New Hanover County Schools
Spanish II
Pacing Guide
Description of the Course
Spanish II provides students with opportunities to continue the development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Students participate in simple oral conversational situations using past and present tense. They create compositions which narrate, describe, compare, and summarize familiar topics from the Spanish culture. Focus is placed on understanding main ideas.
How to use this guide
This guide was created for a block schedule and is divided by the nine-weeks marking period. Teachers should follow this pacing guide in order to ensure that each benchmark outlined is achieved within all Level II Spanish classes throughout New
Hanover County. This pacing guide was not written to align with a specific textbook – most books cover the Spanish objectives in a similar manner. With this observation in mind, we have omitted page numbers and specific activities that appear in various textbooks. It is therefore suggested that teachers use the “Teacher Note” column to add information for resources in and outside of the textbook. Finally, this guide serves as a tool to correlate the objectives of the classroom to those of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and to unify learning throughout our system.
Resources and Assessment Tools
Current textbook and ancillaries as adopted by New Hanover County
Other textbooks and ancillaries as teacher sees fit
Teacher/Textbook-made quizzes and tests
Teacher/Textbook-generated rubrics
Student Portfolio
First Nine-Weeks Grading Period
Can students :
1.) expand upon previously learned vocabulary related to the classroom and extracurricular activities?
1.01; 1.02;
1.04; 1.05;
2.01; 2.02;
2.03; 2.04;
2.05; 2.06;
3.01; 3.02;
3.03; 3.04;
3.05; 3.06;
3.07; 4.05;
5.02; 5.03;
5.04; 5.07;
6.01; 6.02;
6.03; 6.04;
6.05; 7.06
2.) use affirmative and negative terms?
3.) use comparisons of equality and combine these with previously learned comparisons of inequality?
4.) use negative familiar commands and combine these with previously learned affirmative familiar commands?
5.) understand and use hace + time expressions in writing and speech?
6.) demonstrate an awareness of culturally-specific customs,
1.01; 1.02;
1.04; 1.05;
2.01; 2.02;
2.04; 2.05;
3.01; 3.02;
3.04; 3.06;
3.07; 4.01;
4.03; 4.05;
5.01; 5.03;
5.04; 5.07;
6.01; 6.02;
6.03; 6.04;
6.05; 7.06 fine arts, and history related to the above topics?
Can students :
1.) communicate about daily routines using reflexive verbs?
2.) expand upon previously learned vocabulary related to clothing to discuss shopping and fashion?
3.) expand upon previously learned possessive adjectives to include their long forms?
4.) use demonstrative adjectives in writing and
Name and identify vocabulary related to the classroom and extracurricular activities.
Exchange information by asking and answering questions about the classroom and extracurricular activities.
Exchange information using affirmative and negative terms?
Exchange information using comparisons.
Give and follow detailed instructions orally and in writing.
Give an oral presentation to include classroom vocabulary, extracurricular activities, comparisons, familiar commands, and plays; etc.) hace + time expressions graphic organizer; brochure; poster; etc.)
. (i.e. songs; skits;
Create written products to incorporate classroom vocabulary, extracurricular activities, comparisons, familiar commands, and hace + time expressions . (i.e.
View, listen to, and/or read from a variety of sources in the Spanish language in order to make inferences and draw conclusions about the target language and culture.
Name and identify personal items, clothing and shopping vocabulary.
Exchange information by asking and answering questions about daily routines.
Exchange information by asking and answering questions about clothing, shopping and fashion.
Exchange information using possessive adjectives.
Exchange information using demonstrative adjectives.
Write and speak using the simple past tense in a personalized context.
Give an oral presentation to include reflexive verbs,
1.01; 1.02;
1.03; 1.04;
1.05; 2.01;
2.02; 2.03;
2.04; 2.05;
3.01; 3.02;
3.04; 3.05;
3.06; 3.07;
4.01; 4.02;
4.04; 4.06;
5.01; 5.02;
5.03; 5.04;
5.06; 5.07;
6.01; 6.02;
6.03; 6.04;
6.05; 7.06
1.01; 1.02;
1.05; 2.02;
2.05; 2.06;
3.01; 3.04;
5.) use verbs in the simple past tense (preterite) with regular conjugations?
6.) demonstrate an awareness of culturally-specific customs, fine arts, and history related to the above topics?
Can students :
1.) expand upon previously learned vocabulary related to places within the community?
2.) communicate about driving and give and understand directions?
3.) expand upon previously learned simple past tense conjugations to include irregular verbs?
4.) expand upon previously learned tú commands to include irregulars?
5.) expand upon the previously learned present progressive tense to include irregular verbs?
6.) demonstrate an awareness of culturally-specific customs, fine arts, and history related to the above topics?
Can students :
1.) communicate about special events and childhood activities?
CONNECTIONS clothing vocabulary, shopping and fashion, possessive adjectives, and the simple past tense. (i.e. songs; skits; plays; etc.)
Create written products to incorporate reflexive verbs, clothing vocabulary, shopping and fashion, possessive adjectives, and the simple past tense. (i.e. graphic organizer; poster; etc.)
View, listen to, and/or read from a variety of sources in the Spanish language in order to make inferences and draw conclusions about the target language and culture.
Name and identify places within the community.
Write and speak using terms associated with directions and driving in a variety of contexts.
Write and speak using the simple past tense in a personalized context.
Give and follow detailed instructions orally and in writing.
Write and speak using the present progressive in a personalized context.
Give an oral presentation to include vocabulary associated with the community, directions, and driving, the simple past, tú commands, and the present progressive. (i.e. songs; skits; plays; etc.)
Create written products to incorporate the community, directions, and driving, the simple past, tú commands, and the present progressive. (i.e. graphic organizer; poster; map; etc.)
View, listen to, and/or read from a variety of sources in the Spanish language in order to make inferences and draw conclusions about the target language and culture.
Name and identify special events and childhood activities.
Exchange information by using object pronouns.
Write and speak using the imperfect tense in a
3.06; 3.07;
4.01; 4.06;
5.02; 5.06;
5.09; 5.10;
6.01; 6.02;
6.03; 6.04;
6.05; 7.01;
7.02; 7.03;
2.) expand upon previously learned direct object pronouns to include indirect object pronouns and their combined placement?
3.) conjugate and use the imperfect tense?
4.) expand upon previously learned reflexive pronouns to express reciprocal actions?
5.) demonstrate an awareness of culturally-specific customs, fine arts, and history related to the above topics?
Second Nine Weeks Grading Period
1.01; 1.02;
1.04; 1.05;
2.01; 2.02;
2.04; 2.05;
3.01; 3.02;
3.03; 3.04;
3.06; 3.07;
4.05; 4.06;
5.02; 5.04;
5.05; 6.01;
6.02; 6.03;
6.04; 6.05;
7.03; 7.06
CONNECTIONS personalized context.
Exchange information using reciprocal actions.
Give an oral presentation to include vocabulary associated with special events, childhood activities, object pronouns, the imperfect tense and reciprocal actions. (i.e. songs; skits; plays; etc.)
Create written products to incorporate special events, childhood activities, object pronouns, the imperfect tense and reciprocal actions. (i.e. graphic organizer; poster; map; etc.)
View, listen to, and/or read from a variety of sources in the Spanish language in order to make inferences and draw conclusions about the target language and culture.
Can Students:
1.) communicate about emergencies, accident scenes, injuries and treatments?
2.) conjugate, differentiate between, and apply the simple past and imperfect tenses?
3.) conjugate and use the imperfect progressive tense?
4.) combine the simple past and imperfect progressive tenses to describe events that were taking place over a period of time in the past?
5.) demonstrate an awareness of culturally-specific customs, fine arts, and history related to the above topics?
Name and identify vocabulary associated with emergencies, crises, accident scenes, injuries, and treatments.
Exchange past information by using the simple past and imperfect tenses.
Write and speak using the imperfect progressive tense in a personalized context.
Exchange past information with the use of the simple past and the imperfect progressive tenses.
Give an oral presentation to include vocabulary associated with emergencies, accident scenes, injuries and treatments, and the past tenses. (i.e. skits; news reports; etc.)
Create written products to incorporate emergencies, accident scenes, injuries and treatments, and the past tenses. (i.e. accident/police reports; journal entries; stories; etc.)
View, listen to, and/or read from a variety of sources in the Spanish language in order to make inferences and draw conclusions about the target language and culture.
1.01; 1.02;
1.03; 1.04;
2.02; 2.04;
2.05; 3.01;
3.03; 3.04;
3.06; 3.07;
4.05; 4.06;
5.10;; 6.01;
6.02; 6.03;
6.04; 6.05;
7.04; 7.06
1.04; 2.02;
2.03; 2.04;
2.05; 3.01;
3.02; 3.05;
3.06; 3.07;
4.05; 5.02;
5.07; 6.01;
6.02; 6.03;
6.04; 6.05;
Can students :
1.) expand upon previously learned extracurricular activities to include contests and sporting events?
2.) communicate about performance art and/or films to include plots and characters, and give opinions?
3.) conjugate and use the present perfect tense?
4.) use present participles as adjectives to describe?
5.) demonstrate an awareness of culturally-specific customs, fine arts, and history related to the above topics?
Can students :
1.) expand upon previously learned food vocabulary to include food preparation?
2.) communicate about the outdoors?
3.) understand and use affirmative and negative formal commands?
4.) differentiate between and apply por and para ?
5.) understand and use the passive voice (impersonal se )?
6.) demonstrate an awareness of culturally-specific customs, fine arts, and history related to the above topics?
Name and identify vocabulary associated with contests and sporting events.
Exchange information and opinions about performances and/or films.
Write and speak using the present perfect in a personalized context.
Exchange information using past participles as adjectives.
Give an oral presentation to include vocabulary associated with contests and sporting events, performance art and films, the present perfect tense, and past participles as adjectives. (i.e. skits; critiques; etc.)
Create written products to incorporate contests and sporting events, performance art and films, the present perfect tense, and past participles as adjectives. (i.e. critiques; summaries; surveys; etc.)
View, listen to, and/or read from a variety of sources in the Spanish language in order to make inferences and draw conclusions about the target language and culture.
Name and identify a variety of foods and terms used in food preparation.
Name and identify a variety of terms used when experiencing the outdoors.
Give and follow detailed instructions orally and in writing.
Writing and speaking using the prepositions por and para .
Give an oral presentation to include vocabulary associated with food, cooking and the outdoors, formal commands, the prepositions por and para and the passive voice. (i.e. skits; cooking shows; etc.)
Create written products to incorporate food, cooking and the outdoors, formal commands, the prepositions por and para and the passive voice. (i.e. recipes; sales flyers; manuals; posters; etc.)
View, listen to, and/or read from a variety of sources in the Spanish language in order to make inferences and
1.01; 1.03;
1.04; 2.01;
2.03; 2.05;
3.01; 3.02;
3.04; 3.05,
4.01; 4.03;
4.04; 4.05;
5.02; 5.04;
6.01; 6.02;
6.03; 6.04;
6.05; 7.04;
7.05; 7.06
Can students :
1.) communicate about travel plans and modes of transport?
2.) communicate about siteseeing and lodging?
3.) conjugate and use the present subjunctive?
4.) conjugate, differentiate between, and apply the use of the present indicative and the present subjunctive?
5.) demonstrate an awareness of culturally-specific customs, fine arts, and history related to the above topics? draw conclusions about the target language and culture.
Name and identify vocabulary related to travel and transportation.
Name and identify vocabulary associated with site-seeing and lodging.
Write and speak using the present subjunctive in a variety of settings.
Exchange information using the present indicative and the present subjunctive.
Give an oral presentation to include vocabulary associated with travel, site-seeing, and lodging, the present indicative and the present subjunctive. (i.e. skits; conduct a guided tour; plan a trip; make reservations; etc.)
Create written products to incorporate travel, site-seeing, and lodging, the present indicative and the present subjunctive. (i.e. summaries; travel brochure; postcards; etc.)
View, listen to, and/or read from a variety of sources in the Spanish language in order to make inferences and draw conclusions about the target language and culture.