Digestion Webquest – Do NOT print

Digestion Webquest – Do NOT print
1. Take a Guided Tour of the Digestive Tract at http://www.medtropolis.com/VBody.asp
a. As you are watching the animation “Organs of Digestion,” develop a flow chart
that food takes through the digestive tract.
b. What is the structure that first mechanically digests food?
c. What is the name of the substance that first chemically digests food?
d. Name and describe the process that moves the bolus from the pharynx to the
e. What do stomach cells secrete?
The bolus plus gastric juices in the stomach is called _______________?
Where is bile secreted from? What is its role in digestion?
What is its main function of the small intestine?
What is at the end of the large intestine?
The large intestine is shorter than the small intestine. Why, then, is it called the
large intestine?
2. Organize Your Organs at http://www.medtropolis.com/VBody.asp -digestive tract
3. Go to http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/espv2/data/animals/008/index.html
a. Link to Human Digestion and review through the diagram in the “Introductory”
diagram. On the next page, time how long it takes you to label the digestive
system. _____seconds
b. Click on the arrow at the bottom and view the animation. Click again to the next
slide. What are the special features in the stomach called that aid the function?
Continue clicking through the teeth slides (omit teeth information).
c. What is food called as it moves past the throat region?
d. What is the function of the soft palate?
e. What are the names of the stomach sphincters?
f. According to the stomach diagram, are there more parietal cell or chief cells?
What is the function of each of these cells?
g. How do monosaccharides and amino acids leave the small intestine?
h. How are triglycerides and lipids carried away from the digestive system? What
do bile salts do?
i. View the animation under pyloric sphincter.
j. From the enzyme chart, what enzyme digests protein in the stomach? In the
small intestine?
k. From the Autonomic Nervous system slide, what does gastrin do? When does it
get released?
l. From the diagram under duodenum write a few words about how the blue
coloured hormones act.
m. From the diagram under gall bladder, what do CCK and secretin do and when?
n. Label the diagram under large intestine.
o. According to the mineral chart, what is the main role of zinc in the body?
4. View a virtual pig dissection of the digestive system
http://www.whitman.edu/biology/vpd/main.html. At this time, only view the digestive
5. View the diagrams and animations under
http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/ap/dynamichuman2/content/index2.mhtml . Go to
“digestive” then “visuals”
6. Take the quiz at the above site called self-test (only questions 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, and 15)
and record your score here: ____ out of 7.
7. Go to http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0072437316/student_view0/chapter43/animations.html and write a
paragraph summarizing the movie clip.
8. Make a flow chart of the fate of fats from:
http://cwx.prenhall.com/bookbind/pubbooks/audesirk6/chapter29/deluxe.html under
“Closer Look” selected from the side panel.
9. Review through my powerpoint on the digestive system that is found on the course
10. Complete the 50 multiple choice questions on
n.htm and record your mark here: ________ out of 50
What topics are still fuzzy for you?