Assignment 1

INFO 426
Assignment 1: SDS, Test Spec, and Implementation for Cycle 2
Due date for this assignment is on the syllabus. There are no page limits.
This assignment is to be done by the team you selected for the Launch Report.
This assignment is to create the Software Design Specification (SDS) and Test Specification, and
implement cycle 2 functionality for your team's project.
See the INFO 425 week 3 lecture notes for contents expected. The templates provided should
be used. Include the Certification of Authorship (below) with this assignment (once).
Subsections can be added to the templates, but don't delete any of the contents.
The Test Specification should include at a minimum detailed test procedures for all features
implemented through cycle 2, plus outlines of test procedures for all remaining features. Remember to
include positive and negative test cases where feasible, and test non-functional requirements as well as
When reviewing each others’ work, the Review Report should be used and posted in the File Exchange
section of your team’s group in Blackboard Learn.
An updated Project Schedule spreadsheet should be handed in with the assignment (both worksheets,
the Project Plan and the Activity Summary).
There are written, electronic, and oral components due for this assignment:
The SDS, Test Specification, Review Report, and Project Schedule should be handed in in
writing, and posted electronically to the File Exchange area in Blackboard.
All of your cycle 1 and 2 documents (Launch report, SRS, Test Specification, SDS, Project
Schedule, Review Reports) and implementation through cycle 2 should be handed in on CD or
You will give a brief (10 minute) presentation to the class to describe cycle 2 design and
demonstrate cycle 2 functionality.
Certification of Authorship
Each written assignment must include the following statement, and be signed and dated by all members
of your team. This only needs to be completed for the first assignment of the term.
We certify that:
 This paper is entirely our own work.
 We have not quoted the words of any other person from a printed source or a website without
indicating what has been quoted and providing an appropriate citation.
 We have not submitted this paper to satisfy the requirements of any other course.