
vacancies and helps you find the job that’s right for you. Call 0845 606 0234 Monday
to Friday 9am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 1pm or check the Jobcentre Plus website
Positive Moves
Helps you gain or update job search skills so that you can find or keep a job. There
are centres in Dunfermline, Kirkcaldy and Leven.
Contact your local Jobcentre.
Benefits advice
For advice on Working Age Benefits contact your local Jobcentre.
 6 Pit Road
Cowdenbeath KY4 9NQ
01383 315400
Fax: 01383 315455
 7 West Port
Cupar KY15 4BH
01334 413700
Fax: 01334 413770
 Merchiston House
Foundry Street
Dunfermline KY12 9DF
01383 313800
Fax: 01383 315274
 3 Postgate
Glenrothes KY7 5LL
01592 253600
Fax: 01592 253670
 5 Hunter Street
Kirkcaldy KY1 1ED
01592 253200
Fax: 01592 253250
 9 Waggon Road
Leven KY8 4PT
01333 593500
Fax: 01333 593501
 187 South Street
St Andrews KY16 9EE
01334 413500
Fax: 01334 413570.
Pathways to Work
A major government initiative to support people claiming Incapacity Benefit (IB) or
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) back to work, help others claiming
IB/ESA progress towards work and support people to remain in work. Delivered in
Fife by Triage Central Ltd and Working Links. If you’re claiming ESA for the first
time, You’ll have an initial Work Focus Interview (WFI) with a Jobcentre Plus adviser
followed by a further 5 WFIs with Triage or Working Links where your individual
action plan will be drawn up. Pathways centres in Dunfermline, Kirkcaldy and
Glenrothes will also provide open access to job search support and facilities and a
range of training designed and delivered to support your needs. Pathways will
include in work support and a condition management service to help you manage
your health condition and will work closely with GPs and local businesses.
 Your local Jobcentre
 Working Links
First Floor Suite 2
Queensferry House
Carnegie Campus
Dunfermline KY11 8GR
Ground Floor
Carlyle House
Kirkcaldy KY1 1DB
01592 208910
 Triage Central Ltd
North House
North Street
Glenrothes KY7 5NA
01592 752712.
Opportunities Fife
Fife Council is developing a new outreach service for employability support in
partnership with Skills Development Scotland and Jobcentre Plus. This service will
replace the Opportunity Centre Network but you’ll be able to get help and advice in
your local area.
Fife Council Community Services – Outreach and Engagement
This service will be delivered from a number of local venues across Fife. If you’ve
been out of work for a while, you’ll be able to get the help and support you need to
get back into learning, training or work more easily. To make an appointment or find
out more about what is available in your local area contact:
Fife Council Development Services - Working for Families
Helps parents who want to improve their job prospects or return to work or training
by providing support and childcare solutions. Can provide support and advice to
meet your needs including:
help setting up goals for your future
information on courses, volunteering and job opportunities
help with finding childcare and with childcare costs
money advice.
You’ll work closely with a development worker to support you on your journey into
training or work.
 Sandra Lambert
Project Support Officer
x 406720
Careers Scotland (Skills Development Scotland)
Helps people of all ages to plan and advance their career. Whether you’re leaving
school or college, facing redundancy, looking for further training or trying to change
direction, you can get information and advice to help you decide which choices are
right for you.
Careers Scotland centres have a range of free services including access to internet
sites, support to create your CV and workshops for you to develop job search skills.
You can use the resources on your own, with one-to-one help or in groups. Drop
into your local Careers Scotland centre in Kirkcaldy or Dunfermline any time to use
the resources.
 15 East Port
Dunfermline KY12 7JG
 12 Whytescauseway
Kirkcaldy KY1 1XF
Kit for Work
Fife Employability Network’s assistive technology loan scheme to help people with
disabilities start or stay in work. If you’re starting a job or looking for ways to help
you stay in work, you may be able to borrow equipment for 4 to 6 weeks until your
Access to Work application is processed or your employer organises a permanent
solution. Kit for Work may also be able to help if you’re on Pathways, Get Ready for
Work, Training for Work or New Deal. The ‘kit’ includes a range of equipment to
support a range of disabilities.
 Sandra Wilson
Fife Employability Network
01592 583378
Fax: 01592 583634
Email Vacancy Circulation Service
If you have a disability or long-term health problem and are trying to access job
vacancy information, you can sign up for Fife Employability Network’s Email Vacancy
Circulation Service. Once you’ve registered, vacancy bulletins notified to the
network will be sent out to you by email each week - all you need is an email
address. To register for the service, contact FenLink.
Fife EmployAbility Team
Provides a wide range of services and support to help people with disabilities or
health problems find or keep work.
Matrix Fife (Donibristle Industrial Estate, Dalgety Bay)
Provides employment for people with disabilities or health problems. Offers a wide
range of products and services for private, public and commercial customers
curtains & soft furnishings
refurbishment of occupational therapy equipment
production of a range of high quality wooden products and furniture.
FACET (Glenrothes)
Offers training in computing and a range of arts and crafts including woodwork,
gardening and ceramics. Training includes work experience opportunities. Provides
support for social enterprise initiatives.
Workstep Programme
Helps people into supported employment of 16+ hours a week with local employers
and supports people in work who are experiencing ill health or disability.
Supports people with High Functioning Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Asperger’s
Syndrome to find and keep employment. Provides Support and Understanding of
Social Skills (SUSS) training to enhance social skills and promote success in the
Supports people with learning disabilities to prepare for, find and keep employment.
Provides Work4U, an employment programme for 4th year secondary school pupils
with additional support needs.
One to One
Provides one-to-one assistance in the workplace for disabled people with more
complex support needs.
Workable Solutions
Provides promotional material, products and disability awareness training to promote
employment opportunities for disabled people. Provides employment for people with
Event and Media Solutions
Provides employment for people with disabilities. Provides low cost promotional
products and a variety of media solutions for private, public and commercial
customers including:
interactive CD/DVD design and duplication
video production, filming and editing
event registration and pack collation
equipment hire and operation
leaflet and brochure production and printing.
For more information on Fife EmployAbility Team’s services contact:
 Fife EmployAbility Team
Q8 Flemington Road
Queensway Industrial Estate
Glenrothes KY7 5QF
01592 583142
FEAT Enterprises
Operates environment social enterprises to provide employment and training
opportunities for people with mental or physical ill health or otherwise disadvantaged
in finding work.
 Pauline Hinchion
Chief Executive
FEAT Enterprises
20 Haig Business Park
Balgonie Road
Markinch KY7 6AQ
01592 769258
Fax: 01592 753319
Fife Employment Access Trust (FEAT)
Provides advice, assistance and support to people in Fife who have experienced
mental health problems and feel ready to get back to work. Also works closely with
employers and other agencies to raise awareness of mental health issues in the
workplace and increase workplace support and employment opportunities for people
with mental health problems. Provides a wide range of training courses for
employers, employees and the general public on all aspects of mental health.
Journey to Work
Offers individually tailored programmes to help people who have experienced mental
health problems through the whole process of choosing, finding and keeping a job.
Clients will be offered a range of support including:
one-to-one advice and support
personal development training courses (STEPS and STARS)
specific skills workshops
work experience.
Mental Health and Well-being at Work Displays
A light-weight display stand and a range of free leaflets available to employers for
short periods, providing staff and managers with a wealth of practical and useful
information on various illnesses and how to promote a healthy workplace. Displays
are also available for the general public. Stress audit questionnaires and analysis
service also available.
 Sallie Anderson
Project Manager
Fife Employment Access Trust
Collydean Cottage
Pitmedden Loan
Glenrothes KY7 6UG
01592 749880
Fax: 01592 745688
Manufactures and supplies marine products, eg inflatable lifejackets, buoyancy aids.
Provides employment in a supportive environment for people with disabilities. Has
bases in Cowdenbeath and Leven.
Employment Services
Offers support in all aspects of employment to people with disabilities and to
employers. All services are designed to complement each other and help employers
to practise equal opportunities policies. Has bases in Cowdenbeath and Leven.
 Remploy
Unit 1 Banbeath Industrial Estate
Leven KY8 5HD
01333 429607
Textphone: 01333 420038
Fax: 01333 425239
Shaw Trust
A national voluntary organisation which provides the resources and opportunities to
enable disabled and disadvantaged people to access employment.
Shaw Trust Dunfermline
A vocational training project which supports people with learning disabilities to
participate in practical work-skill based training activities. Individually tailored
programmes help people to improve their employability, achieve accredited training
qualifications and enable progress into paid employment, work experience or
voluntary placement.
 Ann Dixon
Team Leader
Shaw Trust Ltd
66 Dickson Street
Elgin Industrial Estate
Dunfermline KY12 7SN
01383 622633
Fax: 01383 622566
Fife Rehabilitation Service and Fife Rheumatic Diseases Unit
Part of NHS Fife. Vocational or “work” rehabilitation is provided as part of patients’
occupational therapy programme for those with long term physical conditions (eg
Multiple Sclerosis, brain injury or Rheumatoid Arthritis). Programmes are individually
designed to meet each patient’s needs to get into, stay in or return to work.
 Janet Harkess
Head Occupational Therapist
Fife Rheumatic diseases Unit
Whytemans Brae Hospital
Whytemans Brae
Kirkcaldy KY1 2ND
 Maureen Richardson
Head Occupational Therapist
Fife Rehabilitation Service
Sir George Sharp Unit
Cameron Hospital
Windygates KY8 5RR
01592 226814
Healthy Working Lives - Fife
Helps employers, workers and all other agencies come together to create a much
healthier and better motivated workforce. Can help organisations improve the
health, safety and well-being of their workers through a range of free and confidential
services. Advisers provide specialist Occupational Health and Safety advice and
guidance and offer workplace visits to identify good practice and areas which need
improved. The Healthy Working Lives Award Programme supports employers and
employees to develop health promotion and safety themes in the workplace in a
practical way that is beneficial to all.
 Healthy Working Lives - Fife
NHS Fife
Haig House
Cameron Hospital
Cameron Bridge
Leven KY8 5RG
Freephone Adviceline
Enable Scotland Fife
The Employment Options programme helps people with learning disabilities (aged
16 to 60) find out about work and tries, in partnership with other agencies, to get
people into work, training or college. Central to the programme is The Buzz, a club
for people with learning disabilities which looks at employment and further education
and tries to help those taking part to think about what they want to do and at the
same time build confidence and self esteem. The service operates on a one to one
outreach basis.
 Trudy Doidge
Enable Scotland Fife
Alexander House
5-21 Alexander Street
Kirkcaldy KY1 2XX
Work experience might help you find out what you like doing and how many hours or
days you feel you can work. Some work experience placements offer training or
help to access paid employment.
This section tells you about organisations providing work experience. You can get
information from the individual organisations. You may also want to discuss work
experience with your doctor or other medical staff you see regularly.
Castle Furniture Project
Collects donated furniture and furnishings and redistributes it to people in need in
North East Fife. Repairs and renovates furniture. Provides workalike opportunities
for people aged 18 and over with severe and enduring mental health problems. You
might go out with drivers to collect or deliver furniture or gain experience in the
warehouse. You might also work in the workshop where you could gain experience
in cleaning, repairs and renovation. Most people attend for 3 half days a week.
 Sylvia Ingram
Project Manager
Castle Furniture Project
Tom Rodgers Mill
East Burnside
Cupar KY15 4DQ
0870 774 1306
Momentum (Fife) provides employment focused programmes to help people with
disabilities access employment, work experience or training. The Work Prep
programme is designed to meet your particular needs and includes elements of 1 to
1 training and work experience placement with a local employer.
 Eddie King
Unit 11, Carberry Place
Mitchelston Industrial Estate
Kirkcaldy KY1 3AQ
01592 654618
Fax: 01592 651739
Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH)
Going Forth
A training service which is part of a Fife-wide service offering more choices and
opportunities to service users. The new service brings together 3 projects Evergreen (Kirkcaldy), Core Club (Dunfermline) and SAMH’s Pantry (Dalgety Bay).
Supports clients from disadvantaged groups to engage with local employment,
training, social, recreational and community activities by offering programmes to
meet individual needs.
 Anna Rolink-Williams
Employment Development Co-ordinator
SAMH Going Forth
1st House, Woodmill Road
Dunfermline KY11 4SS
01383 623179
SAMH Evergreen
Provides work experience opportunities in horticulture for people affected by or
recovering from mental ill health. The practical work experience enables people to
gain experience, skills and training in horticulture and garden maintenance. Training
is structured around individual needs, allowing people to progress and develop at
their own pace. You attend at least 2 days a week and can train for up to 25 hours a
week. You follow a personal development plan which includes support for personal
and social skills. Training can last up to 2 years. Evergreen has a community
garden and a computer training room.
 Tom McNicol
SAMH Evergreen
The Allotments
Barnet Crescent
Kirkcaldy KY1 1QU
01592 260534
Mobile: 07595 244753
Fax: 01592 260534
SAMH’s Pantry
A Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) service. Provides an opportunity
for people who have experienced mental health problems or stress to gain
experience, skills and training in catering in a supported environment. Travel
expenses will be paid.
 Julian Jenkins
Service Manager
SAMH’s Pantry
Matrix (see page )
Offers work placements as part of a structured training programme.
Running your own business might suit you, particularly if you’d like to work from
home. There are a number of organisations that can help, whether you’re thinking of
starting a business or are already in business.
Business Gateway
Your first contact point if you’re thinking of starting a business or looking to grow your
business. Offers many support services which are free and confidential. Has offices
in Crosshill, Cupar, Dunfermline, Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy and Leven.
For more information or to book an appointment with an adv
Prince’s Scottish Youth Business Trust
Provides grants and loans for people aged 18-25 setting up or running their own
 Fiona Turnbull
01592 858334
Shell LiveWIRE
Provides advice and guidance to young people aged 16-30 seeking to start their own
business. Shell LiveWIRE website has an online forum
where you can ask questions and find useful information on many business topics.
The site also includes an interactive ‘Start a Business Toolkit’.
 Shona Morrison
01592 858336
Be Your Own Boss
Helps unemployed people in Fife’s regeneration areas to look at self employment as
an option and to start a business. Offers free information and training events in your
local area, drop-in sessions and advice on grants that may be available.
Alastair Crockett (Kirkcaldy/Methil)
01592 623104
 Alan Laing (Abbeyview/Lochgelly)
01592 858314
Business Able
A flexible Training for Work programme to help people with disabilities take up self
employment. Business Able advisers not only help with business ideas and planning
and the pros and cons of self employment but also guide people through the
intricacies of the benefits system. You keep your benefits while on the programme
and can have the opportunity of ‘test trading’ your business idea.
 David Williamson
Business Gateway
01582 858333
The School of Social Entrepreneurs - Motivate to Innovate
Offers access to support for aspiring social enterprises. The programme will include
investment funding for early stage and start-up new enterprises and offer special
attention to groups who may face particular barriers to developing new enterprises.
It will address gaps in pre and post start up provision of advice and encourage the
takeup of ebusiness among enterprises.
 Tracey Muirhead
Learning Manager
BRAG Enterprises LTD (see page )
01592 860296
There are many reasons why you might want to return to learning including:
learning new skills
learning something for leisure and pleasure
gaining qualifications.
Whatever your reasons, there’s plenty to choose from. There are also many ways in
which you can learn:
open learning
and where you can learn:
at home
your local community.
If you need extra help, you’ll find it’s there for you.
If you feel it’s a long time since you did any formal learning, don’t worry - there are
ways of easing yourself back in.
Colleges in Fife
Offer a wide range of programmes including:
full-time courses - from a few weeks to one or more years
open/flexible learning
short introductory courses
return to study courses
courses for women
access courses - specially designed for adults who want to get into degree
postgraduate/professional courses.
Adam Smith College
Has 6 campuses across Leven, Glenrothes and Kirkcaldy as well as several
outreach centres around Fife. People with Additional Support Needs (ASN) should
apply early to agree their support needs with a member of staff before the course
The college has a range of adaptive technology for student use. Additional help can
include readers/scribes, prompters and notetakers as well as double staffing in
certain classes. There is also the opportunity for additional support in study time.
Other support includes things like adjustable height desks and induction loops.
A partnership with Social Work can enable people with personal care needs to
attend college. People who need this level of support should apply early as there is
a limit to the level of funded support.
Help with reading, writing or number difficulties is available through a partnership
with Fife Literacy Strategy.
 Learning Support
Kirkcaldy Campus
St Brycedale Avenue
Kirkcaldy KY1 1EX
01592 223400
Textphone: 01592 223177
Freephone: 0800 413280
Fax: 01592 644890
 Glenrothes Campus
Stenton Road
Glenrothes KY6 2RA
01592 223000
Textphone: 01592 223177
Carnegie College
The Access and Communities Team offers a wide range of opportunities for people
with disabilities which range from full-time programmes to develop life and work skills
for adults and young people with severe learning disabilities, to additional support on
mainstream programmes from non-advanced to degree level. A professional staff
team ensures that access to learning is provided through personalised learning
programmes to help people achieve their potential. Barriers to learning are removed
in the most unobtrusive yet effective way possible using a range of resources,
assistive technology and specialist learning aids. The Ian Karten Centre for assistive
technologies and ASPIRE Centre, a life and work centre for students with learning
disabilities, provide specialist support.
For a place with support on a mainstream programme
Sandra Archibald
Access Centre Co-ordinator
Carnegie College
Dunfermline KY11 8DY
01383 845000 x 6249
 For information on special programmes:
Customer Services (address as above)
0844 248 0115
Elmwood College
Can provide personal support, tailored to meet individual students’ needs, which
allows access for people with disabilities to both mainstream and specialist courses
within the college. The college’s Head of Inclusion can discuss transition plans and
ensure that equipment and appropriate strategies are in place for students at the
beginning of their course. Also offers students who are vulnerable or have additional
needs supported accommodation provision which is on campus and also in the
The New Autism Base is an additional resource for students with ASD. It provides a
facility for school leavers and young people who are not ready to fully access
Student Development or other mainstream courses. It provides space for transition
periods and allows students to come into college and be comfortable in a college
 Alison Boyle
Head of Inclusion
Elmwood College
Carslogie Road
Cupar KY15 4JB
01334 658839
Fax: 01334 658888
University of St Andrews
The Disabilities Team
Offers information, support and advice to all students with disabilities, learning
difficulties and ongoing medical difficulties before and during their studies. Makes
sure that students have access to appropriate support and adaptations to enable
access to buildings and their chosen courses, and are fully included in university life.
 Ailsa Ritchie
The Disabilities Team
Student Support Services
University of St Andrews
St Mary’s Place
St Andrews KY16 9UZ
01334 462038
Focus Education Service
Assists people experiencing mental health problems to access further education.
Small, low stress classes available with support from an occupational therapist and
tutors sensitive to the needs of service users. Classes are held mainly at Elmwood
College, Cupar. Subjects and venues vary according to demand. Individual advice
and support to access mainstream courses also available.
Focus Education Service Co-ordinator
Occupational Therapy Department
Ceres Centre
Stratheden Hospital
Cupar KY15 5RR
01334 696227
Fax: 01334 656560
Lead Scotland (Linking Education And Disability)
A voluntary organisation set up to widen access to learning for disabled adults and
carers. Organisers work in many areas in Scotland, providing information, guidance
and support. They will visit potential learners at home or an alternative suitable
location to draw up an action plan and offer support from a volunteer if needed. A
computer home loan service may be available for taster sessions.
 Dawn Robb
Lead Organiser
01337 831603
Provides information and advice for people with disabilities and those working with
them on further and higher education, employment, training and volunteering.
 Skill Information Line
0131 475 2348
Community Learning
There are many learning opportunities available in local community venues including
community centres and local branch libraries. Some of these centres have assistive
technology to help people with disabilities access information, eg screen
magnification, speech output. To find out what’s available in your local area contact:
Literacies Groups for Deaf Adults
Adult Basic Education (ABE) can help people improve their reading, writing, maths or
computer skills. Deaf adults can join small groups in local community venues where
free tuition is provided using British Sign Language (BSL). You can brush up on
basics or gain a qualification.
Sarah Combe
 Jill Little
08451 555555 x 440868
Mobile (SMS): 07984 052687
Training programmes vary considerably in length. There are many training providers
in Fife offering training in a wide variety of skills.
New Deal
A major government initiative to help unemployed people back to work. Provision
varies for different groups.
New Deal for 18-24 year olds unemployed 6 months
Provides intensive support and guidance during an initial Gateway period designed
to help you find a job. If you don’t find work during the Gateway there are four
options available:
Job Option
Full Time Education and Training (short courses)
Voluntary Sector Option
Environmental Task Force.
New Deal for 25+ 18 months unemployed
Provides initial help and support through a Gateway period. If you don’t find work
during Gateway, you take part in an Intensive Activity period which lasts 13 to 26
weeks. During this time you’ll be involved in a mix of tailored activity including
placements, training and support.
New Deal for Lone Parents
A voluntary programme to encourage lone parents to look at ways of beginning to
get back to work. Lone parents receiving Income Support and with a youngest child
under 11 are invited to come into the Jobcentre to look at their options.
New Deal for 50+
For people over 50 who have been out of work for 6 months and signing at
Jobcentre Plus. You’ll be able to apply for Tax Credit.
Training for Work (TFW)
A national training programme to help unemployed people aged 18 and over back to
work. Your training can include short courses if you have a job offer for which you
need a particular qualification. Your benefits are not affected. Training providers
may vary the TFW they offer from time to time. TFW in Fife is available in a wide
range of occupational areas.
Your local Jobcentre.
Get Ready for Work
A national training programme designed to help young people move from school into
the world of work. Aimed at young people aged 16 to 18 who may need additional
support. Will help to meet your particular needs and give you the skills and
confidence to move into work, training or further education. Skills Development
Scotland works in partnership with training providers, Careers Scotland and
Careers Scotland.
BRAG Enterprises Ltd
Ready, Steady, Work
A programme for people aged 16 and over who are finding it hard to get into work for
a number of reasons including disability or ill health. Your programme will run for 16
hours a week over 26 weeks and aims to increase your employability skills and give
you practical work experience. You’ll be paid a training allowance or wage and help
with travel and care costs is available.
 John Oates
BRAG Enterprises Ltd
Crosshill Business Centre
Main Street
Crosshill KY5 8BJ
01592 860296
Fax: 01592 869629
Fife Women’s Technology Centre
Provides a range of IT training programmes for unemployed women and men,
including Women into Technology, PC Passport, IT Essentials and Cisco
Networking. Also offers a variety of short introductory courses throughout the year.
Assistance will be given with travel and childcare costs.
 Karen Hildersley
Fife Women’s Technology Centre
Lochgelly Miner’s Institute
129 Main Street
Lochgelly KY5 9AF
01592 784847
West Fife Enterprise Ltd
Quest for Employment
Provides training for unemployed people (not necessarily registered) aged 16 and
over. The course consists of core, vocational and personal development skills.
Training is offered in woodwork, administration and metalwork.
A training allowance and help with transport and childcare costs are available. Free
transport to and from the learning centre is available daily from the Oakley,
Inverkeithing and Lochs/Benarty areas.
 Sandra Beveridge
Community Liaison Officer
Forthview Learning Centre
Forthview Industrial Estate
Newmills KY12 8TL
01383 881364
Fax: 01383 880105
FACET (Glenrothes)
Provides training in computing, business development and a range of crafts .
The Shaw Trust
Provides training and support for people with learning disabilities to improve their
Volunteering lets you use your skills and at the same time help other people. There
are many volunteering opportunities in Fife. A number of agencies can help you find
the best opportunity for you and support you through your volunteering.
CVS Fife
Promotes the role of the voluntary sector throughout Fife. Provides support,
information and advice to voluntary organisations and community groups.
 Carole Patrick
CVS Fife
23-27 Randolph Street
Buckhaven KY8 1AT
01592 567001
Volunteer Centre Fife
Encourages people to do voluntary work. Volunteer Centre Fife can:
tell you about voluntary work in general
tell you what’s available near your home
help you decide what would suit you
help you find voluntary work
support you while you’re doing it.
Has a database of volunteering opportunities in which organisations are welcome to
include their own volunteering opportunities.
 Central Fife
Tom Scott
10 St Brycedale Avenue
Kirkcaldy KY1 1ET
01592 645540
 East Fife
Stephen Adamson
Volunteer House
69-73 Crossgate
Cupar KY15 5AS
01334 659134
 West Fife
Cerys Thomas
29 Canmore Street
Dunfermline KY12 7NU
01383 732136
You can also visit the Volunteering Fife website at
Provides an information and advice service to voluntary organisations in North East
Fife on all aspects of running a voluntary organisation. Supports networks within the
area to encourage good practice and keep people informed.
 Helen Rorrison
Volunteer House
69-73 Crossgate
Cupar KY15 5AS
01334 654080
Fax: 01334 653598
The Ecology Centre
Provides volunteer opportunities to help people gain confidence, self-esteem and
experience. Tasks include administration, gardening and other outdoor work,
depending on time of year. The site at Kinghorn Loch can be accessed for
recreational purposes at any time. A 360 metre Access for All path leads out to the
bird hide.
 The Ecology Centre
Kinghorn KY3 9XS
01592 891567
There are many services in Fife to help you gain confidence, meet other people and
do things you enjoy.
Fife Council Adult Day Services
Offer programmes for social work clients with disabilities (normally aged 16 to 65).
Your programme is tailored to your needs.
Dalgairn Centre
A day care service for adults with disabilities. The main service is based in Cupar
but Dalgairn also operates employability provision throughout North East Fife
including a 5 day service in St Andrews primarily for people with physical disability.
Promotes direct links into employment and works with Fife EmployAbility Team to
support people into employment on a long-term basis.
 Chris Morris
Dalgairn Centre
Bank Street
Cupar KY15 4JN
01592 659326
Forward Centre
A Social Work Support Service for people with physical disabilities or sensory
impairments. Offers a range of activities and opportunities suited to each person.
Encourages and supports people to get involved in local activities and use
community resources.
 Margaret McSeveney
The Forward Centre
Beaufort Drive
Glenrothes KY6 2SR
01592 583337
Grange Resource Centre
An adult day service provision primarily for people with physical disabilities and/or
sensory impairments. Staff work with service users in a person centred way to
develop individual programmes which can include accessing community based
 Susan Brown
Centre Manager
Grange Resource Centre
13 Dickson Street
Dunfermline KY12 7SL
01383 602355
Robert Gough Centre
A day centre for adults mainly with learning difficulties. Supports work placements
and other social and recreational opportunities. Involved in project work including
Woodland Trust, Millennium Woods for Scotland, Environmental Trust, Fife Rangers
and Fife Railway Preservation Society. Aims to help people access opportunities in
their local community.
 Margaret McSeveney
Robert Gough Centre
Aithernie Road
Leven KY8 4Bx
01334 659357
St Clair Resource Centre
A resource centre supporting adults with learning disabilities to develop individual
skills and access community resources. Covers Burntisland, Cardenden,
Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy and Kinghorn.
People using the centre are involved in a wide variety of activities including art, sport,
drama and personal development. Centre members also take part in national sports
competitions and outdoor activities. Quest Theatre Company, which visits schools to
raise awareness of disability issues, is based at St Clair as is Clairschach, an active
songwriting group. Works with Fife EmployAbility Team to support members in both
voluntary placement and paid employment opportunities.
 Noel Farrow
St Clair Resource Centre
Bank Street
Kirkcaldy KY1 3DT
01592 583338
Viewforth Resource Centre
A resource centre for people with disabilities. Services include:
scooter/wheelchair hire
making vinyl signage for community groups
computing equipment and assessments
advice from the centre’s Access Group on making services accessible to
comply with the DDA.
 Viewforth Resource Centre
Viewforth Street
Kirkcaldy KY1 3DH
01592 583339.
West Fife Community Support Service
Provides flexible support to people with learning disabilities to enable them to access
existing resources and activities within their community. Operates from a number of
local community venues across West fife.
 Yvonne Jeffrey
West Fife Community Support Service
179 Stenhouse Street
Cowdenbeath KY4 9DH
01383 602356
Barony Housing Association’s Contact Points
Day resource centres in Kirkcaldy and Buckhaven for people who are experiencing
or have experienced mental health problems. The centres offer a café and drop-in
facility. You’ll follow a planned programme which can include art groups, music
groups, creative writing, anxiety support and gardening. The centres are open to
anybody looking to improve / maintain their mental health. Provide volunteer
placements for people recovering from or experiencing social isolation or at risk of
their mental health breaking down. Offer some support for people with drug and
alcohol problems as long as they have an active link with appropriate support
 Billy Moyes
Contact Point Organiser
Barony Housing Association
411-417 High Street
Kirkcaldy KY1 2SG
0871 700 7777
Fax: 01592 644235
 Derek Magee
Contact Point Organiser
Barony Housing Association
22 Lawrence Street
Buckhaven KY8 1BQ
0871 700 7777
Fax: 01592 715715
Express Group Fife Ltd
Runs 11 individual drop-in centres throughout Fife for people aged 18 and over who
have or have had mental health problems. The centres offer a befriending
service/social club where members give each other a lot of support. Tries to move
people on to take the next step, eg Permitted Work.
Centres are:
 Cupar
 Dunfermline
 Dunfermline Seniors
 Glenrothes
 Glenrothes Seniors
 Inverkeithing
 Kirkcaldy
 Leven
 Lochgelly
 Rosyth
 St Andrews.
When you make contact, someone can go along with you to introduce you to your
local group. Anyone wishing to become a volunteer is welcome.
 Gavin Logan
Express Group Fife Ltd
110 Rosslyn Street
Kirkcaldy KY1 3AD
01592 652975
Fax: 01592 652975
Fife Boomerang Association
Helps people aged 18 to 65 who are suffering or recovering from mental health
illness. Organises outdoor pursuits to help people socialise and gain confidence.
 Linda Falconer
Fife Boomerang Association
Exit Community Centre
Glamis Centre
Glenrothes KY7 4RH
01592 775650.
Fife Traumatic Brain Injury Service
A Fife-wide social rehabilitation service for people aged 16 to 65 who have sustained
a traumatic brain injury. A traumatic brain injury is an injury to the head by an
external cause, such as a road traffic crash, assault by a person or object, contact
sports injuries or fall. The team also provides brain injury awareness information and
advice to relatives, carers and friends.
Elaine Westwater
Fife Traumatic Brain Injury Service
70 Stenhouse Street
Cowdenbeath KY4 9AZ
01383 602201
Occupational Therapy Acute Department (North East Fife)
Offers an occupational therapy service to people aged 18 to 65 with mental health
problems admitted to the acute in-patient wards at Stratheden Hospital or those who
require follow-up treatment on discharge from hospital. Also offers a specific
occupational therapy service in the community to people with mental health
problems. The team provides assessment and treatment in the areas of daily living
skills, work and vocation, concentration, problem solving, coping skills and lifestyle
 Joanne Koziel
Head III Occupational Therapist
Stratheden Hospital
Cupar KY15 5RR
01334 696296
Fax: 01334 656560.
Occupational Therapy Rehabilitation Department Stratheden Hospital
Supports people aged 18 to 65 with rehabilitation after and during severe mental
health problems. Helps with life and social skills, daily living and rehabilitation.
Clients are generally patients at Stratheden Hospital.
 Phil Sharkey
Head IV Occupational Therapist
Stratheden Hospital
Cupar KY15 5RR
01334 696296
Forth & Tay Disabled Ramblers
A registered Scottish charity based in Fife. Aims to make countryside access as
easy as possible for anyone aged 18 and over with any type of disability. Organises
a programme of rambles. Funding permitting, provides subsidised, accessible
transport to take members to the more distant venues from central pickup points in
Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy and Dunfermline. Limited number of scooters on first come
first served basis for members to borrow on ramble days. Volunteers transport the
group’s equipment and accompany the members on the minibus and walks which
are pre-checked for access.
 The Secretary
Forth & Tay Disabled Ramblers
10 Ravenscraig Street
Kirkcaldy KY1 2AL
01592 203246
Fife Independent Disability Network
Works to improve access to services and quality of opportunity for people in Fife of
all ages with disabilities. Actively involved in research and campaigns. Network
members come together every 2 months at various locations throughout Fife to
discuss disability issues and decide on courses of action. Represented on regional
consultative groups.
You can call in to look at information. Internet access is available for research
 Muriel MacGregor
Office Manager
Fife Independent Disability Network
West Bridge Mill
Bridge Street
Kirkcaldy KY1 1TE
01592 203993
Textphone: 01592 646885
Fax: 01592 203786
Rules for grants and benefits are complicated. Everyone’s circumstances are
different. It’s a good idea to find out how you’re placed early in your plans and it’s
important to talk to the people who can give you the best advice. The information
here is mainly for people with disabilities and long-term health problems. Other
funding sources which may be able to help are mentioned in the Adult Learning in
Fife booklet which is available from FenLink.
Starting work
Starting work doesn’t mean you automatically lose your benefits. It depends on what
benefits you’re getting, how many hours you work, what you earn and your personal
Tax Credit
Tax Credits depend on your age, how many hours you work and your circumstances.
You can ask for advice at a number of places including:
 Tax Credit Helpline
0845 300 3900
 Citizens Advice and Rights Fife.
Permitted Work
If you’re claiming Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Incapacity Benefit
(IB), you may be able to do some types of work within certain limits through
Permitted Work. The number of hours you can work and how much you can earn
depend on your circumstances. Permitted Work might help you to develop new skills
or find out how much work you feel able to do.
 your local Jobcentre.
Return to Work Credit
A non-taxable weekly payment of £40 for up to 52 weeks for people returning to work
from Pathways (see page ). You must be working at least 16 hours a week and
earning no more than £15,000 a year.
Your local Jobcentre.
In Work Credit
If you’re a lone parent with a child under 16, you may be eligible for In Work Credit.
You must be working more than 16 hours a week and not claiming Return to Work
Credit. You must have been claiming Income Support (IS) or Jobseeker’s Allowance
(JSA) for 52 weeks before starting work.
Your local Jobcentre.
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
Has replaced Incapacity Benefit (IB) for people claiming for the first time. People
claiming ESA are generally referred to Pathways to Work.
Your local Jobcentre.
Starting to study
If you start a full-time or part-time course, you must let your local Jobcentre know
your plans in advance. You don’t come off IB right away but you could be called for
a medical review at any time.
College Bursaries
For full-time National Qualifications up to but not including Higher National Certificate
(HNC), Access Courses and some introductory courses.
You can generally study for up to 16 hours a week part-time without benefits being
affected. You must let your local Jobcentre know what you’re doing. People on
taxable benefits or low income may have their fees waived and you can apply to
college Hardship Funds for extra help.
Contact your local college:
 Adam Smith College
Liz McDonald
01592 223419
 Elmwood College
Karen Leckie
01334 658973
 Carnegie College
Jonathon Gant
01383 845153
Full-time courses at Kirkland High School and Community College are offered in
partnership with The Adam Smith College. Contact Evelyn Davie at Kirkland about
08451 555555 x 461060.
Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS)
Administers funding for full-time Higher National Certificate (HNC), Higher National
Diploma (HND), first degree and equivalent level courses. You won’t have to pay
anything towards your fees if you’re studying in Scotland. Most of your income for
living costs will be from a Student Loan which you’ll start to pay back when you’ve
completed your course and are earning over a certain amount. You may be eligible
for a Young Student’s Bursary depending on your circumstances.
Disabled Student’s Allowance
Helps students with disabilities on SAAS funded courses with additional costs arising
from their disability, eg specialist software, sign language interpreters. If your course
is part-time, you must be studying at least 50% of the equivalent full-time course.
You may also be eligible if you’re studying for 60 Open University Credit Points in the
 Student Awards Agency for Scotland
Gyleview House
3 Redheughs Rigg
Edinburgh EH12 9HH
0845 111 1171
ILA Scotland
If you’re over 18 and living in Scotland, you could get help towards the cost of
learning new skills with an individual learning account from ILA Scotland. ILA
Scotland is a Scottish Government scheme which helps you pay for learning that you
can do at a time, place and pace and in a way to suit you. If you earn £22,000 or
less, you could get up to £200 a year towards the cost of ‘eligible’ learning. If you’re
studying part-time for an HNC, HND or degree, you may be eligible for an ILA500 if
you’re studying 40% of the full-time SCQF credits. For the Academic year
2009/2010 only, you can apply for an ILA500 if you’re taking a taught postgraduate
course at SCQF 11.
ILA Scotland
0808 100 1090
Fife Council has produced a childcare strategy which aims to develop accessible,
affordable, flexible and high quality childcare to enable parents to return to work,
education or training.
Fife’s Childcare Information Service
A key element of the childcare strategy is a helpline with information for people
looking for a childcare provider or information on childcare in general.
 Linsey Brown
01592 774002
Out of School/Aftercare for Children with Special Needs
There are 6 specific projects for children with special needs:
North East Fife, Lawhead Primary
Fife Sensory Impairment Centre, Kirkcaldy
Hyndhead, Buckhaven
Lochgelly High
Robert Henryson - Calais Wood School, Dunfermline
Queen Anne High, Dunfermline.
 Yvonne Nellies
Out of School Co-ordinator for Special Needs
Can provide a ‘pal’ for parents who want to go back to work but would prefer their
child to access mainstream childcare provision rather than go to a special group.
Children with Special Needs in Play (CSNIP) Project
Can provide a playfriend in playgroups or private nurseries for children under 5.
01383 853314.
Resource Base for Special Needs (RNIB)
Has a worker who can go out and assess if a child needs a special piece of
 01592 776418
 Yvonne Nellies
Out of School Co-ordinator for Special Needs
01592 776418
There are a number of services which can help if you’re having difficulty getting
around Fife.
Fife bus
A Fife Council shopping service which provides accessible transport for people with
reduced mobility through physical, mental or sensory impairment. Available
throughout Fife but operates in different areas on different days of the week. Phone
to book. 08451 551188.
Ring and Ride
Provides accessible transport for people who have difficulty using ordinary public
transport. You’re picked up from your own home. Free to anyone with a Myfife C,
C+1, C eye +1 or C eye card. Operates in Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy, Levenmouth and
Dunfermline areas. Phone the day before to book
08451 551188.
Minibus Management Service
A Fife Council service which co-ordinates and/or provides accessible minibuses for
eligible user groups. 08451 555555 x 441764.
Trans-Fife Community Transport
Accessible transport provider (buses up to 28 seats) for community groups and not
for profit organisations. Your journey can be for work or leisure.
Wheels to Work
A car hire scheme (£55 a week) that removes transport as a barrier to employment
or training, where public transport is not an option. Open to people aged over 25.
 Bill O’Sullivan
Trans-Fife Community Transport
Unit 31, Crosshill Business Centre
Crosshill KY5 8BJ
01592 869400
Fax: 01592 860346
This section tells you about organisations providing general advice, information and
support. You can also get advice and information from the agencies described
elsewhere in the booklet.
Dunfermline Advocacy Initiative
A citizen advocacy organisation for people aged 16 and over living in West Fife.
Development workers match people with learning difficulties with a citizen advocate
who is an ordinary member of the community.
 Rachael Annand
Dunfermline Advocacy Initiative
2 Halbeath Road
Dunfermline KY12 7QX
01383 624382
Fax: 01383 724486
People First (Scotland) Fife Branch
An independent, national, member-led, self-advocacy organisation run by and for
adults with learning difficulties. Supports members in self advocacy groups and in
consultation with NHS, Social Work and the Scottish Government. You can join
social groups, gain confidence and self esteem and learn about your rights. There
are over 14 groups across Fife.
 Kate Milliken
c/o Lynebank Hospital
Halbeath Road
Dunfermline KY11 4UW
01383 565264
 Jane Urquhart
The Roundhouse
Victoria Road
Kirkcaldy KY1 2QT
01592 223871
Fife Action on Autism
Provides a support service for people affected by autistic spectrum disorders and
their families and carers. Holds monthly meetings for families, carers and
professionals in Rothes Halls, Glenrothes. Has a library and bookstall available to
members and others and a monthly newsletter for members. Runs activity clubs to
help develop social skills informally - two for adults (Dunfermline and Leuchars) and
one for adolescents (Kirkcaldy). Arranges holidays and short breaks for club
 Thelma Fyfe
Asperger Syndrome Support Co-ordinator
Fife Action on Autism
Room 28, The Roundhouse
Priory Campus
Victoria Road
Kirkcaldy KY1 2QT
01592 223883
Scottish Society for Autism
Seeks to ensure the provision of the best education, care support and opportunities
for people of all ages with autism in Scotland. Also seeks to support families,
improve understanding of autism and develop best practice amongst carers,
professionals and society at large.
The Scottish Society for Autism
Unit 35 Thistle Industrial Estate
Church Street
Cowdenbeath KY4 8LP
0845 300 9273
Fax: 01383 611926
Cancer Support
Cancer Network Fife
A registered Fife based charity providing emotional support, information and practical
advice to anyone in Fife affected by the diagnosis of cancer - patients, family or
friends. Fife-wide services include one-to-one support in one of the comfortable
outreach centres (Ladybank, Dunfermline, Anstruther and Buckhaven), in the client’s
own home or at a mutually agreed venue. Cancer Network Fife can also provide
information and links to local and national cancer services. The service, which is
free and confidential, is flexible and responsive to the client’s needs.
 Helen Anderson
Outreach Co-ordinator
Cancer Network Fife
23 Commercial Road
The Maltings
Ladybank KY15 7JS
01337 832668 (24 hour)
Maggie’s Fife
Provides a service to people with cancer and those closest to them. Activities
include relaxation drop in sessions, Tai Chi, workshops on nutrition and the arts,
support groups and courses on living with cancer and managing stress. Advice on
welfare benefits is available on Thursday and Friday.
Ruth McCabe
Centre Head
Maggie’s Fife
Victoria Hospital
Hayfield Road
Kirkcaldy KY2 5AH
The Macmillan Fife Welfare Benefits Partnership
A Fife-based partnership of public and voluntary sector organisations working in
collaboration with Macmillan Cancer Support. Aims to help with the financial impact
of cancer by ensuring that people living in Fife and affected by a cancer diagnosis
have free and confidential access to advice on benefits and other financial
entitlements. Advisers can help with advice on:
social security benefits and tax credits
appeals against benefit decisions or issues, eg overpayments
health costs, eg prescriptions and travel to hospital
applications for local authority financial support, eg school clothing grants
access to charitable grants
application for transport concessions, eg disabled parking badge
applications for Housing and Council Tax Benefit.
 Gill Simpson or Susanne McEneany
Citizens Advice and Rights Fife (CARF)
1400 091 or
The Disfigurement Guidance Trust
Provides advice and support to people who are disfigured and their carers. Offers a
wide range of publications for use by health professionals, people with a
disfigurement, their family and friends and those who wish to raise their awareness
of disfigurement. Publishes a free directory.
 Doreen Trust
The Disfigurement Guidance Centre
PO Box 7
Cupar KY15 4PF
01337 870281
Fax: 01337 870310
Epilepsy Scotland
Works with people affected by epilepsy to ensure their voice is heard. Campaigns
for improved healthcare, better information provision and an end to stigma. Services
include relevant literature and information on epilepsy, an interactive website and a
helpline (with typetalk, text service and language line facilities) for people with
epilepsy, their families, carers and professionals. Provides training in epilepsy
management and offers a community support service for adults with epilepsy and
additional community care needs. Has a network of community support groups and
Emma Razi
Policy and Development Officer
Epilepsy Scotland
48 Govan Road
Glasgow G51 1JL
Helpline: 0808 800 2200
Fax: 0141 419 1709
Quarriers Epilepsy Fieldwork Service
Provides support for people with epilepsy in Fife. Works in partnership with families,
healthcare professionals and the community to increase awareness and
understanding of epilepsy. The fieldworker provides information and support to
people of all ages and their families and can act as a clinical liaison with healthcare
professionals. Provides training in epilepsy awareness and the administration of
emergency rescue medication.
 Quarriers Epilepsy Fieldwork Service
Loughborough Clinic
Loughborough Road
Kirkcaldy KY1 3DB
01592 655005
Head Injury
Fife Headway Group
A support group for people with brain injury as a result of accident or illness.
Provides support to family and friends and seeks to inform and educate health
professionals, employers and the public about living with a head injury. Meets on the
last Tuesday evening of the month at the Staff Club, Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy and
on the second Tuesday evening of the month in Abbeyview Community Centre,
Touch, Dunfermline.
 Barbara Linton
01592 652804
Huntington’s Disease
Scottish Huntington’s Association
A specialist service for Fife. Offers advice, support and specialist assessment for
people with Huntington’s Disease (HD). Advice, support and education on the
management of HD clients is also available to families and carers. Liaises with
professionals regarding clients’ needs and offers guidance and education on HD.
Provides information on research and access to psychology and psychiatry expertise
including a monthly management clinic. A youth adviser is available to liaise with
children from HD families (optional annual summer camp). A family branch support
group holds monthly meetings (usually five months in Dunfermline and five months
in Glenrothes) which give families a chance to communicate, share experiences,
participate in social events and fundraising. A carers group is available once every 3
 Jillian Foster
Project Manager/Huntington’s Specialist for Fife
Scottish Huntington’s Association
Whyteman’s Brae Hospital
Kirkcaldy KY1 2ND
01592 647993
Fax: 01592 640159
Memory Loss
Fife Memory Service (Younger Adults)
A memory clinic which offers a clinical assessment for people experiencing memory
difficulties and related issues. People are usually referred to the clinic after initial
contact with a psychiatrist or neurologist. Based in Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy with
nurse co-ordinators based in East, West and Central Fife. Can provide pre-clinical
assessment, support for the person and their family throughout the referral process,
ongoing psychological support and link to appropriate services throughout the
person’s journey.
Contact the nurse co-ordinator for your area:
Declan O’Farrell
North East Fife Service
6 Stratheden Court
Cupar KY15 5SP
Margaret Simpson
Central Fife Service
Victoria Hospital
Kirkcaldy KY2 5AH
01592 643355 x 2043
Suzanne Croy
West Fife Service
Queen Margaret Hospital
Dunfermline KY12 0SU
Mental Health
East Neuk Recovery Group Initiative (ENERGI)
Provides support and information for people with mental health problems and their
carers. Also offers drop-in floating support and outreach volunteer services. Open
to anyone experiencing problems or concerns about their mental health. Offers free
complementary therapies.
 Elaine Fox
Project Manager
32 East Street
St Monans KY10 2AT
01333 730477
Mobile: 07966 292375
Fax: 01333 730477
Fife Families Support Project
Provides information and advice to carers of people with mental health problems on
services, treatments, mental health illness, sources of support. Produces a twice
yearly newsletter.
 Stuart Pryde
Fife Families Support Project
Unit 3, Fraser Buildings
Millie Street
Kirkcaldy KY1 2NL
01592 641401
Fife Hearing Voices
Facilitates groups for people of all ages who hear voices to come together and
support each other. Enables people to develop community links. Produces 2
‘Understanding Voices - A guide to managing your voices’
‘Understanding Voices - A guide for relatives and friends’.
 Marjorie Sprunt
Project Co-ordinator
Fife Hearing Voices Network
Office 4, Fraser Buildings
Millie Street
Kirkcaldy KY1 2NL
01592 267771
Fax: 01592 267771
East Fife Mental Health Befriending Project
Helps people who have become lonely or isolated within the community due to poor
mental health. Supports adults in East Fife who are already known to a social
worker or health service worker but who would benefit from a befriender for
additional help to use ordinary social/community resources and activities. Also has
an Adolescent Project (aged 12 to 18) supported by Playfield House at Stratheden.
Clients must be referred by a statutory agency.
 Caroline Ward
Project Co-ordinator (Adults)
Jane MacIver
Project Co-ordinator (Adolescents)
Volunteer House
69-73 Crossgate
Cupar KY15 5AS
01333 312015 (Adults)
01334 880744 (Adolescents)
Supports the mental health and well being of young people aged 12-21 living in Fife.
Provides one to one support and issue based work for all young people with
additional drop-in support for over 16s. A significant part of Penumbra’s work is
early intervention and awareness raising. Will work in partnership with other
agencies involved in a young person’s support package. While anyone can refer,
only accepts referrals with the young person’s consent and works with young people
only on a voluntary basis.
 Amber Higgins
Project Manager
Penumbra Youth Project
2 Kirk Wynd
Kirkcaldy KY1 1EH
The Cottage
A mental health drop-in and resource centre in Cupar for anyone who wishes
support with mental health problems either for themselves or for a friend or relative.
Offers information on benefits, housing issues, education and training opportunities,
other services and organisations. Organises a range of activities. Provides access
to a computer, fax, photocopier and phone.
 Helen Glass
Project Manager
NFS (Scotland)
The Cottage
Burn Close
67 Bonygate
Cupar KY15 4BY
Tel/Fax: 01334 657421
Multiple Sclerosis
Fife MS Development Project
Provides a range of information and support services for anyone affected by MS
including people who have MS, their carers, families and friends. Information
includes self-management, employment issues, insurance and alternative therapies.
Runs information and MS awareness events. Trained volunteers provide one to one
support for people and families and run training courses in self-management
techniques. In partnership with the Fife Rehabilitation Service, the project organises
support sessions for people newly diagnosed. Also provides financial assistance
through the MS Society Individual Support Grant Scheme.
 Marion Dye
Development Worker
Fife MS Development Project
100 Scott Road
Glenrothes KY6 1AE
01592 764850
Physical Disability
Arthritis Care in Scotland
Provides support, expertise, understanding and information so that people with
arthritis can get the most out of life. Offers helplines, local groups, booklets, a
website, a magazine and courses, and campaigns for changes in attitude and law.
Has local groups in Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy and St Andrews but initial contact should
be made through the national organisation.
 Katy Green
Information Services Manager
Arthritis Care in Scotland
Unit 25a Anniesland Business Park
Glasgow G13 1EU
0141 954 7776
Information Helpline: 0808 800 4050
Fax: 0141 954 6171
Association for Limbless in Fife
A self-help support group for people of all ages who have lost limbs and for their
families, friends and carers. Meets every second month in Kirkcaldy. Has a
bimonthly newsletter and organises social events.
 George Whyte
139 South Parks Road
Glenrothes KY6 1NT
01592 752914
Brittle Bone Society
Offers support and advice to people of all ages with Osteogenesis Imperfecta,
families, carers and professionals. A membership organisation but services are
open to anyone regardless of membership status. Produces factsheets and a
 Raymond Lawrie
Brittle Bone Society
Grant Paterson House
30 Guthrie Street
Dundee DD1 5BS
0800 028 2459
Fax: 01382 206771
Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland
Provides information, advice and support for people who have had strokes and for
their families, carers and professionals. CHSS nurses working in the community
help with rehabilitation, counselling and advice on the prevention of secondary
stroke. There are 4 communication groups throughout Fife to help people with
communication difficulties.
 Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland
65 North Castle Street
Edinburgh EH2 3LT
Dystonia Society
Supports people with the neurological movement disorder Dystonia (spasmodic
torticollis, blepharospasm, writer’s cramp, spasmodic dysphonia etc) and their
families through the promotion of awareness, research and welfare. Provides a
signposting service to appropriate agencies.
 Peter Meager
National Manager - Scotland
Dystonia Society
7 Lorraine Drive
Cupar KY15 5DY
0845 8031005
Sensory Impairment
Deaf Action Fife
Provides information, advice and guidance to hard of hearing adults living and
working in Fife. Can signpost to other services for the hard of hearing, including
counselling, rehabilitation and lip reading classes. Offers advice to employers on
communication tactics and provides short courses on issues to improve the quality of
life for adults who are hard of hearing.
 Kirsteen McFarlane
Information, Advice & Guidance Worker
Deaf Action
Albany Business Centre
Office 7, Gardener’s Street
Dunfermline KY12 0RN
Mobile: 07775 838338
Deaf Communication Service
An all age service which aims to promote access for deaf, deafened, hard of hearing
and deaf/blind people in Fife. Provides sign language interpreters, lip speakers, note
takers, deaf/blind guide communicators for all kinds of appointments and meetings.
Interprets written material for sign language users. Provides information, support
and advice on deafness for deaf people, families, carers, employers. Provides deaf
awareness training to suit the needs of the individual and British Sign Language
training. Facilitates groups including Adult Basic Education and Hard of Hearing
 Deaf Communication Service
Sensory Impairment Centre
13 Wilson Avenue
Kirkcaldy KY2 5EF
01592 583341
Textphone: 01592 583340.
Fife Society for the Blind
A voluntary organisation working across Fife providing statutory and voluntary
services to help people with a serious sight loss. Social support includes local social
groups, access to voluntary transport, home visiting and befriending services. The
Insight Team provides professional social work and rehabilitation services to make
life easier for people who experience a serious sight loss. Help includes information,
emotional support, specialist equipment, low vision services and rehabilitation
training. FSB Enterprises can help businesses and organisations comply with the
DDA by providing access and information audits, transcription of print materials in
alternative formats and sensory awareness training.
 Fife Society for the Blind
Fife Sensory Impairment Centre (address as for Deaf Communication Service)
01592 583272
Fax: 01592 583273
RNIB National Visual Impairment Learning Disability Service
Provides specialist vision assessment, pre-paid by Fife Council, for adults with a
learning disability/complex needs. Also provides day opportunities for skills
development and a specialist outreach service supporting community inclusion,
further education, volunteering and work opportunities. A toy library and resource
base provide support to children with additional needs, vision assessment referral
and advice on equipment and play. A Project Assessment Worker provides free
visual assessments in the community for adults with learning disabilities. Provides
free training in visual awareness for children and adults with learning disabilities and
for carers, parents and professionals.
 RNIB Pathway
Fife Sensory Impairment Centre (see above for contact details)
See also Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland
Speech and Language Difficulties
Fife Assessment Centre for Communication Through Technology (FACCT)
Supports children and adults throughout Fife with severe communication impairment
who may benefit from alternative or augmentative methods of communication.
Works closely with clients, carers and professionals to identify and develop the most
appropriate communication system which may include symbols, signing or a
communication device.
 Sandra Miller
Auchterderran Centre
Woodend Road
Cardenden KY5 ONE
01592 583375
Adult Learning in Fife
You might find it helpful to use this booklet with Adult Learning in Fife, a free pocket
guide to learning opportunities in Fife. Adult Learning in Fife includes:
information on general learning opportunities
information on funding for learning
more detailed information on some of the services mentioned in this booklet.
You can get a copy from a number of community venues in Fife or from Fenlink.
An online access guide to council and other venues. DisabledGo gives you a wealth
of information on the accessibility of many venues you may want to visit, including
council buildings, restaurants and hotels. The resource is available for many UK
towns and cities and has recently been launched in Fife. Fife venues will increase
over the next few years.
 DisabledGo
Skills Development Scotland
Brings together and replaces Careers Scotland, The Scottish University for Industry
(SUfI) and the skills and training functions of Highlands and Islands and Scottish
Enterprise. Its vision is to be a catalyst for real and positive change in Scotland’s
skills performance. Skills Development Scotland aims to:
help individuals realise their full potential
help employers be more successful through skills development
work in meaningful partnership to enhance Scotland’s sustainable economic
 Skills Development Scotland
Fife Employability Network
Throughout this booklet you’ve read about how Fife Employability Network can help
people with disabilities, those who work with them and employers through services
Kit for Work
Email Vacancy Circulation Service.
Fife Employability Network also offers an online events calendar at to publicise events organised by network agencies, eg
open days.
Support for businesses includes Kit for Work and There’s Ability in Disability, an
online resource to signpost businesses to services who can help with information,
advice and support in employing people with disabilities - visit
 Fife Employability Network
Fife Council Community Services
189 Nicol Street
Kirkcaldy KY1 1PF
01592 583378
Fax: 01592 583634