Full news release - The Open University

Media Coverage Report to
the Council
Media Coverage for The Open University,
1st November 2005 – 31st January 2006
Produced by the Media Relations team, part of the University’s Communications Group,
February 2006
Executive Summary
This report summarises the media coverage the Open University received between the 1st
November 2005 and 31st January 2006.
The focus for the OU Media Relations team over this period has been on several strategic
initiatives to highlight the Open University’s position as the UK’s leading open and supported
distance learning institution, the University’s research expertise, as well as the managing a
number of contentious issues that emerged.
Media relations activity and coverage analysis
Between 1st November 2005 and 31st January 2006, the OU media relations team issued 38
news releases (up from 35 over the same period in 2005/06) and handled 200 media enquiries.
Over the period we monitored 1,382 items of news coverage which mentioned the Open
University and/or OU/BBC programmes (an increase of 49 news items compared to the same
period the year before). See Chart 2.
By categorising each piece of media coverage as:
1. “Expert Comment from the OU” (representing news items featuring OU research or
expert academic comment)
2. “OU News” (news stories about OU initiatives, activities or developments); or
3. “OU Name Check” (articles which make only a passing reference to the OU in a
larger article or news item)
it has been possible to provide a basic quantitative and qualitative indication as the potential
communication impact this coverage could have made.
Nearly one third of the media coverage for this period fell into the important “Expert
Comment” category, while the equally significant “OU News” category accounted for a
quarter of the coverage. See Chart 1.
Chart 1: Media coverage by content - November 05 to January 06
OU New s
Name Check
Name Check
Expert Comment
OU News
Chart 2: Media coverage period comparison – 2001/02 to 2005/06
Mid Nov 01 to Mid Feb 02
Report Period
Mid Nov 02 to Mid Feb 03
Mid Nov 03 to Mid Feb 04
Mid Nov 04 to Mid Feb 05
Nov 05 to Jan 06
Total Num ber of Cuttings
Key media coverage of the OU during the period
Higher education
 The Open University led commentary on a number of important higher education
issues covered by the media including ‘e-learning’ (The Parliamentary Monitor) and
a proposed ‘A higher education national grid’ (Times Higher Education Supplement).
The Government White Paper – ‘Higher standards, better schools for all’. This
topic received extensive media coverage, some of which referred to the OU as being
one of a number of organisations to “have already shown interest” in the
Government’s Trust School proposal.
 Open University / NIIT partnership. This new international partnership between
leading Indian IT education provider, NIIT, and the OU gained widespread print and
electronic media coverage across India in particular.
Open University initiatives and activities in Africa. The Vice-Chancellor’s visit to
South Africa with Minister Bill Rammell and an OU project to support higher
education in Africa both attracted some media attention.
Leadership in modern pedagogy
The Open University’s expertise and experience in teaching and learning received national
recognition in a number of quality national newspapers and respected industry journals:
 “The Open University … the backbone of mature study” (Financial Times)
 “The Open University … the leader in distance learning, delivering on-line and
blended learning to an overseas market” (The Guardian)
 The Open University certainly deserves the accolade [top ranking in National Student
Survey]” (Education Journal)
Disciplinary areas and research expertise
Open University academics provided expert comment on a wide range of subjects and issues
that received national and regional media attention. Some of the significant highlights
Professor Colin Pillinger, Professor Monica Grady, Professor John Zarnecki and Dr
Simon Green were among the OU academics widely quoted regarding:
o The discovery of Beagle 2’s wreckage on Mars
o Stardust mission returning to Earth
o The threat to Earth posed by asteroid impact
Faculty of Science research student Helen Keenoo (née Clegg)’s research into
creative people having a more active libido was reported widely across all forms of
media in the UK and around the world.
‘Small businesses see larger counterparts as the biggest challenge to their
future’. This research from the Open University Business School was also picked up
widely by the media.
OU-BBC partnership
In excess of 460 news items were secured during the period of this report for a number of
OU/BBC programmes including the hugely popular Life in the Undergrowth series, BBC’s
flagship business programme The Money Programme, Rough Science (6), The Rules of Life
and A Waste of Shame.
While the many people who watched the programmes might have observed (by watching the
credits) that the Open University was a partner in the production of these programmes, only
10 of the previews, reviews and commentaries in the media made actual reference to the role
of the Open University.
NOTE: Further specific details of the media coverage during the period of this report
are included in the attached appendices.
Focus for the next period
Over the next two to three months the OU media relations team will pursue a number of key
strategic and tactical media liaison activities in order to build, enhance and encourage
favourable media coverage of the OU, as well as continuing to strategically manage
potentially negative or contentious issues which could potentially affect the University.
Some of these activities will include the planning and first stage rollout of the 2006 OU
Graduate Publicity Campaign, a strengthening focus on promoting the OU’s research
achievements and successes, ongoing media training for OU academic and academic support
staff, and greater efforts to publicise the OU’s role in the OU/BBC partnership.
Following feedback since the last Media Report to Council, the structure, format and content of this report has
changed. In addition to this expanded Executive Summary, there are now six appendices which provide additional
detailed information about media coverage of the OU over the period covered by this report. These appendices
which follow are:
1. Contentious coverage, issues and other significant mentions
2. Curriculum, learning and students
3. Expert comment and research news
4. News from the regions
5. OU/BBC Partnership and broadcast coverage
6. Media relations activity and detailed coverage analysis
Contentious coverage, issues and other
significant mentions
Curriculum, learning and students
Expert comment and research news
News from the regions
OU/BBC partnership and broadcast coverage
Media relations activity and detailed analysis
Contentious coverage, issues
and other significant mentions
1.1 Contentious coverage
1.2 Issues
1.3 Other significant mentions
1.1 Contentious coverage
The Government’s White Paper (Higher Standards, Better Schools For All) received
extensive media coverage - some of which included references to the Open University. With
the controversial proposal to create Trust Schools central to many of the stories much of the
media coverage referred to the OU as being one of a number of organisations that “have
already shown interest” in the Trust School concept. Several articles also referred to existing
and future collaborations / partnerships between the OU, Microsoft and Monkseaton High
School, North Tyneside (a possible future Trust School).
New Statesman, The Journal (Newcastle), Times Higher Education Supplement,
The Guardian, Sunday Times, The Times, Junior Education, Channel 4 News,
Public Technology.net website, Red Orbit news website
An article claiming that the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) had delivered a ‘noconfidence’ judgement in the American Intercontinental University (AIU) in London reported
on the implications of this judgement for the Open University. The story noted that “the OU
awards AIU London degrees” and also referred to the previous ‘limited confidence’ verdict
by the QAA in the OU’s collaborative provision.
Times Higher Education Supplement
A local news article focussed on increased course fees facing OU students living in Guernsey.
Guernsey Press and Star
1.2 Issues
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) Dr Paul Clark contributed an article on new
techniques for virtual learning that are widening participation in education.
The Parliamentary Monitor
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Strategy, Planning and External Affairs), Professor David Vincent
wrote about vulnerable fields being saved by sharing expertise nationally – a higher education
‘national grid’.
Times Higher Education Supplement
In an article about students at Sussex University issuing “a vote of no confidence in the
management of the institution”, one unidentified student was quoted as saying “I am not
receiving what I expected out of university and I feel that I should have gone to the Open
University, which is a far cheaper option”.
Times Higher Education Supplement
A proposal for a new university in Milton Keynes was the subject of a local feature article
“New hope for Campbell Park university”. The article referred to the efforts of a consortium
of higher education providers, including the OU, to develop the proposal. A reader responded
through a letter to the editor the following week raising several concerns.
MK News
Two brief news items about the most recent student enrolment data released by HESA (the
Higher Education Statistics Agency) noted that “some 3,400 postgraduates were not recorded
as first-year students by the OU”.
The Guardian Online, Times Higher Education
1.3 Other significant or noteworthy mentions of the OU
Eleven OU staff and students were interviewed during a live two-hour BBC 3 Counties radio
broadcast from the OU Library and Learning Resources Centre at Milton Keynes. Among
those interviewed for the programme were the Vice-Chancellor Professor Brenda Gourley,
Professor Mark Fenton-O’Creevy, Nicky Whitsed, Dr Janet Sumner, Dr Andrew Ball and
Will Swann.
BBC 3 Counties Radio (Milton Keynes) Afternoon Programme
An opinion article by freelance education writer John Izbicki referred to the OU’s ranking in
the 2005 National Student Survey, writing that the OU “certainly deserves the accolade. Its
students are all mature and know what they’re doing”.
Education Journal
A new international partnership between NIIT (a leading Indian IT education provider) and
the OU received widespread print and electronic media coverage across India.
Coverage included stories in the Times of India, India News in Europe programme,
Press Trust of India, United News of India, Hindustan Times, Business Standard,
Financial Express, Asia Pulse. It was also reported in the UK media in Business Weekly
The OU’s initiatives and activities in Africa received some coverage. The Vice-Chancellor’s
visit to South Africa with Minister Bill Rammell and an OU project to support higher
education in Africa both attracted media attention.
The Guardian, Business Weekly, BBC News online
The Ministry of Defence awarded £366m training contract to Cranfield University … and
Cranfield will work with the Open University “which will take on the role of principal subcontractor to address the increasing emphasis placed on distance learning”.
Business Weekly, FE News
The OU is reviewing its media arrangements following a change in its marketing strategy.
Marketing, Media Week
An article highlighting the web’s “best sites for the new year” included the Open University’s
website www.open.ac.uk – “search all OU courses and apply here. Also has advice on help
with funding”.
Web User
Curriculum, learning and students
OU’s strategic priorities:
 Ensure fair access to all
 Respond to students’ and customers’ needs
 To lead the learning revolution
2.1 E-learning
2.2 Life-long learning
2.3 Students and graduates
2.1 E-learning
In a feature story about the benefits that universities accrue from online learning, the OU was
described as “the leader, both in distance learning, delivering online and blended learning to
an overseas market”. The article also included comments from Dr Paul Clark, Pro-ViceChancellor (Learning and Teaching).
The Guardian Weekly
The forthcoming use of the OU’s Moodle course management system was referred to in
The Guardian and in several regional media
2.2 Life-long learning
The OU was mentioned within a wide range of regional, specialist, national and
foreign media in the context of articles about lifelong learning. These media included:
Courrier Cadres (France)
Daily Express (x2)
Early Years Educator
Handelsblatt (Germany)
Harrods magazine
The Independent
The Independent A-Z of Business Schools
Liverpool Echo
London Evening Standard
Nursing Standard
Sec Ed (education title) (x2)
She magazine
Sole 24 Ore (Italy)
Step Ahead magazine
Web User magazine (x2)
West Highland Free Press
Widnes World
Zurnal (Slovenia)
In an article about people who change career, the OU was referred to as “the backbone of
mature study”.
Financial Times
The Open University’s Young Applicants in Schools Scheme, which allows students to take
selected OU courses at the same time as A-levels, was the subject of regional press coverage.
Surrey Comet
2.3 Students and graduates
Media coverage of the increasing number of younger students who are attracted to OU study
continued – with an opinion article about the trend by OU associate lecturer John Kirkaldy, It
was published in the Times Higher Education Supplement.
OU Law School received a high score in assessment and feedback in a national student
The Times
Among the graduates and alumni whose OU studies were referred to in national press
articles included:
 Graduate Jacqui Jackson, from Blackpool, Lancs, was the subject of a BBC 2 drama.
 BBC2, The Sunday Times, The Weekly News
Flight attendant Robert Vogelauer described his experiences of OU study. Daily Mail
Among graduates and alumni whose OU studies were referred to in regional press and
specialist articles were:
 OU Business School graduate Owen Laurenson described his MBA studies
 Sheila Rowan and Nusrat Rafiq featured in an article to mark 35 years since the first
students began to study with the OU
 MBA graduate James Cretney, a zoo chief executive, spoke about his MBA studies
 Teacher Tony Neville, of Portsmouth, has been teaching for more than 50 years
 Student Jenny Prow was interviewed about her role in an OU TV advertisement
Among current students who referred to their OU studies in national, regional and
specialist press articles were:
 Comedian Lenny Henry referred to his OU study while endorsing the ‘Sign Up Now’
national adult education campaign.
11 articles across a range of media outlets
Student and engineering award winner Faye Banks was featured in an article about
young female engineers.
The Daily Telegraph
Expert comment and research news
OU Strategic priorities
 Focus Research Activity
A number of OU research-based stories during this period generated widespread media
coverage, due in part, to the stories being syndicated by the Press Association.
Social Sciences
OU Research Student Helen Clegg’s research into artists and creative people having more
active libidos than others.
Extensive worldwide coverage across all media
Prof Richard Stevens, Chair of OU’s Social Psychology Course, was part of the BBC
programme Make Slough Happy, an exercise in group happiness.
The Times
OU Professor Ann Phoenix is contributing to the Commission on Families’ study that
children under 16 should rarely be prosecuted for crimes, and children under 12 should never
be prosecuted.
Daily Mail
Prof David Male, an OU-based immunologist, says bird flu worries are well-founded.
MK Citizen
Beagle 2’s wreckage located on surface of Mars.
Times, Sun, Telegraph, BBC News, plus extensive coverage in regional papers
Stardust mission returns to Earth: OU to be involved in post-landing research, quoting Dr
Simon Green and Prof Monica Grady.
Major national newspapers, BBC News
A return to the orangey world – Prof John Zarnecki interviewed about Huygen’s mission data,
one year after landing.
BBC News
BBC Radio 4 Material World programme was broadcast live from OU with a panel of experts
discussing space.
NASA launches mission to Pluto: there was no OU involvement, but OU experts such as Prof
Colin Pillinger and Monica Grady featured as expert commentators.
BBC TV Breakfast and other media
Asteroid threat to Earth: Expert comment from OU Professor Monica Grady.
Channel 4 News
OU students to link their computers to one of world’s largest telescopes.
Nottingham Evening Post
Earth Sciences
BBC News Science and Nature ran a story from OU Biology Professor Tim Halliday.
Professor of Ecology Jonathan Silvertown had an essay published from his book ‘Demons in
Eden: the paradox of plant diversity’.
New Scientist
OU Business School
Sally Dibb, Professor of Marketing, was quoted on different types of shoppers.
The Times
Sally Dibb was listed as being a successful academic writer for her book ‘Marketing Briefs: a
revision study guide’.
Times Higher Education Supplement
The boom in broadband use by small businesses (OU SERT team research).
Press Association
The difference between men and women in business (OU SERT team research).
Press Association
Small businesses see larger counterparts as biggest challenge to their future (OU SERT team
Extensive coverage in the media following a syndicated Press Association story
Profile of distance learning MBA degrees featured expert quotes from the Dean, Professor
James Fleck.
The Daily Telegraph
Health and Social Care
OU is credited with developing a knowledge management system for breast cancer screening.
The British Journal of Healthcare Computing.
Dr Ashley Green was quoted as an expert in robotics within a story on the RoboCup Junior
Daily Mail
Education and Language Studies
OU Professor of Education David Messer was quoted on babies’ responses to voices.
Professor Messer also quoted on children’s attachment to comfy blankets and bears.
Prima Baby, Junior magazine
12 year old is the first child to publish (through the OU Children’s Research Centre) a
research paper in a mainstream academic journal in the UK.
Times Higher Education Supplement
OU research shows students are concerned about rising debt for higher education and that
work sometimes harms their studies.
Education Guardian and Public Finance
Katy Simmons, an OU lecturer, wrote an opinion piece on government white paper on
education. Meanwhile, visiting OU Professor Ron Glatter was critical of the plans in another
Times Education Supplement x 2
Professor Ron Glatter wrote an opinion piece on Tony Blair’s independent state schools
Times Education Supplement
Special Brothers and Sisters: Book review, by Jonathan Rix, OU lecturer in inclusive
Times Education Supplement Extra
Professor Clive Emsley nominated Jack the Ripper as one of the ten worst Britons for BBC
History magazine. This “list” received extensive coverage in other newspapers and on radio.
Alan MacColl wrote an extensive story on English versus British history.
History Today magazine
Emily Cockayne, OU AL, and her research into music in early modern English towns.
The Guardian
News from the regions
The OU received a wealth of media coverage, 649 stories in all, within the local and regional
media (including press and radio) during the period of this report.
The coverage comprised a combination of simple namechecks (where the OU was briefly
referred to), stories about OU students, alumni and courses, supplemented by national stories
which were reported locally and also region-specific stories.
A number of the region-specific news stories included:
Region 02 – The Open University in the South
A photographic exhibition at the campus library
local Milton Keynes media
The hosting of a Lego league for robotics, attended by local pupils
Milton Keynes Citizen
Region 03 – The Open University in the South-West
Advice events for potential students
Region 04 – The Open University in the West Midlands
The University’s sponsorship of the Darwin Festival, Shrewsbury
Advice events for potential students
various local media
Shropshire Star
Malvern Gazette
Region 06 – The Open University in the East of England
Reopening of the regional centre at Cintra House, Cambridge
Cambridge Evening News
Participation in a regional event to encourage interest in adult learning various local media
Advice events for potential students
East Anglian Daily Times, Thetford & Watton Times
Region 08 – The Open University in the North-West
Acting R08 regional director Lynda Cunningham, who was guest of honour at a college
awards ceremony.
Accrington Observer
Region 9 - The Open University in the North
The presentation of awards to pupils taking part in the Young Applicants in Schools Scheme
in West Cumbria
Carlisle News & Star, Keswick Reminder, North-West Evening Mail,
Whitehaven News, Workington Times & Star
The opening of the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Inclusivity in
Contemporary Musical Culture, a joint initiative among the universities in the North-East of
England, including the OU, was featured.
The Northern Echo; Gateshead Herald & Post
Region 13 – The Open University in the South-East
Advice events for potential students.
Chichester Observer
OU/BBC partnership and
broadcast coverage
OU’s strategic priorities:
 Work in partnership
Coverage for OU/BBC
During this period, the OU expanded its broadcasting portfolio and became involved in coproducing the BBC’s flagship business production, The Money Programme. Other OU/BBC
programmes that aired during this period and attracted media coverage included Life in the
Undergrowth, Rough Science, A Waste of Shame and The Rules of Life.
5.1 Coverage for BBC/OU programmes
The Money Programme
The following statistics for press and broadcast coverage have been recorded for The Money
TV listings magazines previews and features
National press previews and reviews (TV/radio supplements and daily
TV/radio pages)
National press articles (non-TV/radio sections)
Regional press previews and reviews (TV supplements and daily TV pages)
Regional press articles (non-TV/radio section)
Specialist titles (e.g. history magazines)
Broadcast features
Other (web etc)
* Included mentions of the OU’s involvement in the programme in MK Business and Business
Quote from the media:
"These Money Programme specials are becoming impressively watchable examples of
modern business”
The Daily Telegraph
Life in the Undergrowth
Life in the Undergrowth used the latest camera technology to capture amazing images of
invertebrates in their natural habitat. The Open University fully funded 5 x 10 minute shorts
at the end of the main 50-minute programmes examining the science and technology used to
bring the stunning images in the main programmes to the screen.
The following statistics for press and broadcast coverage have been recorded for Life in the
TV listings magazines previews and features
National press previews and reviews (TV/radio supplements and daily
TV/radio pages)
National press articles (non-TV/radio sections)
Regional press previews and reviews (TV supplements and daily TV pages)
Regional press articles (non-TV/radio section)
Specialist titles (e.g. history magazines)
Broadcast features
Other (web etc)
*Included three OU references in articles.
Quote from the media:
"..for me the best part of the programme is the ‘fly on the wall’ section at the end of the
The Guardian
Rough Science 6
For the sixth series of Rough Science, an OU-BBC programme, the team of four scientists
were based in the high peaks of Colorado in an ore-processing mill.
The following statistics for press and broadcast coverage of Rough Science 6 have been
TV listings magazines previews and features
National press previews and reviews (TV/radio supplements and daily
TV/radio pages)
National press articles (non-TV/radio sections)
Regional press previews and reviews (TV supplements and daily TV pages)
Regional press articles (non-TV/radio section)
Specialist titles (e.g. history magazines)
Broadcast features
Other (web etc)
* One item of news coverage - in the Daily Mail - mentioned the OU’s involvement.
Quotes from the media:
"Rough Science is the kind of series parents hope their children will watch, thus becoming
inspired by the spirit of scientific enquiry”
Daily Mail
A Waste of Shame
The Open University further expanded its drama output with this 90-minute exploration of the
story behind the creation of Shakespeare’s Love Sonnets, written by William Boyd, which
formed part of the BBC’s Shakespeare season.
The following statistics for press and broadcast coverage of A Waste of Shame have been
TV listings magazines previews and features
National press previews and reviews (TV/radio supplements and daily
TV/radio pages)
National press articles (non-TV/radio sections)
Regional press previews and reviews (TV supplements and daily TV pages)
Regional press articles (non-TV/radio section)
Specialist titles (e.g. history magazines)
Broadcast features
Other (web etc)
* Included two news articles where the OU was credited at length – Radio Times and Total
TV Guide.
There was also additional coverage of A Waste of Shame in regional press which was not
tracked by the media clippings agency.
The Rules of Life
The Rules of Life was an 8-part flagship series for Radio 4. Focusing on the evolution of
animal behaviour, The Rules of Life, was presented by Edinburgh University’s Professor
Aubrey Manning.
The following statistics for press and broadcast coverage of The Rules of Life have been
TV listings magazines previews and features
National press previews and reviews (TV/radio supplements and daily
TV/radio pages)
National press articles (non-TV/radio sections)
Regional press previews and reviews (TV supplements and daily TV pages)
Regional press articles (non-TV/radio section)
Specialist titles (e.g. history magazines)
Broadcast features
Other (web etc)
* Included two articles which mentioned the OU – the Evening Standard and Radio Times.
Nearly a third of all the coverage of The Rules of Life mentioned the fact that the presenter
Professor Aubrey Manning was from Edinburgh University.
Quote from the media:
“Unlike most popular science, this series doesn’t gloss over important details… it’s no
surprise to discover that it’s a co-production with the Open University.”
Radio Times
Media Relations activity and analysis
6.1 OU News releases
6.2 Media inquires
6.3 Media Relations activity: key statistics and analysis
6.4 OU Media Relations Office
6.1 OU News releases
The Media Relations team issued 38 news releases during the period of this report on a range
of subjects including:
OU welcomes support for part-time higher education
Science controversy debated
Universities in Africa benefit from OU teaching materials in new Open Door
Leading journal [Science] highlights OU’s space science success
Ancient parts of a comet to land in Open University lab
Copies of news releases issued by the Media Relations team can be downloaded at
6.2 Media enquiries
200 media enquiries were received by the OU Media Relations Office during the
period of this report (slightly more than for the equivalent period in 2004/05). The
inquiries were as follows:
Type of Media
National ‘quality’ papers
Other National papers
Local and Regional papers
Magazines (general interest, specialist and trade)
Others (incl web)
No. of Enquiries
6.3 Media Relations activity: key statistics and detailed analysis
By classifying each item of OU news coverage as either Expert Comment from the OU, OU
News or an OU Name Check, it has been possible to provide a basic qualitative and
quantitative indication as to potential impact of the media coverage over this period.
Expert Comment represents media coverage in which the OU (either as an
organisation or through individual academic staff) is seen as either providing expert
comment on a newsworthy issue, or leading the debate on a particular subject – such
as through announcing the findings of research conducted at the OU. Media coverage
of this type helps effectively position the OU as a high quality and comprehensive
research and teaching institution.
Coverage of OU events, initiatives and appointments falls into the OU News
category. Coverage of this type can provide an important and valuable public
platform to communicate the OU’s vision, goals and strategic priorities.
OU Name checks are where the Open University is mentioned in passing within a
separate, non-OU news story or article. While it arguably has the least impact it is
still important. A high volume of “Name Checks” across a broad cross-section of
media (particularly within the regional and local press), is crucial tool in building and
maintaining an overall favourable public profile for and awareness of the OU.
Nearly one third of the coverage during this period of this report fell into the “Expert
Comment” category, while “OU News” accounted for a quarter of the media coverage. See
Chart 6.3.1.
Chart 6.3.1: Media coverage by content - November 05 to January 06
OU News
Name Check
Name Check
Expert Comment
OU News
Expert Comment
The figures below show the number of news items and source of media coverage for The
Open University during the period of this report.
Type of Media
National ‘quality’ papers
Other National papers
Local and Regional papers
Magazines (general interest, specialist and trade)
Others (incl web)
Number of Cuttings
During this period, the Open University was written, featured and referred to within the full
spectrum of media – from the Financial Times and BBC TV through to Wigan World.
The UK regional media continued to be the greatest source of OU news coverage with 44%,
although the newly-created categories of “National: Quality papers” and “National: Others”
made up a total of 16%, which compared favourably to the figure of 12% for the combined
“National category” during the previous period. See Chart 6.3.2.
Chart 6.3.2: Media coverage media type - November 05 to January 06
(eg PA)
National Quality
National Others
National Quality
National Others
Magazine & New sletters
Magazine &
New sletters
(eg PA)
The quantity of media coverage the Open University has received since November 2001 has
followed a general upward trend, with the trend over the last three years shown in Chart 6.4.3
Chart 6.3.3: Open University media coverage, November 2003 to January 2006
Feb 03 to Apr 03
Jun 03 to Sep 03
Council Report
Mid Nov 03 to Mid Feb 04
Apr 04 to Jun 04
Sep 04 to Nov 04
Feb 05 to Apr 05
Jun 05 to Sep 05
Nov 05 to Jan 06
Num ber of Articles
6.4 The Media Relations Office
The Open University Media Relations team, part of the University's Communications Group,
is made up of:
Peter Giesinger
Neil Coaten
Louis De La Forêt
Ann-Marie Hamill
Guy Bailey
Head of Media Relations
Media Relations Officer
Media Relations Officer
Media Relations Officer
Media Relations Officer
(Report compiled by Adrian Linden with support from Angie Walton of the
Communications Group)