Data Structure Question Bank Chapter 1-4

1) What is data structure?State its necessity.
2) Classify and describe different data structure.
3) Describe various type of operator which can be performed on data
4) What is data structure?Explain classification of data structure.
5) Enlist and explain characteristics of algorithm.
6) Describe Big ‘O’ Notation used in algorithm.Give Time and Space
Complexity of all Sorting and Searching.
7) Explain different approach to design an algorithm.
8) What do you mean by primitive and non-primitive data structure explain
with example.
9) What do you mean by linear and non-linear data structure explain with
10) Explain Time and Space complexity related to algorithm and also state
their importance.
11) Explain built in and derived data type with example.
12) Describe abstract data type.
1) Explain Radix sort with example.
2) Explain Merge sort with example.
3) Write Program for Insertion Sort.
4) Write ‘C’ Program for Binary Search.
5) Sort The given numbers in ascending order using Radix Sort.(348 14 614
5381 47 986 2432 128).
6) Write Algorithm for Insertion Sort and arrange the given numbers in
ascending order.(77 33 44 11 88 22 66 55).
7) Describe the principle of Selection Sort and demonstrate using one
8) Write a Program for Bubble Sort in ‘C’ Language.
9) Compare Quick and Heap Sort with respect to working principle and
time complexity.
10) Explain Linear Search Algorithm and state its Limitations.
11) Write an Algorithm for insertion sort and arrange the given numbers in
ascending order.(45 22 8 34 19).
12) Compare Merge and Quick Sort with respect to working principle and
time complexity.
13) What is Searching and Sorting with respect to working principle and time
14) Explain Merge Sort.State advantages and disadvantages and Sort the
following numbers in ascending order using Merge Sort.
15) Compare Quick Sort and Radix Sort with respect to working principle
and time complexity.
16) What is Searching?Explain linear search with example.
17) Write and explain procedure for recursive Quick Sort and Justify with an
18) Write a ‘C’ Program for Selection Sort and arrange the given numbers in
ascending order.(16,23,13,09,07,05).
19) Write an Algorithm for Bubble Sort.
20) Consider a data(53,64,23,66,98,12,76,44,33,10) and write an Algorithm
to search (22) using linear search.
21) Describe Radix Sort Algorithm and State its complexity.
22) Explain the concepts of Sorting Algorithm and efficiencies of Sorting
23) Explain Binary Search Algorithm with example.
24) Explain Quick Sort.State its advantages and disadvantages and Sort the
following numbers in descending order.(11,05,21,03,29,17,02,43).
25) Give principle of Insertion Sort with Algorithm.
1) Define stack and what are the basic operation performed on it explain.
2) Convert following expression Q into postfix and prefix form. Q=(A+B)*CD/E*(F/G).Show stack representation.
3) Write procedure to push element on stack.Also give meaning of stack
overflow,stack underflow,top of stack terms.
4) Explain four primitive operation stack with diagram.
5) Define recursion?Write a ‘C’ Program to find factorial of given number.
6) What is recursion?Write a ‘C’ Program to find fibo series of 1st ten
7) Discuss the Polish Notation of arithmetic expression in application of
8) Discuss push and pop operation on stack.
9) Draw flowchart and Write ‘C’ Program to perform push and pop operation
on stack.
10) State application of stack.
11) State ADT of stack.
1) State ADT for queue
2) Write procedure,draw flow chart and Write ‘C’ Program for inserting and
deleting element in queue.
3) Define Circular Queue. Also explain advantages and disadvantages of
Circular Queue.
4) State application of Queue.
5) State difference between Stack and Queue.
6) Describe the term front pointer,rear pointer,overflow,underflow related to
7) Explain priority Queue with example and its type.
8) Explain concept of Circular Queue with diagram and example.
What is dQueue?List and describe its different type with diagram and
10) Write ‘C’ Program to implement insert and delete operation in queue.
11) Explain Input Restricted and Output Restricted dQueue.