JAN-16-Bulletin - Rock Valley First Reformed Church

1501 16th Street
Rock Valley, IA 51247
Fax: 476-9954
Email Address
Office: 476-2376
Youth Office: 476-9951
Pastor Garry Nyenhuis: 476-9952
Parsonage: 476-2933
Our mission is to learn God's love for His people, and to learn to love Him and
them. Our vision is to see the individuals of our community, our nation, and our
world come to a knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus Christ, so that they
too may be equipped by the Holy Spirit and function as a vital piece of the
beautiful bride of Christ.
Worship services are at 9:30 am and 6:00 pm on Sundays
Digital channel 116.78; DVR channel 78 or Analog channel 12
Office Hours: Tues. – Thurs. 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
January 18, 2015
We Enter Into God’s Presence
Call to Worship…………………………………………………Responsive Reading
Prayer of Invocation
*Time of Greeting
*Song of Praise....................................#30 “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”
Ministry of Music………………………………………………Power & Praise Choir
Announcements/Congregational Prayer
*Offertory Prayer
*Song of Praise……………………….............#382 “Have Thine Own Way, Lord”
Children’s Message…………………………………………………….Dawn De Wit
We Hear God’s Word
Scripture……………………………...........................................(pg. 974) Psalm 139
Message………………………...................................“NO ESCAPE FROM GOD”
Prayer of Application
We Respond to God’s Word
*Song of Response…………………........................#402 “Take Time to Be Holy”
*Closing Song……………………………………………..“His Name Is Wonderful”
Organist: Alma Verburg
Pianist: Mary Koldenhoven
Call to Worship
Prayer of Invocation
Hymn……………………………………..#373 “More About Jesus Would I Know”
*Hymn…………………………………………………#286 “Naught Have I Gotten”
Prayer Requests/Congregational Prayer
Hymn………………………………..#406 “Days Are Filled with Sorrow and Care”
Scripture………………………………………………….(pg. 1818) Ephesians 2:1-5
Message………………………………………………...“MADE ALIVE IN CHRIST”
Prayer of Application
*Hymn……………………………………………#381 “Teach Me Thy Will, O Lord”
Pianist: Ruth Vande Stroet
MORNING WORSHIP: Welcome to the First Reformed Church, we are glad to
have you worshiping with us. Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday! Pastor Calvin
Ver Mum will be conducting our worship service. Thanks to the Power &
Praise choir for ministering to us in music. Everyone is invited to join us for
coffee, juice, and cookies following the worship service.
10:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL: 3yrs – 6th grade
CATECHISM: 7th – 12th grade
6:00 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP: Jerry Kelderman will be leading worship.
6:00 P.M. CLASS: Small Groups!
CLASS is off to a great start with the envelope fundraiser for our Haiti Mission
Trip! We still have several envelopes available in various increments if you
would like to be involved! Just place the matching funds inside the envelope
and return to Jen or you may place them in the collection plate. Thank you for
your continued support in helping us be HIS hands and feet!!
JAM will be having a Taco Supper on Wed, Jan. 28 from 5-7 pm. This will be a
fundraiser for Power Connection in July! Please join us for tacos, nachos,
Spanish rice, hot dogs and dessert!
FOOD PANTRY is in need of toilet paper and laundry detergent. If you would
like to donate these items, please place them in the box in the Fellowship Hall.
Check out the Opportunities Table – things change weekly!
-Johanna Oldenkamp remains under Hospice Care.
-Alma Landegent will celebrate her 85th Birthday on Wednesday.
January B’days: Gert Huisman 1/17/22
January Missionaries: Brian & Donna Renes, 238 4th Ave. SE, Sioux Center,
IA 51250
Calvin & Jane Ver Mulm family
GREETERS: A.M. N. Fellowship: Ralph & Sheri Bousema
S. Fellowship: Ross & Brooke Bousema family
Narthex: Jim & Esther Bouwman
Overflow: Kevin & Melinda Bouwman
P.M. Narthex: Bill & Carol Bouwman
A.M. Justin Juffer, Jerry Kelderman, Bernie Rhods
P.M. Darrell Vande Vegte
SOUND/POWER POINT: Blankespoor family
LIFT: Marv Hoogendoorn
COFFEE SERVERS: Rod & Lil Netten
OFFERING: Church Ministry Fund
SHAKING HANDS: Back Center: Gerrit Van Holland
Back West: Rod Netten
Overflow: Keith Boer
Front East: Gary Miller
Front West: Cal Ver Mulm
SOUP SUPPER: The Women’s Ministries Soup Supper will be held on
Wednesday, February 25. Please signup today!
SHEPHERDS TABLE will be held at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church on
Monday, February 2 from 5:15-6:30 pm. First Reformed is a co-sponsor; so we
will be needing several volunteers to help out! Please sign up today!
ALL LADIES are invited to a Christian Women’s Brunch on Wednesday,
January 21 @ 9:15 am at the Whispering Heights Community Senior Center.
Brunch is $4.00. Inspirational message will be given by Pam Wilson; the
Wamalas will favor us with their music and Sue Noteboom will share Diabetes
Education. An offering will be received for Stonecroft Ministries. Please call
Winifred @ 470-5549 or Bertha @ 476-2583 if you would like to come.
If you or a family member have a prayer concern and would like to have either
the elders or the whole church pray with you or for you, please let a member of
the consistory or Pastor Garry know.
7:00 P.M. ELDERS MEETING – Anyone desiring to profess Jesus Christ as
their personal Lord and Savior is invited to join us.
6:00 A.M. MENS BIBLE STUDY at the Pizza Ranch!
6:45-7:45 P.M. PIONEER CLUB
6:45-7:45 P.M. JAM – Large Group!
12:00 P.M. PRAYER MEETING – Racial Reconciliation
9:00 A.M. STEPPING UP, a call to courageous manhood video event. Feel
like you’re being blitzed by life? Let Tony Dungy, Matt Chandler, and others
help you develop a game plan for living a godly, courageous life.
Pastor Garry will conduct our morning worship service; an offering will be
received for The Shepherd’s Table. Janet Holsather will be leading our
evening worship.
Myron & Joni Van Ginkel
GREETERS: A.M. N. Fellowship: Cornie & Barb Brands
S. Fellowship: Weston & Heather De Jager family
Narthex: Russ & Karen Calsbeek
Overflow: Ed & Rose De Ruyter
P.M. Narthex: Matt & Dawn De Wit family
A.M. Rich Schwanke, Ed De Ruyter, Duane Middle
P.M. Rod Netten
MINISTRY OF MUSIC: Ed & Alma Post – Practice at 9am!
LIFT: Karen Calsbeek
CHILDREN’S MESSAGE: Sandi Koldenhoven
COFFEE SERVERS: Jody Sears, Laurie Baatz, Bud Vogelzang
OFFERING: 1st: Church Ministry Fund 2nd: The Shepherd’s Table
TIP NIGHT: Call up your friends and plan to eat together at the Rock Valley
Pizza Ranch on Saturday, January 24! It's a Tip Night to benefit Siouxland
Habitat for Humanity and our mission to put God's love into action by building
homes, communities and hope. Volunteers will be serving from 5:00 - 8:00.
Plan on taking home a few extra goodies from the bake sale as well.
DAY OF ENCOURAGEMENT will be held on the Dordt College campus on
Saturday, February 7, 2015.Registration forms are available on the
Opportunities Table.
NWC: The Northwestern College National Alumni Board is hosting its annual
Scholarship Auction on Saturday, Feb. 14, in the Rowenhorst Student Center.
The event supports student scholarships. The morning will begin at 7:30 a.m.
with a Belgian waffle breakfast which will be available until 11 a.m. Browsing of
auction items also begins at that time. Bidding and buy-it-now are available at
9:30. The audible auction begins at 11:00 a.m. More than 300 items are
currently available, including U.S. vacation packages, event tickets, restaurant
certificates, Raider memorabilia and fine art. Browse online starting Jan. 15 at
www.nwciowa/auction. Items will be added daily. Snacks and lunch will
also be available. Please plan to join us!
JUSTICE FOR ALL is planning another bus tour! This spring we are planning
a trip to Mississippi. Dates are April 8-15. You will have the opportunity to see
firsthand and meet those who are on the front lines of Christian community
development at our partner ministries in Mississippi! But we wish to take this
tour one step further; we will look carefully at the history of a state whose racial
divide rivaled none in the country. From Native American history, slavery, Jim
Crow, Civil Rights, to present day, the story has not been easy. Many of our
partner ministries are serving in communities and neighborhoods which still
suffer the effects of this history. But there is hope! You are invited to join us
as we visit our partner ministries in Mississippi, as well as visiting
places/landmarks which contributed to Mississippi’s story. We will have the
privilege of hearing firsthand accounts from our friends who were involved and
continue to be involved in the fight for justice and reconciliation in Mississippi!
We will visit incredible museums, an old plantation, national parks, and other
places that will help us understand the ‘story’. Please call Vern or Pat at JFA
(476-2804) for more information or to sign up for the tour. We will need
commitments by the end of February.
Pastor: Rev. Garry Nyenhuis
Visitation Pastor: Janet Holsather
Education Director: Jennifer Taylor
Visit us at www.rvfrc.org
Dave Wesselink ’15
Rod Netten ’15
Larry Landegent ’15
Dave Van Holland ’16
Keith Boer ’16
Cal Ver Mulm ’16
Gerrit Van Holland ’17
Dan Taylor ’17
Gary Miller ’17
Dave Bliek ‘15
Berwyn Van Kekerix ‘15
Kevin Bouwman ‘15
Micah Vis ‘16
Brad Netten ‘16
Allen Van Zanten ‘16
Brian Vande Hoef ‘17
Matt Vande Kamp ‘17
Paul Van Kekerix ‘17
Vice-President: Dave Van Holland
Asst. Vice President: Dan Taylor
Chairman of Deacons: Micah Vis
Asst. Chairman of Deacons: Brian Vande Hoef
Treasurer for Church Ministry Fund: Brad Netten
Asst. Treasurer: Matt Vande Kamp
Executive Committee: Pastor Garry, Gary Miller, Dave Van Holland, Dan Taylor, Micah Vis,
Brad Netten
Clerk: Gary Miller
Sacraments: Larry Landegent, Keith Boer
Education: Jennifer Taylor, Cal Ver Mulm, Gary Miller, Paul Van Kekerix
Vacation Bible School: Kayla Vande Vegte, Brittany Van Den Top
Youth: Jennifer Taylor, Matt & Dawn De Wit, Chris & Arlana Huyser, Gary Miller
Women’s Ministries Service Reps: Sandi Koldenhoven, Sheri Bousema
WM Service Rep Assistants: Jillian Blankespoor, Ashley Vis
Church Use: Sheri Bousema, Dave Bliek, Rod Netten, Berwyn Van Kekerix
Benevolent: Paul Van Kekerix, Kevin Bouwman
Missions: Wilbur & Madelyn Vander Heul, Bill Bouwman, Pete & Ruth Vande Stroet,
Jennifer Taylor, Gerard Van Beek, Garry Nyenhuis, Allen Van Zanten, Gerrit Van Holland
Music/Worship: Jane Ver Mulm, Clara Bannick, Marilyn Van Holland, Dawn De Wit, Arlana
Huyser, Donna Miller, Jennifer Taylor, Dave Wesselink
Audio: Kevin Bouwman, Jerry Kelderman
Schedules & Focus: Sheri Bousema
Nursery: *Ashley Vis, Traci Landegent
Decorating: Sandi Scholten, Deb Kempema, Dawn Netten
Rod Netten & Cal Ver Mulm = Baatz-Hauser
Keith Boer & Dave Van Holland = Helgerson-Oldenkamp
Larry Landegent & Gerrit Van Holland = Oostenink-Van Roekel
Dave Wesselink & Dan Taylor = Van Veldhuizen-Zylstra